Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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- )
4 i
gov; t. t.oeeb XAXED AS noNOBABT
.. l i rf ... u - .
a A ir T"-. . ,
Im? d Teatarday for tha Rclara at lk
:' Orr eon Knabaaalar Apptlratioaa "
Tir rmrdooi. : t
M -';. -s -'. .1 )M , .
(From Daily, Jan. 30th.):
- Gov. T. T. Geer yesterday issued a
requisition for the return to Oregon of
Held a Maatla la TWa City TetWy--1 Hava Arrived La Saa Francisco ud TTU1
Sfaar Fromlaeat 8pakrs Will rartlclpata I LonU Taton Lodged la Jail o Satpicloa
Of tk CoraeUns B. Buhaell AMoclatloa to
ocrattie Stat1 Caavaatlaa
Slliartoa Repabllcaa. j
B Seat to Baleaa to YlnI
KeaUag nea.
tna T ; Days Beaaloa of
of Ha Tin Ben Implicated 1
Cnaaapoeg- Mold-Cp.
"' Erect a HUtaa to tka BUdr
. . " "of tha'aCam'ttor. - " I
"' tba Con vent I
(From Daily, Jan. 38th.)
Th Marion " County Democratic
Central committee held ' a meeting in
"this city yesterday at the office of -the
chairman, John Bayne. V f, j v
. (From Dally, Jan. 38th.)
A telegram wes ' yesterday received,
by KXng L Hibbard, of this city,
from his brother in San Francisco,
stating that the body of his son. Cor
poral IL G.-: Hibbard, had arrived ? at
It was decided to hold the primaries I that place1 from Manila. No definite
lor election bf delegates to the coun- time was given when the body; would
. convention, on Saturday. -March b. tranm" ? JC JSSTC Salem Chamber of Commerce;
atth. .The date for holding the county M'TttuZ ttm f it. tartincr. . Heni E., Thielsen, secretary ot Ja
convention was fixed for Saturday, The funeral arrangements will be lem's commercial organization, yester
Anrif rth I " 'r jmade, at-Mr. Ilibbard's reqiiest, by day afternoon completed the arrange
The apportionment of dekgates to the .b eV.
aunty convention will be based. 00. the of Jhe University; The body will be ssslon which is as follows. -
Afternoon Session 3 p. .m.
i Address of welcome.: ' ,
(From Daily, Jan. 28th.)
The general interest that has already
(From Daily, Jan. a8th.) !
Constable D. C Minto' returned on
vote, cast 'fr. Wm. M. Ramsey for I buried at the - Warren cemetery, about
supreme justice. i W -miles. east tf WllLird. Rev. Geo.
A. t- iv r -c;,.',. - I VV.- Grannis, the pastor of the deceased,
Chairman Payne, Wt- tinker, set- I s , 1 , r; -t k-
, i . . - e :!' I-cava 1 wua aM sr-m tuv
retary; and W.H- Downing,!! Sub- chttrch aJ tn grave.- The comrades of
limit v nrecinct. were consututea a I Warrick Camo. boanish-Amencan Vol
. committee 'and authorized to make an j unteers' Association, will also perform
apportionment of delegates I to 'the
been 'manifested, insures the -success of the California express last night fronl
Fatmm' f!oni?ri which will be Portland, having in his custody Louis
5? , l . . t ' ? Weston, whom he placed fa the county
held in the state house, February 7th - , .v ; w,tta wai arrested in Port
and 8th, under the auspices of the Sutei land' yesterday on suspicion of having
Board of Agriculture, assisted by the I been implicated in the.Chfmpoeg noia
np ol last inursaay evening wnen
Hoeler & Zora were reiietea ot aoout
$400. Wcstort will probably be ar
raigned before- Justice 11. 1 A. Johnson
tomorrow. I :
On the day after- the hold-up, Mr.
Hoefer came to Salem and placed the
case in the bands of Constable D. C
Minto. Mr. Hoefer and j his partner,
Casoar Zorn. and one of thehired 'men,
positively identified Louis j Weston, by
his voice, he beinsr the one ' who car-
Response, for State Agricultural and tried on the principal part of the con
the last sad rites and honors due a sol-
Horticultural Societies Hon. .Tv .T.
