Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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(Editorial in New York Herald.)
Ana mere snau oe no mgnt there
, Revelation, xxiL, 5.' .' " .
, 'There is not a whole household on
the face of the earth! Not one in which
there is no grief for the departed! The-
air is lull pi joyful greetings for those,
who have just come, arid of sad fare-?
wells for those who are just going, j
-We know by experience what awaits;
the new comers, into , this short but
beautiful life, but what have we to say
of - those -who -3 have.- whispered v their
"good night" and are 'about -? to fall
asleep? Arc we' left in1 the dark- con
cerning them, and must we weep until
forgttfulncss dries our tears, or can we
look serenely into the future and think
of litem as in some foreign clime, where
they are rejoicing at their larger op
portunities and awaiting our coming?
This is the great problem, and -until
. tt j solved to 'the soul's satisfaction we
really have no God to worship, for a
"God who. has made love the mightiest
element of our 'natures, but: breaks our
relationship to others; at death as a
giant snaps a thread, is a being, to be
feared, but not one in whom to repose
a cheerful confidence, and unless i our
religion ha3 as; much to say about the
future as about the present. - it neither
I fits our needs r.or responds to our crav
i ings. It is weakest where it should
be strongest, and it suffers defeat when
it should win the victory.
. Unless you can tell me something
about tnorrow I do not care to ask
any questions j about ' today. If the
journey ends at sunset it makes very
little difference to me where I wander
or what happens to me. The time is
too short for the accomplishment of
any .high purpose, for while I am en
gaged in my work and just s I get accustomed-
to myself and - learn-how-to.
Use myself to the best advantage. I
i!rop ot'.f of sight, leaving nothing be
hind except , the memory of an unfin
ished task, and become a mere nothing
in the midst of nowhere. t My .moral
sense is destroyed, and instead of -'that
self-sacrifice, fo$ , the good , of . ; others
which is at one the most heroic and
admirable quality of my nature, I eat
and drink and j ?.m merry, because to
morrow 1 may die. '
How. can I care for a, uod ivho carc3
so little for me that He makes me
thirstv. leads me to the fountain and
then refuses to let me drink? I may
. be convinced of His power,. but I am
st'spickfus of H is- alleged, wisdom' and
I stouIy deny .His.- goodness. An
earthly! father who should at thus to
ward Iiis family would neither receive
nor deserve the affection of his chil-
Thetdeiual of immortality, therefore,
by tluise who j arc .. constituted, as . we.
are, and who arc as dependent a we
rfn that affection .which develops all
that ' is highest and noblest- in or na
. fires, is a preposterous libel against
Him who. taught us the Lord's Prayer.
It chills every warm . motive that leads"
to holiness and so dwarfs the soul that
it becomes hardly visible. No man
can attain his! full stature except un
der, the ; influence of a faith which once
in a while catches a glimpse of heaven
any more, than a rosebush will blossom
in the damp .'darkness-. of a cellar, Men
and plants xicd light the plant the
light of the. sun and man the light of
immortality. , n i j
Hut once convince a man that as he
In fallen asleep so often in this life
that he looks forward to it after the
hard day's work, sure that be will wake
again at sunrise, refreshed and ready for
additional toil, iso.will he close his eyes
at last only to open them in a brighter
world, and you make a new creature of
him. He is" transformed and transfig
ured. The. whole current of Jiis thoughts
:s changed, his. incentives lead him to a
higher level of action, he is no longer
like tlA; musician who plays out of tune,
for hJ keys his instrument to the con
cert pitch which the Leader gives and
produces the best- music of which he
and his instrument are capable. ;
Our lives are! based on thoughts, and
the loftiest thoughts make the holiest
lives. There is no conception which
equals that of immortality in its benign,
invigorating and inspiring influence on
the3 characteristics of a man. It conse
crates all his energies and sanctifies
all" his affection. It brings him into
harmony with the universe and gives
him the right to call on God in time
of'r.eed, lie lives for. eternity, makjes
olans which reach far beyond the con
fines of our earthly life, bears with res
ignation the burdens which Providence
places loo his shoulders, and tearfully
says Goodby."5 with the glad certainty
uf saying "Cfxid morning" later on.
