Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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11 IKS
Chicago Club Women' Discuss in an Interesting
Way the Question " Wfcat Is Society."
The "Angel of the Crimea" Talks of War and Its Horrors and- Some of the
Good It Brings Out Fads and Fancies of Well Known
Representatives of the Fair Sex.
God ploughed one day with an earth
And drove his furrows, deep!
The huddling plains upstarted,
Ine hills were all a-Ieap! j
..... ; r j . .
But that is the mountains' secret, j '
Agehiddcn in their breast;
"God's peace is everlasting," j
Are the dream-words of their rest.
He hath made tbeni the haunt of beau
ty, J ; .
The home-elect of his grace;
lie spreadcth his mornings on them,
His sunsets light their faces. j '
His thunders tread in music
Of footfalls echoing long.
And carry majestic greeting
Around the silent throng.
Hi winds bring, messages to them,
Wild storm-news from the main; .
They sing it down to the valleys j ?
In the lovesong of the rain, j .
Green tribes from far come trooping,
Ami over the unlands flock: f
lie weaveth the zones together
In robes for his risen rock.
They .are nurseries, for young rivers;
Nests for his flying cloud; r
Homesteads for new-born races,
Masterful, free and proud.
The people of tired ciWcs
Come up t their shrine and pray;
God freshens again within them,
As he passes by all day, j
And lo.JT have caught their secret;
The. beauty deeper than all, f
This faith that life's, hard moments.
When f he jarring sorrows bcfalL
Are but God ploughing his mountains;
And the mountains yet shall be j
The source of his grace and freshness
And his peace' everlasting to rneJ
W. C. Gannett.
- (Chicago Inter Ocean, 18th.)
The question, "What Is Society?"
was answered in a variety of ways at,
the Chicago Woman's club yesterday.
Mrs. Ellen M. Ilesrotin read an, ex
haustive paper on the subject, going in
to t lie problem in all its phases, and a
number of able thinkers among; the
members of the woman's club, and their
guests, took part in the discussion
which followed the reading of the pa
per. ' - )
University hall, where the meeting
was held, was crowded from the 'plat
form to the doors, and chairs had to
be placed in the aisles to accommodate
the throng of women who had arrived
up to the time when Mrs. Penoycr L.
Sherman, the president of the iclub,
rapped oil the table for order. Long
after the meeting -opened the throng
continued to swell. i
Mrs. Potter Palmer had been asked
to speak and had promised to make a
brief address, but at the last moment
telephoned to the president that; she
would prefer to be omitted from j the
programme. She said, however,! that
she would attend the meeting, which
she did, in company with a number of
guests, and sat back in the body of the
hall. Thus she, on her own account,
solved the question which had been agi
tating the members of the club as to
whether in deference to her position as
a social leader she should be asked to
sit upon the platform as a guest of hon
or or be treated as any other' member
of the club. I ,
Much disappointment was expressed
at the failure of Mrs. Palmef to take
part in the' discussion. Mrs. Palmer's
reasons for declining, it is understood,
were that her appearance as one of the
speakers had been toy much advertised
and commented on by the press, and
that the meeting was a public one to
which several hundred guests -had been
invited. Had it been, a regular session
of the club, with only members present,
it is understood she would have spoken.
The meeting was conducted under
the auspices of the department of re
form. Mrs. Henrotin's paper was in
teresting throughout, but treated ; its
subject in a more or less jocular way.
She cleverly evaded responsibility for
anything the paper might contain that
could rivc -offense to any of her j hear
ers. This she accomplished by j relat
ing a number of conversations between
herself and social exponents, in which
she allowed" these persons to do a great
deal cf the talking, with occasionally a
suggestion from herself. ' 1 j
The first oi these conversations was
with a man at an after-tbe-theatcr sup
per. The essayist explained that the
man was an American . of about 35
years, popular in London and Pari so
cial circles, a man who went occasion
ally into society in New York, : but
never in Chicago. His opinion. " was
that society did not exist in America.
