Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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There arei several methods of reviv
ing flowers known to experts. One oi
the chief reasons why they fade is bt
cause the stalks are brursed where
they were cot or gathered. The way to
remedy this; is to take a fine thread of
wire and insert it ; at the end of the
stems, pushing it a little way up. Then
bind round the stalk a little pad of
damp "cotton wool or moss, arrange
the flowers In tepid water with a mor
sel of stick krharcoal in each vase, add
a few sprays of greenery if possible,
and in half an hour the flowers will ex
pand and look as if they had only just
!een gathered-: In order to preserve
their beautyi as long as possible, every
evening place the vase on a stone fhior
or on a large oM tray that cannot be
injured by j damp and either syringe
with lukewarm water, or pour it over
them from small can with a fine nose.
In the moriing cut about a quarter of
an inch from each stalk, and throw
away every j drop of the -water,, replac
ing it with fresh, from cwhich the chill
has been taken. When flowers made
tip into bouquets are received, as they
often are on birthdays, or other do
mestic anniversaries, rhey lock perfect
ly charming to start with, ut often
fade as soon as they are put in water.
I Of cour. there are bouquets and
bouquets.' If they consist of bud or
short-stalked blossoms mounted on
wire, the only" thing to do is to water
or syringe ithem "overhead" and put
them for a a hour under a bell glass.
But if they "are mounted on morsels of
cane or bamboo they may be simply
untied ami ut p water. Capillary at
traction then comes into! play, the
cane takes fun the moisture and trans
mits to (fhe 'stalks of I the flowers,
keeping thehi damp enough to live for
sonic time, though, a they do not ac
tually touch the water, decay does not
set iir for' several days.
A capital! method of warding off the
' corruption that makes mignonettes, as
tors, , stock? and some other flowers
very speedifly unpleasant is to mix a
little sal aaimonia, four grains to the
quart being sufficient. ' "
Another jmodc is to bold the cut
flowers in (the steam of bot water di
rectly afterf they are unpacked. and
then to put the ends of the stalks in
boiling! waif r for ; two or three min
utes, cut oil, the parboiled' ends and
place them! in a vase-wkh tepid water
in the ordinary way. The latter part
ff the treatment is also available for
flowers thai are beginning to wither a
little, though the evil day of fading can
not be long postponed.
i: '
Very few; people outside official cii
cles.know what a large number of ba
bies are born every year in the infirm
aries. of pri-son and penitentiaries, the
- little people always causing quite, a
- flutter of attentivencss and excitement
among female warders and prisoners
; alikevsays a Philadelphia exchange.
The general body of the women pris
oners" make the most patheti: efforts,
by means of all manner' of trifling
scraps and- odds and ends, to fabricate
articles of wear and ninamcni. for the
out-of-placc little stranger.
Quite three-fourths of the women
: volunteer to tend; it. and it is often? the
case that the most refractory and diffi
cult of the; prisoners -soften and greatly
alter by being allowed to do , 'little
thinps for it; indeed, it-tacts throughout
, like a veritable ray of sunshine ambng
the whole 'of the' poor ' prisoner., i who
generally manage to Ret themselves into
great good humor by suggesting as
volirtily as-the prison rules will ptrroit
fantastic 'names for the child. Within
a certain, period of their birth these
children are taken away from the moth
er and are tended elsewhere with the
utmost cart ami humanity. -
:;'!' ,' '
- : .BOOK. , ' . '.'
Wouldst thou fashion for
' seemly life?
Then fret j not over what is
thyself a
pist and
, gon-1: .
AiuHspiiciof all thou mayest liav-e lost
1eh;nd. -"; -Yet-act
as if 'life were, just begun;
What caWi day wills the day itself wilt
tcl!!; ; ; '!., : -
Do thine own task, and be therewith
What othcrs.do, that 'shall thou fairly
' judge; '
Be sure that thou no brother-mortal
bale, ' ' '
Tlicn all besides leave to -the. master
i . Goethe.
