Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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If A TETON nOTTKTV 11 t. Maivin..: ... 1 . t .
ffllllllltlllllllll 1 1 It Iflllllir I7 iVr ....! m P,nn vt,. zz Til . I , r"
IHIMrllVVIII LIJV I'lllllJI . KO'crts 1 nuj. 1105 .4 1 . ; 1 1 .
Official Report, Jan. (1900) Term
In the manner ot the application of
E- Schott for liquor license for one year
in Sublimity precinct j i
Granted. . .;.!,
In the manner of the petition of Geo.
II. Lcttellier et aL, for county road
in district No. 76
Dismissed, i
In the matter of the report of J. E.
Ross Commander Sedgwick Post No.
I0, a A. R. .
Approved. I i : .
In the matter of the notice of H." I.
Brown,.L Commander . Sedgwick Post
Ko. 10, G. Ai R. to undertake relief of
indigent soldiers, and bond
Approved. ' I
In the matter of changing the name
of Garfield Voting Precinct
Ordered that same be changed to
.Scotts Mills. '
In the matter of changing boundaries
of various voting precincts
Ordered that said changes be made
in accordance with the law, precincts
subject to change being Silverton,
North Silverton, South Silverton, Sub
limity, Silver Fall, Sidney, Salem No.
I, 2, 3 4. South Salem, Prospect, Jef
ferson, and Yew Park.
. In the matter of the appointment of a
janitor for the court house
Ordered that J.SG. Moore be ap
pointed at a salary of : $40.00 per
month. j I . . '
Jury account I ;
On thisHay it is ordered that claims
of F. 1 Pound. L. F. Butler, and O.
H. Gilbert be disallowed. , "
In the matter of the petition of C.
Farlow et al. for; the location of a
county road ; j ' 1
: Established. - r-i . 4 : :'.-
In the matter; of the petition of
W. H. B. Stewart et al. for a new
bridge over the, Santiam at Minto
Disallowed. - j '
- In the matter-of the petition of
Jos. Rubens et al. to unite and form
road districts 17 and 18 into one voting
precinct and one "; road district
In the matter of claim for scalp
Ordered that he following claims be
and' the same are approved: G. E. Ber.
inger, 4 coyotes, $2.00; A. I. Eoff, 'one
coyote, $2.ou; J. W. Cox,3 wild cats,
$6 00; J. VV. Cox,1 1 wild cat, $2.00; H.
B. Cox, one wild cat, $2.00; j. N. Rob
ertson, 2 coyotes,! $4.00; John Robens,
2 coyotes and I wild cat, $6.00. ,
In the matter of the report of ' the
survey of a portion of the Tentorial
road from Boone's Ferry to the Terri
torial road leading from SaJem to Ore
gon City j ; :
. Approved. !
In the matter of the petition .rof
Nathan Wade et at. for a public gate
way from his residence to a public
county road . i -?
Settled and dismissed.
In the matter of the petition of J. D.
! Bennett, et -al. for the vacation of part
s of Auburn Add to Salem
Continued to February term.
: In the mater of publishing court pro
ceedings for the ensuing year
Ordered that the Salem Statesman
and the Capital Journal be selected as,
the papers for publishing; the proceed
ings of this court for the year iooo.
In the mater of compensation of S.
' Ti Howard as day janitor for the court
for a period of one month i 5
Ordered that the clerk draw a war
rand1 on the treasurer jia-. the sum
of $40.00 payable to Mr. Howard for
sweh services. f i
Supervisor's account !
... Ordered that the following claims for
supervisors be and the same are allowed
and their reports are approved:
John Wills.
iB. F. Hall.
