V ...... ; ; - . ' ' ' : -' : : . ,.,,'-' ' -a ' : v 1 ,--CS. Je - J -A . a -! ' ' "- ' : 7:. : "I''':-' '-;;? r;;::;v " , - - i rifr i '1; 'iv ' jfrk ' . ;-fS? 'i!'- n .;"...-., J ' v ' ; issued in.. h 4411 21J'i' I&IU W W I 'i-iyijl4i UylMJr-i I ?j liJESDAY AND FRIDAY. J VOL. AS NO. 52 SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 10, 1900. . FfRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES PLAN' OF .WAR lord Roberts Proposes Invading Orange free State, j WILL RELIEVE KIMBERLEY GARRISON 4: frightful Death Rat la tho Beleaguered Town During Dmubfr-lnmiM ! s torn the BritUh Army. -J- i . LONDON, Feb.! ij.Lord Roberts has gathered 35,000 men, with whom, according to the best military opinion, he purposei turning the left of the Magersfbntein lines necr Jacobsdal, en H'riK tle Free State, compelling Gen eral Cronjcj to raise the sxge at Kini bcrleyi, and thus making his first step toward likeinii)ntein. i Vesterdayj Lord Robert announced the appointment of General Sir Henry Colville', hitherto compander of the Cuards - brigade, to the command of the ninth division, which is being form ed and will Consist probably, to a great xtent, of colonial troops. General Iville will be succeeded by- General Reginald IVJe-Carcw. , ' Lord Roberts tells correspoijJents that, when j he gets' down to business they "will have ample opportunity to send news, j Ilis ch ef ; press censor yesterday issued, new rules end in the future '.all written communications are to go unchtcked. Only telegrams will W censored, For the rlcxt few days little iuws j is likely to'.Srt tbrough, but later there "will be nM'e freedom. Thus says the censor, and the last clause may be inteipeeted to mean that some thing is going j-to happen. Kimberely, twenty miles away from the -Modder iver posittcn, is in sore straits. 'Details of the December death rate show that in a population of 14, 000 whites and 19,000 blacks, the mor tality was sixty whites and thirty-eight blacks, - per,1 thousand. : The infantile deatTi rate was1 671 per thousand among the whites and 912 per thousand among the blacks, j Enteric fever was preval ent. -This Frightful state of things in December cannot have improved much if at ' all, since then, and the fighting power of Ihe garrison must have ben greatly diminished. . Mearrwhile the bombardment of the r.ocrs has increased, and there is im minent danger of the town falling lndcr thej' very eye of Lord Roberts, j It is believed in circles, close to the war office, that he will move at once. Scouts have au-proached- wi$h;ng 1000 yards of the IIoat trenches at. Magersfontein, Tliey ha-c found .hese strong. INCREASING THE ARrY. i London, Feb. 12. The house uf com mons was) crowded today in anticipa tion of a statement from George Wynd haiu. parlinientary secretary of the war ffice, in Jregard to the army measures. ' The government, he r id : had not even considered tfic qui ..on of com pulsory service, which' was entirely unnecessary' ; in view of the cfTective recruiting j of the auxiliary forces. During the spring and summer the vol tuitetr corps would be fotmtd.f , The Acts gentlv on the ; KiDNEys, Liver AND BOVELS r LEANSES THE SYSTEM .EFFECTUALLY V PEfH4ANENTLY ICIAL-Efr BUT YMt GtHVINt MHt O RJf ; (SURRNIA TG sYRVP j arti.lery ; service and j the to-pi ofC-n-gineers. ; necessary for two additional army corps, would raised forthwith, namely thirty-six field batteries and ieyert horse batteries.! The speaker also 11 uecn ueciaea to raise twelve additioncl infantry batUlions Wynd- mhj, 111c enisling cavairy 1 orces would also be expanded by several reg iments, ; and- that commissions would, be offered to militia f officers, to the the colonies and to s universities. At present the speaker farther pointed out, there were toy .000 regulars in the coun try, .and the increase; was anticipated to be 30,000.. There! were now 328,000 men in the auxiliary forces, and it was estimated the increase would bs 50,000 men. So, altogether the country would soon have at least '517,000, men, and Wyndham anticipated that the num ber, would be nearer 600, oco than 500. 