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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1900)
iOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCOOO O .ISSUED IN.. 5EMI-WEEKLY SECTIONS o o X ..EACH.. & TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. o o Sooocoocooooooooooocco SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUAHV 1G, 1900 'Finer section Era iit vag es W. J.JITAM Cvplains Ills Views of the Policy , ef Expansion f i I fiUPINOSCAN GOVERN THEMSELVES t The Republic Can Not Admit Them aa CUSzena and May Not Have Subjects i -A I'rotectorate Sngxeatcd. . KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 13 W. 1. Bryan passed through Kansas" City This morning J for Columbia. Mo. Ask ed alut hi interview in which he was reported as expressing: views faorable t. expansion j Bryaiy'said: "I have net seen the i interview 1 as sent out by the Associated Press. I saw it as it) appeared , in one - of the Minneapolis papers? and it contains sonic things I: did not say. I have for one year; been- discussing imperialism, and I hate tried to distinguish between such an "extension of the nation's limits as would; not change the character of the government, and an expansion wlvich converts a homogeneous repub lic into a heterogeneous empire. When annexation oj any given 'ter ritory is under consideration the ques tion is. firstj whether the people are capable of sharing in the government and detiny of the notion. I believe that all people are canable of governing 'themselves. aid that the Filipinos shou'd be allowed to Koversvthemsiclves, lut I do not think they are snfhciently ad vanced to shafc with u he gtivtrri mrtvt of the n"ion. If the Philippine islands are annexed the people," th":TR must -either be citizens or suijects. 1 am not willing to a!niit them as citi zens, am I tjo not see that the repub lic can h:ive subjects, (therefore I want this nation fjive them independence, anl ttten protect them frojn outside in terference." . L- -1' AN AMERICAN CLAIM. New York.' Jan. 15. A special to the Ilerakl (from Washington says: A caldegram rcteived by the tate depart ment oonnrnis the annminceiment of the satisfactrv ;settlrment of the dispute lietwren f France and Sanio tKwningo relative? to claims pending against the latter government. Minister Powell, upon his arrival in Santtl IXsmingo, will formally reconize he Jimenes gov ernment, ond at the same time present the donvand f this government for pay ment of the installments remaining due . 1. . -.t tU. tfrsf the Ozama hrjdge claim. The Ifenrcatix administration paid one-half of thj caini, and the" amount ! stiU due is ?.o.ono. J 1 I -4 DAMAGED IS FEARED. Now York. Jan. ijj, For the last week heavy seas have been, mlling in from the ocean . along the',- shores of. KtKrkaway 1each and ; Jamaica Ijay. Ireat -inroads have lecn made into the ibeach at Arverne and Edsemcre. A wile channel has been cut into the beach, oicm"ng up theold inlet at Edge tncre. , At this place the water has at (most reached the raUroad tracks, .and it is fearcj the ig summer liotel may be lama$rel. ' At Arverne the seas are en croa'ching upon the fcoard iwalk. and at Seaside foundations.. c4 la big Boils Give Warning. Bolls and pimple aro an indication tliat the system is accumulating im purities which mast be eliminated ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance a warning "that can not safely be Ignored. To neglect to purify the blood at this time means more than the annoyance ef painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to re wain, the system f succumbs to any ordinary .illness, and is unable to with stand the many ailments which are so prevalent during spring and summer. VAf . - - lap, of the A. 0. 8. B.B., Chattanooga, Term., writes: "Several bolls sad ear band r broke oat pon me, eatuiag irrat pain and annoranee. fay blood aeemed to b la a riotous condition, and nothing I took did n good. Six bottle of 8. S. 8. cared meeotn .i.tolv and mr Dlood tas Uea pcrfeetly pure erersiae.?