Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 09, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Published every Tuesday and Friday
.- ; ' ! ' by the v :
266 Commercial St, Salem, Or.
R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager.
One year, in advance.. oo
Six months, in' advance. 50
diets of their paper changed must stat
the name of their former postofflce, at
well as of the offlce to which they wish
the paper changed. I
Nowhere in the world have the con
tests between employers and employes
been more bitter, hioreprolonged or
more disastrous tot-all concerned than
in Great Britain. It has, therefore,
Jecn inevitable that that ! country
.should be prolific in expedients for
preventing such troubles. Of late a
movement, originated by E, J. Smith,
a manufacturer of Birmingham, has
been making such progress and at-
, trading such attention on the conti
nent as to deserve a brief description.
A writer in the San Francisco Chron
- fclc sums up the essence of, the plan as
co-operation .between employers , and
employes within a trade, with the right
of examination of books and accounts
. when necessary As between manu
facturers there is an agreement not to
, sell without making a certain profit,
agreed -upon in advance, and uniform
for all. -; With that restriction he may
fix his own selling price, so that any
on,e who .is able to produce more
cheaply than others is at liberty to
undersell, but he must be prepared at
alt times to prove from his books, by
an agreed method of reckoning that
'.he is actually making the .agreed profit.
As between employers and workmen,
the wages and. hours of work actually
customary in the, trade at the time of
organization are taken as the standard-
As it (frequently happens that
the trade is organized at a time when
the masters are on the verge of bank
ruptcy and the workmen on the verge
of starvation, wages are invariably low
and profits nothing. The olijcct of the
alliance is tSjc raising of prices to a
profitable point, and its rules provide
that every advance made shall be di
vided, in a manner mutually agreed
in' advance as equitable, between mas
- ters and Workmen. The result of this
is that the prosperity of both masters
arid workman is directly connected
with the maintenance of the alliance,
with' the consequence of the creation
of a strong public opinion permeating
the Whole body of the' trade in favor
of a fair execution of its provisions.
A we understand it, both employers
and employes become members of the
alliance by individual signature, bind
ing workmen to serve, only members
and masters to employ only members,
membership being free and .open to all
, connected With the. trade. Arrange
ments are made for joint boards or
committees for the settlement of all
questions which can arise, and funds
for expenses are provided by a uni
form tax. It is obligatory that work
men shall be members of a union, and
their consent is, essential to any ad
vance in price, and, of course, to any
reduction. ' ' - . '
. The above is but a. bare outline of
the most essential features of the alli
ances, which are quite fully described
in a late consular report. .The move
ment began some seven years since in
. the bedstead trade, to which Mr.
Smith belongs. It has proved entire
ly satisfactory to both workmen and
employers and bids fair to be taken up
by many other trades, both in England
' and on the continent, where it is at
tracting much attention. .
Some one" snecringly refers to the
efforts being made by Senator Mc
Bride and Congressman Tongue to
have the Salem postofnee built of Ore
gon materials, saying, among other
foolish tilings, "one would think an
army of natives was trying to prevent
il" There is no "native" trying to
prevent it; but!, tin fortunately, the
"natives" do not make the specifica
tions for the structure. The supervis
ing architect of the treasury depart
ment at Washington does this. In the
case of the federal building at Port
land, now" and for some time and for
some distance m the future in course
of construction, there yi& ; no Oregon
stone, no Oregon brick, or other pro
duct or manufacture, of this state, be
ing nscd. The stone comes from one
of the inter mountain stales, the " brack
from Minneapolis, and j the iron and
other "materials from no one -; knows
where.- The wood work and "the furni
ture will probably come from some jof
the Easternr factories. It is worth
while to prevent a repetition of this , in
the ease of the Salfm building, if pos
sible, and the place where the work, is
