Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 09, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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t j i. 1
Wr Jay Intrtag Addrcaccfi Com-
nlliM Appointed oa PtrnamtOr. .
Csolzatloo Today's frotnn.
( Froni Daily; Feb. 8th.)
V The. initial Farmers Congress of th
Willamette valley, and in fact the state,
was convened in the senate chamber at
ihe - capitol building yesterday after
noon under j the most favorable aus
pices, leaving no doubt as to the per
manent and. bene ficjal results that will
follow the convention. r ' v ; ;
The opening session yesterday after
noon was attended' by about 200 per
sons, an a representative gathering
of Industrial; and commercial men ; it
was. Prominent ' agriculturists and
horticulturists are in attendance from
all sections 'roi . Western Oregon. The
attendance at - the evening session was
considerably j larger. ! ; . "
To Henryi B. Thielsen, secretary of
tlie Salens Chamber ; of Commerce, is
due the bulk of the credit for the suc
cess of the convention of farmers now
in session, j Mr. Thielsen suggested
the plan some two months ago and has
- worked most faithfully in j behalf of the
meeting. Through his untiring and
zealous labors practically every agri
cultural industry in , the state is repre
sented at the congress. .
Among sotne of the prominent gen
tlemen in attendance, in addition to
those having! assignments on the pro-
cram are: Hon.-fc V. Carter, of Ash
land; Hon.- D. H Looney, of Jeffer
son; J. IL Hawley, of Dallas, president
Goat Breeders Association of Folk
county; George Taylor - Jr., president
i'ortland Chamber1 of Commerce: N
H. Looney, of Jefferson.' state senator,
and N L). Wisdom, of Portland, secre
tary of the stite board of agriculture.
Yesterdiy 1 morning at 1 1 :w, the
board of directors of the Salem Cham
her of Commerce held a reception for
W..H, Wehrung, president of the state
fair board; George j Taylor Jr., presi
dent of the 1 t'ortiand chamber; C. Jrl
Markham, general freight and passen
ger agent jfor thej Southern: Pacific
Company, and a number of other gen
tlemen who caine up on the morning
train, i. -. j , V"
Thj meeting was called to order at
2:15 )"clock! by "W. 'II- Wehrung, pr'es-
ident'of the state board of agriculture.
Mayor C. P. I Bishop and G. B. Gray,
president of the Chamber of Cimmerce,
occupied 'seats on f the platform with
President Nyehrung. , .. .
It was hVdtia means inappropriate
that the address of welcome should be
delivered by Henry B. Thielsen, who
had been so Iprominentlv identified in
the movement. Mr.j Thielsen extended
a very cordial welcome to the assem-
1.1 I ( r- mrft . . ;
Governor ! T T. Ceer responded for
the state agricultural and hortifcultura'
societies r lie, Said,irt part.: ... 4 j
, Th? ; present conditiort of the agrk
cultural and horticultural interests of
the state. Together 1 (with the industrial
branches that are j jrloscly allied with
them, is not one that is at all satisfac
tory., I t w people will dissent trom
this proposition. iTo find where the
trouble" lies to discover ja. remdy, and
when and where and how to apply it
will furnish the work forthis. and it is
to be hoped, for succeeding congress
es. ,.. I find it a difficult question to
even begin to discuss. With probably
the ln-st state in the Union in natural
resources, we have an industrial con
dition confronting us,, that isr in some
respects, most satisfactory, :
"Perhaps no state could be named
that imports' so great a quantity of
manufacturing goods, population con
sidered, as ours,' and which, on the oth
er hand, is so well endowed by; nature
with the mat.s of supplying its 'own
wants without calling' for outside as
sistance. It have so often spoken of
this phase of our situation in public
addresses and otherwise, that it seertis
siipcrlluou' for me to speak of it heije.
But something must be done. I have
given this matter some attention, es-1
pecinlly within the past year, and dur
ing a i visit? through the eastern states
last October, saw on every -hand the
marked difference prevailing between
conditions there and in Oregon and
I do not j mean the conditions that
were noticeable in the cities, only, but
in the agricultural districts.