His main criticism was that there was
too large a feminine clement in the so
called American society, and too many
young people, or. at least, there were
not enough middle-aged and old peo
ple in it. He deplored the fact that the
height of ambition of most of the soci
ety people, so-called, was to entertain
a debutante, and that the debutantes
themselves were too elaborately
dressed and lacked individuality. He
thought their mothers and fathers, and
perhaps their friends, might tell them
apart,but that no one else could. As
to the few grown men who '"went in
society" to any extent, those of his
acquaintance who so indulged were the
least interesting of all his friends. What
society needed was more brains and
age and more real men. f
A middle-aged woman with whom
Mrs. Henrotin held her second conver
sation agreed with the man that there
was perhaps a preponderance of women
in society. This, however, she laid to
the fact that the men avoided society,
rather than that women wanted to bar
them out. She thought thei trouble was
that the men and women of this coun
try were unconsciously readjusting
their new relations, since the spirit of
liberal education for women as well as
men had invaded the land. Women, it
appeared, chose to entertain, and men
were content to be entertained, ; and
it was not so successful : an , arrange
ment a if they entertained each other.
The average man, she said, when he
came into the presence ofa woman was
prone to lean back in his chair and to
listen to the woman talk.; Both men
and women had lost sight of the im
portance of making 'the most of each
; A young girl of two seasons was the
next person interviewed. She said so
ciety represented "the social art where
by men and Women do pleasant things."
But she complained" that there was no
home life for persons engaged in soci
ety. There was too much going on.
For her part, she was going to Paris
in the spring to see the exposition and
take a much needed "rest
i Another woman interviewed ; de
scribed society as t'he white woman's
burden." . Mrs. Henrotin paid Mrs.
Serman, the president of the club, a
delicate compliment by speaking of
her as one of the most gracious ex
ponents of the society element in Chi
cago. ' '.'
'Miss Jane Addams, Mrs. Ward, Mrs.
Blackwelder, and Mrs. Elia W. Peat
tic spoke briefly- after Mrs. Henrotin
had concluded, . Mrs. Peattie declared
that "the object of society is to make a
fine art of pleasure."
i The woman nurse of England, like
the woman nurse of America a year and
a half ago, is off to the war. The pro
fession! of nurse is recognized as one
of the most beautiful and most appro
priate which can engage woman's ac
tivities, and yet forty-six years ago,
when Florence Nightengale .went to the
Crimea war, nurses were not known.
The nursing that' was done was. per
formed by soldiers who had not fallen.
Whcnvthcy returned from battle they
nursed such of those as were on the
wounded list. The fallen were car
ried from the field by their comrades,
and were given such assistance as was
possible. Men without experience min
istered to other men. It was all ame
teur work.
Florence Nightingale is still living in
London. An interviewer, who has just
visited her, describes her as 8o years
old, spare of figure, though not thin,
just '"shrunken," from years, but her
eyes are bright and her 'voice is firm.
When she speaks you can almost hear
the music which rang in -it forty years
ago, . when, as "The Angel of the Cri
mea," she went from tent to tent, giv
ing life to the wounded.
a Though not wealthy, she has every
comfort, and her desk is strewn with
invitations to go out into the social
world' of London. The queen annu
ally invites her to Windsor, end she is
favored by visits from the Princess
Christian and the princess of Wales.
The Empress Frederick never fails to
call upon her when she is in London.
She is now busy with her memoirs,
which will afford a great inside history
of the Crimean and other wars. '
Not long ago Miss' Nightingale had
an invitation to address the Balaceava
society: but instead she wrote a letter,
in which she said: "I wish I could say,
as we thought a few days ago we might
have said, that there would be peace.
But still, as was once written about the
advantages of persecution, we may
write about the advantages of war, yet
few men and perhaps no women have
seen as much as I have of the horrors
of war. But; see those manly fellows
in time of war, men not near the beasts,
as sometimes we too sadly see in the
time of peace; sec them not one taking
a drop too much; njt one gallivanting
with the women, everyone devoting,
aye, even his life for his. comrade, fetch
ing, his comrade off the field, without
notice or praise front any one cither in
words or in print; and if killed in the
attempt, his name only goes down as
'killed in battle; always devoted even
to the death as our Great Master and
Friend, Jesus Christ, was to His fellow
men. - ..
"Oh, if such be war, we will not say;
'Let' there always be war! but blessed
the war which makes such heroes of
our comrades. Sad is the death of
our comrades. But we- 'may- say,
'Death comes not untimely to him who
is fit to die. The briefer life, the ear
lier .immortality.' nd who would keep
him bark? Not even his wife. My
friends, survivors ofBalaclava, I. pledge
you in this cup, not all of grief, but
of living life, worth perhaps all the
downy chairs we know of. Those who
are gone are with us still.- working with
Us at the good and right, and the hap
piness of our fellowmen.