"You can never make cranberries in
, to candied cherries." says the cook,
"though they may tell you that you
can. A cranberry is a cranberry, and a
cherry is a cherry, to the end of its
days.1 and I yon can't make ne taste
like tlie other. Bit you can cook cran
berries sof that rheyViH ktcp separate,
and they are very'gfVod for a number
-of things and make a change from the
ordinary stewed cranberry. You take
a quart of cranberries and wash caie
fully and fcurn them into the bsh in
wich they are to be cfoked. Add(btt
ter the sizr of an English walnut, two
cits or-sopan-and a pinch of cmna
nrort, and i cook until they axe done,
i That sounds a little indefinite, but it is
,.asv to "lelL - They must boil, not too
hard. and it will be necessary to shake
the dish in which they.are cooking, oc
casionally,! and perhaps stir the ber
ries rp from the, bottom of the pan.
taking care not to mash them. No
- water is n?cd except that which clingi
to them after they have been washed.
When they are firncd out they will
look not unlike the candied cherries,
. thocgh a ? trifle darker, anl each" one
t will sUnd, out separately like well
cooked grains 'of rn-e. They are good
1 to eat as j cranberries. , arvl thev arc
-pretty for ! garnishing with rice- i
l . ... '-.'Vr"'
To make popped-corn ' balls take
t three, quarts of popcorn, boil half a
pint of molasses for twelve minutes or
so, then put the popped corn into a
largepan, pour the boiled! molasses
over it and stir it thoroughly together;
make it into balls of the right size with
your hands. '
t For poped-corn , cakes ? have " ready
enough popped corn to fill a two-quart
measure, salt it, and sift it through
your .fingers to, remove all the loose
salt and the anpopped kernels. Now
make a candy with a cupful (a short
half pint) of molasses, half a cupful oi
brown (cane) sugar, a dessert spoon
ful of best vinegar, and .about one-half
ounce of fresh butter; when this is
ready stir in as much of the corn as it
will take up, then press the mixture in
to buttered or oiled tins, mark it out
in cakes with a sharp knife, and leave
till set. ! "
Few stains are more, obstinate than
those made by vaseline. How to re
move them was told recently by a domestic-science
teacher. "Have ready,.'
she said, "a moderately bot iron and
four pieces of blotting paper. Put two
thicknesses of the paper on a board
and wet the spot thoroughly with ben
zine. Lay on the stained cloth, cover
with two other pieces of blotting pa
per, and press quickly with the iron.
An old stain may need two or even
three applications to remove the stain.
The caution is repeated that benzine.
being very inflammable, must be used
with great care.
Put a little lemon-juice or vinegar
in the kettle which cauliflower or cab
bage is boiled in. It will serve to keep
it white while cooking. It also whit
ens and keeps firm fish-meat. Apropos
of boilng cabbage, the cook of one
family manages this process without
the usual disagreeable smell coming
from it. Her secret, she Eays, is in
cooking the vegetable very slowly,
practically stewing itin fact, and keep
ing tne pot closely covered.
A delicacy that is only now finding
its way to exclusive tables is the pre
served comquats which come to us
from China. These are tiny oranges,
preserved with the marvelous skill that
only Chinese preserve-makers attain
and are a delicious and novel sweet for
dessert. They are packed in attractive
little stone pots.
A cooking-teacher's test for the fry
ing point of hot fat is to drop in it a
small piece of bread. 'If the' bread
browns on both sides while forty can
be counted, it is the right temperature
for cooked foods like croquettes, fish
balls, etc.
Tulle is striped with baby ribbon for
the debutante.
. Golden filets have Jeweled tags, which
serve to lace up ball gowns, shades and
corsets. . !
Much of the white crepe de chine is
being scquined with silver, the bodices
being adorned with lace boleros pro
fusely bespangled with paillettes.
All the brides named Marguerite or
Margaret this season present their
bridesmaids with either lace pins, or
bouquet-holders of daisy design, set
with diamonds or pearls'
Shoulder-straps and loops over the
arms are made of small flowers. Larg
er blossoms, : such as orchids, purple
clematis, and "velvet pansics, are used
alike on bodice and ' skirt, particularly
when tulle and other -ethereal fabrics
are employed for draperies.
. Among dainty accessories, to even
ing dress are the osnrcy aigrettes ris
ing from a spray of diamonds, bvtl
there are also little pout's of tulle with
an aigrette of jet rising out of them,
and there is a. return to a fashion of
the sixties a wide velvet bow with
a couple of loops, with no ends, tightly
drawn together in the middle and
worked all over with jet.
