Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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; ;
There is beginning in a large number
of presbyteries what politicians call a
canvass for commissioners to the, 'Pres
byterian General Assembly, that , meets
in St. Louis in May. This canvass is
ocr inc jmcu inert matter. A canvass
was' made -last year, but if was not
nearly so lively as the one now begin
ning promises-to be.- The action - of
1'rof. . McGiffert's presbytery in voting
to censure his book and in letting him
go iinmcntioncd ' is not accepted as
final in any quarter. It is icknowlcdg
ed that te whole tendency is.; just
now toward the conservative position.
One cause: of this is Mr,,Mo.iJy's po
sition, and his death has emphasized
rattier,, than i diminished it. Two suc
cessive General Assemblies have been
conservative, and there is said to be
every reason to suppose that the St.
Louis one, next May, will be such.
Conservatives are at work to make it
such, at any rate, and scarcely a pres
bytery is likely to escape some "how
of contest. :
The Baptist anniversaries this year
are to be held in Detroit, and plans for
the .same are making this month. At
these all of' the benevolent societies
make their j annual reports, and there
are general 1 meetings in behalf f-thc
different lines of work. These socie
ties arc making out well this vear fi
nancially,' and the reports at Detroit
- will be, some of the most hopeful ever
made. No questions of national prom
inence among Baptists arc to come up
this year, and no large plans are in
sight. The t topic that will' be upper
most, in" home mission work- will be
education, in the South, a good deal of
money having been spent there this
year and in foreign work the progress
in 'our'new 'tmrtorial'pos'sessibrls. '
The Church Temperance Society, a
national Episcopal body, finds so great
demand from society people, tat it has
added a. second . coachman's , luncheon
van. This van, a novel thing at first
thought for a church - organization,
has about it practical temperance ef
fort because it prevents coachmen and
Uers who : serve at great social func
tions from going to a near by saloon
for something to eat and drink. When
the Astors. : the Gfelcts ami others
give balls they engage from the society
the van " stocked with whatever the
hostess may-wish to give her servants,
and' the servants of her guests, to eat.
While guests eat within, coachmen and
driver .cat without. So great was tha
call for the one van owned by the soci
ety that-a second, as" has. just been
said, was ordered and is now in use.
In case of fires-and on cold days when
there arc trolley blocks, these vans are
sent to scrte coffee. They are reaily
traveling restaurants, wonderfully well
equipped for the purpose in hand. It
is an odd, but useful, form of church
work. ;. .., .(..'
Army officials in Havana. some of
them Episcopalians ami sonic who arc
not, are interestint? themselves actively
in the proixjscd Episcopal church in
that city, to be built in a central loca
tion, and designed to reach the edu
cated classes. Literature concerning
the project Is preparing, and omc suc
cess ' has already been reached in get
ting Episcopalians and others in this
country to contribute. It is claimed
that such a parish church, once erected,
will become almost immediately self
si'pportihg. f The property contemplat-.
ed is to cost $50,000. -
I The rush abroad this season will ccr
i tainly exceed anything the Atlantic
passenger trade ever saw.; The few
coming this way to attend the ecumen
ical conference on foreign missions iri
April will but -swell 'the list-on their
return, as most foreign delegates will
do. in order to attend the many things
rdannrd later abroad. Christian En-
dravorrrs. are
L . . .
booking rapuy. one
lr:lli.rw-rf at inn nilliairrr havinz eighty
.. . '. t
il ,. . F L .1 A I ltlll il
letter wHI le attended by many
Baptists in 'Ponce Puerto Rico, have
nan seating 200, oi imu u jw
nail to seat the-prople. An apiieal is ,
akinp for ftmds with which to erect ,
hall Mt no arm. but li nil II iar iw
utn.iiiji (ir xihius -win wnivn ' a
a! Baptist church in a central ltKation-I
Tlie ffv. A. R. Rudd. in charge, says ,
hs, anoiner scyeniy-iour anu 1 '" home the first important thing to con
ln Tliescire the early figures imdc i(icr . ja the endowmcnt. The nearer
during the first week in January.! I nc j tnat a (nan atuj WOman lives run to
attractfc.n is the World's Christian Ke,jlf.r thc more pcrfcrt does their
Endeavor convention in London, the , OWf ife income ort earth. Rev. C C.
