)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOO o - - - CI -ISSUED IN V f ; SEMI-WEEKLY SECTIONS TUESDAY AND (FRIDAY, g . i . r ooooocooooocoooooooo o SALEM, OREGON, FPJPAY, JANUARY 19, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES HIT SIX-TIMES fata! Feud between Prominent Citizens of Kentucky BATTLE IN A TRANKTORT HOTEL i r 5 r; j . ' . . ; - i i : s- Several Men J Iitntly Killed ami Others Dangerously Wovnded Jtrmef . Army Officer Participate!. i FRANKFORT, Kyi, Jan. 16. A shtwckiri)? trgedy, in iwhich the lives ol three prominent Inien were sacrificed and that of a fourth hangs by a slender thread, while two others miraculously escaped with painful injuries, occurred here at I loek ioday. The principals in the tragedy werej ex-Congrcss4natr David G. Colson, of Middleboro, and Lieut. Ethelbert Scott, of Somerset. Scott was shot six times by Colson, and instantly killed.. r Luther W. . Demarree, assistant postmaster at Slilbyville, and atii innocent bystander, was shot three times and died instantly. Charles Juli-. an, another bystander,- was shq and died a half hour later. Capt. B. B. Golden,- pf Barboursville the common wealths attorney of the twenty-seventh judicial: district, was shot in the back and is nt expected to survive the night. Colson f himself -was , shot twice in the ami. Harry McKwinfi, of Ixniisville, was shot jn the foot. aml.W. O. Kid path. of"Chicago.' sustained a broken lcgJby the lifeless form t4 Scott falling against him as it rolled down the stair way, j The tmgtfdy is one of the most sen rational in the history tf the "dark and Moody ground." The killing occurred in the lolJy oi the Capttol Hotel, the principal hostelry of the; state, the roo.n being well filled at the time with "poli ticians ariJ ioilwrj who are here attend ing contest! for state offices before the legislature, f Colson is in jail tonight, charged; with murder, but he claims self defense) '-.-.- ; There rtf miany conflictinar-stories as to how thej fight began. Colonel Col son and a party of friends, among whon was Demarree, were sitting in the lobby engaged in conversation, j as Scott and Captain Golden came up the stairs from the barroom, walking in the dir ection of Colson. The fatter, it i3 said, half rising from his chair, fired at Scott; who instantly returned the fire. The shootim? then became general, and the bystanders - arc at variance as to .the number engaged in it. Demarree was standing slightly in front of Colson. and young Scott is said to have crouched if hind him to .ward off the bullets from "Colson" revolver. In an instant De nirree'fell dead, pierced by three bul lets. Captain Golden, "j who accom panied Scott, reefed to one side, falling into the arms, of ex-Governor James E. MaoCrearyi exclaiming ' AI am shot." The sjmoke in - itbe locality of the antagonists' becarne dense, but Colson continued In press Scott, who retreated lickward. : shootim? as he moved. Col son cmplied the chambers of a .V cali bre revolver, and quickly brought a 44 into action. Scott, by this time, bad been shot s several times, and as be staggered back and fell down the stair way, Colson. who was within -a few feet of him, continued to fire until the form f Scott rolled over and., showed that life was extinct. After the killing Colonel Oil son ran out 'of the hotel to the residence of Chi of of Police Wil liams, where he surrendered. As be entered the bottle he gAspcd: I am sorry lie wotihl l not let me alone. There were 1 three of them shooting at me." J ! Meantime the wildest excitement pre vailed in the hotel lobby. Men fell over each other in their frantic efforts to get to places of safety; worncn fainted. and it was several minutes before the awful scopeof the tragedy was fully .nown. captain uoiaen made a state ment that Colson wa4i ttn- sirirrrccnr . Colonel olson has long been a prom inent figure in Kentucky polities. He served twd terms in tomrre amt t. clined a renominationJ at the hands of tne republican party of - the eleventh district., in 1808. in oritur in colonelcy of