Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 06, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL., 48 NO. 50.
. 1
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The Warring j Parties Have Come
to an Understanding,
Th D"ocrata Gained Nearly Every Ioiot
Ml Tajlor sad Ilia AdtUon
lack Dom.
LOUISVILLE. Feb. 6 If the
agreement drawn, ton ight at-the confer
ence of the representative of the repub
lican and democratic administrations,
held at the Gait house in this city, is
accepted and carried out the strife
which has rent; Kentucky from end to
end ir the past two weeks will fe tend
ed. The agreement wai reached short4
!y after midnfght, and arrangement's
swere . immediately made; to hav it
drawn' Wip and ' signed.- I was afjer 2
o'clock; when the conference' separated.
The democrats gained nearly) every
point3 they contended fur. and the repub
lican representatives., Lieutenant Gov
ernor John -Marshall,') Generals Dan
Lindsay and 'Attorney -Davids Farlcigh,
fcjave assurance that j hc aRTeemrnt
would he accctcd by Governor Tay
lor tomorrow. , !i
The agreement provides that, in order
to ' leave no one stion ' as to. the ' title
of Wni. Gocbel and f. C. W. Beckham
to the offices of governor anl lieuten
ant governor, respectively, the gener
z assembly shall pas a resolution in
Cin assendly validating the act;; eti
that subject since the legislature' lias
been prevented by the troops from hold-
ing its regular , sessions at Frankfort.
,s soon - as the legislature does j this
Beckham's thfeto the office of gover
nor is not to: be questioned. "1 The
demorrajs grant immunity to "GovcT'
nor Taylor "and - his associates from
prosecution tor treason, usurpation ot
office cr contempt of; court. or -what
haslccn donf .sincc the shootiwg of
Gocbcl. These: matters! arc V be; held
in abeyance until ne.x Monday, j The
republican Icjrislature jis to te . with
drawn fretn, London immediately.! and
no filibustering or other attempt of
this character sis to be resorted to by
the republican, to obstruct the carry
ing out of this agreement in the legis
lature. ; . '1 I .. : ' ' I .
The democrats suggested that, in
view of the great crowds expected in
Frankfort during 4hc; Goelel funeral
ceremonies, the soldiers should be with
"drawnp Thc rcpuhlcans asked that -an .
adequate .guard be left to protect Gov
ernor Taylor f and 1ms associates. It
was finally agreed to leave to General
Daniel" Lindsay, otic of the republican
conferees, the decision as to how many
troops should e left to prevent a clash
a the result df the Gocbel funeral, the
republicans to begin at once the with
drawal .of the troops .from Frankfort.
i u otrrrrit ih.it the board of elec
tion corn miss Losers, sitting as a con
tent board, should be allowed to meet
at Frankfort withottt molestation, the
democrats agreeing that .no summary
action W taken on these eontestsJ and
that nothing be done withenit due hear
ing of evidence and argument. '
The republicans asked 3 that some
provison or nttdincation of thei Goc
bel law be included in the agreement.
i 1; democrat agrecu inai to s "
leading republicans and two leading
f- "Cs. -
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
.rANSES the System
atrriy umuli,
democrats should be left the matter of
suggesting aTy changes jn the Goebel
law, believed to be .wise.' The accept
ance iof this agreement by the princi
pals is the only elemcntof uncertainty
now remaining in the situation. Na
turally there was no objection from
the democrats. ; v
It is probable! the republican pol
icy was materially influenced by the
following telegram:
."Washington, D. C, Feb. 4. Hon.
W.; S. Taylor: The unanimous senti
ment here is that you are i wrong in
preventing the legislature from meet
ing, and that you should submit the
disputed question to the civil courts.
Federal assistance cannot foe given you
on your requisition, so long as the leg
islature in session or can be con
vened. There is no doubt but it can
foe convened if you will permit. The
democrats intend that, if any violence
occurs, yon 'shall foe the aggressor.
You will, by forcible resistance, alien
ate all who formerly sympathized with
your Case. No assistance. Answer.
(Signed) W. J. Deboe."
Frankfort, Feb. 5 A three-inch
rifled cannon was ! brought from the
armory on the hillside, and placed in
ithe "Capitol grounds, today, pointing
directly dbwn St. Clair street.. Am
munition was placed beside it. and be
side the Galling gtns which -were on
both sides of it, commanding the ap
proaches to the capitol building from
the southwest and southeast.