Paris exposition and the Roman Catho- j Rowjnisorli Independent, Imlianapolis,
lilc 'jubilee vear in Rome, which the j . . ,
he finds everywhere an eagerness for, Jn ,he ptwi. The "Sermon on the
Ribles and to hear the-Word preached. jonntt x as grand - today as when
His Sunday school exceeds loo in first dci;vered, and the Lord's Prayer
ntembership.; In the same city " flic ran not be improved. Rev. W. -IL
United Brethren maintain preaching fobh, Congrcgalionalist. San Francis
services in Spanish and in English ev- co Qjj . -
cry anmiay. in connect on. hk "
9illltfT9l Ifffr illlitllt II L11L I . V . ...
Evenins classes
ntemoerslup f. since
ejght to thr y-nve. . tven.ns ciasse
irt English held tor young mm ana
women, have 'sixty-five pupils in at-1
f 7K
Vt y-
I - ... - .
tendance. The board of f missions of
the United Brethren, located at Day
ton, has appointed the Rev. Edwin L.
Ortt, of Canton, O.. as a Sunday school
field worker, and he has just entered
upon his duties.'
The board of education of the Re
formed chfcrch has a new correspond
ing secretary. He is Rev. John G.
Gcbhard. The retiring secretary, the
Rev. Dr. C. 11 Mandcvtllc, is now past
7. and has seen long service. The
board assists about ninety theological
students annually in getting an educa
tion. The ; twentieth century forward
movement in the same church, in which
children in Sunday schools give I cent
a week for missions, is meeting with
success In two weeks . above- 3000
names were enrolled. Officers and
teachers give 2 cents weekly, and of
ficers of the mission boards say that
if the scheme ! were" at' all generally
adopted the contributions to missions
would be quadrupled.
Gems pf Truth s Gleaned t from the
Teachings of Air Denominations.
- Pleasure in Sin. There is pleasure
in sin, because we have some brute and
devil in us. Rev. Dr. Crane, Metho
dist, Chicago, 111. 1 , .
. Our Spiritual Nature. It is not an
easy thing to enthrone our - spiritual
nature over our animal nature, so that
it will t have permanent regency. Rev.
John R. Shannon, Methodist, Toledo,
Ohio. : . I r , .
Skepticism. There seems to be a be
lief that skepticism is on the increase.
Skepticism has been the atmosphere of
every century, and science is doing
away- with atheism. Reason will - not
now accept the proposition; that the
universe is the result of mud and a
little fine misL Rev. I Dr. Hillis, Con
gregationalist, Brooklyn, N.' 1 Y.
Christ. Clirist is the source and end
of hope, for faith and hope for Chris
tians are really one. Faith looks to the
beginning and is sure of the end. Rev,
Chas. M. Jacobs, Lutheran, Philadel
pria, Pa.
Immortality. We know God that
we may serve him; and we serve him
lhat we may receive immortality as
the reward of our labor. Rev. J. J.
Williams, Roman Catholic, Archbish
op, of Boston, Mass. :
The Gospel.- The Gospel was for
Christ a kingdom, and a kingdom of
the whole life of man. The - institu
tional church is the newer preaching
of the Gospel. Rev. Alex. McGaffin,
Presbyterian, Brooklyn, N.
Ideas.- Some ideas are too vast for
one man and belong to the race;, other
ideas are too large for one man, k yet
allow one man to work them out in
some special form. Rev. J. dimming
Smith, Christian Church, Indianapolis,
Miracles. Miracles I arc becoming
more intelligible as science reveals the
workings of natural forces. Great laws
of nature were not overthrown, they
were merely accelerated. Rev. J. K.