This has been an exceptionally
hard year on the people of the Wil
lamette valley because of the absolute
failure of the fruit crop perhaps the
first time lor forty years the unusu
ally rainy summer, which injured the
quality of 4 great deal of wheat as well
as of hops, and lso. because ef the
very low price of wheat, But a Feb
ruary freeze does not necesarily inter
fere with young pigs, and hop lice
need not retard the growth of young
chickens, jnor the making of butter, all
of which hare been scarce and at good
prices most of the time for two years.
All kinds of meat; products and wool,
and oats and potatoes, are in good
demand at ! good prices, and plenty of
money with ' which to buy them. In
Eastern Oregon prevailing conditions
are much better than here solely be
cause of .their diversified interests. It
may be said of that section now, that
every prospect pleases and only wheat
is low. We have Often heard it stated
that when the j bunchgrass land or
Eastern Oregon was plowed up it was
a great mis'ake. because it was first
class grazing land and was only second
class for agricultural purposes. But
the- farmers of the Willamette valley
will yet find that it will pay to devote
a large share of their best agricujjural
land to stock raising. : ;
"I am peased to! see that your print
ed program includes thej discussion of
a great many, important questions by
those hrt are well fittedto treat them
intelligently and practically. In the
general recognition that," especially in
Western Oregon, some radical changes
in our; method of farming are necessary
to our material progress, is td be seen
of hope. In order to
accomplish the greatest amount of ben-
fU ur'th thi le.Tjf amount ot triCtlon
let us all! share an equal ; degree of
blame fori the stagnant condition of
industrial affairs around us, and work
together, guided by a common purpose
to keep abreast with the best results
attained by ur sister states." - :.
funs the motion of Hon. H. B. Miller,
of Eugene, that a comjnittee of six be
named to act with the (chair In formu
lating plans for the permanent organi
zation ofTthe Farmers' Congress and
ine noiamg 01 an anoual convention.
President Wehruns stibseooentJv an
nounced the committee as follows: H.
B. Miller, of Eueene: Dr. Tames With-
ycombe, of Corvallis Henry B. Thiel
sen, ' Salem -' M. j L. Jones, ' Brooks;
Thos. ! Paulsen, Garden Home, and H.
M.; Wiiliamson. Fortlahd, ' '
Future Outlook for 'Dairying in
Oregon, was the subject of a very
interesting address hv i Thn Pnn1cn
president of the state dairy association.
ne speaker said thai the future of the
dairy industry in Oregon, depended
largely upon the dairymen themselves.
improved transportation facilities have
rendered the people of Oregon to a
large degree independent. They are
not obliged to consume home produced
butter, but can procure the- same by
importation from Eastern states. With
these ' conditions, local dairymen will
nave to compete, "It,: becomes neces
sary, therefore," said Jthe speaker, "to
ascertain how we can best reduce the
cost of our dairy products to meet ihis
increased competition. Improved
methods m manufacturing processes
had partially solved the problem, but
the quality of the product was not what
it should be. Greater care should be
taken in the selection 'of cows. Good
food is essential to the making of good
ouner. j ine speaker said corn and en
silage were the very best - food-stuffs.
fraudulent competition was another
condition with which the dairymen has
10 contend. ; l he venerable dairyman
urged a united fight on the part of pro
ducers and consumers against the com
mon enemy, adulterated foods. In
conclusion, Mr. Paulsen said: ."The
outlook for dairying ; in 1 Oregon is!
good, provided the dairymen of Ore
gon, did! their duty to . themselves and
the public; and last, but not least, the
public insists on such laws and their
enforcement that will make it practic
ally impossible to sell adulterated food
products in Oregon. "
Peter J. Shields, of Sacramento, sec
retary of the California State Agricul
tural Society, was unable to be present,
but he sent a "very excellent paper on
"Fair Circuits and the Benefits There
of." The article was' read by Henry
B. Thielsen. , j
Geo. W. Weeks, the Howell Prairie
dairyman, was the next speaker. In
discussing "Soiling and Its Advantages
in Dairying," Mr. Weeks said:
"Webster defines soiling as the act
or practice of feeding cattle or horses
with fresh grass or green food, cut daily
foiv them instead of pasturing them.