Woodburn. Jan.; 33. M. J. Matson,
who has conducted a general merchan
dise ft ore for several years has assign
ed to R. L Sabin, representative of the
Merchants Protective Union o fPort
land. If is liabilities art $12,000; as
sets approximately the same." s ,,
(Mr. Matson formerly conducted a
racket store in this city, being located
in the D'Arcy building on State street.)
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job office.
" lost 20 lbs. In three months?'
Your medicines have done sol mucblfor me that
I cannot thank yon enough for advice and kindness
shown me," writes Mrs. Warren E. Parker, of
Orange St, Nantucket, Mass. "Three years ago I
was taken sick with what the doctor called nervous
ness and indigestion. He gave me medicine for the
trouble, but I could not eat even a little oast or oat
meal without suffering severely. I felt hungry but
hardly dared eat anything. In a few months I
began to have distressing spells right in the pit of
my stomach. After the distress passed away it
would leave my stomach so sore that I was obliged
to lie in bed several days. I called the doctor again
and he said I had catarrh of. the stomach ; gave me
medicine bat it aid not do any good, 1 lost 23
runds in three months. At last I was so bad that
thought I was beyond help. One 01 my friends
loaned me Dr. Pierce's Common Sense ' Medical
Adviser to read, and when I read that many people
had been cured by his medicines I made np mj
mind o write to him, although I was so bad
for me. I wrote and received a prompt reply. He
told me I had indigestion, associated with a torpid
liver, and he advised me to take his Golden Medi
cal Discovery ' and also his Pellets, if constipated.
I commenced talcing his medicines immediately,
and soon began to feel better. I have taken six
bottles of 'Golden Medical, Discovery, two of
Favorite Prescription, ana. six vials ot Dr. Fierce's
Pellets. I have trained ten -pounds. Am able to do
all my work, and have not had a distressing spell
for five months. Can cat everything, ; I cannot
express thanks enough for the good the medicines
have done me. If anyone who is suffering, no mat
ter what the case may be, would only wrfte to Dr.
Pierce for advice, I know he could help xfcem."
TITHE four testimonials given here simply illustrate
JJLt in a small measure the, scope of the curative pow
er of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This
medicine is primarily designed to cure diseases of
the stomach and other organs of digestion -and nutri
, Tic tr l-MiMiinar fTrt rn orcatis local lv remote
from the stomach are due to the fact, that diseases of
blood, nerves, liver,; heart and kidneys often have
their ; origin in ' a diseased condition of the stomach
and digestive and nutritive systems, and when the
diseased condition is removed, the contributing cause
of the disease of other organs is taken away also.
Human life depends on food.' If -we don't eat we
die. But it is not the fact of eating which makes us
live, it is the assimilation by the body of the nutri
tion that is contained in the food, which sustains life.
But this general nutrition is made up of specific ele
ments for the several parts and organs of he body,
and' unless these specific elements of , nutrition are
extracted and assimilated in due proportion, there is
some part ot me Doay unnounsnea. ror example,
the blood contains about pne-tentn 01 an ounce
of iron. Take that iron out of his blood and
the man would drop dead. But it is evident that
if the loss of all the iron front the blood means
death, that, so far as the supply drops below the
normal one-tenth of an ounce, it means loss of vi
tal force and physical decay, because the blood
"For over a year 'I was troubled with' such a
cough and pain in ray chest that I could not rest at
night, , writes Omer J. Sennet, Esq., of franklin,
St. Mary's Par.. La., care of Mr. J. VY Foster. "I
tried cough mixtures and other medicin-s,'.mit they
did me no good and I was falling away all he time,
until I began taking Dr. Pierce's Colder Medical
Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets. The fist 'bottle
made me feel better, so I took eight i bottles and
now I feel like another man. '! i ,
? "Many thanks for your - valuable medicines. I
would aavise those who are suffering with a cough
to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
the ' Pellets.'
"I had sBvoro tioadachos."