Hut whither do they go who. are sum
moned hence?. Do the bonds by which
they and we are united in life break at
'death? ? Does memory die ; when " the
IwkIv is worn out? Is memory a phys
ical "function, or does it belong to the
souk to live as; long as the soul lives?
Will they be ) enraptured by the glo
ries of the future that their interest in
us will cease? i, : .
This cannot be true. : Neither reason
nor revelation gives utterance to such
a preposterous statement. irue wre
the love that has grown, sweeter jnd
more tender with the passing years, the
love on which two souls : leaned ijfor
support and comfort in the various; vic
issitudes of this lower worlds is t as
mnch stronger than death as a giant is
stronger than a ciiild. . The change
from our life to. another can pruuu
no change in love, except, indeed, to
make jit purer than ever. Love wiji
not. cannot die., , - - . . 1 ,
And they who' go not so far but they
ran. return. Iti is not a. long journey
from here to heaven. In Jacob s time
it. was only a UM" length, and( it (is
the same now. Our loved ones v are
close to us, bringing help and good
cheer. ' The angels ministered . to
Christ. and the law has not been re
pealed. 1 hey .minister aisou u. "
when we die our opening eyes will see
familiar faces, and in our weariness we
shall find rest in the embrace of those
wno have gone before.
. . G LpRGp J L HEP WORTH-. ,
The Bones of All Good Chinamen Go
'Home to Rest.
(Chicago inter Ocean, J4th) .
.The "bones of fifty-six good China
men will repose peacefully in the soil
of the Celestial kingdom three months
hat?iaZ n started on
?S iomney wsterday after
noon hy Sara Moy. the head of Chi
cago Chmatoivn. and William Eisfeldt.
an undertaker. t They were, vscnt - over
the. oreat Northern railway to San
rancisM Soon they wilK t? shipptd
upon the. Pacific, anl eventually landed
upon the shores of the Mongolian
kingdom, where they will .forever after
be . numbered among ; the silect and
peaceful subjects of Confucius.; ; -
The work of disinterment .has' been
going on for several months under the
supervision of the health dc-partment
of Chicago, and Undertaker Eisfeidt
has been preparing the bodies for ship
ment Some of them have been buried
since 1886, and, in most cases merely
the bones were left. The Chinese gov
ernment Kor t?u nrunu
the remains to China, and yesterf!ay"a!l
was reaay lor tne sni-pment. l ifty-six
boxes were piled Jtigh in the waiting
room of the iepo. and Undertaker
Eisfeidt -was busily fcnRajrcd in seeing
that they were properly disposed of by
the train hands. The caea were num
bered with lett
1ill ot Uding gave the names which
correspnna witti the Jiumbers.
At about 4 o'clock the train pulled
out of the deprt, ami Sam Moy de
parted to - his home on Sotuh Clark
.street. Many of the dead Chinamen
had been his personal .'. friends, and
Sam was much affected. He retaineu
his composure. howe;cr. and ; as the
train oasscd out of sight he wav?d a
farewelL The Chinamen have been
holding ceremonies for " the last three
days atRose Hill cemetery. where
most of the bodies had bccrJ interred,
and there was no ceremony at the, "de
parture. (Most of the Chinamen who
had died in Chicago had been in the
prime of life. The cause of the major
ity of deaths among them was con
sumption, although there had been one
or two shot, aud several had committed
suicide. ; , : ,
It is the ambition of all Oiinamen to
have their borres finally repose in the
flowery kingdom.. and it is the purpose
of the. Chinese government to gratify
rhis ambition. On tlnis account, after
burial ior a certain length of time, the
bores of alL .Chinamen arc disinterred
and sent forick to China at the expense
of the government. -Bodies of a lage
number of Chinamen are still ; buried
in Chicago, and it will be several vcars
lefore any of. them arc disinterred.