needed is at; Washington. i
'Now we hope the creatjery talk will
result in actual work. This is the
time 'to begin to close the matter.;
The opposition among . the residents
of , Flushing, L I., to the establish
ment there by Mrs., Ball in gt on Booth
of a home for ex-convicts has been so
far overcome that the ' success of the
project is practically, assured, ;so we
learn from the Philadelphia . Times. A
home pi not what is needed for ex
convicts. What they need is a chance
to re-instate themselves in society,
with opportunity for self-supporting
employment This work ought to be
done by the prison ' managers, who
should be supplied with funds to assist
in maintaining the expense, which need
not be 1 great. ; 1 When the ' state ? takes
charge f a morally or mentally de
fective person, it should have '" such
charge !r?ntil he or she is either pro
vided with a means of livelihood or re
turned for good. 1 ";
The anti-expectoration law, of B
mingham, Alabama, 'has gone through
the fire of the courts- . TJie judgment
of the distinguished judge Who sat
upon the case is to the effect that if a
man is forbidden to expectorate upon
the. floor of the anion depot he must
be provided with a cuspiddr convenient I
for his5 purpose. . Whether, this implies
that the city must also decorate the
sidewalks of a municipality with cuspi
dors is yet in doubt, although it is as
sumed that a person can spit into the
gutter. ' . :
The Hon. Albion Perry, a Massa
chusetts statesman who once filled the
lofty post of mayor of Somerville, is
lecturing on "The Immoral Aspects of
the New Imperialism." He finds that
it , is "immoral for one nation to buy
thickly populated territory without first
obtaining the consent of the inhabi
tants." Apparently thinly populated
territory may bethought without the
consent of the Inhabitants. An ex
change .suggests that the distinction
s nearly as valuable as the one now
abandoned by Col. Bryan, between con
iguous and non-contiguous expan
sion. '
Says the New York Sun: "Gen. But
ler's theory of the occupation and
evacuation tof Spion Kop may be given
hus in the Austinian manner.
"Mid the guns Pop, pop! i
He cjmbed up fo the top
Of the Kop,
1 That hill of slaughter;
With a arop and a flop
He scrambled down the Kop,
For want, of water.'
"The ncxi time the British go forth
.0 hunt for? water on kops, they should
take a dowser and a' divining rod
along." s '
(i ... .
Seven hundred Belgian hares" have
been; shipped into Chicago, presuma
bly for breeding purposes. These hares
are sold by English poultry dealers
as a substitute for chicken and turkey.
Oregon has already made a considera
ble start in the breeding of Belgian
hares. The enthusiasts in this line
predict great things Jor the future of
the industry in this state.
The New York Sun suggests as the
democratic programme the following:
"For; president. William Jennings Bry
an, tof Nebraska; for . vice-president,
Bourke Cochran, of New York. Plat
form 'The course of events?'"
The "Editorials of the People" are
again full this morning, both in point
of quantity of matter and material for
thought and discussion. ' This has
become an important and interesting
departmen tof the paper.
There is a great deal of guess work
in England concerning the movements
of her armies in South Africa. There
has heretofore been considerable of the
same sort of work by the men com
manding the armies.
' There seems a little more life in the
hopi j market. "Perhaps it may be con
cluded yet that all the American hops
J There is a busy bust;
year ahead of this country.
Who says the representative farmers
of Oregon are not a fine looking body
of men? They represent the bone and
sinew of our state, and the foundation
industry of our progress. ,
The bicycle season, along with other
things, is coming on us early this year.
f . To Be Prepared
For war is the surest way for this
nation to maintain peace. That is the
opinion of the wisest statesmen.: It
is equally true that to be prepared for
spring is the best way to avoid the
peculiar dangers of the season. This
is lesson multitudes are learning
and; at this , time, when the blood is
surd to be loaded with impurities and
to be weak and slugjrish, the millions
begin ; to take Hood's . Sarsaparilla,
which purifies, enriches and vitalizes
the blood, expels all disease germs, ere
atesi a good appetite. , gives strength
and energy and puts the whole system
m healthy v condition, preventing
pneumonia, levers, and other danger
ous i diseases which are liable to attack
a weakened system.