I. C Needham . I ..... ..... . .
E. B. Cochran...'
E. S. Longacre. .........
D. J. Lightner..J..i..
W. A. Zimmerman
22 00
90 00
74 00
36 00
26 00
36 00
28 CO
22 OO
66 OO
30 CO
36 OO
20 00
71 95
66 45
42 00
40 00
92 CO
SO 00
76 00
52 00
56 00
8 00
30 25
42 CO
42 00
60 00
10 20
44 00
50 00
52 85
40 00
40 OO
50 00
23 00
24 00
30 00
52 00
57 00
34 00
24 00
40 00
35 00
32 00
28 00
44 00
50 00
90 00
46 00
34 80
30 00
2 00
18 CO
24 CO
16 CO
24 CO
18 CO
48 CO
24 CO
35 00
16 CO
B. Wagner. .
W. H. Simpson
II. T. Bruce.........
' 4 .
J C Baif.. .'...i. J....:..
A. M. LaFollett.
C F. Ray. ...,.J. ...-...
W. F. Davidson.!......'..
J. P. Wilquet. ...'.......j.
G. B. Miner...........;-.
N. p. Williamson.........
J. A. Jefferson:-.. ........
H. J. Workman j.........
D. C Howard.,
Grant Lake
N. W. Silver... .
J. B. Tracy.
U VV. Condit...i.
C U. Stege ...........
F. Nibler .j ... ....
P. Lncier . ......j.
' C Collinson. ..... ....... ...v
D. Ross
D. N. Brown...,.;...... .....
Wm. Bents
J. B. Wolf......... .....
J. B. Wolf I.
H. D. May.....,. .......
J. Brock...
f. Dyer......
John Schwab. .
C Zimmerman. . . . . . .
Ole Hagan ... ....
A. Burns........' .......
E. E. Porfer i
H. Keene........
C B. McElhaney.
W. H. Humphreys......
T. . . . .
A- j. King. , . i. ,i .
J. Henkle...... ...
M. D. Ramsby....... .-
A. B. Schwab..;.....
J- Simmons.
A. H. Kraus. . ..
J. F. Daws..
J. F. Mosct ........ ...
J. F. Davis
John Minty. ... ,
A. Shaw.. I ....
J. S. Hays . ....
r. Maurer. . .i. . t .
K. T. Mauldong.. ......
t. u. .Thomas........
E. Hunt.
II.' J. Hadley......
R. B. Morsehouse. .. . : .
A. S. Morris i ............. 29 00
Jacob Scott.....; ........ .... 24 00
...... 100 CO
s. c Dke..:::::";:r-- ? -
C. W. 3000
a - V : 20 OO
40 CO
... it-
Guarantee & Tniif- f
!e!,?n certain Property advertised for
ux sale
Rejected. . i
In the matter of the change in the
boundary of the several road districts
throughout Marion county.
Ordered that said boundaries be
changed to conform to the precint
boundaries in accordance with an Act
passed by the legislature of 1899.,
; In the matter of designating divis
ions of county roads running on boun
dary lines s
. Ordered that the roads running on
boundary lines be divided as follows:
On lines running north and south the
north one-half shall be controlled by
the district on the east and the south
one-half1 by the district on the west.
On lines running east and west, east
one-half to be controlled by district on
north and west one-half by district on
the south. -'
In the matter of the contract for fur
nishing lights for the court house for
the year 1900 ; " " . ..
Contract let to, Salem Light and
Traction Co. at a rate of $35.00 per
month. t
In the matter of selecting a list of
jurors to serve during the year 1901.
The court proceeded to select 200
jurors from the list of tax payers of
Marion "county to serve during the
year 1900.' .' .
In the matter of the establishment of
Horseshoe Lake Drainage District
Ordered by -the court , that said dis
trict be established in accordance with
the prayer of the petition. ;
In the matter of a resurvey" of the
Salem and McKinneys Mill county
road. : -;'
Ordered that the county surveyor re
survey said road on Thursday, January
18, 190a
In the matter of the establishment of
a justice district to be known as Jeffer
son District. ' 1
Ordered that the Sidney precinct and
Jefferson precinct be embodied inu ne
justice district with Jefferson the
place of holding court, to be known as
Jefferson district.
, In the matter of the change in .Sil
verton voting precincts with relation
to the Silverton justice district y
Ordered that the Silverton justice
district is not effected by the change
in the Silverton voting precincts. .