FRANKFORT, Ky.. Feb. 5 ' I will
leave the settlement iof this controvcrtv
to any three fair minded men on earth."
said Gmernor Taylor in in 'interview,
this afternoon. with1 the corresipondent
of the Associated' press. "Let three
men. in whom the people have confi
dence, be selected, bv the United States
supreme court, and I will with all con
fidence fubmit the case tri thei r arbi
tration, and will cheerfully abide 'by
their decision in the matter. I was
elected Rovernor of Kentucky, not by
1 majority of 2.Sfoo. but by a majority
of 40.000, and on that th?ci.sioit of the
people I propose o stand." '
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 5. The rule that
no civilians should be allowed to enter
the capitol building, which has prevail
ed since life legislature was compelled
to leave it one week ago. was relaxed
this afternoon in favor of hc state
board of election connmissioners. Tliey
were permitted to enter their offices in
the capitol for the purpose of attending
to some rbutine work. :
Albany N. Y., Feb.1 5. Governor
Roosevelt ha received the following
telegram from Governor Taylor, of
Kentucky :
"All liberty loving people in Ken
tucky honor amd love you. We arc
struggling for freedom."
' 'Frankfort, Kj'-. Feb. ; 5. Goverrior
Taylor this morning gave to the As
sociated Press x 'denial over his own
signature rri jthe report that the legisla
ture' would convene in Frankfort - to
morrow and that he had telegraphed
the republican members at London tri
return. The statement rcadi as fol
lows: i
"No order has been made revoking
the order convening the legislature at
London. (Signed) W. S. Taylor, Gov
ernor:" In an interview with the Associated
Tress representative, Governor Taylor
said :
"At the present moment there is no
turning back. The legislature will con
vene at London! where it rwill continue
to sit until there is a change of .policy
in the future, Mot yet determined upon."
Iindon. Ky.t Feb. A company
of state nHiiti,a: numbering ninety men.
under Capialfi Powers, arrived here to
day from dlarbotrrville. Thcre was no
special .demonstration. Twenty moun
taineers rode into town at daybreak.
They say they came to attend court,
which opens today.
Stepson of Governor Nash of Ohio
Finds a Wife in Corca.
I :
Columbus. Ohio. Jan. .Governor
Nash received a letter from his step
son. DavidL W. Deshler. who is in
Corea. anriouncing that he has just
been married to a Japanese ladv of
rank. Neither Governor Nash , nor
: ; f it,, Tkrchlrr f.imilv
any tiiciifi'ti . vi ...v.
1vad the remotest idea J! he was con
templating sucii a step, s
Mr. Deshler returned from Corea
about a year and a half ago te-i be pres
ent at the wedding of bis sister to-Mr.
Babcock, and at that time he showed
to some of his old chums here a pic
ture of a Japanese lady! of great beau
ty tp -whom he referred as h-s "httle
Japanese sweetheart." bat even to thef-e
old chums hejdid not confide the fart
that there was really a tender affection
on his part toward the lady.
Governor Nasli said ; the t letter was
accompanied 1 by a ; statement' of ' iht
United States minister to Japan f that
the lady is a member of one of the best
families of Japan, that she speaks the
English language fluently, -and is well
educated and . accomplished. He
name was mot pi ven. M r. Deshler - is
a'nephewr of William O. Deshler.
AT EUGENfu T90.-The Register
reports Mr-Afien, VfNcwberg, who
owns the Salem cannery, as negotiat
ing for the cannery at Eugene.
1 Like the jiced!e;to '""Vt
the Bible points l heaven.R--B. Nichol.
Repobllcan Leagoe i Will Hold Its
Biennial Session
Some Candidates for the Tresidenry With,
ctraw J. M. Chort-h. of IjiClraade,
Will ni Ckmn.
PORTLAND, Feb. 5 The Repub
lican League of Oregon will meet in
the armory tomorrow, and it is expected
that between 700 and 800 delegates will
be present, representing every county
in the state; . i ;
C. W- Fulton, of Astoria; Judge
Jas. Fee, of Pendleton, asid E. V. Car
ter, of Ashland, who have been mak
ing the - most active canvass for the
presidency of the league,, withdrew this
afternoon, and it whs practically settled
t6nighf that J. M. Church, a banker of
La Grande. ;will ba chosen. . L A.