Geer, governor of Oregon.
i "Future ' Outlook for Dairying ' in
. . " roirr unacr miiuary- lorms.
couniy conyenwou u- uW,rv. Th, innumerabi . of the !- OrVon"-Hon: Thos. Paulsen, oresi
basis. , . j . I " . . : I ,ant ynB corporal will be glad, with I dent state Dairy Association.
Chairman Bayne was authorized to I the1 family, that his remains will rest I -r ;
appoint prejtjnct committee men where in his native sUte, though his home- vice-president Berkshire s Breeders As
vacancies ext by the creation of new coming ? is exceedingly, .sad. . The- date sociatkm for Oregon. -
. . .. . i4. - of the" funeral ceremonies will be an- Soiling -and Its Advantages in
precincts oe rtmo ui nounced ater. ' ' n.!iMr-A w vvir j caW
men from the precinct or otherwise.
n r
The Silvejreon Republican club held
versation while the robbery was being
carried out. ' Weston worked for Hoe
fer & Zorn about eight years ago and
it was the acquaintance . with the cus
toms of Weston then formed, that en
abled his former employes to be so
Swine Breeding'John Redmond, positive f in associating ? him wkh the
crime, navmz nrsc ascenamcu uiai
Weston had served a sentence in the
Oregon state penitentiary, Constable
Minto procured a photo j of the dis
charged prisoner and on Friday morn
ing went in search of the desired man
Weston was arrested at the home of
his sister in Portland, but; when ques-
Dairying" -Geo.
"Goat Breeding"Hon. J. B. Earlys
Salem, Oregon.' " - - : il
a meeting in that citT vesterday, when I r f 1 W r T TT ni;.- I "Horticulture In Oregon and Maris sister. m f wuuu, uH wr qu
ofRcer re S&rtlfiStoSu Pre" Mf ft" ZLZ SS kets for Oregon Fnii-Hon.-H.J.E. tioned concerning hi. .whereaotUs for
ofHcers were elected as .follows:. Pres
ident. R. C- Ramsby; vice-president,
S. T. Holwirt; secretary, Fred War
nork; treasurer, Senator L. J.' Adams.
Delegates to the state league of re
publican clnbs were elcted as -follows:
T. W. Rk-liies; R. C Ramsby; L J.
Adams. C. i W. Younggren, S.sT. Ho
bart. M. Skaife. Fred Warnock, T. R.
Hibbard, G. M; Osbund and Q. L.
Hatterbergi i; - j i
In It Allege That the City's Laws
Are Not Strictly Enforced.
Dosch, ; secretary State Board of Hor-
'ticulture. ' :
: i Evening Session, 8 p. m. .
j A111SIC. - ' i
"The State Fair and Its Relations to
Agriculture" Hon. . VV.' H. Wehrung,
The regular meeting' of the W.'C. T.
U. ! was held on the I23 insL, when
there was considerable business trans
As if was franchise department day, I president State Board of Agriculture,
Sherwood took charse of the .meetintr. I ducts" C. ' H. Markham. general
and called on every one to give their I freight and passenger agent Soutbenl I year 1807. Weston reorcsented to Con
views. 1 here- was Only one present I Pacific Company. ; v ; vi I mahlo . Ulntt Kaf . ha hH Un taarfintr'
that was not in favor of woman's vot- I "Organization of Producers" Hon; I an honorable career since his release
mg, ami sne acknowledged jtnat it cne I n. is. Miner, president state Doard ot I from the " penitentiary. Whiskey he
rest voted she would too-; . ' I Horticulttire. t I alJceed. wa resnonsihl for hU Hnn:
J he subject of "What can we do to I -t "Animal Husbandry as a factor in lfan and incarceration in he oeniten-?
""-".'- v 1 uary, since wmcn time fie nao not m
the week ending yesterdayi declined to
make any statement, save tp say that
he had for some time been, engaged in
sawins wood below Portland. He ao
peared very reticent and would disclose
nothing concerning , himself. ;
Weston was 5 sentenced to the state
penitentiary irom Marion county m
1896, under ' sentence of one year for
burglary. He was "released during the
R. S. Sheridan and W. J. j D'Arcy,
chairman and secretary, respectively,
of the slate democratic central com
miti hav issued a call for the state
mnvrniioii to be held at Portland on I purify the city": was discussed, and do I Successful
Thursday,! April 12th. beginning at 10 1 you not think it is time that every I Withycombe, vice-director, State Agrif J dulged in intoxicating beveraires at all.
