Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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T?Tr.PfH?T HI? PTMCfiVhtt aggregate consideration being $13.
cxist or M AiNTAiMNo cosvict
JL Net laereaoeor U(bt CoiTirti Be
corded -Work en Highway ud
la tli llrlekyard.
'(From Dally, Jan. iCth.)
J. D. Lee, superintendent 3 of
the Oregon penitentiary, ! yesterday
filed his report for the quarter ending
uecember 31, iroo, with the secretary
ci-stale, Use report shows a net in
crease of eight prisoners for the quar
ter. - The total -cost of maintaining
' prko,n authorities, ad that the oper
ation in the brick yard hive received
some care; and attention. Following
1 it the statistical portion of the report:
l convicts at ciose ot cj':arter.3i4
No. convicts at-close of the last I
i"artcr.'. .. . . .. , . ; . . . . ..306
Increases dnrihjr qnaricr. ... ... j 8
Ileceivcd during rjuartcr (two cs-; j
. rapes returned) 40
DischarKcd during quarter.;... . ,3-4
Uied during quarter.
Sent to asylum... ........
- Kct tirncl from asylum
Daily average ............
. . . 2
... 2;
.. . I
. ..312.43
Hoard U. S. prisoners $ aoo 86
Omvict !-,t.r WrW. fiil
. Convict latKir f mute, school.
30 40
97 00
Convict labor .c .n public road
1 f rsc lalxr on puldic road. .
HorFc labor in brick yard....
.Convict lavor in brick yard..
4l -
5 25
37 4"
Total... .
..$-'822 oS
The total recciivts were:
Board U. S.. prisoners quarter
ending Sept. 30, ifVio. ...... .$.186 28
,TI. tli -. . .!.. I. .t- l
1 "
Salaries of officers ai; 1 cm
, ployes.. .. .. .. .. .,..$4460 00
General Expense Fund.
Afeat.. .... .. .. .. r.fMoS 17
l-loiir and Ked v. 993 07
drocrrifs, proviswins, - crock-
284' i4
Ify goods, cloth, blankets..
Ixather and findimrs.'.... ....
Inijr and medicines..
Stationery. ..postage,- etc. .. .."
Taints, jjs ylass. lime......
Furnit.me and bedding.......
I.Mld.KT. , .'.. .. .. ..
Hardware, iinplcinent and
repairs.'. . .-' .. .f ...
Live s.ock and rents of -lands.'
.Expense (.includiiig Hcwards
for escaes) ...... .... ... . .
2fj 50
e-, 0
45 56
15 05
V in
t7 50
ico CT
6 35 ;
Total.... .. .. .. ., ...$385-1 34
Rclit-f Irnnd. " ;
tuiiel Iischart;ed cnv.ct. . . 33 00
, RoKiics Gallery.
rliqto;raphing ronvitt 4900
I'bctric Lighting. '
Lights and laiMs.t. ..... , . ; . ,$ 557 95
- ruMic Road Fund. j
Gravtl. ti;nlcr', etc oS 6
Salary siHK'rviMjr ............ 84 00
Total.. $ ISJ (14.
Fire Protection Fund. , ;
Pump, receiver, pipe, etc. .. . .$ 27) 81
Total excrrliture .... ..$0407 74
The Registration of Voters Continues
at thef t ourt House, but There j
Is No Ruh. ; ,
The voters, continue to register "at
the court house, though the rush is
not , as great as . was expected, there
lcing but forty-five who were listed
-.yesterday. The number registered
since the books were opened had
reached 51 2 last evening, which scarce
ly is S er cent of the voters of Marion
-county, while fully 12 ier cent of i the
time for registration has passed. Those
registering yesterday- were: . !
l'rKks W. E, U'obson, Adolph
jiroJ. -. '-.. '
EnKlewootl W. M, Spnyd. N. ! P.
Williamson? A. WV Vcatcli, Albert S.
Wheeler, Jacob A. Mo.icr.
Macleaj- Amos M. Taylor. I '
Mt. Angel M. R. Scttlemier, ' l
Prospect W, J. R. Jones, John
Salem No. I Qaud A. Johnson, T,
J. S'llhvan. - ! -
Salem No. 2 Win. Nusler, George
IU Filers.