This as a; mode of feeding is verv little
used in the state of Oregon, but in our
tastern states it is practiced very ex
tensively. A silo is, a contrivance for
the purpose. of preventing waste by
evaporation or drying out-. Ensilage
is simplv canned corp or other fodder.
It ist. taken at its highest stace of nu
tritive value and preserved it its succu
lent or juicy form. That food in this
form is more valuable; than dry fodder
or even ordinary. pasturage,. will be evi
dent to every one who ha, stock-to
feed. Every observing farmer knows
! that a j good cow on ' rood erass. " sav
uuiu jinrce incnes nign, win ao ner
best by producing one pound of butter
and even more, per day. It has been
found that a cow weighing 1000 pounds
will consume about eighty pounds of
tnis grass per day. On this she will
keep up her flow of rsiiJk and her y'eld
of -butter. If you take this eighty
pounds of grass and cure it you will
have about twenty pounds of hay, or
dry matter. Feed this hay to the cow
and give her air the water she will
drink, and she will shrink in her y:eld
of milk and butter. An experiment of
this kind will convince any person of
the real practical value of succulence.
Another convincing fact is that milk is
composed of 87 per cent of water and
1 per cent of solids. In this connec
tion I might state that, acocrdinz to
the October number of fhe Review of
Reviews, a Danish inventor has dis
covered a process by which he separ
ates the water from the solids, leaving
the latter in the form of a powder which
may be made into butter, cheese or
milk, as may be desired. This is in
teresting, if true.
"These considerations demonstrate
that it is necessary .that dairy rattle
'phquld be fed. during as much of the
year as possible, on succulent food.
My own experience leads to the same
conclusion and h might not beamiss
to relate some of my observations. -:
"Situated as-we are on Howell prair
ie, the so-called garden pot of Ore
gon., where land ranges in value from
$50 to $60 per acre, and having the
ambition of a great many others, to
tarry as many head of cattle as possi
ble on a small tract of land, we set
about searching for ,such methods' as
would, accomplish the desired - resnlt.
In 1890 we built our first silo. Having
had no 'experience and no facilities for
working properly- we put our corn in
vrhole, cutting It before feeding. The
result gave such satisfaction that, the
next season we made -arrangements for
cutting the corn into the silo. .The silo
.was so satisfactory in its Tesults that
we were able to save our best heifers
and thus increased the size of our herd.
We have since built more silos and
now have four, two squarei and two
round, with a capacity of 250 tons. !
We are now ; feeding sixty-eight head
of heifers 'and ; cows and have on'y
ninety acres of land under cultivation
and ninety acres of brush pasture. The
utter impossibility v of pasturing , so
many cattle on so small a tract of land
called for further searching with the
result that we took to soiling. ,
"The cost of putting tip ensilage
ranges from 80 cents to $t per ton,
and even more under unfavorable cor
rvmstances. The cost of soiling varies.
One man with a team will cut. rake and
haul in and feed the vegetation suffic
ient io support sixty head of cattle.
The-vegetation ; used also, varies, but
experience has taught us that on How
ell prairie soil tire best feed for the year
round is obtained by sowing vetches
with a small sprinkle of rye to hold it
up. This should r followed with
neat in the spring nd with corn in the
r,ii sin winter. The vetches and rye
shottldbe sowed in the fall, the earlier
the better- This, we believe, gives' us
the best continuous food for,. both beef
and . dairy cattle, s l-ast year's results qfj
four acres of . vetch ; and rye r gave us
2000 rations, all the cows : would cjean
up, the rye being rejected. This was
a yield of 500 rations per acnk-WTJei
same ground could have been, plowed
and put into corn the same season, thus
producing two crops of feed-: One . of
my neighbors did this and. produced
the same amount of food in the Silo.
"It is my opinion that, owing to our
dry summers, the silo ; is ( the coming
method of summer feedirfg, although
the results will not in my judgment be
the same, for the reason that cured en
silage does not have, the food value oi
soiling, v Experience and observation
have convinced me that with our even
temperature the. year round, -our rich
soil, quick growth ; of vegetation ; and
unlimited market for - our dairy pro
ducts, there is no strip of" country on
the globe that can excel the Willamette
valley for dairying. Talk about your
cotton belt, your corn belt, and your
wheat belt the Willamette valley is a
typical dairy belt. ? , ,
'Briefly summed up, the advantages
gained by soiling are: A doubling oi
the capacity of the land for stock sup
port; a continuous flow of milk the year
round; an increase in the quantity of
the product." .
