Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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" 1 . .
From OBAvbt ha
word, of Mra.
..ln .h. n
eb treible t TirVw.? r.P? . -tom
my stomach, and I hato ilmoit UVmrLlf MV2tr,Tff
m Mnitnii. TV,, i . CJi ZtzzZ A"". m T My aide pained
time. 'There waa not the
vi''. , 1 1 . .T. vi. :r -
mV nix JbeUcv
f. Williams
fotpale people
saved my
I til rnabled to slaer. and la tha mom in
and rretfd. My stomach waa strengthened, what I ate
benefited mb m:v weir ht InmwAwi &f t
r. ,., i.',.ui.v"w wu ,na trong. a cannot speak: f rll
too hla-hiy of Dr. Williams' Pink P11L tor Pale People?" 1 '
6u Wrttml and sworn to fatbn ma.
V thtfl 3d day of Jafr. ISM.
BTACY P. BEHE, Ahfewy Public.
ATI womankind hould know and
tne virtue or ir. wiuiama' Fink
i Pal Itenla.
Bold by ail drnKgfe-ta. Prepared only
Scbanectatfy, N. T.
' NOT yiTlTE S.ltlSFACTOItY. :
A. J. Kay, tba Aaaoetatlon's A cent, Return
from New York An Interview .
' ; r with lllra. t
A'. J. RaNr, who was employed by the
Oregon Hop Growers Association in
the capacity of sales agent, and who
accompanied the president of the asso
ciation, M., L. 'Jones, of ' Brook?, to
New York Citv to arranee fr the
sale of the- hops -pooled by the-associ
ation, has returned to fortland. in
an interview had yesterday with, a Tele
gram reporter, Mr. Kay said: ,
"The terms we secured for hops are
not entirely satisfactory to the execu"
tive committee of the association which
is negotiating further in thcwiatter. l
did not find the situation very encour
aging for high prices. The best policy
of the association, it ' seems ' to me.
would bt to accept all reasonable offers.
My own , position in thc Flatter it in
' finding Orders and not in4w'aking price.
I found a large, number C$ orders, but
the prices were not such as the asso
ciation hoped to secure.
"Mr. Jones devoted considerable
time to the passage of a pure-food-and-li'iuor
law, and we secured the indorse
ment of the United States Brewers'
Association- for, the proposed bilfL The
secretary of the .association declared
that tlif aUe&rtl list? of substitutes for
hops in beer; was not founded on fact,
and that no such substitutes were now
used. He also declared it in the inter
est of hopgrowers to cease the agita
tion, which has a tendency to restrict
the sale of beer. In fact, because of
this agitation, the consumption during
the last year in the' United States was
1,000,000 barrels less, ! . i
TI am more firmly convinced than
- il . 1 4 . ! . .1 " 1 . .- . ti.k '
-ever iiiai urrm;n is 111c uvai "f
:non in me jnncu oiaits, uuu uuu vm
: hnnc -1 rt innt3nll trrowme' in lavOT.
Uut the secret of success of the indus
try lies in production, not in market
ing. With proper spjaying, cultivation
and harvesting, the grower in Oregon
can raise the best hops in the United
States. But the last year's crop is a
detriment to our industry, and' it will
take us several years to regain the
ground we have lost by reason pOf put
ting on the market poor hops."
James Winstanlcy, who has charge
of the Salem office of the as-'ciation,
has returned front a: business .'viit in
Portland where lie conferred with other
officers j of the association, buj when
seen yesterday, afternoon, declined to
1'iake any statement, explaining; that it
was purely of a personal nature.
EfTor;ts"f Brigadier Marshall m Coa
-rcctiori with the Local Salvation
Army's Missionary Work.
Brigadier and Mrs. Marshall have
conducted somercniarkabl meetings
in Salem the la'stleW days and no doubt
much good will be the result. Lake
good soldiers they have fought the en
emy of men's fouls since coming to
help and inspire the local workers. -,t
Sunday morning at the Presbyterian
church Brigadier Marshall gave a heart
si-arching. talk to a large congregation.
In the afternoon he spoke at the; M.