Sa'ent No. 3 David Frax
!., I
! -.
. it m
Brey man, Carroll L. Moore
- 1
niun. - - - - 1 :
Salem Nf. 4 N. D. Jones, J. C.
Brown, Wm. Buck. i
Itst Salem J. L. Bellinger, Vi II.
IImphrcy. I ;
North Salem II. E. Drake, R, R.
Ryan." James ; Winstanloy. 1
South Salem S. R, Burfortl. Wm.
yrmsttoftg. C. L. Weaver, W Badern
freind. Milton Btown. A. Dr Leach.
Sublimity W. S. Mitchell, Wj II.
Turner S. R. Wilcox. W. S.' La
Fore. lbcr J. Pearson, . :
Yew Park Robert Chambers, Al -W.
Dragcr, ' I- M. Crozer, Wm. Clark, I
. Harmon Snook, Martin, icsko, !
Property Salem in Marion-' County Are
Many (treat Activity in Kcal
Estate Circles.
rrotorty s enansrinir ltands at a
rapid rate in Marion county, and the
detnand for good farming lands at rea
sonable prices- is lncreasmg trout day
to day. Many eastern people are ap
pearing among the land hunters, and it
ir. likely that before the close ot this
year a boom in land values will be seen,
that will exceed anything ever exper
ienced in the state. TJie sales of prop
erty made recently," as evidence by the
tianiitirs placed upon the Marion coun- 1
y records yesterday, numbered eight, '
the institution was $040774, and the J' u ,iV At
earnings $22.08. The report also t w wd
shows that the Work on the public -Warren Wh-tVVmf TlV'f
Liehwav has L r,iH 1,1 rn V and , Harriet, E.
180s In addition to the deeds filed,
there were recorded six mortgages, on
real property,, aggregating an indebted-
j ness of $13,800: five satisfactions of real
estate mort Rages, for $7,000, -and two
chattel mortgages were recorded ag
gregating $415. Hie deeds filed were:
Harold Of sen. Pctrine Olsen and
II. M. Oisen to Theobald Kirsch
kinds in t 6 s t 1 w w d....$oooo
Jchn Olemsn and Louise Olcman
to Rofert L. Ilorrrbuckle, 80
' arces in t 0 ' t 1 w w d '...J. 1200
J. If. FcicVe and Mary .Fricke to , :
iitmci, 41 acres in x o
s r I W W d.. ..' T2?0
Marjrareita Koneke to Thomas
Koneke, -interest in an- estate.
I . , I00O
Herman Koneke to Thos. Koncke,
mterest in -an estate, q c ......
acres in t 8 s raw w
I. I., aiid .f. E. Patterson and A.
: N. and E. : Gilbert to Salem
, RuiMinjr and Loan Association.
j. ; Jot No. 8. bfock No s, in Geo. II.
.Jones addition to Salem, q c d
, 1 . . .
l Club and a- Hospital Incorporated
by .Citizens of Th3t (Town ,
' Other! Articles Filed. ,
V-'Vr- f L -: l . :-
Articles of incorporation were filed
in the state department .yesterday, in
.thc C3Ses ,' four companies, as fol-
The Sampler Club nroDoses to es-
I Sampler :, for the benefit of its mem.
.i:iu lur me inrproyemcnt 01 tne
citizens of Sompter in general. The
organization t has property valued at
$jeco., The' officers of the club are:
W. Ii. Vinson, president: C. If.
Thompson, vicc-presidettt ; V, C. Cal
mer, "secretary; Av P. Goss. treasurer;
Cha"- S. Warren, Sam R. Stott, C
sick and injured of all races and de
nominations. The value of 'the oroo-
erty owned is placed it $2oo. The
hospital will be located at inmpter.
l naKer county. j..: j puns, president;
I 1 vjoss, treasurer ri' cnas: ii. Kob-
mi. secretary; . v. l'.uis, w. V. ai-
ler. J. H. Robbins, Jj 1. Penbell. N.
Richards. Atitite A. Warren, M. I
Richards. Mary Murphy. Ada A.
