u u t s i end ii sight United States senator., The first bal lot f resulted: . Burns." 301 Barnes, Grant. 20; Bard, 13; Scott, 5; Bull, Barham. 2: Patterson. 2. The caucus adjoarned after taking six ballots. ' There was 110 choice, the last ballot standing;: Burns, 31; Bard, 1 - r. - " - -t. - . mm m m -, m ' w m ai n - m pounds; height, about O teec: nose, jBc "oCfts Sttlcy Talks 1 Receipts... 19 25 Total.. ..' Disbursements., $ 3o 54 178 27 in 20J 27 .Tfct Ktntcctyrtes May Et Cosi- IV j?5SZ JTSaSfagS crtat ErlUIa AstosUtH at the FffijSrfiE ' - - " L I ' . . ' I -- - s . i j Z .v..,'c nrtier broad. 1 raBiici siciiwi w.u v.-, . - - - precised Scon.;.. ? new clothing. London, Feb.. 1. Owing: to the dis covery that cotton' khahi is insufficient voa-VO Aaj-to. fj-taai V- A lkk(l tAfT fkUrUML lUOLHU. II 1,1 vuniiithe South African plains, the govern-; 1 ment is starting to reclothe the forces in the held with woolen khaki, and has already ordered 95,000 suits M'GOVERN WINS. V favcr of Expansion Cash on hand Feb. ist.. .$ General Fund .. Cash on hand Jan. ist......$ 8,071 3 Receipts.. ..' .. Size of Its Army 7 1 1 Made by the Bepablleaas Yesterday - Democrat Will Meet Their Op ponents Half -Way. NOW IN THE f IOD IN SOUTH AT RICA sggaJT J . Hght mackintosh and lac oeroy nau smokes a gTemi ri, uvui vr1-. Watch1 tor nm ana ici-k'I" . W cn-rnl -ears sold to officers of school-districts, in the states of Cah- Sc IT DEMOCRATIC DOCTRINE Total.'. i Disbursements. . ... . . 9,234 ?7 . .. 5.340 92 $ 3,883 95 ' Chicago, Feb. Jr. Terry McGovern, of Brooklyri. at jTattersall's, tonight. y . pruveu ms 1 milt j uic imt iuiiuii- I weieht champion of the world, by Feb. t.-For the J knocking ' out Eddie Santry, of Chka- go, in ine' utiii. iuiuiu. i CUBAN CENSUS. : FRANKFORT, first , time since the shooting .of. Gov ernor Goebel, there were today, signs of a peaceful settlement. The signs were few and small, arid they have dis appeared, but the hole' into which they 4nd has a population of 1,57845- were withdrawn has been. left ? open, I . ' . . ,,,1 U a chance that they rnay H ' A DtSPfBAH" CRIMINAL reappear. The ori ward "an amicable adjustment came from the rtpublican sid just befor noon, when T. L. Edelen, of Frankfort, one of Governor Taylor's attorneys, appeared at the Capital I Hotel td hold a conference with Judge Pryor, Lewis McQuong and Colonel Wm. S.. Scott, legal advisers of "the ) democrats. Serenty Thousand Troop There Who UnJormation to Alex Orme, sherilf, Haye Hot Yet Been U Aelioa ; nacKsonvu.e, Larga Garrison- C0U1CT10KS rot JANUAtY. i I Receipts of the State Land Office Paid Loans Approved. A.ad Cite Instance Ini Hlatory of 1 the Party Where It j Leader Hato Promoted It LONDON. Feb. 2, (Friday, 40 ... .. I , m.HMr,yT ? . f u, Chamberlin. of laration m we -noose 01 con.u.w y- . -r . . . Yesterday paid in- l"lvm Srrti. today for their Great Britam rffl have m a mgn $,.770.68. the re, S .rixolnsioa. in a speech WASHINGTON; ; Feb. i.--Rpre-sentative Joseph Sibley, of Pennsylva tinel ereat orommence in the Fiky-fourth congress by his .earnest championship of free silver, assailed bis Cash on hand Feb. rst. General School Fund . Cash on hand Jan. 1st. 3-509 Disbursements.: ;. Cash on hand eb. ist....$ 1,306 80 ' Indigent Soldier Fund . Cash on hand. Jan., ist......$ 335 67 Disbursements.. .. .. .. ... Cash on hand Feb. 1st. .. 4 237 67 Institute Fund Cash pn hand Jan. tst. ..i . . Receipts,. . .. . 86 00 32 OO ; Washington. Feb. 1. The census oil .w, in South Africa. 7x I , .u ffi. fon the month of I .u.. .j. ,v D-allcrics roar. m. - . . :1 I . - O I VUSIV. V, . " ! v a I LJ1L 1 1 W - " . . . . ' r.miUiM and.AustnaiB. o...,' lanuarv. ime money was " Total;. v', .. .