Smyth, i Swcdenborgian, New York
Safe. We shall never stand four
square to truth, we shall never be safe
from intellectual drifting, until in the
light beautiful we stand and look Into
the matchless face of the living Christ.
Rev. Albert Hyde, l Congregational
ism Toledo. O.
Doubt. It is a sin for us to yield to
doubt amid the mysteries of. life, or to
discouragement amid its difficulties, or
to anxiety amid its perils if God is re
ally over all and if he is a God of love.
Rev. Dr. Coe, Presbyterian, Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Yotif Belief. If you believe you live
and move in God, should you not, as
S mere act of intellectual integrity, of
common nonesty trnstyour life and
health to their' infinite keeper. Wil
liam .G.' EwirigsV Christian Science,
Chicaeo, III.1
Evil. There is in every man a tre
mendous power for evil, and each
must watch, lest this tendency forms
the bidden spring which will yet over
whelm and cause all to come rushing
down into ruin. Rev.; Peter C xorke,
R. C, San Francisco, Cat,
The Past. Whatever f orgetf idncss
of the past may come from faith in
Christ, whatever comfort from the
thought of reconciliation with God,
the problem of evil is still before its.
Rev. A. V. Raymond. Congregation
alism 5chcncctady, N. Y.
Tli' Ifnmr. In the building of the
' M . a
..T : rortiKlo nt
judging the moral processes going on
in the universe, ocv-iic c w
-part and parcel of those prnccs:
' is made of the same stuff a the
the nnivcrsc, occause c. iimim
ses ne
is in
- ---- -- , v c t o
whose decrees .arc fate. Kcv b- K.
Calthrop, Unitarian. Syracuse, N.-.
The P-lpit The
dullness .of the
fti:. ;t responsible for the drowsiness
Cluirch.-Our church" must rie
to'lcr oriunity and gc iin solid
phalanx to greet" the Chrrs less help-
an(! God for-
u c:; -t -rfon't care
give the man who says, I dont care.
and lives his selfish life. Rev. . S. A.
Northrop, Baptist, Kansas City, Mo.
.The Workine Man. If the' present
Sabbath desecration tendency goes on
it will not "be many years before the
working-man will, be compelled to
work on Sundays,' as other flays, and
without gaining more pay , for it.
Rev. H. E. Foss, Methodist, Bangor,
Me. - ' - " - -
The World's Decision. The world
was called upon to decide if the Savior
was a bad man. mad man or good
man. It was generally agreed, even
by those who rejected the declaration
ofv Christ's divinity, that he was fa
good man. Rev. A. C " Dixon, ' Bap
tist, Brooklyn, N. T.
True, and Faithful. True to our
trust and faithful to the degree of .our
ability,, however small we are. sure of
our reward, for it -shall be said. Thou
hast been faithful over a few things, I
will make thee ruler over many things.
Rev. W. A. Powell, Presbyterian,
Right and Wrong. This simple fact
of an unalterable eternal '.. distinction
between right and wronJl compels me
to admit that there is a law not Mf
man and a' lawgiver higher than man,
to whom we are amenable for all our
actions. Rev. S. W. Reigart, Presby
terian, Salisbury, ML - . -v
Love If love, like a living spirit, is
needed still to guide our 1 homes and
glorify them, to cry peace over our bus
iness battles, to meditate between na
tions, to impel the strong to help - the
weak then - Christianity . will always
find a Bethlehem in which to be born,
and it will come forth in resurrected
glory to bless the world. Rev.-J. W.
O. Smith, Christian 1 Church, Chicago,
UL , ' .
(Dispatch to St Louis Republic.)
