Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 23, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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iee mn C2Ko:i msan
Published every - Tuesday and Friday
- by the Y... : ".- '
2G6 Commercial Sl, Salem, Or.'
R. J. HENDRICKS. Manager.:
O ne year in advance f oo
Six months, in advance..........? 150
diet of ihetr paper chinked mast stat
tb name of their former postofflce. as
well as of the o.Uca to which they wish
the paper chanced. Y : . ; j
A Canyonville, Douglas county, cor
respondent, of ; the Rose burg Review
says the fruit growers of that section
, are already tliligently spraying their
'orchards.; ' '.' . -!
One concent? in Jackson county has
received a car toad of sulphur, to be
used in spraying trees. Between tlie
fruit grower and the hop raisers, to
say nothing of the paper manufactur
ers. Oregon uses a large quantity ? of
snlphnf each year. I
- 1 I ' I
One man, away up in Linn county,
sent in four nSw Twice-a-wcek sub
scribers yesterday. That is the way
they come. The Twicc-a-week paper
at It a year strikes the average man as
about the proper thing. At the .rate; it
i. is going, it will have- 5,000 subscribers
- . 1 r . t -: ; -
vy tnc eni 01 me year,
- Cut up those large tracts of land near
the towns and thus make two blades
of grass" grow where one now grows.
It will do much for prosperity to any
section..; The closing up of the Brown
estate adjoining Gervais is paving the
way for a number cf small farmers and
the town cannot help but be benefitted
thereby. Let the good work go on
What is wanted is . even smaller hold
ings and consequently a more denser
population. Gervais Star. i
This is the correct thing. Gervais
is a good town now; but the popu'atio'n
of the place would be doubled; the
thrift of it quadrupled, and its attrac
tiveness as a place of residence in
creased ten fold if every farm in its
vicinity were cut up into small tracts,
of .ten to fifty acres- It would then
support -an electric' motor" line connect
ing with" Salem. - 1
- . (
The statcmnt is made that farmers
in 'Eastern Oregon raise more-hogs
nhan the fanners of Western Oregon.
There is an advantage in feeding forty
cent wheat to hogs in the Willamette
valley. Some of our farmers are real
izing this fact. A gentleman who is
engaged in curing meats in a small
way in ..this city feays McMinnviUe
would be a splendid place to establish
a packing house. The one "thing need
ful it the necessary! capital, and there
"- plenty of money lying idle. I f its
owners could be induced to put it into
interpriscs like this it would be a great
deal better for the town and better for
the -capitalist. McMinnviUe Telephone-Register.
-., I
If the capitalists of the Western Ore
gon cities and towns, would, provide
packing ' establishments, the farmers
wmiW raise nnrc h'ogs. . Many thou
sands of dollars' cotdd. in that , way be
kept at home, and markets . could be
had for any surplus .in the Pacific ports
that are open and being opened tor the
commerce of our coast." Here is a field
that should be exploited, along with
poultry and -dairy products, by West
ern Oregon business men and farmers.
a consrr SIGHT
It is, to see a strong man shaken like a
reed by a pAroxjsm of coughing, which
leaves him gastang for breath. People
ed with bronchial affections
haw, suffereU
for years, with obstinate, stubborn cough,
and growiDjj weakness. They have tried
doctors ana meat,
cines in vain. At
last they have been
I induced to try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, with
the general result
experienced by all
who pat this wonder
ful medicine to the
test help at once,
and a speedy cure, j
For cemgha, bron
chial affections, weak
longs, spitting of
blood, and other
"diseases of the or
gans of respiration.
Discovery''' is prac
tically a specific It
always helps ; it al
most always cures, f
t had beta trembled
with broacbitia and
catarrh of tbe heard for
eteht j-eara : had sever
eonfH. and at rianes g;i tmt
dithcttlty ia brcatlasf.'
rntea J. W. Ilowertoo.
Esq., cfliig-fa'l, Haacocb
Co.. Teas. "A -portion
of the time my appetite
waa poor aod prt of the
time I m asable to do
n-rthinc I bad beea
treated by ottr beat eoootry nhymaaaa for
several years bat wnh little beeeSt. I had beea
tradiaf about yoor median for a Ion time
ttit hiJnl rone faith ta it. Last spnoe con
cluded t would trr It, sod before I had take
ooe-thirdaof a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Gokies
Medical "ptaeowry I bessa to nead. I coo
tisnrd taking it otU I bad taken several
bottles. Took. tt. PVrce'a Pleasant Pellets alao.