ao Jong as one wno is learning to
swim can touch the bottom be does
not commit himself to the stream, but'
when he can feel no bottom he throws
himself upon the mercy of th
11 mm DElEGHMh
Hard to Get Cash from Cnele Sam
The Indian War Yelerans
' Pension Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. The del
e eat ion from Oregon in the 56th con:
rres i. certainlv a hard working one,
and valuable results for the people of
that state are beine accomplished. It
is too much to expect within the space
of one brief letter even to outline what
has already been accomplished at this
session by the entire delegation and it
will be necessary to devote at least one
letter or more to each senator and
member. The senior senator " from
Oreeon. McBride. with his four years
of. experience, and the important com
mittee positions which nave come to
him in the reoreinazation. and the work
which he has . accomplished, is easily
entitled to first consideration.
Most important has teen his work
in securing the passage of the bill re-
oav.ne : to settlers on lorteited . land
grants the excess of $1.25 per acre
they were oblidged to pay into the
United States treasury for their home
steads. While other public land was
sold at $1-25 per acre, all that included
within the railroad land grants was
placed at $2.50 per acre, the theory be
ing that the building of the railroad
would double at least the value -of such
lands. But the railroads were never
built and finally congress performed an
act of equity and declared the grants
forfeited wherever the railroad compa
nies have not constructed lines. ' as
agreed npon. Ever since that time an
effort has been made to get congress
to authorize the repayment to settlers
of the $1.25 an acre taken from them
really by false pretenses. The. price of
$2.50 an acre was charged only for the
reason that it was believed by the gov
ernment and settlers alike that that
land was worth twice that which was
outside of the limits of the railroad
grant. No railroad being built, the
settler within the railroad limits was
no better off that the settler miles fur
ther away. While it would seem that
this is so plain as to need no urging,
the proposition to repay this money
met with bitter opposition from the
very first.
At a social dinner the other evening
a high official of the treasury depart
ment, making a post prandial speech,
jokingly remarked that it was a rule
of the treasury department to take in
all money that was offered and " pay
nothing out if it could be possibly
avoided.; This may have been a joke,
but some of the settlers out in Oregon
on lands within the ' limits of land
grants that have been forfeited, can
hardly be blamed for believing it to be
literally true.
This strong opposition to what
should have been done promptly
as an ; act of justice Senator Mc
Bride found ; left to . him as
a legacy Ty his predecessor. Es
pecially in the senate committee ton
public lands, through which this meas
ure had to pass was found this oppo
sition, the growth of years of discus
sion. In the 53d congress the bill in
troduced by Senator Dolph went back
to the senate with a strong unfavora
ble report from the minority! of the
committee. When Senator McBride
took the matter up four years ago he
succeeded in getting a majority of the
senators on the committee to sign a
favorable report but there still remained
minority opposition. Persistently and
patiently he continued to work to re
move this opposition until the last ses
sion of the 55th congress the bill took
its place upon the calendar without any
opposition from the committee report
ing it but was not voted upon in the
The senator began work upon the
measure early in the present congress,
and while there were some new men
upon the committee to whom' the mer
its of the measure had to be explained,
still the opposition was much less than
it had been before 'and the bill was
again reported favorably and finally
passed the senate without a dissenting
vote. The senator declares he won the
support for this measure entirely upon
its merits; but it might have had all
the merit in the world and without his
constant , and persistent efforts to ex
plain away all objections offered by
senators who did not Understand the
situation, it would never have ; passed.