Satin matching the gown- is still
considered thM proper ; footwear (if
black satin is-not chosen), with the
finish of unobtrusive-little satin bows,
which may or may not be enhanced by
a small sparkling buckle. Anything
in the way of ornament that interferes
with the slender, graceful curve of the
ioot is to be avklcd, The new even
ing slippers are not' extremely low-cut
this winter. "The heels of some of the
newest models are ; somewhat higher
and more narrowly curved than those
recently oopular, but s the pretty
strapped effects are still retained.
A rapid description of some pretty
street gowns would include one of
French blue cloth with a big scroll
pattern worked in the skirt with bands
f deerskin, the bright yellow and
black of this fur being most effective
on this shade of blue, writes a corres
pondent from Paris to the New York
Tribune, The bodice i a blouse with
fhe same pattern ornamenting the
front and witha high collar lined with
fur. Extremely effective is a costume
of black "cloth made with bolero and
tunic open on the side, both edged with
sable. The ttndervest and bit of skirt
that shows are of white cloth, em
broidered with gold thread and jet
beads. The high collar of the cloth
fnderwaist is lined with fur. The
Louis XV coats, with their rounded
tails, are again fashionable, and stead
ily increasing in - popularity. In drab
velvet, that modish color and material,
a costume of this cut is very attractive.
The skirt is divided by a curved band
of gray fur that rises and is finished
tinder the box pleat in the back of the
skirt. The coat has revers lined with
fur. buttons and silver chains. The
gown, with bolero and skirt opened
over a panel, is hj no means uncom
mon. A pretty example r is of green
1 .. W i
satin cloth, trimmed with chinchilla.
The fui not only edges the bolero and
the open skirt, .but makes clover ' , de
signs that give a heavy, rich effect to
the breadth bordering the panels. The
blpuse and panels are of pale yellow
satta covered wfth lace incrustations.
It is quite worth noting that pale yel
low is a most popular color this year,
and that it is as conspicuous in even
ing gowns as are trimmings tor
smart street suits. ;
- ' ;...." j : ,; h
- . -'...-"''"'"" . j
Mrs. Mary Kennett of Santa Anna
Valley, CaL, manages an orange grove
tnat is 'bringing her a fortune. boe
does all the buying of orchard machin
ery and) implements. . j
! it - :.' ?!
Misjs j Anita "Martin is a young wo-i
man "Who is known in Texas, her native
state, as the "Tnrkey Queen. She
has a farm on which,, besides other
things. j she raises turke vs. She beean
witn bve bens and a gobbler. Last year
sne made v,5oo raising turkeys.
Miss -Adeline W. Torrey of Orange,
N. J.. after taking several lessons from
a mushroom raiser, branched out for
herself,; and today can scarcely grow
mushrooms fast enough to supply tier
customers. She has recently added to
her mushroom raising a bed of violets,
from which she also reaps a comforta
ble income.
The Boer war is producing the usu
al crop; of. epigrams. Here are. a few to
hand: .. ,
"Hcahry firing; casulatics, one cook
ing pot injured." Excerpt, from a
Kimberlcy bombardment report.
"A tfime-expired man." 7A Gordon
Highlander's dying words at Elans
laagte. ;
"Those who sup with me will re
quire a! devil of a long spoon." The
motto fhe Blue Jackets have fastened
upon their naval gun, of which the
range is five miles. -
"Conie along, boys! Th.v is the hol
iest business I have evet been in."-
Genera French to his cavalry 'at
Elandslaagte. j '
"Retire be d -" Comment of a
CJordonj Highlander bugle-boy when
the fight a Elandslaagte was at its
crucial I point and the Boer bugles
reachej-ously blew the British call to
Cease IFire" and "Retire." The boy
mmedifitely blew the call "Charge" at
his owfli initiative.
"Surrender to avoid bloodshed."--Cronjejto
Baden-Powell at Mafeking.
Wheni is the bloodshed to begin
Baden-Pow ill to Cronje.
"The English must pay a price that
will stagger humanity." Kruger.
"All ! well. Enemy shelling us."