C A. room to an audience composed
of young people; and at night he led an
inspiring meeting! at the Army halL
Standing room was at a premium and
those that' attended expressed them
selves as delighted. Five persons
knelt at the penitent form at the close
of the meeting and made their peace
with their God. I
Tonight reinforcement in the shape
of Lieutenants Roshrock and Bowles,
f Albany, will arrive, and Rev. J. J
Evans, ot the First Christian 'church,
will preach a sermon. It is said Lieu
tenant Bowles b a fine singer,1 and mu
sician, and is known in : the Army s
the Salvation nightingale. As the
meetings are lull of life and many are
being blessed it is desired dftat those
who have not attended as yet-will avail
themselves of the privilege andi attend
the meetings. in- I ;
mnft . -i
."w" Th
ZTI nnuuteioo nn:
liffhu.t lor la tr&ci r,'",1
' J" m iriena tola m to tr
-uiiujii nowquicaUy tby bunt
i feu nrvuhwi
fill for
There Are 2610 Children of School Ace In
the District Some Probable
(From Daily, Jan. 21st.)
The annual school -meeting of the
taxpayers of District No. 24 to be held
in the city hall on Monday evening.
the 29th inst, will be an interesting and
The board of directors has not yet
completed the preparation of its annual
rf port showing the financial condition
of the district, together with an esti
mate of the expenses for the ensuing
year, to be submitted at he annuai
crhnnl mpftimr. It is understood the'
Lreport will show a saving to the dis-:
tnct during the past year, ot aoout
$3000 over the expenses, of last year.
Among the recommendations to be
made y the board at the annual meet
ing, will probably be, that a special levy
of one mill be levied for the purpose
of placing a steam -heating plant in the
East Salem school, to replace the fur
nace that is now in use there and which
is a constant item of expense in the
matter of repairs. .
It is understood that a majority, of
the board is in favor of and will recom
mend that an additional year be added
to the present high school course, which
embraces but nine grades.
At the regular -meeting of the oard
of directors last night the bill of W. H.
Savage for $. -for taking the school
census was allowed. A certified state
ment from County Clerk W. W. Hall
showing the valuation of taxabie prop
erty in School -District No. 24 to be
$, was read.
The board briefly considered the mat
ter of levying a special tax of one mill
for supplying the East school with
steam heaters. - -
A summarv of the school census, just
completed, shows that there are 2619
children ojf school age residing within
the district as follows: Boys 1289, girls
The salary of Mrs, Alice II. Dodd.
as principal of the two Central schools,
upon motion of Director Cherrington
was raised from $55 to $60 per month.
, Upon motion the board adjourned
to 7 p. m. Thursday evening, when a
report to be read at the annual school
meeting on the following Monday eve
ning will be submitted.
(Chicago Timesllerald.) :
"I've decided," said the dignified old
man, "to let you have that young Brite
ley after all. if you are positive that you
can't be happy without him." J
"Ob. father!" the beautiful girl cried,
"you don't know how happy you have
made roe. Now I can see the gates of
paradise opening. Dear, dear, good old
papa! Let me kiss you for those Sweet
words Oh. I can hardly wait to fly to
him and tell him the : glorious news.
He will be so glad! We shall aU be so
happy now. It seems almost like a
lovely dream! I can hardly believe
that I am awake. But. tell me. what
has made you change your mmd? Yes
terday when I tried to plead for him
you said you ould never permit ns to
see each other again. Ah. if yott, had
known how those words bruised my
heart ! What has. happened, father, to
make you relent?" 4 ,-. ' ..
He kissed her fondly, and. then, with
tears in his eyes, replied: ' '
: "I sat in a little game of poker where
he happened to have a hand.Urt n,glrL
and if we dont get that money back xk
the family some way my Inismess is
going to suffer."
(Eugene Register.) .
Tlw representation for the republican
coISty Snvemion will be 184 dclgatej
We believe in large conventions.. The
me good solid republican we haye
mThe naming of the men who are to
induct Joumlr affai for the next term
fhe better. The enthusiasm of the
conn!? central committee yesterday m
dicates that the .rty ' wJJ.J "J dcCk
for a winning campaign this 3 ear.
tB7AnrnwUC Their CUUaas for Rr-
ograltioa Maay Dee Ire to Be
Coaaty Jndce.
(From Daily, Jan. 20th.)