the Kentucky Fourth regi ment in the Spanish ar. Scott -was a lieutenant ami to4lc was capta'm of a company in Col son's regiment and the trouble, which Jed to Hn today, began then, A feudstprang up oeiween colson anl Scott -while the troops were irvfcanm at Anniston -Ala- and in this, it isbaid b Colson's friends. uaptain tioiden was ajwarm partisan of scott. itie troniile between them at that time culminated pn a" meeting be tween them in a restaurant, which re sulted in Colson being shot by Scott. The regiment was shortly j afterwards mustered out of the service, as a re sult of the fetid between ' the ,ofliccrs. and. the serious charges and counter charges which they had made at Wash ington again each, other as officers. Since then the parties had not met un til today, and it has gjenerally becri be lieved that blood wiuld be spilled should they meet. ,as jioth were under stood to be looking jar each other. RESOLUTIONS DISCISSED TI K SENATE STILL INTEREST ED IN i THE PHILIPPINES. Vest Insists Tlrat It I Is Not Treason to Oppose the Administration j ;. in Its Policy. WrASIIINGTON. Jan. 16. The sen ate is still in the thrcfes of the discus sion, of the Philippine question, and, apparently there is no j near approach to deli vcrance upon, the iihj ect. Vest, democrat, 1 of M issouri, today voictd the opinion of many senators, wheti be said that sucji a discussion as was now in progress was of no con sequence, as the country was confront ed by a state of facts that could not be changed by talk. ; ' ' - , f 1 :. 1 Jl filial 9 icMiiuuifii ui iiiunjr mm Lodge's substitute foi it were laid on the table today, and Hoar's general rcso- 1 . r - .i . 1 j . r . 1 union 01 inquiry as 19 inc. ikis 01 me Pluhppine war was taken up. An ef fort of , Petti grew to, amend it. so as to call for the president's instructions to the Paris ipeace commissioners, led to a -prolonged debate. After the senate had considered the -matter behind clos ed doors, the, amendment "Was rejected by a vote of 41 to ao.j The debate for the day was conclud ed by Vest, who madd a notable speech in opposition to the assumption in some niiarters. that every man who docs not agree with s the iolic4 of the adminis- trattdn is a traitor to Jus country, vest threw into his utterances all the nervons force and energy, and accomplished oratorical ability for which he is famed. and .commanded the senate throughout. : attention of the A NEWSPAI MAN. Washington, Jan J&. The president ha sent to the senate the name Robert M. McVV'ade, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the United States at Canton. China. to succeed Edwin 1 S. Bedloe. This nomination closes the incident in Dr. Bedloe's case. Mr. McWade is a well known newspaper man, " RUSSIAN GOLD. London, Jan. 18. A Shanghai spe- spejcialsays: "It is reported here that an agreement has been concluded under which Russia, will lend Corca the. sum of $10,000,000. - A -STAFF CAPTAIN. London, Jan. 18. The war office an nounces the appointment of the Duke of "Marlborough as staff captain in the imperial, yeomanry, , :.. .'-Fine Printing. Statesman Job Office- You Need j CLOTHING I or SHOES ' ' ;V (,:,'.,. ;:..! . ..f : i :, : Don't wait 'till next fall to buy them. Wliolcsale prices arc advanc iuc in every line of toerclian(lise. You'll save money by buynij: your supplied for the coining year, before we are eompellctl to jay higher prices for our gocnlsj Wo can fit you out in almost any line, Shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, hats, shirts, .duck coats, slickers, and all kinds of ladies and gents' furnishing goods. Special Reductions on Mackintoshes TOtatall wool tricot box coat at $2.25 is a hummer. Men's long rublierboiisralT sizes and all grades, reduced to close out ,lnis docs not apply to any other line of rubbers. ; N BOER LAND it fi Mysterions Silence Hangs Oyer Bailers Operations ; AN ENGLISH PEACE PARTY IS BORN The British War Offlee Provide for the Ralnlof ind Arninc of More , Troope for: Africa. Ihe Countess of notable persons. L be distinguit-h- LONDON, Jan. 