1 fwfc- and Josephine G. Warren, are
I the members of the Iwiard of. ilirectors.
f 11,. r ( - 1 t ::..t. . i,
I ,rc .dtii4iiu'. A.j;tir oc x ower
will operate llitthf and power
piaiiis 111 1;
LaGcandc and other towns I
in Fitstcrn Oregon. The corporation
., ri-i. . I
is caiJrta!izel lor ?io.Ofxj,- divided into
shares of the value of! $106 each. Jos.
rainier, J r. Menzier and J. K- Ro-
mijr are the incorxraftors.
The IJluo Mountain Tellurium Co.
win enajre in the irtevelopment ol
niinlntr and operate mining machinery
of all . kinds. The principal office will
le located in i'ortlaml. The capital
is fixed .'at $i,orxj.ofio, divided into
diares of the value ofj$i each. IT. C.
liowers. A, D. Cliaihon, and James
A. Cloc4c are the incorporators. , .r
Your dog seems to follow vou with- I
out orders." j I
"Yes, he wouldn't (lake any orders j
irotn me. Jlc s Ijcch m the fUmiJy lonir I
1 to know the real Loss." I
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
la rather a common dlaeate arid It net with
asnongat youff worneo. I M fanned from an
tmj.ovuilhed condition of tit bUxd. lln a
blood diaease Cbloroa!t
elan be. cored by
II V lYA. th.e sreat
Tfrpetab'o remedy for
tli blood aud nerves.
tll'DYAV will e.
riloh the blond and ttl va
H back Ira fcralthr. Ml
folor. Tbe blond being
f tn a poor condition,
"none of the organs ol
. ,-fhe body ere proterSy
ifcoBrlibed. Ul'l.
VAX will eauaa the
. blood to becorat pare.
tit: YAW win restore! the orsani tuaheaUbyt
oodltlou. HirilVAX wtU brinf back thai
fcUmm to tbe eheeks and eauce tbe rrecB ting
to dLar.pear. If yoa baVe tbe aymptoma. take
UlUYAX ow, and taey wfll learyoo. v
nif nniiiAmii amintiiiin inf .;M"
"t minUlrAL 5IIVlflUm5 AKt:i
....... -j . ! IW
f IU niakt the blood vura and aatrlUoosa&d
tbe beadaehe will disappear.
COMWXXIOX 1ICUVA3T wUl aaaks the
omplexloa red and rosy.
to tbe wattry condition et the blood, and will
diaappear hcrtly after the nasot JU t'UYAX
la Commcuced. !-''',.''-
THE HEART. II CI VAX wilt trencthea
tbe heart aad make the seats full, stroof aa
UtOVAS Is tbe remedy that yea want.
Tbe color wilt return to your eheeka Teat
headache will diaappear aad yea wilt no longer ,
appear weak and mtaerable. IICIIVAX will;
restore tbe function of nature. Bemember
that Ill'DYAV Is for Saea aad women. - Ge
to your drajrrlrt and f?t 1IUIJYAX and
follow tbe dlreetlons as clrea la tbe circular.
1IC D YAM Is aotd at W eeBU"ter paekaza,
t ft packages for $2.80. If year dranlat does
not keep It, send dlrce to the lll'DVAX
AEUEOT COMP.WT. San rrancUco,
CaL Kemeaber that yea eaa eooault the
see the doctors. Ton may call aad see them er
write, as yen desire. Addrea
Hudyan Remedy Company
Career Stoctton, UoHttt and Ellis Stntsti,
1 i;uic i v.ura v. a. aiover;
Itlcculiocll. Chas. 11. Marsh, and N. rr rC .o"l gctner. tie tackled it. and. when the I r;.; .
C. Richards, members of the board of dhr vrr Z ua" Zl Py. -thought it was about rpadyi. and The report of th
criWs- . ' . - . . ... one black star. This order n mU
si. .Mary s universal! jiospital, will ter f- uniform .dmrnc t" PHWWto " "aa ,CT5 a caunic ot jcne.30. wiucn nas
be maintained for the -i treatment oil I 1 '"Vi' J I iron out of a. Vital Dart of it-he h d I lie. shows that an
) "T
- WITT. Wl? A T QW A T?Q
Term of SorTiee to Be Indicated by
Stars-Local ynartet of Post-
mcu and Terms of Sf rvlee. . .
