Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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s G:!d Camp,
i Is Bily Crippled. I
Ha Knlad the ladutry la Britleh Co
la mbta Th Lerol Company Se- j i
peada Openttl
' powr Arn. n r.. Feb. a. The
mining coramsnity is in a condition of
penumc consternation, owing to me
.discharge, today, of 100 men by the
Leroi Alining Company, and. the an
nouncement from Nelson that the Hall
mines and smelter had also ihut down
today, on account of the enforcement
of the eight hour law for underground
mining. Other mines are expected to
close down before the middle of the
present morth. " j
V New York, Feb. 9 R. G. Dun &
Co'4 Weekly Review of Trade will say
tomorrow:! - ' i
The industries are still surpassing in
actual output the work of any previous
year. Their luw business is not cor
rcspondingly large, nor cou!d such jor
ilcrs be accented by most of the j in
dustries, ' if offered, but enough are
coming in to prevent the stoppage of
. the works or much decline in prices.
In woolen goois, new business of i re
markable volume sustains the marked
advance in prices and in .other lines
of importance, as in .' machinery, the
nrdcr indicate a surprising foreign
demand. .Meanwhile, though encour
aged by the abundance and case of
money, speculation docs not, in any
direction a jit. go wi:hout a check
(far enough tc do mischief. j j
The failures for the week were ' 245
in rhe United States against 217 last
year, and thiity-three in Canada as
against thirty-five last year. . - j i
Sunshine and rain. i
Albuquerque and Spain at One Ex
treme ami India at the Other. I
Albuquerque. N. iM.. -a tmvn of 3.800
population.; Rays it holds the record
for the greatest number of sunshiny
days in tliejycar of any town n the
American continent. Its records show
a period of three years in which there
i were rnly I wo totally cloudy days
when tttc sun was not visible at some
time between the hours of rking and
setting. anl there is official corrobora
tion for this in the. announcement of
the signal service that the point of
leasts annual rainfall in the United
States is -at . Albuquerque, N. M."
Otlier cities having a low . record of
raiifaI are Port Said. Egypt; Hyder
abad. ; India; Lima. IVu; Madrid,
Spain i I Valparaiso, Chili: Oran. Mo
rocco; Majorca in the Mediterranean
sea; Jerusalem, Cairo,. Barcelona, and
Alexandria. :-.... :s -j ; i .
The heaviest recorded rainfalls in
the United Kingdom have been 7 inch
es at Ardrishaig. Argyle,' on- Dec 7,
'l85j. and 4. inches at London on
April IJ.-1S78; while 24 inches of rain
has fallen at Bombay in twenty-four
Jiours. 3? M Genoa and 33 at Gibral
tar. The wettest place in England is
Scatlrwaite. hvhere the average annual
rainfall is 145 inches, and in the -world
Cherrapungi; in- southwestern Assam,
where the average for fifteen years is
403 indie; awl where in 1861 the rec
ord rose to 005 inches. The rainfall
of the Unked Kingdom averages 38
, inches yearly; xm the European conti
nent 25 inches' and in the United
State 40 1 inches, taking the, whole
country through. ' - : t ;
It is customary to designate as' a
sunny day 1 oirc during which the j sky
is at no time clouded, though the exact
1 lines of demarkation between sunny
days, cloudy days and rainy days are
; seldom so clearly defined as to exclude
controversies vtu the subject. ' The
J meteorohigical department of j the
United States government is conducted
on a more thorough, comprehensive
, methKl than that of any European gov
ernment when the extent ami diversity
' of the territory covercdSend tlx obsta
cles to accurate information arc taken
into account I t
;. It is computed ly statisticians that
the average; annual i rainfall in j the
. United States would, if by some mag
ical or mechanical device all gathered
into one flacc, exceed by. four times
; the volume of water in Lake Erie,
which has an area of nearly 10.000
square miles; and an average depth ot
200 feet, lite annual raimall is com
puted to be in volume about the same
as all the water in the Mediterranean,
and any person caught in a storm
without an umbrella may. if of a plril
rsoplical disposition, take this fact
. into account as evidence of the truth
of the ancient saying that nothing: is
really so bad but that it might be con
siderably worse. "1 f
' In a controversy recently started ;in
Europe as to the eminence of "sonny
Italy, "sunny Spain," or sumiy
France, it was shown mathematically
that Spain was the country best en
titled to the designation "sunny , kr
Spain is the country in vhich in ail
'Europe the inntper of sunny days is
largest in a i year, Italy following and
France coming third. The rainfall ;in
Seville is twenty-two inches a year,
r only' an inch a year les than in the
' city of San Francisco, an apparent dis
crepancy, which is explained by the
fact that when it rains , in Seville f it
rains very hard. - whereas a rainstorm
in San Francisco does not rise, usually
K the dignity ot much more than a
shower. j j
' - ' ' ' ; ' i . -
'"Did you see that in the paper what
One of the aldermun wants to do??
maw ast paw.' .