In the mater of the appointment of
judges and clerks of election for the
precincts in Marion county to serve
ior a term of two years i
On this day the court appointed the
judges and clerks of election to -serve
for the years 1900 and 1901.
In the matter of the tax levy for
1900 .
Ordered that tax levy for 1900 on
all taxable property in Marion county
be and the same is fixed at the follow
ing rates:
General county fund, .10.4 mills
State school fund 5.00 mills
Indigent soldiers fund .1 mills
State levy 6.3 mills
Total ' !-.:'' " 21.8 "
Scalp fund one-fourth of a mill.
claim allowed
Mortensen & Hansen . . $ 9 38 $ 9 38
Schindler & Brodie... 5 7 5 7
Cap.' Lamb.-.Co....... 3689 3689
Sidney Power Co..... 14 20 14 20
H. L. Earl...... I 55 1 55
J. W. Forsythe.. 864 864
C. W. Corby......... 635 635
M.' L.' Eskew.. ......... -6 00 600
Wm. Claggett.... ... 5 00 5 00
Tilmon Ford.... .... 7 50 7 5
F. Levy...... ....... 2 50 . 2 50
Schomus Bros 6 13 3 3
Ole Hagan. 900 900
J. E. McCoy... 50 5
V. Wattier & Sons.... 62 22 62 22
Will Evans 2 85 2 85
Hoskins & Son.. 5 60 5 60
B. A. Leonard....... 800 800
C W. Stege 200 200
M. L. Eskew.... . 3 00 3 00
F. Roch.... ......... 650 650
O. I. Morris. ....... 834 834
Geo. Simmons....... 5 50 50 50
Riches & Steelhammer 1 00 I 00
Gray Bros...... 1 80 ; I 80
W. M. Bushey 6 00 6 00
ICathan Morris.". .. 2 60 2 00
S. H. Russell......... 220 220
B. F. Henshaw....... 240 240
Frank Libby.... .... 2 00 2 00
H.Russell........... 200 200
G'W. Adams... 00 ? 00
John Hughes.. ...... 784 O 54
R. Terrell.. ; S w "
City of Salem......... 4801 4801
S. T. Hobart.... .... " . 10
Eli Vaughn ...... 4 50 2 25
Manning & Moisan... 22 50 " 00
Henry Keene.... .... 1 75 75
V. Wattier & Son..... 58 98 58 98
H. T. Bruce..........! 2 00 $ 2 00
B. H. Bradshaw......$ 20 50
$ o 50
T. Holverson.... ...... 3
3 80
25 00
14 SO
49 25
5 83
250 00
14 00
It8 34
1 35
, 3 00
2 00
13 80
44 80
7 75
II 60
210 00
IO 50
2 95
26 9S
26 00
W. H. Byrd. .
F. W. HolHs f Co....
Cf A.c1-kfT Rfft. .......
25 00
14 50
49 25
Longcorl & Jacobs
5 8J
E. A. Pierce 250 00
W. H. Hobson
14 OO
M. M. High...
D. L. Fills
Krausse Bros....
Cap. City Transfer Co
Gilbert & Baker
D. J. Fry
A. F. Holt. ...
G. W. Johnson & Co..
G. P. Terrell. ....... ..
1 L. Freeland.. ......
Mary Hensley.
J. Myers & Sons......
A. M. Oough.
Harritt & Lawrence..
John Hughes..
Salem Hospital.. ....
W. L. Wade.. .......
J. P. Murphy.......-.
Weller Bros. ... .....
. T .1.. Xr ......
118 34
1 35
3 00
2 00
13 80
44 80
7 CO
7 75
II 60
4 80
210 00
IO 50
2 95
26 95
26 CO
3 co
3 co
50 00 Nt alld.
I 30
20 00
38 28
3 co
26 40
14 75
I 30
20 00
38 28
3 co
8 00
14 75
V. AAllAK. -"J
F. Kusseii f -R.
nutaltA... ... I"
Reiner DruZ Co......
