Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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1 .... . .
PuLHshed every Tuesdayand Friday
. ::Vy.'the;;;-:;.V,'i ,'. H
2Tj6 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager. j
One year, in advance; ,.'.. j....?ioo
Six months, in advance ''. 50
-...- , ; ., ,; .;' ; , -,
it era of their paper changed mast stat
the name of their farmer postofTlce, ma
well as of the o.Uce to which they w!h'
the; paper chansedL ' 1 - ir . ! -
Now the creamery be ) built
Mighty good news, j Tle movement
Iromises great things! for Salem. j
The row is Uje mothier of both diver
sified and intensified agriculture. The
creamery i the stand-by of the inten-.
sified cow. ' ) j ; : . j
I he iSew xork ,&ur announces:
"The Bryan Birthday j (Anniversary club
of Chattanooga will celebrate its hero's
birthday, March iyth, and he will be
present. J he is ixHii the, Jetterson
and Jackson of the present democrats,
his birthday deserves due honor from
them. - Doubtless he would be glad
make, a birthday speech "every day
the year. Tackson- Day should be
wiped from the calendar and Bryan
Day be substituted.
The American Anti-Imperialist
league has been sighted again. 1 It, re
ports that it has an "effective organ
ization" in thirty-eight states, OkIahi
ma a-ntl the District cf Columbia. vrd
. declarer its. intension of "making itself
felt" in close congress districts neit
fall. The effective organization usual
ly consits o5 a few honorary, vice-pre$TP
idents or the branch leagues
posed entirely of officer?
are com-
change predicts: "The league
make itself ftk in the congress elec
tions just about as much as a shaving
makes itself felt in the Atlantic oeeani"
In Idaho a unique suit for damages
(has been filed; by a hobo against the
Oregon Short I Line, according to one
of our exchanges. The hobo recites
that he was stealing a ride being lo
cated on the brake rods underneath a
car, that he sustained the injuries re
ceived owing entirely to the fact that
servants of tfic corporation knew ?ie
was there without right - and did not
put him oil as was their duly, and, that
through their gross negligence he sus
tained the injuries for which' fie claims
damages. Owing to the peculiar claim
the attorneys of the road are deeply
interested in the case. i
(Representative iBailey, of Kansas,
is trying1 to persuade congress to au
thorize the construction of a refr-rma-tory
at , Leavenworth. His argument
is a good one. He says: "Such re
formatories are supported in various
states for convicts wljo are young an$
who arc serving their first terms in
prison. In Kansas we -rvd sucli cn
victs, between the ages tf sixteen and
twenty-five, . to our state reformatory.
There they receive more considerate
treatment and every reasonable effort
is made to reform the men and womeri
imprisoned in the reformatory. The
government ought to be equally hu
mane and considerate of young per-
sons convicted of crime against federal
authority. I do not believe the money
required for building a reformatory
should be hegrudged in these enlight
ened days.". -.. I. : ;
Ilands delicately moulded and daintily
.white are among the chief of. woman's
charms. When such hands are marred
by eruptions, their very beauty drwa
attention to the repulsive disease. 1 tu
mors which break ct on the body be
gin in the blood,
boaps and salves
IC'A mor but lhey can't5
xl- can il- There is a
jlv for salt-rheum
3F C i and other eruptive
diseases, caused by
a corrupt condition
of the wood. Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery,
cures these diseases
perfectly and per-,
manentfy. It carries
off the poisons which
cause disease. It
mokes the blood
Jjpure and rich. 1 It
increases iuc mwuu
ty of the blood sup
ply by increasing the
action of the blood
junking glands. It
. maices ue saw woue
and clear by making
the blood pure. i
"Golden Medical
Discovery contains no alcohol, whisky
or other intoxicant. . ; - - j
I write to tell vou the benefit "t have recti wd
from your "Golden Medical Discovery, after
bavin; oufliertd forthtfee years with Balt-rhenra,"
writes Miss Bertha Peters, of Lata. Mooiot Co..
Mich. "The humor wu on my hands, and I
had been treated bv our hone physician who
did not help mm.-' After I began the use of Or.