Things political in Marion countv.
preparatory to t4e camoaisni that wi
end at the June election are beeinninsr
to assume a state of activity. It will be
noticed that the populist party central
committee has had a preliminary rneet
ing and whil they have done nothing
dehmte, the opposition to cSie republi
can forces is bezinnimr to tret into lin
-7-whetheT in double, treble or single
iine, no one nas yet authority to state,
or the temerity to -predict.
There seems to be an air of rnnfi.
dc-nce in die republican ranks. For the
dominant party there has been no call
yet ior any meetings, -excepting dab
meetings, and it will probably be the
first - of March or thereabouts i before
any other meetings are held. . i
Up to a (ew weeks ago there seemed
few candidates for the- various county
offices, but this aspect of affairs has
rardically changed since, and now var
ious names are mentioned in connec
j . 1 . t . 1 . . , . . , . .
nun TWfiui me paying places in rne gut
of the electors of "Old Marion."
It is said that the friends of Frank
T. Wrrghtman have sbcen urging that
Kcrrucman o oecome a candidate on
the republican ticket for county judge.
Mr. Wrightman has many well-wishers
throughout the county who are confi
dent of his abilinesi and wjio regard
rum as deserving of any horror which
he many seek,, or rather which may
seek nun. '
For ihc same office John H. Scott's
name is mentioned.! Mr. Scott is a
rising young attorney and a very vigor
ous ami straightforward business man.
He has grown up here, and has by his
strict adherence to - correct principles
secured 4nr himself a firm place in the
public esteem.
The present imntrribent. Judee G. P.
Terrell, is understood to be a candi
date for re-election, i
It is reported that John M. Watson.
of Turner, ex-ounty cormnissioner.
would not be averse to accepting the
nomination for' -county judge on this
Ex-Judge ,W. C. ijubbard is also said
to be a candidate for the same place.
Some of the people of. the north end
of the county connect' the name of
lion. W. T. Grimm with this distinc
For county assessor there are several
candidates in the "field." The friends of
tihe present incumbent. J. W. Hofoart.
assert that his :eood record should : en
title hjm to another term in this im
portant office. t
Henry C Porter, of. Awmsville. is
mentioned in this connection. His
neighbors say that he is especially
qualified for the duties, of the place and
they think he is deserving of the hon
ors tfliereof.
There seems no one to dispute the
claims of cither A. L. Downing, coun-i
tjr treasurer, or J. H. Roland, county
recorder, to a re-nomination and re
election. For the nomination for the office of
sheriff there are several candidates. It
is said that Alonro T. Wain wouW not
hesitate to make 4hc race again, if caU
ed upon to do so by the republicans in
county convention 'assembled, and it
is promised by his1 friends that if he
Ls 90 called upon hal certainly will make
a successful run.
Hon. David H. Lkoney. of Jefferson,
is said by some to be in training for
this nomination, but tin's is not stated
here as a certainty.!
Lieut. Chas. A. Murphy, ol this city,
is also said to be a candidate, his friends
basing his claims for consideration up
on the fact that he wen to fight for
his country in the Philippines.
Prof. George W.f Jones will, certain
ly succeed himself as county school
superintendent. f he so desires. The-e
is no one to dispute either his ability
or his deserving qualities.
Various names are mentioned in con
nection with the legislative .ticket, but
the rumors are soi'many and uncertain
that the reporter defers the mention of
any or all of the candidates until such
time as things in this particular con
tention shall have become somewhat
more settled.
gene Johns, the i4-year:old son of Hen
ry Johns, who' resides about two miles
south of this city, was caught by the
night agent at the Southern Pacific passenger-
depot at .1 o'clock yesterday
morning and detained until Officer
Smith arrived fromi the cityj when the
lad was turned over to his custody.
The little fellow had persisted through
out the evening in Juniping on and off
the moving trains, endangering his life
thereby and it was Awhile carrying on
this dangerous practice about the be
lated northbound overland that he was
captured by the agent. ; There is an
ordinance prohibiting this performance
on the part of all persons not in the
employ of the railroad company, and
there is a second ordinance which
makes it a misdemeanor for minors to
be on the streets after 8 o'clock in the
evening. Thus young Johns was vio
lating both ordinances. He was taken
before City Recorder N. J. Judah yes
terday morning, who inquired into the
case and took the same nnder advise
ment until 10 o'clock this momi.ig, in
tending in the meantime to communi
cate with the lad's parents relative to
having him placed in the state reform
atory. ' ., : .