Thr tiPYt m."fnrm oi the Salem mail
carrier will he ornamented with stars
instead of old service stripes wirch pre-
i-aii-Mt nnHn trvi-m ntiitnc - a
I rerent order of h rlpoartmenf hi Wen
receiver! at the va nflice annoiMi.-inor
iJli fhanffM in A tnrir'i ti nn chnurinnr ti
die changes in decorations showing the
length -oi service of the employes. Un- j
der" tin's rulirrg. the ornamentation is to
be as follows:
; Those w!w have, served five years, one
black i!k star; ten years, two black
stars: fifteen vfjrs, nnc rpH !L- ttar-
y J - UlttVIV
twenty years, two red stars; twenty-five
years, one silve star; thirty years, two
Cl'lvW C. n TC - 1 ft r vrAire svj-J!f
. - - . .
4- wv v-o0 o.
t j acviu ?itit 3. . ns
star, each substitute will -wear a blarlc
clofch bar a riuartrfcf nn ft-li niA ,i
one and a half inches long on each
sleeve. The stars are aJso to be attach-
ed to the sleeves-
This change will not be intfrvdnd
:ortii y until the carriers order new' suit.
"'a- "c X"'s
nt;nn ... : 1 .
i vi tscm nine, uic UKU-
eSged JnVhherter rJrf hT1
bcStvfo aboufe h3VC
Hache veer
x irr Th "ri j
employment in the caoacitv of carrier
:2'X: .V
rvi Uni "I"
a -distinctive badge between regular ' Oregon statesman s New : ear s
and substitute letter carriers when the dlt1?n j1.". reacus. Tt is .a raagnt
former have not received their fir;t "C" edition of that enterprising paper
(f.r. in,, ir-Tttwa wilhn'g to undertake the ..job-, un-
A- , t . ...
ssis.'ed by Ministers of the
- 'v .1 1 jjh di kjii Aimv. I
Salem Churches.
tnes local Salvation Armv rnm U
competing a camp meeting in the
army hall this week, and most inters
- j -m- , - a
""W- -tVt ts arc .winS ne,a- vtwi
t: " lAi" " - Zull r "IT7' ,
4. 1 W iLirl fT. rf"k t 1A va.na-I-- n f. I I
IT " f:. ' " vua,v Wi l,,c ocat 1
lr.":. t
"At. .the Salvation Army hall thc;he Jecd loard o the old .nress. which
-niu.i-r tamp meeiinpr is in lull I
--..;. .m large crowas attena tnel'nirfr. in could-.not read, lie i could
services. Already several converts I only , count tip to ten. But he j knew
nave; ueen mane, and
and it is expected
Brigadier Marshall,
that; ly the time
of J'ortlaml, arrives
5 in town lor nis
..i. , iHniiuanimcni 01 ine i
mil many new workers will he
"Toniht Rev. W. C. Kantner, of the
Congregational church, will preach a
blood and fire' sefmon and a lartre
crowd is expected to hear him. Sev
eral oilier ministers will take part his
"Cantain Ilenrv Tames. ' Kriorht
younK man of the Corvallis corns, will
arrive in town tomorrow morninc and
take part in' the. meetings for the rest
of the week. The cantain is a vcrv
ood singer and musician and1 no
doubt; wil prove quite a help to the
local corps. ;
"Every one interested in the soul
saving work 13 invited to attend! thc
meetings, and give a helping hand."
Dallas Observer: . ' i
The Saletrf Statesman's beautiful New
Year numler is on our desk. This issue
of Oregon's oldest daily is by far the
finest ; it has ever .printed, and there is
not a dull page in it from cover to cov
er. The paper is convenient to handle,
being printed in alburn "form, and ?con
tains about sixty pages of Reading, mat
ter descriptive of. Marion and adjoining
couitfies, illustrated throujrhout Jwiih
superb half-tone pictures. Amo?ig other
interesting features ot "the annual are
photographs of the various state in
stitutions? state officers and Western
Oregon scenery. Two pages are de
voted to a write-up of Dallas, with cuts
of Polk county's -new courthouse La
Creole Academy, and a number of our
handsome residences. The Statesman,
always an enterprising paper, is how
equipped with new machinery, and is
always an enterprising paper, is now
prepared to greatly extend its sphere
of usefulness. .1
'if - - - ; ...