Badcn-jPowell's report. ' . . ,
"Golon. This is your show." Gen
eral White to General French, cavalry
'eaderjat Elandslaagte.. '
"Will be (with you tomorrow. "-4-A
Boer leliograph message to the Brit'
sh at .Colenso.
' Perry Heath is the commandcr-in--hief
nif an arqiy of 40,000 strong, whose
mnual support costs $40,000,000. Rath
er staggering figures, these.,
'Mr. j Heath has made k fortune frpm
lothing. He started in lite as a pri'nt
?r's devil on the Muncie, Indiana,
Times and from that worked up !to
his prtsent position. When he was
.hirteen he earned $1.50 a week and
avcd:' when he was sixteen he got $3
1 week and saved. When in later
vears he came to Washington and re--civedfthe
largest salary then paid. !he
tillfaved. In twelve years as j a
Washington correspondent he earned
7S,txx and saved $50,000. Before fhe
as fifteen he had saved $35 and lent
t at intercsi. He says he never bor
rowed cent or-received a job through
any oiie's influence but once in his life.
In tie early days Heath was a type
setter, 'and with his characteristic thor
oughness he made himself one of the
best iri the country. In repeated cbnr.
csts with, professionals he won -the
rizc fjor spetcj and accuracy in fact,
oM-timers say that when in his prime
he could give points to the Mergen
thaler. j He still keeps himself in prac;
ticc. asd can do better work now than
'hree-fpurths of the compositors. 1
A. J! Bryant and C. D. Leggctt are
couple of young fellows who have
formed a partnership in a barber, shop
it Ceclarvale, Mo, In joining forces
these young men entered into an agree-
ment to the effect that the one who
should f play at a gambling game oX
lake, a drink of liquor must forfeit his
share in reconL and the lawyers say
it is an enforceable one.
: j WORK.
New York is one city in which Ian
exchange for women's work has suc
ceeded.! The annual report of the x
f hangej for he last year shows that the
weekly i sale! averaged $1000. The ex
chahgejeovers many fields of effort and
conduct a number of departments not
undertaken by movements of this kind,
amongithem an advertising depart
ment. which issues an exchange cata
logue, j " : - - : '; ; . ;' s -:
Pencils fvom slate dust molded ! by
hydraiilic pressure are now made in
large quantities. They are much more
than, the old solid-cut slate
One factory last year made
2500,000 molded pencil's.
"I think I would go crazy .with gam
were it inot for ' Chamberlain's " Pain
Balm," Writes Mr. W. H. Stapleton;
Herminie, Pa. "I have been ' afflicted
with rheumatism for several years and
have tried remedies without number,
but Pain Balm is the best medicine I
have go4 hold of. One application
relieves the pain. For sale by F. - G.
Haas, druggist. r . , " '
r : -.' s .1
The way of he transgressor is hard,
but the way of those he leaves behind
him is often harder. '
'A warmsheart requires a cool, head.
DeOjUt iBferoatloa to (Uvea by Erpr
eaiatlv f a Eaatera Machin-
tiS' i'vi" ' ry "Uei.',- ':Y'
(From Daily, Feb, itth.)
The Salem Flouring Mills p!jnt in
this city , will be rebuilt in. ample sea
son to handle this year's wheat crop.
This information was not t-obtained
from ofikrial sources or by any person
authorized to speak for the milling
company, but it comes from good au
thority.' " -
A. C." Bardeau. of Silver Creek, New
York, was in Salem, yesterday; en route
to his eastern home after an extended
business visit here on the coast. Mr.
Bardeau is the traveling representative
of a large firm at Silver Creek, engag
ed, in the manufacturing of mill , ma
chinery.' In conversing with a States
man reporter yesterday Afternoon, the
gentleman said be had been infoimcd
by the officers of the Salem Flouring
Mills company, while in Portland.'lhat
bids for the construction of a or
400 barrel mill at thistplace, would be
opened - some time during this week.
Negotiations in this regard have been
necessarily delayed by reason of the
absence from the state of the company's
president, Mr. Wilcox.. That gentle
man, however, returned to . Portland
yesterday from a month's- sojourn in
California and it is not expected there
will be I any further delay. !
This is good news to Salem. Al
though; it has been known for some
time that the mill wo:ld be replaced,
it has not been definitely known when
actual negotiations, in this behalf, would
be instituted.