Now I feel bke a aew nu, and caa do aa bard
a dava work aa any one." ;
Dr. ricrce's Medical Adviser is sent frrt
On receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Seal at oncent stamps
for rviner cove:
. Evidently Cel. Bryan is getting nerv
ous. There are too many democratic
expansionists, especially in the South,
to which both self-interest and the
memory of the old democratic policy
of annexation make the colonel's anti
expansion homilies unwelcome. 60
the- colonel, whose totem is the ee
rather than the uon. wngglea away
from himself, iso. to sneak. In an in
terview a 'Minneapolis be asserts that
he is an expansionist, and gives his
present reasons for objecting to the an
nexation of the Philippines:
T arn a firm believer in the enlarge
ment and extension of the limits of
she republic- I "don't mean by that the
extension by the addition of tontrg-
nous territory nor to limit myself to
that. Wherever there is a people in
telligent enough, to form a part of this
republic, it is my belief that they should
be taken in. Wherever there is a peo
ple who are capable of. having a voice
and a representation in this govern
ment, there the limits of the republic
may be extended. The Filipinos are
not such people. .The democratic par
ty has ever favored the extension ot
the limits of this republic, but it has
never advocaTed the acquisition of sub
ject territory, to be held under colonial
These were Col. Bryan's opinions a
week ago lait Wednesday. He may
have altered them since. He is retreat
ing nearly as rapidly as his admirer,
Aguinaldo. "Objection to the Philip
pines because they were not contigu
ous territory has been common among
the democratic anti-imtcrialists. The
New York Sun says, in regard to this:
It is our impression that the colonel
has himself urged this objection, but of
his speeches there is no end and "our
memory may be at fault At any rate.
he is now for expansion, contiguous
and uncontiguous. He wants to 'take
n any people, intelligent enough to
form a part, of the United States. ; This
is "rather5 vague, but shows a generous
mind." The colonel is willing to annex
ntelligence anywhere from Greenland
to Guinea, but the Filipinos arc not
intelligent enough to be taken in.
Very well, coloneh Then,' why have
you been making such a pother about
self-government for the Filipinos? '.'If
rhey; are not intelligent enough to be
capable of becoming a part of a self
governing republic, how can they be
ntelligcrtt enough to be an independ
ent self-governing republic? Is intelli
gence necessary to, seU-governmcnt
here and unnecessary in the Philip
pines? The colonel's bosom expands
for expansion, but he will pot consent
to holding the Philippines as subject
territory under a colonial government.
Phrases, mere words,- colonel f 1 Why,
the District of Columbia is subject ter
ritory and not unhappy at its lot;, and
colonial government' defines absolutc-
y nothing. Alaska would be governed
no differently if it were a colony. A
colony may have as much of the ap
paratus of self-gpvernment as it can
carry. But who tells the -colonel that
the Philippines are to be held under a
colonial government? He had better
wait ; until congress determines what
brm of government they shall have.
Whatever that form may be. it can
not be less republican than were the
beginnings of American rule ; n the
Louisiana territory. The colonel's
. . - . . 1.
campaign against expansion iscc.ns
bout over. We' shall not be at all
surprised to find him saying, in ia few
months, "while originally opposed to
the retention of the Philippines, I bow
to the will of the majority.' - An4 ini a
few months Tnore he will be asseverat-
ng that he annexed thorn himself. A
ery mobile man. the colonel.
The new possessions of the United
States are not to be colonics. I They
arc to be territories.'' This government
rs iiot obliged to gp to Europe to find
out bow to govern 'newly acquired ter
ritories, not ripe for statehood. The
United States has had for a hundred
a r '-- o
years a tetTKonal ssysrem, varying, in
form according to the needs of the- dit-
ercnt section to be governed. ITakc
Oklahoma, or New Mexico. , Takf any
of the states that wcre formerly terri
tories, m Take the; Indian territory;
Alaska; the District of Columbia. ,
Hawaii - is to ISvcn a. territorial
form of government. - Porto 'Rico will
have a similar form. Tlie Philippines
will have a government patterned 'after
the territorial style,-differing according
to its needs. "-"''. - , "
What is the use o confess (weakness
or ignorance on, the part of our govern
ment, when there is no "weakness or
show of ignorance?: Congress will, in
deed, take care of these matters, mak
ing such . provisions and laws as may
seem wise, and changing them to suit
the progress of each territory." I
The report of the 'department of ag
riculture, showing the annual value of
cr "cultural exports from the i United
Stated for the past five years, should
prove encouraging to American farm
ers. The output of cotton, wheat, corn,
meat products and'other products of
farm and plantation that went abroad
irt i3g4 was $636,6X1.747"; - In 1S98 ! tnis
red, or 31 stamps for cloth I of $jjiJ?71.1o. While th
binding, to Dr. K.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. I breadstuff in the latter year may be I
admitted to have been exceptionally;
large, owing to . untoward crop condi
tions abroad, the tendency was opwrrd
during the entire five-year period, show?
ing the United States to be the worlds
granary. ,, ' ..: '".- -.f- .