Pierce's Golden Medical tiscowy I took seven
bottles, a ad can bow say with pleasure that I
am cured. Nobody knows the intense pain I
have se&'ered. I could not steep at night, th
I could not sleep at night, the
stincinsr. burmnsr. and itching sensation would
wucnoa voun
irdiy bear it. I
be so bad. sometimes I could hr
thank yoa tx jronr kind advice.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the ,
: r si. a t-v: - - m 1. vl. -
fcuua V "ii.vx, mas
is constipation.
Isn't it about time the Statesman be
gnn to talk about the "big" creamery?
He has talked the "big"' woolen mills
and the biff ncurrng mfsls, the big
cannery and the "big" press so long
that a change would be welcome.'
Salem Independent. ;
Yes; it IS about time: in fact the
big creamery will be ready for business
about April i-st. It twill be big, partly
because it iwill bring; many other de
sirable things in "its train. Diversified
and intensified agriculture, with all
their attendant benefits, for 'instance.
The keeping of coSvs will hel-p to ren
der the soil more and more productive
Cows leave something: .to enrich the
soil. Tliey do rot wear it out, like sin
gle jgrain or vegetable crcps. Thsi a
creamery, will j prove; to , Le' t!c I wet
nurse of a pork packing "establish
ment. Dairyi products ami pork pro
ducts go together. A" creamery will
provide employment for more men on
the farms, and for" -additional people
in the city. 11 wiii.be a direct oene.:
to hundreds, and an indirect lielp to
thousands. v Milk , cows go hand m
hand j with the highest civilization.
They make thriity homes, and these
build up schools and a high type of
manhood and womanhood in a thou
sand "ways.
Of course, it will be Salem's big
creamery. - '
, And it will induce the building of
more big creameries. .
"The Statesman is quite willing to be
made spcrt . of in these - connections.
He laughs best who laughs last.
CUBA. . -
The example of the American of
ficials in Cuba is, apart from their dis
tinct achievements, having a ; most
beneficial effect upon the moral, so
cial, political and commercial condi
tions of the island. All classes are
gradually learning that integrity of pur
pose and equal justice in - action are
the controlling ideas of the strangers
temporarily intrusted with the genera'
government. A correspondent of the
New York 'Herald points out how the
corruption in office formerly perme
ating' every branch of insular admin
istration haa been replaced by an un-
deviating honesty and to what degree
this ' and the strict "adherence to thv
spirit and letter of the laws are-inculcating
; new theories of justice and
The good work begun by General
Brooke is bearing fruit. Order is
maintained, poverty is relieved, san
itary measures are instituted and the
return to peaceful industries is e-n-
couraged. - The ignorant are taugini
the distressed are relieved, and a log
ical effort is put forth to reorganize
the courts and simplify and expedltt
the processes of law- The collection
and disbursements of funds in the cus
tom houses and treasury are marked
by an honesty hitherto undreamed of
in that island, and a standard has been
set lor the days -when the natives will
take over the control. Governor Gen
eral Wood is manifesting the intelli
gent eagerness to do things that char
acterized his administration of Santi
ago province, and next to the political
pacification of the island, sanitation ,
care of the poor and of the orphans
road buiKHng. education and court re
forms are sure to be the objects of his,
keenest solicitude.
It is remarkable,"; -says the Read
ing. Pa., Telegram, "how rapidly the
republicans are abandoning their ideas
of protection -and adopting the democratic-idea'
of a tariff."
Is it. indeed? An everyday -study of
the newspapers of the United States,
in which political conversions are no
ted along with 'the other developments
of the times, fails utterly to bear out
this' theory of the. Reading Telegram.
The Philadelphia Inquirer wants to
know of the Reading: lelegrasn:
Suppose we lose the generalities in
which the Telegram apparently Kvcs
ifo deal, and be more specific. Who
are--' these republicans and where do
they five? Are they among the em
ployees of the Reading Iron- company,
whose wages have : four times been
raised since the enactment of the Ding-
ley bill? fcre they of those-over at the
Lebanon mills, who have had three
increases in the same period of time?