(Albany Herald.) ,
County politics and candidates arc
leginning to wake up and in. a few
short weeks we array expect a red hot
campaign. ; Party lines will be 'remod
eled and it as hard telling just , how
things -will adjust thtmsejves. 'The re
pubJicanswill place a straight ticket in
the field and will elect it. In this tney
will be assisted by hundreds1 of ; inde
pendent voters who will cast their bal
lots .against the wild theories of Bryan
and his crowd of anti-expansionists,
and silver cranks, who seek to rnakc
the campaign solely on those two is
sues. The opposition will probably
meqt and arrange for a fusion or com
bined ticket of somd nature and will
seek to cover it up -with a long list of
pledges which they would, never. expect
to fulfill if elected. The, 'prohibition
ist -will likely also place a ticket in the
field. Just how the fuftonist's will "get
together" seems uncertain, but what
ever" they" do", will be tinder the guid
ance of the Albany politicians (?) and
the fine Italian hand of tlmse gentle
men are already at' work' outlining a
policy to be pursued. A Tew weeks
more and their .various' movements will
begin to take on color $nd the vcters
may then expect to hear those gentle
men out in the country, bewailing the
condition of the "poor farmer and ta
iloring man," while they kept the e'yc
n the fat office wirh its annex of
$iopo to $xx) per year. Cut off the
salary from those offices and we ven
ture to say that those same gentlemen
would be going in other walk of life.
That shows their "reform teadencies."
Creanied Celery.
Take the small, tender heeds 'of cel
ery, wash and scrape it ejnite cltan. re
moving the outer stalks.' Put one pint
of rich milk fpart cream, if. possible)
into a doub!e-4oiler. Cut the stalks of
celery into small cubes, and let them
boil in mil'c till ouite terKlcr. Then
rub one tablespoonful of butter and the
".a me or a little more cri tlour into
smooth paste: add to it the tioiling, cel
ery. Sea?on to taste wkh a1t and pep
per, and let it boil, until it becomes
rich and creamy.
- Macaroni With Brown Sauce.
Put one pint of" water or stock on to
loil. and break up two ounces of mac
aroni into pieces about one inch long.
When the stock boils add this and a
little salt and boil for about half an
hour or nntil soft. Drain off the stock.
Put onetablespoonful of butter into a
pan, and when melted add one table
spoonful of flour. Let them brown,
then pour in the stock or water wifh
beef extract ot sauce, and stir over the
fire until it thickens. Add one table
spoonful of grated cheese, pepper and
salt, and the macaroni, let it rcbcil and
serve at once. ' -
Rice Croquettes With Jelly.. (
Wash one-half cupful of rice; add it
to one-half cupful of boiling water and
one-half teaspoonful of salt. Cover and
'steam until rice has absorbed tha waier.
Then add one cupful of scalding hot
mUk.1 Stir .lightly with a fork. . Cover
and steam until the nee is soil. Ke
moTC from the fire: add the irolks o.
two eggs and one tablespoonful of but
ter. Spread on a platter. Form into
balls, roll irr crumbs. rThen make nest
sthape. Dip' in. egg and again in
crumbs. Fry in .deep fat J1.. good
brown. Put a cube of jelly m each
croquette. . '. ' -' ''
Breaded Mutton Chops.
Broil the -chops ten minutes, baste
them with melted buUer. season with
salt and pepoer. -dip them w beaten
egg.-roll in bread crtrmbs and trr.'"
Idling fat. Fill the:dh;nhieh
these are to be served with tomsto
auce, and arrange the chops m t. slip
oing paper quillings oyer, the end-.ot
t!ie bones. Sprinkle with t chopped
parsfey and serve.. ? , , ,
-Nfrs. A. L. McCuI.y can.e .op from
Portland last night and, is visiting her
mother,; Mr& H. A- Dearborn.
' '':;-.- :-..' 4 1 'yf f rxA i1:- - - I r -rv ", ' :i ..:.'
i i- - -i, . : :..'; i- , . ". .- .', -,'!
The Base Iogratitudc 6j; a Uroatilla - Daughter
"of the Forest.
:.! - , - I . 4 . : ' .i ' '
. -, iyu -.f.-A : ' - - -' ,'- -- -' ' :
.1.4 . ... f .
Sinsof an Early Spring Good Sfage Business For IrrigationGood
' i Crop Prospects for Kahmath Politics .in Linn
'"'. ' - . '. . ." . t ' . . L .
Pendleton East Oregonian : ..
The last few warm days have liadthe
effect of bringing forth from their
winter's sleep the thousands of small
grey ground squirrels in which, this
country abounds. So long as the sun
remains. out. the hills surrounding thcjj8ny Democrat:
town are tairly alive wito these . uttie
rodents.f Their appearance is a pretty
sureindication that the severest naa
ot the winter has passed- It has been!
many year! since they have awakened
uuiu tucir . inier s sieep so eariy.