--. Swift's Specific is the best blood remedy, because it is purely vegetable nd is the only one that is free from potash and mercury. It promptly puri fies the blood and thoroughly Cleanse the system, builds up the general health and strength. . : S.S.S&Bldod cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheu matism, Tetter, Boils, Sores, etc, by going direct to the cause of tho trouble and forcing out all impure blood. . Books mailed free to any address by Swift Speciflo Co., Atlanta, Ga. dancing pavilion are so undermined that the building threatens to collapse. WANT MORE TOWER. J- Interstate Commerce Commission Ap ,1 peals to Congress. , Washington, Jan. 15. The interstate commerce comm is sion tolay male pub lict its thirteenth annual report. The feature of the report is a strong plea made, that congress uphold the hands of the commission by amendments mak ing the interstate commerce law more effective. . ' . The existing conditions and develop ments of, the past year reader more imperative' than ever before the ncces sityforffepdy and suitable legislation. Nine-terttftof the peoole - know that any railroad company can charge lor its iservtce whatever Jt pleases, without any; real power in this comimission or anyj other tribunal or court to limit the amount of such charge, and : they are substantially of one mind in desiring hai tlm and other defects in the stat ute by prompty remedied. During the year 1809 there were ioq emjovees killed, and- 5,330 injured, up on (eighty-nine roods, against 200 killed and! 5.484 injured in 1808. ; - ANSWER TO DEWEY. Admiral's Clarm for; Prize Money Is ! in the Courts. s Washington, , Jan. 15. Attorney General Grjg-gs Ivas filed an ; answer in the! supreme court of t)he district of ColumJia, in the proceedings for prize monevi for the captures at -Manila bay by Admiral Dewey. The attorney gen eral asks taiat ,the case be rcferreil to a commission, and that ; Admiral Dewey, his officers and crew, and also the Umt ed'lStates -may ' iia've leave to take this money. The attorney generat concedes that a state of war existed, but denies that the squadron under Dewey's com mand captured the Spanish cruis ers! Isla de Cuba. Isla tic Luz on and JJon Jan Ie Austria. These vessels. dsej says. were srtnk durincr the enjiaiirement. lie. savs. although the captures vf property were made, such capture does not authorize its icondemnatikm as" a prize to Dewey and his men. I The attorney- trerieral lia filwl a similar answer! in the case , of Admiral Sampson and the destruction of Cervera's fleet. 1 : ' i ? A HOLD-UP. "'! Tort land. Jan. 1?. Three men met John Hughes, oiler at the terminal company yards, this evening about 8 o'clock,- when on is way home in A1 bjna ami ordered him; to hold up his hands. '; Hughes refused and com menced to shoot. Two l the men took to their heels and Hughes cap tured the third man, wh proved to be J. B. Tarr, ai teamster. He claims that he was not in company of the highwaymen, j but happend to be passr ing j that way. " ' Hughes j thinks he wounded one highwayman. PLEA FOR PEACE. New York, Jan . 1 5. A dispatch to the World from London says: A cir cular appealing for peace and plcdgi ing for the Boersj signed by 4 clergy men of all denominations in the Ncthr erlands, has just been delivered to the ministers of i all Christian churches in rGreat Britain. It closedi "We be- ci.ii lir-thren to use 'VOUf influ- fience! that all such in England as on Christian principles disapprove, mis Iwar jmay try whatever lawfully may be done for its speedy cessation. I ; :: i - , ....... -. , .- i I .: ' FOR ALASKA. I Washington, , Jan. 15. The senate 'jcommittee on territories today constd ieredia bilLcreating three judicial di ricts for Alaska and or a revision of jthe fiaws of the United States applying to he territory. A number of , Alaska tnen were present, and made sugges tionis wtiich they ' desired , to be incor porated in the law. They were asked it there was any sentiment in lavor of dividing the territory at. Mount St. EUai making the southeaern-portion the territory of Seward. The rery.was that the people believed sttch a division would be nereJsasr at some future time. The judicial bill fc-a-s referred to a sub committee, e I , MAY NOT COME. North Yakima. Wash., Jan. I.5---J-D.' Medill. of this city, is in receipt of a letter from ! William J. Bryan; who says it is not now certain whether he can visit this state in 1 February as he had intended. . ' T FROM LUZON. : San Francisco. Jan. IS.