17. (Wednesday, 4 a. m.). Even rumors are no5 longer telegraphed from Natal. Tre con clusion, deducted from this silence, by military experts generally, is that no decisive blow has been st rue 1$ either way, as in such an event there would be no necessity for silence, i ; The South Africa conciliation com mittee, quietly formed to represent the neaee minority, announces itself to the country today, and asks for support. Amonjr the members; are Lord and l-ady Coleridge, Herbert. Spencer, Stephen Gladstone, Carlisle, and pother This movement- shou ed from the "stop" the war" group of extremists, of which IWiliam T Stead is the most active member. Its pro- gram, summarized. ij to wait until the proper opportunity ' arises for some peaceable . settlement.' Meanwhile, it will gather and distribute correct in formation and sound views. The man ifesto affirms that "asi the war was begun- with misunderstandings on both sides, a pacific settlement is possible." - There is no indication that such an arrangement would be tolerated vby any considerable portion of the publjc. National emotion is now in a state of disquietude oyer the? reverses to the British arms;: dissatisfaction with the conduct of tlw military business is in tense, and-there is an - almost universal determination' to sec the thing through. The -war office has . ijssuc,d orders for the : formatioti of fiv4 new batteries. Seventeen more militijL battalions will be embodied "in the course of ai ; fort night. All; regulars: are now out of the country? except ifourteea infantry battalions and eleven cavalry battal ions, i lie war oincc nas- placed . an orner for 3js.ooo.00o cartridges in cases. ihe yeomanry committee announces that it has -accepted 5000 out of the 10, 000 which; it wishes to raise, t.nd still has 2o,ooaf applicants; to be examined. FIRING IN' NATAL. '. London. .Jan. 17.' The Times pub lishes the, following from Pictermar itzburg, dated Tuesday: "Very heavy firing Was heard yesterday in the di rection of Springfield." the Exchange telegraph Company has received the following dispatch. dated 'February 16th, from Pietcrmar- itzburg: "There v no news from the front. , but heavy, firing was heard to day in the direction of F'rcrc. It is orobablc that General Duller is en gaging the enemy. A ruinor ts cur rent here that, a portion of the Dritish force is near Ladysmith." A dispatch to the Daily Mail, trom Pietermaritzburir. dated Tuesday, says: "There was very 1 heavy firing to the north vesterdav- I believe the 'Boers are contesting General Butter's, pass age of. the Tugela. The howitzers are evidently busy, as the tiring is de scribed as the heaviest yet heard in Natal" . CHARGES MADE. U'iJ.lnrrtnfi Tan iftn urtrrnt dc- ficiency appropriation bill was taken "r li hrnc twt:i v under an a tree - mtnt'which limited the general debate to today. Tlie last hour of the debate tiria mWvmrA with an attack by Rkh- ardson,- the minority leader, upon the secretary: 01 m& ireasuij, iui ii "; In nnnlrlintl' Willi the Sale of tllC NCW York custom house. He rehearsed the charges that Gage bad been guilty. .ii;iiv nf .mKrrltTient in connec tion with the sale of the custom house. in deposing the proceeds in a national i.,nL- urii;-h vK a troverninent denosi-- tory-instcad of the treasury of the Unit ed States, but said that this charge ouKl ot hold. His purpose, nc sain. ... t.cln.iii ihit 1 hr National City vvtfa 1 r ...i" - ' - K,t 1n dvnml nit arrount of the f I ... -. .- - - .. .. contributions of its- directors to the cpublican campaign fund n ijo. ; A DISPUTE. U'Llun'.rfnn TanJ. ifL The senate . , . .nmmiKo nn fmaiire today acain Had wider consiIeration the nomination of W. D. Bynum, to be genera appraise- ,f merchandise at rew. iwk. -.,rir- mnnhrri rnnlinucd their SP- position to the nomination, contending .1. it.nnm nnf a democrat and bis 11141. j - - . - , . nomination as such is an evasion of tlie law. Senator. Burrow .and Ispooncr. and other republican members of the committee,, defended . the selection .as entirely proper., it was uepueu the democrats should liave time; to dduce , proof, of IJynum s Tfpuwiwn- Th miitf i in 111c iiaiiusi ui Senator Aldrich and Jofics, Arkahsal, as a sub-committee. RETURNED HIS PAY. lish New Yorlc. Jan. 16. Wm. A. Eng- son.of a tormef aemocrau. -.