"What about?" paw says. . 't .
The High way men, maw told Him.
"One of the aldermun wants to Have
the sHty Fay a person ; $ Every
time they Kill a ILigh way man." ;
"Oh, yes." paw ansertt, "I seen it.
That's a Good plantoo. When I was
a 'Boy they had so menny Foxes
around Where I lived that nobuddy
Could raise Spring Chickens or Enny
other Kind, so they Paid a Bounty on
all the Foxes yon killed. All a Per
son bad to Do was kill his fox and
Cut off the Ears and Take them up to
the Court house ate miles away and
Get his 25 cents. I Erned Enuff that
way One winter o get a pair of Boots
and a Bottul of hare oil witb perfewm
in it. I' tell you them Was the days
when a Boy could have iexsitemunt
"Would you haft to Cut off the Higti
way man's Ears and Take them to tlx
itty. ball before you Could get your
200 doHers?" I ast.
"Well," paw told ns. "1 don't no just
How they would (Work out the Dee
tales of thi plan. I s'pose they Would
have some Kind of a narrangement. so
You wouldn't foaft to Hire a nexpress
Waggen and. Take Your high way man
along Every time you went after the
munny. becoz that -would be more
Trubble almost" than it is Worth. We
got to Do Sumthing. tho, to stop the
new Sence. The polees Can't do h
becoz they ain't got the Time to Spair.
They got tot stay around the Saloons
and tell the Bar tenders when it's Time
to close op fer the nite For fear they
mite forget and iHaft to pay the Costs
if they got Cot at it.
"So the Best thing to do- is pay a
Bounty for ded High way men and
Let everybuddy have a ehanc to ern
a Little extra. Just think bow it would
hclup out. One high way man would
be Enuff to pay the Coal and gass biH
for a. Hole winter and leave a Little
extra for groceries and things."
'"But dpn't You think it Would be
Daingerus ' to let Everybuddy ' go
atound with Guns in their pockets?"
maw ast.' '; '.'. '
"O, I dunno," paw Anserd. "Most
of them db that Enny. way. So you
See if this plan Was in Operachun
when a person went to a Card party
and didn't win the prize he needn't be
discurridged, lecoz he mite still Have
a chanct to shoot a High way .man on
the way borne. They ain't Enny use
talkin". It's a grate skecm. and if a
Person lost his job He Could take His
gun and start out at nite and mebby;
ern Enuff in a nour or So to pay the
rent and Keep things goin all rite
fer three or' Four munths. That's tht
way. ti ' make this place a : Moddle
town." i
"High way men are terrible thing.--to
Have around." ntaw says, "and 1
wish they Could be some Way so
Everybuddy would , try to Lead ?
Blameless, life, but what if they pate
oeople For shooting them and Every
buddy was Allowed to Go around with
a : Revolver Loded and All reddy to
Fire, and thev Happened to Kill the
rcng man? That would be Ofrle."
"Oh. well," paw says, ."of Corse if
hat Happened and the innosunt man's
folks Could prove it the sitty wouldn't
Haft to pay the 200 dollcrs. Georgie."
Called Her Iluslrand From His Slum
, be?, Warning Him of Her Danger.
1 Chicago, III., Jan. 28. iBishop Sam
uel Fallows of the Reformed Episcopal
church recently .told a marvelous story
of psychical phenomena, according to
the Inter Ocean. He declined to give
the names, using "Smith" instead, but
ays the people are of a prominent
North Side family.
As he tells the story, ..some years ajo
Mrs. Charles Smith, wi(e of a young
man living on the North Side, was
raken seriously ill and died in a short
itme. She was not embalmed, and
was buried two or three days later
in Rose; Hill cemetery. She was
buried inl the afternoon and in the eve
ning a friend of the family came in
and decided to stay in the house that
night with the husband and servants.
; In the imiddle of the night Mr.