Are they ir the anthracite regions.
where, in soite of grievances which
oeght to be redressed, there have been
a number of advances during the last
six. months? Or are they out in the
Cumberland , valley, where "the Frank
lin Repository says that every (wheel
is turning time and overtime. : in- the
Pistsburg regions, where the Carne-
l ges and tne jonese jana , uaugnuns
and the Schoens, with many others,
voluntarily increased the rate of their
employees pay?" V '
They are not among the employees
mentioned. Neither , are they among
the laboring men in any other section
of the.eotmtry. They are .certainly not
among the farmers, or the sheep breed
ers or the stock owners of the .West.
Where are they? They are in the
dreams of the Pennsylvania editor.
i They are mere figments of fancy.
They are the children of a -wish tliat
. father I to the thought that gives.
- -r - 1 - . s j
"A Word to the .
Wise is Sufficient."
'Sat some stubborn people
wait until ' 4 down sick" be
fore trying to ward off illness
or care it. The wise recog
nizejtn the word 44 Hood's"
assurance of health.
For H blood troubles. scrofuU, pimples.
s voeS s diseases of the kidneys, lever
and bawls. Hood's Ssrss.prSU is the
effective and faultless' core. :
Rheumatism" y prcticHj
helpless from rheumatism at my shoulder,
Hoocfs SdrsapsriSa cured me and (ever
since is a household favorUe." 2Mrs. M.
E. 'Powers. 4212 St. Lawrence c4oe
Chicago, EL ;;J
Hood rills ears Uver lilt; tha non-Irritating and
only gaUiartia to take with Hood's Sarsspnril la.
birth to the dreams. That's all. They
do not exist in Teality. The principle
of protection to American industry was
never before so strongly intrenched as
A Gould begging a loan from the
hardest- of all money lenders Russell
Sage even when it is ' done through
Castellane proxy, is enough of an inci
dent to make the hones of the founder
of the family rattle in his grave. Cas
tellane is so hard up that he is will
ing to - pledge his wife's interest in
her share -of the Jay rculd estate for
money to tide over his financial diffi
culties. A writer in the San Francisco
Chronicle says: "It looks as if the
editor of the Figaro had ?told the truth
about, the count after all when he said
he had defaulted on the Paris bourse
and skipped across the Atlantic to
avoid his creditors."
ii'ju'3 Thiol
.Vc otf? Opo Heat red ToIIara Esward fo
jiycs ioof Catarrh tiibt cannot be cured by
Tail's Cctirrh Cure. 1 .
F J. CHrXEY & CO., Picps , Toledo, O.
Vo fhe'caccjEigacrt, have laowo F. J. Che
- t-jz list 13 years, ar.d Lelleve him per
Hy horx.-fcl3 ia a!l L'jBincss tracsactior.t
1 ns&cciAllj atria out any obliga-
j r . Tb""ic. WIsoKtia'e DrrjcrrSst!". Toledo. O.
L.;rse, K i. in ax.- Maevk, Wbolesal trns;-
-If1 . TOiio, O.
ir tlATili iVre Ssialcen Infernally .act is;
r!y Boa 1 fcUxnl and muccm Knrfuceso-
f -;. TNI. ir lKt:le. he I J By ml
i, . . - ) , f...,. ...
Hall's Family rtl?s are the best.
Seven stars in the sky
And the broad sea under,
With seven loves she. loves me. .
With love surpassing wonder.
The love of the child for faith,
The love of the youth for winning;
The love of the lover, fearful, bold
. The love of the nun that's sinning.
The -woman's love for love,
The love of the maid for heaven;
The mother-lovo and this is last.
Sol Her loves are seven.
Seven stars overhead,
With the, seven hives I bought her!
And the sever, stars in the sky
Are a snake of fire in he water.
Post Wheeler, in the New York
Press. i h .
' I j'5 UlKfA. !
Chills and Biliousness is a bottle of
TONIC. It is simply Iron and Qui
nine in a tasteless fornt. . No cure, no
pay. Price 50 cents..
