)00OCO0OCCCCCCOCCCCC0 o o ..ISSUED IN- J J iirrfc ; SEM1VWEEKLY SE CTIONS J J ..EACH.. J TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, g J J it lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOO VOL. 48 NO. 49. Salem, Oregon, Friday, February 2, iood. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES A A a -foul- mm Attempt to Assassinate Senator Goebei In Kentucky SHOT DOWN NEAR THE CAPITOL Th Bullet Flrd from a Window ar th Building Occupied by (iovern I or Taylor. FRANKFORT, Ky., Jan. jaWm. Gocbel xva thot and very seriously wounded this morning at 4cn minutes after II o'clock, while passing through the statehousc yard on his way to the capitoi building. Two shots were fired fr:n a rifle, only one of them taking effect. It struck Goebei in the right side, one-third of the distance down from the armpit to. tlft: hip. The ball passed entirely through the body, coming out below the right .shoulderhladc.: It is not thought by the physicians in charge that the wound will prove fatal, unless complications set in. Harland Whittaker, a farmer from Butler county, Ky., i, under ar rest, charged t with having; fired the 'shots, but he denies that he had any thing to do with it. Five revolvers were . found upon him when he was taken into custody. (.Joe be I, in i company with Colonel Jack Cjiinn and Warden Lilliard, of the Frankfort penitentiary, was walk ing up the sidewalk leading from the street to the capitoi -building. Goebei being on the right of the three. 1 . When . the three men were two-thirds of . the distance irom me street to file capitoi, the shot was find" from the third story window .of., the building occupied as the offices ,of the governor, secretary of state and other leading officials of the state. The - ball struck Goebei in the side, audi be instantly dropped to the pavement.' Chinn; and Lilliard in stantly seized him, Chinn saying as he did so: - 1 , . 4 . "I guess they have got you, Goe bei; . ' , i ; . "Yes," 'replied the wounded man, "I guess they have got me for sure." While Chinn was holding the wound-, ed man, supporting his head in Ins arms, four shots were fired at both men. All of them struck close.; making the dust Hy from the brick pavement. Both Chinn and Milliard stuck to their friend neither of thcln moving: from his side, until the firi.ig ceased, when Lilliard ran for lielp. He had not far to go, for there is always a crowd aro-ond the gates of the capitoi building. A crowd "of men were around Goe bei in less than a minute and he was carried to the office of Dr. Hume, in the basement of the capitoi. about jooo feet from the spot where the shooting occurred. : Hume made a sitpcrncial examination, of the wound. . He de clared the ball had penetrated the right lung and would in all probability pro v fatal. Goebei was. then hastily taken from the office of Hume to his own room on the second floor of the Capi tal hotel. (Jiiard-i were stationed at the foot of-every staircase leading to 'the second .floor and nobody, not even the guests of the hotel, "were allowed to pass. . A more extended examination by Hume and several other physicians who had been called, resulted in the announcement, that the wound would Ti.-i-fsinril v nrr'i f.itaf and that the wounded man;-wouid in all probability 'recover. The 1 ball it was Jjiund had inflicted a wound which was somewhat of a glancing nature and had ?ot gone -through the lung in a direct line, a Hume had thought upon first" examin-' ation. Had the ball struck the chest half an inch to the right it would have caused certain; death. The house ! was in session when the New York Racket Sells cheap for cash. They'll save you 15 to 25 per cent, on Shoes, Clothing, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, (Hats, and All Kinds of Furnishing Goods and Notions. You'll b treated right if you trade with them. Our1 Store Closes at Six 0 clock Every Evening, Except Saturday. E. T. BARNES, Prop. ! '- " ' CORNER COMMERCIAL AND CHEMEKETA STREETS shooting occurred and the senate was iiav c met in twenty minutes. The Capitol buildins- was! ihrrftnr with members rJ b 1 , v o.iiu the greatest excitement followed. From ooui nans men ran wildly down the steps without hats or coats, and one member of the h fillip ram nut ing in h'u hand St bill on which he had oeen arguing when the shooting oc curred. . By the time the members of til. 1. . t. . , ivMdimc jiau rcacnea ine