A Former Salemite Meets Death Wbile
on a Hunting Trip, near f
Napa, California. !
James McDonald, for a long time a
trusted employe of the Salem Wroolen
Mills, met -his death in California a
fen' ! days ago. by the accidental dis
charge of his gun while on a hunting
expedition. The story as told by the
Napa correspondent of the San ,Fran
ciscb Call, is as follows: - '
"James McDonald, who .was the su
perintendent of the. Napa Woolen
Mills, f while ' out hunting today aci
dental! v shot and killed himself. The
accident occurred near Napa Junction
wnitner nir. ivicuonaia nad gone duck
hunting in company with Peter John
and, the young son of the latter. Mr.
John and his son were sitting in,, the
boat, wjiich was anchored in mid
stream. 'McDonald had gone ashore
to gcti a shot at sonie ducks that had
alighted not far distant. Just how the
accident occurred is not known. John
and; his son card a report from the
gun, followed almost hastantly , by .a
second, after which theyJheard McDon
ald ; cry for help. Going to his assist
ance they found the unfortunate man
with a terrible wound in his right
'At 6nce young John went to .Napa
to secure medical assistance and to no
tify Mrs. McDonald. In the mean
time the elder John removed McDon
ald to, the wharf of the Cutting Pack
ing Company", where everything pos
sible was done for the wounded man
He lived but about two hours, bow
ever. -
"McDonald was a native of Rhode
Island and .TO years of age. Prior to
coming to Napa he was emploved in
the Albany rr.iiis of Oregon. He was
a member of company A, Fifth regi
ment, N. G. C. and very highly re
spected in this city'. He leaves a wi
dow, and a small child."
Commissioners Held a Brief Session
Yesterday. Paid a Few Bills
' an-d Went Home. 1
The' Marion -county commissioners'.
court hekl a brief business session at
the court house yesterday'afternoon. a
which time a tew accounts were auui.i
d, when the court adjourned, subject
to the' call of Judge G. P. Terrell.'
The bills audited included those for
extending the tax roll as follows:
Ed. N. Edes ......... . .$78.00
R. W. Terrell . . . .... 78.00
Other bills audited were:
1 Commissioners'; Acount.
J.'Js- Davis. ...', .. ... . . . . . .".$16.90
WnjL. Miley. . . 4 15.50
Election Account. I
E. J. Swafford. .. ... . . .$24.00
Brave Men Fall '
ictims to stomach, liver and kid-
ney troubles as well as women, and all
feel the results in loss of appetite
poisons in the blood, backache, nerv
ousness, headache and tired, listless'
rundown feeling.' But there's no need
to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gard
nerw Haville, Ind- IIe sayS: "Electric
Bitter- are just the thing for a man
wbert be is all run down, and don't
care whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and have
a new lease on life.' Only 50 cents,
at Dr. Stone's drug store. Every bot
le guaranteed. . s ."''."
Vhe Dalles Chronicle?
' Yesterday afternoon J. S, Fish, T. J.
Seufert and J. C. Hostettler returned
from a visit to Sumpter and the Green
horn mining district, wheie they went
to inspect the Glden Eagle mine in
which 1 they ' are interested They say
Sumptier is a booming place, full of
life and activity, and is - thronged with
peopl going to and coming from the
mines! It's growth during" the oast
Hew frtontbs , has - been phenomenal.
iae seventy 01 ine r winter nas not
prevented building, and houses have
been erected all winter In spite of the
snow and zero 'weather. Real estate
is changing hands at ' fabulous prices,
and iifvestors are there from every
where sanxious to get a foothold in the
new Eldorado. They are well satisfied
with their mining , property, and says
the prospect is as good as could be
hoped for. Their mill is. jrunning day
and night on rock that is, rich in gold
and is turning out Jots of bullion, Tht
development work on the Golden Ea
gc is -ocmg prosecuted rapidly, eltven
men being employed running drifts on
seveial different ledges, and they ex
pect to have the mine thoroughly open
ed by next summer. ,
IS IT SCAB? The report reached
this city yesterday, that a small band of
sheep badly afflicted; with scab is being
grazed on the ftighway a -the ' Dick'
Swartz neighborhood cast o: this city.
The -Marion county! slock- inspector.