INSOLVENT. "Mr Cannon, repre
senting the Northwest Electnc Engirt
eering Co. was prent and stated that
the company which he represented had
gone into insolvency and that the dy
namo was at Denver. Colorado, where
it had been stopped 4y the courts. He
Io stated that he was ready and will
ing to tarn the contract Over tothe
cJl at any time. Thi paragraph is
from one of th McMinnville papers.
Cannon is he fellow, who had the con
tract ior erecting the tubular escapes
at the asylum for the insane, and. who
.has done various jobs of wiring, etc,
for the state institutions here. " 1 .
Every Preeiae la the Couty Bepraetaled
Vaokadea la the Committee
i. -v.. j Wow , Filed. . ; '.
(from Daily, Jan. 20th.) '
The Marion, county central commit
tee of the populist party held a meeting
at the city- hall yesterday: for the pur
pose of discussing the -political sitra
tton, and preparing for the spring cam
paign. Among 1 those matters attended
to, -, the committee filled ! vacancies of
committee men in the various precincts.
wher those chosen two years ago had
vacated their positions. -y .
, Chairman Georore W. Weeks presid
ed and John M- Payne acted as secre
tary. The preacher-politician of Salem
.No; 3, B. J. Sharpe, was. conspicuous
and made his presenccc known eariy by
tnsistmg that matters discussed should
be kept from the public, which brought
out the . statement by a good-natured
populist, that a political party which
advocated the initiative and referendum
could not afford to hold star chamber
proceedings, and should do nothing that
its members need be ashamed oL
However, it was decided to permit no
reporters to take the proceedings in
Several resolutions were introduced
and a warm discussion was had, but all
matters were finally deferred; until the
next meeting, which will be held on
Thursday, February 15th. at the city
halt One resolution by R. R. Ryan of
North Salem, was to the effect that
the people's party fuse with ; no other
party, but put up its own ticket, and re
main in the middle of the road. , 1 he
precinct committeemen ior the various
precincts are: 1
AumsviNe M. H. pecr. ;
Englewood4 I. H. Keycs. i -Fairfield
F. R. Durette.
Scotts Mills-M-Grant Matlock.
Geryais John D. Smith.
HorebG. II. . Spencer.
Howell G. W. Weeks.
Hubbard-r-G.yW. Dimick.
Jefferson W. F. Jones.
Macleay A. C. Eoff'. ')
v MarionrNathan Morris.
Mehama J. Miles.
Monitor J. M. Whi.
Prospect WD. Matthews.
Salem No. 1 J. M. Payne.
.Salem No. 2 J. P. FrizzelL
Salem No. 3 B. J. Sharpe.
- Salem No. 4 A. Olinger.
East Salem F. A. Meyers.
x North Salemr-R. R. Ryan.
South SalemA-S. R. Buford.
t Sidney T. C Jbry. ,
Silvertonr-Frank , Simeral.
South Silverton T. Y. McClcllan.
St. Paul WJ F. Davidson.
Stayton C. Darby.
Sublimity Riley Phillips.
Turner I. L; Robertson.
Woodburn L. W. Guiss.
Yew Park Jl Blinson.
Substantial Revival of Lurpber Manu
' . facturing in Tiise State A -Paper
Mill. .
There are indications of great activ
ity in tJie tall timber of both the Cas
cades and the Coast Range of moun
tains. There are rumors of big aw
rrrills to go in at Astoria and south of
there on the " Nehalem River and on
Tillamook bay.j :,
! The Curtis Lumber Company is mak
ing things' hum up in the Santiam coun
try with prospects of increasing their
output a great deal in the near future.
: At a great many points in Western
Oregon, new onills are talked of. This
talk includes a mammoth wood pulp
paper mill on' the Nehalem by the
Hammond people.
The biggest mill operators oitliem all
in Oregon, .so far. are the Booth-Kelly
people. The following from the Eugene
Guard gives some news of their latest
extensive operations:
"Ed Wegman came down from Wend
ling yesterday. The Booth-Kelly
company's men are taking a few days
lay" off and will resume work Monday.