lower floor, Goebei wis on his wav to the of fice of Hume, The members hastily niMieu uacK 10 ineir room, adjourned with most unceremonious haste and poured down into the streets again. The news that Gocbel had been shot spread throutrh the i;ir-f u.ith i;tU- ning-hke i rapidity, and in a few. min utes crowds were hastening toward the capitoi from every direction. Within three minutes afipf th. chtntincr - line of men was thrown around tils' ouiiding trom which the .'hots were fired, with the intention of preventing the escape of anybody from the struc ture. John W. Miles, an aged citizen of Frankfort, was stanrfitior at 'fh f,st of the stairway, when-a man, evidently a inouniainecr, came rusning down the steps. Miles instantly threw his arms arornd the niari and held him ntlino loudly for help. , j - Assistance was close at hand, and no escape was OOSshSlp foftti nricnnrr even had he attempted to make an ef fort, lit submit I r quietly, claiming again and again that he had nothing do with the shoot ing. He was hurried away with all possible speed, it being feared an at tempt might be made to lynch him. if uie crowa wa aoie to secure nim. He was very quiet, and dd not lose his composure for an instant, notwith standing the excitement around him. That thp atirmnt tn trill rinoKol wa deliberate admits of no doubt what ever, and the only woilder ia that it r lauec- . . - Th htillrf M-liirh ctrni-L- rnS1 was fired from a window in the center of the third story ot the office building just east of the capitoi. That window was raised about eight inches frm the sill to permit, an unobstructed passage for the bullet, when Goebei 'should come within range. Both Chinn and Lilliard assert that, while the j first shot came from the direction, of a window in the third- story, there were cither shots fired from different portions of the same building. The window in the third story was left open, no effort having been made to close it by the would-be assassin, while, not another window in the -building was opened, .nor were (here any places where bullets had been fired, through them, i ; Whitakcr was surrounded by a group of men. manv of them with down re- voTcrs.- Ic made no attempt to es-. cape, -knowing well mat tne .slightest attempt to do so would have brought a dozen bullets into his body. lie submitted to .1 search, which was quickly 'made of hiss clothing, the pro ceeds being three revolvers nd a big knife. A quick examination of the re volvers showed that none of the cartridges-had been used, and there was no powder smoke on any part of his weapons, proving conclusively that he could not have used any of his three revolvers. In addition to this, all those who heard the shots join in the statement that they wec from a rifle and not from a small weapon. Whit aker was quickly led away and placed in jail. . ! . "I was on the first floor of thcbuild ing." he said: "when I heard Governor Taylor tell that mail Davis, the capitoi pof iceman, tc go over at once to see General Collier. 1 said i would go .vith him, and that was where I was going. 1 wanted to know, too. what the shooting was about. When I stepped outside that man grabbed me, and that is all I know, and that's a fact." - " ' Few people believe that Whitaker Is guilty,, but the fact that he was hastily leaving . the building from which the shooting was done was enough to make troiMe for him. 'That man Davis," to whom Whitaker referred, is Colonel John Davis, custodian of the capitoi grounds. His story agrees with that 01 Whitaker. 'I was just outside of Governor laylors office," said Colonel Davis, "when I heard the shots and heard Governor Taylor say: 'My God. what have they' done? He called to me to at once go over to the office of Adju tant General , Collier, ; and Whitakcr went along. I am positive that I he couVI not have done the shoo tine. We were at the doors of the building in too short a time for that."