Nearly every barter shop in Albany
has mi. one of its shelves a shaving
mug labeled f'Theodore Roosevelt." It
is a gKd alvertiscment for the barber,
but as a matter of7 fact the governor
does not patronize any of the shops.
He gets shaved in the private room of
the executive chamber.
Beam Us
tf !
1 lha Kind Yob Haw Always Baatfg
General Gataqre, though a very strict
disciplinarian, is said to be very popu
lar with his ititn. In' the Soudan cam
paign his popularity, even survived the
stoppage of the sale of liquor of any
kind. j"a i maift uncommon experi
ence," a Highland piper remaked.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 35 cents.
Scan tla j JJ w Yon Uzn always BcafiM
8iraattu St . S77c
af 1
William 'Kerr of Providence. R. 1
is still pursuing the trade of watch
maker after 66 years work at that bus
iness. : He is now 82 years old and is
even now reckoned to be an expert in
his business.
The Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhtirst
says that if he were a Protestant pope
he would have his cardinals constmct
a catechism on modern lines and re
quire every child to learn it.
r - . i - , .
W. Bourke Coekran of New York
has ' accepted an invitation to deliver
the annual 'address to the seniors of
the;Yale law school in June.
Mrs. J. II. Brooks, of Silverton,- is
visiting with Salem friends.
-- - . j
. Dr. D. G; Clark, of Stayton, -was a
Salem visitor yesterday. - ;.
Ed:ior Statesman: ,
ii My boy Dick -wants to know if, when
you sit down to a good dinner , with
stuffed chicken, and coM slaw, and
two kinds of pie and three kinds of
cake, and other filling things in pro
portion, with a coming" appetite, that
1. a healthy boy's appetite, and wlnn
jo'.i get up 1 rum the table if -that isn't
expansion? He is in favor of expan
sion, with all the islands taken in, es
pecially "floating islands" i fend a
Healthy assimilation of th? whol?
roup. r f '
i This is the kind of philosophy that
soothes- the troubled breast and puts
on a shield of protection through which
the stings and arrows ct outrageous
eialamitv cannot -Dierce. My esteemed
acquaintance, "Major" Downs, of po
litical and other fame in tins coanniun
ity, received some. marked attention
littlv from the Den of the yoiinar man
vi ho-suffered the extreme penalty of
the 'law at Dallas under, a charge of
murder. In common wilh lawyers, de
tectives, chiefs of police, sheriffs and
other treat men who appeared in the
case. '"Major" Downs was claimed ! as
ai purchased perjurer, in the! young
jean's literary ; legac) j to mankind, and
ai friend of his yesterdi accosted ftnn
in a sympathetic and commiserating
way as tollows: ; wen, majoiji , tnat
young man gave it to you pretty harti.
I "I'll tell you, my friend," said the
jnajor," with a smile of lofty j iiidiffer-
eince: District Attornev Havden and
$heriff Van Orsdel, and that j class of
out my moral character is too, well
known and too well established Jin this
community to suffer, by anything that
a! -condemned murderer may sav. and
the friend approvingly answered. "I
gueis so." - r !'
1 y 0 0 , :,J" '
! Barney Pumpelly is i.om Eola. But
hp seems to have no pride of his place
of birth. It is not recorded as to the
swellings of the hearts of Eolans when
they think of the fact that Barney had
his origin in that once pretentious vil
Wge, which for a time plumed itself
uon becoming the capital of this great
sSate. Barney tells a story. He says a
rrjan was up before Judge-Butnett not
long ago, convicted of a grave crime.
Barney says the judge gave him his
choicethree years in Eola or, peni
tentiary for life. The culprit,! accord
ing to Barney's story, choie lhe peni
tentiary for life. :
1 r f f
. - w s
The English love to believe! that the
laitest movement of Bvdler was only a
sjrtie; and that he didn't get" licked,
only retired But General White, at
Ladysmith. and a lot of other English
men at heme, are getting sortie tired
of this thing.