000. ; ; -: i , ; BOERS SHELLED OUT. RensWrg. Feb. 12 Hobikirks and IJastard Nek, - which; the Boers took possession of on Saturday," have been rcQccupied by the British. The Boers were shelled ouL 1 IS NOT A CANDIDATE. GOVERNOR ROOSEVELT IN A PUBLIC STATEMENT. Asserts That lie Will Not Take Sec ond Place on the National Ticket This Year. NEW YORK, Feb. 12. Governor Roosevelt today gave; out: a statement, relative to the vice presidency, in which he declares he will' not accept the hon or under Jany' circumstances. His statement follows: ' ! "In view of the continued statements in the press, that I may be urged as a candidate for vice president, and in view of the many letters that reach me advising for and igainst such a course, if is proper lor me to state definitely that under no circumstances could I or -would 1 accept the nomin ation t for the vice-presidency. It is needless to say how deeply I appreci ate the honor conferred uponme by the mere desire to place me in so high and dignified a l position, j But it eems to me clear that, at the present time, my duty is here in the state whose people chose, me to be governor. Great prob lems have been faced and are being partly solved in this stateiat this time, and if the people so desired I hope that the work thus begun may help carry it to a successful conclusion." ' The governor, in giving out his state ment, said: " ""And I am happy to state that Sena tor Ptatt cordially acquiesces in my views in the matter." Millions Given Away. It is certainly ; gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in thp. land who. are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri etors of. Dr. King's i New 9 Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands cJf hopeless cases. Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarse ness and all diseases of ; the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured "by it. Call on Dr. Stone, druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and $1. Every iottle guaranteed, or price refunded. LOST WITNESSES. Several Men Wanted in, the Clark Case : Not Be Foqnd. Washington. Feb. 12. --At the open ing of the Clark case today. Senator Chandler again brought up the question of the whereabouts of ""Swede" Mur phy..' who is wanted as a w itnessi Chan dler also wanted to know thei w-here-alxvtits vf E. P. Woods and D. G. Werner. He desired them all-su.nmon-ed. Hartman said he understood Mur phy had returned to Butte, and the other two men ' were in California. President Peeler, tf the First Nation al bank of Kalispell. was the first wit ness on the. stand today. He "as questioned concerning the bank account of State Senator Geiger, but was unable to throw much light upon the subject. He confirmed Geiger'a statement that Geisrer had borrowed $2300 at the bank giving a deed to property, as sccufiv the witness was unable to give date, when the various Joans had been made, and was taken sharply to task by Chan dler for failure in this respect- He pro tested he was not trying to conceal any thing, but was simply unable to re member. ': :' -': '-; . .' Cross-examination brought out the fact that Geiger, had previous to the legislature always given endorsed notes forHniall loaas of $200 or $363, where as, after election, notes of $500 to $1200 were taken without endorsement. LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY. New York. Feb. 12. The 91st anni versary of the birth of Abraham Lin coln was celebrated in this city today by patriotic services of republican clubs and social organizations.""" Business was ' generally suspended. Exchanges, public schools and most of -th courts were closed. STRIKES EXTEND. Chicago. Feb. X2- The building ma terial trades' council, with a member ship of 20,000. has announced that it will support the building trades coun cil. No material will be furnished ton tractors employing non-union labor. Twice-a-week Statesman, 1 a yw. KILLED HIS VIFE A former Army Musician Com mits an Awful Crime. HER EFFORTS TO ESCAPE VAIN The Muderar Served fa the Fourteenth Infantry In. the Philippine Dor , Ins the Late War. TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 10. Mrs, Louise Boycej casliier in Shuh i & Ryders "doniestic"i bakery, was shot by her husband about 6 o'clock tonight, and died shortly after being taken to the hospital, j ! ' 'Tlie couplel came to Tatonia, a few weeks ago fr4m Seattle. Prior to that time they reslided in San Francisco. The first shot, apparently,, struck