Springfield, Mo., Jan. 20. An anti
gossip society has been organized in
this ' city." At an afternoon card club
yesterday the idea was suggested .by
Mrs, MosherT The members., pledge
themselves to speak no evil ' word of
any other woman. The membership is
unlimited, and every . woman in Spring;
field, regardless of condition .or de
nomination;.' is most cordially invited
to join, and all members are urged an J
expected to do all in their power v to
bring others into this society. -
There are to be no dues, no officers,
no regular meetings; nothing but the
simple pledge. '
The idea was received by all those
present in the most responsible man
ner, all signifying their, most hearty ap
proval, and promising their warmest
co-operation. It will be known as the
Woman's' Self-Elevating Society, and
its existence is to continue forever. ,
A Prominent ' English Oculist Says
the Eye Itself Has No More ' Ex
pression Than Has a Glass Marble.
Thre are no expressive eyes. 'The
expression of the eye is really in the
lid. The eye itself, independent of its
surroundings, has no more expression
than has a glass marble. A prominent
English oculist makes this daring state
ment, and he defends his position with
emphasis. "The eyes have no expres
sion whatever," he says. 'How do
you explain the fact that the eyes of
one person are more expressive than
those of another?" I am asked. They
are not. The - difference: consists in
certain nervous contractions ; oi . the
lids peculiar to the individual. , ,
"Observe for yourself and you will
sec that I am rights We wilt say that
I am greatly interested in something,
and my attention is suddenly - called
from it by an unexpected interruption.
My upper eyelid raises itself just a lit
tle, but the eye proper doe not change
an iota in appearance. If the interrup
tion is but momentary thc.elcvation of
the lid may be but momentary. If the
surprise caused by an interruption , is
continued the lid may be raised even
a little more, and, in fact, the whole of
the forehead, including the eyebrows,
is raised and wrinkled. But the eye
remains the same. - V
"When a person is excited much the
same emotions arc gone through,"
continued the doctor. "His eyes are
open wide, in cases of intense excitement-to
their greatest extent, but the
forehead is not wrinkled and the bail
of the eye is as expressive as a bit -of
glass. No more.'
"Observe the face of one who laughs.
You will see that the lower eyelid has
no muscle of its own. and it is only by
the cbntraction of the adjacent mus
cles in smiling or laughing that it is
made to move. That is why there are
many wrinkles about the eyes of mer
ry ' persons. - '-.v - :.'
"Tlie expression of deep thoughtful
ness is produced by the drooping of
the upper lid: the lids of some persons
fall so low that the pupil of the eye
itself is the same. If the meditation is
oer a subject that worries the. thinker
the expression is again quite different;
the eyelids contract and the eyebrows
are lowered and drawn together. This
is true of a reflective mood. ' . t .
"As to emotional moods, there is the
expression of anger, for instance. The
eyes, instead of closing," are open
wider than they are normally, but the
brows are closclyknit.
"In expressing sadness the entire up
per eyelid comes, half way down and
the folds of the skin collect there, giv
ing the lid a thicki heavy appearance."
Hibbard, who returned front a
trip to California on Thursday, reports
that the people f-the Sacramento .val
ley in California are rejoicing over the
splendid crop prospects. - . The wheat
and clover in the fields is up knee high
and the country looks like the Wil
lamette valley in May. There has been
plenty of rain'and the weather has been
very mild. If nothing oat1f the usual
happens in the next few months that
part of California will have-one of . the
most abundant harvests in the history
of the Golden state. Mr. Hibbard's
health, for the sake of which he took
the 'trip, was not greatly improved.
Ever must the sovereign of man
kind be fitly entitled King, i: e.." the
man whs' kens" and can Carlyle.
St. Helens MistJarc 26th:
Harry 'West, of Scappoose. has a
herd oi ; Jersey cattle which would
make any dairyman proud. Mr West
milked an average of eight; cows all
during the year -1899, with the follow
ing result, as is shown by the books of
the' Mary dale creamery, where Mr.