i o 0 0
Mr. Bryan's continuous diet! of 16 to
1 jfor those who follow in his wake re
minds ane very much ; of .the
boarding house at which a Hi
bernian friend of mine had managed
to exist under discouraging difficulties
fr a long time, and I am afraid that
unless Mr. Bryan can make some de
sirable changes in the bill of; fare, he
will hear a sirmlar announcement to
t!t which startled my friend's land
lady one evening. Patrjck was1 not a
ldver of codfish, and that commodity
seemed to be the only one which sug
gested itself with any degree jof force
f?r weeks at a time to the economic
vfcndec of hash. He had worked hard
that day, and when the piscatbrjal diet
in a thin stew faced his hungry maw
for-the hundredth time, his j patience
became exhausted, and he forcibly ex
dlaimed: '"Look herej Mrs. Tiirapkins;
lin not hard to plaze and very siMom
I make anny complaint, tut this thing
has gone far enough, and I'll; tell yeez
this right now; pork an' banes as lon
as ve. plaze, but any more of your salt
cod and, be hivens. I'll lave the house
in the mornin'." There will lie, several
of the democrats, who are usually easy
to please, that will flave the house in
the mornin" unless Mr. Bryan can
let up on his codfish broth of free sil
ver. - ::!'
The Boers on top the Kop
Have SMrely got the dropv
And ready stand to mop ! '
All comers like a top. ; .
j It's a bitter pill to Ertglandj proud
and haugnty, with her sphere 0! do
minion belting the globe, and her drum
Ix. at -heard around the world, to have
her armies stopped in their progress
by a fifth rate nation like that of the
Boers; which, indeed, has not hereto
fore been classed as a nation at'all, but
as a mere dependency. And; the big
gest army, too, she ever mustered: Eng
land has put her hand to the plow, and
she dare not look back. But she has
a mighty rough furrow ahead of her,
ind a lot of roads and hid-
noen stones. A bitter till for
England, indeed. It will take some of
the-conceit "ont of her, if it .does noth
ing else. And that is a good deal.
An Editor's Life Saved jpy 'Chamber
( Iain's Cough Remedy. j; ;
j During: the early part of i October
896, I contracted a bad coldl which
fettled on my lungs and was 1 neglected
intil I fetred that consumption had
appeared in an incipient state. I was
Constantly coughing and trying;' to ex
pel something which I could not. I
became alarmed and after giving the
local doctor a trial bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the
Result was immediate improvement, and
after I had used three bottles! my lungs
were ; restored to their healthy state.
B., S. Edwards. Publisher of The Re
view, Wyant, 1 11. For sale by j F. G.
Haas, druggist f 1 -
-" ' ' -l-k'
- Speaker Henderson says in a, Wash
ington interview that his new duties
are plecsant except that they interfere
With his reading, one of his (keenest
pleasures. "But I always find time for
i ..... . a . 4
a newspaper or, two, ' ne atlas. I
Eoarttia Ita aCd Yea H2Tg Kwii Ewgil
Fine Printinjr, Statesman lob Office.
The Eminent Kidneys
and BladdenSpeCialist.
Tm Discoverer of Swama-Eoot at Work ta
Els Zafeoratory. .
There isa disease prevailing. In this
country most dangerous because so decepK
Uve, Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are cfteir the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad
vance the kidney-poisoned b'ood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
break down vand waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood the albumen .
-leaks but and the sufferer has Brights
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis
cover is the true specific for kidney, bladder ;
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands i
of apparently hopeless cases, after all ether 1
efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent ;
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free ;
by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- ,
Root and its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and'
mention this paper.' : !
Sonnemann arrived in the city Sunday1'
afternoon from Glendale, on a short!
visit to his family. Aln Sonnemana
has !associated himself with Paul1 Klin-j
gele; 'also of Salem, and are engagedj
in the general merchandise business ,at
Glendale I and they are enjoying an ex-
tensive patronage. r
prut, who has been appointed trustee
in the bankruptcy matter of T. L.
Go'den'of this city, filed his bond yes-i
The most radical remedy against
chicken lice and the .best wcod-pre-
serving- paint is Carbolineum Avenari-
oui manufactured in Germany only.