I. N. Davis.... S.t.tt
5 co
5 co
STATION tRi rTT $ 8 34
Ross E. Moore $ 34 34
v. Danrnncnrt - t - ..... - a w .a oo i u i iiii.i iu iiimiiiinii ' 1
F. S. Dearborn. .....S 200 2 00
C. B. Irvine. ...... ... 3 00 3 00
Patton Bros.. ... II 65 11 65
Irwin Hodson Co.... 12 50 12 50
Kuham Stationery Co 2 80 2 80
Statesman Pub. " Co. .. 2 50 , 2 50
Sutesmah Job Office.. 7 00 7 00
Geo. .F. Rodgers...... 21 60 21 60
Otto Hansen.... ....$ 6 50 $ 6 50
Salem Steam Laundry 2 IO a 10
Bernardi;' & Dunsford. 46s ' 46s
?fu Ti&JeL Co 7 45 7 45
John Hughes...... ..115 1 is
Salem Water Co...... 14 10 14.10
Salem 1. & T. Co.... 3300 3500
J. B. Riggs.. ......... 30 00 30 00
Steiner Drug Co...... 2 35 2 35
S. E. Howard 75 75
Weller pros.. ....... 3 15 3 15
A- L. ' Downing...... $ 1 24 $ I 24
W. W. fHall.... ..... 3 00 3 00
G. P. Terrell.. ....... 350 3 50
J. H. Roland........ 3 00 3 oi
G. V. Jones.. ....... 2 00 2 00
F. VV, Durbin.. ...... 5 00 5 00
Glass &lPrudhomme..$ 44 20 $ 44 20
F. W. Durbin. ........ 5040 5040
E- Ppgue.... 55 65 55 65
G. G. Bingham 8 00 8 co
J. H. Mcf ary. . . ; . S co 5 00
State v Geo. Loyd.
N. J. Judah : ; . . . ... 7 00
i ' k i 11 i n in n Pi ri iiPiii
Mrs. Battersby. ., .. . .......... 1 70
D. W. Gibson....; 500
Mrs. McDonald:. ..V. 1 70
Mrs. J. Musser ..'..... I 70
C Musser...... 170
State vs. Rube Patty,
IL A. Tohnson rl to
D. C. Minto .. 2 30
State vs. W. B. Gray.
H. A. Johnston.... v.. 1 6 20
D. C. Minto..... 180
State vs. Geo. Wilson.
H. A. Johrfson. ....... .......... 705
D. C Minto. .120
Jas. Skipton. ... ......... I 70
State vs. A. B. Reed.
H. A. Johnson 7 40
D. C. Minto. . I feo
State vs. A. Naught.
H. A. Johnson 10 00
D. C Minto 2 30
State vs. R. Kirk.
H. A. Johnson..... i.. 7 30
D. C. Minto...... ............. 6 60
State vs. O. Drake.
H. A. Johnson 8 40
D. C. Minto 1400
State vs. W. O. Smith.
R. C. Ramsby.. ....... ........ 700
Jas. Langly I 7
A. F. Simeral. 6 50
Chas. Brewer I 7
D.Morgan....-...-,... , I 7
State vs. Bruno Heinman.
H. T. Hayes............ ... 16 90
L. Knowles.. ..... 7 30
C. Ogle 1 00
A. B. Havcrly.. I 00
W. Durant... .. I oq
Sam Hardcastle I 00
John Gates . .f?. ......... ,20 00
M. Festler.. 7 3
E. L Remington l
F. C. Lacell 00
J. J. Hall 00
Robt. Cooley.. I 00
C. Knowles. . ...... 7 3
W. W. Hall.. ......... 4 90
J. P. Summers .'. I 00
J. H. Mack... I 00
P. L. Kennady ......... 1 00
John Hallcr. . . 00
Translation of the Bible Was the Ear
liest Publication in the State.
The interesting fact is brought to the
attention of the Pioneer Press by Rev.