' . . - -.n ft - 1. 1 1 - -M : a T is .11.. I -.11 . . . -'
a. m., lorltne purpose 01 eiecgng aeie-1 fwr wa isincr ana ngni-minaea 1 cunrai viickc . - i ft would " not appear that there, was
gates to (the national democratic con- person was awakening tip to the fact I Mrsic. . j a very strong case against t Weston al-
vent ion, and nominating candidates fori that our city is getting in an alarming I "Fair Circuits and the Benefits I though subsequent developments may
presidential electors, justices 01 xne su- : whch a woman can 1 go , nome 1 ibctcui nun. i cier j. oiucius, set-1 bC 0j a more Dosrtlve'and incriminat
preme crttirt, congressmen, dairy andJ om cnurcn without being insulted, I retary valilornia ptate Agricultural po-1 ing' . character. ; The fact that eight
iooi commissioner, circnii juages ana i "rc. ""'"tn nac 10, nc r. aav. - ,,. . j, ' I lycars have elapsed since Weston work-
district attorneys and the various joint 1 rested tor using yiie language on our I " 1 he Creamery as a Factor in Agn- t cd for Hoefer & Zorn and that the men
senators and represemauves,, and ior 1 .is 11 any 'wonaer wnen 1 cuuurai x rospeniy vjeorge: w ivecs,
such othil business as may come DCtore i"ur cuy is Kepi up or tnc Diood-money I president' vipany creamery.
it. ! 1. I lron .saloons, and does not the bible I THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8. -
ine representation 10 wmcn we Tmn" I zrAl .z ' V..? v ".c luai P'lf1" " I The morninir session, from 10 a. m.
had not been associated 'together - or
conversed with each other since, would
not attach any considerable 'weight to
the testimony of the former employes
- -r r - - - 1 t,i . ! ... ; ' , . 1 ; ine morning session, irom 10 a. 111. 1 !".v . . iuijujtj
VK ,?!.:Ve.l!n-t t iTiJ: :JH2 m. will-, be devoted to separate who positively dentify . the: accused by
one delegate for every lS0 voters or 1 of?.thr s S Taociaiio hrtkula
iraciion oi cr seven y-nvc or ocr,Sl , ' n me tion of these mcetirigS wil .
ior lion. w. 11. Tiamscv ior supreme 1 " uiwu ana me cut run-01 1
ir loca
..f .1 : . 1 .j -
Lcicgaics. i i.u we cai in aim me lora seem
his voice.' r
Two men perpetrated the hold-uo.
but notv the slightest trace' has been
found of the second man. i , r
4 .
" County.
Benton. i .. . .
Clackamas. . . .
Clatsop. . . . . .
Columbia.. . .
Coos. , i .
Crook, .! .. .. ,
Curry. . .,
Douslasi. .
Gilliam. L
Harney i.
Jackson; . .
Josephine. .
. Lake.. L...
Iine. . L. .
Lincoln i . .
Linn., i. .
Malheur. .. ,
Marion.;. . .
Morrow;. . .
Polk. . . . .
Tillamook. .
it I not, and as for me, my eyes shall not
TO ' DIG GOLD. The Oak Bar
... ...
i . . . .
uri., r-f f . - if i L-iJ I Mmincr I r m m n v fitorl i rt irta nt in.'
I snare, neither .will 1 havn rntv. hfif N , ' ,nmmtnn ..i. j . . .
1 he'adr-TmriJih,r Way "Pnt .the,f MThe Poultry IndustryProf. R. F. NV.. The company will engage in pros,
? an3 fitir. ,w!tt Lf-LC-tr. fat.h." Robinson, president State Poultry Asi pecting and mining for goU in Various
sociation. - , 4r .- - ; ... i pomoiis oi uregon. i ne company
"The Outlook for Hops in Oregon I nas a capiUl stock of ?jo,ooo, divided
M. L. Jones, president Oregon Hop I UXo shares of 'the par value of ? too.
. - . . a i Al. -M - : 1 l. -a S . I
Urowers Association. irumanu wm pe inc neaaquarters oi
v . . .. j i I tne company. i rancis bealey, K. u.