Pendleton (East Oregonian:
The refutation of Umatilla county
as an agricultural Section is recognized
all Over, the country, and the treasure
that its rich soils yearly bring forth is
beyond i' estimating. All classes - of
fruits and j vegetables flourish here , in
season, but who ever heard of gathering
apples hi the month of . January? Nev
ertheless, v.ch is the case. Wednesday,
the East Pregonian wasshown a ripe
appie that, was picked during that day
from a tree in the orchard of L. V.
Jones, in this city. While not so large
as apples jusually grow here, the speci
men was hard and fresh and was just
as sound land mellow as any fruit of a
like nature gathered in season. The.
appicwassceureu Dy a gentleman wnose
veracity, is beyond question, and, while
it seems impossible that apples will
ripen in the month of January, the fact
is so apparent that it cannot be doubt
ed.'" . ": v .
PcndietOTf East Oregonian:
John Sagwitch, a prominent siw
of the Uniatilla reserve, is in trptible.
Hif headi is - bowed in grief and his
heart .strings no longer respond to the
gentle touch of the lair Sex. John has
been deceived:, his affections grossly
trifled with, and he is out with ;. his
scalping knife in quest of his traducers."
John Sagwitch is an old rcsidenter in
these, partjs. Unlike the vast majority
who acted on the advice of llotace
Greely and came West, John always
was Westi , Here he has lived all. his
life, and when, Hn the 'springtime, of hrs
youth, he chased the festive jackrabbit
and tracked the cavorting coyote to his
lair, little did he dream that, in his-ild
age. he would be a much injured, jijsan I
But such 1 is the hckleness ot time.-anc.
women, and it is woman that is at the
bottom of John's great sorrow. -'
While young, his heart was proof
against the fires of love, but as age
came on and jackrabbits became scarce
John concluded that he had remained
Single long enough and should proceed
to take up the White man's burden. He
took to his manly bosom one of the
fairest of his set, and, for a month
past, his tepee has ben bulging over
the sides with love and happiness
But his happiness was too great to last,
and the tiespoiler of homes has suc
ceeded in making John's life miserable.
It came rtbout in this wise:
John attd his newly wedded spouse
had devoted their energies to the coy
ote trapping industry- ' Coyote scalps
are worth $2 apiece at the court house,
and the tfo did a flourishing business.
The last wo weeks have ljeen ones pf
prosperity in the coyote industry, and
many scalps were secured. Unfortunate
ly for John, he was detained from his
tepee a few h'ourSi Tuesday, and another
brave took advantage of his absence
and' fled with his bride. It is not so
much the-loss off the bride that wor
ries John, as the fact that they carried
away the coyote scalps in their flight.
John located the unfaithful one, but his
pleadings were of 110 avail. She . .re:"
fused either to return or give up the
stalps. John. ; was in town yesterday
consulting the authorities, but they
failed to give him the redress he asked,
and he ha therefore, put on his war
paint, unsheathed his butcher -knife,
and is out after their scalps.
;- . WHICH? '
the Dalle Times-Mountaineer: ' ' i
Before the railroad was.buiit to Moto.
a stage line between that place and The
Dalles could never be made a paying
business. But now, since Mora . .has
railroad connections, a four-horse stage
is being run from here'thTee times a
week and is loaded with passengers and
freight every trip. Has the railroad de
veloped the country so as to thus" in
crease staging business, or have -.thj
people just awakened to the pleasures
of stage riding? ' ' ' :
1, i -v-r - "::";;'
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer: r '
A little peach tree in a yard in town
has begnnito put forth blooms. It is
about two months too early, bot il the
present fine weather continues will - be
bearing peaches in competition with
the California crop. .
- "'. ' - "-'' ; ' 1- :-.v"
Klamath Republican: .: . : : A
It looks wicked that rich and beau
tiful valley jland is compelled to re
main idle and unproductive for want of
waters An Irrigation plant is what is
needed to ctire the eviL Our great lake
is anxious to get out of its bound and
spread itself over the land, and alt now
needed to gire it a chance is an irriga
tion company With the ncceitary sap
ply of money and energy.. A man who
owns 160 acres, of nnirngated raUey
land could well afford to give .halfof it
to have the other half irrigated.. Then
the half would be worth from $100
$40 per acre. Now. the whole is not
worth. paying taxes on.