tilie woman in th arm. She started to ron. wlien Boycei shot her through x jhe lungs. The woman threw up her hands and fell backward to the floor. Boyce fired two other shots, neither of whkh took effect. (Then he dehber'ately bent over the prostrate body, and fired a shot directly into her chest. When Boyce was arrested he handed the re volver to the policeman saying: "I had to! kill her. She 'blabbed too much. I sliot her." ; J iltoyce served as princtpalfmttsician in the Fourteenth' United States infantry, and went to the Philippines with that regiment, nila. He was discharged in Ma- STILL EXPANDING. ( - - American Navy Has Raised the Flag i Over New Islands. Manila. Feb. 12. It is reported that the gunboat Princeton visited the Ta tanes and Calagan islands, which were omitted ffbm the Paris treatycf peace, being north of 20 degrees of latitude, raised American flags and appointed native governors. It is added that the Princeton found a Japanese flag at Bayal islajnd, and refrained from land ing there, pending orders. The Prince ton occupied ' the Northern islands' un der a government order. The report that the Japanese flag was found flying is not confirmed, but there are rumors that Japani intended to take the islands. The natives willingly substituted Amer ican lor the insurgent officials and took the oath fcf allegiance. . The native4 of Samar and Leyte are returning (to their towns and normal conditions aie being resumed. Unconfirmed news from native sourc es say thalt General Pio del Pi'ar, the insurgent jcommander, died of fever re cently. J TO CQMMAND ANNAPOLIS. Washington, Feb. 9. Commander Richard Waimvrieht has been desig nated as superintendent of the naval academy at Annapolis, to succeed Rear-Adrrt iral McNair, who has been sick leave. granted a THE END NEAR. New Ybrk, Feb. 9. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Osborne tonight com pleted 1iM argument in the trial of Roland BJ Molincux, and the case will go lo the jury tomorrow- London in cellars. has 60,000 families that live Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema !s more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect a care, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the moit powerful constitution. The whole troiuble fa in, the blood, and Bwift's Specific is the only remedy which caa reach.uchdeep-eated blood diseases, j . . .. '. . ; , . .;:' ;-, Kesema broke eut oa my daughter, and eoa Hirued to rpread anttl her head was entirely sovercd. Shcj was treated by aereral good doctors, but friv varw, and the dreadfal desa spread to her Ueei hi.iiy. uua to inn wwnnimi'') health Sprlit". eelved no benefit. Many patent medicines vere taken, bat wltfceat re call. nnUI we decided to try 8. S. 8.. and by the time the flm bottle tree fl niahed, her head be (rr to heal. A down bottles en red her eom r leteiy and left her skin perfeetly smooth. She. U now sixteen year old. and has a marniSent Srowth of hair. Not a igu of the dreadfal iee has erer returned. .-.-( v..: h;T. Shosk, - ; ST9I Lucas At, fcL LouU. Wo. j ; Don't expect local application 0! soaps and salves to curd Lczema. . They reacli only the surface, while the df tease cornea from.: within.; Swift's Specific ,: j - ' - ; -;. - " v v . ' ' Is the only! care and will reach the most obstinate case. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, because it cares eases which are beyond their reach. S. 8- S. is parelT Tegtetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain do pot tail, mercury or other mieraL s I- ' Book mailed free by Eilt Specifif Ocmpacj, Atlanta, Geczk (mi 1 UkLC4 lobd THE GRAND JURY Empanelled In Judge Burnett's ' Department Yesterday. THE HEARING OF A DAMAGE St IT Took Vp the Time Yeaterdajr A fteraoon Beanlt of a' CrlDalnal Action M Docket Entries. Judge George H. .Burnett convened the first department of the state cir ctiit court for Marion county, . for the February term, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. During the forenoon a few rases "were disposed of, and a recess taken until t p. m. , When the; court re-convened at 1 o'clock! the jury! was called, and five men James -Moore, George D. Good hue, Cce . McGrew, IL G. Sonnemami and C. A. Fletcher were excused from .servicei '; ; s ' .District Attorney S. L. JIayden hay ing Venjuested Judg Burnett, to em panel .1 grand jury In the interest of public justice, thfc fpllowirrg gentle men were chosen to compose that body and -examine- into matters coming be3 fore trlem: - J -: W. J. Hadlcy. W W. Zinn. Arthur Wood. F. R. DnKette. W. If. Cooper, T- J Hall, Roy Witzel. After Judge Burnett had charged the grand jury, he appointed .W. II. Coop er, to; act as forenran. and O. S. Pom rroy.'of Wood-burn, bailiff to wait n the "grand jury, iafter which that body retired to. begin its labors, and at 9 o'clock. last evening, that body was still .iri session. 