Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 30, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    WAS -SB
A Disreputable" Stranger Killed
, by an Angry father.
iriU B BrM(ht rrdn IUbm CHj to
Face HI A rr altera In Oregon
Vrilllaf to-Rt-tar.
SEATTLE Wash.. Tan, 26. An un
known man.' cheaiJv but flashily dress
ed, was shot and killed in the suburbs
this afternoon. It is believed" he was
the man who' had been complained of
to the police, as actiqg in an indecent
manner, in the neiehKbrhood, arid that
he was shot by - an anarrv 'father. "E.
Kock"was written'fwith a lead pencil on
the inside of his hat band, and that is
the only clue to his identity. ; It is said
lie .had been employed in local restau
rants' as a waiter. r ; . .... -j
Kansas City. Mo.. Tan. 26. James E.
Muse, charged with hvit embezzled
$6.20 from the Title Guarantee & Trust
Company, of Portland, Oregon, nearly
a year ago, was arrested here today. He
had been in Kansas City several weeks",
and had secured employment as a book
keeper, Mrs:; Muse, who Was with her
husband, started back to Portland to
day, and Muse has expressed a willing
ness to return with the officers without
requisition papers. j
El Paso. Tex., j Tan. 2nV-The mall to
night, from Guaymas, Sonora, Mtxico,
bring3 news that a report is current
there, that six Americans David Cusick
John Eldricdge. George Lujit. Chas.
Burns,, Lon Webster, and Henry Wil-liams-were
shot during last week, near
the foo of the Bacatete mountains, east
of Guaymas.: by crdcr of General Tor
res who is in command of the Mexicap
troops now operating against the Yaqui
Indians in the Tiacatete range. It i is
said the Mexican troops I found the
Americans in fnindly intercourse with
the Yaquis.-whom the troops have sur
rounded. Some of the Americans are
prospectors. -L." i '
Anions; the numerous trains with
which great arced records are now be
ing made is the fast mail of the Chica
go, Milwaukee and .St. Pa -.il, leaving
Chicago at 9:55 . m. and due to .reach
Milwaukee, eighty-five miles, at 11:40
p. 111. This train now carries passen
gers. As the., train has to stop at
Western avenue, j and also at Grayland;
and as it has to slacken speed at one
track tank and through the streets of
Chicago and Milwaukee, its time is
fast when there arc no unusual delays;
but on two trips, December th and
Decern Jk.t 1 1th. i the train started out
thirty-two minutes and thirteen min
utes late, resectively, and a large por
tion of the lost time was made up.
The train sheets for those days show
that on the yth the run from Edgc
,bro.k to' National avenue, 72.9 miles,
was made in seventy minutes, and on
the nth the same distance was made
in -seventy-one j minutes. The track
tank at which the speed was slackened
is between these, two places. The en
gine was No. 400, one of the new Bald
win compounds;; il is ; Atlantic type,
with cylinder l.t inches and 2.ix.26
inches. The weight on the drivers is
' 7 j,on . pounds;) diameter of drivers 7$
inches, steam prcs.surc xo pound.
. i ,
The new rvlcsl of the Burlington
with reference to watch inspection,
which take effect, on February lit, ate
somewhat more j stringent than those
prevailing, to the end that there '"shall
Ix- no! excuse for miscalculation due
to defective watches. The rules pro
vi.le that hereafter each watch must ic
at least a "nicket seventeen jewels, ad
justed j to Jcmpcraturc, isochronism
and positions, with patent regulator,
and I'.ncquet hairspring,' and must not
vary to exceed thirty seconds pef
week. Heretofore a fifteen-jewel
movement has sufficed- Beginning on
" February 1st, each watch must be taken
to a designated inspector at the near
est division point, and there the watch
must be' thoroughly gone over once
each quarter during the first week of
February, May, j August and Novem
ber. If found up to the required stand
ard, a card certifying to this fact, and
thoroughly identifying the watch wif
be given the owner. This card must
constantly be carried with the watch.