- As soon- as it was known that the bullet which struck down Goebei had come fpom the building to the east a group of men gathered in front ot the door on Hie east side Others ran around to the door on the west side to prevent the- escape of anybody; from there, bevera! men attempted to enter the doors from the ouside, but were prevented by groups of mountaineers who stood-in the doorways. , Some of these men! held Winchesters in their handfi, and presented an aspect so gen- crally uninviting that no attempt was made, to search the building, and ho body gained an entrance to it for sev cral minutes after the shooting had been done, and the assassin had ample opportunity to escape. That the rebooting of Goebei was the resiili of a - carefully laid plan is with out question. . . The man who did the work had evidently taken his stand at a window, which had previously been raised in order to allow a free passage of the bullet, and waited until his vic tim was in lull sight before firing..; .Ever since the influx of "the moun taineers, last week, a large number of them have lecn sleeping in the upper part of the state house. It is not IMAGERS HANGED DALLAS, Folk County, Or.. Feb. 2. W. E. Magers. the murderer of Ray Sink, was hanged in this city at 10:18 vVdock this tnorning. ; The body was cut down at 10:35 o'clock. Magers made an emphatic denial' of being guilty of murdering Sink, and said that "jrou arc going to kill an in nocent man." He forgave all his ene mies and hoped to meet- them in heav en. I lis voice was very much broken. Just before being taken from his cell he smashed all of the furniture thereim. known, however, that any of these men did the work or that they had any knowledge ;of the premeditated crime. There has not, so far, been discovered the slighted direct evidence -pointing to any man, and it is not likely now that any will ever be found. The man who fired the shots took the precau tion to Conceal his location by using smokeless powder cartridges!. Both Chinn and Ijlliafd are men of experience in affairs in which powder smoke is-, a more or less prominent fea ture, anfi both declare that while they could tcilthe general direction lrorn which tlie bullets came, they could not eues the spot from which they were fired. FRANKFORT. Ian. to While Wil- liarm" Gocbel ;fay at the point of death in his room, as the result of an assas sin's bullet. Jttoe contesting boards which for weeks had been listening to evi dence in byi contest for the governor s chair, declared him entitled to the seat. The boards liaving in charge the Con test between !- Goebei and Taylor, for governor, attd (Beckham and iMarshail. lot lieutenant governor, met at 7 o'clock tonight. A vote was then taken, and by a strict party vote of 10 to 1, Wil- am Gocbel was declared to nave nec;i. legally elected governor of Kentucky. Ihc Hcckham-.Marsnall contest was then voted upon, and a strict party vote of 9 to 2 settled this matter. -?o announcement was made of the reasons leading up . til the report being made tortight. the board taking everything at one leap, fcach one of the members of both committees announced that he haiH tnidr ihi his mind as to the merits of the sase, and voted promptly as his name was called. In the contest for governor, Repre sentative Yarherry was the one to vorte in favor of Taylor, and in the .Beckham-Marshall contest Kcid and Lilly wete with Marshall-" -j It is a certainty that Goebei wilt pe made governor tomorrow, if hc is ahve. Edclen, one ot Governor iavtor counsel, said that it would be idle to argue the cause. 111 view ot the jaate of mind generally prevalent. Colonel W. C. P. Ereckenridge said he had. ad dressed a communication to the cliair- mn nt ihf -two hoards, setting form why the arguments should hot proceed. He said that the lives of the attorneys for Governor 'Taylor had been threaten ed. . .. - ... . The republicans will protatiy. ; as soon as me . trecision ij icnmitm favor of Gocbel. make applicatiort in the United Stales circuit court at Cin cinnati, for an injunction, restraining Goebei and Rcckham from taking their seats and the Iwttle will then be con tinued before Judge Taft. of thce court. The grounds upon which the lmhnc tion will te aked, are prejudice of tht legislative body and alleged unfitness of several members of the contest boards to sit m judgment upon inc case.: t'::-;,'i " t'-'-V'Xi ;; A pcari becomes red by the near- nc 01 a rose, uui c" - by . contact with a pearl. Tis not the lower,-but trie more nouic, mut ily recognize and take home for profit the high qualities 01 uuich. TALK OP WAR British fleet to Remain near the i Home Shore UNTIL MOKE TROOPS ARC RAISED rasliaanrnt W Opened Teftterday, When j Bitter Attack Was Mart oa I the Cioverament. Jan. 'II.