Dallas Itemizer: f
A new press just received from the
east is berncr installed bv: the Slm
Statesman and will give that paper Jar
greater facilities than ever before- Their
plant has been otherwise materially im
proved. A semi-Hweeklf
place of the; Weekty Statesman, wthich
has been issued tor so many year.
Cottage Grove Nugget, '1 "
The Salem Statesman ever -alive to
the necessity of putting forth great ef
forts for Salem and snrroimding eonn-
irvts ont witn a oeautvtul designed New
Year edition, containing much info'-m-atiorg
of benefit to the seekers of h
in,tln saite. ' It is a creat improvement
over their last year's edition ffnd -in
matter of style is the .equal of the Orc
gonian. m -
? - -'' : ...
MrM innville Telephone-Reeister:
Tlie New Year issn of Dr.n
Statesman is superb. .. It contains a
great variety of half-tone illiictrIon.
whkh eonvev to the mini s Iwiim- .u
I of the advantages and fesouf-es of our
iite than -:ntK:h iwri Wen Ulnt'.nn I
The distribution cf edition i'like this
cue will havi; the desired effect in at
tracting settlers to Oregon.
Sjlv-rtAn Apoeal:
We hive received ihe kn;f..n :i
lustrated annual number of the Daily
Oregon Statesman. The edition is
on fine book paper, with Inum
erous: half-tone illustrations, devoted to
state and county institifl ions. Marion
(county and the state. The iwork is a
worthy oroduct of enterorise and a cre
dit to the Statesman. It should blf
widely circulated in the East.;, Send to,
ihe Statesman. and ret a coov. vou twill
be pleased with it. - ' . I ;
' v rnt - . ; . .
I The New Year's issue of the Salem
Statesman s one of; the best ptfblica-
tions-.ever issued by thecaoital city
I leading journal. Numerous cuts add
"Merest tothe issue, while the matter in
j the same ts of especial interest to the
1 peotHe of 'Marion and Polk- counties.
J It IS 4 good number to send east tq you
I irivTKj contemplating a visit s CO tnis
I State.; ' ' '
The Dalles -Tnes-ifountaJneer: 1
The New Year edition f the Salem
Statesman, which ha just been ncceiv-
ea. is a spienuwi putmcauon; It is
I printea on Heavy toocrX paper, .and con.
m - . . 4
1 . - 1 J : t XL
iun: iiiikc niKitjn 111 jnic iiiiu mira
tions, of Marion county scenery.
AIEoeene Reciste:
1 -
-reflects -great cre;iit on the pub-
'isliets.. It is replete? with handsome
"tions tnd. pymys the ws?
.a.nd development of the capital: aty.
j As an advertisement o uregon it is ot
I reat vaiu.e cPif? snowa una tnr
J ".'
n u. nrlii. o
n.eynoias. agem 01 vveus, rareo vo
"pnT into 'the
State office, . V A. Bush f
Printers, the office; so jwasl FVed
"I scsiiwatKa. atterwards tne Arctic explor-
?r- A Washington hand press had been
I .."' J
An Adams press was shipped
Uk. TI m li 1
orn." ' When it .arrived.
Sam the only mechanic Jiere. who
chunk werffhinsr about a. thomsaTid
pounds. To they had to Dirt tm tihr o?H
Washinfrton handsnres-s aain andi work
on me etmion. iaie new press was a
poiwer press turned wtUi a crank
" 1 -v, . na luiiujiicu uy 101:1
md Schwatka and Wait. - .-.n1
hnr Jho nniL'or tm-tc f ; .l 1 l t .
w - ' . - . r 1
oofc turns at "feeding" and opei-ating
.riv. a;a 1 - l .
went "wb all good nijrgcrs ro,!'" was
for .many years the motive power; for
larvr . A a a mm t w - t m . l A re n cvm rm rm
- Mie -Maesman office. lie continued nni
. t . U) . a - I
awou!; '.r en the. present enKine I
was pur.- in ; p.ut tor several yrs on-1
'.a III O dCrt liie Afinera. nnH elont n
is now mi he " Keview ' oflice at Rose
j' - hat ten tens madeja hundred and so I
j got aloncr veryi IwelL There have I
crn a troon m.mv riKMimc ,n ... I
.-"anitai equipment ot the statesman
avail-;ouice. t , . r
A remedy for fasal Catarrh which
is drving and exciting to thei diseased
membrane should not lw used. What
needed is that which is eleansing.
soothing, protecting and healiingj Such
a remedy is F.ly's Cream Balni.j Price
'o cents at druggists or it will be
mailed by IUy Brothers, srt Warren
-treeU New York. Thc Balm ! when
nlaced into tiie nostrils, spreads over
:ne 'memurane and -'is .absorbed. A
cold m the head vanishes quickly.