Each man with a watch must go to
the inspector once each week and there
register j and have the variations of his
watch noted by the inspector, and have
it reset to the correct time if there is
any . variation. The rules forbid any
employe getting .his watch of in any
way changing its movements, unless it
shall have run down. Whenever a
watch is found out of order and has to
- be left for repairs, a substitute watch
may be furnished with the approval of
the inspector, but must be accompa
nied by a special repair card. Inspect
ors will have for sale the. watches of
the required standard at lowest figure,
and are to make necessary repairs to
watches ! at reasonable rate, but ? it is
not compnlsory I that employes buy
their watches or have repairs made by
-the inspectors. All must - ; meet 'the
inspector's approval, howeve..
A story has been published at Cleve
land, said to be vouched for by .rail
road men of high standings that, the
railroad! between New York and Chi
cago, with-few exceptions,, arc now in
the hands of three great- combinations
of capital. The work of unifying the
management fs being done with a view
of ultimately making but three great
railroad systems in this territory. -This
is a movement on the part of
"' . :'-:' . ' I '.. : i :. : t' ':'-- 'i : -: ;C ''' "
v--.v.. :': -.'- 'h:;- -:rt'':'v-ir;?'':
railroad capitalists 'to .',.
piung . pf Uie ,premc court j against
the joint . traffic association, the aim
being to secure by combination what
was c forbidden - by agreementthe
maintenance . of rates. The three sys
tems are the.New .York Central, or
the Vanderbilt-Morgan interests; the
lennsyfyania and Baltimore and Ohio.
In the New York Central system are
placed the New York Central, the
W est shore, the Delaware, Lackawan
na f and Western, the Fitchburg, the
Boston and Albany, the Lehigh Val-
7- the New York' New Haven and
Hartford, the Lake Shore, the Nickel
Plate, the Michigan Central, the Big
Four, the Chesapeake ami Ohio, the
I-ake Erie and Western, the Erie, the
Monon, the Cincinnati. Hamilton and
Dayton, tine Ohio Centra!, the Hock
ing Valley, the - Columbus, Sandusky
and Hocking, the Flint and Pere Mar
quette, the Chicago and West Mich
igan, the Detroit, ? Grand Rapids arid
Western and some minor roads.
To the Pennsylvania system are al
lotted the Cleveland, Akron and Co
lumous, the Cleveland and Marietta
and the Ohio Southern lines. To the
Baltimore and Ohio are allotted the.
Philadelphia and Reading the Pitts
burg and ' Western, the- Cleveland- Ter
minal and 'Valley, the Northern Ohio
and the Baltimore and Ohio ; South
western.:1 ':!:' "
The only! thing remaining to be done
is the unification of the VandcrbiJt
system, which it is assured is being
worKca out a rapidly as the magnitude
of the enterprise will allow. Regard
ing tne organization ol the Pennsyl
vania and the Baltimore. and Ohio sys
tems, it may be sad that , the work has
pracucauy. peen aonc already.
."---; f. . -
A very fast run was, made by a spe
cial train over the Southern Railway
recntly between Salisbury. N. C. and
Atlanta,. G. The run was, in fact, prob-
aDiy tne tastest ever made in the Sduth.
oyer the same number of; miles. The
distance between. Salisbury and Atlan
ta is-313 miles, and it was" covered in
279 minutes, or an average speed of
69.5 miles per hour. -The men who
traveled on the special was Mr. Wil
liam Penniman,- of New York, who is
connected with the Fifth Avenue Na
tional Bank. ,
During 1899 the gross revenue from
the sale of Central Passenger Associa
tion interchangeable mileage was $4,
709.20. an irrcrcase over 1898 of $669
340. The total number of books sold
aggregated 156.974. an increase of 22,
178 over iSoST and the rebates "given
to purchasers of mileage amounted to
$i.57AOS- This report is the best ever
turned m to the association
Some of the Things the Oregon
Papers Are Saying.