J. B. Early read a very comprehen
sive paper on. "Goat Breeding." Mr.
Early gave some statistics showing that
there ate 400,000 goats in the United
Stales, having Angora blood, of which
60 Iper cent are classed as low grade.
A quarter ot a million pounds of mo
hair is annually consumed in this coun
try, four-fifths of which is imported;
manufacturers sending $25,000,000
abroad annually for this . commodity.
He urged the need of the raising of
more goats that this demand may be
supplied. ' He suggested as imperative
ly neccessary the organization of a na
tional association for the. protection of
this industry. Until such an organiza
tion is effected, the speaker asserted
mat tne toreign breeder would profit
greatly by the indisposition ot the
breeders in this country.
the fanal address of the 'afternoon
was delivered by Henry E. Bosch, of
Portland, secretary of the state board
of horticulture. It was a very inter
esting dissertation on "Horticulture in
Oregon and Markets for Oregon
Fruits," which the veteran horticul
turist was especially qualified, to dis
cuss. Mr. Dosch said horticulture
was no longer an experiment in Ore
gon, but that industry had reached the
area of scientific management. The
speaker very ably discused the subject
of markets, claiming that the question
of markets was the greatest problem
that confronted the fruit growers. He
concludes that there is but one solu
tion to the problem seek foreign mar
kets claiming that there is a grow'tq
demand in European countries for friit
raised in the Northwest. This field! he
argued, was the one for Oregon grow
ers to fill, but in entering this market.
he emphasized the importance of giv
ing greater care to the preparation of-
I nut- lor shipment. ( ,
Geo. B. Gray, president of the Salem
Chamber of Commerce, presided at. the
evening session, which, was- largely
tended. The program lor the even :rg
was, the best that has-been prepared for
the sessions of the congress. 1
The exercises were opened with a
pretty vocal solo by Miss Stella Hurst,
who sang "As I Have Chosen Yon"
in such a charming manner that she
was prevailed upon for an encore, to
which she very graciously responded.
Miss Hurst was accompanied on the
piarto by Miss Carrie Hurst, with a
violin obligato by Miss Nellie Brown.
"The State Kair and Its Relations io
Agriculture," was the subject of a very
interesting and well prepared address
by W. H. Wehrung. of Hillsboro.
president of the state board of agricul
ture. The benefits to the state, derived
from the state fair, said the speaker, are
more than commensurate with the out
lay. The annual state fair has a re
markable influence on the industrial
enterprise of the state; it is an incentive
to better husbandry. Mr; Wehrung
compared the fair to a school of edu
cation that the farmer and business
man could ill afford to miss. He said
the criticisms of the fair came fiom
persons who had never attended the
exposition and who were not. interest
ed in the development of the state's re
sources, or. from persons : who ,were
prompted in .their course by personal
motives; The address was roundly
applauded. , t-
C. H. Markham. general freight :nnd
passenger agent for the Southern Pa
cific Company, made his initial bow
before a Salem audience last even-ng.
when he delivered an address on
"Transportation for Oregon Products."
The address was one of the best of the
evening. Characteristic of that gentle
man, it was brief and pointedand withal
very' able discussion of the subject.
He cited the wonderful development of
railroads and transportation faeffitfes
and their relation to a community. In
the matter of advancing civilization
and promoting the general- welfare of
V. . . . I. I . '
in: virumry (iiruun wnicfl incy passed.
Although the transportation facilities
were as good in -Oregon as in any oth
er stale, the speaker said the Willam
ette valley does not furnish, traffic,
either in the "freight or passenger de
partments, in proportion to the popu
lation Is- this condition attributable
to the lack of diversified farming? We
need more creameries and cheese fac
tories. Salem is the best location v in
the state for a creamery and offers, a
nome maricec uregon needs a
change in her industrial engine." con
cluded Mr. Markham;
.Hon. H.: B. Miller: of Eusrene. ores
ident of the state board of horticulture,
read a carefully prepared paper on
"Organization of Producers." He
spoke of the wonderful onoortnnities
of making Oregon the. foremost of the
industrial and manufacturing states.