U. 11 j
RAD W'RECK; At 5:45 p. m., on
Sunday, two extra , Southern Pacific
freight ' trains, one drawn by; two en
gines, met in a head end collision in
tunnel No. 3, near Westport. in South-
a.. .. .
.'rn jregon, ann'tne result was a, sen
?ws wreck. The
ahled. one or two freight cars1 badly I
smashed, and the road blockaded for I
-ibout twelve hours. R. L. "BUrke. a
"brakeman, had one knee badly injured,
ne reing tne only man suflerimp; a
physical injury in the wreck. I i The
track was cleared at 4:30 o'clock yes
terday morning, and the overland train
from the south, due . in thU f!iv a I
6:40 a. m. yesterday,- did not 1 'reach I
here until 3:35 jr.--m.- A train was I
maoe up at KoseDurg, howevef,. con- I
a. 0 a.--'" a - .1
srstmg ot a Daggage car and a jcouple
of coaches, and it ran over the road on
the time of the regulari overland, thus
attending to the. local passenger busi
ness. 1 . . , !:
NIQHT. . , .
And each day and night this week you
can get at any druggist' Kemp's Bal
sam for thft throat and lungs, acknowl
edged to be the most successful rerne
4y ever sold for Coughs. Croup j Bron
chitis, Asthma and- Consumption. Get
a bottle today and keep It always In the
Douse, so you can check your Cold at
once. Price 25c and Uc. Sample bottle
free. :
side is a boy who has spent (several
years at the state reform school. lie
came there a small . boy. After? three
or fouryears he was paroled. He vio
lated his parole, and for some reason
was .returned. ' Some months ago he
ran away, but came back to thej school
of, his own accord, 'having been in
duced to do so by his mother, who re
sides in one of Portland's suburb.
He ran away again one day last week,
but was caught and put in the room
that passes for a "dungeon" at the
school. ' On Sunday evening; ; while
the employes were at supper, he tore
oft the boards and .made -his j escape.
He walked all the way to Aurora,
where he was captured yesterday by
City Marshal George Fry. G. J. Stahl
the family manager at the institution,
went clown yesterday and brought
Harry back on the evening train. The
boy is now about IS vear old. ' IT.
has never been a very bad boy; jbut full
cf pranks. He will probably, make up
his mind that it pays best for him tp
behave himself. s -.'-! '
. : . I
-Mrs. R.'J. Hendricks was in Aurora
yesterday, attending the funeral of
Grandmother Krauj. ' i
'And Worn-out VWorrifd Mothers Find
Comfort in CUTICUI,
him to the doctor, who pronounced it poison and garo us some medicina
1 . BttMr
to suffering mankind to write and tell you of this almost wonderful corel
W. W. & J.' B. MYERS, Box 90, Mtinroo fjity, Ind.
j- - 1 ' .,: '- ".--. - 1 " - - j -
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor.
1 .9 imuv1heo (joricna
'Will' JIT jm a Am - a c7ihuk ort w uiwo
IllH Sri Ski iHf n hnmlliatln akin,
I III. Ui 1 1 4l.a eiM fail. 1'ottbb
How to Cure Baby Zfomora," free. :
e operations of the
for the year, ending
just been made pub
tIKirnvitis nniniirtf of
I mail matter iroes 3fnv anH lmf thnJ.
I sands of letters are rpfiirn.l tn. csmli
ers through thislmporfant branch of the !
