Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 12, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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Cause a Savage Attack on -Mr.
! I McKlnley
lie Chrsm Tbt Infornmtlon for hj
titneral otU' Orders.
v. .j.ui ijniaiij. ouiampil n rnn
ct'SMcn from the Spanish gwernmcnt,
tfr a railway from Manila to Dagupan,
atxut ijo miles. Tlie Spanuli govern
ment guaranteed the return of 8 per
iit uniuii ion tne capital in
vested in the raUroad. i The claimants
rtjtrcscnt that the amount invested is
$5oJ57co. The; Spanish government,
u w iBMimc 01 me Spanish-Ameri
can war, fulfilled its obligation.
f The railroatl company contends that
me united states, by assuming sover
cignty over the. Philippines, becaine
bound to respond to the obligations of
uiv opjnisn ; governrrfcnt, -na j should
pay to it the accrued: interest aggre
gating 37,005. "i
V ashmgton, Jan. j 1 1. Adiutant-
Gcncral Corbin has received altogether
W-.VJO tor tne. Jawton fund. -
- 1 ted and at all times sensational debat
was precipitated in the senate today,
on the Philippine -question, the basjs
for the iccch making being the reso
lution of inqtiiry, offered several; days
agi by Pettigrew, tf Soiith Dakoia, to
which substitutes were proposed.
Pcttigrcw, attacked the adniinistral
tton's policyl jn the Philippines, anjl
also rnade sotne startling charge
aeaint thc who arei supiort:ng Ui
administration. ; He t!eclared that A
systematic effort was being made tuj
prevent acctitate iuforiiiatioti froii
. rcathjng the j people of Usj lXuiteJ
Slates, and that it was a political'
scheme to further the catididacy of
McKin'cy for ...rcnotninalioiv and re
tkciion. The debate was terminated;
by the resumption of the consideraiosi;
' of tha currency bill at 2 o'clock. ;
In substantial ion of his charge .that
.c't.spatchcfi from the 1'hilippints were
censored ij the interest of the admittr
, istration, Pettigfcw quoted from a let-ter.-written
by Robert M. CollinsUtHc
Associated Picss re kcs-ni.-i ivc at Ma
nila. Jn this-j letter Collifii related the
.substance ofj an interview iifKin the
subject of ech.Miring d:satchcs, .which
he had with General Otis. Petligrew
read the statements of Collins' in which
he had ,faid, ! was evidently the de
sire of the olTicir.'s to prevent certain
; information frtwir reaching the iH-ojie
of the United' States. -When he. (Col
lins) had 'filed a dispatch containing in
formathm which .he thrnight as p?o
fer to send to the United S.tates he
had been .informed by the censor that
he had leen instructed to tut out any
thing that might, hurt the administra
tion. Subsequently, when he had ide
sired to send the story relating to the
tse of silver in the- Philiri'ines, the
censor ha! told' him that his instruc
tions wefev to allow nothing to ;jass
him which would be helpful fo Wil
liam Jennings Bryan in the United
. States. '
Stewart," of Nevada,-1 made an clab- '
irate siecch 5 on the question of na- l
tional finances. Before adj,onrnment.
the senate,' after a- prolonged debate,
parsed a bill coi'erring additional
powers t'ijnj the director of the cen-
'' . ' i ' , ; ' ' ' ';.'
The RoWrts investigating4 commit-
tee htld a prttractcd c.ecutwc session
.t'Hlay, in t he j hope f reaching a Con
cluiion, but so- many Tegal' questions
were' discussed thak the final result wai
not reached. Another meeting will be'
held toumrrdW morning.' A( member
of tlie 'committee is authority for the
statement that-the de'ay-is due mainly
to a desire t r unanimity, and to. "avoid
if pcHsibJc two reiwrts. The -members
are. practically agreed on the facts in
volved. The j differences relate to the
. manner of excluding Roberts.