Gratifying as these figures are to the
farmer folk, they also contain a sugges
tion to the industries Chat furnish civil
ization's finished products. Where
American wheat, corn, cotton and meat
products go American .skill and produc
tiveness are advertised. While the. food
is purchased because the purchasers
must have it, those who buy and use
American food products are already
half-persuaded to buy other things .-- of
American production if offered a chance
to do so. The only reason they do not
is that, the agents of European manu
facturers press their goods upon buy--
ers' attention early and late, and the
American drummer has made his ap
pearance jn foreign markets only in
very limited numbers.
American food products have in
vaded the markets of the old world,
because the foreign peoples were hun
gry and must get food where they could.
They can buy other things elsewhere,
but they are ready to buy of American
producers if the latter can furnish as
good or better articles at the market
pneff. There has been a gratifying in
crease in our exports of manufactured
articles, in the last five years, and if our
manufacturers will follow up the open
ing which the reputation of American
agricultural products has made in for
eign markets the increase in this branch
of our export trade during the- next five
years will be something marvelous.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys
Cslieaiay Kliacys Maic Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
vour kidneys once every three minutes,
r : - , . - . ,; , , .
ineajcneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out tha waste or
impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they faS to do
their work, v ; $ -Fains,
aches and rheu-
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble, i - - -
.Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through reins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be ; traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
. If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for' Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists in fifty
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mail Hoa swane-Root
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Btaghamton, N. J .
1 '
.- ' . .' ', IARIA.
Chills and Biliousness is a bottle of
TONIC, It is simply Iron and Qui
nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no
pay. i'nee 50 cents.
Ten thousand people in Sumoter bv
the first of November next, is a modest i
estimate. bumpter American.
A million would be modest enough
lor a boom town. Why stop at ten
thousand, when a million is just as
easy. -
. .. : Dlh-bi. .
. ' f- ' ;..(.-."
Capt. Christmas Dirckinck Holmfeld,
1 formerly of the Royal Danish Navy, ar
rived, here last rnday on the, at Jraut
from r Copenhagen via- London. Before
leaving fcjr Baltimore yesterday he in
formed a ! Sun reporter ' that he if the
authorized agent of the Danish govern
ment. with full power to negotiate with
the United States government for the
sale of the islands of St Thomas, St.
Croix and St, John, known as the Dan
ish V est Indies', Capt. Holmfeld was
in this country last November-and had
an interview with r resident , Mclyinley
arid Secretary Hay concerning the sale
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
ets. AH druggists refund the money
f it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25 cents.
The greatest' difficulty I have exper
ienced of late is. the matter of physical
endurance. Col. Bryan.
Think what the audience have to en
dure, colonel, and be. cheerful. N...Y.
bun. ; " -
Mr. Bryan does not mean his vocal
organs.; tic never has trouble with
them. He is a man of resources. If,
perchance, his jaws ever got tired, he
would talk through his hat.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer well
says: the session of the Northwest
ruit Growers' Association, which has
just closed, was in all respects most io-
teresting and encouraging. The papers
read were full of practical facts relat-
ng to this great special industry, and
the interchange ot views and experi
ences is in itself a valuable education. It
is in such meetings as this that we see
at his best a representative of the men
who arc doing the work of the, world
Some man makes a stump speech at a
public hall in one, of our cities, spout
ing words about whatever promises to
bring him most, notoriety, aiA people
talk about him. But there is more
sound sense, more of the gospel of
honest work, more intelligence and in
formation, and in general more of the.
qualities that underlie good citizenship
in these industrial reunions than most
people are ever aware of. They are of
inestimable value to '' the occupation
which they represent, and tley have al
so their public aspect as admeasure of
the great mass of quiet work and help
ful living in the conntry."