--T.r United States transports. : the Olympiaand Pennsylvania, arrived here today from Manila- On board the Olympia was Colonel Viele. of the; Fourth cavalry, ho U to be retired as a brigadier- general. - :j. .; 'i ; . r I S'rj.., CLAIM FOR SALVAGE. J-Li. t e .Tli Piiet , Sound Tugboat Company toilay filed a claim for salvage aamsi 1.1c tirancn in c . v - - company asks $30,000 for services ren dered! in towing the Elm-Branch into port, after the latter vessel broke her ',. -rr r" Fin ft err. propciicr, uu "- , v - mTtrvf rw-Tft j from . ... t. t .1 .TT-erett to Hie IliUSDoro orouKiii. - ,, asylum last night. She is 21 years old. AM STRIfl Pettlgrew and Wolcott on the Philippines - ' SOUTH DAKOTA SENATOR SCORED He Is Charge 4 with Uarinc No Kd or Frieoclty H ortl for Any rr-i on i or Cauaa. WASHINGTON, Jan 15. A spirt ed .debate on- the Philippine question occupied die attention ol tlve senate fr nearly three hours today. Berry.1 dem ocrat, of Arkansas, first addressed the senate in support of the resolution re cently introduced 1sy Bacon detiKcra4. of Georgia, regarding the disposition, of the Philippines. ; He was iollowed by Pettigrew, silver republican, of Sotttli Dakota, in support of his resolution of inquiry. Pettigrew -was very bitter in his attack upon the administration. ! Wolcott, reptAlkran of Colorado, re plied to" Petti grew; scathingly arraign ing the -South Dakota senator for the attitude he had assumed on thei Philip pine question. - j He declared hat if Aguinaldo himself occupied the seat in the senate occupied by Pettigrew. repre senting the people of South Dakota who had sent their sons as soldiers, to the Philippines, lie would be too patriotic, too devoted to the interests of -the coun try, to assume the attitude assjumsed w the present South Dakota senator, f Wolcott referred also to tlW speech recently delivered by lieverklge, repub lican, of Indiana, sharply criticizing it for the spirit of greed whicli seemed to animate the senator in tanakin-g such a deliverance. . ' ;' j . Pettigrew said that, if his program could be carried lout, it would bei first, to witlnlw ouritnoops; second. ;to low t'he Filipinos to fet m an inde pendent government, and third. " he would sav ""hands off; is neutral territory." :- - . 1 . ; - "You would -not do that witlout "the consent of . Filipinos?" impaired Spoon er. ' : ' . ' : J "I would not, replied tiie South Dakota senator. "To hold the Filipinos without their consent. Je said, '"srae the lie to every Fourth of July ratio h ever delivered in ;this country." , ' " ; When Pettigrew concluded tiliere was a general stir in the senatej as Wolcott. of Colorado, arose to discuss. he reso lution. .Our irsf duty, he said, was to quell the insurrection, and he would not have replied at all save for the ".remarkable and ; intemperate" 'utter ances of the senator from South Dakota. No belter demonstration of the; value of the seriate as a pnblic fortwn couhi, be found than in this speech. There were in the country 70.000,000. people, Rood, ind and indifferent. I hey were mostly crood. but scattered through every, 'com munity there were discontented and un happy people; people who bad not been successful, and who viewed with sus picion and hatred all those whose lives had been connected with success. It was fitting that such people sluould be represented here. '' . . 'V "And I know of no man so fitted to socak for them as the senator- from South Dakota." aid Wolcott, taming his eves upon Pcfticrcw. rvho Vat close to fiirn and who steadily returned the gaze of his assailant. . "Durrntt the vears I have known him." continued Wolcott. "I never knew him to my a kind or friehd1y word -nbout a single person or a, single cause." i. GREAT DAMAGE DONE. Moscow, Ida.. Jan. 15 The water in the Big Fotlatch is receding, but a good part of the town j of ,Kcndrick is still for Infants Nature planned thai infants should have only milk for at (east the first year of life. But thin mills, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be cause fat is positively neces sary for the growing body. contains the best fai, in the rorm of Cod-Uver Oil, fori all delicate children, . They thrive gxaStymAatts wt. Soon they wcih more, cat more, day better and look better. If s fust the risht addition