' Washington. Jan. 11. Assistant Sec
retary. Meiklcjohn. of the war depart
ment, lias denied the application of the
Manila Railway - Company, Limited,
for the payment, by the United States,
of interest on the j capital invested in
vthe railway, J owned and operated by
- the said conmany pursuant to the guar
antee of the interest by the ; Spanish
"government, j The company, which is
a cortKjrat ion organized under the
The Little Brown Men Do Not Shrink
rroin , this Uwdcrtaking Prepar
ations Under i Way. :
VANCOUVER. B. C, Jan. 11. Ad
vices from the Orieirt say, there' is abun
dant evidence in the Japanese press of
the probability that the Japan is drift
ing into a war -with Russia. The Jap
anese apparently do rrt shrink from
the dangers of such a conflict, their
government Having recently given an
order in Kngland for too.000 suits of
warm -winter clothing for the Japanese
soldiers, in preparation for the cam
paign, iu Russia. The Kobe Chronicle
.asserts that a Japanese cruiser, with a
large force of soldiers on board, re
cently sailed from a Japanese wort un
der sealed orders, and that three trans
ports have been chartered to carry
troops to' Corea. ' i
Christmas eve a storm of great severity-swept
over the Japanese coast,
causing the ' k,s of many lives, much
nropertv and. shipping. Out oH forty
iunks that were passing; between Kobe
li'nd Osaka, in tow. all but five were
lost. Of tile 104 men on, -board these
Vessels, all but twenty-five were
lrowned. The loss oi life is estimated
ht from 400 to 500. ; 1
Dewey -will be made available for
tluty at sea.
One hundred 'and sixteen tonsol
t'igh explosives are soon j to be taken
Manila bv the steamship India.
joim qacoo nstor is raismn ins v""
- . . . , ., . ,-c. .
lit l.ew- 1 orw. wnicn win cause mc
!imc tenants to vacate their homes.
Ground rents will be raised from $50
a vear to 37 .-o. 1
I Lieut-tnnmamler K. E. (jrecne. m
idmiral Schley's fleet, committetl sui
iidc at Montevidio on Wcklnesday cve-
tiing. 1 Ik; cause is unknown.
Mrs. Samantha C. .Thayer. ' wmow ot
ic late ejc-Gov(rnor Wj W. Thayer.
lllivl nil ' Wednesday morning at her
hrmc' near Wooxlstock. jPbrtland., Tic
iljness has extended since the" death of
1iH- husband, last OcMer. the shock
!vin too great for her to" survive. De
rcjascdjw,n 'years old. and came to
' Hrecon with ficr, husband 'in 1862. The
rouple were married in New York- in
ii and spent some time in Lewii
toiti. Idaho, before coming to Porj
tapd." Oivc son. Claud Thayer, survives
her. he ! is a well-known luanker and'
prominent attorney at Tillamook.
;New York. Jan. 11. A special to the
VSkrid from Lontkm says:' The Lon
don newspapers, without making any
Iirect chafge. make announcements
tltat General ; Bullcr is not in good
health. It is known here; that the .war
oflicc receives little if any information
Mm hinj ; directlyv while Lady linller
gets a message every day front her hus
bifid briefly announcing his conditioji.
ftacre is also sakl to be on the verge
o( a collapse.
ton mkd : r
- :f '.H . :s.
Wholesale prices are adraue-
Don't wait 'till next fall to buy them
.lug iu every line of ujerchaii
your supplies for the coming
higher, prices lor jour gootis.
tlise. Youll save money oy
year, ueioro ve. aru uiinjwvu. .1 J
o can lib yuu uut j -
luck coats,
!' Shoes; f clothuii:. hosiery, umlcriirear, hats, : shirts, du
slickers, and all kinds of ladies' and gents' furnishing goous.
Special Reductions on
- That all-wool tricot box coat at $2.25 is a hummer. Jg
rubbcr boots, all sizes and all gfades, reduced to close out. lhw
does- not apply lo any other line of rubbers. - ' t
New. York Racket
Rifle Cartridges In the English
Army Are Low
With Dam-Dam Bullets The Ftcm Con
IIIn Itiitrrlr of the Actions
. of the Censor.
LONDON. Jan 12. (Friday. 4 a.
m.) The; LceMetford cartridges I arc
running slort ui the Bntiih magazines
and according to a semi-ollicial, report.
the war bluce purposes to tall back
temporarily upon the 1,000,000 '"mark
IV" expanding bullets, most of which
are already n storage in South Africa.
Live war tiflicc, however.- lias issued
strict orders to volunteers, ; that fifty
rounds cf tfuark IV given them must
be used in? practice at home, nothing
being taken to South Africa. After the
public announcement that no such bul
let would be used in this war. its em
ployment, the Daily Chronicle hints,
would be a serious breach of faith, espe
cially as t'hf British currimandrs have
complained ithat the Boers ocCasional-
y use sucn; projeciues.