The; farmers all over the country
count amongst their heaviest expenses
to run the farm, the lumber bill. All
are undoubtedly Interested to learn of
a medium to reduce the same at least
to half, its former -cost. This medium
is Carbolineum Avenariou?, a wood-
preserving paint based on 25 years" ex
perience. Many are of the opinion that
paint, tar and linseed oil will preserve
the wood against rot and decay. These
coatings only form an air-tight cover,
buti do not destroy the albuminum
parts of the wood, which always start
the? rot. The" coatings with above men-
tioned materials prevent the evapora
lion of the wood and the consequence
is dry rot. Carbolineum Avenarius. ori
the contrary, penetrates deeply intq
th "wood and destroys all present de-
cay matters. The Carbclinaum Avena-f
riua is applied with a brush and lm-t
parts a nice! nut brown color to : th
wood. It Is used on the farm for paint-;
ing- barns-, 'granaries, shingles, silos
posts, bridges, ehlcken coops etc., and
all woodwork above and below the
ground. Carbolineum Avenarius is alt
so the most radical remedy against
chicken lice. If you want plenty of
eggs and healthy chicken, the chick
ens, must Le- free from lice and mites.
Carboiineum' Avenarius will keep your
henhouse free from this plague. One
eOat applied to the I-islde of the chick
en coop will keep it. clean from vermin.
Krosening and whitewashing, which
has to be repeated every month, is
done away with and expenses for sul
phur and insect powder are saved..
Whoever dislres further information
about Carbolineum ! Avenarius should
write to ! 1 . 1
It. M. WADE & CO., Agents, y
tf. Salem, Oregon. -
In all its eUciS there
ehould be cleauUDess.
Elj'a Cream Balci
the d:scaed nicrabnnc.
It enrcs catarrh and drive
way a cold ia tae head
Cream Ttatift 1 placed Itrto the Rostrils, preaJ
over the mamlircne and ia absorbed. Belief is Im
mediate and a euro Io!lows. it ia not dryiu;; doc
not Drodnce naezinc. Larre Size, 60 eat it tt Drug-
gUti or by main Trial Sisc, 10 ceatshy mail. ,
KLY BROTUKIi.-i. Sa W arren Street, Hew Yortt.
Kilt. FENCE FOS3T, coated with
..Carbolineum Avenarius.
WllCfout wear Cednr it is n'tsw a Radical
Itemedy Against Chicken Uce.
Its application to the insd walls of poul
try win prnian'iiuy ex
U'TTttinate nil I.ICB.
Rult": Healthy Chickens Plenty egx-i.
Write for circular and prices and men
lion this paper. - -
II. M. WAD 13 A CO..' Aerenta. ;
IKlMlNAL BLLt Car tkecar IC'UKI'l LEMV.
- .-' - i ' 4MMH-
Bli run no
risk of Iml
It pi mr ar I w
bpUmI Hmimt
Ton will aimnrtKM). Bi
etat aTorl to ba wltbcut thia tvlt.
Cat IkhU. mmt ana autd to u wltB f
aag 1yarfin atr brkrbt. vri(M.i(iid
BummriiKiMwoiiM tne noflr.ianfmt pan, and we win
end .nen-H y it i )... H. w i tat ban tvtere taix).
InKthatiflt is not perfrtlyaK.foerran(J ar-el to
Xtrli that rctelrat a.wanl bp ward rra van mora It
at our exnen-a. Wrtia nw Ir U.H aa4 Ti-ikm l ialraa-
wtu aHrutn ouixuftiVait. u ; iiwU. kbiu;uiii
A trx ftpeciric isi au.
Scrrtbroat, llcadacha (a minute), Toota
arbe (I minntei. Culd SivaVkoa.tr.t;.
"Colds," FormiD Fevers, GRIP.
B IHAfera. IlwWcttMti; aaail auc FradosuUkl
m n n Lai thtrtv muitir- m
gft itAp.5
WANTED Ten bolt cutters wanted
cut bolts in Washington. Good
timber, gool camp, good pay. Ap
ply to or address 1, 11. Abbott, Kel-
tt',.:.. a-'!-'-'. ...... ' .
so,. Washington.
