WEEKLY ORSOoH SKttESMAN. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1900. Walter Alorley jl-jMlliMII 5 1 I m An Intelligent Man... Is One Who Has Good, Understanding Furnish the best kaowa understanding, therefore the Intelligent mam ' Is ane who wears 4: I I HAS BEEN SECURED T. . TOWNSEHD WILL ESTABLISH A A CRE.1MKRT IX SALEM. ! Itsmarkabl Interest Sbowa by Farmers la the Project-Plaat Will Ba, la i :v, , g OMrallnnhlinrltlil B - J - ww talent r to have a creamery. It will be 'iestablisfhexWn ttiis city by T. ,S. Town send, of Portland, and will be in operation by April 1st!, a'nd'posj sibly the latter part rf March. jThe capacity of the plant will be sufficiently large to handle all the cream that may be available. .. j - This conclusion was reached byi Mr. Townscml yesterday after a conference with Marion county dairymen '.who were in attendance at the- Farmers" Congress. A building .has been select ed in which the plant -will be installed. Butter maklm? will be engaged! in alone during , the finrt year, but the .second year, a cheese-making plant may be started in connection with the cream- erv. '.:'!."' ' 1 To a Statesman reporter, Mr. Town send said: fI never entered" a (field where the farmers were more united in. an effort to secure the institution My plan of operation will be similar ti that successfully employe! in some of the eastern state. Each farmer is tcjt have a small cream separator and pcr sonally attend the separating of th cream, for the gathering of which. I will arrange; These separators '.'can be Q lie 3-"-'. - -. f ... Exct Cost to Me... That! the way I'm closing out my stock. I haven't time to do other wise -If I'd try to sell out ami yet retaina small profit I'd be making a serious mistake for it would kill my closing, out; alc like a flash. I am too anxlou to get out, to put on the brakes in that way. THINGS YOU'LL FIND Children's Wool Hose Children's Cotton Hose Indies Linen Collars Fascinators Infants Bootees Misses and Infants Mittens 4c Handkerchiefs t Mens Ties Men's shirts and Overalls Men's Good Skirts. . . V SHOES TOO J i ; . 1 . , . ' We arc still sending out doicns of shoes in all grades- We have lots of ladies' samll sires ai. 3, 3!4 in the very best grades. Ladies r feet take note. You'll not duplicate our prices. Men s work shoes too. Hamilton. Brown, good lines all at exact cost. ': ( a tin i tt t i r o; F. 51 1 1 RTS Thursdays sale made quite o hole in the shirt piles, .we i naa tnem all out properly assorted according to size and its easy to pkk your iots. We've decided to still let you have them at 5 per cent less than eost today n'ld totnorow rather than to put them back in boxes. They're all on our big dispkiy table where you tin see them plainly. Sizes you'll find in Thursday j ad. . r t 1 ' ' j .. . . '.'... !. .. . .: " " " i . . """" "... ' " - , j ' ' ' -. : ' V' " 1 ' - "I " ' ' 1 ITwmf Bazaar. .307 ATBT OF THE E VSIGT Cannot be made by hastily trying on a few pairs of glasses. A knowledge of the subject. (Treat care and the use of scientific instruments are, necessary to a proper nt. ail ana sec ot when in need of eye helpers. Glasses to regulate and improve chil dren and young people s sight a spe cialty. . . HERMAN W. BARR 18 State St. Graduate Optician Dealer in all kinds of Woven Wire Fencing ; 1 . - - t Smooth wire, pickets, and shingles. Send tor circulars. f-- NO. so STATE STREET. v SALEM. OREGON. 94 STATE STREET Had for from $75 to $100 each and the farmers will be iven easy terms in paying therefor. One separator will ..iv'L1!roi1c two or thre farmers. Within a radius of ten or twelve mile of Salem I find there are several hundred head of cows. I expect to have the cream from at least 400 cows with which o start my plant" AN OPEN LETTER. Frankfort. Feb. 8. Justus Goebel to night issued an open letter in which he says: "Your friend my brotherlies dead before you, murdered for his devotion tothe cause of the people. ; "Shoukl not Kentucky, now and here, swear by his blood that her sons will see justice done to those concerned in his foul taking off? "Will