NARROW ESCAPE.-?-J. C. Johnt I Morrow; B. B. Beekman,; are the in
son had a narrow escape from drown I corporators ol .record.
nrr in Mortli Mill rrpc nn Kridav . I " 1 , '"'
.ninir Mi.i.trini, h. i.r. v, iU I Dr. C W. Barf came ho from Port
- r ao..a.aj T... I I ) I . ..... . . .
;wiftness ot the stream, Mr. Johnson 'ana i3Sl P'KnV navmg jest returned
rode j his horse into the creek just I " " l "c vuy oi iwejt
(From Daily, Jan. 28th.) '
- Gov. T. T. Geer 'yesterday received
the notification that he' had beert made
an-honorary vice-president of the Cor
nelias S.vBushnell Memorial Associa
tion, of New Haven. Connecticut. - The
letter is signed by George ll.t Ford,
secretary ot the association, and the
object of the ao5iety is the erection of
a monument to the memory of the late
Mr. Bushnell. " - ' ?.,: ,1
The text of the ictter is 1 as follows:
j " Under separate cover you will , re
ceive by enail a copy ol the -'Story of
the Monitor issued hy the Cornelius
S. Busbndl . Memorial Association.
This association ; is- organized and in
corporated fop the purpose of collecting
funds and erecting a suitable memorial
of the late Cornelius. S. BushncH of the
city and town of New Haven, at 'an ex
pense of not less than $25,000. The
general -assembly of the state of Con
necticut, ataits 1899 -session, appro
priated $5000 towards this- object. -; In
order Aa properly present the subject
to the many friends and admirers.
throughout the, country, of the late Mr.
Bushnell, vour5 Indorsement is solicit
ated. and'ihe'foftowifto: vote of the exe
cutive -committee r(tf the association is
referred to: ' i- - -
"fit is recommended that the gover
nor of - the vstate oi Connecticut, together-
with the " coventors " of other
Union sjtates from !i86i to 1865), the
commander-in-chief of the Military. Or
der-of the Loval Leirion. Rear-Admiral
commanding -the' National - Associations
of Naval Veterans and Rear-Admtral
Bunce (retired). United States navy, he
invited to act as honorary vice-pri-dents.'
. i t. .r:-"; ' - r;v .;. , 4-
"I have the. honor, therefore.- to ad
vise you that you are invited to act as
one of the honorary . vice-presidents,
and ask you that you will kindly read
the interesting and instructive; story
including the preface- believing that
you . will tcherrfully co-operate with us
in accomplishing the; object of tflus
honoring the distinguished nicn: con
nected with the building of the Moni
tor." , .... -'v.-j
Gov.. Geer is constantly receiving re
quests to deliver addresses or write art
icles for publication. To such prcoof
tiorfs has this trrown. that. were he to
comply with all -of these requests, his
entire time, would be taken 'up with it.
and onicers. awake before it i ton Ian-
We are not askjing for more laws, only
to put - in force the laws that we al
ready have, ?and spare our children.
Airs, Sherwood, press representative.
' '! til I ' ; t- ..... j- .
After a Third Trial, Frank Hellen Ii
Oranted a Legal Separation
from Lottie Hellen. .
union. 4 ..
Wallowa.. .
Wasco. ; .
Wheeler.. .
.Yamhill, . .,
.. .. . .
.4. . . f. .4 .
.. L wf . .
' The followiniz account o; a divorct
suit, with 4the particulars of which Sa-
Icm people are conversant' is .taken
from yesterday s Oreironian:
lhe case of. Frank Hellen against
tbove the Winter street- bridge, thai fhither he- went-from San Francisco,
th in mi m oht 1 rlpinvil nf i i I naTinir- accompanied, nis excur-
mtid with which it was covered. - The 1 9!6n Par l 3 people io the latter
horse and rider 'were carried down I CX-. ' ine tioctor is planning an ei
strcam.i the animal managing to seal cursion- to the 'Mexican capital in the
the embankment alongside the res-1 near Jmtrre. lie- will go to Lebanon
-. 3
- 4
. 14
. 4
. 18
4 --v a v f M. I CS.I1IV A V I V II 0 - . w CT I -v.