I pestomee denartment. The tot.nl num-
I her of pieces of mail matter received at
I vo.- J : . i. - n .
vun-c uiiuiiK-iin; year was U.OSS.W1.
an Increa of arl o
- - "- j vtut v s
last year. Of this lot 4.oo?.7oo were un-i 1
claimed letters. There were 448,5oo.un-i
ciaimea letters returned from foreign
countries without scard addresses that
is. wicn notninc on the envelooe to in-
tlicate the address of the sender. In thc
--a - ' ' " " "
"iieia tor postaKe" class there were 28.-
93 . parcels, 108,504 letters bearing do
mestic addresses and 8135 for foreign
countries. f
lie , wnnout nuuress letter k nni
01 tne remarkable classes in the rCDort
In thlS it is shown 1lal llfitJ lolterc
wcte mailed unaddressed, 25,4" parcels1
w cfe deposited in the mail wkh blank
nTjnncrc and mn ...... ...1,1......
addresses containing money were found. I
i hrottsfa the agency of the dead letter
ofiicei there were delivered to nanrr :
unopened, 7Sb,oit letters and marcels
Letters with money inelosures to the
numler ot 4..oS were oocned in ihr
deatl letter office and contairsed $37.87 -
20, anu tlie 33.97 with drait. note and
check inelosures represented a lace val
ue of $i.i3o,iRi.oX.
Ihe department destroyed "1.775.011
pieces of marl matter, including Ictfers
without inelosures or sufficient indica
tion ot the writer:, circulars, oanmhlet
and parcels containing oerishaide mat
ter. trims, etc., an increase of a httle
moreitha! 2? ner cent, over Ins v,.?r
lliere were 580.366 letters returned to
foreign countries.
ih ofhee derived a revenue from
dead matter which amounted to more
than $13,000 last yean From dead let
ters that could not be restored to own-
ers $IOIOi7l was received, and $3,015.12
was -realized from the auction sale of
parcels of merchandise whiclv could
not bk returned to owners. The de- I
:iion saie ni 1
oartmcnt alsq received $2,645.65 in post- I
age stamps. In the course of the year
16,693 magazines, pamphlets, illustrated
papers and picture cards which could
t be restored to owners tvere iriven
to. lhe various hospitals, asylums and
0t"er cliantable institutions in the Dis-
dence of J. J. Miles, 3'A miles north
west of Turner, Oregon. Friday, Jan
uary 12, 1000, Miss. Sadie Kokanotir.
of Clay -Centre, Kansas, to A. II.
C;hase. of Last Salem. Rev. B. F,
Hinshaw officiatine.
The WeddinCT was a ntliet affair onlv
the immediate relatives and a few In
timate friends of the hifrh eontraetinff .
parties oeiug present. The happy
couple will go to housekeeping on the I
farm; of the groom east of this city.
'- -.'" ;rm:p. .: : '..,.; .
KRAUS. At Aurora, Oregon, Satur
day. January 13, igbo, Mrs. Elizabeth
K raus. aired 01 years and 1 monthe
Deceased was 4orn in Baden. Ger-
her family settled in Alleghany county,
Pennsylvania. Here slie was united in
marriage to Michael Kraus, fn 1820. and !
ine resuii 01 tne union were, six daugh
ters and three sons. . In 1865 she came
to Anrora. where she has since resided.
Her husband and three of her daughters
havcJ preceded her to the grave; one of
her, daughters resides in. Shelby county.
Missouri, and the rest of the children
are residents of Aur6ra, and with whom
slie lived during her declining years.
The funeral -was held at Aurora Jester
day, ;and a large concourse of friends
followed the remains to their last rest
ing place.,
-. Grandmother Kraus ha s'for years
been the favorite of her grandchildren
at Aurora and every one there was a
grandchild to - her. whether bearing
blood relationdiio to her or not. She
was ever a- kindly soul, solicitous for
the welfare ami harminess of all.
Though she had grown too aced forlIIa had aome 25 Tears experience la
active participation in the life of the I the practice of medicine and now
rommumtv. she will be sadly missed tnakfra no charge for consultation, t
by her relatives and friends. animation or prescription.
which did no good. Ilia head got so bad
he would cry a,Il night, and my wife could
sleep none, .and began to look ghostly.
HI head got ad tore that wo pat a night :
Cap on him, and folded a wliito cloth; tout '
thicknesses Inside of it, and just through
the night a kind of matter would ooze out .