Mark Hanna. to Blame. , ' i
f fallen this fall and winter and ! the
ground is more - thoroughly soaked
tlian , for several years past. There
fore, there are good prospects for crops
the present season.
, rv.Kt:,. , i;., :,.i- , i:
, ttc with sindicat;9ns of boiling heat at
' , tk:- k,. .: i t
localjV- Sensible oeoole should ira in-
to a poii.ucai contest wun me intention
of keeping their tempers and not brand
ing everybody as fools who disagree
with them. In political contest mud
slinging arid name calling are very poor
arguments and are not appreciated by
refined, intelligent, people. It pays to
be reasonable m all thin
Baker City Democrat: igth: . V
The barlers of this city, at a meeting
Ihst night, organized a union and took
steps to make a uniform price for hair
c-tting, shaving and baths of 25 Cents
and to close the'shofM on Sundays. The
new rules go into effect February 1st.
The meeting was largely attended, j ev
ery barber shop in the city being repre
sented. . i
'.' -
an Albany scene.
(Albany Democrat.).
There was a fierce gleam of delight
in the eyes of Ed. Davidson, cx-pound-ir.as.ter.
last evening. He had been
counting the cows straying loosely
about the ctiy during the day, prey
ing upon people's property, and there
were exactly twenty-two. Really there
ought to be a poundmastcr of some
kind, a-hd the city council will do well
to get-a move on in the, matter before
the coWs take the town.-
-''- - - - ' .
Brownsville Times. ,
Mrs. J. C. Goodale, Sr., of Coburg.
well, known in this city, had the i mis
fortune to suffer a very severe paralytic
stroke Wednesday morning, and is now
in a very critical condition,' one whole
side being auected.
Jacksonville Times :
Oregonians will have" to trim up their
orchards and spray the trees. Hie state
board of horticulture, at its quarterly
meeting held at Portland January 10th,
decided to prosecute all orchardists who
refuse to comply with the lw in that
respect. The law is a good-one, and
shcoM be enforced. If flue notice fails
to produce the desired effect, a; few
prosecutions in different sections of
the state will awaken owners of neglect
ed orchards to the realization that they
will not be ; allowed to maintain breed
ing places for pests that will find their
way to healthy orchards.
The Dalles j Chronicle:
' M. J. Anderson, the village black
smith and populist statesman of Dufiir,
thinks he can see as far into a republic
can millstone as the man.who picks it.
While in town today he strongly de
nounces the present smallpox scare as a
deep-laid scheme of Mark Hanna and
the McKinley administration. "It is no
torious? said Mr. Anderson, "that on
ly populist precincts have got this Fili
pino itch, as they call it over in Sher
man county. Moro, a populist strong
hold in Sherman county, has got it bad.
So has Warn ic in this county, which is
almost 'solidly populist. Tygh is badly
threatened, and Tygh is Bryansque to
the core. Antelope and Hood river, two
republican stronghold, have not a sin
gle case. Neither is there a case in
The .Dalles. I. This shows beyond con
troversy that Mark Hanna is at the bot
tom of the whole business. The. affected
districts have all been quarantined so
that they may not be able to vote at
the next election.' It's a cold day when
Anderson gets left, however. In . the
absence of a doctor, and without a
proper instrument to scarify the flesh,
Anderson has inoculated every populist
in Dufur, using a curry comb to start
the blood and injecting the patients
with a virus obtained,., he. says, direct
from Lincoln, Nebraska.
(Pendleton East Oregonian.) ' ; -Chairman
Livcnnore, of the reppbH
can county central committee, . was
seen bj an East Oregonian reporter in
relation to what . was being done 1y
that party towards organiting for the
coming campaign. The chairman
stated lbat.1 as . yet. he had taken, no
action, but that a meeting, of the com
mittee would be called early in 1 Feb
ruary. They would not attempt, howr
ever, to -accomplish anything of an im
portant .nature nti4 aft er- the , state
committee had held its meeting, which
is likely to occtir a most any ticne bow.