Ill v 1V,,VU li ivu, aaul lliv UCVUC I . " " . . . . '
J4 I a.aa.J ..... , . i Tt. i.' ..-it I !hi trrtcnr ' la ti f r if waa r!irvaH
a I f " .1 c r, . L r "r"V't I vwv -n,. I ONE SUITIW. --T. Mi-nlf
tviiiicn inai ai ine ocLTinnintr oi tnn . .... . s --. c . '
. . ... ... - " . l. I 1 I I t 1 1 a 1 IT V K 1 I . 1 A.I.A a. n , ..f.J.di
Klondike' boom he went to Dawson I Jiwoygniy arencneo. arousca mucu i v-'V.r, - -v". uc.ciiu.ni,
ipprencnsion ior tne saicty ot the rid I ",v ""y v cw case nica in ine
er. lanterns were procured and aisl,llc -'r .court yesterday. Judg
Cirv. He sent her $too each month,
and. besides. -he had left hef other re
sources. - She went East and wrote
im a letter, stating that she did not
aesire to live with him any more. On
his return she sued him for a -divorce
tn Marion, county. ' making false accu-
7," Isatiohs of cruelty, but did not make out
- .. . . t . . ..
pni -t ! j StI tasc ana Juogc uumeu aismissed it.
" ..!. j "I Mrs. Hurley testified concernins the
rh . rntA trt li. th- I !tter written by Mrs. Hellen to her
tearchlwas instituted, resulting in the I ment is. asked for $193.10, alleged to' be
finding of Mr. Johnson, the rider, on I en -note, frivcn by defendants to
the south bank of the stream, several I B . F- Knox on September 11, 1891,
hundred yards below the bridge. . It I V, S5187,a p i' piaintitt. ' K.: J
was a very fortunate escape. I k. w piamun s attorney.
WANTED FOR LARCENY. I Frazer. of Portland . hVj on n.
"Baby Angel," who for several weeks j her 19, 1899. heard the appeal In the
last summer , was employed as janitor I case ot lire estate of F- J. iBabcock. de
. t , . -. . .. .. "u uwiuMiK in a uummcrcui sirpri sra, in luuic r. nnKri mn
vtrn 1. f m acrn in in. dAcartiAii a,.wMrt. .... .. - . . . ' - - - '-. a
convention to suit its own convenience I . " "nt .j. . . ioniotttl . establishment, is wanted .at I ment of the! circuit court was in Salom
and it is earnestly urged that those rLvablc d his dree in the
.i.-..i : .i.ia.-.. i,. I a oraojc, decision. jvirsi ilellen aid I , n.vn,u ; .ri:' :. . i.tj nu w th t. wiil)i.i..k t..j
viv v x : vjiv iv at 1 v 9 a-vr iiiv wa k. ava- a,. . a ' a f . i ...
vention attend in person. 1
for holding its primaries and county
husband, saying she would not live
on, . was , yesterday dismissed. , Upon
investigating the case, the prosecution
ascertained that the available testimony
was hardly sufficient to insure' a con
viction ! and concluded t dismiss ; the
case without entailing additional ex
not con test the sti it After the trial ol 'M The in is a baby vith the county picric " Judge
K cSalem 3 H!?'. . thiopian, r4 JlJlM
charging his wife with cruel treatment. I "T;wf.,Kn fT ZZZVrLZ'L
he-ttheJ eas? which ?h?aaVd humili and hc went from nere Albany. ' h,9nc,a?s. of the rt finds
Jin iv5J-otlcf 51?fJrlc-& u!S!i,rl prvsenrwhervabouts is not knowi lat h '. 'admtiiistratri t should be
vuaiKCU up who i,wo.i, put ot which
she is arUitled to $g6a. tr. and that the
iciiiAunci miuuki 10 10 in xuree neirs
-W. P. iBabcock. Grace IN. Babcock
and Mary B. IJabcock each to receice
of the district attorney, the ease in
Salem justice department, of State
Manny 1 Kiantpn, t urooks. j wherein ated and disgraced him. That time
the defendant was accused of injunna j Judge' Qcland denied the divorce, hotd-
a oicycuc pain oy nomg a norje mere- i mst the ev dence to be insuhic enL"
NO REDUCTION. Although the
big jobs have been cleaned up,' we are
riot able to make any reduction of our
force same force that t was with us
. .u- t...a: .-T.-,, ------ ,
i-cnsc yu wiv loiimy. jum.cc jwmson i iast week: equivalent of thirteen count
says tnat ncreatter no case otittns na- htg the linotypist - as five. Still the
ture wijl be prosecute! unless the state I work Is piled up. No soliciting at all.