Forest Grove Times: .
"Quite a number of reputed candi
dates are looming up as desirous of oc
cupying the seat in congresA now oc
cupied by Hon. Thomas -H Tongue.
The principal reason in fact the only
reason they can give fjr proposing a
change from Tongue to (some one else
is. that some one else wants the place.
The j congressman . from the First
Oregon disttict is one of "the bright
est men the state has ever sent to rep
resent her at the national ; Capital, and
if it if an able, painstaking and consci
entious representative Ihat the people
want, r they will let Mr. Tongue stay
just where he is. The office . of con
gressman was not provided for merely
to make a place for somebody, but in
order; that necessary legislation may be
enacted. Let the aspirants show that
they are better able to discharge the
duties: of the oltice than the incumbent
and the people might then be persuad
ed to listen.
. . S
McMinnviHe Telephone-Register:
H. H. Hewitt, formerly circuit judge
of this district, has consented to allow
the use of his name in connection with
the nomination of congress. The can
didacy of Judge Hewitt complicates
maters for the republicans. , , - Marion
couny hjs a candidate in the- person
of Claud Gatch. and there is no love
between the friends of, Hewitt and the
republicans of Marion county. Mr.
Hewitt has many friends in this coun
ty but, just how they will regard his
candidacy we are not. iurrncd. Yanv"
hill county supported Tongue in the
convention two years ago, but it is
doubtful it will do so this year.
Wood burn Indcjcndcnt;
Ther,e is a very amusing feature
about ' the politics of Woodburm
First, ne prominent -politician- of this
neck .0 the wxxls hies to , Salem and
promises the "wc ares" a. solid delegation-
to-the coiinty convention from
here. Then another no lefs influential
factor than the first whispers to other
Salem. Magnates that he has it ail down
here as 'he wants it and to expect- a del
egation of their way of thinking. A
third confidante has been or will be
upon the Salem scene. The funny part
o all. this is that the 'people, of Wood
burn the common sheep arc not con
sulted. ,". - j j ; ;; .V
A large amount of the small arms
amnV-nition now being used by. the
Boers against the English troops .is of
British manufacture. ; As late as i?o6
a large English cartridge firm, the pres
ident of which is Mr. Arthur Chamber
lain, the colonial secretary's brother,
ppfced1 the Boer government with
some millions of rounds of ammuni
tion Tbe transaction was, of course,
well known to the British at the time.
Wiconsin has a new law requiring
the pullic registration of the names of
lobbyists, a list of the bills they op
pose ef promote, and of the corpora
tions or individuals by whom they are
employed. i : . ,
; My brother Lemuel married Mehita
ble Pierce when he was. quite along in
years. Nobody thought he'd ever get
married at all. 'any'more'n my brother
Reuben an. Silas.- The three had lived
together and kept bachelors hall ever
since our mother died. I was married
and away from home' long before she
died. I didn't know how they would
get along 'at first, but all of the boys
had been used to helpin' ma a good
deal, and they were real handy, : -and
when I asked if they wasn't goin to
have a . housekeeper, they wouldn't
hear to it. They said they wasn't go
in to have- no strange woman round
in ma's-place; nohow . " So Silas he
took hold and did the washin' and
ironing an Rncben did -the sweepin
and Lemuel, he was the youngest, next
to me. did the cookin. He could cook
a dinner equal to any woman, and his
pies beat mine. My 'husband said so
and I had to give in they did.
Well, they seemed to get along so
nice, and none of 'em had ever seemed
to think much about the girls. not
even when they was boys that I
must say I was astonished when Lem
uel he up and got married to Mehitabie
fierce, she was a little along in
years, too, rather more so than Lem
uel, apd a dreadful smart pieces She
was good lookin' and she had proper
ty, but she was' dreadful smart and
up an comm. I, could never see' how
Lemuel ever got the courage to ask
her 'to have him, he was always a kind
of mild spoken little fellow. Reuben
be declared he didn't.. He vowed that
Mehitabie asked him . herself. He Said
he knew. it lor a fact, and he said it
with the tears rollin down his cheeks.