When ouestioned regarding the pres
ent condition of the republican party
throughout ; the t county and its pros
pcH. he said: ' ' : ,
"ProbaWy- never before rt the his
tory of the . patty in Umatilla county
Jias sock confidence and good feel id g
existed.1 All ! petty striies' and conten
tions have been declared off . and tfcs
hatchet -buried. The organization, is
well 4erfected. is n good working or
derand prepared at a nomenfs notice
to -enter the political arena.! - '
i Tb what..causes do you ' art ri mite
this activity am fig the republicans, ,of
which you speak? was asked. A
''The 1 present " prosperous condition
of the eotmtry has more to do with it,
than anything else. was the reply.
"The people are commencing to find
oat that the republican ; party has a
Klicy and. furthermore, has the abil
ity to rarryit out It knows what it
wants and how to get it. f Immediately
after the inauguration cf Mr. MVKin
ley. the party proceedt to ulfill its
election promises. The tariff bill,
which in my opinion is the cause of
our present prosperous condition, was
pronrptly enacted, and an , era of better
times -inimediialely set in. ' In "my opin
ion the lritory of the parity since Pres
ident McKinJcy'fr election should stim
ulate , republicans everywhere 0 re
newed and ttnilagglng dtfvotion. and I
iurther believe' it is doipg so... Local
conditions do .not cut mujch figure with
the average party man. and this; is par
ticularly true of republicans this year.
Their interest is centered" in the nation
al administration., and. that they appreciate-
the wisdom of republican rule,
there is no question in my mind.'
.Fnsionisls Miglit Win, Though
-,. Doubiiful. ' .-,--:'
In respect to a fusion -of the demo
crats and populists. Chairman Livcr
morc.said: "I- should like nothing
better. It would , please me to see
such a coalition effected. It may
serve its purpose and succeiM in plac
ing those pxrtie in power in this
county, but I believe not. -In fact, it
is my opinion, if that proceeding is
carried out .the republicans will win
with hands down.; Should it turn out
otherwise. however, it s-only for . - a
mattered time, as fusion will in the ent
kill anytlting it comes in contact with.
A Climax by Wliih the Famous Tem
." perance Lecturer Thrilled His'
(Chicago Timcs-HeraId.T
Many and many a. day ago, oh the
then frontier line of the Valley of thc
Minnesota, in the at that time beautifulJ!
village of Mankato, word went 1 ourl
that Gough had been engaged by thef
that Gough had been engaged by thef " t momns oiicr
local lyceum bureau to lccture"on tem-?,on. the, petitioners f
perance. Gough came. He was re-1 Pf "Rned by. flurry-
ceived by a committee of men who?'
had fought Indians and "secesh" swaml j
rivers, spoiled the virgin forests, openedi .
new soil endured poverty, fiuitjrreu nnn-tr
ger and never surrendered th :ir belief ."e"on-tht v,c.w and t thc. srV,Cy
in thc right. They escorted him to thel i d not been made, as l"A.
opera house ami stage
It- . t. -L ....i.i
r uK 'fu? 'oiirt of said county. nd at the
few, illustrations not many. 1 he ,tfln(nlv,.. tpPI, thprrof I
lage topers were our m force, and soim
more decent men ? for whom womert
were praying to give, over the. habit oij
drink. He told something 6f his owit
life, of the misery brought by drink, p
the laws of self-den iat-'and, self-sacrifice
lie was intense at'"ill times, and thisf
intensity bore down v-paoL the-listeners!
until lie had made them one with him4
self. Even the small village boy jin
f-linptt trt cat. rails and trurirlintr whis
ties was silent, and there fame tla-oglil
the sepulchral, hall no sound but. hej
raw cry of the winter wind from out-j
side. . - - - :-.-'!
Hp made some sliaht comment oni
the condition of a drunkard's family J
the want which came upon them, thej
loss of self-respect. He lescribed thd
degradation of spirit which rested -witl
the; habitual drinker and how if thafj
siiirit was not destroyed mere sighing
of the nledgc would not redeem, lies
pleaded for exercise of will 'power, morq
potent in affecting reform , than all thd
drugs and medicines m the world!