Smith was awakened by some one
calling his name, die heard the name
vwo or three times: "Charles, Charles."
very distinctly. He did not associate
the voice with anyone he knew, and
said to himself that it was a hallucina
tion. Being a man of materialistic
views.' "he attached no superstitious
meaning to the! matter, and soon fell
into a troubled sleep again. After a
little while he was awakened by the
voice again, this time more insistent:
"Charles. Charles. Charles!"
Just as day was breaking, for the
third time he heard the call again, this
rime entreatingly. This time he rec
ognized the voice very distinctly as
tirat ot his wnfe. sMoved by some in
explicable impulse, he sprang up,
searched the room carefully, found no
one and rushed . into where his friend
was -asleep. "Come, get up." he said,
"we must go to Rose Hill." ?
His friend tried to dissuade him. but
to noi purpose. They harnessed a
horse to a baggy, took -spades and
pick axes ami drove tj the cemetery
at break neck speed. As quickly as
possible they dug down to the coffin,
which had been put there the after
noon before and opened it, The
young wife was just turning over in
the casket. .Although alive, , she was
unconscious.! Presumably she bad
been in a stpor the entire time. 'She
was taken 1 home, recovered, and is
alive today. She-bas no idea that s-he
was ever buried alive, and probably
if she bad known all of the circum
stances at that time, the shock would
have killed her. 'She was told that
she had been , very ill and had recov
ered almost miraculously; Beyond
that, she knows nothing of the story.
There 1 seems to be but one explana
tion and that is that Mrs. Smith's sub
conscious mind influenced the mind
of her husband telepathically and
warned him of, her danger.
What Mr. Howclls bas recently
written concerning literary style ought
to be traced in gold above the desk of
every young author. "Kindness and
gentleness," he says, "are never ? out
of fashion; it is these in 1 Goldsmith
which makes him our contemporary;
and it is worth the while of any young
person presently intending deathless
renown to take a little thought of
them. They are the source of aH re
finement, and I do not believe that? the
best art in any kind exists without
them." . ::'.' i .
Wise men make their enemies their,
instructors; fools become enemies to
their teachers. t
inuftanl of the Fair Circuit Is Con;
eluded Foar States Are
. ? (From Daily, Feb. nth.)" "
The state board of agriculture dis-i
posed of a great amount of business
yesterday and adjourned during the
ternoon. 11
The date for holding the annual-fair
was fixed for September I7th-22d in
clusive, to conform to the circuit of
state fairs that has been formed. .. ih-jj
eluding the states of Oregon, Wash-;
ington, California and Idaho. Thej
dates for holding these lairs and the;
order in which they will be held, are
as follows: i California state fain Sep-j
tember 2d-i5th inclusive; Oregon statei
fair, September I7th-22d; Washaigtonjj
state fair, September 24th-2gth. Thejj
Idaho association will very likely arj
range 4x have their fair follow these
dates, making a complete circuit of the,
four states, so that live stock exhibitor
can attend each fair. ; jj
; R. Scott, of Milwaukee, was appoint-t
ed superintendent of the live-stock salej
A premium of $250 was offered fotf
the best county exhibit of agricultural
and horticultural products, j
There will be a premium of $150 foif
the best display of farm animals, eoni
sistin'g of not less than two horses, any,
breed ; five head of cattle, any herd i
five sheep, any herd; five Angora goatsf
five swine, any breed. Not ' less thail
three of the above named classes will
be accepted as an exhibit. The $159
purse for this prize was made up a
follows: J. ;B. Stump $50; Rural Spirit
$50; and state agricultural board .-$50. j
j Red Hot From the Gun .
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
f Newark. Mich., in the Civil War. It
:aused horrible Ulcers that no treatf
nent fielpcd for 20 years. Then Bnckf
en's Arnica Salve cured him. - Cures
Cuts, 'Bruises, Burns, Boils. FelonsJ
Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile
:ure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Curie
guaranteed. Sold by Dr. S. C. Stone,
druggist -
By John Curtis Underwood.
"When the -windows flame at sunset
And the streets are sluiced . with
blood ' '
And the dying day is sinking j
In the -night's advancing Hoed, j
Smoky volumes lightly trailing, j
Veil, the housetops stark and high
Tinged with purple that the moment
Deepens in the Western , sky.
"When the shadows round us gather
And the darkness settles fast i
And each flush of life conclusive f
Seems but prelude to. the last. f
Dreams shall soften -wasted faces. !