ids : ai ; icasi. mo swsumm witnesses Iri'Iicr. slust mmr in Th chn
that the pedple in this field appreciate
our motto, "Nothing. Too Good for
added. Only
work ttirncd
being kept at home. More yet
to verify the accusations set forth tin
the complaint, thus dispensing with the
enormous expense to the county with
out accomplishing a conviction. This
course j is especially in the interest ol
the bicyclist who is anxious to, see of
fenders) properly punished. ;,Farcial
prosecutions do more towards encour
aging further infringement of the law
tor the protection ot paths than would SALEM'S CREAMERY Much
resnlt I from absolute interference on 1 general interest is being taken in the
ine pari oi - inc courts. uicyciists l proposed creamery, 1 the location of
inruupniom mcoumy are on me aien which.' at this point, is already condi
and an exampie will be made of the tionally assured. With the co-opera-first
calprit who is found injuring one tion of the farmers, supplemented by
of the paths in any section of the coun- the" substantial encouraiiement of local
tT- i .i I business men and public sn!ritrf :.
rens; the creamery ran nrm-uml tnrl
Airsj v. ji. uowntnit returned last I saiem. tarlv action is rpsirfd Th
Vightfrom Portland , and with Mr. J farmers, when in town, should not fail
iownmg win go to tiieir nome at iub-lto call and confer with H. B. Thielsen I
limit, i Ifu4,i. : I . r . 1
: .vvi.,. ( . pcucwij oi ,namoer oi commerce.
-"I; i t. - 1 1 ; ., - - , -
Fine Printing, Statesman Job Office, i Twice-a-week Sutesman, $i a year.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
. ti it.
i -F -
'f' !!,! ....
mnti n n
9 i
The Best and Safest!
New. 'faces of type being PnrtlllV l.Tpnirifli T teTP
nly accurate and artistic t I alilllj illwUIwlilw $ 1 can't
rd out. V lot of money is T T th bla
at home. More yet will be. PORAU. . "X iid'
he horriel
Jifcfti ucauaLnc, vonsupauon,
Weak Stomach, Impaired DI-?
gestlorf, Disordered Liver and
Femaie AiLments. ,1
The red-nosed vagrant stoopei the
prcuccupiea ; ciuzen at in street cor
ner. . .-v I -v.- - . .
said, "but
Beg' pardon.; sir.
may I "ask -
wu uiay a 11 roil want to." i in
icu.tne pr;occncicd-citizen, "but
i ten you, i don t know wun
im'cd century bejtns," ' . i
's Hedicine;
Aamul Sato Cxcveda a.000,000 Boxes.
f ccata and 2S ctU. at all drag stares:
Brerham Pills hum the' iareKl uk kl
ny iTTiinrmry MciK-ia la Iqo world, and
Without the pubUcsUoa of testlaoniaf s '
A - new combination of Shi- rfrr;v.r
and . transmitter of a telephone , is ar
ranged. in the following: manner: The
transmitter is set in a small box, while
the receiver is fixed to the inside of
the door, or' lid. - of the ho
w'hen the door is open the receiver is
p t , m Position .without being
touched by the hand, and th
sation can be carried on.