designing -men of high station be permitted to use an ignorant out law to further their ambitions. and when that am bit ion is disappointed turn the red-handed murderer loose un der the very root of the executive mansion? "The grandest tribute that Is pos sible to be' paid to him. is to fight for the principles, for which he laid down hjs life, as he fought for them." NEIGHBORS QUARREL. Buenos Ayres, Feb. 7. dispatch from Rio Janeiro says: The Vene zuelan troops, -whrch have ! invaded Brazilan territory, were opposed by the forces of the latter republic, which were forced to retreat after a serious fight. , . BEECHAM'S Headache. PILLS cure Sick BUSINESS GOOD ASSORTMENTS OF. . . Men's 'Working Gloves , Men's -Dress Gloves Men's Collars Men's- Cashmere Socks ' Men's Cotton, and Wool fleeced . 1 , .... Shirt ' - ; . Beauty Pins 2 for ic up. Ladies Purses ; ' Ijadies' Good' Leather Belts Good Leather Bound Telescopes. HOP MEN TALKED 4 K. lm JONES' KETIEW OW COM DITIOXS i -IBK OCTUWS. ' Th O. H. O. AiMcUUoa Ilaa S.000 Bale la 1U Paol aei Claims k B Mil tcr af tb Sitaatloa. The hop growers of the Vilamette valley, representing the membership of-l the Oregon Hop Growers Association, improved the time that . was allotted them by the Farmers Congress yes terday morning and held a very in terestirfg meeting in the council cham ber m the city hall building. The mcetimr was called to order at 10 145 by M- L. Jones, president of the association. A number erf growers were in attendance., Upon request of Frank Feller, of Butteville. treasurer cf the association, Mr. Jones addressed the meeting on the present conditions and the future outlook as he was im pressed by his recent Eastern trip, Mr. Tones said, in parti "I suodosc the Question that interests yon growers most is the outlook : for the - sale 01 the present crop 01 nops. That may be considered largely a dus iness proposition. I can not give any new information but I learned a. great deal of nractieal knowledge 1 ! "The rwosoect of disposing of the crop depends largely on the action of growers. borne good sales nave oeen made br the association. A pool to be effectual should control 00 per cent of the crop. If so. buyers would be seek ing hops at prices satisfactory enough to cover cost of production. The re sult has been to make the -association a competitor of growers on the outside, enabling buyers to purchase hops very cheaply. c ' -r "While in the east I learned that a representative of an Oregon hop-buy ing firm, was offering. to deliver hops for 7cta and mnking atstattment that He- woukt make all the sales He could, and wouM buv the hops of the growers at his own figures. This circumstance, with growers disposing of hops at 4, K and 6 cents, are conditions with which the association is obliged to Contend. "Buyers are disposed to represent to the association that we must dispose of our hops at ogee rr there will be no' market. I have the assurance of targe dealers of New iYork City, that it would be unwise to rush'the hops on to the market for the reason that it had a depressing effect. He also in formed me there would oe a demana for all the hops we have raised and that the market would continue lor six month. ; "The. averaee export value (at New York) of hops during the month of Tune for a period of ten years. -logo to 8oo inclusive, was i6.ft cents, while for the month of October the average for the same period was 16.67 centsi Hence. I. see no just -cause for alarm "The president of the United State? Brewing Association told me that the proper way for us to do business wa, direct with the brewers. He represent ed that brewers did not care to do bus iness with individual growers for snp- rlyin them with hops, but really pre ferred to deal with the association. "I am more confident than ever that the only iwy to protect the hop mar ket is b- thorough organization ,o( lie jrrron hn control a large ma for ty of the tield."' i HJ L. Bents, of Butteville, secretary of the association, said that from a cen sus of the hop yield for the year i8qt, he. ad computed the yield