S. W. Dickinson, agent for the Ameri
can Bible Society, that the first book
ever printed in Minnesota was a Bible,
and that this was printed in 1836, some
thirteen years before the ' issue of a
newspaper in St. Paul.- The Bible re
ferred to was in the Ojibway language,
and was printed on the mission press at
Lake Pokegama, Pine county, under the
supervision of Rev. Mr. Ayer, who like
wise Tiad charge of the mission farm at
that point. There also was made the
first attempt to establish a free school
in Minnesota. , The foundation of the
old log church building in which this
was held can still be- traced.
It is significant of the eagerness
.hini-tfrinno .American Christianity
that the educational, social ana com
mercial development of which Minne-
sotans are now so proua naa us us''
the effort to put the Bible in
the hands of red men. The society rep
resented by Mr. J Dickinson wmcn is
undoubtedly the greatest organization
in the world for the, distribution of the
Scriptures has filled its eighty-seven
years of history with many such inci
dents as this of the" settling up of a
Bible press in the wilds of Minnesota.
It now proposes large undertakings in
the new areas of the American repub
lic in which it will doubtless have the
cordial support of all who believe in the
beneficent influence of the good book.
St. Paul Pioneer Press.
bowling team, which has spent the past
I- tU- fir-rnit howliniT With the
wcci u .... . . m s
clubs at The Dalles. Portland Y. M. C
A., and Astoria, appears to nave ni
with defeat everywhere. ' At The Dalles
on Thursday evening the. Salem team
won one game out ofHur; at Portland
on Friday night tbeS4me score was
made, and at Astoria, last night. Salem
lost all four of the games. In this
last contest. Astoria made an even icoo
points in the four games of the even
ing, while the Salem players made only
846. The Illihee representatives are
expected to return this morning. Tne
club mourns.; - i-' ' - 4 " - -
Dm1 CMUMlttcd Abomt to O'clock Tester
hy Mflt-Ci Mill Juy Ex.
-', wifilw tttm OMciiua.
j f' (From Daily, Jan. 2isL) -
Jos. R.jWillard, accused of the mur
der of T. D. Perry, committed suicide
by hanging in the Marion county jail
about id o'clock yesterday morning.
Deceased! left a' note for his wife, as
signing physical disability and finan
cial ruin as a cause for self-destruction.
It, was ' purely a case of premeditated
suicide, i the findings of the coroner's
jury being corroborative thereof and
exonerating the sheriff and his depu
ties from all blame.
Willard's actions of late i have been
such as to excite the suspicions of Sher
iff F. W. j Durbin and his deputies, who
have exercised; every precaution to pre
vent just stich a scene as was so suc
cessfully enacted by the prisoner, yes
terday. When released from his cell
yesterday' morning, Willard cautiously
inquired of Deputy Sheriff B. B. Col
bath, if Sheriff Durbin was out oi the
city. No particular significance was
attached tp th query at that time,' but
it is now evident that the ; dead man
had planned very systematically to end
his unhappy existence at the most op
portune time, i
During . the j early morning hours
Willard appeared to be in his usual
cheerful frame of mind, his actions by
no means indicating the determination
to end his life that must have possessed
him. Together with his fellow pris
oners, Willard itwas engaged in organ
izing a "kangaroo court," vich diver
sion it was expected would serve to
pass the time. ; Suddenly he wa miss
ed from the group which was assem
bled in, the southwest corner of the jail
corridor. Wni B. Gray, a hypo fiend,
who is serving; a sentence for larceny,
went in quest; of his fellow .prisoner,
who had ; beet elected judge of the
"court." Gray was horrified to find
Willard's lifeless form suspended from
a water pipe in the closet at the north
east corner of the jail. He gave the
alarm by a series of yells which imme
diately brought Deputy Sheriff Col
bath. County School Superintendent
G. W. Jones ai-d others of the county
officers to the scene. Willard's body
was promptly ; cut down and a physi
sieian summoned, but life was extinct
when the bodjj was discovered, the sub-;
sequent efforts of Dr. J. K. Smith to
resuscitate the lifeless form proving un
availing. '
Willard had- procured a rone about
four feet in length from a window-sash
in the jail corridor. Having secured
the rope he went to the closet in one
corner of which two water : pipes, one
having a, diameter of about five inches
and a smaller one of probably, an inch
in diameter, pass from the floor to the
ceilinig, where the smaller pipe changes
its course and runs the length of the
room, about four inches from the ceil
ing. The prisoner scaled the two wa
ter pipes to the i ceiling, where, having
properly adjusted the rope to his neck
and to the small horizontal pipe, he re
leased his grasp, sustaining a drop of
about two feeti' When found, his feet
were fully four! feet from the cement
floor. ! .