While it is a meritorious measure, Un
cle Sam has. the settlers' cash in his
pockets, and it is no end of a hard job
getting -it out. j
J Another important measure which
has already obtained a good place on
the calendar accompanied by a favor
able report from the committee on
commerce, is the bill of Senator Mc
Bride's admitting the port - of Astoria
to what is known as the bonding priv
ilege., or immediate transportation of
goods to their point of destination
without paying of dues at the port bf
entry. This same bill went through
the senate, last year, and having again
secured ... favorable report from the
commerce committee will no doubt
be passed when its turn is heached on
the calendar. .-'j ,T
- Senate bill 945, introduced by Sena
tor McBride, also favorablyteported
by the senate committee on commerce
and placed upon the calendar, provides
for a steam launch for', the customs
service at Astoria.- This f is art impor
tant matter for the commerce of the
Colombia river, -saving (the time of the
vessels as well as that of the customs
officers, and will also be a great help
in the way of preventing and detecting
smuggling, as it will enable" the cus
toms, officers to board vessels, before
they get too far up ,the river. -
Three private pension bills ) intro
duced by the senator have already been
favorably reported and are- now on the
calendar.) It is most important to se
t cure avoraDie reports from commit-
cure tavorable reports from commit
tees, and in order to do this no end of
hard work is involved.. The merits of
the bill must be explained often to the
I individual members, who do not - al-
ways attend committee hearings. It is I s
a laborious method, but thoroughly i
tv-ofriL It keens a main. however,
working day and night, and there is, no
member -ot the Unitea states scnaic
more constant in his attendance $ upon
the sessions of that body ojr more con
u;ntinu. in his performance off com
m it tee work. It was undoubtedly - the
knowledge of this fact that 1 caused Mr.
McBride to receive Unsought such Im
portant committee assignments as have
given to him in this congress. 1
One cannot get a better idea of the
senator's standing among his i fellow
members than by glancing u at the
names of the men, who make up what
is familiarly known as the ' Philippine
committee, f With One exception, the
entire comrnittce is made ) .up of : men
who have seen mdre than bne term of
service in ;the senate," and, with two
exceptions.: McBride . and I Beveridge,
all are veterans. Two ol the i most
prominent men upon the foreign rela
tions committee were taken; from the
appropriations committee j was se
lected the I chairman. Senator Allison,
of Iowa, then honored leader of the
senate; from the committee on naval
affairs, its chairman, the veteran Sen
ator Hale, of Maine; from the com
mjittee.on agriculture the distinguished
senator ; from Vermont, RedfieM S.
Proctor, the former secretary of war;
and Senator McBride himself is chair
man of the committee on coast de
fenses. Senator Beveridge, though a
young man, is recognized as a careful
student who has made a special sub
ject of. the-Philippine people, their cus-
toms, manners, taws, ana tneir condi
tion, under Spanish rule. But for this
he ought; not have hoped to secure a
place upon so important'a committee. :
The Indian war veterans pension
bill, the first bill introduced by Senator
McBride this session, is certain to re
ceive a favorable report from the sen
ate committee, ort pensions perhaps it
may ; be. on the calendar oetore this
letter reaches you. Senator McBride
has been working hard in support of
this bill and urging an early report. A
report this early in the session, gives
the bill a eood position on the calen
dar and insures early action by the 1
senate, leaving sufficient time for its
consideration by the house 1
; l o give your readers some idea of
the amount of work done b(y the senior
senator from Oregon outside of that
tor his constituents before committees
other than his own, it may be enough
to mention the fact that thirteen bills
were referred the other day to the
sub-comminee on public lands of which
he is the chairman. 1
The 1 Lady Consuelo Is Devoted
; . Her Tiny Sons.
, Malbroitck sen va-t-cn-icruerre ac-
prding to the old French song which
was written to celebrate the valorous
achievements of the first duke of "Marl
boro," and his young duchess will
have to stay home in England with the
babies. 1
Consuelo is a devoted mother; and
her two boys occupyj the most chanu
ing fenite of. rooms in thej pabce of
Blenheim; they are as closely guarded
from amateur photographers as ; from
kidnappers, and on "show days," when
thew palace is open to the puthc,i they
ire 'wheeled about the kitchen gardens
in their blue and .white perambulators.
CJn other days their nurses take them
tor Jong jaunts in the 350 acre of pri
vate grounds which surround the pal
ace, and to the various svhools and in
stitutions of which the young duchess
;s patroness.