at less than 60.000 bales, and that practically all of the unsold hpps are controlled by the association. In this connection Dr. J. V. Hill said about .16.000 balesj of the 1899 crop had been sold and, shipped out of the state. There were 22.000 bales in the hands of the association. Estimating the total yield at 62.000 or 63.009 bales there remained about 5000 bales of un sold hops outside of the association in this state,' not over aono of which are medium grade bops. lie did not WHEEL CHAT Ever since our announcement of a strictly high -grade wheel at $35, a price from $S to $15 less than any sim ilar wheel in the world, we've had scores of lookers. The Iver Johnson at $35 is, just that wheel. It's made by the. Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle wprks. a concern that's made firearms for 29 years that are known in every village and hamlet in the United States, and - they have been building bicycles for 16 years, ever since the days of the old ordinary. So their goods need no introduction to the trade. Every piece of metal in their wheels is of the high est possible -rade, and when they cut the price $15 this .year they made a bold move. You come and see it. iBy the time the wheel season opens we can supply you- , Samples now ready for you. TRIBUNES The tooo Tribune is the smoothest proposition in wheeldom that you'll ever find, like all its predecessors it runj "Jikcta dream." There will never be a wheel on the market: that can out run a Tribune. The shape of their bearings ahd - sprockets makes this a possibility. I have them coming again in the $40 and $50 models, and in the chainless, aM of which present as grace ful lines as anything you've ever seen. My; iady riders in '09 can not peak too . highly of the easy running qual ities of the Tribune. LadiesV want, a wheel that jushes easy. , This is the one. They will be in plain black again with black rims. The chainless is a perfect gem of a wheel in all its lines. You'll do well to wait on all of these goods. $25 WHEELS In about 10 days you'll see my line. They are as usual best in the field. More later. Commercial Street to .CO m ft ft; V4 CD O O S3 -l va C3 ft COCSft 1 etrtVj ; coo- z?cd S S' - s i-v- -t w -1 S3. w S S . r SO rr 1 g.S'CS e Oi. CD s CO o 'Z'cttri 3 SS't & I cSM.tn S 2. CD ift. JJ. fD to r rri -r ST ZS 22 . J , ic j r&ta sap CD 11 a "s op? Hi m 3 ps S3 1-4 .T- CD e-t- O r- The fine dry goods and shoe stock formerly Willis Bros'. ; Auction Sales. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 p. m., also Saturday evening. , y I In the meantime we are selling goods at private sale. Lots of nice newgoods.especially Shoes for less thanWillis Bros.paid for them Fuie hnes of dress derwear,' etc. Ladies' and misses' jackets and capes, less than cost. ? j ; ISADORE GREENBATTM, 1st Door South of the Postoflice. 1 S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer. wonder ; that dealers were endeavoring to have -growers withdraw their hops from the association. J. H. Hawlev. of Monmouth, ad dressed the nieeting.i He claimed the paramount qUesiion was the sale of the 1800 crop. In this state, he chiimcd. bops are being; raised on ground that is not suited to their culture, and as a result the quality of such hops is not up to the average. Uniformity of methods should be employed by grow ers, as this Conduces to a uniform quality of hops The expense of pro ducing hops is too great, claimed the speaker, wtio; contended , that 40 cents a box for picking wes 3rjuivalent to 4 cents a pound, which was entirely too mM-Ji " Mr. ffft-wlev. saidi he felt confi dent that the hop market wuld have gone to pieces during the. past few weeks but for the hop growers asso- ciatkm which: had been instrumental in keeping up the price. The matter! of the growers purchas ing supplies i throMgn ne. association was discussed some by David Craig, of Maclcay; Dr. J. W. Hill. Portland: A. C. GooIrich. Ivorth Vamlull; and Frank Fcller; Butteville. but no action in this regard was taken. ; President Jones announced that a nieeting of the board of directors