- Wll.i'i ' " ' .. !.,.: i ntiJiir from Indiana, with Spain, has returned to the treas ury a check for $117 sent him for his services ; with the statement that - he would riot accept pay for service to his country! in, time of danger. It is the only case of the 'kind in the Spanish warv ..') .. -.,--:" .v ' r "- f - ! r- - j THE MARKETS. Portland, Jan. a6t Wheat. Walla WaUa and V alley, 50c . N Chicago. Jan. 16. -May wheat open ed at tiH('jJbVsc. ! Closing prices were: May option wheat, 65J4O1654RC; oats, 23ci pork, $10-05; lard. $6.0; ribs. $5.co. Cash wheat. Na Z2 red. o,i) (7ci No. 2 hard winter. 63'ic; No. 2 Northern spring 64(ri)Oc. San .Francisco, Jan. 16. Wheat, weak.; May, y8c; cash, 96jc A! CONTRACT AWARDED. CAIHALROIITE ' -.:- : S 1 - - Senator Morgan on the Proposed : Nicaragua Waterway AN ENORMOUS INCOME PROMISED New York, ' Jari 16. rThe b"ard f rapid I transit commissioners totlay de cided to award the contract' for build- inr thef underground railway in New York city to J. B. McDonald, one of the tw bidders. ; His price was $35,- 700,00a , :, . ' 1 , I V ; ' ' : : ; 1 ! . GEAR IS ELECTED Director of thr Jwu Ordered to Have Report rl.lihel by l'nblir Printer Many reunion Claim. SUCCEEDS HIMSELF AS IOWA'S UNITED STATES SENATOR. Blackburn's Election"; of a Week Ago 'Was; Duplicated in the Kentucky j Legislature Yesterday. DES ed Stati MOINES law Jan. 16. Unit- s Senator John II. Gear was WASIUNQTON. Jan:. iaSenator Morgan, as chairman" of the senate committee of 'the inter-oceanic canals, today presented a written report upon the Nicaragua canal bill. The report says: ': "Measured by the income of 'the Suez canal, at a corre.sjonding cost, the Nic araguan .canal ; should yield,' .with ciuiv alcnt rates of Tt oils, at least U per cent on $r. 10,000,000. , "It is too severe a tax upon credulity to ask the adoption of the precarious water-supply at Panama, in preference to the two grand lakes of the Nicaragua ro'.Ue." i - r THE CENSUS. - ! Washington Jar. 18. The house to day passed the senate bill to extend the powers of the director of the census, after striking jnt the committee amend ment to authorize the director to eon tract for extra printing with private contractors. The whole" fight was up on the amendment. The intluence. of the public printer and the labor organ izations of tht country were employed against it, and after a lively debate .of several 1km rs it was overwhelmingly defeated. Tlie publication' of the re ports of the twelfth census, therefore, will be made by the public printer, as In the past, j; ftirmallv elected, todav. in the legislat ure, to 'Succeed himself in the senate. il THE SECOND TIME. , Frankfort. Ky., Jan. 16. The elec tion nfJ. C. S. Blackburn as senator was duplicated this alternoon. in -both houseSk jthis actiori being taken on ac count of the nuestion. amonc lawyers. as to whether the election last Tuesday was legal. The proceedings and the vote were practically the same as those on the (former ballot ; i ' ; SPANISH PRISONERS. j . Barcelona. Jan. 16. The Spanish trans-Atlantic steamer Leo XIII has arrived here from the ."Philippines with the forificr. Spanish prisoners find their lanwhes. The maiority of them are in a lamfentable plfght. . 5 . j BLOWN UP. MANY PENSION CLAJMS. Washington Jan. 18. A large num ber of claims for pensions arc being rer ceived by the i pension office as the re sult of -the. Spanish .war. At the batthf of San Juan there ' were 19 regulars killed. 