2:13-2 tw.
SEED WHEAT. I have a quantity
of spring wheat suitable for sc.d.
An excellent variety. Roy Ohmart.
South Sale.u, 2:4 twi.
; Evaporating and Cannery Co. is
! , ready to contract for peas. and', foma-.
toes for the coming season. For
particulars call at, their office, at the
cannery. , ' .. -2: ti w
. cows also some yearltngsi and 2 year- .
: clJs, for which the highest market
price, will pe paid. Thomas-Watt
Co., iSalem.
Now is the Time ;
To do effective spraying on fruit trees,
etc. The eirgs d insects - are hidden
in the' rough places in the bark of the
trees and the,trees arc bare of leaves
so that all parts of them can be reached
by the . pray Every exg destroyed
flow means hundreds of insects less
for next sumuier. To make SUJRJS
of killing them' use .
Vhkh spray at a very high pressure
and arc sure to penetrate to the hid
ing places of the eggs and destroy them.
The pumps" are practically non-wearable
and non-corrosive and with prop
er care will last a lifetime.-; , ,
E. M. WADE & CO-l '
Agents, Salem, Oregon,
Your Work Solicited.
We carry a complete 'line of-: seeds '
in bulk. Our seeds are all- new and
selected stock. ' A choice line d
just rece'ved. Call and secure y-ur
clmice. '
Prices lowest in the state. Send fur
catalogue. . - ,
Noqi Court St., Salem.
From 6 to 25 per acre
These lands are in Marion county,
Dretron, and arc offered on easy terms
of payment. They1 were taken under
forctc'osure by .non-residents, hence
are offered for less 'than similar!: farms
held by resident owners.; For full par
ticulars and description call on . or
address Macmaster & Birrell, jn
Worcester block, Portland, Oregon", or
Now Is the time to seeure bargains.
I'rfoeB are lower now than ever before.
Choice etock of the best tile made tn
-the .state. .
Following Is the reduced price list.
a Inch tile
4 inch tile
5 inch tile
Inch tile
7 inch tile
8 inch; tile
JIG per
$15 pec
$20 (per
130 per
$40 per
$50 per
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 fett.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
"Write for cpeclal rates by car load lot.
FairgroundB, Or.
jjwiiw-Vjr e-a
ami w will - , I tfmtCLIM'r
end yon tola Violin Ontfl -by
expreas iX X 1. uljrt f.naaiiaw "
t-jaxauilxatl-'B. Thia nlin 1
ia a a taalai Mra4lTarta aarl, inada of old wood, curly
naapl back and aide, too of aaaaoned pine. aierially
a-tectad far vlu(ina.tra faaM ank a4lHa, knl ll
fWar aa.bea trtawtan. THIS If A IESUIAR 98.O0
VlOltd, beantitpliy tiniabed, bitrfily pf,ii-lii.it)i .!
An iaaa aaaHtf. Cutn)let witti a rranlM Hraiil aawi aar1
baw, 1 extra aet af atriaaa, a Brat, wail mm alaiia
caaa, tarn Blre af run, aa4 aaa af tb. nrat amawaa '
natfatUm awbiUnai. Ywti VAJi KXaBIXK IT atmir
expraaaoflioB,and it ftotmd exact! r aa rvpraafenfvaJMt
JhaffttUitl tcmia vatffntuw ar i ar4 aT. paytlie'e'
(traaa a;reut S3.7S leaathaucentdepoalt,arS.taaaa
nwfwtwmn, aaa lha entat tm yaara.
.all a mMlgtra aaa lalrw a,i rhaai-4 eaarty whiebcan oe
adjnated to any violin viuwiul cliaiMrinr t.ie inatm-im-nt
and will prove avaiuaUle fruida to beartnnera.and
we wnl ato allow the iiMtrnmeiit tn berptitmedartcra
ears' trial If not foand entirely aatiiirartory Jn evrry
rwpwf Sa'kraetlea raaraalrre ar ataaar rvfaaoM ia fan.
Aoareta, Sc AK5, KUHBUUK & CO. (incCnC2g3.
3UU, BUtW. IU. a