Reuben was the oldest, and he'd al
ways been terrible fonf . of Lemuel.
That poor boy would never have got
in sech a fix ef that woman hadn't up
and asked him, an' he didn't have
spunk enough ro say no," said Reu
ben, and he swallercd hard.
Mehitabie had a nice 5 house, of her
own that her father left her, all fur
nished and everything,' so 0 course
Lemuel he went to live with her, and
AiemtaDie s nouse was , pretty near
where I lived, so I could see every
thing that was goin' on.' It wa'a't
very long before I said to Hannah
Morse, my husband's old maid sister
that lives with us and teaches school,
that I believed Lemuel was henpecked,
though I Tiadn't ,anythia' against Me
hitabie. -
. "I don't see what else anybody that
married Mehitabie Pierce would exr
pect," said Hannah. She spoke real
sharp for her. I've always kind of
wondered if Hannah would have had
Lemuel if he'd asked her. "Well, said
I, I hope poor Lemuel will be happy.
He's always been such a good, mild,
wi Hin' boy that it docs jscem a pity for
him to le rode 'over ikmgli-shod,; and
have all the will he ever did have trod
den into the dut." , ' '.? i
"Well, that is what will happen, ' of
I'll mjiss my guess, said Hannah
Morsel For a long while I thought
she was right. It was really pitiful to
sec Lemuel. He didn't have no more
liberty nor will of his own than 3 5-year-old
boy, and not ijso.' much. Me
hitabie wouldn't let hltn do this and
that, and if there was anylhin' he want
ed to do, she was etagainst it, and
he'd always give right In. Many's the
lime Lemuel has run over to my house,
and his wife conic racin' to the fcme
and screamed after hint to come home1.
and he'd start up as scared as he could
ha. And many s the tune I vc been in
tm-re, and he started to go out; and
she'd tell him to set down, and he's set
without a murmur. j
Mehitabie she bought' all his clothes,
an she favored long-tailed coats, an 1
he beiri such a short man never looked
well in 'em. and she wouldn't let him
have store shirts and collars, but made
them herself, and she -didn't have very
good patterns, she used her father's
old ones, and he wasn't no such built
man as Lemuel, and I know he suf
fered everything, liot.h? in his pride an
his feclin's. Lemuel began to look
real downtrod. He didn't seem like
half sich a man as he did, and the
queerest thing" about it was: Mehitabie
didn't 'pear to like the work of her
own hands, so .to speak.
One day she talked 4o me about it
"I dunno what 'tis," said she, "but
Lemuel he don t seem to have no go
ahead and no ambition and no will of
his own. He tries to please me, but
it don't scciii as if he? had grit enough
even for that. Sometimes I think he.
ain't well, but, I dun no what ails htm.
I've been real careful of him. lies'
worn thick flannels,:, and he s had
wholesome victuals: I ain't never Scl
him have pie." hi
Imucl was always dreadful fond of
pie," saidl. I feci kid 9f sorry, for I
rcmcrbered" how fond iioqt Lemuel
had always been of mother's pies, and
what good ones he used to make him
self."' , ;.-:"! .:.'. :,
"I know it," said i Mehitabie. "He
wanted to make some himself, when
wc were first married, but I vetoed
that. wasn't goin" to have afman
hiessin' round makin pies. and; I
wasn't goin to have! him eatin' of 'era
after they were made. Pies ain't good
for him. But I declare- J dunno what
docs make him act -'so kind of spirjt-lessT-
I told htm today I thought -h'd
better make a '' resolution for the new
year and stick to -it, and see 'ifj it
wouldn't put some spunk into him."