The only statement of any kind left
by the deceased was a brief note ad
dressed to his wife, which was written
in a small note book, afterwards found
on his person. The note was as fol
lows: . '
"Dear wife: : Physically broken down
and financially ruined as I am, I feel
that I would be a burden to you an!
the children fori the rest of my. life.
Save what little; you can. It will be
but a trifle, but will serve to keep the
wolf from the door for a time."
Upon the request of Deputy Sheriff
Colbath, Coroner A. M. Clough held
an inquest at his undertaking parlors.
No. 107 State street, at 2:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The following
jury was surnoned: O. Green (fore
man), W. W.I Hepburn, Jesse George,
Jacob Leidinger, F. R. Davis and W.
H. Armstrong.
Wm. B. Gray, who discovered- the
body, was, the; first witness tailed.' He
told of finding the body in which life
was extinct when discovered. He ex
plained his theory of the - manner in
which the suicide accomplished self
destruction, which was substantially as
given above, jj
Deputy 1 Sheriff B. B. i Colbath : was
called to the witness chair and told of
answering the alarm and finding the
body. He explained the location of
the water pipes, and the position of
Willard's body when otm. A sash
rope was taken from the window in the
jail corridor and with this agent, Wil
lard ended his life. The i guard was
taken off of Willard about two weeks
ago, but a fellow prisoner has since
shared the same cell with; him every
night, he being granted the freedom of
the corridors 1 during the day. Had
never heard Willard talk of taking his
life, but his general actions since his
recent attempt to end his life had
caused the sheriff to take extra precau
tions to prevent the prisoners from se
curing any outside assistance.
iDr. J. ,N. Smith, who made an ex
amination of fhe body after it had been
cut down, testified that the neck had
been dislocated by the falL j Though it
seemed ' improbable that ' dislocation
would result from a short fall, it was
possible r The man was evidently dead
when found, but worked over him for
a half hour without success. Strangu
lation alone would cause death in three
minutes, but when, the neck is dislo
cated it does not require as much time
for life to become extinct.
C W. Jones, county school superin
tendent was the last witness called.
He accompanied Deputy Sheriff Col
bath' to the fail corridor Snd assisted
ia cutting Willard body down. He
described the finding of the body and
subsequent; efforts to bring back life
and, gave an accurate , explanation of
the location of the pipes, including his
theory as, to Jiow the suicide success
fulTv executed his plans. s
This .concluded the taking of testi
mony and the jury adjourned to the
court house where the scene of the sui
cide was visited and inspected. The
jury afterward! returned to Coroner
dough's ! office where a verdict was
VL'VjVji-' lLl VX-7 U ''-
for Infants
contains neltuer upturn worpuino nor uim-r n-uuo
substance. It destroys Worms and allays FeverLhness.
It cures Diarrhoea and VInd CoIW It relieves Teet h
Jnsr Troubles aud cures j Constipation. , It rcjrubatcs tho
v. vT.PAid nitHnn- )iiiiihv nnl Tiflttirnl sleen.
Tlie Children' luuaceaf-Tho Iothcr Friend.
The Kind 'You Have Always Bought
Jiears mo
In Use For
Chaick m luei tww4fc r. Iujr tares wwU C m 4d ftM T4 artUH m rc
mi utf ilwl mHwmri, tmemmm, m cigar wm !-, lag. Cur Vomt M hoOJi lm
blllty, HalaeH,Un(itns to rryt -
CAAMiiiiMiAfk ftttiM OulcKni. of O
rendered, tjmeoury found "that the de
ceased warfjos.! R. Willard; that he
was a native of the United States; that
he came to his. death on' the 20th day of
January, 7 1900, by hanging himself in ,
the Marion county jaij witn Riucidai
intent, and that we finl the sheriff and
his deputies exonerated ' from any
blame." i ." 1 n ; ,i
'- - ' !