Wr. Scott Taylor, of iGervais. it was re
ported, would be promptly notified of
this condition of anairs, ami ne will
doubtless take stps jmnfediately tc
abate the evil. The parties bringing
the information to this city were un
able to name the owner of the sheep.
Shows Advmatsge of rnon OwnlnfTbeti
Own 8epfwten Tb ltal tor -
- Huytnff CrtABi, '' V
(From Daily, Feb. II th.)
The value of the creamery plant, that
is to be established bere, is recognizee
by all, but its real jalue to the com
munity from a financial point of view
depends entirely upon the extent of it;
field of j operations. An effort will b
made to start the Salem creamery with
as great a supply of cream, and con
sequently as large a capacity, as it i
possible to secure the co-operation o!
the farmers. The larger the plant and
its field of operation, tlie greater will
be the proceeds to .be distributed it,
this community. .-'.:.- -
Some farmers may desire to increase
their facilities that tlicy may engage in
this industry on a larger scale, by add
ing to their herds or; the construction
of silos, but may he handicapped .b)
the lack of ready funds. H. JJ. Thicl
sen, secretary of the Salem Chamber o!
Commerce, who lias been laigely in
terested in securing for Salem ; limit
creamery, has made inquiry of num
ber of banking institutions a.nd,loca
capitalists, by whom be is assured that
reputable farmers or reliable renters
will find no trouble in procuring tht
necessary funds with which to enlarge
their business. . ..'
Mr. Thielsen yesterday received a
letter from T. S. Townsend, of Port
land, who wi)(l establish a creamer
here. The letter contains much valu
able information pertaining to the plan
of operation that will be followed bj
Mr. Townsend in conducting the plant,
and is produced in full: -
"My. plan of operating the creamer)
at Salem, will be about sscJoWovts: I
want the farmers, as much Is possible.
to purchase small farm cream scbara
tors. I can assist them in buyirg these
on asy terms.
"The advantage of having a separa- j
tor is very great. First As soon ts
the farmer has finished bis milking hi
can then in a very fsw minutes, have
the cream all separated, front the milk
while it is yet warm,' put ; the cream
away In-his cooling ean'nevcf mixing
warm cream with his older until it ha?
been thoroughly cooled. Then he car.
feed his skimmed milk to his calves and
pigs, while it is fresh and sweet. Then
again it is said, by good authority, that,
six cows and a separator, are etiual tc
seven cows without a separatpT. ,
"Then after, we learn wno desires to
sell their cream. I will arrange to have
drivers, go regularly eve ty other dav
to each of these farmers and get their
cream. By knowing whi wishes"" tc
sell,! and just where they live, it will aid.
me much,, in arranging .my routes for
drivers. - ' ,
"Every patron's cream will be weigh
ed and tested, separately. The basi,
for buying cream will be zVf cent for
butter fat. (1 pound butter) less than
the highest, market price, for fancy
creamery in Portland, f. o. b.. at thi'
creamery. Then for 'Collecting the
cream -will be whatever it may cost,
on each route, which' I think will not
exceed I or 14 cents for a pound o(
butter fat. '.I am willing tc guarantee!
that it will not cost over lA cents,
that is the same that it cost at my two
cheese factories, and the icorc thr .
farmers can work up. oh leacb route.'
the, less the expense for collecting.
"I pay for cream 'on. or about the
10th or lath of the following roontlu
that cream lias been divcrcd. I re
serve this much time in order to get
my books and accounts shaped up. as
all my book work is to be done after
the month closes. '
"The. success of, this creamery" will
depend largely upon the . farmers, arid
to make it a success, they must -commence
at once to arrange' to grow
plenty of feed, such as - corn, clover,1
wheat and tares (or vetches) oats, and
peas, etc., to have on hand to. feed
during the dry season, and in winter."
- Mr. Townsend will not erect a build-
ing in which to conduct his creamery
but has contracte4! for a ibuil'Hng iii
which hewill install the necessary ma
ehinery. AVrben seen last week Mri
Townsend - would not state) . what build
ing he had contracted fo", but it is
rumored that the, plant will be establish
ed in the building m East State street
now occupied, by James "Maguire," pro
prietor' of the Crystal Ice .Works.
