Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Lcrd Roberts Has Commenced
His Wcrk in Africa. !
T lUTMMtor Hurrf frtBM to Bia Tke
i4 Fr Statar. I
LONDON, Feb. 7-( Wednesday,
i-jo a. m.). Lord Roberts ha caused
to be distributed, in the towns border-
ing upon the invaded colonial territory,
an inviution to Free Staters and Trans
vaalers to go into the desert, offering
them 'trood treatment and resoration
to their farms on British occupation of
the republicarfterritory The mani
festo guarantees that those bringing
horses can sell them. The foreigners
will have their passage paid to Europe.
Colonial rebels are advised to surren
der in preference to being taken pris-
- oners. '.: ' :
Not a word has been received from
the corresoondents with General iBul
ler for three days. It is as though
Natal had been wiped off the map, ex
cepting an heliogram from Lady smith.
saying that the Boers are cannonad
ing and "fighting is going on."
' Genera MacDonald with 4000 infan
try; cavalry and artillery, threatens the
Boer right at Maeersfontfein. This is
the first sign of activity on the part of
' Lord Methuen for several" weeks,! and
doubtless has a relation to the move
ments of the British further east, .
It appear that General French's vis
it to Cape Town was to ask Lord Rob
erts lor 7000 more men. Whcthervhe
got them is not' disclosed. .
The troops are no longer detained
at Cape Town. They proceed imme-
diately to some point at the front
Three thousand disembarked on Mon
day and were quickly sent elsewhere.
As Lord Roberts, since the battle . of
Spionkop, has had 20.000 fresh troops
o, dispose of, it is probable that some
nave gone to eeeral liuiier.
Pretoria. Feb. . Albert S. Hay, the
-new United States consul here, was re
- ceived by the Transvaal government
today and presented his . credentials.
He created an excellent impression.
- Cape Town, Feb. 6. The ArguJ an
nounces that ninety guns have been
dispatched from Pretoria to the front
and that Pretoria iorts have, been prac
tically denuded of artillery. j
London. Feb. 6. Lately the German
military critics have not had so much
to say about the peril of the British
army. Dr. Leyds is still being feted
in Berlin." but the centcf of anti-British
feeling seems to have moved to
" Paris, the British ambassador having
left the city, owing to the hostility of
the French press and people.
The Vote Showed a Division on Party
Lines, the' Republicans Support
ing the Proposition. j
WASHINGTON. Feb. .6. Until
the financial measure, now pending be
fore the senate shall have been! dis
posed of finally, it will be considered by
the senate every legislative day to the
exclusion of all, except purely routine,
business. This agreement will have
the effect of cutting off all debate on
the Philippines question -or other mat
ters, except by unanimous consent of.
the senate, unless the senators choose
to discuss other questions in the time
they are to devote to the financial bill.
Today a number of amendments were
offered to the financial bill, among
them being one by Aldrich, chairman
of the finance committee; providing
that nothing in the bill shall interfere
with efforts to secure I international
bimetallism with concurrence of, the
leading nations of the world. f
The republican members manifested
no surprise, and the democrats received-the
amendment with sarcastic smiles.
'Thre was but tittle discussion. Sena
tor Aldrich said, in reply to questions,
that the object jof the-amendment was
to meet the criticism nhat the republi
can party had abandoned the position
for international bimetallism, taken by
its St. Louis convention. The vote on
the amendment showed a strict divi
sion on party lines'. Senator Jones, of
Nevada, not voting. 1
Washington. Feb. 6. -The 'Philip
pines question again occupied the at
tention of the house today, with a
slight degress concerning, the war in
oouiii uric a. j
Have their periods of weakness and peril. From childhood
arms" to the "lean and slippered pantaloon," each period of
itmcfnnrv Thf rnnHitinn . tinon which a man lives and thrives is that he
the, myriads of germs which imperil His health.
tfi rivpr of life. It nourishes everv onran of the bod v. Let the river of
once suffers in the j organ most susceptible to attack from disease. Dr.
fortifies the body against attack's from disease. It! does this by purifying the
rmi5onnn5 snfvtfances which form the breediner erround of the eerms of
nutritive system so that the body is adequately nourished.
so that the body is strengthened by an increased supply of pure blood,
of blood disease, nerve J disease, heart disease, lung disease, and diseases of
Medical Discovery." It cures eruptions, because it removes from the blood
diseases. It cures nervous diseases, .and heart n trouble w by invigorating the
to old age, from the w infant puling in its nurses
life sees humanity at the mercy of (chance and cir-
brotects himself from the attacks 01
keep the blood healthy and the body is healthy. The blood is.