1007 w'bunded and 55 missing. The claims for pensions from the- regit-' thirty-four volunteers' were killed, 177 wounded and forty-five missing. ! The claims for pensions from volunteers tuuuber 3558. One regiment lost none in killed, wounded or misswig. but has 418 claims for tensions pending. F YOU Wish TO HAVE A PLEASANT TRIP EAST, the North ern Pacif.c i he r,tad to '.take, as it has all the facilities-neecssaxy for the comfort of travellers. Passengers who wairt good value for tlieir ..money will take this road.' Old travellers go ia tjlie 'Northern-Pacific time after time, as they know-a good thing when they see it. Ihe company s aim is to contribute as faras Kssiblc to the comfort and convenience oi pasengers, and it is Miccessiul in accomplishing this turn. Eavh. 'train, tot the Iiist if vesiihulcd throughout and carrjes rullnun and tourist Sleepers, tliroiigli ditntig cars and first-class day coarhes. If jmi ae going East, sec TIkmu'is Watt tV Co,, agents', ZJ7 Oinj'jinereial street, 1' S.tleni, and reniem!er -oi! save money by bnv ing "'your tickets in Salem,' instead oi go ing to Portland to huy, ! SICKN I;SS . BOA RJ ). i' The Moninmitfslii.ro. from Hong Kong . lias jhe Smallpox.-, j Portland; Jan-. i8 -V dispatch from Victoria say : Trc steamship Mon moiithshire. bomxl from (long Kong to Portland, signalled 'Sickness abixird" this; afternoon j from Carnia'nali'. I'oitrt. on iVancouvrr) island.-' Jt is si)nos,cl the fMonuiQuitishire has buboni plague aboard. i , ' ; - i Victoria, Jam 18. The Kteamrr Mon mouthshire, of'DodwcIl t Company's liiic. arrived at William .' 1 lead O'raran titHt station "shortly., after midnight. A t'hniaman onj ard h.il the siii illpox. The news h."U i Moiwnouihdiire had the bubonic .plague' ahard gained circula tiofi throtigb thoiiisiutTpretatini. by" thei lifdithouse ketpcr. of - the hhip's n'glials. . j ;- ;," ..",..., A DECLINE. ' New York. Jan. 18, The American S'lgar Refining Company today nn 110'imced a reduction f five points on soft sugars Nos. : 2, and 7 to n inclus 1VF . ' i! '.' ' tC uii I WANTS A SEAT. s Chicago. Jan. i8.-Sir Thomas J. TLipion, owner of tho Amcriea's cup. challenger "Shamrock," has applied Tor niembershiu in tin- 'Chicago ImiaTd of lar army (BumJier JJ2. 'At tha"tbattlHirdci; T.fT' ' , I VAVJVAV.VAVAVAV.VA'- San Diego, Cab.c Jan. 16: A report j was brought to uns city tooay, oy a Mexican who arrived overhaul trom Ensenada, that the gasoline schooner Anita -liad blown up in Magdalcna bay, and that six persons, all on board, had perished. , She was in command of Captairt Funcke. With Chas. Anderson as mate, Wra. Forrest as engineer, and three sailors. : . . ' Lega Blanks, Statesman Job office. Per Cent Discount .V-V.V.V.V J SHOE SALE 'i J5.O0 I4.W $1.00 S3. 50 (3.00 J2.M J2.00 51.75 LC0 tl.25 J1.00 fiHOK B1IOK H013 SI 1 OK RHOK SHOK SHOW SHOE SHOK SHOK FOR vxnx von VOK POU FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR 14.00 3.r.o 3.2Q t2.80 12.43 $2.tl0 tx.ro 51.40 51.20 51.00 5 ihO ; LACY'S 94 State Street . .. m n . n ... nv tin . . , iTiiV TUESDAY'S Next regular Tuesday we will offer for sale IS dozen unlaundried W'hite Shirts 50c qualities, at EACH Now, don't lose your head and come Wednesday, for if you do yoi lose your shirt. When laundried they are equal to any. $1.00 values. . TUESDAY ONLY. -r- ; . W, B. COBStTS ARE on the list ami they sail -wejl un- ncr the breere ,we nave stirred 45 CENTS AND UP- 'We .lowered the price on all oin Umbrellas so that you would rajsc one. LACE CURTAINS. Still hammering away at those eixecp tiomd vaHies. This is the greatest lace curtain sale that ever happened I 88c ! EACH - . - i . " -'- 1 ' . And you get your change Loth ways -k , ..e .ii KJiiu 01 iiicim; : $1.50, $1.25 and $1,00 fancy ;lxs Eom shirLs for SSc i DOILIES. A very fine line of stamped doilies. 5 AND .15c VALUES FOR ...... JSC 40 AND 50c VALUES FOR. ..J. .21 75c VA LUES FO R. J . .40c $1.00 AND $1.50 VALUfc OU..'75 KEUCIIIKKS- lii ne lace lirder I M rkcrchiefa - 0c . 'XnA'A E.tra .miality. cinhroidcretl edge - - - 13c Pure lint 11 1 . stitched rinhroideret Sale price - - 22c REDUCED. Every suit in the house except .black clay worsted.1?, is on the list. KeductionsT Digger licre , thkn anywhere. GOWNS FOR m!:N WHO LIKE LONG ONES. We have them at great sale prices Outing Gowns, 45 c and up. New York and captain of volunteers in the war