West disposed of the product!' Average
pounds of ' milk for each cow, 6,775;
average test of milk, 5.4 pounds of
butter fat per cow, or 3.67 pounds per
eow fori' the year.: which, . by the ; rule
of adding one-sixth, 1 would be 428
pounds of butter.:' , Each one of Mr:
West's rcows -'earned him ?79.o8
throughout the year; - A great deal of
money and care has ben expended by
Mr. West on? his Jersey herd, but cer
tainly he is well repaid, not only by
cash, but by possessing' oue of the best
dairy herds in the county, besides the
assurance: of a greater annual earning
each succeeding year. As an evidence
of the superior, qualities of Mr. West's
cattle, he sold" a three-month's old
calf to A. C Ray, of Ranier, for which
he4 received $45 cash.
.'New Orleans La.j Jan. 16. The
American mule must be vaccinated be
fore ' he lean be enlisted in the British
army service in South Africa in future.
The admiralty has passed upon his case
and the i decree is fatal. Seventy-five or
a hundred, possibly more, of the mules
died of glanders or a kindred disease
after they were landed on African
soil. I
The animals are separated, tempera
ture taken and virus injected. If the
animal is infected, by the use of the
special virus there will be a quick rise
in the temperature, denoting ; that the
disease, glanders, has found lodgment
in the system of the beast, although it
may not have shown itself fordays or
weeks, if the virus had not Been used.
r The vaccination of the mulc$ is what
has caused the delay! hi loading the
transport Corinthia.Mobilc Register.
". We have still on hand a few hundred
copies of the New Year edition of the
Statesman. ; Every day a few copies are
sold and sent away to distant points.
The price is loc each, wrapped ready
for "mailing, if desired. Send in your
orders, before the copies are all sold.
The Dalles, Times-Mountaineer: : ;
Sirfce i there is no longer any doubt
about there' being smallpox at Wasco
only" 30 j miles from The- Dalles every
body, . especially m children should be
vaccinated. It would be well for the
school board to require all children at
school to be vaccinated at
In Olden Times
People overlooked .the importance
of permanently ; beneficial effects- and
were satisfied with transient action;
but now that it is generally known
that Sytup of Figs will 1 permanently
overcome habitual constipation, well
informed people will ! not buy other
laxativet, which act for a time, but fin
ally injure the system. Buy the genu
ine, made by the California Fig Syrup
Co. .: ' '-v i .; : '-
- ;.. i " .; . "
rimiKa Tan -TT. pvrn t v -d - f rtivc
ago the eneinemcn and ipfikiais of the
Union pacific beean a conference re
garding) the -wane schedule; which has
just been decided, the enginctnen get
ting a substantial increase.
. ; 11 1 1 ' .j, :;'v:
Dallas Observer:
Tin. trirsat rir n f Pnllr rrfinfv aw
taking ah active interest in the exhibit
of blooded animals to fee held in Dallas
late ncxi month. A successful meeting
t tht tim laill ic wnitrti tn further
this already prosperous industry Jn
n. 11 " ! i -
I'oik coaniy. f
Having a Great Run on Chamberlain's
1 Cough Remedy. - .
Manager Martin. ,c4 tne Tierson
drug store, informs us thtt he is hav
ing a .great run -on Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles
of thit medicine ltt: one of any othci
kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In
these days of la grippe there is noth
ing like iChambcrlain's Cough Remedy
toi stop ithe - cough, heal up the- sore
throat and lungs and give relief within
a very short time. (The sales are grow
ing, and . all .who try it arc pleased
with ? its : prompt action. South Chica
go Daily Calumet. For sale by F. G.
Haas, druggist, No. g6 State street,
Salem. . .
-Says the Stayton Mail: "Frank Mor
rison, the circulation hustler of the
daily and twice-a-week . Statesman,
f mllcd our latch string last night That
ivcncwspaper will soon put on a pony
express between the Capital City, and
Stayton and get its papers here from
six to eight hours ahead of. the regular
2:yi mail. Snch a move ought to be
appreciated by the Stayton people and
we believe it will. The first delivery
will be made- next Tuesday morning.