Pretty soon she went home. I cof.ld
see she was real kind bf troubled. She
always did think a good deal of Lem
uel in spite of everything. I 5
The next day was New Year's,' and
in the afternoon Mehitabie came in
again. She didn't ihave her sewin as
she generally did, fshe was a very in
dustrious woman, f She jest sat down
and began twisting the fringe of her
shawl as if she was real nervous, iier
face was . puck-erect up. too. I dunno
what to make of 'Lemuel,' said she.
finally. ' ' . ,
Why. what's hc matter? said I,
kind of scared. 1 i , ' ,'
"He says he's made-a resolution for
the new year." said she, "and that he's
goin to keep "it." ! . ..,
"Well, what is it, . satid 1.
I dunno," said she.
"".Well, if it's a; good; one, you don't J
care, do you?" said T "and it couldn't
be. an yt hin but a good one if my broth
er; rfcade t."'j . . ' .v
1 dunno what it is, said sbe
:Wont he tell?" ! ,
vtNo, he won't. I can't get a word
out of him about it. He don't act tike
himself." :
Well, I must say I never saw such
a change as iconic over Mehitabie and
I-muel alter,1 that. He wouldn't tell
what his resolution Was, and she
couldn't make him, though she almost
went down on her knees.1 lit begun to
seem as if she was fairly hangin' char
acters with Lemuel, though she had a
spell of bcin herself rriore'n ever at
Jlrt.,-tryin t force him to tell what
tnat resolution was. . then she 1 grt'e
that up, and $he never asked him where
he -was goin'i an he could i come in my
house an sit jest .as long as he wanted
to, and she bought him a short-tailed
coat and some store collars and shirts.
and he looked like another man. He
got to stayin" down to the istore nights,
ait talkin politics with the other men
real loud. I heard him jmysclf one
ntgni. ana 1 couian t oeueve it was
Lemuel. . . j ;i . .
Well, Lemuel he never gave in.s and
he never tol4 till the next; New Year's
day. when he'd. said he would. He's
said all along that he'd tell her-then.
I'd got most as curious as Mehitabie
myself by that time, and New Year's
mornin' I rjun over real early they
wasn't through breakfast. I knew the
minute I sawj them that he! hadn't told.
He said he I' wouldn't tiill he was
through his breakfast. He wa m6st
through wa finishing upj with a big
piece of . mince pie, and' he'd made it
himself, too. iWhen he'd swallowed the
last mouthful" he , looked iup and he
laughed, reall pleasant and. sweet, and
yet with more manliness than I'd ever
seen in him. . j
"S'pose you want to know what that
New Year's resolution was?", .said
Lemvel. -j '-',
"I guess I jean stand it a while long
er," said Mehitabie. Nowi the time
had come she drdn't want! to act too
but I
showed out jest what I
"For the lknd sake, Lemuel Babbit,
what was it ?T' said 1
Lemuel' he laughed again. "Well, it
wasn't much I of arythin'," he said, in
his gentle, : drawlin way. "I didn't
make no resolution, really.!
"What, , Lemuel Babbit!" cried Me
hitabie. i. -
"No," saidl he; "I couldn't think of
none to make, so I made a resolution
not to tell that I hadn't made any."
Mary E. Wijkins, in Globe-Democrat
The flicfit of time is ininrpssed hv
the presence; in this congress of a
namesake of the martyf .president.
Abraham Lincoln Brick is considered
old enough fend big enough to come to
congress by the people of the Thir
teenth district of Indiana. .Not only
that, but he 'is a professor 111 the Jaw!
faculty of the University of Notre
Oamc, was one of the delegates to the
St, Lnuis cqnvention four years ago
and has beeii orominent in Hoosier
state politics) for fifteen years. The
fact is, Mr. Brick is a somewhat older
man than htsj name might indicate. Of
all of the thousands who bear the name
of: the great liberator, Mr. Brick is
probably flier oldest and most promi
nent. His father took chances on the
name. He was a warm admirer of
Lincoln, although riot a resident of Ill
inois, the conirressman came into
the worlfjj. before Mr. Lincoln was nom
inated for president by about 1 three
weeks. The elder Brick was an enthu
siastic rep-'lilican. So confident was
he in the belief the Ili;ioisan would lie
nominated he named . the baby Abra
ham Lincolni He made no mistake
Washington Corrcsondcn.