--f 10800 Disbursements.. .. ' y - - ' ginal proposition looking tel PX CJSeT ; Oyer 4o I the Sheriff. Hugh iBrown alleged highwayman, hnrsethief and : aH around bad" man. C-t nilli tv and , Austrian kn Afrif volunteers, is received the following! accounts: with wonderment. Of this total ot acnoo pr"-- 213000 troops, with 45 " nns, all are now there wkfe she exception t, te 18,000 that are afloat. . Beyond; compar ison this is i the j largest torce oreat Britain has ever put into the field-' . At ih -nd of the Crimean war" she '. had iKlv haft rccaHcd his views on lrc 1 ;iMA A im nrw crnerallv out of ant . I ail muw -- - . , School interest. Uniyersity interest. Tide land.. -s Total.". a . Th ctatf land board examined a number of applications for loans yes was . - " . -3L toMrlier 80.00a Wellington, at I tePdav afternoon, with the result tnai brougtu to tne tnane iuim --V . i - V U iu - wenty applications wereapproved, ag the strongest Igregating $28,750. and. three wtre re tne strongtH 1 f . . h ... . amount involved be- Mr.1 ... - u vv v nan am s spcccii w j . - ,, ,mn,mt . , ' ... I . w, -- or-1 1"' ' aeiense inc guTwimiiw. j -- 1 51700. Cash on hand Feb. 1st... .$ Tki Sale Fund i ..$13,104 6with 'his colleagues on the democratic I Cash on hand Jan. 1 st. 2,ooi 51 I ide He insisted today mat expansion Cash on hand f et. 1st...... 10 00 I .k.. j4 mimnal democratic doctrine.!, n;voi Kumi 64 o I oromulirated by Jefferson, and Aflajtred I Cash on hand Jan. ist......$ tn hv Madison. Tackson, Tyler, i oik i nUhmrements. . ........ ..i5-779 00 I and Buchanan. ' in eioqucm he pictured the destiny cx inc uu States, carrying the ants of peace and ,v- .iat. r? th 4-tos to thc remotest corners bt tne gice. ioiey rttu.tu an impressive demonstration when ne closed. 16 00 40 00 40 00 221 54 " 200 Cash on. hand Feb. ist...$ Summary of Totals- Cash on hand Jan. 1st, Keceipts. . .. .. 219 54 $16.28 63 1. 104 81 A BiBTt A T . AGREEMENT. .WASHINGTON. Feb. I. The house today adopted the conference re- Total.. .. .. . Disbursements. . .$13.8-13 44 . 7-97 2 ine he broke down and ackowledged 1 . . Hh. WM?ht of these roa&ses I , KV1r. mauk bt the citiks awd ".-TP -democratic-atto destroy thn equihbnum which rather uramportant items still being entity Th house then- went tnto a committee of the whole asd resumed consideration of the Indian appropria- t ot. r . t. t ri . 1 -r a T&TYVT I at ton dim. i-aicr. uwi; m -w.w- fT1AVI?y! TXI MA KIllN Irado made a"oeech. saymff it was the Xri-tVCli A" " Idutv of the United States to mediate between Great Britain ana ine irans- vaal. Cash on hand Feb. 1st.... $ 5.006 23 ED HIS HEIGHT. terday by Deputy SheriflrT. C. Sexton, of The Dalles, the man having been committed from 'Wasco county.; Edelen orooosed to submit the case of :,7n6 while la XT Te general tone of thU ludee J. J.IMurphy. clerk of the m- house : today ' WsSrV'r the ri governors to the Kentucky jaiI atne DaHes, flayed inky morng wers is that W, figures wifi Uremeconrt.! - ofry! waVoyTp YOUNG HOUSTON MARK court of appeals,, which, he aeaarea, ; y "felc;t7d 70 astomsh the country. Roughly P ,go" whtclt . amount ' was. deposited I two rat :..a; v. ,K- ...in of Tudee HaSel- I?n days, wlien he was commmea 10 , . . Te0 I W9o. lwforp the close I in disp juuSn.6 1; -- . I the asylum, rrompuy upn ucms is-iihk, umj ---. - : . wnu inr riaa in swearing in Governor uoeoei. 