The duchess is taking; riding les
sons 1 in order to accompany her hus.
band and her guests on the long , rides
which form so popular a feature of
coiyitry life in England. She is inter
ested m the breeding 01 the famous
spaniels which j bear the name of her
home, and she takes great delight in
playing Lady Bountiful among her ten
ants.' The young duchess is much in
terested in the game of cricket and has
had a tent erected on the grounds where
she can sit and watch .the matches
played by the palace domestics, the
house domestics playing cin one, side.
the gardeners, gatekeepers coachmen;
etc., playing against them.j The duke,
who is a skillful cricketer leads one
sideband one of his friends leads the
othet. The two sons of the house arc
John Albert Edward WjWam Churchill,
Marquis of Blanford (whd was named
for the first duke, for his godfather, the
prince of Wales, and for his grandfa
ther,' W. K. VandcTbilt), I arid j Lord
Ivor, named for the Honorable Ivor
Guest, who was the duke's (best man at
his wedding. j
Lieutenant Hobson's kissing episode
in the West is thus explained by an in
timate friend; After his lecture the
Merrimac hero was surrounded I by a
bevy of charming girls. Two of them
were his cousins and they promptly
threw their arms around his neck and
kissed him. The others immediately
followed. Mr. Hobson, being a South
ern gentleman and gallant jto a' degree,
submitted with the best grace possible.
"The whole trouble." explained the
friend," "washat he didn't know enough
to hold his chin up in the air.4 That
was alL" Christian Advocjate. i
. Goad men should eek opportunities
of doing good. For the most proper
objetts of. our kindness and charity are
such , as will not be frequently i met
with without inquiry. The most .nec
essitous are the least clamorous. I ien-
' Good men in this worldj are in the
midst of danger. All trees are set in
the wind; but the tallest endure the
greatest violence of the tempestJ Jer
emy' Taylor. : . -: ; -, I . .. , : , j
; ' ; ' ) r; '- ' ': :. I ; j ,
What is love? Two souls and one
body. Friendship? a Two , j bodies and
One son!. Roux. "5 . . .
Affection is the brbadesk' basis of
food in life. George Elliot ("Daniel
Deronda.") i 1
a mi mcmu in aim
ftorrthraat, Hwterh 45 Bliralm), Tootb-
9 B
... i AMlAtilirtVMUntM
Veata. ttio. aim bjmma Ha. TtvkmujLt.
.. . .... i . i. .. ;
r ;
for I nf a nts
Castoria" is o harmless substitute for Castor OA, Pare
goric, Drops and Sootliln Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Itdestroys "Worms and. aUays Feverishness
It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth
intr Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving- nealtliy andnatural sleep.
The Children's Panacea--The Mother's friend. ,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Desponding Youth LucyJ your ; fa
ther has turned against me, for some
reason, all at once. WhaJ is the mat
ter?: .
Lovely Maid O, George, you made
such a mistake when he was telling
you that funny. story the other evening!
You Jaughed before he had got to the
point of the joke. Chicago Tribune.
O thou that pinest in the imprison
ment of the actual, and cries biterly to
the gods for a kingdom wherein to rule
and create, know this of a truth; the
thing thou seekest is already with thee
here or nowhere, couldst thou only sec.
Ely's Cream Balm
Kasy sod plent to
use. Contains no in
jnrious drngr.l
I' is quickly absorbed.
Gives relief at once.
itonnra.Dl cleanses
Altsys lnflam&tion.
Hex-Is and Prdte. ts the Membrnne.
K-8Wrt the Sf h?es of Taste and Smell
Larpe tilzo, 5T cents at Druggist or
by mail.' Trial Fize. 10 cents by-mail
ELY BROTHERS. I U'arren Stre;t,
New York.
Notice; is hereby given that the final
account of J. T. King, as executor of
the estate of Mary D. EofF, deceased,
has been filed in the county court of
Marion county, state of Oregon, and
that the nineteenth day of February,
iqoo,, at hc hour of 10 O'clock a. ,m..
has been duly appointed by such court
for the hearing of objections 40 such
final, account and the settlement there
of, at which time any person interested
in such estate may appear and file ob
ections thereto in writing and contest
the same.-
r J. T. KING,
Executor of the Estate.