The young man who starts the first
pony route, Clarence Forest, will take
out. 150 papers to begin with.
AT THE MILLS The quotation
for wheat at the Salem Flouring Mills
is 40 cents per bushel. A majority of
the farmers, who had wheat on storage
at. the. mills when they were destroyed
by tire last September, have called at
the 'mill and seticd with the company
asper salvage allowance.
San Francisco. Jan. ao. Tames . O.
Twentieth Kansas volunteers, was shot
aim killed in a saloon nere late last
n t r htm : o n Itvi v W-kti- nk ittati " tthn mm -
caped. The man had quarreled with a
woman, nnd Gleason, who was tending
bar.' went to her. protection, when he
received : the fatal shot.
Legal Blanks Statesman 'Job office;
Washington. Jan. 29. The senate
committee on privileges and elections
have reswmed the investigation of the
charges of bribery against Clark, of
Montana- '
W. B. Dolcnty, a banker of Towrisend,
testified concerning the banking and
financial transactions of State Senator
W. E. Tierny. Later the witness said
he' owed the bank $10,000 prior to the
meeting of the legislature. This had
been paid off since then. ; He -considers
cd Tierny worth about $15,000 or $10.1
000 more than he was prior to his clcc-t
Tne names,' of Ben Hill ami I L.
Wright, two witnesses-from Montana
who had been summoned, 'were called,
but both Campbell and Ex-Senator Ed
munds, said ! they did not believe it
would be fair to themselves or to Clark
to have them ' testify. The intimation
was that "they had made contradictory
statements, aad it appeared neither.' side
desired their testimony. .
New York, Jaf ao. A special to the
World from Washington says:, tne
fear of offendine Great .Britain and
provoking a protest would cause the
administration, to decline to comply
with the request of Dr. Frctorious, of
St. Louis, who, it is said, has forward
ed to Secretary Hav money and a let
ter exnrcssinsr sympathy : with the
Iresidcnt Krucrer-throuffh the Amcr
iran consul at Pretoria. It is indicated
that the state department will take the
ground that it would be a violation of
the neutrality laws for this government
to give financial aid to a belligerent. It
is pointed out that this request differs
from the rcduest made by the Ameri
can consul at Pretoria in behalf of
Great Britain to be permitted to for
word 'money to be used by the British
wounded in the purchase of deli
cacies, in that the latter request is made
by one belligerent, of another, using
a neutral as means of communication.
Who's at the Helm.
When aickneM once begin In a famil?
the troubles multiply o fast that they seen
to come in overwhelming waves. No woe
der if sometimes one or both of the parentl
given ont under the strain and perhaps
Kise kind neighbor or one of the youogcl
members of the household has to seize the
helm and keep the little family nhip off
the rocks of artnal distrew. The poor nick
father or mother thinks " O, if I eould only
get on my feet and be at work how differ
ent U would be!"
i Day after day the ailing one utruinrle" to
rise superior to the misery that weighs hint
or her down: hoping against hope that the
next day will be a better one. The doctor
is sent for. He rives all the " regulation "
Stereotyped remedies but they prove of no
avail. Then follow more day and week
perhaps weary month of waiting and hop
ing for the restoration that does not Come ;
while every heart is filled with the fore
boding questipn : "What will be the end ?"
A man doesn't know what is the matter
with htm; he feela all the strength and en
ergy oozing ont of him; he can't work; he
ean't eat; he can't sleep; be can't even
think clearly. He loses heart and courage
and flesh; pretty; soon he" feels badly In
his lungs. The doctors call it consumption
and prescribe lung specifics. ' But what the
man needs is a medicine to go deep down
into the foundations of the trouble; clear
the poison out at his blood; wake up his
liver, pnrify, revitalize and build Up his
system from the foundation - stone. He
needs Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovl
cry which has cured innumerable eases of
obstinate liver complaint which the doctors
diagnosed as hopeless consumption. ;
The work of this masterful ''Discovery''
begins at the very corner-stone of life in
the stomach and nutritive organism. It
rives 'appetite, nourishment.' rich blood,
healthy solid flesh. A cough is only a
symptom; there are other things that make
the cough; they must be got rid of first, the
cough maybe the lat thing to go away.