blood get tainted and the body at
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
blood and eliminating the waste and
disease. It strengthens the digestive and
activity of the blood-making glands,
To this is due the wonderful cures -
other organs, performed by n Golden
the foul, conditions which breed skin
stomach and organs of digestion and
It increases the
Washington. Feb. 6. The rooms of
the .house committee on judiciary were
crowded to overflowing today, jwith
representatives of many religious, ; mis
sionary and social reform 4odies. to
urge the need of a constitutional
amendment prohibiting polygamy,
Union Pacific to Control Its Pacific
Coast Connections. 1
. " '. ' i '
Omaha. Neb., Feb. 6. There ;is a
revival of talk around the Union Pa
cific headquarters, that the consolida
tion of the freightisnd passenger agen
cies of the Union Pacific. Oregon
Short -Line, and Oregon?. Railroad &
Navigation Company is preliminary to
a consolidation of tlie ?peratint de
partment of the three roads, and that
in a short time they will all be under
the jurisdiction of one genera manager,
and that the general manager of the
Union Pacific. - j
nutrition, and so giving the body the elements of nutrition, out of which
strength is made. It heals weak lungs by pouring into the enfeebled
.organs a tide of rich, red blood. i V
Medicine cannot make blood nor make strength. Blood and strength
are made from food. But food only makes blood and strength when its
nourishing elements are extracted ajid assimilated. Golden Medical Dis
covery " invigorates the weak stomajch, so that the nourishment in the food
is extracted and assimilated, thus making; blood and strength. Ninety-eight
per cent, of all who have given the "Discovery." a fair trial have been
perfectly and permanently cured. ; -.jr-'
There is no alcohol contained in . Golden Medical Discovery,1'
neither opium, cocaine, nor other narcotic .
Let no dealer, for the gain of a larger profit, rob you of the cure
, . . m - . 1 T1 I
a suDsmute as "jusi as gooa."
w Golden Medical Disco very."
you seek by offering you
nothing "just as good" as
There b
Wasted Money
I am boned to aay that if it had not; been1 for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, I would
have been in my grave two or three years ago" writes Mr. 'Daniel A. Carter, of Yost, Rowan Co.,
N. C ! Six years ago last Augnst I was attacked with malarial fever; was in bed nine days, and then
taken with chills. Had this six mcnths. My spleen became enlarged, and I was in bed off and on
for four years. I went, to the doctors, and some of them said I had dyspepsia, others said I had
liver trouble. The last doctor I had called it fchronic liver and stomach disease. So I paid out
money and nothing did me any good. I borrowed one of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Advisers from one of my neighbors, and read about the Doctor's success. Last August, two years
ago, 'I' commenced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines, and Used ten bottles, and, now I can do as big a
day's work, as any man. I am 32 years old. I now weigh 1S0 pounds.1'
Coughed Uight and Day
My wife was taken sick in August, 1S97, and was sick for fire orShe
weeks," writes William Huelbig, Esq., of Benton, Franklin Co., Ills. The
uuLiurs snu neinuois pronounceu ner irouoie consumption. 1 naa two piiysi
cians but they did not do much good. She coughed night and day; could not
lie down for coughing, and she got very low. I thought she never could be
cured. Then I got four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and
she took the whole of it, and is all right now. She is stouter now than oeiore
we were married. If it had not 1C en for Dr. Pierce's medicines, she would
have died in a short while. We cannot praise this medicine enough. She is
taking care of the baby and does all of the housework, including the washing."
The Best Blood Purifier ;
' "This is to certify that; Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the best
blood purine? that I ever jused," writes Mrs. M. Hartrick, of Demster, Oswego
Co., N. Y. wIt is about! three years since my health began to fail. Last
September I gave out entirely with what the physicians pronounced enlarge
ment of the liver. Could hot do anything ; my back pained me all the time ;
the doctor said I must not ride ; in fact, I could not ride nor-walk, nor hardly
sit still; ecu VI not lie on, my right side. I commenced taking the 'Golden
Medical Discovery.' and ' Pellets 'took them for three months, until cured,
and still continue the Pellets. I will be glad if I can do anything to help
those who are suffering. You can publish this letter if you think best,"
Last year. This year as much or more will be given to the people who ask for it
WANT YOUR SHARE?- You can have it by sending a request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, for a copy of his ,
great work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. , Stamps to pay expense of mailing
ONLY must accompany each request. , Exclusive of the cost of mailing paid by those, .who asked
for the book, it cost the author Dr. R. V. Pierce, Oyer $25,000 last year to carry out his agreement
and give a copy of this book to all who cared enough about it to pay the bare expense of mailing.
The "Medical Adviser " contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations. It is the most prac
tical work on hygiene, physiology, reproduction, and medicine, ever offered to the public It tells
the plain truth in plain English. Send 31 onecent stamps ( to pay expense of mailing ONLY )
forthe "Adviser" bound in strong and durable cloth. . Or, send 21 stamps for mailing, and obtain
the book in paper covers. ". Addrxs- h DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
- ' T i ' - : '- ; ' . 1 1 i i . ' 1 ..
Gives Up a Life Position on the United
I States Circuit Bench to Go
I . to Manila. . .
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6 The pres
ident ha appointed Circuit Judge
Taft, of? Cincinnati chairman of the
new Philippine commission.