The most prosperous country is where
diversified agriculture thrives. The
countries of the Orient, represented the
speaker, demanded a new agriculture
in Oregon, The area test need of "the
farmer is for him to do something for
himself. The entire 1. industrial and
commercial world, excepting only the
farmer, has organized tor protection:
By organization only can . farmers' find
relief from present conditions, An
extension of the market is a great fac
tor in disposing of products and in in
creasing the consumption thereof- "
' A ivery Ipractical J address was, that
delivered, by Dr. James . Withycombe,
vice-dircctor"of , the state agricultural
college at CorrallisJ on - the subject
"Animal Husbandry as a Factor? in
Successful i Agriculture." The demand
of the day is for more mind and less
muscle, said Dr. Withycombe. and this
is (especially true of agriculture. 5" It
requires-antclligence for - the : supervis
ioa of a, farm. Animal husbandry is
the key to successful farming, said the
speaker, and An . support of the allega
tion, cited an illustration. , It is also
imlportant I for the farmer to study the
fertility of the soil and how that prop
erty can be preserved. ,
prof- Emery G- Smith, of Palo Alto,
California, gave a very profitable and
instructive lecture J on . "Co-operative
Industry,"; for which the congress ten
dtrd him a vote of thanks. It was one
of) the ablest papers of the day. He
told of the experiences of the California
fniit growers leading up. to' their co
operation. Prof. Smith suggested this
plan of operation as the only salvation
tof the Oregon fruit-grower. ,
Geo. .Li' Rees, oi Albany, president
of the co-operative creamery of that
ciy, discussed "The Creamery as a Fac
tor . in Agricultural-. Prosperity." He
gave a history of the Albany creamery
and its plan of operation- and by fig
ures showed the dairy business. to be
a (profitable vocation for ( the farmer. ,
3 John Montag, of Portland, repre
senting the Manufacturers Association
ofj the Northwest, read a paper in sup
port of home manufacturing - institu
tions. This speaker believed in a for
eign market, but he also believed in a
home mirket, and argued strongly in
favor of! the consumption of home
made products as a most effective way
of dispensing with foreign importa
tion. :
This concluded f the evening's pro-
srram and when a few announcements
had ben made by Secretary Thielsen,
the meeting adjourned.
1 ' .
After a most successful convention.
the Farmers Congress concluded its
sessions yesterdays afternoon and ad
iourned. 1
The sessions were . largely attended
and the-1 several addresses were very
enthusiastically received. - A remark
able interest, representing every sec
tion and 'every phase of diversified ag
riculture ini Western Oregon, prevailed
at the meetings. - "Organization" was
the paramount sentiment and before
adjournment had finally taken place, a
number of separate associations of
;'airmers representing different aericul
tural pursuits had been perfected and
prepared i for business. The sentiment
is. contagious, for others engaged vin
diversified agriculture are contemplat
intr following suit.
.As outlined in the report of the com
mittee On permanent organization,
which appears in connection with this
report, the gentlemen designated as
the board of directors will meet in
Pjortland , on March 7th, ' and effect a
permanent organization-ot ine farm
cfs' Congress of ! pregon." ' On the
djite selected for this meeting, the fruit
growers of California and Oregon con
vene in Portland and it was thought
this would be an opportune time to
effect-, organization. . 1 ? -'
;The success of the congress' of agri
ciUtural and Commercial meuWtermin
ated yesterday afternoon, exceeded the
tondest expectations of the most san
euine, and was a most agreeable sur
prise to those who had for weeks la
bored so unselfishly in the interest of
tne convention. The benefits that will
accrue from the congress will be far
reaching. In fact a new era had dawn
ed in the agricultural life and develop
ment of the Y illamette valley.
jThe wonderful possibilities of diver
stfied agriculture ; was a prominent
tieme in the several addresses that
were delivered, and the result will un
doubtedly be a departure from the an
tkiuated methods of farming that have
lor several decades been regularly em
ployed by the Oregon farmer.
t The 1 congress held no morning ses
sion yesterday, the time beinz' jriven
up to a number of individual meetings
ot the different agricultural boards and
associations represented at the con
gress. V
i An important meeting of hop grow
ers was held in the city council chamber,
a; ftport of which appears elsewhere
in this issue. Considerable routine
business was transacted by the state
board of agriculture. A report of the
sessions' of the . board appears in an
cither column as does also an account
of the meeting of i the dairymen and
those interested in the creamery in
dustry. The direct result of this con
ference ;was the conclusion of - T. S.