They are waiting for arrival of balance
of machinery. ; They will be ready to
start the mill I within the next three
"They have fcfty-five men at work in
and about the mill, under direction of
Mr. Wegman who is foreman of con
struction. '
"From 90 to 100 logs are being put
into the mill pond every day. By the
time the. mill is ready to start there will
be a good runof togs on hand.
(N Y. Sun.)
Washington, Jan. 16. The president
today transmitted to congress the
claim of the Eastern Extension Tele
graph company amounting to $4,334
for compensation on account of ex-
Snses in repairing the cables between
anila and Hong Kong, and . Manila
and Ilioli, cut by orders of Admiral
Dewey during Lthe Spanish . war. The
-claim is presented by the British gov
emment through the department Apt
state, and Secretary Hay, in transmit
ting it, appends an opinion of the at
torney general that it has no standing
in law. The secretary, however, turns
the claim over to congress in order that
it may determine whether or not, as an
act, of comity and equity, the company
should be reimbursed for a'ctuaj ex
penses in repairing the cables.
V .: j mmm paaaa, ; " ' '
. J. M.' Long was1: in Salem this week,
and says a letter just received from
Thos. Kay, who is now in California,
conveyed the pleasant news that his
health was improving. Brownsville
Time. : ; - -'-
A. W. Giesy. special adjuster for the
Norwich Union J nsnranco Co was in
the 'city yesterday to adjust the loss of
Jack i- Chapman, whose residence was
burned on the 10th inst. The full
amount of the policy, $1200, was al
lowed. The policy was written by V.
C London, ' of. this city. Roseburg
Review. -
Fine Printirg, , Statesman Job Office.
rorrusr cestral co
BecieUmUoa of Voters Coatlaeee at a
Rapid Kate -work of Xoterlee
La the Comnty. -
(From Daily, Jan. 21st)
In the office of County Clerk W. W,
Halt, yesterday, many citizens from ev
ery portion of the county appeared and
regisierea, unaer inc law requiring tne
listing of all voters in the county. A
large number , of reports were also re
ceived 'from notaries I public and jus
tices of the peace, and the indications
are that jail voters will be listed before
the time; for doing so has expired.
Following are those registering yes
terday: j ;.
Aurora td- Becke, II. C tiiien.
Aumsville John Darby, L E. Put
nam, S. I Randall, L. A. Dickinson, J.
E. Lewis, W. R. Gilliam. ,
Brooks II. G. Eldriedge. liomer
Gouley, P. P. Gouley. W. F. Jones, J.
C McFarlane, C W. Pugh, . S. D.
Ramp, Adam Snyder.
En Kiewood-r Fnnce Byrne. C. Cleav
er, S. M- Fletcher, M. J. Munkcrs.
Oervais II. C Bates. V. Cambas?
Frank Chalifou, W. J. Oarke, O. O.
Haskins' O. P. Higginbottom. J. W.
Karton. i Geo. A. Mickel. McKinley
Mitchell, A. McNeil. Ed. McNeil, R.
Patterson, K. h- ,Kingo, J. t Zeigler.
Macleay Geo. II. 1 age, John L-
Pattori. . ' .
Marion N. O. Morris.
Prospect J. A. Bishop, Roy Burton,
Louis Folsom. L. B. Hixson, W. D.
Matthews, Johri Quirk, Joseph Schind-
ler. ,
Salem No. 1 W m. Staiger, A. II.
Salem No. 2 R. A. Crossan, S.
Friedman. L. B. McClane. J. G. Mor
gan, S. A. McFaddcn, J. R. Watts, W.
Salem' No. A. Gesner. John Rey
nolds, Jacob Stahley, John Truesdale.
Salem No. 4 -Grant Corby, IV J,
Larscrf, Homer J. Smith, T, M. Thomp
son, v '
East Salem Sol Durbin. F. A. Her
ren. J. D. Horner. J. II. Herren.
North Salem B. G. Dove, C G.
Given, W. M. Gorsline, A.J. Garland,
H. J. Holzclaw, S. G. Pugh, VV. R.
Powers, Frank Smith.
Sidney John Wills.
North Silverton Chas. Howell, J.
M. Harding. G. W. Morley, P. 'Mc
Laughlin, S. B. Starrett, Jennings
Smith, J. J Wright. A. D. Smith.