STATE LOANS. The state school
land board yesterday approved a large
number of applications for loans, th;re
being fifteen of these requests, aggre
gating $27,180 allowed, while six were
rejected, the total of these being $2850.
" The Laborer is
Worthy of His Hire."
Bat a ' vage-earner con
get more for his personal ser
vices if in strong and vigorous
health. I The blood is the
life-giving and strength-making
part of the system If it
is pure, all is wcU; if not, it
should be purified . 'with
Hood's Sarsaparitla, vuhich
makes the weak strong.-
C&n Eat Was Urid cat, fud m
tppctife anil I look Hood" SrsprCU. .
R baSt me tighl ap And 1 am ear hevi-
4Tr E1U JL Ktger. AihoL Mass.
of the islands, but while the -president
and the secretary of state gave him an
attentive hearing, nothing definite could
be accomplished, then as the captain
had no credentials from' his; govern
ment.; There were other considerations
whicti prevented the president from tak
ing any decided step in the , matter.
Most- important of these was the neces
sity of ; obtaining an official refutation
of the report that Germany had secured
an option on one of the islands or on a
harbor in one of them. If suclf had
"been "the case, there would have -been
little -inducement" for the United States
to acquire the rest of the islands, j
,Capt. Holmfelt, on his way back to
Denmark, was met in London by! Sec
retary White oKthe United States em
bassy, who, in 1 the meantime, j had re
ceived .telegraphic instructions from
Washington, and they: proceeded to
gether -to Copenhagen., The result of
Secretary White's . interview with; rep
resentatives of the Danish government
was that Denmark became .convinced
of the serious intention of this govern
ment with regard to, purchasing the
islands and Capt; Holmfeld was appoint-
ed omcial negotiator, v with mil' au
thority to make all the. preliminary ar
rangements. .; Besides ' the necessary
credentials. Captain .Holmfeld 'now
carries with him official assurances
from his government that neither ( Ger
many) nor any other power holds an
option on any part of the islands.(Thc
next - meeting' between him. President
McKinlcy and Secretary Hay ; will oc
cur very soon, and it is not improbable
that a preliminary draft of the treaty,
through which the islands are to change
owners, may be ready; within a-! few
days...': f - ;": -. . .. y': '
Carl Fischer-Hansen, who has been
interested in the acquisition)! yhe i is
lands by the t United States, protested
yesterday against the reports that have
credited him with being one. of 1 the
agents of the Danish government' in
the matter. "I have been spoken pfi in
certain newspapers as the authorized
representative of the Danish govern
ment," he said, "and as having been one
of the persons present at an interview
in .Washington between the president.
Secretary Hay and Captain Holmfeld.
All of that is incorrect. In no sense
have I ever been acting as the author
ized agent of the Danish government.
My interest in the matter is simply that
of a private .Danish-American citizen.
Captain' Holmfeld. on the other hand,
is the sole official representative of the
Danish government as 1 far as the pro
posed sale of these islands is con
cerned." N. Y. Suiu .'!'
i , i. ;j
, -. : CONCRETE.
who lectures to the nniversity classman
on the abstract principles of the science.
The Walla, Walla poultry convention
will bc worth assisting. It should be
recognized by Pendleton people in ev
cry manner possipie. .-:-. -
. ajpaasiMsssMSMMMsaMMBBMaBapisBasjsat . j--.
I . V - - . '" ' ' - ' '"" i ' ;
' "I saw a ' man do a trick with' cards
onceV said Godfrey Ashton, of Atlan
ta, Ga.. at the. Gdscy House,-"which.
although he assured me was wholly
trick and that there was no second
sight or mind reading connected with
it, has always rested in an unexplained
condition in mv mind. There were
four of us' at supper, and the man - in
question sent for a pack of cards, and.
handintr them io' the man next him
told him to . select a card in his mind
not to take it from the pack, but to tell
the other two men what card 1 it was.
He was then to shuffle the pack and
pass it to the other two men, who were
each to thoroughly shuttle it. ine last
man was then to place it on the floor,
In the meantime a large napkin' had
been tightly bound over the magician's
eves and his dress coat bun c over his
(ace with the tails tied under his chin.
so that his head was to all intents ana
" a' 'W. -
purposes, in a bag. ne, Dy nis direc
tion, was led to the pack ol cards, ana
his hand placed upon it. lie then pro
cceded to scatter the cards about nntil
they covered a rough circle of 3 or 4
feet in diameter. 1 He called for
knife, and. bringing it sharply down.
drove it through ?md affixed one ; of
the scattered cards. Removing his
headgear, he asked what card my friend
had chosen. The answer being the ten
of diamonds, he turned the knife to
ward us, and there, sure enough, was
the , ten of diamonds transfixed . upon
the point. He swore it was"; a . trick,
but for the life of me I can not see how
t was ; done. None of lis -was in, col
lusion with him. I am sure the cards
were not a fake pack, and I am equally
certain that he was so blindfolded tnat
it was wholly impossible for him to see.