" tftrss troubled with a coupli"
depends on iron to enable it to carry oxygen from
the lungs to each part of the body. As the iron
decreases there will be a deficiency in the oxy
genizing of the blood. Instead of being bright
scarlet, it will be dark purple as it is in form? of
lung disease terminating in consumption. If the
stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition fail in
their work, the health of the body at once suffers.
Whether you are weak or strong depends upon the
ability of the blood to select and distribute the nu- ,
tritive elements' for the several organs. The blood is
made chiefly in the stomach, and "weak" stomach1
means "weak? blood, blood deficient in vital energy.!
, The great curative power of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery lies in its power to heal diseases
of the stomach and other organs of digestion . and
nutrition, so j that the processes by which nature
sustains life may be unhampered and unhindered.
"Golden Medical Discovery" can't make a drop of
blood, can't weave a strand of tissue. It can and
does take away the diseased conditions which ob
struct these processes of I nature,-' and hence, "weak
kings," "weak nerves," "weak heart," etc, are per
fectly and permanently cured by this great remedy.
Persons suffering from : chronic forms of disease
are -invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, by letter
absolutely without charge. AH correspondence
private. Address Dr. RJ V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Away back in iS6s I was greatly troubled with
catarrh, which I was unable target rid of for over
six years,' writes Mr. M. E. Curry, of 252 West 76th
Street New York, N. Y. WI had severe headache
three or four times a week, which almost made jbe
crazy. I I was unable to look -up without haying
mucous drop in my throat, and always-carried ve
or sixi handkerchiefs with me. Sitting by an open
window was outsof the question, as I could not bear
the least bit of air, to strike, my head. I went to a
prominent physician, who treated me for over a year
with hardly any benefit, and to three others who
did not help me at all. I chanced to pick up one of
your pamphlets which come with Dr. Pierce's Medi
cal Discovery, read it carefully, and concluded, to
try your Golden Medical Discovery and Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. I purchased a bottle of each and
used them. It did not take me long to find out that
thev were the medicines I should have had years
before. I continued to use. your preparation, and
is a lew montns , , -
I have recommended the same remedies to live
or six of mv friends who have been troubled with
catarrh, ana they have been cured also. I am satis
fied that if anyone will use Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and Sage's Catarrh Remedjrj ts
directed, they will be able to cure the worst easel of
catarrh. I find the 'Golden Medical Discovery the
greatest preparation for coughs one which cures,
thcza ia few days. j
, "Your medicine helped me so much that I cannot
praise it too highly," writes Mrs. C. L. Brooks,! of
Poland, Androscoggin Co., Maine. "Tljs first dpse
I took helped me. I cannot forget howl felt when
J took it ; I was suffering everything with indigea-
ion, and my stomach was so bloated that it seemed
s though it must burst.' My husband said be was
ing lor tne doctor, but I said if be would get me a
ttle of the 'Golden Medical Discovery I would
' that. I had not taken it long when I felt
ieved and have not had a touch of indigestions or
omach trouble since. I had been sick for four
ears, and less ' than four bottles cured me. Some
people that -knew me before I began to take the
f Golden Medical Discovery ! tell me that they never
saw such a change in,.anyone, and they also say
they don't sec how I can do such large washings; as
I do now. when I . had not done a washing for so
long."; ' - ,
i can do such tarpo washings"
S0PMEnTMiI3 IfOiM (Sli$P7r EiMYiPrm Wereo0 Common Sense Medical Adviser Is not
, mt b w old tQ any one. it Is a gift, and one of tho most
valuable gifts ever nresentod to any family This great work containing fOOQ largo nagbs and over 700 Illus
trations, treats of biology, physiology, hyglone, and mcdJcIno, In plain English. Dr. H F. Pltllbrlck, of South
Weare, Hlllsboro Co, It. II. Box 24), says b "I have received 'tho copy of the Common Sense Medical Advisor
you sent me, and am very much pleased with it. I think it is a very Important hook, and it would be a Godsend to
every family throughout ttta whole world to have one of thdm." The book Is sent FREE on receipt, of stamps to
cover expense of malting ONLY. Send 31 ono-ccnt stomps for cloth-bound booh, or 21 damps for tho book
fn paper covers. ;;: ;. V;V ? ::Ai : IWZ. nl Y. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
Th Prisoner KearaJn In Good Spirit
: Effort to Becare CommaUttlos
WIU Be Mad. .