The newssaiHTS were reconciled du--
mg tne cary uays ot tne war, to tne
able censoitship, taking it for granted
that the fii!3 narratives sent by mail
would supply all deficiencies. For
some necks, however, even the mat!
orrcspondencc that has arrived in Lon
don, has shown signs of habitual scis
soring by the censor. Pages afc re
numbered without ehronolgical or log-
cal connection, leaving the happenings'
lescribed quite unintelligible in many
cases. Luitors, acting possil!y m con-
ert. are laving these facts before the
niblie. and in'sistin'er that theV leccr-
mittcd'to know and 'print- the facts.
London. Jan.' 11. The Daily Mail
" e learn that in the attack ort Ladv
mitb. la-u Saturday. lanuary 6th. the
British Josses were fourteen , officers
killed, thirty-four wounded and over Hop
non-ctnnriiissiotK'd olhcers ami men
killed and wounded. The Boer losse?
we hear are estimated at between 2.000
ind 3.000." ' I
When the Moana arrived off Honolulu
a quarantine officer went out to her in
a tug. lie- reported that tfcerc had
been three" deaths in Honolulu from
what was supposed to be the bubonic
plague, making eighteen deaths in all.
Every "precaution was being jtaken.
Houses1, in which anybody had died,
were burned down; sewers were being
disinfected an everything being done
that ingenuity could suggest, to stop
the spread of the disease. '
" - -" : ' . . '
Tliirty-ninth Regiment Wins '
, . Victory in Luzon.
Manila, . Jan. 1 r. Colonel Bullard.
with the Thirty-ninth infantry, moving
in three; columns from Calamba. with
two gunS, attacked ten companies of in
surgents strongly entrenched on the
banta Tomas road- The nemv resist
ed stubbornly, making three stands
Twenty-four of the rebels Were killed.
and sixty prisoners were taken. The
rihpinps retreated., carrying their
. 1 . . f T f T-" f -v
wounueu towaru Laxe taai. unc
American was killed, and two ofiicers
slightly wounded.
Arc Expected from Ladysmi th Lords Roberts
and Kitchcne at Cope Town
An Enormous Army in the field ' Awaiting an
Opportunity to
to Strike British Newspapers Criticize the Gov
ernmentSome Startling Rumors
New York. Jan. o. A disoatch to
the Herald from Brusels says: A pri
vate letter from Pretoria says that in
order to accommodate the prisoners of
war, w'ho- are crowding into Pretoria,
an imense mclosure has been 'con
structed to the nort)i( of the town in
three long streets named Ladysmith,
Kimbcrley and Mafcking streets.
Wiuniieg, Man., Jan. 10. Premier
M.icDonald announced the new cabinet
today. He takes the attorney-ireneral-
ship and tile otht-r iKrtf alios were dis
tributed as follows; Treasurer and
minister of agriculture, J. C. Davidson;
secretary and minister of public works,
Dr. Mcl'adden. H ithout. portfolios.
James Johnston and Colin II. Camp-
Title Has Been Approved by the At-
i torney General Salem's New i
Pvblic Building. -
London. Jant It. Queer? Victoria lias
nroclaiwed .1 riiceting of parliament ffr
annary 30th. -
j- 1
Washiaetonj Ian. It. The answer cf
he British 'gowrnment. to Mi. Choait's
representation !re,spectiug the seizure of
American Hour ami other goous -on tne
hrec vessels, Beatrice, Maslwna and
Maria, has beep received. It amounts
o a narfeial answer, very satisfactory as
ar as Tt rocs.! disposing of the clia--
ictc'r of some f the goods seized, but
lot finally di-ciumg broadly-whether or
not foodstuffs iare to be regarded as
contraband. j
In brief Mr. Oioate reports, that the
tnswer H highly- satisfactory, that it is
n broad "ami liberal terms.
The position assumed by the lSntisn
government is that foodstuffs in. transit
ir a hostile destanatior can bp regarded
rls contraband of war only when they
ire sumdies for the enemy s forces.
The British government docs not claim
nliat any of the American goods on
German -bark Maria, and the British
!?ark Masbona. iwere contrabaivl of war.
The British gfivernm-nt 's investigat
ing the ifacts fit connertitm with the
ioods seized on the third vessel, the
Beatrice. . t ' I " !