Yet he accomplished it exactly as 1
tell you. Pray, how did he manage to
do ltr New .York nbune. s . .
"It often cause? not a little loss and
inconvenience no a meoicai specianw
when k becomes known through the
papers that -he charges but the merest
nominal sum to those in suttenng wno
are too ooor to pav bis regular fee.
The soeaker. the secretary and pupil
of a most eminent titled physician the
latter noted for good deeds then con
tinued: "It will surorise vou to know
that we have had, even during the Jast
few (months, persons coming to con
sult my employer m shabby crothes.
and seesninvr in a state of something
like indigence, whom we ciave found
subsequently to be rich people. ; . ., Not
ong since a ladv got out of ber own
family carriage in the next street" in
order that she imight come round here
and consult the doctor as one of his
poor and non-paying patients. Wc
keep a; poor box in w!iroh the poorer
people "may drop such a Sum as thev
can afford instead of banding the usual
fee to the doctor, and this particular
ady. who is said to be worth several
thousands a year, put the sum ol I
shilling into the box I speak of. .;"
At one time my employer set aside
particulas liour, at wlvich be would
not otherwise bave worked.' for these
poorer patients, but' be began to find
that really well-to-do people who
would have come at "! the' ordinary
times began to pose as paupers. Dur
ing the; last London season a person
who had made many genteel protests
of poverty, and -who put half a crown
into the poor box; was imet by the
doctor only two days afterward arrayed
in full gilory at one of the most exclu
sive social functions of the season."
London Tit-Bits
The Hon. Champ Clark of Missouri
is said Jo be writing a novel. He has
imagination enough to compose a "ro
mance, j A writer in the New j York
Sun thinks that if "he and divers' other
Bryanites pf the" blue-hot school would
put into novels fhe . fertile ' intention
which they was e upon finance and po
litical economy,; every man of them
could turn out a larger, list of works
of fiction than stands to'the credit of
Father Dumas."
cows alo aoroa eaxilncs and 2-year-'elds,
for wbkh, I ha. highest market
price will b paid, Thomas-Watt
Co, Salem. . S-27-U. .
LOST. OR . STRAY ED-r-From my
I farm in the Waldo Hills. 23 head of
Angora goats, sometime during the
month of , December. Any inf orma
,tion concerning same will be proper
ly rewarded- G. S. Downing. Salem,
tor. ;- . , , t:i4-tf-dw..
; Your Work Solicited. 1
Flit FENCB jpOST, coated with
..Carbolineum Avenarius..
Will out wear Clr It is also a "Radical
RmtimI, Anliut Chicken I .ice.
Its spplicauon to the Inaae wans or poui-
; iry nouses win permanonuy rx- -
; trrmlnate all L.ICE.
Rwrolts: Healthy. Chickens nenty tfs.
, Write for circulars and prices aod men
. j . . tion this paper. - . r ;
1 4 It. M. WADK Jt Ct).. Asrefils.
Klin Mon IVahfoH I
16 cut railroad wood at Wolf Creek,
Josephine county, Oregon. Price $1.25
per cord. Wood received and paid for
persons cutting- -100 , cords, or money-
advanced for same if security is furn-
v , .1, ' -- ' -
isnca. uii on or write-;. " r
J. T. TUFFS; 'Superintendent . '
-, . - Wolf Creek. Ore iron.
Now is the Time
To do effective'spraying on fruit trees,
cc. The eggs of insects are" hiWn
in the rough places in the bark of the
trees and the trees are, bare of leaves
so that all parts of them can be reached
by the , spray. Every egg destroyed
now means hundreds of insects less'
for next summer. To makeWSURE
of kHling them use ' , . ' -
Which spray at a very high pressure
aind are sure to penetrate to the hid-
hsr olaces of the esrgs and destroy them.
The pumps are i practically non-wearable
and non-corrosive and with prop
cir care will last a lifetime.
i r. m. Wade & co..
Agents, Salem, Oregon.
From 6 to 25 per acre
These lands are in "Marion county.
