V . , - .(-,... . . .. ; '..'...'.'. i ... . . -t . . .' !-..;' v.- - i.., . ' . , :. : . ' V ; - . ' : " . . ' ! I SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 9-1900 viwvr avrmnyr-vrnii t ntra ' t i . . . I - , , t - -v I ARE CORRUPT Indlctements Against State Of ficlals in Michigan BRIBERY AND FRAL'DS CHARGED Te Flht tn Kentucky Grows Mor. Inter, lUrWon the Dy, LANSING, Mich, Jan, dVThe Ing ham county gfand jury, which created a scries of sensations bp, bringing in bills of indictment, charging several state officers with flagrant criminal of fenses adjourned today. Following are the persons who have been indict ed, and the offenses alleged:! Edgar J, Adams, speaker of! the house of representatives; two indictments for bribery. Vm. A; French, state land commis sioner, offerpffc bribes. I Chas. II. Pratt, agent for a law-book concern, offering bribes. , , Representative S. Ji Hammond, so liciting bribesf K- Fred A,j Mayhard, ex-attorney gener al, misdemeanor irt retaining part of his chief clerk's salary. V. I. White, state quartermaster; Arthur Marsh, adjutant general and chairman ofthe republican state cen tral committee, and Eli R. Suttdn, a rcg jnt of j the" University of Michigan, and a member of Governor Pimgree's military ttaff, charged' with alleged Iraud and embezzlement in connection with the sale and the alleged re-pur : chase of military supplies. MORE CHARGES." I Frankfort; Ky., Jan. 6. Senators Thomas and Gierishaw jointly filed an information today, citing J. H. Whal len md Charles Ryan to appear before the senate on. a statutory proceeding, charging them with attempting to bribe Senator Harrcll. ' The penalty I upon conviction is a fine of $15,000, confine ment in jail during the session .of the legislature, andithe forfeiture of; surT rage. A similar Charge, will be filed in the house, and a joint committee to in vestigate , the charge is asked. : A DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. , . Frankftrt, Jan. o. The senate foday adopted the report of the joint com mittee on rules, which provides that the speaker of the house and not the (lieu tenant troyernor. shall preside at all joint sessions. This arrangement will make opeaKer inmoic, uemocri,i uic pesidiig officer when the governorship contest is heard: ' The house has! not yet adopted the resolution. ' V , : GEAR. WON. ; Dcs Moines, la., Jan. 6,-This even ing there ended one of themost excit ing contests for speaker of the house of representatives i-n the Iowa legislature, in the state, which, the friends of Sen ator Gear say, practically settled tthe equally exciting contest for , Umtcd States senator to: succeed JohtiiN. Gear, j The speakership contest was decidefl in favor of Dr. D. H. Bowen, of Waukeon, the candidate of the Gear forces, he receiving fortyrthrce J-ote as against thirty-eight for W. L. Eaton of Osage, 'the avowed candidate ot Ithe supporters of A. B.Cummings, ot Dcs Moines, for United States senator, j OILMORE IS RESCltD j j . j , - GENERAL OTIS HAS SO CABLED V- v, TO WASHINGTON. Ail American Prisoners Held by the Filipinos Are Now at Liberty and Sent to Manila. WASHINGTON. Jan. 6. Official confirmation has come from both Gen eral Otis and Admiral Watson of the release of American prisoners who have been hefd by Filipinos for many months. Otis' dispatch reads as, fol lows: ; I : - "Matiila The prisoners ate n6w en route from Vigan. They .arrive tonight and a list of them will be te eKraphed tomorrow. . Lieutenant Gilmore is among the number." r i i - That of W'atfon follows: . " M an ila Colonels Hare and Howtts have captured all American prisoners, including Gilmore, ntw at vigan. The sweeping; statements nudein dispatches to the effect tiiat all Ameri carT prisoners have' been released ha$ aroused a hope that m the lt willap pear the; names of some oflicertand privates 6f the army who are setdown on the army rolls as missing. Prom' ntnt among the missing army officers was Major Charles M.-RpckeWte v of the Ninth infantr). This officer ad vanced beyond the lines during te fierce fighting early last summer. s lie disappeared completely and no trace oLhis body was ever found. . , It is gathered from Otis' report that the released men have been, sent by boat across Lingaycn gtilf to Dagupan. aLthe northern extremity of the rail road, and about a day's journey; from Manila. ; ! 1 ' THE EXPLOSION. Coal Mine Horror in Washington Has ! Been Investigated. f Olympia; Jan. 6. The board of coal mine pvamin... J f : ' a . 'r ,'s fin J;.f Roglrs the rePrt t .their" findings as to the cause of the Carbon ado disaster. It is the unanimous 6&in ion of the board that the origin of the explosion occurred by the ignition of a small quantity of gas in some man ner unknown, the .force due to this raising the dust, which undoubtedly was the principal factor in the explos ion. The ventilation is pronounced; to J UVUViCIIL IN GUAM ISLAND. Natives Aid the Authorities in the Ipi . ; pravements Made. 1 11 m Washington, Jan. 6. The secrctar of the navy has received a most interesting report from Captain Leary,! governor of Guam, recording his achievements in the matter of civiliz ing the natives and -cleaning up the island. The report says: "The people appear to be grateful for what is being gratuitously done foJ them, and seen . to appreciate the im portance of i co-operating with us, not only in our medical work but in our efforts to make sanitary improvements. BURNED TO DEATH VICTIMS IN A NEW YORK TEN EMENT HOUSE FIRE. Mother and Two Children Lose Their Lives, and Seven Persons Are , Badly Injured.." NEW YORK, Jan. 6. A tenement house fire in East Ninety-Second street early today, resulted in three deaths and seven persons being badly injured. The dead' are: Mrs. Mary Sutherly, widow; Frank Sutherly, years olu: James Sutherly. 