Silverton F. M. Brooks'.
South Silverton Oscar Dick, L. J.
Davenport, C. F. Hicks, Stephen Phil
lips. " .
Stayton O. 'V. Meyers, W. J
Turner II. Wipper.
Yew Park Edson Chambers, J. A.
Carson. R. C. Haliey, Chauncey Lock
wood, E. E. Tanner. , '
Scitts Mills J. Brodie Jr., A. D.
Mazingo, A. H. Payette, J. R.. Skirwin.
plars. of this city held a most interest
ing meeting at their lodge room on
Friday night. A letter was received
from James R. O'Farrell, grand secre
tary of Washington, informing, the Sa
lem lodge that Mrs. Mattie M. Graves,
G. S. T. I., will be in this city Satur
day, February 3k and remain over
Sunday. She will hold open meetings
to whirh the public will be invited. A
letter was also read from J. W. Leh
man, telling of temperance work in
and around San Francisco and a de
scription of the Good Templars or
phans' home at Gallej'o. The most
interesting letter was one from 11. J.
Smith, chief templar of Nil Desperan
dum lodge. A. R. naval district, grand
lodge of England, givinjr an account
of the progress of the work in the Brit
ish navy. The members of the lodge are j
enthusiastic in their work and hnd
their efforts crowned with success.'.
'; '
Light-heartedly as Tommy Atkins
may seem to enter into war service,, it
is invariably the rule that a certain
number of men in each regiment leave
with the adjutant, the senior sergeant
major or one of the company officers.
packages which are only to he opened
or forwarded in the event ot tne writer
meeting his death.
An officer who served m the last
war inBurmah told the present writer
that he himself had half a dozen of
these packages intrusted to him. and
forwarded them to an official at Cal
cutta, lest he himself should be laid
low. It came about that only two of
the packages had to le opened, one
of the men, being killed and the other
dying of fever. One of ; the men. it
then came out.twas the son of a rich
Lancashire merchant, and had left a
wife and child in the charge of his
father, none of them knowing what
had become of hkn. In the other case
the man was the third on of a bar
onet, the latter a gentleman living in
dire poverty, who had once been an
officer in the same regiment.
In the case of a man killed at Mai
wand, and who had foueht with dis
tinction, a package he had (riven to the
captain ot his company, and which had
been forwarded to higher quarters,
was. on being opened, found to con
tain a confession of murder, done un
der circumstances of great provocation,
at Hull some cars before. London
Tit-Bits. ;
(N. X. Herald, 17th.)
The HeralcT: -European edition pub
lishes the following: ,
Attorriobfle cabs oday made their
reappearance on the boulevards. ;
Some months ago the Compagnie
Generale put sixty automobile cabs on
the streets. '
They proved so popular that the fares
were at once raised, and they were
turned into first class cabs for which
no fixed tariff exists and for the use
of which high prices are asked. ,
The new vehicle, however, take their
place, among ordinary cabs. Four on
ly were ready today; twelve more-will
be'ready at the end of the month, and
thirty-fovr more before the opening of
the Exposition.
Board ( of - Trade la Conalderioas th
Proposition Salem Should '
llave One Alao.
(From Daily, Jan. 20th.) .
ea .aaa.va i ia a aa a
lamette valley is tool apparent to re
quire any argument in 'support there
of. The value of such institutions to
the valley has long been advocated,
but until quite recently no active steps
1. n 1 . 1 . 1
the re-establishing of these manufac
tories in the ;vallcy.
During the! past few weeks, however,
a number of propositions for the lo
cation of creameries have been submit
ted to various communities in the val
ley and in many instances the proposi
tions arc receiving 'consideration. "
It has been within the power of the
Salem Chamber of Commerce to se
cure for Salem a creamery for which,
the usual large bonus has not been de
manded, the only provision being the
assurance 'of the daily delivery of a
quantity off milk at the plant. Secre
tary 1 hiclsen - incidentally made in
quiries soliciting pledges from several
iarmers for the delivery of milk in the
event the creamery was established.
out ne was unauie 10 interest tnosc
. a . a
seen in tfie proposition. As a consc
iiuenre. the nrnmnler ,if !ih nrhriup'
was obliged to seek another location.