Dr. and Mrs. W.' C Smith. nF Tur.
nerv were ia.the; city, yesterday, return
ing nome on last night s train. 5
I've smashed the ol clay pipe, sir the
' ing is 'broke-in .two: -
That ol'-time pack of "cven-up has
left my mortal view;
I've turned a new leaf over swcpt
clean eroun the. place: v- H
But I still retains my .privilege of fall:
in - way Irom grace I
I've hung good resolutions on all the
walls an stairs: :
Quit stormin' at the household, an !
took up f am ly prayers;
They say -' that I'm a-wearin' now , a
! ; sainted kind' o face; '
But still retains my privilege or falhn
way from grace I
I'm givin' to the poor now -I dry the
mot'.mer s tears;
I sing so loud in meetin that the
' ' .brcthrin stop their ears!
w . urn a a 4.
its - uiory naneiujai an wont, 1 win
the racer- v ',,.lV-.;, . .
But I 'still . retains: my privilege of
, ' . falhn way from grace!
They re callin me "my brother"
they take me by the han' , . ,
"Cos they know IVe made a .bee-line
; for the fur-off promised Ian ;
But I sorter whispers : to 'em, when
they're talkin' of my case,
"I still retains my ; privilege of fallin
: i ' ....... m
But glory halleluia, roun all the worl'
so widel- ' . ,t'
I can see the lights o' Canaan fer I'm
- on the brighter side 1 - .. ; j
An bless these shoutin ; Methodists in
every town an' nlarr.
Fer givin folks the privilege of fallin
- wy ii urn urracei : ... ?
Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Const!.
tution. : -a, , . .,
James F.'l Muse, ' arrested recently
l . j-:a i. at - ,
rvaiias ynj, .uusuuii, vu inc Cliarge
ofcmberal ing ;$6 ; Irani the Title
Guarantee & Trust" Company,'- of Port
land. John COrdano, the Italian de
tective of the Portland police force, aj
J a I ... a t iL. . .
tQ receive and return , the prisoner to
Oregon.'- ' ;.v; ' ' h - ; "
;A petition ; for tje pardon of Wm.
Mulligan, jointly indicted and convict
ed with Wm: Murphy and Ed. Kelly,
of robbery,1 committctl at Baker. City)
and who was sentenced to the peniten
tiary ; some v years i ago, was yesterday
received bv the governor. The petit
tion -for Mulligan's pardon is numer
ously signed by residents- of Baker
county, who urge his release. . '
Some time -ago an application, sign
ed by numerous citizens of Klamath
county, for. the release from-..the peni
tentiary of Edward Howe, former
treasurer of. Klamath ' cOunty, who - js
serving a term in the prison for the
misappropriation of the county fundi,
was ? received "by Governor Geer.
Yesterday the application was renewed
and efforts -.will be made to" bring the..
mattcf before the " governor;- in the in
terest of the prisoner. j ! - .
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Biirnham ol .
Machias, Me., when the doctors said
she could hot live till morning" writes
Mrs. S. II. 'Lincoln, who attended her.
that fearful night. . "All ( thought she
must soon die from Puieiimonia, but
she begged for Dr. Kings New . Dis- -
covery, saying it had more than once
saved her life, and had cured her of
Consumption. After three small doses
she slept easily all night, and its fur
ther use completely cured her." This
marvelous medicine is guaranteed to
cure all Throat,. Chest and Lung-Diseases.
Only so cents and $1.00. Trial .
bottles free at Dr. Stone's drug stores.
All Those Who Are Entitled to Vote
f at the November Election .Eligible .
- to Registration. -
(Christian Advocate)
There is nothing that sweetens
bitter heart so surclv.or nmVktv
prayer. I have read somewhere thaf
in a certain city a telegraph wire which
passed near most , of ; the telephone
wiics was connected with the harmon
ic system; tunes Were I in or . r1 vsf
over it and the telephone wires took
up the sounds! by induction, 'so that
those who had occasion to use the
telephone found it vibrating to misical
tones; One-wire near to another catch
ing its sweetness a onl nnr in r.
catching his calm, his sweetness, his
tennyson, walking jn the gjirden .f a
iricna, was asked what. het thought of
Jesus Christ. Jle stopped iand, phicked
a white flower and then retalieHr Whf
is to, my soul. Keep sweet by keep
is tO mvir.,il v. - '
- , -j , - ------1 ' ncvi tjy KC"p-
ngun the paresun!(rhf r.r
a ir ihine tip6ri in through our Lord
Jesus CferisL S. S. Estey. r
" -t ' - aBjaaBSBBasa v -' .- - , , - .