1 - b the 0fficers of that tnstitntion. I thousand soldiers have been lost anpi0f business last evening. would probably decide against Gov- at noon" yesterday, he was placed n IOOOO are ahirt up at Ladysmith. j ernor Taylor.. ..He then wanted the fSySSSr Excluding these, there are 70.000 right to submit the matter to the Unit- oycr nJm 'This was more than hu- troops who have not yet been in action. m. Qtt uinrpint court for a final set- -nu1d stand, and last even-l: aa firm to those at sea. 1 It seems tlement. ICUUUL DISTRICTS have the matter adjudicated in the sUte offi;er requested Deputy Sheriff B. O. now holds the British forces stationary courts. To this Edelen . objected,, say- I Colbath to take charge of the man un- j wbereever they are in contact wrth the oracerj , touiu 1 n m. Th. knowledsre is Slowly Iuj 1 . 7-. , 1. , ; loenecrawnK 10 mo w ties reiusea w iungo " I'. - 7. 1 rnlnn. tn .fr rthath at once went to tne as-insons musi uc tyi - Y;ncrnnL Kt.. Ian. aoi John Thompson as born in the same house in which Sam Houston first saw the tight of day. Mr. Thompson says he . t ... . Cm was oorn just iony jm Houston, whose birth occurrea in 1797 JTie house in which the births took lace was one and rie:half stories in s;rh wratherboarded anu naa ine he wished the final settlement to M M the wasco coumy . '"-'V,,. Boer army. .1- ..niirrjt Wash-1 come atter.mm. as iuc mail in the suoreme court at .wasn- 1 , , t, w.. -s 1 . -r SMcfaa yrpo-w" r- brtlOmlv Tw CorpoUo n . r . tt- xo T rvITTOTl I leight, was weatnerooaraea wu BALANCE IS LOWEB I mril dormer windows. Though most - I if the accounts state that young Hotis- GODMTV TRSASCKKK'S mTsaaai SHOWS A REDUCTION mgton. . j .t. ..n.,u;n in I -f... innir v4i-(Ni nf thu desoerado. I l.ia A.n the Caoe -Dutch who. ..as ( fllllllV m.1 1 K va iirv w o - - . ... : 1 P.ov-land brousrht him to the county jail. onceae ine I v 5 le the election e he' placed Wm in the mbrWi Goebel, which Edelen declined I Brown will remain until ernor ooeoei. wn.n - 1 i,,r to entertain. Both sides were at thel' vasco county officers come after end of their respective :V" .Ji r- ik-.i, ,. 1,- had Edelen every one knows, outnumber the Unt ie rcMMvts here' 1 to 2, - "' ' -v.i rAivMt 1 rfurincr the I made by County Oerk W. W. ." ceived notice of the special . tax nSde by a number of school dastnets in . - . 1 -.4 rf,- last twelvve hours, do not further ifUj- Jssent roll' and collected by the I th AbniI of rda H Hm la HU Caatody taeam ! Vmd Tttmm turn Kxpnlitar. ... . . -.1 A- ..,t more couia pthw y... " c;mia inanitv. believ nsr that, wlhen . . . trf tn tn. 9v itm. tic couu ui ca uui 1 - , . . 1 -r..trt rinrs in uc iwu,"J - 1 timated that it was possible that he e hi escape., but that be had firm the report that General isuiier xo.u Wooum.h?ve sent in their re the lawyers separated. Ml- minaie inc uumiatj "f"""" - jnerm wim - - - . rious independent correspondents con- a number ot ' Saleni irariHHiicu v. k . ... - pons mi 28th. that the special levies made. Others ' 1 .a. 1 t uA avdMifl' Via Viart rlt:. a..Avna -vrt Toniiafv miaht be able to submit anotner pr noV,oo;yv wr position at some later time. He Was given to understand that he would be met half way. and the conference was , . 1 1 cure lor unit a bciiicii.; vi ,v ulc umu ......... , . . 1 nijncu u niic vi.. ., ... . at an end. l Ififten veara. He is a desoerate enm- I .. . ..Ki;Ehl hv rt.e ar office. ir,rtwevr that any more of tnem win uc -: ... . . insiuiiio f J . 1 -5-. nnt .-:J l..c at m rnc pcmicmu. " . Vi" " . V" : I rf-t he is airain assail-up.rcu.u-, mlict he . 