This is an important mafter and
some public spiritcjj citizen should be
found in this city who would volunteer
to take the matter in hand and person
ally make a thorough canvass among
the farmers in the country contiguous
to Salem; and secure pledges for the
delivery "of the required quantity of
milk. . . '
has interested itself in securing for that
enterpnsipg city a creamery Concern-.
IllK lilt llldllll, lilt UM UC VI IIIC
Enterprise contains the following:
A meeting of the Independence
Board of! Trade was held at the city
hall on last Friday afternoon. Presi
dent J. W. Kirkland called. the meeting
to order,! and Frank Wilson explained
thoroughly the creamery proposition.
"David) Calbrcath then explained the
process of butter making, "after w hich
Ira Smith, of Monmouth, spoke of his
visits to j creameries in Southern Ore
gon. George Skinner has had experi
ence in sugar factory, etc., and address
ed the board on the subject undcf con-
"A committee was appointed to so
licit the remaining nuniler of 300 cows.
155 having already been pledged.' the
committee consists of the following
well-known men of Polk' county:
Frank Wilson, Alex. Turnbull, W. W.
Pe'rcival.' lohn Hovsor. L 7?. Knnvvhw
Geo. 'Skinner, Da.virf Calbreath, J. B.
1'arker, J. L. btockton, A. Nelson, It.
F. Whiteaker. A. 1 Sperlinir. J.' R.
Cooper, Independence; E. N. Hall,
Geo. McLaughlin, Bucna Vista; l.M.
bimpson, Airher rrank- L-atighry, J.B.
Stump, Wm. -Riddle, Ira S. SmithAof
Monmouth; Wm: ruqua, rarker: I. A.
Allen, Rickreall; O. A. Wolvcrton, Sil
ver r T, W. Brunk, ".Eola,
At the -same meeting a proiositioii
was read from the Salem board of trade
soliciting funds from Iidependcncc,
to be used in exploiting Oregon in the
itast. . : I ' '
"J. M. Mitchell also presented a pro
position from John Lemtnon and I.
Claggctt. who wish to raise Sl2no, and
as security give a mortgage on the saw
mill to be established with this fund.
Two Well-known Citizens Take-Natur-
alization Papers Orders Made iii
the Probate Department. , ' :
Two well-known citizens, who came
to the United States with their parents
while children and who have heretofore
always enjoyed the rights of citizens on
the strength of the naturalization pa
pers taken out by the parents. apfeared
before County Judge G. P, Terrell yes
terday and stsked for final papers, as
serting that they were unable to secure
copies of the papers of their parents,
and they were promptly supplied. ' .They
were Squire Farrar, a native of.'Eng-
land, arid .E, H. Stcgc, who was boin
in Germany. ' :
Ordifes were made in the probate
court a i follows: ,
Mrs. Ellen Smith, widow of Francis
S. Smith, .deceased, was appointed a
guardian of the persons-and estates' of
Stephen and Rose Smith, minor heirs
of 'the deceased. The property a
tied at $jooo, .and 'the guardian was ic
quired tp file a bond for $toof, whiclt
was promptly presented and alproved.
W. Gj .VVcstacott, adminisirator of
the estate of Toy Sam,' 'deceased, peti
tioned the court for an' order di.ch irg
ing him from further lubilify-in the
premises. Judge Tcrrrll prder?d that
the administrator be discharged.
O. T .Storaasli.o administrator of the
estate of: Knud O. Stpraafili, deceased,
was ordered to sell a quantity of per
sonal property, in order to- secure
funds to pay indebtedness of the es
UU. . ; ,
Upon petition of James Farley, ad
ministrator of the estate- of Richird T.
McNichtil. deceased. County Judge G.
P. Terrell ordered 1 that certain real
property belonging '- to the estate, be
Eureka Humh Of I la th ht
pfvaervattve of Dew leather
an'l the heat rrnovetor 1 old
'leather. It oil, nofterui, black
eoa and protejeM. . V
EUarnooG Oil
00 roar twet haiiw. yoor frM bar.
aixl ynmr rai i top, and tty
will not only look ltT tnt eaar
km(rr. fwm ewrywnnvia cam ail
atsca fmsi half nta 1o aaUuoa.
M4 1 Tllblk Ml to.