An afliciai statement "was civcn out
by the state depart ir.ent which says:
lhe liritisni govcrnmein yinuanv
. - . : - . . ! . 1. n .
ronccues- ine merican conimuuii. 01.11
he troods were mH subject to seizure.
a.id practically 'disavows the seirhrc. '
not Ixing claimed that there is any
evidence of a hostile destination. I
- 9 i L
Southampftn.i Jan. it; The Cunard
liir Umbria. cfiadercd as a transport
bv the British government, sailed this
-rfternoon with 2206 soldiers bound for
South Africa, r 1 ' .
Cfdurnbus. O.. Jan. 31. -The house
of representatives today,. by a strict
parry vote, indefinitely postroiiei tnr
resolution expressing 'sympathy with
the- Boers in their war with Great
Britain, the republicans voted in tne
affirmative. V -
Tendon. Ian. 12. The .Cane TcVwn
correspondent oi the Daily Mad. tele-
graphine -Momlay, says: ' .
Jl. 31. o. rearicss .-cucu mi
Maria I' whicht arrived at 1.11awin.
Saturday, from "Argentine, with sugar.
From, the Dread Disease Everything
i'ossiuie ticirvg i-oiu: iu
vcnt a Further Spread.
learner Moana arrived twlay trom
Vustralia, via Samoa ana itonoiuiu.
Special).-'-Thc United States attorney
;cricraf has approved the title to the
site selected for the new public build
ing at Salem, Oregoiu '
Milwaukee, Jan. 10. Henry C- Payne
national - republican, committeemalv of
Wisconsin, tMlay rcceievtl a letter
from .Hon. Klihu Rt, secretary of
war, in which Kut states he will--not
Ik- a candidate for " the vice presidency
of the United" States.; -
'' Lbs Angrle. Cal.. Jan. 10. Phil D.
Armour, the Chicago millionaire pack-
rr. is at Pasadena, and has announeed
that he will make his future home
Washington,; Jan.? to. The presi
dent today Sent the. following- nomina
tions to the jtcnate: Navy To Ik- rear
admirals: Henry L. llowison, Albert
Kautjf, George R. Rcmcny, Norinart
II. Farquhar.
John Bull's naval
tains 5.0-SJ names.
pension list con-
LONDON. Jan. t u (Thursday. 4
a. in.). The war offiVc announces that
the list of British casualties at Lady
smith,, on Saturday, has not yet been
received. The following dispatch.
dated J rere Camp, January. 10th, at
noon, has been received from General
Builer: .'..''. - -
' 'A Transvaal telegram gives the loss
of ' the Vnemy at Iadysnuih, on Satur
day, as". four killed and fifteen wounded,
and this after, as is admitted, they had
endured a withering! fire from'- six
masked lotteries and liad been defeated
at all nints. Tlie natives- here assert
that the Boer loss, in one command
alone , "was 150 killed and wagon loads
of wounded. "
This curious dispatch is probably in
tended to prepare the Biitu-li public
for a terrible last of casualties, . V
During an interlude of the apparent
military inactivity ami official sccrck-y.
Lords Rolcrt and ' Kttchcncr4iavc ar
rived at the seat oi war. It is assumed
that their clear vision, supported by
jo.ooo fresh ipen who arc due to arrive
in Sonlh Africa within thirty . elays.
will alter the situation, and . that the
fourth month of tlie campaign will wit
ness tire beginning of Victories-for the
British arms. 1 hey are' not, however.
expected to produce definite results for
some - days, but their .mere prese-uce
will restore the shaken confidence, (
tlie meit at the front, in their generals.
Lord Roberts finds io,o nun on.
the defensive, or watching for an vpeju
ing... There is certainly plenty of rani:
in evidence in "South Africa, in addi
tion to the -field marshal there arc two
full generals, four lieutenant generals
and twelve or fourteen major generals
The list of . victims of discae issued
by the war ; office,.' gives twenty-two,
deaths from entrie fever and dysentery
in Ladysm'tili in four days, revealing
the fact hat the besieged are experienc
ing bad sanitary conditions.