This was but developing the minds of
his. hearers for a climax, j j
Suddenly he swung one arm high lit
the air and shouted:
"A drunkard and his fall to the depths
of everlasting hell is like the man whrj
rllmhc in lhj ton of Stl l'cter's ill
Rome. He is on the very summit of. -
the great dome, the blue sky abovcj
and the world far. far beneath? II
looks down from his perch, and havin
n..tlimr tn crrncn to hold to. croWS diz-(
1 ........ r " 1 - ' " - . j
y- - ..'. . . .... -: . , i
rF.vervthine is whirling now beford
him. His senses leave him. He .i.ana.-ami wiie. against appellant to re-
swooning. His feet slip. He is ott
of the dome. He is in the air. He is
falling . ll
" Down I
"To the earth beneath and the ruini!of TJ. Jluffman. of whom the
. , if s. respondent. vV J. Huffman, is Ins son.
"Thus descends the drunkard
, "Down! Down! Down! .
"To the fires of heli and the ruin, of
his soul!" ' '
The whole exclamation was accom
panied with such use of his right arm
and body as to bring the fearful descent
immediately to the eye of the mind.. "
i A ' shudder ran over the audience.
The" sobs of women were heard. Men
felt rncomfortablc. Men and women
are living today1 who still feel the pow
er of that illustration, uttered by lips
long since' cold.
- . ;
t ; ; ..-
Navy Outclassed in Case of War. With
; - England.
, The French naVy consisted in 1898 of
37 battleships (8 building), 9 armored
cruisers (to. building)," rjo- protected
Cruisers (16 building), to unprotected
cruisers, 14 coast defense, 13 torpedo
vessels building), 21 1 ! torpedo boats
(8 building),' and one special vessel.
The; personnel consisted; of 2,064 of
ficers and 4.J.45 men. j There is r a
merchant marine of vessels (14.-
301 sailing), of &)4.7l tons. . ...
This is what the French nary would
have to face in a struggle with Great
Britain; 19 first-class battleship 12
building), 5 second class, 8 third class,
23 port defense ships,! 30 first-class
cruiser (18 building, 54 second class
(2 building), 179 third fclass. (1 build
ing), 118 torpedo craft (37 bnildmg),
manned by 3.000 commissioned, officer
on active nervice and t 93.750 trained
seamen, and backed by the Royal Na
val reserve of between 0,000 and 30,
000 men.
f France is the sccpnd naval power,
but it i a long way second to Great
Britain, and as the fighting would; be
. t .L .It. 1 ... A(
rnainiy or. tne ea, o.c o..
f SrrSd' If wUe
British, empire are not good. Jl wise
u'tJf ZZX vtiS? iKe
French from a war with Britain the
to France cannot fad to
be most disastrous.
v ictoria, ii.
. , j
. "saArjrpj abuapuadapur qjiw tpung
toads 'uippa J '1. -jujf pue 'Jjf
rlcUtIly Appetd from th Comiuli"
loaera !-UkM-H(ri-Klht
. Coatrver7 rrrwalMl.
I In the supreme court, yesterday, two
lases were argued and submitted tr;on
ppeals from the state circuit courts, as
I allows: ';.. . -. j
-M. P. Jones, appellant, vs. Tolk
cunty, respondent; appeal from Polk
county.; A brief statement; of the case
follows; ,' ..' , ' ---.' I-
This was an appeal from the decree
bf the circuit court of Polk county,
Oregon, mads and rendered at - the
December term, 1807. dismissing a writ
lot review of the proceedings and . ac
tions of the county court oi said county
In i the establishment of a 'county road
known as the David Peters road. The
record discloses that on March 4. itVi.