Fraught with presage darkly tonight
Dreams that like . the Smoke shall
vanish " 4
At the coming of the night." j
Ainslee's Magazine.'
.-; :,. ' I ..
San Juan county, Colorado, has iTor
its treasurer a young woman, $fis
Nellie E. Tully, sister of Thomas H.
Tully, private secretary to Governor
Thomas, Miss Tully was born inj To
nawanda, N. Y., and -went to Silvrton.
Colo., in 1895. She was appointed J
deputy postmaster in tnartown, a po
sition that she held unlit her election
as county treasurer. Miss Tully was
1 candidate on the democratic (ticket,
and after an unusually lively campaign
was elected by a majority' of 32
Mrs. J. Hi- Rowland of J-avfrcncc,
Mich., runs the engine ?f her hus
band's planing mill, and in anj emer
gency attends to the ripsaw and the
turning lathe. She has been sple en
gineer of the mill for several years, and
enjoys her work. Mrs. "Rowland is 50
years old. and raised a large fajmily of
children before she became an engin
eer. s '
THE ills of women conspire against domestic harmony. I
" Some derangement of the generative organs is
, the main cause of most of the nnhappiness in the
household. ; ' f ' i,
The husband can't understand these troubles. The male
practical ! and
Mrs. Pjnkham
has been curing
these serious ills of women! for a
quarter of a century. Failure to
secure proper advice should not
excuse the women of to-day, for
the wisest counsel ( can be had
without charge. Write to Mrs,
Pinkham for it. , Her address
is Lynn, Mass. j
Among the multitude of 'wo
men helped by Mrai Pinkham
ana By LyUta is. jPinkham s -Sir-Vegetable
Compound, is Mrs. Josiph
xLing, babxna, Ohio. She writes :
Dear Mrs. Pikkham Will you
kindly allow me the pleasure of ex
pressing my gratitude for the wonder
ful relief I have experienced by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I suffered for a long time
with falling of the womb, and those
terrible bearing-down pains, and it
-- seemed as though my back would never
stop aching; also had leucorrhcea. dull
headaches, could not sleep, was weak
and life was a burden to me. I doctored
for several years, but it did no irood.
My husband wanted me to
J! ' .. .
meoicine, ana 1 am so tnanktul that I
did, I have taken four bottles of the
Compound and a box of Liver Pills? and
ca-n state that if more ladies would only give your med'efne' a
fair trial they would bless the day they saw your advertise-"
ment- My heart is full of gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham for what
her medicine has done for me. It is worth its weight in gold.
XT. it. Saras for Superintendent of tba
ravlUon.II. I Brace A gala Ap
pointed BtrshaL
1 : From Daily Feb. iotlt.) .
The state board ; of agriculture was
in almost continuous session yesterday,
but failed to complete the transaction
of the business that required: its con
sideration. The pOard wilV meet again
this morning and may effect an ad
journment; this afternoon. -
Yesterday morning' Mayor C P.
Bishop, and Ged., B. Qray and Henry
B. Thielsen, president and secretary of
the Salem Chamber' of Commerce,
called upon the board and gave assur
ance of their warm interest and hearty
co-oporation to' make of the next state
fair session a most successful exposi
tion. A definite plan of action will
probably be outlined within a few days.
, A1 balance of $204, that! existed from
the state appropriation of $5000 for
premiums, was turned into the state
treasnry. A small deficit, j however,
still exists in the general ; funql.
The most important business trans;
acted by the board yesterday; was the
appointment of a number of fficers to
assist in conducting the annual exposi
tion. Without an exception, jthe offic
ers named" are tht same ones that have
served for a number of years, as fol
lows: .4 !:
Chief marshal H. T. Bruce, of Sa
lem. 1.
! Superintendent of pavilionn H. W.
Savage of Salem. ; "''
Superintendent of dairy department
r G. W. Weeks, of -Salem. I (
Superintendent of poultry depart
ment Geo. D. Goodhue, of Salem.
Superintendent "of live stock depart
ment James Whitcomb. of iCorvallis.
Supcrinteihlcnt T. W. Pottef, of the
Oiemawa Indian Training school.- was
in the city yesterday returning home
on the Shasta express last f evening.