Macurm of Portland, is slated for vice
president. At the meeting .tonight Theodore
Cameron, of Jacksfon county, was se
lected as a member of the executive
committee at largci W. II. Moore. -of
Morrow county-, was selected a mem
ber of the executive committee from
the second congressional district, artd
J...W. Mcldrum, of Clackamas county,
a member of the executive, committee
from the first district. '
The league will endorse McKinley's
administration, expansion and the gold
standard, and will probably declare for
the permanent retention of the Thilip
pines by the United States.
Is Gradually Coming to Eight Made
Enemies Because He Would
1. " Not Purchase Them.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The two
important Witnesses before the Clark
investigating committee of the- senate
today, were Representative Jacqueth.
of the Montana legislature, and A. B.
Cook, ex-state auditor. Jacqueth is
one of thjc members in whose name
(Whitesidei claimed to have received
$5,000 forSroting for Clark for senator,
and Cook had been represented by
Stiff, speaker of jthe Montana house,
as having tried tol inducc him tovotc
for a money consideration. Both dc-t
nied these chargei. Jacqueth said he
never before saw the envelope in which
$5,000, said to havic been intended tor
him, had been placed. Cook declared
that he -.never but once talked with
Stiff concerning the confest for the
United States senatorship, and that
then Stiff had b'oght up the subject;
suggesting that ,he! might cast his vote
for Clark for senator to- $50,000, but
that he (Cook) had said that he was
not interested in the senatorial contest
to this extent.
"Stiff. asked I me what I
thought , of the use of money in the
contest, 'and. putting his hand on his
knee, he leaned over and asked me how
I stood .with the Clark peofle. I re
plied that I was friendly with themT
whereupon Stiff .said to , me: 'I am ?
married man and jhave a family. I
should 4ike to vote for Clark for the
The fifty-cent size i$ just
right for the baby: A Utile
of it. in the bottle three or
four times a day will supply I
precisely xnc iai au iitni ua
bies need If your baby does
not gain in weight as fast as
you would like, try
Scott's Emulsion
The result will piease you. If
the baby nurses, the mother
should .take the emulsion.
It makes the - baby's food
richer and more abundant?
only bqy the doflar size it's
more cebnomrcat ' : .: '
-Both mother arid child wia fed at
once lb ftrtngthenin. upbuilding
and fat-producing propertiea.
At .11 mrrf h : toe. ai4 f t .
enutte, N'ew Tork.
senate, prorided I could et enough
out of it. I believe I wofld rote'for
him if I could get $50,000. "
( , ? . . '
Elect Officers, and Make Demands of
j the Partyl
Portland. Feb.. 5- The biennial meet
ing of the Oregon Republican Editorial
Association -was held here today. The
following officers were elected for the
ensuing two vears:
President. D.j M. C. Gault.'Ilillsboro;
secretary, j'Wtn. J. Qarke. Gervais;
treasurer, S. S. Train. Albany; exe
cutive cornmittee J.' B. Eddy, Forest
Grove: JUL Whitney, Albany; C L.
Ireland. Moro.' , :
The members of the association will
demind the legal patronajre of the coun
try 'w hile there is a republican admin
istration in power.
Military Students in . London Fondly
Believe This French Is
Moving Forward.
LONDON. Feb. 6.MTuesday, 4 a.
m.).-Milttary opinion; in London conj
tinues to assume, fromivery slender ma
terials, tliat Geticral jBuller is again
throwing his army against' the Boer
forces. Sir Wm. Henry Green, whose
distinguished career gives weight to
his opinion, thinks that General Bul
lcr. .with 25.000 men. 1$ making a wide
detor to ithe west and north, in order
to avoid i the rougher places - of the
country. As General Bller"m'ist have
thousands.1 of wagons. Sir Wm. Green
points Out that his advance would ne
cessarily be slow.
No authentic word j is yet at hand
savci' that ,the war office reaffirmed or
ally. to newspaper inquiries at a late
hour; thai it could jiot; confirm the re
ported advance. There the Natal sit
ua'.H.ui rests.