Townsend, of Portland.- to establish
creamery in Salem. The committee
on permanent organization of the con
gress met at 9 o'clock and prepared a
report which was submitted at the -af
ternoon; session. One of the most im
portant i meetings of the morning was
that of j the goat breeders, which was
held in a committee room at the Capitol
i About a dozen farmers, engaged in
the raising of goats, met at the appoint
ed hour. After a general discussion, it
was decided to effect an organization.
A committee was named to draft by
laws and a constitution preparatory to
permanently, organizing. The com
mittee consisted of J. B. Stump, Polk
countv:" Wm. Brown. Salem: J. .W.
Bailey and II; M. Williamson. Port
land. ! The chairman of the meeting
Was J. B. Early, while Henry B- Thiel
sen acted as secretary.
j The committee met during the after
noon and discussed plans of organiza
tion. It was decided to leave the mat
ter of perfecting an organization in
the hands of Hon. J. B. Stump, of Polk
county, and . B. Early, of this city.
The afternoon session was. convened
at a: 15 o'clock and was presided over
by Geov B. Uray,jresident of the Sa
lem Chamber 01 Commerce.
1 H. B. Miller, of Eugene; Dr. James
TJV ithycombe, of corvallis: HenrT i
Thielsen, of Salem; M. L. Jottes, o!
Brooks: Thos. Paulsen, of Garden
Home, and IL M. Williamson, of Port
land, constituting the committee on
permanent organization, submitted the
followme report:
be The Farmers Congress of Ore-
1 "The objects; ot tne congress snau
be: .
First-To encourace nd assist in
the organization! and association of all
the agricultural' and horticultural in
terests of the state and to become the
bond of union between ; the organiza
tions whereby their efforts may be con
centrated in the furtherance , of all of
their interests.; : .
Second It Shall be the especial duty
of the congress to study the markets
for Oregon products, to extend me
same, to seek new markets for . those
things we now -produce, and to gathet
information concerning and encourag
ing the production of such things . as
are adapted toj our soil and climate, as
we do not now produce.
."Third To! encourage the con
snmntion of home -products and the
establishment ; and patronge of manu
factures. 1 . ' . : : .. '
The directors oi the Farmers Con
gress shall be as .follows: The prei-
dents of the state board ot agriculture.
the state ' board of horticulture, the
state agricultural college, the vice-di-
rcnor of the Oregon experiment sta
tion, the nresidents of the Hop Grow-e
ers Association, tne , uregon xvairy-
men s Association, the Goat -Breeders
Af&ociation. ! Oreeon Woolgrowers
Association, State Poultry Associa
tion: the master of the state grange;
the state veterinarian; the state dairy
and food conjimissioner, and the secre
taries of the 1 Portland, Salem and
toria chambers of commerce.
"These directors shall meet m.rort
and at the Chamber of Commerce, on
March 7. 100O. to formulate and adopt
a constitution and by-laws and elect
officers. Failing to effect organization
at that time ithey shall meet thereatter
at a time and lace to be designated
bv the president of the state" boards of
agriculture nd horticulture.
The report 01 the - committee was
unanimously iadooted
The following resolution, presented
by H. M. Williamson, of 'ortland. re
ceived the" unanimous vote of the Con
gress: . ' '- h ; ' '
"Whereas, the dairy interests ot ure
gon.are growing rapidly, ad. because
of the great natural advantages in the
production of grasses and forage plants
in all parts of Oregon, of the growing
markets throughout Alaska, Asia, the
islands of the Pacific . and our great
Northwest, this ' industry, if properly
practiced and fostered will become one
of the greatest' and most reliable
sources of w'ealth; and
"Whereas, jthe development is - now
hindered by jthe production of imita
tion butter inj the form of oleomargar
ine, we. -therefore, urge upon the Ore
gon delegation in congress, to do ev
erything .in jtheir. power to aid the
nassaere bv congress of what is known
as the 'Grouts bill,' which provides for
. 1. ' 1. a 1 .