" from his head, soaked through the cloth
and' cap andon to the pillow. The top
and back of his head was almost a solid
Bore, and looked so badly that words would
not describe It. Almost in despair I told
toy wife I had seen Cxmcv&x Bexkdics
adrertised and recommended Tery highly
and I was going to try them, I bought -the
Cuticura Kasot.TB3rT, Cfencmu.
Soap, and CcmcnaA Ointment. We gave
him half of the Resolvent, nac4 part of
' the cake of Boap, and before we .had used
the second box of CcnccRjtOintment he.
commenced to get better, and Is now las ,
well and hearty as anybody's bay. lie Is
as merry as a lark, sleeps soundly all night,
and his hair looks glossy, thick; and sotu
while my wife looks like a different woman,
I look at him. and think"! owe it to you and
ooAr iioc.i. k gidun ui ikiii or ernau rn.net
ernle and often tb thickened cuticle; Cuticura Oihtmkkt (40c),
to instantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and Irritation, ati4 aouthn aud
heal; and CtrrirnaA Kot.THT (50c.), 10 cool and cleao the blood.
A . . .3 1 Al 1 . . I . . . . .. .
vuiucivDb io can) inemwt iomnD;. aiiluninDil.
ealp.aod blood bumora, with kMuf hair, whuq
Usdo ad C'Jitv. COEf., Hole I5rops IkwUn.
The local market qotatJons yesteri
lay were a fpUowii .
Wheat 40 cent at ithe Salem Flour
ing. Mills Co's oRlce.
Oats 2628 cents (bnying). :
Hay Cheat,: buyingi 3; timothy, J9.
Flour-SSIK) cents per sack. ;,
Mill feed Bran, J14;f ahorts. IIS.
(Buttei iril$ cents buying.
Eggs 15(16 cents. Jcash.
Poiiltrv liens, 7(i 8 cts, per pounds
Pork Fat 4 cts. grdss..5 cts." net.
Beef-trteers, - 3Vij3Vi cts.; cows.
ZtfVxt8.; good helfei-, 3Vi cts.
'. Mutton sheep 3V4 cts. on foot." ',
Veal CffJ6!4 cents, dressed.
Potatoes 25-30 cents. -.-
Apples 6o(g8o cents. T
Tw?ce-a-week Slatciman. $r a year.
ows oIfo aome yearling and 2-year-
cIJs. for which the! hlerhest market
price will e paid- Tbomas-Watt.
Co., Salem. j 8-27-tf.
1. j " , 1 1
KlIi'ENCB-POST, chatetl with
- - - i
..Carbolineum jAvenarlus.
Will ont wear Ce,lar li In nlso a ILa.lieal
Itemeily Afralnst 'h token lce '
lt npi.Iiratii.il to the lute wall.t of .poul
try hoiiBi-a will pfrmancnily ex- -tfrmtnatt.'
nil lICK.
Ilftiilta: Ilcaithy Chldk'i-tiJi nenty rgs?.
Write for circular anil triees aud men
tion this pener.
U. M. WAll-ij& X.. Anta.
' - ' - SAU3M, OltKOOX.
: ; . .
500 Men Wanted !
T cu,l. rauroaa wwd at Wolf Creek,
Josephine county, Oregon. Price $1.25
. . i
Per cord. ,Wood received and paid for
in cash jnonthly. Cair faTc refunded to
persons7 cutting 100 cords, or money.
advanced for same il security is furn
ished. Call on or w'i-ite
J. T. TUFFS, Superintendent, .
Creek, Oregon.
From G to $25 per acre
These lands are IM Ifrtnn
0eon, and are offered on easy terms
of payment.1 They iwere taken inuler
foretclositre bv .nort-resulntc lin.-e
fc .offered for less jthan similar farms
neiu uy resident owrters. For full par
ticulars and descrintion nil .n nr
address .Macmaseri A- Ttimll nr
Worcester block, Portland, Oregon, or
S. C. STONE, n. D.
. ' .... .
"Proprietor of --. . .'..-'
's Drug Stores
Tha storea, (two In number) are lo
cated at No 225 and 232 Commercial
street, and are well stocked with a
complete line of drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, perfumery, brushes,
etc etc- etc, I