Washington Xtw and Claims Com
pany, Rooms 6 and 7, 472 Louisiana
avenue, N. W., Washington, will, on
very reasonable terms prosecute land
claims. Including1 mineral lands and
mines, applications for patents and pen
sions, and all other claims before con
gress, the District of Columbia courts,
the j several government departments,
the court of claims, and the supreme
court of the United States.
The company will l?o aid lawyers,
at a distance. In preparing their casei
for the supreme court of the United
3tates, and for a sm&Jl consideration
will furnish corespondents Information
concerning matters in Washington that
they may desire to know. Seed for cir
culars. -.' I
JOftN O. SLATER, President,
fin wrrtm-' please mention this paper.)
Now is the time to secure bargains.
Prrcesj are lower now than ever before.
Choice etoek of the best tile made in
the state.
Following 1,3 the reduced price UsL
S inch tile $10 .per
4 Inch tile 115 per
5 Inch tile 420 per
Inch tile S30 per
7 Inch tile 140 per
S Inch tile $00 per
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
1000 feet.
Write for special rates by car load lots.
J. js. MURPHY,
In Use
Fairgrounds, Or.
and Children.
Signature of
Over 3 O Years.
Affectation is" an awkwafd and forced
imitation: of what should ; be genuine
and casyi wanting the beauty that ac
companies what is natural. Locke.'
Let no man value at a little price
When a wise man gives thee- better
counsel, give me mine again.-Much
j Ado About Nothing. t 1
SEED WHEAT. I liave a quantity'
of spring wheat suitable for seed..
iAn excellent variety. Roy Oh mart.
South Salem. ( 3:4 twi.
Evaporating and Cannery Co. js
ready to contract for peas and) tomi-
; toes for the coming season. FqV
particulars call at thcit: office at tlte
cannery. 2:9tfw
Wanted. to buy a few drt
cows also some yearlings and 2-yearl-elds,
for which the highest market
price will ' be paid. Thomas-Watt
CoA Salem. . 5 -27-tf.
Land Buyers, Attention!
A rare chance to buy rie of the best
Kiiain. stock, or dairy farms in Pollf
cojunty, seven miles from Salem.- nca.'1
lyj 400 acres. To be sold .March th
b tordcr of court. Call and examine
Zena. Polk Co. Referee.
2:o-d6t.-rt-2t. " J
Now is the Time
Tc do effective spraying on fruit trees,
etc. The eggs of insects are hidden
in the 4"OUgh places in the bark of the
trees and the trees are bare of leaves
so Ithat all parts of them can be reached:
by the spray. Every egg destroyed
now means hundreds . of insects less
for next summer. To make j SURE!
of killing them use ;''. j
Which spray at a very high pressure
and are sure to penetrate" to the hid
ing places of the eggs and destroy them.
The pumps are practically non-wearable
and non-corrosive and , with prop
er scare will last a lifetime. '
E M. WADE.& CO., j
t Agents, Salem, Oregon.
We carry a complete line - of seeds
inljulkr Onr seeds are all new and
selected stock. A choice1 line of
jusj received. Call and secure yoit
crrotice. 1
Prices lowest in the state. &cnd' for
catalogue. -i ' . :..
. pip. 91 vouri l' oaicm.
From G to 25 per acre
. TJiese lands are in Marion county,
Oregon, and are offered on easy terms
of payment. They were taken under
forctclosurc by .non-residents, hence
areioflcrcd for less than similar farms
held by resident owners. For full par
ticulars and description call on or
address Maemastcr, & Birrcll, 311
Worcester block, Portland, Oregon, or .
500 Men Wanted !
to cut railroad wood at Wolf Creeks
Josephiine. county, Oregon. Price $i.2Sl
per cord. Wood received and paid for
in cash monthly. "Car fare refunded to
persons cutting too cords, ".oir money -advanced
for same if security' is furn
ished. Call on or write
T. TUFFS, ' Superintendent,
Wolf Creek, Oregon.
I Your Work Solicited.
pEORQE E. SLY, Sup't
3 .