11, Thejcaseof E. D. Cass, plaintiff, vs. W. Hj Egan, defendant, was the firsf action ! called for trial, and the follow ing jurors were empanelled to hear the' case: C. L. Parmenter. M. R. Settle mier, jfi; Steiner J. A. Shafer. A. Sau vain," If red Bents. R. H. Kenady, J. R. Jacksojn. Wm. Staiger. W. H. Hum ohrey.iW. A. Taylor, Bruce Cunning han. : j . ' The case went to trial at 2 p. m.; at 4:30 o'clock the arguments of the at torneys began, and at 7 o'clock the case was isnbmitted to the jury. At 8:8-1 o'clock the jury; returned into court giving a .verdict for the defense. After announcing the verdict. Judge Burnett adjourned court to this morning. The action was brought by the plain tiff to recover $2050 damages from the defendant for wrongful arrest of the plaintiff. The latter was arrested last Tuly VP0" a warrant sworn out by Mr, Egan.j charging him with the larceny of a quantity of wheat, but- upon a trial in the- justice court at Gervais, (Mr. Cass Was acquitted, and the damage suit followed. F. H. and r: J. D'Arcjy are attorneys for Mr. Egan. and Iphn A. Carson appeared for Mr. Cass. During the day the following docket entries were made by the court: - W. !H. Fletcher, plaintiff, vs. George Applcyard et al., defendant: action for money; motion of defendants to re quire plaintiff's attorney to ihow au thority overruled; plaintiff's motion to strike out part of amended answer con fessed with leave to defendants to serve and file second amended answer at once, ... " ' ' ;SrUe of Oregon., plaiutiff, :vs,.,Wm. B'irchard, defendant; rape; continued to Jirne term, 100a t J !, First National Bank of Independence, plaintiff, vs. F. W; Ourbin, defendant; replevin; settled. , . -: F. ,11. Lcchler, plaintiff. vs. A. D. Hall, ! defendant; confirmation- sale confirmed. ' . . ; ' Carry Sunshine with You." ; A bright, fresh, "sunny face is always inspiring, t and it always denoees good health as well as a- h3fpy heart. Many faces it hat were once overcast with gloont have been made bright 'V and sunny Qy Hood's" Sarsaparilla which cures all dyspeptic symptoms, strength ens the nerves and tones up aftd invig orates the whole system. , C01 Pills, by al stipation is cured by Hood's the' non-irritating cathartic. Sold druggists. ARMISTICE IN KENTUCKY. REPUBLICAN v LEGISLATORS REjtURN TO THE CAPITAL. Democrat Are Still ift -Louirville Decision of Federal Court Is ' - --' Now Anxiously Awaited. FRANKFORT Feb. iiTliis was another day of unbroken calm in Frank fort, j The republican members of 'the legislature met at noon, and after ap pointing committees to inform Gover nor Taylor that, pursuant' to the erms of his proclamation adjonrning the legislature at London and- calling it at Frankfort. hey had come to this city and were prepared to transact such business ,as ' must come before them. The governor acknowledged the mess age, and both, houses adjourned until tomorrow. - There were nine members in the senate and twenty-eight in the house j ... . . Th committee which was expected to come from the deroocratic members at Louisville, to report whether it is safe for them to come to Frankfort, did not put in an appearance daring, the day. s The republican leader say that they expect nothing new to transpire until after Judge -TaPt, in Cincinnati, has rendered his decision on Wednes day. m . . ""i lAt one time today Governor! Taylor declined to order rt ay all of the sol diers norw here, wltft the exceition of a lew for a personal body guard. lie sent for Colonel .Williams, and gave orders for the moving of troops, but several of hit friends urged so strongly that the soldiers be permitted to re main, that Governor .Taylor changed his intention, and said that, forthe pre sent at least, he -woukl not nave any more of them, returned to their homes. IN COURT. - Cincinnati, , Feb. 12. After hearing the argujneitfs Judre Taft reservcr his decision an j the Kentucky injunction cases, until i Wednesday afternoon. The application was for an injunetitn against the 1 Kentucky state board of election commissioners, and the con testants for the state offices other than governor and lieutenant-governor. Ex Governor Bradley, in stating the case, after reviewing the provisions by which the state board of election is converted into" a board of contest, declared that they were entirely repugnant to a je pulican fonn .