to thdr resylar food. The Irypcphcsphites of Eme and soda in tt are necessary to the growth and formation f bone and teeth. - J r - At an amrfet : sot aao f f 00. J ' SCOTT & BO W I E. CaeaaMta, H Tat. HI in Hi II I III III TTT " ThnGGSi Food tinder water. Nearly -every one in the town is aneciea. ie stores wiu tose thousands of dollars 4 n ruined goods, as in many buildings, the water was waist deep. The tracks of the Northern Pa- jcihc railway tor' miles, between. Vol! mer and Lewiton. are washed out. A change of the river's course toward the town is. said to be partly the result of the recent train wreck. Many tons of steel rails were -left in the river. This caught the driftwood and lormed a dam which diverted the channel and turned it toward the Main street of Kendrick. "Strange as it Jivay seetp "one of the sorest needs of Kendrick 'is drinking water, as the wnater works and wells are ruined.. The -water is all muddy and not; Jit to use. - An engine and passen ger train lie on the sidetrack near the depot, and can go neither forward nor backward. - For a kng! distance the nver now runs where the grade was It will take in. the opinion of the rail road men, three months to repair the road.' KILLED IN BATTLE. Two Men of the Third Cavalry Victims 1 of Rebel Bullet. i Manil-a. Jan. iS.--A troop of th-e Third cavalry lost two men killed ami three wounded, in an .encounteri With tlve in surgents near San- Fernando de. La Union, on January 12th. - AT WALLA. WALLA A MARION COt NTY CITIZEN VISIT ; THAT PART OF THE COUNTRY. ' Ulvra a Little Idea of How tbe Rain Kails t T lie re A Livtry Ilarn Tanbles Into 1 Creek. Walla Walla! (Wash.) Jan. 14 Edi tor! Statesman: This leing Sunday and, having no special -work in view for the! day, thought I would pen a line home. Have been in this place since Tucs-. day. , . r -. . A : The first of he week the wearlier was very pleasant and the WashinRtonians were continually impressing upon me what a much more delightful climate they have! here than down in "Web- foot. : But toward he latter part of the wccJit began to rain and it, up to Sat urday night, discounted by far anything weihave in okl iWcWoot. It was so cold that tlve, rain was almost snow to begin with, out! later" a chtnook wind began 4o Uyw and by balurday morn ing everythi rag was flooded. .We can neither get ont of tow-ji nor "get mail in'. Saturday, at t:jo p. m.. I'rof. D. L. Dtttton. a Marion county teacher, wliom I5cnet here, and I attended a meeting of the Walla Walla county teachers' in stitute held in the Baker public schoql building. In- spite of the , inclemency of the weather about thirty-five teachers weie present. The reading circle work was led by Miss P. 11. Bufr." She read a' very rmeresting paper -ujon the life And works of America's greatest novel ist, i Nathaniel Hawthorne. '-.Prof. W. A. Bcattain, Prof. -Brode. anid President Penrose of Wlatnvan college, were present and addressed the teachers. During-the,day we saw a livery bam tunible into the raging stream,' lodge against the Sixth street bridge, form a jam. flood the town there, take out the' bridge and rush on to increase the al ready swollen condition of the Colum bia.; ; r Ih the evening we saw the Walla Walla nre department make a run. It was a very tame afTair. The team on the hose wagon is a very nice match for the) Salem grays., The excitement ran high over town for a few minutes, as the possibility of a very ilisastrous confla gration was, very great; but the damage done was nothing extensive. 1 We passed an uneventful night and this motiving it ii somewhat chilly, but the; sun is shining brightly and it is a very beautiful day. Vyalla, Walla reminds me- much of Salem. They have no street cars here, butt I think more! business i-s done here than in Salem. - , I ELLTON SHAW. A STRIKE EXPECTED. I Minot, N.! D.. ijan. 15. strike of seriotvs proportions, is threatened by the freight i train operatives - of the Great Northern. ; Last night at an in formal meeting 1 of train men held here it was decided to go out Wcdnes" day unless modification of -the rules to compel - freight crews to do switching at terminal points was granted. In case the men gojout the entire system will be affected, i. I FOREIGN ATTACHES. , Durban, Jan." 14. All foreign mili tary attaches arrived here this morn ing. They will : proceed Monday to Cape Town, where they will join Lord Roberts. THE FRENCHMAN SMILED. "Pardon me. but why do you wear re piece of meat oyaire your eye? in quired the French scholar of the gov ernor, of New York. The lat.