It is from the western field that more
definite statements come. E-argc oper
ations ar apparently ito begin. Gen
eral; French, who has now returned to
Rcnsljcrgf from his ; conference with
Lord Roberts, has sent what is de
scribed "as an overwhelming force of
infantry to seize NorvalspfWt. That is
where the railway, before it was de
stroyed,' Crossed the Orange river and
erinnecfed with the .Free ; State trunk
line to Bloemfontein i
The Isthmian Canal Will Be Built as a
'; Result of the Compact
i ' Thus Made.;
WASHINGTON. Fefo5. The Hay
Pauhcefote treaty amending the Clay-ton-Bulwer
treaty regarding the Nicara
guan canal was signed at the state de
partm'ent today.
As srton as the treaty is ratified and
the ratifications have been exchanged,
thc AJnitcd States will be at liberty to
proceed at once with the construction
of the isthmian canat. unfettered by
any; obligations toward Great Britian.
save that of allowing iBritish citizens,
as the citizens of other: nations, the use
of the canal on the scathe terms with
American citizens. Possibly this, might
have, been done without today's Srcaty,
for the case, as to whether or not the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, is still arivc has
been the subject ot con6rqvcrsy fofiinany
years, and able mind.4 have takerrop
posite sides. But thetpfesent admittis
tration is convinced that the Clayton
Bulwer treaty is still , in force, and it
felt itself bound by the mo? sacred
obligations to live up to the treaty as
long as it stood unchanged and. de
siring to iamend it, resorted to the only
honorable means, in its; judgment to
realize tf-ts desires, l?ctsc the treaty
signed today. There; is absolutely no
quid pro quo oficred to Great Britain
in this treaty, in return 4 or a valuable
concession to the United States. What
ever rcttirn the United f- States ; may
choose to make for this concession is
a thing -of the future
General iKofobe lias Ga'rrisoned Nine
I New" Towns. '
Manila, Feb. 5 Brigadier General
Kobbe's jexpedition' in jthe islands of
Luzon. Leyte and Samar has occupied
permanently and garrisoned nine towns
with the Forty-third and Forty-seventh
regiments. , This has placed on the
market 180.000 bales of . hemps.
One thousand insurgent armed with
rifles, and over 5000 armed with wooden-swords,
bows and arrows, were en
countered during the entire -trip. The
troopw killed. seventy-five natives, elev
en of whom had rifles. " The others
were villagers armed with : wooin
swords. The American loss was one
man killed and nine wounded.
Wastiington. Feb. ' The house to
day pasesd the Indian appropriation
bilL The attempt to revive the poliey
Of making ' contracts .with religio're
schools, fr the education of Indian
children, which i has H been gradually
abandoned by the government during
the last five years, failed.- i
An , ammendment was; adopted. ttP
allot iff jn6 AIea Indians on the iletz
reservation. , in Oregon,; their share of
the $toojx)o, under the-treaty of August
16, i Soi- ' ;
Twice-la-week Statesman, ' $1 a ycV
Death of the Democratic Leader
''' Occurred Last Evening. ;
Ilia Relatives at the Itod.lde AVhrii the
ad CaoM-Brtkham Nimed
Ilia Saecesaor.
FRAKFOKT.1 Ky., Feb. ,?.--Thc
bullet, fired by ail unknown assassin
last Tuesday morhing, ended the life
of JVra. Goebet at 6:45 o'clock this eve
ning. The only pcrsoYis present at the
death-led were Mr. Goebcl's sister.
Mrs. . Brawnackcrv and . his brother.
Arthur GocfocJ, of Cincinnati, .who
liave been in colistant attendance at
Hrtrbrfs brd.iide. and Dr. iMcCorinack.
Justus Cicbcl, iNiothcr brother, who
. . 1 . r : .
iiau oeen nunryiiig num juiwiw
fast a steam wotild carry him in the
vain hope of reaching his dying brother
in time for some itoken t)f recognition,
arrived 40 minutes too late. Oxygen
was frequently administered to .trie
dying man during! the afternnim, in the
effort to keep Ilim alive until his
brother's arrival,! but in vain, for by
the cruel irony of fate the train, 01
which Justus Gocbel was traveling to
Frankfort, was delayed several htmrs
frpm various causes, and when Gocbel
finally' reached here it ' was only to.
learn that his brother was dead. : -i
Among the bitter partisans .of . both
parties deep grief is manifested, and
already a movement has been started
to erect a fitting monument to Mr.
Goebcl's memory, on the spot in the
state Imjusc grounds where he was shot.