Hon. Thos. Cooper, '.a successful
Benton county farmer, was in the city
yesterday, returning to his home nea. -Corvallis,'
on tlio steamer " RutH last
evening.: In discussing creameries
and the value Vf i?uch institutions to a
community, Mr. j Cooper ; informed a
Statesman .rejjprier that the Corvallis
creamery was a "big success. He says
he delivers, daily, to the creamery, the
milk from ten eows. For the month of
Januarjrrtbis herd "netted bint .V per
head. The creamery to be established
in this Citv, concluded ther. sp akrr.
would doubtless prove a.;very 'valuable
acquisition to Salem's manufacturing
institutions." - i
probate cotirt yesterday. R. - P Kirk,
executor of the IwiH of Peter, Kirk, de
ceased, filed a petition asking that the
estatc.be rrlieved from paying the al
lowaner, heretofore enioyed by the
widow of the deceased.! The - petition
was granted. .;-:.. ; ; - -. , .
A CIM of wvntT-oao tTtll Rwthf llonur
of Jrlotloo Tho Program
'l f or th Oeeastoiii.'
I (From' Daily, Feb. nth.)
' The semi-annual graduating exer
cises of the Salem pufllic schools-will
be held at Reed's ,cpcra house on Fri
lay evening.! A class of twenty-one
young people-4twdve young ;mcn and
nine young j ladies will be up for
graduation honors. The usual admis
sion ee of 10 cents will 'be asked to help
defray the expenses incident to the ex
ercises. : '- - ,'. ' r ,
. The class- motto is: "Let knowledge
e our anchor." The address to the
:liss will be idclivered 1y J. H. Acker
nan, superintendent of public instruction.--",
' '" ' -' " ' '
The -program that has been, arranged
or thr octasion is as follows:
i Music Orchestra.
Invocatfoni-Rev. Y. C. Kantncr.
pastor of the First Congregational
church. ' ' ' ,
Ring Drill In charge of Miss Myr
.ie Maish. j-' -"-' "
. Music- -Orchestra. :,
Preseniktitm of Class.
Essay, "Stepping - Stoiics" Annie
Caroline Tigler.
Recitation, "March of Mind" Her
bert Fawk. ; - i r
Music Quartet. Nina Bushnell and
Vina Sherman, soprano; 'Bessie Cor
nelius and Echo; Janes, alto; Grace
Carter, jeconipanist: i
Reoitaiion, "The Dandy Fifth"
Winifred Muriel- Bird. ' i ! '
Music, solo, "I.ove . Song" William
Prentiss Drew; professor of Greek and
f-atin, Willamette University.
. Essay, "Golden i Oppoitunities"
'.Vilbtr' Augustus Scott. 'I
J Music, duct. "Midsummer ! Night's
Orcam" -Winifred Muriel Byrcl; Grace
Carter: 1
' Address to the class Hon. J. II.
ckerman siiih-i intendent of public
nstrtiction 1 . I
Music Orchestra. ' ! '
Prcscntarii of diplomas H. T.' i
Intce, chaunintig of board1 of directors. t
Thei graduating class is comprised of
he ' folio w'inff young, people:
Roscoe . Dkkrv. Clmmcey Robrrt
Bishop. Id , Lillian Towne, Lottie
Love ford.1.1, Hirlda Dorolhy Mich
rls, '.Herbert- Wilbur - Fawk, Bertha
V my Lick, -Jessie Wann, Carl Aton
lies. .Gertriufr Ella '. .Fawk. Winifred'
Muriel .-Byrd," Annie Caroline PigU r, '
William Frat k Crawford, j Chester
Afiller Cx. Clifford Werner; Briwn. '
Harold Fdwiii , SelIwoxt, Robert rFar
v Morri.v . Wilhcr Augustus Scott.
Clvde John Carlton, Civile Elston
Jbhnson, XarcU'a Mae Min'ton.;
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vere satisfied with ' transient ! action;
mt now ' that it is' . generally ! known
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vercomc habitual constipation,' well
, nformcd people will not buy other
axatives,' which act fdr a time, but fin
ally injure the system. Buy. the genu
;ne, made by the California Fig Syrup
Co. ... .- : .. -
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Wtm'Um, If IM. jurtlM' tmtai mm-
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