--. I -1
Of the 34,000.000 people in South
Africa it is j estimated that . 30,000,003
have never seen a Bible.
During th year 1899 the railroads
ordered 473 new, locomotives, break
ing all previous records.
Eftgiuccrs Estimate that 20.000 horse
power can .be developed along . the
Chicago sanitary canal. ,
The colonr of New Sou'.h Wales,
Australia, expects to have 90,000 tons
wheat for export this season.
The Congregational chirchcs of
South Carolina, composed -of colored
people;: have j formed a state associa
tion. . 1
An important element of the voting
population of the cosmopolitan city "of
BnflFalo is Composed '' of the Polish
voicrs. - " j j
Switzerland has three institutions for
the cure of j drunkards which record
permanent crcs in one-half the cases
From i the Philadelphia Record:
A touching example of -the devotion
of a dog to his master was witnessed
last Monday ! at St. Michael's church..
during the funeral services held over
th -remains of lames Harden, There
had been & strong Lond of friendship
between Barden and a spaniel named
master last week the dog has been in
consolable. He followed the funeral
procession 'from Barden's home, : "on
North .frourth street, to the church.
and for a- few minutes after the casket
had been borne-inside the sacred edi
fice, "Mugskj" waited outside. Durinx
the celebration of the rccmicm mass
thernoerneri and the congregation
were, surprised to see- tbe dog walk
down the center aisle. The casket
bearing the' Jbody of his master bad:
been placed -in front of the altar, and
the faithful canine did not stop or
turn aside until he came to the bier.
For a moment be stood gain sadly
about him, and then, laid down di
rectly under ; the casket. As the at
tachment of the dog for Jiis 'deceased
pinaster was well known he was not,
disturbed, and Temained lying tender
the casket until the funeral cervices
were concluded. ' .
M ; j . ' 11 -,111 1 . .'"-."
SayL. began the mn"lio had his
feetinn the table, "did I ever tell you:
tbr story about the sheet - of tiaiue pa
- -
t K Too thinf unaniinouJy reclaimed
he others.
for Infants
The Kind Tou JIavo Alvrnys Uoujrlit lia borne. tho Rlgrna
turo of Chas, II. Flcteher, and lias been mwlo under bis
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in Uds. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-a-gootl arc but Kxperimeuts, and eudanffer tbo
health of Children Expericneo against ExiHirlnicnt.
Eind You Havo Always BougM
Bears the
Use For
f Ml Viuutr. r. ti prvrrt.ion .f a
v n ! 7
Iilr l .b Bwk,MlMl Kwlo tmmm Nrr. lwmjf, I't.myl
V U, Mrr.T. Vmh..l-S Iri.ln. Vrlrle mm t o.. t lo..
. 10 jHru.ion-hui and ll th )..mrjn.MrHK.u-nry. !SI5 L"'
Ilvt-r. Ih kidnryul Uie urluary unsaus ol all itcpuruitH. tl' rl Ulli nnunhim
J reT "C" rl hy Doctor, h. prn tare trihlt with CrAXMjlla.
Ctrt4DJ!NKtllB only kikown iwMtucun. wlthnal n 0nU.m. kK lUnii...l,,i. A
Euiriit; 1 rtri " aoll mowr murnrl hour dooi uu effect a pcriuuuent cura. LW a buX,8 1r
-T x ." wymi li: o ! 0. Box aor. Ban Franctoctt. Cat. -
Pendleton East Oregonian;
"Of all thb towns in Oregon, Baker
City' is perhiaps, more than any ,other,
feeling the tjencfit of the tide of immi
gration already setting in to this fa
vored land tot the great Columbia ba
sin," said W, C. Cowgill, news .editor
of the TJakir Crty Republican, who
passed throijgh Pendleton this morn
ing en route to bpokanc,
Baker Cify is the watchword of the
travelcr from the east, and every
farmer's lad !and city clerk of .the -great
middle west jwh'o can get a few shekels
together is planning to visit Eastern
Oregon this! spring and has his eye on
the gold-lined hills surrounding Baker.