No arrangements! have "been made ..for
the funeral. j -
Shortly before noon, after hypodermic
injections of strychnine and whiskey
and afterward oS morphine had been
Riven him. Goi.'bel requested that
Capt. L. G. Wallace, of the Kentucky
penitentiary, an intiinatc friend, be
sent rrfr and when, the latter came the
two had a short; conversation.
'"Lew" said Ciocbcl, "I wish to an
nounce to the 'world that I do not hold
myself in open violence to. the word
of 'God.' ; . " " j
The hypotlcrrttic injections afforded
cnmi- ipmnfrarvi relief, but the suffer
er, for the first flmc in his long- weary
struggle for Jif, had aiparcntly- lost
his indomitable courage. .'
''Doctor' said! he, feebly, to Dr. Mc
Cormack, wIk) ' stood at his bedside,
"I'm afraid now! that I'm not going to
get over this," j
Dr. McCormatk endeavored to cheer.
the fast failing man1," but the latter soon
relapsed into a i condition of semieon
r;Aticni.i! A.?riift oVlork he roused
himself again, and. calling Dr. Mc-
Cormack to Jus side, said: m
"Doctor, am I going to get well?
: Jittle
Pimples Turn
to Gancer.
Cancer oftn resaltt from n Im
purity in the blood, inherited from
generation back. Few people are en
tirelr free from nomotalnt in the blood,
and it is impossible to tell when it will
creak bat in the form of dreaded Can
cer.- What haa appeared to ih b mere
pimple or scratch haa developed into
the most zcaiiguant Cancer.
I bad a sevewi Cancer whteh wss at flrit '
aalr a frw l.lotcbea. that 1 thoncht wonld
oon p"fs iwij. 1 tfnw ,
tttKt by fTenl able
phyn1rlanff.bat in plt4
ot liwlr effort tb J.n
oersprcatl nntlt my fon
dttlon beeamelnnlnjr,
: Atter many month t
treaimtit and (fro win
teadlly worae, 1 a -
rr 7L-S. 'Ht! to try 8. B. H.
""'l f wblrh M no Ptrrnlv
"SzT"" i mmmiMiulAl. Thitflnt
l bott4 produced an im
:;j 1 1 .1 1 provenjnt. I continued
X. .... th medicine, inii In
1 4S f oar mon th the last 1 1 1
seat dropped off.
- j p - aien yeara nave eiapsea,
aaa not a sua 01 im Tiitrft" ni rturnr-i.
, - 1 J&. . W n.i.ia, -.
Glllsburg, Mls.
It la dangeroni to experiment with
Cancer. The disease istieyond the skill
of physicians. 8. b. S. is the only cure,
because it is the only remedy which
goea deep enough to reach Cancer.
fSwif t'a Specific) is the only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others, contain potash and mer
cury, the tnot dangerous of minerals.
Books on Cancer and blood disenset
mailed free by Swift Specific Compaoj.
Atlanta, Georgi ; !
I want to know the truth, for I havtf
several things to attend to,"
'llr. Goebel, you have hut a- icw
hours to live." replied Dr. McCbrmack.
M.r. Goebel was silent foe a moment,
then calling his brother (Arthur to his
side, he asked that tfic physicians and
nurses retire Then for jo minutes th -.
dying man was left with his brother" and
sister. Soon after this he felJ into a
stupor. He was revived slighted "with
ox v ceil. His brother anci sister silent
ly knelt at hisbedside. their, eyes fast
ened upon the half opened eyelids -of
the unconscious man. while the life that
had been battling so valiantly! against
the assassin's bullet, since last Tuesday,
morning llickered. t
Frankfort Feb. .v--Exactly 'one hour
after the death of Goebel, -J-' C. W.
Beckham was sworn in as "governor of
the state, the oath being administered
by S. j. Shackcford. clerk of the court
of appeals. It had been determined t
keep secret the news the. death of
Goebel. "tint !1 Beckham should have
leen formally, inducted into pOiee. and
the delay w as made-greater by the .in
ability of ' Dr. MeMormavk' ' to leave
the bedrtfom of Goebel and make a
... . .. ...... .
proper cenmcaie ot tlcatn. nitu tins
had been done flic democratic attorneys
were unwilling thnt the oath of oliice
shotfld be ' abirinistercd. Tlic ccre
nony tMk place in a sin:I room on the
same floor as that.un wliich Governor
Goefocf died. '' j .