--of "governtneivt, hich provides fori three distinct departments. He assertedfthat this-' board., of: 'contest haid been nvade a, judscal body by. tlie Gocbel law. Going into the arguments for tlije jirisdiction of this court, he said fhat thi action had1 Us lasis on the provision of the fourteenth amend ment to the! constitution oi the United States. ' t i' - fc- ,',-'- -.- ' . Lawrence MaxWell Jr. on behalf of the defendants, made- a brief argument on the two prqosiiUons, that this court had no jurisdiction.becausethe petitions do no presnt.the caseof equity, and do not fall under the provisions of the four teenth ameridment to the -constitution of the United States He said, the position of these complainants is in the course, of settlement by a state tribu nal, and that contest iieeedjng in these cases Ure pending. . This condi tion presents none of the features of an equity cake. There is no better medicine for the babies than ! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Its! pleasant tasteynd prompt and effectual cures rnake il a favorite with mothers and small ciiildren. It quickly cureV their coughs Vaid colds, preventing pneum m or other seri ous consequiences. It also cures croup and ha been used in tens of, thousands of cases without a single failure so far 'its ve hjrve been able to learn. It not only cui.-es croup, but when given as sqon las jthe" croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In cases of whoopiug cBugh it liquefies the tough mucus, making it easier to expector ate, and lessens the severity and fre quency of the paroxysms of coughing, thus deprivijng that disease of all dan gerous consequences. For sale by F. G. Haas, druggist. ' i ''-.: FORMERLY OF SILVERTON.- ! . ' ., r : Silverton Appeal: - ' - i Dr. Spenjser Dudley dropped deaJ from heart trouble, while sitting in a chair at a hotel in Lebanon, Monday. Dr. Spenseif, Dudlejr was an old time1 resident of j Silverton and was well known herej For the past sixteen years he has been a resident of Lebanbn where he has been practicing dentis try. He was an early Oregon pioneer, having crosised the plains in 184S. He was a man -well liked and highly resti pected. Tht"rcmains were shipped to Silverton arid laid to rest in the Silver ton cemettry, Wednesday, Eugene Dudley, a son from Athena, and Mrs. Judge Dunbar, a daughter, from Van couver, Was,h.i were here, to attend the h:neral. I" ' ' Sir Phil jt Bourne-Jones, Kipling's cousin, relates of that author that when he is absorbed in his subject he writes with gfeat rapidity, and each succeed ing line ort a page begins a little far ther to thej rigfrlt,. so that when he gets to the end pi a sheet there arc but two or three wnrd3- to a line. , . . Howeasy It is for young ?irls to go Into the Mdedine. M hey eat less and less, become paler and paler and can Harldy drag through tHe day. They are on the steady down ward course. Iron does them no good t strychnine and bit ters all fail. They need a food that will nourish them better, and & medicine' that wi!I cor rect their disease. Scoii's Emulsion b both of iheie, tk pn&y and per manently combined. The Cod-Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and (his ghrb better color to the face. The hypophosphltes of Erne and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight Increases, the digestion improves and health returns. -.'