there was filed in the county court a
jpctition- signed by David j Peters and
iscventy-five others, asking for 'the ap
pointment of viewers and a surveyor
to lay out and survey the road des-
1!cribedTin the petition, and that on the
were appointed as grayed for. It fur
ther appears that at the April term cf
the county court next ensuing, the
viewers and surveyors filed their re
ports, favoring the location of sard
proposed county road. It further ap
pears that at said term of said county
court there were filed remonstrances
to the granting of the prayer-of peti
tioners by Z. Howe and ; eighty-eight
other remonstrators. It furthe
pears thar on May 6. igf, one
fter the filing of 'said remonst
1111 win )
nd tw-o montfis otter nimg tne peti-
nie, pe.iuioiicrs iiicu anoiiicr
on asking mat tnttr names e stncKcn
r?m the remonstrance: aid thar at
sd ternvof. Md county court t ic
law. From this decision of the County
court the petitioners appealed to the
December term thereof,!- i&X). , said
circuit court sustained said writ of
review and nefnandcd the matter back
to the county
cotirt with orders to
again proceed
and view out and sur-
vey t lie proposed" road.j Acting on
said mandate of the circuit , court the
k-. . :
county court t its regular l-curua-y
term, -1X07. made an order for vhe
viewing and surveying. tfj the proposed
county road, and at the';March term,
1897, otthe sajd county court, the sec
ond view arid Survey -were presented to
the -court and pc -court thereupon pro
ceeded jto find that there were five
more petitioners for than' rcmonstrat
rs against the road. and. declared the
same -a public highway.! From this
decision and the proceedings relating
thereto a writ of review was sued out
in. the circuit court for Polk county,"
Oregon,., by ,thk: remon.strators. and at
the December term. 1807, of the said
circuit court rf Polk county aforesaid
i the .writ of rev
lew came on for Iiear-
ing and the saibe was dismissed by said
circuit ctxirt at the cost iof the- plaint
. iff in error therein. j
I " Oscar , Haylcr. . of Dallas, appeared
for the appelljmt and Jj H. McNary
and c j..'Ai.cryary argued the case lor
the respondents.
- - - - - , -'' I . - . : :- - ' -'- -
W. J. and Fi. If. Hufrman, respond-
cni. vs. jonn
peal for Mario
Knight, appellant, ap-
in county. Hie case is
briefly-as follows:
'in an .irimn nt rnnvrrainn
cc:nnenccji on January 22. iof). in
tlie circuit court of 'Marion countyV, Orf
' f go". y the respondents, who are hint-
vover tne vame 01 a part ol certain
property, aucged to nave been owned
by them and (wrongfully attached and
converted by a(ppellant. as sherilf cf
Marion countyL on Auarust 7. i8ot.
J who attached the same as thc nroneriv
rii 1 111 an action in
stituted by Benton P. Taylor, against
said L. Bj Huffman in thc circuit court
of ..Marion cpiinty. Oregon.! tn August
6. tKos. which! was troirtv aftrrwnrrl
sold by appellant, as sheriff of Marion
county on December 16, 1805, on an
execution duly issued on the judg
ment obtained in . safd action. It is
further admitted. -by the ; pleadings that
ut ic.iuiiui-iii3 -reviousiy on vuguftt
16, -1895 commenced an action of re
plevin in the circuit court of Marion
county, Oregon, against the appellant
as sheriff of Marlon county, to recover
thc possession of all property in this
present action which they now sue for
the conversion of, as- well as other
property which was also taken by ap
pellant as such sheriff at the same
itime and under the 'same attachment n
said action of Benton P. Taylor vs. 'L.
B. Huffman. .
? The first assignment of,' error is to
the effect that the lower court erred in
refusing to admit in evidence the In
iit 11 1 iviu in me lorinrr arjxra Ol ret
plevin., . The appellant contend that
the judgment foil in that former ac
tion of replevin .should have been ad
mitted inievidencc and. if so admitted,
the jury; ought! to have lound a - ver
dict in favor of the appellant, because
according to the contention of the ap
pellant the former action of replevin is
a bar to the present action of eonver-ion.-
- The appellant accused the re
spondents of splitting their cause of
action. The appellant contend that
it i permissible for a litigant to "split.
ihis cause of action, and projtecttie and
maintain several suits for the different
parts. '.'.--- , . ' "
Belle Jameson, of Fulton. Missouri, ar
rived in Salem yesterday. 1 and was
promptly ' conveyed to . the Oregon
chool for the deaf-mutes, having come
for U nrnn., tin(, h no.
r teacher in that institution.
I f . T.m,son comes ' hichlv recom-
SndeJd"antutoro" the df-muTs.
.f . ... . x '
"V"'7 " :. .
jreat success np to the time . she was
I engaged tor the Oregon school. The
i board of education is 'highly pleased to
j Have secured so valuable a- teacher for
hat institution.