1 treasurv. hav cnarge now, nangans over y 7 A t "w i.m f by . a I w u.,.,",r. . ." likely fo fit nn I 1 , Fran this-afte . n.nnnM trxTnom I inai, and win exnaust every i""1" -" k.:.. .k- from the crossinsf ot V I rtttL"Ji ' Lu-iiu . Wh U i-nm n? from the Sf- 1 - c k -rnJirnor Tavlor I escape. W hile coming irom we e kfort, Feb. fZJTt0 GouV- to the county jail last niht. ,mnnn issued a pardon to uoug if. , , , ..uj k vtr fihth " fiv vears forll'u"u." vvif .4 . ..." t las tiayes. w F -.v.r 'r " fi the 1 and Sheriff Munkers, ot Aroany nslaughtef. Warden Ulliard;ottne 1 continuous! efforts to relieve penitentiary, refused to release the man and the penitentiary commissioners support hira. , . I PAVMRNT REFUSED - t-J t.t c.K I 1 The i Farmers Tt,t of Kentucky, in this city, today he him- tbe Tugela to wie aDatwomntw Spionkop, to 1,083 officers and men. of heard from. The speciaii .c. made by the cities ana aisiric. Jn City of Saletn ..... .. Gity of WoodDurn .. School district No. 3 School district No. 4 School district No. 5 sellf of the handcuffs on his wrists, j I . T l. rt.n.v cu.;flr r-rtlhath haH nlannen I "lJindon. reD. 1. . -, w...... -w. ... - - --I - .... ec- . ir - to go to Dallas today to witness tne I rnentary secretary tor tne wh (School otstrjet o. iw execution of W G. Magers, but tne 1 ;d reirards the forces engaged, inaiivchooi astrci " School district No. 21 School district No. 24 cxciuuuu ui , w. . -. jai as regards me ioucs tujagv-, ... prisoner in his keeping prevents this. , ot the eighth division and the . and he will be compelled to remain exclnsiye ol 4n""J . c. Britain V and -watch his bird until the Wasco icurth cavalry brigade. Great 01 ex 1 r. k:. l" j . . , fv mil artillerv: -3700 County Treasurer A. L. Downing yesterday gave out a statement, show in o- thf financial condition of Marion lub. -..-- a " - and; school I county at the close of business on Jan- inc staiemeni snows ine in the amount in the ine none down from $12,- anuary 1st, to $5,906.23 on. January 31st. As there are no taxes being collected now and none will be collected before March isf tbe. indi hat the balance will be mi- 1 . . 1 f terially reduced in the next few months 2 I th fees eominir in from tne otner oinc- ers being insufficient to pay the ; run- . r . . " ning expenses 01 tne enure coumy ma chinery. . - . , .. . The statement shows the following statistics: - Special City and Dist. School 1-und Cash on hand Jan. 1st $ 3fl 29 refused to pay warrants for the Pr ol I COUnty sheriff can come here after his I bad 142,000 foot and artillery, 37 Schoo district No. 33 iciuku kt f"j - 7 n-w the militia, drawn by Governor lay lor.' ; .I,.., Ut, . ctitc MATTER. Washington. Feb. Th9?! the war department regard the Pent ine.w.. if.Mrti a ourely a state man, whicn win; De tonignt or tomor row morning. . CAPRICE. cavalry; 36 siege gun,; 33 vai , . 'noct 36 howitzers; 54 batteries ot norse ax- -- Nq v Ullery. and 234 held guns, wnue School district No. 71 combined forces of the two republics School district No. 79 god of this were mated in 1898. at 58.000 men. School omnct The pafKmentary secretary of the war No A crowned Caprice is world : 1 na t.:. i,,-,ct hi. white wines I "". ' acnoo ir w. mJllt., -.w .. - . M -ar-IV" "'V " - office also said he wouia mje w - School district No. no .... .... States government.' t .... ; .. 1 :?i .. 1 .. 9 ...3 ...to .. s ...SVi ,.r 5 ... 2 ...4a t.. 7 ...2J4 .. 