On Wednesday evening Rev. Father
Black, of Portland. Rev. 'm. Daly
and Rev. Curley. of Salein, visited the
school, on which occasion the former
delivered an address that 'ivas very
much appreciated.'; .The pupils now
have every facility for successfully giv
ing operas and other public entertain
ments. . A fine large stage was recently
constructed in one of the largest build
ings. The school has a "great amount
of valuable scenery. The curtain was
painted by J. E. - Holton, the artist
Tlic play house compares very favor
ably with that of any town in jthe state.
The boys : of the ' institution gave an
original minstrel performance on
Thursday evening, under the, leadership
of Robert De Poc. The lads gave a
very creditable enteriainmcntt that for
originality, was exceptionally clever.
Considerable talent was in' evidence.
; . t
agers of all the large transportation
companies, excepting only ms Cana
dian Pacific railroad, have dcridc l to
discontinue their "down town" offices
in ""Salem and numerous other points.
and have apprised agents, serving in
this capacity, of the 5 contemplated
cnange. - All business with tftese com-
nanies, when the city offices fshail have
been discontinued,' Will have to be
transacted ;at the railway station. It
has not been announced when this
change will be inaugurated.
1 - 1 1 1 1' 1 :
FINAL ACCOUNT. The final ac
count; of l. 11. Savage, administrator
of th estate of Jane Savage, deceased,
came ! up for hearing? in the probate
court yesterday, and the same was al
lowed and approved and the; adminis
trator discharged. ' f
LOANS MADE. Thestate land
beard yesterday examined anA app-ov-ed
fourteen applications for loans, ag
gregating J$i 1,260, ind rcticictod one
application for $300, f ; '
physician only knows of them theoreti
cally and scientifically, and finds it hard
to cure them. j . . ji -
But there is euro for them, certain.
try your t-
- ' V 1
TT Mm r)
i ,r- - - - : -i ! 1
Several Amendments Adopted and
. IJU1 Was re-Referred to tbe Of
dirjknee Committee.
FVrm TlaJTv : TVH lotfi
'"irt ,.;i j
VTic Salem city council met in ad -
journcd session at the city hall last !
tvening for the consideration of an or-j
dinance licensing and regulating the!
business -ot auctioneers. Several
amendments to the original bill, which
was published in these columns a few
days ago, were reported back by the
committee on ordinances and the same
was adopted. Final action on the or
dinance was not taken, faf the bill was
re-re'ferrcd to , the committfce on ordi
nances. ' ;i. "
There was a full attendance of the
councilmcn. The report of ths. com-
rmittee on ordinances was read. It
nrmio!M KPi-ml amendments to the
original bill, the principal, one being, mnn said he desired to addrcsa the
the; placing of the license, at $250 per 1 ol,nci1 as ;a-merchant, for he hattd to
year, an advance, of $50 over the pres-I clascsd as an auctioneer a!ongwith
ent ordinance. Section 1, of the orig-j Fl'ch -men as had been plying that vo.
inai. bill, which required a thirty days j cation in thii city of late, and who. he
residence boore application could beisai(I' wcrc a disgrace to the city.) He
made for a license, was stricken out tboiight the city could well afford to
and a paragraph defining an auctioneer away with the revenue derived front
was substituted therelor. A number
of other unimportant amendments in j
the 'text of the bill were recommended.
Tlic reading of the committee's re
port was followed by a general discus
sion, Griswold wanted the ordinance
so amended that a daily license could
be isstied transient austio'neers $25
per jay. Burrows " favored the bill as
amended by the committee and wanted
to tesi ids operation.
Mayor . Bish,op called Burrows to the
chair, and took the floor in the inter
ests of local merchants. He made an
itrgent and an able talk. He said the
matter of regulating the 1-cene and '".auing 01 rneap ami inienor gco.js in
business of raictioneefs in this city had this, city. The only objection he cjould
engaged the attention of the council scc 1,1 exacting swell 1 an enormous h
for ,about ten months.. When the pres-J "cnsc,; waj that it worked to the disad
enticouncil was elected the license was vantage i of a local- auctioneer, j lie
$50 per year,, and it was only by the! saM rhc rrofesison of an a-ctiofierr
greatest effort that the license was fin- W'"A legitimate Avhcn properly c?cer-
ally increased to $200 ner annum. Still
! . 1 . "d - c-. -1 1
the auction business had not been sup
pressed. During the past sixty days.