would be held soon when some plan would be arranged for the purchasing of supplies. The organization ol local associations throughout the valley was recommend ed as the best means of increasing the efficiency of the state association. THE SAVINGS BANK SYSTEM IN SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOIJ AN ENTIRE 8CCCE8S. Thonfrh Only In Operation One Month a Ilaadsuahe Balance Has Been DepfMlted by pnpils. The savings bank system, introduced in the public; schools of "Salem on Jan uary jst, is proving a wonderuu suc cess, having exceeded, the 'fondest hopes of it? promoters by far. Though only in operation a month already a comfortable balance is in the bank to the credit of the pupils, and the imount is erowine steadily. The re port of all the schools for the month .of January snows tne tomowmg statis ts: - ! East school Number 01 male depos itors. 04. witJ a total deposit of $107.08; female depositors. 60. with a total de posit of $to6-53; total deposit, $214.51; average for each pupil, $1.39- Park school Male depositors, 33, with a deposit of $3--53 female, 36, with $20.89; total for school, $53.41, jwith an average of 80 cents for each jpvpil. Central school Males. ;3o: deposits. $16.24; females. 25; deposits, $24.66; total for school,-$40.00, with an aver age of 75 cents for each depositor. Lincoln school Males, iq: deoosits. $43; females, 23; deposits,- $28,86; to tal lor school, $38.20; average or cents. JVorth school Males. 28: deposits. $13.22; females, 28j deposits, $12.31; total tor scnooi, $25.53; average, 45 cenfs. . .; The total number of denoshors for the month was 376 205 boys and 171 girls. The total amount denosited was $372.64, or nearly $1 for each de positor. S. C. STONE, M. D. Proprietor of STORES SALEM, OREGON. J !rtie stores, ftwo iir number) are lo cated at No. 235 and 333 Commercial street, and .are well stocked with a complete line of drags and medicines, toilet articles, perfumers. brushes. etc, etc etc DR. STONE fas had some a years cxnerlence fn the practice of- medicine and now makes no charge for consultation. . ex STOIIE'S DRUG r - e-yi ev oiP a o r .tm - ss - rr S3 S S'tOC?- : : ot CI 5-;e3 2is.i4 k-4 -m m ft CO cp -2. ft . 1- O w .r O r& St zz. cw CO O OvSi4 5 t CD O P-T,.; CLOSING 0UT goods, silks, velvets, ribbons; laces, gloves un I ;;: . GOV. GEEIl'S VIEWS HE FAVOK8 ELECTION OF SENATORS BY THE PEOPLE. Reply to Inqurle Made by a Professor of an Arkansas Collejfe No Cor. ruptlon In Oregon. For 'Some time past the proposition to secure an enactment by congress, providing for the election of United States senators by the direct vote of the t t - - - - - r -.-i the United States, and leading papers in the largest cities of the country have asked prominent .officers and citizeni for -expressions of their views in the matter. . Such inquiries have several times been addressed to Gov. T, T. Geer recently, his answer being favor able to the proposition, giving as a reason the danger of present methods in the way of holdups. Yesterday the governor received an inquiry from an unexpected source bearing on the same subject. Prof. J. M. Shaw, of Ouachita, College, Arka delphia, Arkansas, asking the -following ones-ion: - "If you think that the legislative election of United States senators is more corrupt, in your state, than the popular election of other ofheers, please reply." , : The governor, in replying to this let ter, said: "I do not believe Oregon has ever had a United States senator whose election was. secured by the use of money. I do not recall that it has ev er been charged even by those who were politically opposed to the success ful candidate. The objection 'to the system of legislative election is the op portunity; it furnishes - for hold-ups. dead-locks, and the prevention of any election sn all. Assuming that by the word ' 'corrupt' yon mean the use of money, 'yt may be said that Oregon has never had a corrupt popular election. At any rate, popular government hasj no resting place wnatever ,11 its inter ests cajmot be confided to the keeping of thex4rnmon