5 on left Virginia for Tennessee with his not her when he was only 9 years old, yet there" are i current in the Timber Ridge neighborhood many stories of ; his youth in Rockridge. One is that ; he was desirous of making his mark ahd'leaving a lasting impression upon his neighborhood. o do tnis, on one; occasion, he - stood with his back to the partition in the house, a?a, taicing his pistol, he fired through the board just above' his head, thus registering j his height. ' which measured six feet i four inches. Strangers used , often to i call at the house io see the hole made by Houston's pistol. This action of his seems to have - contradicted .the j statement that he left the, sate in early youth. Cincinnati Commercial Trib-I une. ' STILL A RUSH. There is still a rush on; plenty of work ahead. . But we are in condition to turn out work quickly and we turn out nothing but artistic work. No reduction in force possible. More likely an increac. Statesman Job Office. He builded better than he knew; The conscious stone to beauty grew. Emerson, "The Problem." .- V v W a.-w ..r r " No heart to feel for a man hath he. R.,t hie nitiless arm is swift to. smite; AnA hi mute lios utter one word of might; j . , 'Mid the clash of gentler souls and " rotieher. i "Wrong must thou do, or wrong must .inner. . . s . - z 1 - . - . at l A. I C 1 1 Al -AwZ .f .a . w. .v- is nrnii viit i.itihmji uituiv order Tnai inc wr f ----- 4-. Mr m L u. .;hle conclusion, and School district No. 123 iliV mmj . that the system of home refense be put on a sound footing. CAN NOT MEET. Frankfort, Feb. When the mejn bers of the legislature attemptedto en ter the state house,! at 5 o clock this afternoon, .in response to the call of Speaker Trimble, a double line tj " .diers with fixed bayonets met them a rTSbTadK un, subject .to ais csuu. " 1 least that we y 1 tn tne past iwcnijnwui " ,..e-- I Rather the sutlerers man me ucr INTO.lHt.-wuRiJ. I lrant Alien. Cnt fort. Feb. t.-AB impwii-'" SHIPPED TO SALEM For Homes 15 jr I . . - 'or aoo FROZE TO DEATH. Chicago, Feb. 1 Two deaths were $35 an acre BEStAIMS Or TUS LATK HAL.O. HIB- BASD COM ISO HOSt . . again, , .5.1 wll nrobably be instituted I POISONED. Mrs. Wm. Darby. .i.t Gnvernor Taylor 'tbmqrrow. ,jin ear Shaw station, was taken yio- many persons suffered from frost bites. Hundreds of homeless men were carea ior by the: police. The mercury this morning touched 8 below tero, the Will BaIUrltIU TbU City am Tomer- row's Early Timlav Tuamnl Sot j, for. Bumdmy. - an acre. with the object ot compeinnn 1 icntly ul, witn sympiums w 1 lowest point uiu.wipwi.i.. The democratic at as a result of testing 1 rirrrnir noon. torneys have already prepared the pa- parsnips, which she was preparing ior oer" fn the case. It is practically cer- Fthe jamily dinner. Proper f rerrted.es Kn that Governor Ta-lor will pay no werc prompUy applied, and last even- il Jn t the orocei from the state ifte she was reported out of danger, , courts. - - i -. - I ; BIG FIRE LOSS. DISOBEDIENCE. pie DUCK SHOOTING. Many peo- th-t . the eiose season 10 OtlltfV 1 . 1 t . -IK..w-.. - . tr.K-..,w ,t 1 mnmin7 occuoiea uj i t- f - . .i...i.n 1 ...1.. r. vrprnaT. x-wimj .... fl - ..... . Frankfort, teb Governor Thi"ls Vn erroVas the close season be-1 Kuhn & Co.. wholesale grocers, ana lC-Sljfc ent!5 S..S1he Hendricks-Vance Company, caus- rSe r holnVsr-itTU-iust thoujh tember 1st of each year unaerne c the order had revert been sued Ad- vised game laws. ONE PATI ENT. M rs. Oara Blake Th remains of the late Hal G. Hib- bard are now on the way to this city c.j . Anal resttnir Diace. Jving l Hibbard, his father, received the fol lowing dispatch from san TnHiananoIis. Feb. i. Fire, this at-1 kf late Harnr G. Hibbard. W. Stout's whole- f,nnur,i emmnanv K.. Second Oregon . w,-..