V'legefl ' the1 speaker. Salem had seen
the' effect of pievai'ing nominal auc
tioneers licenses. He then depicted
the scene that has bren presented on
one of Salem's principal streets for
soine time past and prono tneed -ich
conditions as a disgrace to the city,
which had acquired th? reputation of
being: the dumping ground for shoddy
iroods of, the state. An auc'ion was a
detriment to a city. Other valley
towns, by . legislation, had dispensed
with the auctioneers and the Salem ciy
Walter Morley
Mormon Hi Shops' iPtlla
Chun h oi Uiei i roiu.f
tMloilR $38.50Ti
JllWfCm An Extra Fine High Crado Saddle
f tCfi-'-i'r-rh l the equal of ruil .old t-rrrrhero .t fi.n.
i mbMM 0m4mk uxjti our price, $33.50,
m Vi ?lmrW24 T" Saddle Is made on a 1 514 or
t&l.fi t :Vi'rgVlll Heisonoavv Steel Fork....
4.-"33i . -t
tency, Lost Power, MlghfLossve, Srrmatorrhosa insomnia, TFal"
sic, seminal
. Mjmaou. wua a una. ucuan fee ACCreSS,
i .
Of consiipailon, lir Qulcrtn of Dls- irf II
VOWS.TwttChlri Of EjrssfldJ. titm iuime lMtc. I A m
errrv ntnetjun. trek .1 . . u mam :w . k.n.i V Wr U
rwi4ivn,Mntnnn a aarrr. Mill or k"',"
SEND P3Q tViOMEY-aiwas
. .
flAlipiO CAItNtT IKIOICK tCWlNO MACHtnl k7 fr.tlM.C.
Hi ft' tllr MrWr.CKaitl r a rnrr.Kntai. mmi
mm .Mm an, I THE KkATKST titKbAlk KM'
Jmmr rrwat aywt ear ' y .w
astiifled. W, t.l aitM awl rraanef Scalaa iMUMlTaL ia
Sie.au. ILaa.ais.aea.a, alt fallr 1crih-d m KrtH
bKTatat valvar ,,ri-rr4 by aa, aaaae.
ltVf ARb Or irlTATIOffS,
"-,"'n" o ur, un.irr arioua naaww,
' ' Imf i IV, mil coon mitro
flll M4MC.
Trotm lt Scat
ranera. adjuatal.le
1 L 'M-Biwl7:'; . JM
f"?" -"Tjl, !;'".! nTiT,ee1 J"" areaa,lnW tUfta to MA pay ynvr freight a rent th 1 6 60.
H5.Jj?-.I7rR" Tot" SIS.SS if ateay time within three montai yoai aav yoa ara Dot aauaflwL OSKM W-W." i
JDOITX fiWY. eara,R(Mirk-aco.areth'm-irhlr illai.le-rrtitor )
; Addresa, SEARS, ROECUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
council owed the legitimate merchants
of the city some consideration and
should s fiord thernthe relief for whic'i
they were asking. 1 The mayor hoped
than $406 for six months and $600 per
year. The ordinance as reported back
by the committee -ould not afford the
merchants the desired relief. ,
Riggs thought the $400 license -Would
be prohibitory- Grisvold! moved an
amendment to the report that the an
nual license- be fixed at $300 and a
daily license be provided for at the rate
I of S?S fr Hiv. On this Mntinn
1 aye and nay vote was called, with the'
.j. ' ult. Avc Griswoldi t-
nay-Allcn, Burrows, Burcn, Gesner,
Larsen, Riggs, Walker,, 7. . ( .'
. A vote was then taken on the adop-
i:wu 111 itic HMI11111111.-C 1 rjwi 1. 11 re-v
suited as follows: Aye Allen. iBur-
rows, Buren, Gesner, Riggs, Walker'
6; nay Griswold, Larsen, 2. J
Gesner moved - that the ordinance le
rc-rcfcrrcd to the" committee on lordi--nan.rcs
and the motion prevailed.! .
I Walker called up the matter of the
relocation .of electric lights so as to
give the residents of North .Jlligh
street another light, but the council
refused to give the-matter any consid
eration. - V 1 j
Upon rrioticn of Riggs. S. Friedman
addressed the council concerning the.
: licensing of auctioneers. I Mr. " Fried
5,111 " "aiviuuais. ui n consiuercfi an
annual license of $250. as proposal in
tne ordinance, suiiicicnt to prevent
sn:dc auctioneers front commgfinto
S?Jem. He said he had been carrying
on an auction in Salem for the protec
tion of focal merchants, leing obigcl
to compete with a transient class of
auctioneers. " -i - j'
Upon invitation. F. A. Wiprins nde
a few; remarks. He. first asked a. few
ouestioiis regarding ' the operation of
the proooscd ordinance and then stated
that in his opinion the license co'ild not
be placed too high to "prevent thej un-
1 ncffl J I J
The meeting was then formally! ad
journed. ; " ' , ! j S
When the meeting ! had d"ssoh-cl,
the members of it hj 'council,. Mayor C.