The crime with which Willard was
charged, was the alleged murder of ' T. )
D. Perry near Liberty!, ' south of this J
city, on October 54th last. : The read- j
ers of the Statesman ; are conversant
with the sad occurrence, and a history
of the case is not necessary in this con
nection. About a month ago, Willard
made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide-
by inflicting numerous wounds
upon his person with a pocket knife,
lacerating' the flesh very badly and for
a time it was not known that he would
The deceased was a man aged about
45 years and leaves a wife and a family
f eight children, ranging in age from
one year to 17 years, i
Willard held membership in Salem
Camp No. 118. P. J. W. W., in wh'ch
order he carried a policy, for $tooo,
which will be paid his' wife.
, . , j-.- .
Benevolent -.Physician Has a Lesson in
I the Value of Expctience
j He was a young physician, witli A
ground-floor oflice in the poorest quar
ter of his city, a good deal of leisure
nn his hirwls - and a vouthfill desire to
do good. So when the Reillys. who
lived around the corner in a shanty
whkh had never seen better days,
moved out of the neighborhood leaving
their yellow dog behind, the doctor
said it was a mean shame and called
the dog into his office and patted him
on the head. One such call was
enough to make a yellow dog who was
used to living out of a garbage box
firm in the belief that he had found a
friend- i '.-
With July came the time Tor the
young physician to take his annual va
cationannual because he meant to
make it so counting this as the first.
He explained this to the druggist
whose prescription blanks he used,
when he used any. And the druggist
said: . - -
"Say, did .you notice the council
passed ' an ordinance last night about
shooting all unmuzzled dogs lound on
the street?"
He said this because wherever the
voung doctor 1 was, there, too, was
Reijly's yellow dog. r
1 "The annual iaWs Scare is on." said
the doctor.-with all he medical man's
scorn of hydrophobJaj
t "I expect the Reilly dog will have to.'
go." observed the druggist.
The doctor put his hand in his pocket
and jingled a quarter against a haf.
"No. he wont." came in a decisive
tone: "I'd like that dbjz. I'm going to
Ret a muzzle for him myself and put
it on before I leave." land his heart ex
panded as only the prospect of commit
ting a good action can cause it to ex
pand. I -v
: -When the young physician returned
from has vacation he! was surprised to
observe that there was a sneer behind
the smile with which the druggist
greeted Jirm. This was ill-befitting the
meeting of riends. Something made
him think of Reilly's dog.
! "Where's the dog?" he suddenly
asked. - . - - -j
The druggist grinned. Then. ' he
asked: "Say, d you ask anyone- to
take that muzzle off once in awhile and
feed him while you were gone? -.
The doctor's face fcH. "No." he said.
VI forgot that. Where, where is he?'
he faltered.
"Sausage now, sa'd the druggist,,
turning away to wait on a customer.
In t few minutes he came back.
jThat's the way you blamed philan
thropists always do things," he said,
savasrely. "I'll be blessed if I don't
think people and thinjrs would : get
along a lot better without you."
,The doctor looked glum. L "There's
something in what you say." he ad
"itied. hnmblv. but phys'i'-hns and
philanthropists have to get their expe
rience, somehow."
Graham, 'principal of the North Salem
public school, one day last week took
a record of the places of nativity of the
pupils attending that school. He found
that half of the states of the union are
represented, though about half the pu
pupils are native. Oregonians. . A part
of the result was as .follows: -107 Ore
gonians; 21 of Iowa birth: 13 Kansas;
2 Russian; x Germany; 1 France.
and Children
oigriaiuro 01
Over SO Years.
ti.iir Tftr, mrm Toon rrrr.