-. - . . . r i":ir a nvwk to sale grocery store, spread Kff?3?: Welisrgo re ' Alongside of the above, all in cultivation except about 30 seres on creek in good timber; hop-yard on premises;, barns, and . hop house, ets. All rtne land, and well drained. Either or both of these places at $35 an acre and they will make profitable farms. They are situated on west side ot Pudding river in a most pros perous section. , " f ; f ; ' The dispatch was signed. i-ong Dep t Quartermaster. , The bodjf snouia arrive on , nw Timber Ing' a total loss estimated at $350,000. early tomofow mormng. j n fM,t The funeral wi l be held on Sunday, The insurance was 85 per cent- consideration will be given to W or. tion w... ww .--" - it v . I K,,t trt th asvium irom x-on- ders that may emanate irorn 1 r Sh-;U , Mtive of lamaal 1 A SWlKDCtB IS WAXTEB. Peru. I l......r 1 ? VtOFR ElJS CO N DITioN. Frankfort. Feb. iJ Dr. McCormick A -night irver her has; sre Coquille City Bullet n: not so hopeful. Anonymous in ; . ' -1 VERY M ILD WINTER. , 11 it rVv.- at ine time Trouble in Marion ourKy,oouK... by Jackson County Officers. , n. ir. wu longhby was wantea y hl S District Attorney John The remaini will be taken charge of jiy Worrick Camp of Spanish-American war veterans, ptnamK ( t. v...,:,t Th. final restintz place will VI tM. - . . i Warren cemeterr, in tne Waldo hills. . The particulars will be announced (later, thougn tneMiiiermcin U is announced, win dc ai mwvb. THE FINAL TRANSACTION, We kave seyerjii tracts of fine, timber in the Cascade; mountains, in Marion and Linn counties, some ! convenient to logging streams and others, on the line of railroad, that will be very val uable in time. They can now be purchased at rather low figures. Vltllllr 1. .11 S3SAW.a . I IVUKIWI r ''. : t!T 7-- .k- ;nter in Coos county nas 1 ,untT anthontie on cnarge trnm rwl3nd on she "T : j .. ; f, it it iiwere I f vin mstnet omro it n.:iiiu wv. - - . . . . rm cfoine I tkn Hnnuu miHi . in - hie ir""1"' . .Aticu. ..hr,u tms irtoi iuuk. .1 . . v, , - .Krthi;n su I -:Atw would scarcely reauicj a conviciwn; .-- - . - i.u. trmniartioo in connection- wun deitwcmic-atoraeyv 07 cf iad opentteu c.; V'r" -ernn by the torneys and by every judge o, ic r, winter Uoom tofyipe ,ive!y among the officers, of tne inc u. - YJ post office of appeals, f - i ' v r f ;H "J":;"rther flowers are le 1 school districts, seihnf scnoo. lurn, w ...w, "-"- Mr. Hall. - . ,i; s j a am . aafinn(7 erai 1 osiaar ----- - - r -s . authorized agent ot tne govcTn- fn possession tne cnecx nayment for the land in re- Kihley is in commnoication wiu. V-'.Jse cond s treet, that 1 trymg rw pr tm w-. ,70 e0anty. has issued Iturn tor wnicn ne wm r FZ'Tll . 't- t- vntmctrrj and it IS 1 aeconu- i r ,mWth in Coos 1 Orme. ot jacitson coumy. m jrnvernment with title to ernor jioi, .v... -- ,luntbe nistory -T". tvjU I Jtte offering 5 i "u" "'"t1"? " i.u of the land eognncr -tnv .-w. w. ,:.i- .h bi been rendered to date. UMV -. 1- , .. snail mic readiness the bmld- en,. noticed. nor subsequent erection there- sue v "'"" . t x- h .minti oiiou lie IS w. -w. D ; $35 an acre 60 acres good land on Lake Labish, mostly beaver; danu, A fine tract es. eight miles from Salem; excellent soil and first-class ... ir that would make too good farms, be ha? very cheap.. There are two houses and two barn. Of 40 acres, itnprovem can and every convenience. , Imi - FOR A SENATOR.' I SacjamentoFebi bnng members of the . republican " me as U it were Way or J caucused to nominee ra . candidate for I same une. A. Up Stairs in the Statesman Braiding. - A tract of 174 acres on Sa lem prairie: a 27-acre nop yara ana good hop houses on it, wh ich is rented at good cash rentj balance in cultivation except a small tract of timber and brush. Thisjs 5 miles northeast of Salem, and is Splendid soil. Well worth $60 I. -'