- It is now known that the cabinet devoted much of its discussions Saturday to the mobi lization of the fleet , Nothing was set tled except that, until further security to the home coasts has been obtained by the naval preparations, the eigkth division shall not be sent to South Africa, ; ' . . ! On 'Monday the admiralty issued or ders ithat the channel squadron: instead of leaving Portland this week for Gibraltar as previously directed, shall (assemble on February 5th, off Kddjstione. and proceetl. to Uautry for a lortnight s exercise oil the Irish coast, ithus keeping in iKwne waters for a time. this decision to delay the Eighth division, at a time when rein forcements arc so urgently required. may rhcan only, that more troopships are not yet available and that the divi sion will embark wVv.11 shipping is ready. 1 The mobilization of the reserve warships, if Mich a course shall be dc tcrmimed upon, would be of the utmost importance, there is nothing in the intelligence possessed by the public to cause ithc" cabinet s prolonged discus sion of this matter, and the inference is that the Meet may be mobilized as a general warning to other countries to keep their hand.' off the Transvaal sit uation, or the ministry may have defi nite knowledge that the neutral powers purpose to take some advantage else where! while Lug! and is busy in bouth Africai One thing is certain', 10,000 men. all ready to go to bouth Africa, are detained Mor reasons of which the publics has no knowledge. There is talk of forty-seven military battalions being iembodied. These, arc all of the militia not previously warned. huch scraps ot information as can be gathened regarding the movements of the artnies in the field seem to indicate that the relief of Idysmith has been abandoned for the present, and that a concentration of the British, for the invasion of the Free State is in pro gress.) In addition Jp General Kellys Kenny's movement. General Brabant, chief of the Colonials, has arrived at Sterkstroom. The natives report that three Boer guns have been - removed from Spytfontcin to Kinibcrlcy. Tlvc Boers i are .apparently making special effort to reduce, that place quickly. The Kimbcrley garrison was safe last Sunday. I IN PARLIAMENT. London. Jan. 30. Parliament opened today. The Queen's speech was real in both houses. The entry of the sec retary: of state for the colonies. Joseph Chamberlain, was not cheered .from any part of the house of commons. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman. the liber al leader, proceeded with a bitter con demnation of the administration, and. the temper in which it had approached the whole problem, saying the narrow ness of the government's provision of provisions for the. military rcquire mcntsl necessitated hostilities, and as Don't tall to see this line of ties.,. .1' ' -" V 4 . We Guarantee 19c Buy? a very good cot-" ton hose full seam less,, fast and stain less. See Our Veiling Specials serting that its policy made war prob able. Arthur J. Balfour, the govern ment leader, defended the govcnior ments's policy. Lord Salisbury speaking in the house of lords, - said: "We must join together ard exercise all our powers in extricating ourselves from a situation full of humiliation, and not free from dangcr."i AT KIMBERLEY. Kimberley, Jan. 20. A wholesale bombardment, which lasted all day yes terday, was resumed this morning. The Boers sent .tNo shells into all parts of Kimbcrley. There were several casual ties, including a -woman and child. GENERAL LH TON'S REMAINS ARRIVED IN SAN FRANCISCO YESTERDAY MORNING. Will Be Escorted East by General Shaftcr -Major Logan's. Body on ihe 'Same Transport. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 30 With her . flags at InK-mast, the United States transport Thomas entered thi harbor today,, bearing the Tcmains of General Henry W, IjwIoii. Maior ohn A. Logan. Jr., Lieutenant llrn- nctt and Dr. J. L. Armstrong. In the cabin of the Thomas were about twen ty pnsseniffcrs. including Mrsi Lawton and her children, the vessel -was met at the Golden Gate by General Shafter a ixl party. ' Arrangements - have fircii mailo ti convey the bodies ot ueneral Kawton. Major Logan and. Dr. Armstrong east in a special train. icncrai rhaiter lias been specially detailed by the secretarv of war to accompany the. remains cast. IMPORTANT ACTION Porto Rico and the Philippines May Have .Discriminating Duties: " Laid Against Them. WASHINGTON, Jan. w: The re publican of the ways and means com mittee tonight laid' down definite lines upon which