P. Bishop andLCity Recorder NJ.
Judah accepted the invilation of Alder-
man Walkci, whom - they accompanied
to Strong's restaurant, where lluy en
joyed an. oyster supper at the expcnse
of Mr.Waiker. in compliance with 'jthe;
terms and conditions of a wacer that
ccntleinan recently made with Recorder
Judah. and which he was unfortnnatc
enough to lose. 1 he affair was Krtat-
r'y enjoyed. .
err Tins .
, m la una
by freight C. O. I. Piiljjcet t cnlHlli. -
rrnrnxv F.i.EfTK iiaiviiibr wkkih
T,. I k iwint nr rnlt rntl. mtpel jeailu r cvre! tirris
r 2-iurh oilxi j biraits bound, mm desirod. Will mm4 koB4 '
liiiod, iirch wi-le Jjuroctirmp liailter, lit -In"' ttlrms
itr loittf on nnr (i, I-inrh t" buckle on offside, kwry -cotton
twlru-d lexlca h frr.nt cinch, heavy oillm :
heltlnjr flack cinrh. censocting strap. Loop mt, tt ik1
jtKcy all ouo piece. :
as uini-traUxL Wclgrb MaiMlc nfit un4-
pace.l for hliitrcnt, ii twundi. KUVHl IS VM.I aia I
f l.Mt poll 1 1( H tm X'l klU j .
CATALOGUE, showing a full tins ot Cvwboy end Rancher
Outits at tha lowest prica ever quoted. Address, s ,
lew, ftoefceck Ca, UMraafk.f RUtU.UiUr.) j
! Dealer in all kinds of
Woven Wire Fencing
Smooth wire, pickets, and shingles.
pend for circulars.
bam ut dm trm it yiarm ty tin leader, uf ! Mncivia
cuw Ui kh tan in u(4 nl young ariMn Umm eltotts
. . . a
k.mi3ona, L.nm ac, wrom
vaaman. vnnaix.ri.i
charge, titoos "' 4
innrt iar ana nei w
Dlsh09 Rmr Co-, Ban rtttnnimu
d ,oni to ti,ail
n. B. K !: t. ...
II wad yoaB HICK
r , , Tl
TWnl.t '-T "V
' 11
r r u 1 - b Lji
mtth artaakv
bkt !.
JMa4e 7 tar,
la Auri,
aaatcrlai aaaacv
m .m 1 tm-m 1 i x .
SOLID- QUARTER SAWED OAXf B" rsi tl!rr,a.a.
ciced (iM-ad amppmir Ir.m ptrhti to ust . a mrmtrr tiUr, j
rra, the tfwrorwtn-wita txttl lcntrth uhla an1 h4 In plart f' f
PeWiniT. a tmrnr aVaai,,a. tmtmaxt IMW fm mmmmM Ml.Ml.4"?1 t:
xwedaad (i--iTt(f,Mne flnl.fc. mnrwt atckel im mer pall,.'mtx "n lour
traadie. mibia'.n.Ui im mtmntt tmmmt imrmm Hum A
taa, iwal'jn lenr imiaB fmLatil thrv-aritnir vibntinr shuvtle, antr.mtto ,;
bobbin wjTxier. eamauable bearinira utant tn.tr. i,h.r.tAr imnm.Ml lxae
hwl. adjnrtalw tirwura feot. lmrraful a4iu Ml- earriar, pan t nerii har, !
Tjatant dreaaipjaH. eM,la tnm4mmHy arat mm4 mwnkl aaa Wmaatfu'lr
niclrt Iriaari CU ARAN TEC O alilitaraaaa, aWiinbkl ai
aalaa Laa aalaa mmtr. i Jtrrf kawara aaacaaaat I rorakbi a4 nnr 'rea In- j
tmctioa Book teilajut howanrnneran run it aad doeither alaia oranr i
k ind of iancjr work, a XO-Taan W,Htiaraalila aeat with every a'Mi
IT COSTS YOU raOTHIfia -a- ..-a..W.K,b,.roi..t.irli
i 1