-er had just been illustrating his! views on strenuous life" by receiv ine a damaging blow from his boxing master's fist. V "Because of the biff, replied the gov ernor. I.I.'" The Frenchman looked puzzled, i Then he smiled. , "Ah. I see! he cried; "eet et z biflsteair And he gravely set it down in his notebook. 1 Boers Guard Well the Approaches , to Ladysmlth BLUCR'S EORCES ARC NOW MOVING 1 Reported to IleCrxMuJiic th Tnjrela' KUer I ; to Relieve Ueaeral : White's He-. lettg-nereU Command. LONDON, Jan. 16. (Tuesday 4 a. m.). General Buller's latest .au thentic, word, as to what he and his 30,000 men are doing, was wired from Springfield after his first forward step.. Striving to think Out the tin known. London is ' confused lv nr mise and rumor', and disquieting sus pense. Spencer Wilkinson,' the mili tary expert of the Morning Post, as serts that he Boer lorce in Northern Natal is larcer thanf General Buller's and George White's' together, so that the Boers arc able to leave a Wrce Ladysmilh, ' larger than that" within the ; town., and jet t to opjxtse General Buller with a force superior to :his own. , ' .' . Reports from the Boer camps afTirm that the circle of investment has been drawn closer by the occupation of some hills nearer the town,, thus, liber ating the reinforcements to - oppose . 1 II : vienerai tiuiier. i The" war. pages of the great dailies this morning are almost barren. The yeomanry recruits arc disturbed by the fact that they are able to get. only one and onc-hakt companies out ofg up wards of 1O00 applicants in the metro politan districts. All other applicants tall short of Jie, requirements. Ihe provinces arc doinu! better, altlioutrh to raise 10,000 'appears for Irom the easy matter it did a "-fortnight ago. Among the minor perplexities of the war. office is a strike among the-, mili tary tailors, which causes a delay in f.niforming recruits. . ' BRITONS MOVE. Cape Town, Jan. 13. (Saturday).- There is good reason to believe that the statement that Sir Chas. Wartren with tt,ooo men has gone toward Wee nan, is correct and we may expect im portant news shortly. Reports have been received here that dysentery js very rife in Ladysmith. :w ACROSS THE TUGELA. -London, i Jan. 16. Tlie Standard gives prominence to the following dis patch, dated January 13th, from Dur ban: ' I "A man who has just, arrived here from Springfield says that the British column, proceeding . to the relief of Ladysmith, has crossed the little Tu- gela. When he left it was facing the Boer position on the big Tugela, and a howitzer; was shelling the " Boer trenches. - - "He says also that' 270 wagons. laden with l commissary stores, for Ladysmith, had left rrere anl it was expected that - the column would join hands with General White on Monday evening. : ' . A dispatch to the IJaiiy Mail, dated Saturday, January 13th, from Lorenzo Mawpiez, says: .' ' '- President Krucer has issrucd a pro clamation ordering all burghers to the Acts oe'ntly on the Kidneys, Liver and ; Bowels r LEASES THE 5Y5TEM V effectualia; HabhuauCoNST'PAtion oilUAU PERMANENTIX.1 liFcirfECTS. jsvr we 6stiwit- MH7 o oy (AUfeRNIA JlG rSYRVP(2.. raaaueuiMwiiirraiytaiMMnM, . front. .Frrsidcnt Krugcr issucl a cir ciailar (dated January 1st, to the Boer Commandants and burghers, urging tluni to show more energy in the Transvaal cause. He quotes Ps:dn. 33J verse 7; as the "God-given instnic twwi to the. burghers, and says the British have fixed their faith in i'salm &X He also -quotes Psalm 80. vcrst-s 13 j and 14, and ascrts . that ho has searched the Bible" without being able, to ifiml any oilier niKle that can he1 followed by the Boers, mho must tight 'in itlve name of the Lord. It is .'said there are nearly jopo British prisoners in Pretoria." ' - i- . - ' i FROM FRENCH. London Jan; 16. The . war oflice has ! publishetl .a dispatch ; from Lord.. Roberts dated Cape Town, ; January 15. :jo p. ;in.: -' 'General 1-reuch rpports that contiaisanCe vesterdnv (Smulav) a re. shell -No With s mr ed