the; republican leaders of the house, for l'orto Kico, so far as the tariff duties arc concerned, will stand. The decision reached is exceedingly important,, as it i commits the republi cans of the way s.j and means committee to the theory that Porto Rico and the Philippines arc nrt the territory of the United States within the meaning of that ction of the constitution which provides that customs and revenue Miall be uniform throughout the United States. I heir action means that the new possession 1 may be governed as colonies, and that discriminating du ties can be laid against them. I NO HARBOR BILL. Washington. Jan. 30. The river and harbor committee reached a formal de termination today, not to present the river and harbor bill at the present ses sion of congress linw This! We offer One Hundred Uollani reward tot my cr.as cf Catarrh that cannot be cared by Elail' fttarrh Ctmr. r J. CItn.NET & CO., Props . Toledo, O. Xfo V.v) tiaiTcinirnrf), l.vc known I. J. Che ney for the Jat t yearn, and be iieva him per fectly bcnn-ablc in all t.iif inc? tranaartiona nd fiaancK!! ablo i- carry cut any obliga- tionn maAt by llirir firm. WetTb' a. WboU-salc TrnrelHf (. Trtlfdo, O. WaUiito, Kixai ft Maktim, Wbolosala Urog- Hall's (t..rrh ftire iataVen Intcnjallr.acllna flirerttv ttnon ih blonfl and miirous u rf of the KVtio. Price. TV . fx.r IxfUJe. fcold by U l)r"--'-t To'ioifilalj) frna. IlaH'a Family If lis mre the best. NOW FOR IT... ' : - I ' The greatest snap of all i3 now offered nt our etoro Hen's Puff Ties Regular 50c and 75c Values 3 5C Special these to be the Ijatest Styles and Wc will offer a special sale In Ladles9 Wrappers In a few days. Walt and watch for It CAN HOLD-ON The Garrison of Ladysmith Is Healthy and Confident BOERS PROPOSE FLOODING TOWN rnblle 8plrlt;i Knrland at a f-ow Klb Iwm- of Ihe War Are the Ileav lent lit "History. LAI)YS.MITH Tan. 20 The news of the prolongation of the siege, result ing from General Puller's failure, is re ceived with fortitude. We can hold on. The garrison-;is healthy and con fident. Disease is disappearing. We can hear General Buller's guns Mill working. The Boer laagers around us are ag.iiu full of men -who hac returned from the upper Ttigela. The Boers have also taken up a iew position tin the hilN.near CiU-n-. wlicre they arc in great force. Reiiiforeements are ap parently arriving froiu the Transvaal. TO FLOOD LADYSMITII. London. Feb. 1. (Thurstlay.) The corresmnivlent of the Times at Lourcn- . . 1 - ......... fir .Aianiucs, tiicgrapning yeiurii.iy. sayi: .- -, "Information has been received here from the Transvaal, that the war de partment, convinced that it would be useless ti htorm Ladysiuith and that the bombardment will continue ineffect ive, has decided upon a change of tactics. . . - Iluge quantities 01 timber and sand bags, and hundreds of Kaffirs have been sent front Johannesburg and Pretoria for the puriKisc f .damming the . Kilp river some miles' below I.ailysniiih, the iilea being to flood the town and drive the soldiers and 111- habitanuts out of the bomb proof. caves so as to expose them to the shell fire. . , . 1 IN IX)NIM)N. London, Feb.- Thursday. 4 a. m.). Supplemental lists of casualties filled two columr.s in nonparicl lyjtr, in the-. morning papers, making 1300 reported thus far from General Bullrr's operations north of the Tugela! The Daily Chronicle estimates that the to tal t xcce'd. .2nrxi. The loss of 40 per cent at Spionko; Greater than anv British force ever suffered, except pos sibly xi Albucra, Spain, in iSti. 1 he admiralty has warned all naval half-pay officers to hold lliemstjvcs in rcanimsfs for service. This, with the fact - thatNible seanuri. not thoroughly- experienced, have .withdrawn from "the' channel squadron, is taken to indicate the early mobilisation of the reserve fleet, especially "A" .addition.. Lord Salisbury has called another cabinet council, which will meet Fri- lay or Saturday, to consider. the f-ilti- ition." I'uldic spirits are at a ery low ebb. I SPREADING OUT. a , Blue -Mountain Eagle: ' . jhe Baker. Cilv -Democrat. ha-" put m its oiucc. a .Mergentrialer lmotyp-, and will soon have it in operal ton, This m.irhine can.' in 24 hour, prrform the work of twelve -compositors. It is the first machine of the kind iiisfalkd in Eastern Oregon. , Each Best Qualities. 20c Buys an all-wool hoso' for 'ladies. Guaran teed fast black. President Suspenders, 39c pair