BDtnf1llorrn9fa intomnm, vasw
1 a.
ft tn fri 9 a OK "r trrow mw
Tiuuut iro u pm.y
nMAr BtAlia Nat-
Workingmen's McKinley Club met at
the city, hall at 7:jo last evening, hav
ing been called to elect delegates to the
state convention of the- Republican
League, to be held at Portland on Feb
ruary 6th. A large crowd was present,
arid an enthusiastic meeting was the
result. In the absence of President L.
D. Henrys Secretary J. Allison call
ed the club to order, and C. A. hlur
phy was chosen as temporary chairman
of the club. Delegates were placed in
nomination and elected by the club as
follows: S. II. Hughes; A. K. Strang,
C A. Murphy, 13. F. Wclst, J. E. Alli
son and Chas. A. ilort, A number of
tlie members present addressed the
meeting, several of them delivering
enthusiastic campaign addresses.
Martin, niphtwatch at the asylum, was
called to Portland yesterday morning
to attend at' the bedside of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Jennie Julicn, vho has been
in poor health for some time and who
is now thought to be in a critical condi
tion. Her husband and sister had but
slight hopes of her mother being able
to see her alive. Late last night the
Statesman received a telephone mes
sage from Portland,- to the effect that
the sick lady was very mvich improved,
and the family again, entertained hopes
for her. ultimate recovery. Mrs. Julien
who, as Miss Jennie Martin was for a
time an attendant' at the asylum, lias
many friends in thiv city, who will le
gratified to hear" of the change in her
condition. : ,
State taxation of copyrights is held,
lit people ex rcl. A. J.-Johnson Com
pany ys. Roberts (N. Y.), 4S L. R. A.
126, to be invalid on 'the ground that
copyrights, like patents, are,: protected
therefrom by federal Jaw. ,
An ordinance imposing a license tax
on occupations is held in Laurens vs.
Elmore (S. C), 45 L- R. A. 240. to be
invalid, as against a ptwson selling pict
ure frames, whcnlhc sells them oily on
pictures made in another stale pursu
ant to orders theretofore given.
Restoration to their parents pf in-,
fants committed. to a charitable institu
tion. is held, in Knowack (N. Y.), 44
L. R. A. 609,1 to be within the general
jurisdiction of the supreme couH of
New York as a court of chancery, and
also within the power conferred by
statute for the return of pauper chil
dren to, the custody of their ' parents,
when the interests of the children will
be promoted thereby and their parents
are fit, competent 'and . able to give them
proper support and ;;cducatiqn.
Breach of condition on which sure
ties sign a bond that it will not be de
livered until other sureties have signed
it is held, in Benton -County Savings
bank vs. Boddickcr (Iowa), 45 jL. K.
A. 321, insufficient to relieve thern from
liability tq the obligee, if he received
the bond in good faith, for a sufficient
consideration, without knowledge or
notice of the condition. With this case
there is a very .tensive note on the
conditional cutin. A a contract un
der parol agreement, tuat it shall not
take effect until others have signed it.
As thro the Strand at eve we wnt,
The . Strategist and 1. " -We
taught the generals their trafe.
We threw Von Moltke in -the shade.
We knew the reason. why., 1
O blessings on the god conceit!"
That never need be shy.. 4
That could each difficulty meet
And every peril spy t
For when we came to Charing Cross,
j And would have passed thereby,
A Brofnpton 'bus we did not tee
Came at its bang!
And where were we?
The Strategist and II
Wedlock was never intended to be
bolted. ; j 1 ' '.
In the world's great drama jlhe ocean
plays the principal ro!. f
Many men court distinction, but the
wedding day dawrs for the few.
It is- seldom that any one speaks of
an old maid as a matchless Woman.
When a man is generous to .a fault
it is very apt to be one of ! his own.
Pehaps the average woman, loves to
go shopping becaiise she thinks there
is something good in store for her.
Chicago .News.
Frank Dearborn's condition, which
has been serious for some time, was re
ported, unimproved last night. Mr.
Dearborn has been iil with typhoid fe
ver for ten weeks. 1