The Standard summarizes the gen
eral situation thus: "Well, the cam
paign -has lasted three months. We
have scnnethiiig- like iJo.obo troops in
South Africa. With this huge a'rniy
distributed 'over the country, we are
still powerless lo relieve three garrisons
from investment.. We have driven the
invaders back 'at.no single point. We
are actually "further . from the hostile
front icrs.lhaii we were on the djiy that
tht ultiinatuni wasUlMivered. Can any
one fail to admit 'th.it this is. .evidence
of a grave miscalculation d forces and
facts?" ' t "- -
The war ofl'e has authorized a spc
C!al"yeoinanrjr.camp Every trooper
will pay his own expenses until his- ar
rival in South "Africa, and will thefi
give his services to his country and
pay for the privilege into the funds for
the widows and orphans the amount
he would receive as a trooper. "
London, Jan.
rumor comes from
Boers have U'ithdjr
foiwem. Probably!
!. nc increuime
Caic Town that the
awn from iMaccrs-
tliis is an embellish--
ment - of the native reports , that Gen
eral Cronje is- sending reinforcements
to Colctbtirs;
- London. Jan,
joiierts. the new
iliis - city, throujf
of the services of
u.e British foern)tueut.
v . - :i
10. liene'ral Lrd
of the Britisli forJes in South Africa,
and his chief-ofi-jtafT, Lieneral tird
.Krtchentr, have arrived at Cape Town.
- - 4.
j . Vancouver. 11.! 0.. Jan. io. So con-
sagions is the jrn
Ifor enlistment wit
n South Africa,' tifiaUthe Japanese of
husiasm hereabout
the Britisli, frces
h'.' Japanese Consul
Hhiniazil, have hi.tde a formal tender
fi japanese corps JLo
Bryan I-'avors It, liut Objects, to, Tak-
L- ing.in Eilipinos.. '' vf
f-. -",.';.;;.. 1
-Mhineaioli, Jail. . 16. In an inter -view
V. J. Bryan "teday said : j- . ,
am a finii.lK-lieyvr pi the eiilarire-'
nicnt and c.xtehsioii of the limits of the '
iitpfblic. I ti ijot' .mean an extension
by the4 nddttiiaii of contiguous territory,
nor to limit, myself to thai W henever
lliere is a. people.- intelligent enough to
frin a part of this republic, it is iuy,.
elief that tht-v should, be taken' 1 in.
Ijic'-Filijiinos are not bifehj people."
Jitefl. Launched Yesterday in
sencc of the Einjoror.
btettm, Jan. 10. lhe llamlnrg
Aipericaii line steamer Deutsehland,
wijis successfully ' lantuiicd at the Vql-'
ah " doekyni d ' (o.iy, . in thci preHcnro
of jl-ltnperor AVillianf and tirmy notable
people. Thii' Deutschland. is a twin
scifew; 16,000 ton , vessel, with engines
of ."jfi.oiw horse-power and guaranteed
to have a '.speed of a.? knots. Jn niag
iiittde thc Deiitselilaud is iily bur
pased by the Oceanic. , i .
Mr. Price, -Motlnr of Mrs.. John
Mitchell .-lias lflsscd Away. ,
Portland. Tan. lo Mrs.' Maruaretl L.
PricU aged H5., died Iwre today. She
ramie, to, ( reg'in in tX6. She wa the
tnottuT of Mrs. J. II. Mitclull, wife of
excnator Mitchell. : ;
D6C aoud Jno doS qjjoM sjapuadsns juaptswj
33IJd 3?S
f." '
-: ' - ' i"
aire t
sjojoo aiJcjs poo3-"p4c-v v aor) .ue foS .aii.ioU pjj'tui! amj fjft s.untxuu j'lre
quoM sq4oiJ ,s-pi-I J aiif si ajajj sijjjip S3inS yr auij Mai;s ajja y
. . . - . " . I ! . . . . "- 1 ' ' "i
': 1$ ;7 j ; ' . I a,rS 01.
aaud aies sjsieM. joj Buiqj qt jsnf .' aoS qiiOM ctuartrd pAiiose jtpo mt
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qjujj jo au; p;p-oj-dn Ai. y u.o)s3uicf shouiij 3iOi) jo suij y
aAtq 3Jns pj Xtui naX os jsed
auj ui iea-C Xjaas siuj auop a..cu; a,
- - r . . .
" : - - -1 . : - - ,
Iftw Suiqj.OaA. Suiidg aqt ut os iikvui
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-apis-dn jjaoi'i in iJuitun) aae a'.w. jcifi
nuj puiuiji o Xpjauj.auopst siujr.
j -UMop-apis
-da jadtd aqi tun isnf ii pwi o PK
jnoif ua puvjs oj Xicssoou at ?u jjim
14 jw uop-apis-dn s; -pv tup jsqj,
3DUON niM no A