Does Dr. Pierce claim to cure consump
tion? - .
That question Isnt worth arguing. IjhU
ml the record. , Take a ease in point. Here
is a man (or woman ) with a hacking cough,
a hectic flush, night-sweats, great emacia
tion or wasting at flesh, spitting of blood,
shortness of breath and all the other symp.
torn. After every remedy and every local
physician has failed, he, as a last resort,
Ukes "Golden Medical Discovery" and
the cough vanishes, the cheek gets back its
natural color, sleep becomes sound and re
freshing, the spitting of blood stops, flesh
and muscles become firm, weight increases,
and life roes along in quiet and comfort
to the full limit of the three score years
and ten.
Knt maybe it wasn't consumption after
all ? May be it wasn't. Yon know it. was
something that was attacking the very cit
adel of life, and it was something that was
cured -by the nse of Dr. Pierce's tklden
Medical Discovery. And Dr. fierce is rur
ing such "somethings" right along with a
record of over a quarter of a million cases
and s not more than three per cent, or
failures. ,
- One fact, at least, is well established.
That the "Golden Medical Discovery"
does core weak lungs, bleeding from lungs,
obstinate, lingering coughs; laryngitis,
bronchitis, throat disease, and kindred
affection of the air -passages, which, if
neglected or, badly treated, lead up to con
sumption, ran no longer be . doubted in
view of the many thousands of well estab
lished cures of seeh cases reported by the
tnost trustworthy citisens. Many of these
cases have been pronounced consumption
and incurable by the best local pbysi.
cians before the sufferers commenced the
nse of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. More jlhan half a million copies of Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser
were sold at $1.50 each, but a free twper.
bound edition is now issued of wfiich-a
copy will be sent absolutely without charge
for the bare cost of mailing 71 one-cen!
stamps. These should be sent to World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y. One copy only will be sent to one
family If a heavier cloth-bound copy . is
preferred ten stamps extra sbsnld be sent.
jir a. r x
A Six Mill Tax Voted for Uenentl Sehool
: rKM-On-llir Hilt Allowed
for KeMtr.
(From Dally, Jan. 30th.) .
By a vote of 36 to o. fully fifty per
rent of those in attendance not voting,
the taxpayers of school district No. 4- at
the city hall last night, in special session
assembled for the purpose-of.' making
the annual tax levy, hearing the reoort
of the board of directors and consider
ing its recommendations, refused to
adopt the board's recommendation for
a tenth grade to be added to the present
course of study which embraces nine
The meeting was attended by not over
100 taxpayers of the district but of that
representation, the fricndjwof higher ed
ucation. o far as the aUditrqn 01 tne
tenth grade to .the present school cur
riculum is concerned, were in a hopeless
minority, as the -above vote evidences.
The audience consisted principally , of
the heavy taxpayers gf the district, while
there were also a large number of bus
iness and professional men present.
H. T. .Bruce. 1 chairman of the board
of directors called the meeting to order
promptly at 8 o'clock. Jos. .Haunigart
ncr. the. district ! clerk, read the call for
the meeting and then the voluminous
report of the board of directors was
presented for the consideration of the
;taTaycrs. .. -
tion to the board's recommendation for
the addition of a tenth grade by mak
ing inquiry when the adding of grades
to the course of study would end.? rc
marking that if was only a year ago
the ninth, grade had been added.