, t (From Daily, Jan. 24th.) : .
W. G. Magers, who was twice; con
victed in the circuit court for Polk
county of the murder of Raymond D.
Sink on September 13. 1858, is io be
executed on Friday, February 2d,' at
to a. m., and invitations, to the ekecu
twn, issued; by Sheriff J. G. Van' Ors
del, of Polk county, were yesterday re
ceived by the local officers. The in
vitation in the usual black "bordered
card, inviting the person' addressed $o
attend the execution. ,
Sheriff Van Orsdel is making his
preparations, having secured the rope
and other paraphernalia used "by Sher
iff V. W. Withers, of .Lane county, in
the execution of Branton' last spring.
A" death watch was long ago set on
th condemned man, and every effort
is made to prevent 0 any interference
'with. thj course of the law.
It was rumored, a few days ago, that
evidence had been found that someone
from o-'.tside the jail was attempting
to provide! Magers with means to cheat
the gallows by taking . his own lifc.
This, the oflicers of Polk county assert,
is an error; that no such efforts have
been made, and that, were they jto be
made, they would fail as the condemn
ed man is watched far too closely to;
succeed in any attempt at self-destruction.
- - ' : I
Judge W. L. Wells, of : the Polk'
county court, in : conversation with a
representative of the Statesman, yes
terday, stated that all f preparatioiii
for the execution were; well under
way, the scaffold being in course , of
construction, and it is expected that
there will be no hitch in the "proceed-?
ir.gs.- : ; .; r il - ' - f
Magers is said to appear as well as
usual, and seems resigned to his fate.:
He is in his cstial good spirits and
shows no signs of breaking down, al-;
thottgh the hour of his execution is:
rapidly drawing nearer, it being fixed
less than ten days Jiencei ;;
i Gov. T.,T Geer has received two or
three letters, .from residents of Polk
county, urging a commutation of th
.death sentence to life imprisonment,
and a petition is said to be in circula
tion to - the same effect. , Thus1 far,
however, none of the jurors trying the
case, nor the state's attorneys and trial
judge have -recommended such a
course; in fact, the attorneys !who
prosecuted the case are said to be ready
to resist any effort which may be made
to sect' re clemency. t -
W, II. Ilobson Has Purchased 'a Store
, in That Wide-awake Town in
Eastern Oregon. J ...
Hon, W. II. Ilobson, of this city, it
appears, wHl engage - in business in
S'.impter, Eastern Oregon's- latest min
ing center, having purchased the store
of ,W. C. Caldcr, of that place, one of
the- principal owners of the Sumpter
townsite and its leading merchant.
Mr. Calder is well known in Salem,
having made periodical trips to this
city for a number of years, as special
agent rf the 'Aachen & Munich Insur
ance Company, and later for the Tew
Zealand Company' In speaking of Ithis
sale, the Pendleton East Oregonian;
of the 20th inst, says: , . i . .
-Concerning W. C Caller, whose
many friends in ' Pendleton will learn
with pleasure that he is prospering in
his Sumpter ventures, the Sumpter
Miner says: i ,
"W.;,C Calder, who has sosucccss--fully
conducted thei general "merchan
dise business at the Red Front store
since March, 1899, 'building "it tip from
a small country -stfK-k to' its present
magnitude, has transferred his entire
interest and pood ,vHU in- the. business
to the Hon. W. It,' Hobion, state sena
tor, and one of the tcst known men in
Oregon, politically, socially and finan
cially, and especially in Masonic circles!
"Mr. Calder crivca . rm the crrneral-
merchandise business ,that he may de-.'
vote, his; entire timje and attention to;
the Sumpter Townsite Company, . Lim
ited, ot which he is (secretary and treas
urer and a heavy stockholder."
Said Ma, Gadabout, who had "tome
to spend the day. to little Edith:, .
re you giaa . xo see me again,
Edith?",' ; -; - ' .;'..-
"' Yes, "ma'am, and , mamma's glad,
too," replied the child.
is she?",;;v. ..; : -; ;
t "Yes; ma'am. 4 She said she hoped
you'd come today and have , it over
with." Qh'ro State Journal.
Mrs. A. L. McCuilv returned to her
nome in rortland ypsterday ?lternon.
Legal Blanks, Statesman, Job office.