reducing tne tax upon uncoioreu oieo
marcarine toi one-fourth of one cent
per pound and increasing on colored
oleomargarine to ten cants per pound;
and provides, : also, that when oleomar
garine enters a state it shall be subject
to the laws of that state. ,j . "'
M. L JoneS. president of the Oregon
Hop Growers Association, introduced
the following resolution! 'which was'
unanimously adopted;
"Resolved, j 1 hat the farmers Con
gress is earnestly in favor of the pro-,
posed pure f lood 1 bill now before ;the
congress of the United States and that
we urge upon congress the importance
of the passage of the bill at th ses
sion; that wet are urged to this action
in the interests of the producers and
consumers throughout the whole coun
try." ' .
The afternoon's' program was car
ried out as advertised with but a single
exception. John Redmond, of New
berg, vice-president of the Berkshire
Breeders Association for Oregon, was
to have delivered an address on "Swine
Breeding," but he was prevented from
Prof. , R. F, Robinson, president of
the state poultry association1, delivered
an address on "The Poultry Industry.
It was a very lengthy and valuable pa
per Mr. Robinson spoke Of the value
of the poultry industry, which in the
United Mates exceeds that of the cot
ton -industry. Jn 1880, 102,000,000
chickens produced 456.000,000 dozen
eggs, while in l8qo. 258,000.000 chick
ens produced Sj7,ooo,ooo eggs, showing
an increase in ten years of 160 per
cent in the production of chickens arid
80 per cent increase in eggs., During
tne summer season the supply of poul
try productsexceeds the demancPwhile
during the winter the supply is inade
quate to the demand. .The refngeraf
ing process si& a factor,! however J that
will equalize conditions and make the
market regular the year round.' The
speaker said the Klondike counfry af-
loraea a spiendtu outlet tor the profit
able shipping of Oregon's surplus poul
try products. Tie said there w :
demand- for a better oualitv. which
alone determines the demand and fixes
the price. 4
Dr. J. W. Hill, of Portland, vice
president of the Oregon Hopgrowers'
Association, talked interestingly on
"The Outlnolr for Tf in nr.rrnn
He showed the great importance of this
industry to the valley by reason of the
enormous amount of money that is
annually, distributed among the labor
ing class during the harvesting of the
crop. Laying aside! the question of
supply ana demand, the speaker said,
tne growers by contracting and con
signing their crops had brought them
selves where they are.. In organiza
tion, alone, lay their redemption.
M. L Jones. president of the asso
ciation, followed in a pointed five min
utes addrsss along the same line. 1I
said the future of the producer Jn Or
egon, depended on education and or
ganizationthey should learn to pro
duce the best and then organize to pro
tect tneir market. . 4 " I he hop growers
association." he 'said, "is "not a specu
lative trust, but instead. . a protective
association, .
This concluded the day's oroeram
and. upon motion, the congress was
Salem agency of the Oregon H
Growers Association yesterday made
small kale rvf hon in Taek &r fa
raichael. of this city, the purchase price
being 7VJ cents. The number of bale
constituting the sale. was not announc
,ir t
Smmi ot front NltiboHiig Tow
HTtaBt ef CItU-A Valtlo
li at Brooks.' u i
STAYTON (Or.) Feb. 7. The heav
iest- rain storm known to this part
of the country Sor some' time occured
on Monday night The j rain fell in
torrents' and wis accompanied by a
high wind. ' . i- '
The dancing tparty given oy J"au
;.-inifkl on fvaturdav evening, at Daisy
hall, was a pleasant success, being well
attended by young people here and from
nearby joints. J . . f ' . .
Mrs. orant isnoy reiumeu to ncr
e- .. 1 1
home Saturday,
after a several weeks
stay in this city.j
Mrs. Ashby was here
treatment and return
improved. taking medical
ed home much
Little; Harry iWilliams, the io-year-
old son of lrsj John Williams, of this
city, while playing along the mill race
Saturday (afternoon had tne misior
tune to tumble! into the stream, but
wis rescued with nothing more serious
than a good soaking. j " .