Oregon, and arc offered on easy terms .
of oavment. Thev were taken under
foretcloswre by non-residents, hence
are offered for less than similar farms
held hv resident owners: tor full par
ticulars and description call on or
address Macmaster & BirrcII, 3' I
Worcester block, Portland, Oregon, or
fc Howe's W:u ra ton' thm -trritaWpg atvt
jwily eatliTtta t toko of. no4,a Sr parUU.
i- (Pendleton East Oregon tan.) j
i To the "average person, the announce
ment made in today's ' issue of the ICat
Orcgonian, concerning the Walla Wal
la Valley Poultry & Pet Stock meeting
to be beld on February 15th. will, con
ycy no meaning of importance, j To
anyone who looks beneath the 1 sur
face, and discriminates between the es
sential and the: non-essential, it is an
event worthy the support of all broa4
minded people.-' ; i .; ' !
The assertion that the Value of j the
poultry products -annually is greater
than that of any other industry i will
doubtless be read with some surprise.
And yet sich an assertion is within the
facts. (Almost cottntless millions; of
dollars worth of eggs and fowls are an
nually marketed in the; United States.
In this section, scarcely any beed is
paid to the industry. Tins is evidenced
by the fact that Pendleton imported
about rive carloads of eggs daring 1895,
while Walla Walla botieht abroad no
less than nine cars of the same 'pro
duct. ' ' - " r f
Poultry experts declare that a bishel
of 45-cent wheat will produce 'atl the
least $1 worth of eggs, at the average
valuation here. ,-; - :.
1 nereiore, to encourage the j poultry
industry is to assist in diversifying in
dustry 'nd tends, to make this region
more independent of other localities in
the matter of food supply. This is prac-j
ticai political economy, and is ot a sort I Hon I II Ratev of Pmdlrton -.
more valuable than that of the teacher , tisin the Catittl Chy ylste'rday!
The most radical remedy against
chicken lice and the best wcd-pre-
serving paint Is Carbolineum Avenari
ou. manufactured in Germany " only.
The farmers all over . tho country
count amongst their heaviest; expenses
to run the farm, the lumber bill. All
are undoubtedly interested to learn of
a medium to reduce the cam at least
to half. Its former cost. This medium
Is Carbolineum Avenarlous. a , wood
preserving paint based on 25 years' ex
perience. Many are of the opinion that
paint, tar and linseed oil will preserve
the wood against rot and decay. These
coatings only , form an alr-Ught cover,
but do not, destroy the albuminura
parts of the wood, which always start
the rot.. The coatings with above men
tioned materials prevent the evapora
tion of the wood and the consequence
ia dry rot. Carbolineum Avenarius, on
the contrary, penetrates deeply into
thefwrood and destroys all present de-
cay matters. The Carbolineum Avena
rius Is applied with a brush and- Im
parts a nice out brown color to the
wood, it Is ussd on the farm for paint
ing barns, granaries, shingles, alios
posts, bridges, chicken coops etc., and
all woodwork above and below .the
ground. Carbolineum Avenarius . Is al
ao the most radical . remedy ; against
chicken; lice. If you want plenty of
egg and healthy chicken, the chick
ens must be free from. lice, and ml tea.
Carboiinenm Avenarius will keep your
henhouse i free from this plagne. One
coat applied to the Liside of the chick
en coop will keep It clean from vermin.
Kerpsenlng and whitewashing, which
has to be repeated every month, I
done awy -with and expenses for sul
phur and Insect powder are saved.
Whoever- dLsIres further information
about Carbolineum Avenarius ahouid
write -to - --.
It. M. WaDE Sc. CO, Agents.
Salem, Oregon.
We take EGGS in TRADE and pay.
stores paid. 16 2-3 in trade today; and
, . .-' -
we paid 18 cents. We keep all kinds of
COFFEE from cents and upwards.
TEAS all kinds that can be had on this
Yokohama Tea Co.
No.. 249 Commercial St.,
; " - - Salem, Or.
Now fa
PHeest a
the time to aeenre bargains.
aro lower now than ever before.
Cbolc sitock of the best tile made In
the state.
Following is the reduced price Ust,
Z Inch tile $10 per 1000 feet
4 inch tile $15 per 1000 feet.
K Inch, tile 120 per 1000 feet.
Inch tile S30 per fiO0 feU
7 Inch tile $40 per 1000 feet,
f Inch tile $00 per 1000 feet.
Writ for apeclal rates by car load lots.
Fairgrounds, Or.