Omaha Ta
the Union Pacific headquarters that the
union Pacific. n crnn hnrf F ta a&J
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany have decided upon a consolida
tion of the general agencies. Hereto
fore each road has maintained Mr.
ate general agencies in the same towns.
uOTrl tni$ on on lf"it will look after
all, three roads in the various cities.
Iflithe East the Joint aeenf will ihf
gent; in the Short Line territory the
Short Line man will be the agent, and
on the Pacific coast the business will
be looked after by Oretron Navi cat ton
men. It is announced the men thrown
out; of positions by this consolidation
win De taken care ot elsewhere.
County Clerk W. W. Hall stated yes
terday 'that all minors, who would be
eligible to vote at -the national elec
tion in November, were entitled to be
registered at this time, and he would
so register all who, under those con
ditions, ' appeared and ' desired being
listed. The clerk stated that, in case
a minor who would reach the age of 2t
after the June election, but prior to
the first Tuesday in November desired
to register, he would list such applicant.
noting on the registration books the
fact that, the young man would not be
entitled to vote at the June election.
:''. ':-
The best or all Pilla ara
CHAM'S. , - n:,, . ".
Fraxier,? of - Multnomah " county, came
to Salem last night bringing-tip Thos.
Wilson and Alger Blonding, under sen
tence -to the penitentiary, each having
2lA years to serve. Sheriff! W. D.
Bradford, of Washington touaty," also
arrived, 'delivering ?Hr the prison ao
thorities one F. MrGardner, convicted
of the crime ' orpolygamy,. and sen
tenced to serve one year.- - I
the r4-year-old son of A. C. Loncks,
of En gle wood, was yesterday thrown
from a -fractions pony and ;ustained
the fracture of both bones 1 in the left
leg between the knee and the ankle.
Dr.' C. H." Robertson was called and
promptly reduced the fracturd
: ' ' A Frightful Blunder
i Will often cause a" horrible Burn,
icald,- Cut or Bruise. Buckleri's Arni
ca Salve, the best in the world,! will kill
the pain and promptly heal' iti. Cures
Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcerf, Soils,
Felons, Corns, all Skin EruptioaS. Best
Pile cure on earth. Only 25 jkrents a
box. Cure 1 guaranteed. " Sold at - Dr.
Mones drug stores.- .
; .;, . - w.
Grange, - No. 102.' Marion- count v. met
at the Liberty school house, iouth of
Salem last Saturday. ' The regular or
der :t of business occupied the morning
session, at the conclusion Of .which a
sumptuous dinner was served. After
the repast, officers were elected as fol
lows: P. M., I. M. Wagner, of Salem .
Grange; M., T. C. Davidson O., C
L. Weaver; L, II. H. Smith; ,S..
Young Allen ; A. S., Bennie Townsend;
C S- H. Hatch; S Milton Btown: G.
K., G. L. Weaver; P., Anheyf V. Da
vidson r F.,' Mattie Brown; Ci Esther
Smith; L. A. S., Sarah Dencef; organ
ist, Lizzie .Timm. . !. - I
- , ,; ; - ,. I
It has been fullv demonstrated that
Ely's Cream Balm is a specific for
Nasal Catarrh 'and cold in the head-
This distinction has been achieved on
ly as the result of continued successful
use. A. morbid condition of the mem- -brane
in the naSal passaees can be se
cured by 1 this purifying ' and i healinj .
trestment. Sold by "druggists' or it-
win te mailed for 50 cents; by t'J
Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York.
It spreads over the membraniJ ' is ab-v
orbed and relief is immediate.f.
ONE ORDER -Mm. 5rah Tones.
guardian of the oef sons and estates of
Georgia A,. W. II. and Malcolra Ra.irp.
minors, - yesterday petitioned the pro
bate court for an order, authorising her
tb borrnw Srnrvi. in.'raiMi- liir 4o par
a -morteage on-certain orooerty owned
by the minors. The order was made
as praved for. ' - -
If you would not; be- known to do' t
thing, never do it.4-Emerlson. '
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job office.