people." . A PIONEER JOURNALIST BERIAIr. BROWN DIED IN ANA CQNDA LAST NIGHT. ' 1 :.. He Founded 'Many Democratic Papers on the Pacific Coast Horace ! Greeley's Friend. ' ANACONDA. Mont., Feb. 8. Bc riah Brown, probably the oldest news paper man in the West, died here to night, aged 86. Brown was born in New Yoric state in:8i4- He was an intimate frend of Horace Greeley, and the two were room-mates and fellow workmen for 1 a long period of time. For a half century he had been engaged in newspaper work on the Pacific coast. He was the founder of the Democratic Press of. San 'Francisco which after wards became the Examiner. At the time of. President Lincoln's ; assassina tion he was tlie object of a mob, bent upon upon lynching him because of his alleged condonence of that crime. After the war he went to Mexico, where he was the foremost- figure in the organisation of ' a colonization ...SECOND Clearance r $4.00 "-Mr- y " .. .. V--'i , '.v.-- : mmrt t2j CO oq j i 1 w zjz m Hi CO co 5 tr1 -i S3 sis- 2 o s- S3 h-j CO S3 r 23 ro .. CO shoes to fit everyone for scheme the district to be settled by! the people of the confedersTiUesJ This plan .was nullified by the death of Maximillian. He started the first daily newspaper in the state of Washington -th?. Pugct Sound, Dispatch, at Seal- tic and conducted . tne uemocrauc Herald at Portland. He was mayor of Seattle in 1879 and .1880. j He leaves four sons, one of whom s ti ' , e c .it. . . 1 - news editor of the Post Intelligcnceit, Seattle; a third is city editor of the f .Spokesman . Review, of Spokane, an4 tne lo'Ttn is cny cuitor 01 tne .iia--conda Standard. . j IN HAVANA PORT. Washington, Feb. 7. The , total coif lections of the port of Havana, for 1899 were $1,097,154. I A BIG FAILURE. ; Boston, Feb. 7. The clothing firni yf Miner, Beal & Company, assignc today. Liabilities ?re $450,000, an 1 the assets are not stated. ? ' - . BORN LOONEY. At the family home near 1 - Jefferson. . Oregon, Tuesday, Decern- i bcr 26, 1899, to Hon. and Mrs. D. 1L i ,Looney, a son. ' ' I Although the young heir to the i.ooney estate is now over six Weeks Id, it Was "but yesterday when Mr. Looney's friends in this city, became conscious of the great happiness that has come to the genial "Dave." , The proud father states that the new arrival will be duly registered an 1 will vote the straight republican ticket at the . cirming election. However, this is not in accordance with the wishes .'of the mother, who has not been eonsulted in the matter of the young man's politi cal future. As she is of the populist faith, Mry Looney has some hardclec-'f tioneermg work ahead ot mm. MARRIED. MOORE MOPRE In the county Court room, Salem, Oregon, Wcd- nesday. February 7, 1900, at 2 p. m,, i Miss Lila Moore to Jesse Moore, !' County Judge G. P. Terrell ofiiciat ! ing. .-, : : ; ' DIKD. CANNON. At the Oregon -hospital for the insane in . this city; Tucsdajr, .February 6, 1900, James B. Cannon, . aged 55 years. i -Deceased was committed from Doug las county in December 1898. blGGS At the home of his brother-1 I in-law. C tO; Constable, on Twenty- ifirst street, in this city, atijjo.-; a.m. . Tuesday. February 6, 1900, of diabetes, E. Pi Drggs, aged( 38 years, of Earl ham, Iowa. . I -The home of the deceased is in Iowa and he was in Oregon for the benefit j oi nis neaiui, coming to oaicm last October. ' j ' GAULT. 'At the home of Mrs. E. C. Eastman', at New Era. Clackamas county, Jamiary 8, 1900, of tlj)hoid, t, aged 23 fever, Joseph Bruce aui years 6 months and 3 days. j - Anyone knowing the twhercabouts of Mary. E. Gault. will confer a favor by ' addressing .Mrs. E. C. Eastman. New Era, Clackamas county. Oregon; ANNUAL... Shoe Sale i A mazing Reductions Prices still lower than oar clearance rates on a few lines to close out quick-j j ly. 30 pair ladies silk vestinr top 1 hand-turn, new oin toe, straight tip, r $4 50 shoes for $3.00; widths aajto c. 9 lines men's fine $6.00 black and fan shoes at $4-00 per pair. 3 or 4 lines tan shoes at $2.50. Salem Shoe Store Next Door totadd & Bash Bank amination or prescription. j