. Circuit - Indue! R P. Boise followed
in a spcach against the board's rccopi
mendation in ihl conhection. He saiJ
that if the studies that would be in
cluded,"in the tenth grade could not be
supplictl in the university, the situation
would be'dilTcrrnt. but inasmuch as the
facilities arc offered in the university,
it was no essential that the tenth grade
be added in the: schools.
In order to get the matter before the
meeting for definite action: Dr. W. II.
Byrd iniade a motion that the section. of
the report recommending the tenth
grade be not adopted. Seconded. An
amendment was; offered asking that the
matter; be referred to a committee f
three, j the committee to look into the
merits of the case and report at the
annual meefinff in March, the amend
ment, was seconded but upon being put
before the house, it was defeated.
Dr. W. H. dlyrd was recognised by
thct chair and gave (his reasons for op
posing the introduction into the school.v
01 tne tenth grade, lie did not consider
the extra xradc essential, nor was this
the- opportune time. It would cost a
one mill levy to support the additional
p-rade. In a majority of instances, he
alleged, it would be taxing the taxpay
ers to' educate chiWrcn "whose'parcuts
themselves' were 'able to educate them.
Dr. W. A. Cusick disapproved of .the
board's recommendation for' a i tenth
grade, He professed to be a formost
advocate and supporter of any move
thatvould extend ' better ediKationl
facilities, but he considered the ambi
tion of the tenth grade to be outside of
the thought contemplated in the free
school system as it is interpreted. " In
conclusion he said the addition of anoth
er grade in the public schools would le
depriving the Willamette University of
the support to which it is entitled.
M. L. Chambcrlin. a unember of the
fjoard of directors, stated that the cost
of maintaining the additional tirade
would not be oyer yt per year, fir it
would necessitate the employing of but
one other teacher. v
Tibnon ,Ffrd spoke in favor of the
motion to reiect the recommendation.
He claimed that too much schooling
spoiled the boy, tnainlaining that when a
boy was kept m school until he was 18
or to years of age "that he never
amounted to a hill of beans." A prac
tical education was sufficient.
Others narticinated in the drliiilp
when the motion was stated and pre- '
vailed by a vote of ,if to 9. and the mat
ter of adding a tenth grade was suin
narily dismissed. .
Chairman Brtie stated that it would
rerniire $isoo to install a steam heating
plant in the F.ast school.. He said the
district had $.Vio,on hand that would
availaJjIc for that, purpose and said i$
would require a V mill levy to pro
vidi the necessary balance.
' H. S. Jory thought a heatinir ilant
rould )e procurel for much less and of
fered to install a heater in the building
for. $1750 and lie guaranteed it would
give satisfactory- scrivce. , !
T. L. Davidson, a mnlrr nl ilt
board, did not favor btiving a new heat
ing plant but suggested that, a halfinill
tax for repair purposes be levied.
Upon motion of Dr. W. If. Bvrd a
levy of 6 mills for reneral school pur
poses, Prevailed without a dissenting
vole. The motion of A. N. f.ilb'Tt that
a half mill tax be levied for repair pur
poses also received -a unanimous vit.
and the meeting adjourned.
Washington. Jan. 20. Justice Peck-
ham, in the United States - supreme
court torray, announced, the opinion of
.the court in the case of the United
States, vs. the Bcllintrham Bay Boom
Company, on appeal from the United
Mates circuit court 01 appeals from
the ninth district. The suit was brought
originally by "'the. government to - se
cure the removal of the looni across
the .Nooksack river in ' the state of
Washington. The decision of the cir
cuit co-irt of appeals -was-favorable to
the boom company, but Justice Peck
ham's opinion reverses that- decree.
lit says the boom does not allow a
free passage of boats between the boom
and the opposite shore, as provided
in the state law. I he case is consid
ered important as a precedent.
-:.w 4assaBBSHasBBasMaV - v. ? ;
Prominent Hardware Merchant
Portland Passed Away.
1 Portland, Jan. .Edward Fai!in.
the well-known hardware merchai
died tonight. ' .-! .