Private correspondence received daily
at our office; and the reports made to
General -Passenger Agent W. H, Ilurl
burtv. of the O. R. & N., all show that
the year 1900 will see an influx of pv'er
40,000 pocple i:ito Oregon, 50 per cent,
of whom remain here and 50 per cent,
of whom will' first visit the ( Eastern,
Oregon gold field j. Not a few' of these
people arc capitalists who arc coming
with the express purpose of investing
, .
111 mines, flic unparaiit-ied record 01 coneice, iurcc women uuu, .Jiivum-u
not a single failure in the many rich two large dimnrs and a luncheon, giv
inincs west of Baker City has excited en in her honor, presided at a Unita-ft-thc
interest of capital and labor alike. ; an 'injecting,! visited her friends an I s,it
Every day new veins are opened and 'fori a photographer. .
new riches discovered in old mines. Miss Anna Ktumpkc of Sin Fra.i
The winter has been so mild , that all cisco, who received the major tnr( of
kinds of mining has progressed with- thei fortune of the late Rosa iVinh'U!,
out interruption. Tilts fields east of . has announced tnat site win create-j an
Baker City, especially in the CornUco-; annual pric of .00 in honor of her
pia district arc also being rapidly dc- benefactress. Her plan, as outlined, is
vcIoicd and some verly rich copper , to liave. the p'rire awarded tnmially by
and gold mines have been opened there a sa!on jury and to have the award
within the past three weeks. The Kii;- made for the best -paintinr; by man or
Iish. of Danville. Illinois, who own the , wotuan. l'rrncli or foreign,
celebrated Golconda. mine, in the j Madame Calve has chosen to be im--Cracker
creek district! rthcli produces mortalicd by having a life-sit-d statue
$SO.orx) per month uci, 4rc alnut . to , of Ophelia placed over her grave. The
make another heavy investment on Ol- ! safuc .will be exhibited at the Paris ex-
iev creek near the bisr Red Boy mine.
All the mine owners west of Baker,
including the Standard Oil company,
who operate the. Bonanza, arc prepar-
ing to go into dcenniinine. and linn-
dreds of carloads of machinery will be
sliippcd into the . Uaker camp this
spring for that especial purpose.
TBaker City is preparing for the
boom. Many new buildings, including- ' ,
a $75,000 opera house Knd hotel, busis , Astorian. 26th: . -
ness blocks and rcsideSnces" arc undef j Collector Fox -.of. the -customs ofTirc
crntract for this year. Rents have received a telegram from Senator Mc
gone'up. - 1 Bride yesterday stating tliata bill aj-
"Baker City business men attribute fprwpriating 5,ooo for a steam launch
the widespread interst in their city, and j had just been reported favorably by
the large immigration there ; to the the- committee., The launch will be
splendid and systematic advertising' of used by the local customs department
the country by the O. K, & N. Co. j in its inspectors work in this harbor.
Their descriptive books and fine maps A bill recently received favrable ac-
01 r-asiern uregon can ic touna on the ;
desks anI in the librRaries of every
business man cast 0 the Missouri riv
er. Orcgonians for Oregon.