--' At all 4nMnr! J oe. aa4 ft eo. SCOTT St BOWNC C1irait. Mew York. - A-BIG CHANGE i mi' ' i. Senator Woicolt Sees Disappcar ' ance of Sectionalism. OISCISSES THE fINANCIAL BILL r International IMmetalUiu, II Atwrtu, 1 Coming TH Krptibileaa rrty j " Wilt Ilrinc It About. WASHINGTON. F,b. is. -Discus- sJntr h Tirvjin-i.i1 hill in thp senate to day. Senator W.lcott, republican f Colorado, said: ' '-j -'.,' "I rejoice to see that there is a radi-" cal cliangeJaking placc, not only ia Colorado, "but in all far .Northwestern states. Our people are tired of iua'--ing only the gospel of hate and section alism; we don't pay as; much attention as we formerly did to the oronhets of despair and doom, who are ; eternalty warning us against the jwratli to eonie, that somehow don't cxnie. J We are getting a g1imnerfng Shadow of the idea that'. we warn friendship amlpros-per-011s communities, and capital for our marvelous resources. I . "It is' my sincere conviction; that in our day. and I believe jsoon, a genuine and united effort will be sought by the leading commercial nations to restore the bimetallic . system The dmeiid- .1.- ?..r .i. meni oeiore inc senile iiminns- i 1 o world that we arc ready to co-operiite If it lis accomplished, it -oan only be, through the aid. iifchis country, of the republican party.,. ! AN IM HO RTANT BILL. Washington, Feb. 12.- An imjortant bill was passed by the- house 1 today, . which makes universally applicable the law, that now, permits (transit in bond of goods through, 4hc I Unite'd States. Goods in bond can be shipped through any portion of the territory of the Unit ed States toy foreign I ports. It ,is prin cipally designed to give: the transporta tion companies of the United States a portion of the transcontinental trade to the Orient.' The bill also repeals IIIC I4W 01 toys. piujiiwiiiiiK nt .-iii( - ment j of goods in-bond to the Mcxi-' can free zone. r PENSION BILL'S. J Washington, Fe1. i2.-rThirty-five : private pension bills, jfavorably acted " upon by a committee of the -whole- at Friday4 night's session, were passed. A resolution to print 15.000 copies of the report of the Philippine commis sion was adopted. This being District of Coltimtna day,-the house then pro ceeded to the consideration of business relating to the district. ANTI-TRUST CONFERENCE. A COMMITTEE PREPARES A SET OF.RESOLUTION. J '. . Government Ownership of Railroad Advocated. ant thei Initiative in I Legislation Demanded. CHICAGO. Feb. it. Tonight, at the close of the first day's proceedings of the anti-trust conference, called by the National Anti-Trust League, good progfress had been'' made with the set speeches, of which a lozen or more were delivered. The resolutions com mittee! was busy this- j afternoon onl niglu, and while the main body of tlie delegates was listening! to the speeches at Central Music hall. ,a set oi resolu tions were formulated ;by the commit tee covering the following-K'm1s: Government ownership of all rail ways and telegraph lines; abolition of all special privileges bjy- legislative en actment ; the placing on the free list of all trust goods, and direct legislation by petition from the people. The discussion in the committee was carried out on these lines. An amend ment was .offered for the taxation of all franchises, but was voted down on the ground that such action would sim ply legalize special privileges.' .... j r..; 4 . A TIMtlY SUGGESTION. '' -' - '-"' ' p Farmers; Are Advised That , They- Can ' Cultivate Peas for; a Two-fold - : . Purposed .Since the creamery j here an as sured fact, "a, new impetus ha been given the dairy busihes and it behooves farmets to begin early to make ar rangements for feed, not only for next winter, but for the dry season as well. During, the Farmers Congress re cently held in this city, the value of peas, and vetches as ,a forage crop was especially emphasized. ! In this partic ular, farmers . in . this locality are very fortunate, as they ' can contract with the cannery here to grow peas, and rc taiivfor feed the vines,; which are hiost excellent either green or for ensilage. 1 hirn, if the jpeas be planted sarly, they will . come E off in time to raise 'a crop of corn and thus secure the greatest amount of return .from the land, j One of the larest canners of corn and peas in the country, of Atlantic City, Iowa, has followed this plan for years, and has been universally suc cessful. , i The: suggestions here outlined are submitted to farmers in the vicinity cf Salem as worthy of consideration. - ' ' " ' BEECHAM'S FILLS cure Sick Headache. . ?