The appointment of Judge Taft
marks the first selection for the new
Philippine commission. There will be
five; members of the commission, and
all of them will be civilians. Mr. Den
by and Prof. Worcester have been in
vited ti accept the appointments, but
so far have not,ignfied their inten
sions. As some surprise has been
caused by the willingness of Judge Taft
to surrender a life position of the dig
nity and emoluments of a United State,
circuit judge to join the commission,
it may be said the prevalent is that,
as soon as the commission shall have
succeeded in replacing the existing
military government in the Philippines
with a stable government. Jntig Taft
will be named as the first sivil governor-general
of the archipelago.-
in for food. The Donkhobors are re
presented as worthy peopled greatly at
tached to their religious belief, which
J resembles that of the Quakers.V They
will not bear arms, and were driven
out of Russia by the compulsory mili
tary, service. Numerous ccntrioutiotts
of cash and dried fruits have already
been received by the committee . m
cnarge ot the relief fund..
In His Arugment He Charges One of
; ; I the State's Witness with the ;
v I .' ' Awful Crime.
, San Francisco. Feb. 6. A move
ment has begun in Oakland and Berk
eley to send relief to the Donkhobor
colonies in Manitoba, which are suffer-
NEW YORK. Feb. fi-Counsel few
Roland Molineux. charged with mur
dering Mrs. Kafherine J. Adams by
poison sent to Harry Cornish in, Dec
ember. 1898, took a bold and unex
pected step today, announcing that the
defense would submit no evidence.
Last night Barlow S. Weeks, counsel
for. Molineux, stated that the defense
(would take less time than - the
prosecution. but if had been
the general expectation that
many witnesses would VJbe call
ed who would attack the character of
Harry Cornish. Weeks began his sum
ming up today, and had not finished
when 'the court adjourned. 'The; tenor
of his argument "was that the proof
pointed more strongly 'to Cormsh as'
the murderer, than 'Moffcneujc,
"No testimony had been produced to
show that this defendant mailed this
package, or was in the! vicinity of the
postofhee at ;3:: o'clock on December
23, 1898,' the day this ! package Was
maHed iBut, "said Weeks, pausing an
instant and poising his hand in the airj
wuiic ins eyes swept wtr tne jury
"Harry C. Cornish wasj and he was at
the postoffice at exactly the time the
package was mailed, and on that day."
Weeks wi! continue jtomorrow. .
I ' f -- '
Agreement Made by the United States
. and Great (Britain. j
Washington, Feb. 6 The text of
the treaty between: the; United States
and Graet' Britain, regarding the Nic
aragua canal, was -made public j today.
Th,e treaty provides that : the i canal
shall be free' and open in time of war,
as in time of peace, to vessels of com
merce and of i war, of I all nations on
terms of equity, so that, there shall be
no discrimination against any nation.
The canal shall never fbe blockaded.
The vessels rjf war of belligerents shall
not revictual nor eake anv tri in Vi
canal except so far as mfay be strictly
necessary. . o lortincanons snail be
erected commanding, the canal or the
waters adjacent ; -v
Will Give Kis Decision oday The
Remains of Goebel in State in !
Odd Fellows Hall.
FRANKFORTl Feb. 6.4-The text
the Louts-
of the agreement, reached by
ville conference last night, was brought
to Governor Taylor this rrlorning by
the committee. As they leftl
ing. Mf. Baker remarked;
"I hope -and believe that
matter will be amicablv
More than this I am unable to say j at
the present time.
. Governor Taylor declared!
take no action whatever until tomor
the build-
. !
the entire
Covington, Ky.. Feb. 6L-j-The spe
cial Goebel funeral train arrived here
this morning from Frankfort. A long
procession followed !the casket from
the depot to the Odd FeDows hall,
where the body lay in state. ,1
: - ; -"" ! .., I: -
Clark's Enemies; Guilty of Bribery,-but
? Evidence Is Excluded. 1
. ' .'. . ." ! .
' Washington, Feb. 6. In the contest
case of Senator Clark, of Montana,
this afternoon. Senator Chandler an
nounced that, for the present, the com
mittee would exclude the question, put
to witness Falk, as to whether White
side tried to bribe him to exhibit tha
Flathead county returns, as it was only
corolative matter. Foster j stated that
in the interest of Clark ! he would an
nounce the desire of the i' defense to
prove, as they could by both Falk and
his wife, that Whiteside j had offered a
bribe of $iooorto be allowed to tamper
with the returns.' The question wa
excluded under the former ruling. t'.
'Sacramento. Cat. Feb. 6. The sen
ate this afternoon refused to adopt res
olutions, recommending mediation of
this country in the English-Transvaal
war. "jt
legislature today elected Thos. R. Bard
United Mates senator.
ter has commenced divorce proceed
ings in the circuit court against his
wife Martha Porter, charging cruelty,
inhuman treatment, and desertion. The
couple was -married in 1853. in e,T
ton 1 county, and their, children are all
grown. , , , !-