. 1
Woodbtirn Independent: ; . r ,
This paper might be filled with ac
counts of , wrecks' on, our public roads,
and other notes made to demonitrate
the terrible condition of our highways.
j. l .Zelnick s thrcc-horse team last
l"hurs!ar attemuted to brinsr a ton of
flour from Monitor to iWodburn andwcatniC'r eontinues. Thw arc yn men
got stck three times on the stage i now employed on the'-, line. Tracklay
road in front of Sylvester's. After the was finished over Niggcf ridge on
flour had been unloaded the third time, Tuesday last and Grass Valley i al
the three horses, with the assistance of ready putting on the airs of a rialroad
another team, managed to pull the town. j - V,
empty wagon out of where it was lia-! (Tin's is A. .B. Smith, formerly pf
blc to go out of sight. Several teams ' Salcsn. I
jment out to St. Paul., The stone ar
rived in Woodlmrn from Portland and
was ordercdTor James McKays' grave.
F. Gpcgoirc with two good ( horses
tried to hard two little dressed pigs
and six sacks of grain to Woodburnj
but broke a doubletree in, Vainly en
deavoring to get out of a bad place in
the road by the tile- factory. Roads?
They're not roads. Those who have
to re such abortions are to be com
miserated. - . : -i.:. :- . ',
A new electric foghorn consists of
three electro-magnets, which operate
half a dozen clappers that strike upon
a gong at the rate of i.ooo strokes a
minute, producing a- continuotis sound.
The effect is increased by the use of a
megaphone, which also sends the
soend in any desired direction.
Do the duty that lies nearest to you.
Every duty which is bidden to wait re
turns with fresh duties at its back' .
I Kingiley.
r 1
and Children.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
(.hbww Krmrh pli.v-B, will ''''O'f" r
Mrs. McKmley is said to have a pre
ference for blue flowers and to dislike
yellow ones.
Florence Nightengale now spends all
her" time in bed or on a couch, Luc has
all the papers read to "herein order to
ge: the news from the Tranvail. i
John D. Rockefeller " says that h:s'
private secretary Miss Harri. is cho
of the most valuable employes in 1 Ins
service for sagacity and good ;udg-
Queen (Victoria so dislikes type
written communications that she will
not allow; any documents supposed to
emanate, from the crown to "be sc-.it oiit
Miss Alice ; Rollins Crane, who holds
the!' place of prison inspector in the
employ of h ; gov. tunent. rcccn!y
returned from A1;-k!. .where she . vn
tnt by the burea.i of etlmoiogy o. the
Smithsonian Initt'.ute to study and re
port on the prison Vic.
Tim' Miss" Su.- vt B: Anthony is a
vigorous-woman, despite her Ki ytn,v
was recently show in Detroif, 'viicn
m three day t-un ac'rcscd a liuiness
, ., - . .- .1.... 1.1
position. Calve, who is far from ln-ing
a morbid person, . greatly enjoys the
novel' idea of having her moniinirnt
; made previous to her -death, .and he has
'chosen to be reirescnted as -Ophelia,
her favorite-among -the many .roles
, she has iersonated
j . . . " 11 ' .
. I'd A I.AlJiNt.lI. '
i"'n ai'propriaiing i.oo ir uus pur-
pose but the" Amount was ,.i.?.-overed
to ' lie too small, and the matter w.B
postponed in, order to secure a larger
appropriation. '
Moro Leader: .-. 'i " .
... A. .B. Sinithin charge oft!ic con-;
"struction iorccs :"onNi. the Columbia
SSuthcrn, j says the line will IeJ com
pleted to Slianit in ahout three
- . months, it the 5 present favorable
E"trene fuard:
The ffiiit growers about the city re
port that up to the present time the.
trees ha fe not been damaged by tJic
and in a great many cases
tbe sap
has nryt yet -gone down. But
if the weather should ! continue warm
as it hafV, been, for' a while and ' then
turn co'J, it would cauc considerable
damage as the trees are budding in a
good rqany cases..
E-gcncj Giard: v
Horace Mann, formerly editor of the
Cottag Grove Messenger, ha moved
to Mcdi'ord. where he will take charge
of the jSoMthern Oregon " Eye. , Mr.
Mann 14 an able newspaper writer, and
wc wijxi him success, in his new fie!d.
Ehii:ation may work wonders as well
in warping the genius of individuals as
in seconding it. A. B, Alcott.
;l :