The first official jaction of Governor
Beckham was the; appointment- of a
new . adjutant general. Governor Tay
lor would tu.tke no statement 'regard-.
ing- Goebcl's death, but simply saij.:
"I deeply rcgretj his death;"
; Frankfort,.. Feb. .,i "-Civil and military k
authority in Kentucky .have i-oine fat-v
to face at last, and'tinless the ministers
of one or the other recede from the
positions they ..'occupy tonielit. . thee
can be. but one outcome.! and that .is
civil war. Governor Taylor niust, wijli
in .4S -hours, surrender t the circuit
court of l'ranklin county the person of
Alonzo Walker, the stenographer, now
held in custody bv hiiii in thc;sta'te fxc1
uli-ve building, for serving the notice
isnet l.y judge, j l antrill yesterday.
SiirrJfT Sutter of' Franklin county, with.
a powerful pissc. iat his back, will at
temit rvis .rcleasei hy force. Itiid it is
hardly . w-Hhin the ranpre i iossiliilily
that five .attempt fan be iuaic without
bloodshed orlosi of life. I -'-.
. Governor Taylor .this afternoon re
fused to acknowHNlire the evUteiuc," or
premit the ervie of the writ of
habeas corpus isstu-l bv Jiidyc Moore
of the county efiurt.IIc -thus tacitly '
siisends the wrijt ff habeas corpus in
the Courts of Ffankliit cXiinty. some
thing which under the coiHtitut ion of
Kentucky cannot be done' levally ex
cept in ie rase tif rHiellion tr iHv'asifni.
Whcn- 'Slierifl! Sutter rtiirnAl bis
writ unserved 10 tinge iJMoorc. tite
latter announced -that hchWotild sc
that: the sheriff was given w6er snP
ncent -to entfircje tne mandate .01 ins
coiirt The democratic leaders do not
entirely endorse! the attitude of Jtilirn
Moore, and white they assert that his"
stand is rignt nnd just. Uiey do nt
consider: it, at i the present jjme,
viable. .":.' I' "-. ' ..
(from I W
irgiuia Ha3
Nothing to
washmfjton, J Iet. .1. 1 he ; senate
committee on -privileges and elections
today decided recommed tlvat no fur
ther; proceedings foe taken in the ca-c
of the protest! against Senator Scoy,
of West A'irgifiia, coiitiniiirig to hold
that the , sheriff was given power sitf
was unanimouff with one exception.
'. .''. - I i
Winston Chjrnchilf, the war corre
spotiik'nt of tlie Lfiudori 'Post, whose
escape from'- Bficr: captivityi made such
asensation, derives his Christian name
from his ancestor Sir Henry Winston
of Standish jit . Gloncej.tr rshiret who-c
hcires-s married John Cbrueliill the
Kraiv1fath-r of the famous duke) of
Marlborough, j This mafriaKC, itfiiecil,
first brought (jbe Churchill i family into
high social rpojit ion. The father of the
jifeat duke ;wats Sir Witist'ii -Clircbil!,
and Winston has always been k favor
ite Christian tin me in the Marlborough
f-,M,;l,- , 1 aw a r - ..,11.1. ri... -it
the name Winston to both his sons.
Tke .'elder, nnfv in. South Africa, is
Winston -Tvconaril, ' and the younger
John Winstoiie-CoHicr's Weekly.
- r 1 ."
Pfiiiadelphii ' Pat. Feb. j.Tlie
strike at Crathp's shipyard, which has
Inm in progress since August, has been
officially deelarcl off.
n r
'A Heart aa Sturdy am an Oak."
Hut what aHout th blood which th
heart muat t'iimp' Mt the rate of 70
times a rnimiti? If the h?art Is aturdy
and the nerves strong this blood must
bo rich arid pure. Hood'a .SarxaparillH
makes erturdy fiearts teea.uC! it makes
good Jlood. It; Klv to men and wom
en strengtlt, oQn'Idence.V courage end
endurance. I . .
IIOOIS PIL.L3 arc non-lrritatinir and
th only cathartic to take with Hood's
HarsaparUIa. I
ONE PATLENT. Frank Wickhani
was received at the a.sylum from Mal
heur county Mst night for treatment,
lie is a rancher, 42 years old.
- Books arc mn of higher stature, and
the only men that Spak aloud fir fu
ture times to hear. Mrs. Browning.
- r