Special meetings at tne uaptisi
church closed last evening.
Ernest MathiOux spent: parts of Sun
day and Monday at the Waldo hills
home, visiting rii& write. - , .
E. S. Titus spent Sunday visiting his
parents near .Scio. t .
Fred Rock and . Joe Fisher visited
among Sublimity friends Sunday.
The many ircnds ot A. u. uaraner
are glad to see him out, after an ill
ness of several ! weeks. , 1
Walter" Smith, .one of Aumsville s
popular young men, was in Stayton on
Tuesday. : ' T , :
Brooks (Or.) Feb. 7Thc ladies of
the W. C. T. U.. of Brooks, will give
a valentine social at the M. E. church
of this place, next, Wednesday evening.
the 14th mt. the proceeds are lor
the benefit, of the parsonage. A good
program is assured consisting of so"ngs
and recitations, and a feature of the
evening will be a -debate! on the ques
tion, "Resolved, that it is proper lor
women to propose . marriage." The
affirmative will.be taken by ladies, and
the men will stand up for their rights.
An oyster supper will be served at the
conclusion 01 the . exercise. An effort
is being made to have assistance of-
outside talent in the program.
John Dorcas came home Saturday
evening. v ,.
Mrs. Kipinger left Tuesday for East
ern Oregon. v -
Aaron ' Nusom moved ..Monday on
the Allen Massey farm.
; Mrs. AgneS Jones is suffering from
a gathering on her jar-,
Miss Josie KrtbS" spent a part of last
week at her old home west of here. '
Joe Jones came in from the gold
mines Friday, looking hale and hearty.
Miss Iva Perkins was visiting friends
in Brooks, last week.
The VV. C. T. U. will, meet at the
home of, Mrs. E. M. Savage on Thurs
day afternoon. '. i
Mr. Ge6rgerFeral. of Salem Prairie,
w'as in the station Tuesday
Lue Gleasort, of St. Louis, was in
Brooks Tuesday. - f
McKinley Mitchell is taking in spuds
at Brooks.' t
Mr. Seely. from near ,Woodburn,
was 4n Brooks Tuesday, i '
We need-more road drainage.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Jones,
February 4th. a son. "
. Mrs. Wm. Egan returned home from
Portland on Monday evening's over
land train. Y ' I
- . I .. . .
I i
Tha Uleyrle to Ito Hoodlod by ThU K-
ltoblo firm for tho 10OO Kmw
. oa Molam's Market.
We wish to anounce to the people
of Salem and vicinity that wehandle
GOLDEN EAGLK .Bicycles at our
branch house in this place. ,We have
been known for years in every city and
town and , crossroads in the North
west. We have hundreds of agents
selling other lines, and business con
nections throughout the States of Ore- '
gon, Washington, Idaho and the pro
vince of British Columbia. We' have
each succeeding year doubled our
wheel , business until this has become
one . of our leading departments. Our.
warehouse and shipping facilities to
gether with our extensive business in
other lines permit us to handle: bicy
cles at less cost than' any other house
on the Pacific coast, and enabling us
to give our riders a better bicycle at
the same price or an equally good bi
cycle at a less price than any exclusive
bicycle house can possibly do.
Being jobbers we are naturally op
posed to any combination of manufac
turers which has for - Its object the
maintenance of a price higher than
that resulting from an honest compe
tition, hence we are sot in sympathy
with the trust, and the MITCHELL
and GOLDEN EAGLES are not made
or controlled in any way by the com
bination known as the American Bi
cycle Co-r F, E. CAREY,
. dw. Manager.'
The prince regent 6f Bavaria has
conferred the order of St. Michaeh
first-class, on Dr. Nansen, the explor
er. j.. ..
Bishop Ar N. -Llttlej'ohn on Sunday
celebrated his 31st Anniversary as bish
op of the diocese of Long Island. Spe
cial services were held in the cathedral
at Garden City.
Arrangements have been made for
the reception which is to be given for
Admiral and-Mrs. George Dewey . by
the Union League club. New York, oa
Thursday evening, February 8th.
Twice-a-week Statesman, fx year.