the Colesburg" road brir. casualties. lie - returned tod,a. Mc th non and Gatacrc there change," j MARCH ING ORDERS. J'- ,, - s Lon!on, . JanJ 15 Major-General Joint Frederick I Garriiigtmt, a well known South - Afrn-an officer, until now 'commander of tfte Belfast Riiard. has been ordered to South Africa.. - RENTS IN LONDON. From $io.noo All the Way Lp to $50 j .000 Per Year for the Best 4 ' ' Houses. Pretty nearly everylMdy understand of course, that house rents arc very considerably greater in London than they j are in provincial' towns, and that in tliic -metropolis they vay greatly, and arc icry stiff in the regims in -whicli -sicicjly hovers. But a writer in Tit Bits ventures to think' that even few Londoners have ninth idea Of the en ormous figures -paid for the rentals of fashionable liouses in Belitravia ami May.fair,,or realize how few sqnare yard) of the West' End it takes' to pro duce! a million sterling in this way, Nw, take, to start- with. Park. Lane, that ihighly fashionable thorouglifare. ' It isl rather staggering' to learn (that $50,000 a year is really not at all very extravagant rent to pay for a gd house in this quarterl The Iatn, sim ple fact of the matter is, however, That you kran not get a decent house here for li-ss than $15,000, and even such a one Would only have three or four bed rooms, and, generally sjK'aking. would not Ijiave -a greater accommodation than a house at r $.100 'a year in the suburbs, or-at half that price in a pro vincial town. Grpsvenor. Square and ' Bcrkch'y Square arc renowned headquarters of society, which pays astonishingly for its residence there. " Coiisider (thc former first. The whole square comprises fewer than do Jiousos, but.'' it is a fact that their Combined an nual (rental is about $7o,oiiol Big ai the rents are, fretting a house hert is a matter of great diflictilty, and seldom is there one to let for long,-- Nothing can be got for less than $5000 a year, and from lliis figure an intending (ten ant "niay go up to $,o.noo a year. ; Berkeley Square is likewise diflicnlt to get into. It is ratlier.oUl fashionctj and severe, arid the average man or womait from the country miht nof in: able to see anything about the houses winch, would justify a heavy drain be ing made Upon a tenant's iocktt.- Buti all the same, houses here are always at a premium, and you will not grt much of a residence for $2500 a year, nor yet, jso far as that goes, is tht ac commrd.ilion very astonishing if $10,-' 000 a year is paid. 1 St. James Square -'is another ' ultra fashionable quarter which a millionaire michtjhave'to wait years to get into if he disircd to live there $J 5,000 to Ijo,- 000 a jy.ear is quite; a moderate rent for a house so situated while Norlollc Jfoue, wliere the Duke of Norfolk re sides, land such others as Iord Derby s residence) at No. 33, wwuldasily ral ize $?i,ooo a year in rent, - Carlton I louse terrace, where ct.itos-. men and ambassadors live, also cost its tenants dearly; At least $jo,ooo ' a year must be paid for anything good in" this particular neighborhood, and Mr. Astorjgavc more than-$300,000 when he purchased one of the houses in the terrace, -formerly occupied, by Lord GranvSlle. Yet the ordinary man wotild remark that tlic house arc- not ecn semi-detached, and that outwardly, at all-events,' they are far from imposing. RIVER IS FOREVER SINGING. Peculiarly of the : Yukon Noted by . a Western Steamboat Captain,. "There - i something .peculiar alKut the Yukon river that 1 have not . heard. of in connection with any other .stream" said. Captain Gray, who has recently been running boats On' the big Alas- ka artery, to a I'ortland Ttlcgram re-portcr.i-"Front the mouth of the Yu kon up as far as there is any naviga ble water the stream is constantly sing ing. No. matter where you arc, there is sound like that made by . escaping; steam, i At first I used to think that maybe it came front the boiler or en gines. But when we were tied up at nielit. w-ith everything cold, :the sound thi .-mr I h.'ve mirrled m v lirain tofind an explanation of the phenom enon, but without avail. The singing goes on, day and night. When you pet up-stream some distance -you can also hear the rocks rolling over the In-d of the river, and this produces a most peculiar sound."