22 mon'.bs old, both sons of Mrs. Sutherly. 'The injured are: Harry Sutherly, 5 years, critical; Raphael' Pitizzo,' Fire Lieutenant Stone, M-. A. Dean, Mich ael Sullivan, Charles McCarthy, Martin O'Leary. overcome by gas and smoke. When the firemen were about to en-' ter the building they found the body ot Mrs. Sutherly lying face down, with her baby deid in her arms. A few feet from her on the floor lay the half burncd body of her boy Frank. 1 THE ROBERTS CASE ARGUMENTS CONCLUDED BE FORE HOUSE COMMITTEE. The Utah Congressman Shows the . Patriotism of Mormons to Be Equal to Other Citizens. WASHINGTON. Jan. 6 -When the Roberts committee resunled its session today, Roberts went on with , his. argu ment, begun yesterday. He reviewed the act-ion of the constitutional conven tion, of Utah, urging that this carried out the requirements of congress for the admission of Utah as a state, name ly, that polygamous marriages should no longer be contracted. In particular Roberts rontended there was no re quirements by congress or in the con stitutional convention that previously contracted matrimonial associations should be interrupted . In the case of his argument. Roberts said he had observed that the ladies in volved in this question of plural wives were quite generally received in the circles of Gentile ladies irt IJtah. He vehemently denounced what he char acterized as the sensational crusade madegainst 1iim. and also the effort to arouse public feeling by saying the American home "was in danger." "If necessary," he exclaimed. "I could call attention to ten thousand evils which threaten the country without going to the state of Utah." In closing, Roberts said that the pa triotism of the Mormon church toward the country could not be questioned. When the fund was raised for the sur vivors of the battleship Maine, the Mormon church, had contributed one fifth of the- entir amount. When the country's authority in the Philippines .- nPct;nnMl "tffah' cruns. handled Y .J.v..i'"v-.. - - iy Utah men, had been in the forefront of the tray. Schroeder. the' Gentile' representa tive, stated that no further point would be made on Roberts' naturalization pa pers, 'as it was desired to exclude him from congress" specifically and solely on the ground of his being a polygam- ' jt 12: jo the arguments on both sides were closed, and the committee went into executive session. The commit tee adjourned until Wednesday. LAST YEAR'S MINING: The United States Leads Great Britain in Coal Productipn. New York, 6. The engineering and mining journal, in its annual statistical number published today, says the pre liminary statement -of the mineral pro duction in the United States in 1890. $hows the 4net value of the mineral production has reached a total of WU 424.08a, an increase of .$151,607,33 1808. . . The most important item was cpal, the total of which, in 1899. was no less than 244.58t.875 tods, the largest : quan v. - n 9 vrar and nuttinc 1 ir v ever iniiiv v h j - - the United States! for the first time ahead ot ureal duccr. FOR A SETTLEMENT. St Thomas. D. W. I. Jan. 6-The French flagship Ceceille has goneto ernle'nragainst. Santo . Domingo. ' 1 l l i THE Health Officials Report Its p prarance In Manila STRICT QUARANTINE REOIUTIONS .1111 B Ealorccd-Oraeml Otto Troop Are raraolnic and runUhinjr the Bebcb-BMrscd PrUonen. WASHINGTON, Jan. &The plague has broken out in Manila be b'ond a doubt, as appears from the- fol lowing cablegram received by Surgco peneral Sternberg: "Manila, Jan. 6. Three bubonic natives; Greejiteaf." . The signer is. Colonel Greenleafi as sistant surgeon general, and chief sur geon in the Philippines. The first , ef feict will probably be to have the quar antine laid upon, the most rigid sani tairy regulations. ' , REBELS PUNISHED. Washington, Jan. 8 The war de partment has received the following from General Otis: "Manila, Jan. 8. General Bates is pursuing the enemy in the south with vigor; General Schwan's columh in moving along the shores of Laguna de Bay, struck 800 ' insurrcctos under General Noncl, at ' Bincn, on the 6th inst. 1 Hefdrovc them westward on Si !ang jand captured the place. "Two battalions of the Twenty eiglfth, part of Wheaton's column, strAick the enemy near Imtis yesterday, killing and wounding 140. t . "Bfsrkheiner,' with a battalion of the Twenty-eighth, struck the enemy en trenched, west of 'Bacoor, yesterday morning; the enemy left on the .field sixty-five in dead, and forty wounded. Our loss thus . far was Lieutenant Cheney, of the Fourth infantry, and four enlisted men killed, and twenty four nlisted men wounded. It is ex pected that General Schwan's troops will cut off the retreat of the nemy's Cavite arni" "Wheaton is moving today on Das Marinas. Boyd, of the Thirty-seventh infantry, captured General Rizal. It is expected that Cavite and Santangus provinces will be cleared up soon. "In , the north, Leonhauser. with three companies of the Twenty-fifth,-attacked : robber bands on the Arayat mountains, dispersed them, and de stroyed their barracks and subsistence. He found -there five of our prisoners whom they had picked up on the rail road three killed and two seriously wounded.-" RESCUED PRISONERS. Washington, Jan. $. The following cablegram has been received from Gen eral Otis, under ;date of Manila, JanJ 7th: u j "Admiral Watson has cabled the names of the navy's rescued prisoners, one officer and eleven men. The re maining; prisoners, fourteen in num ber, are as follows: Civilian C. W. ; Langford. ManBa; David Brown, St. Paul; J. . W. O'Brien. s London ; Soldiers Geo. T. Hatchett, H. L Gordon, K, Third infantry; Wm, Bruce, Elmer' Hoheyman, First Nevada caval ry; Frank Stone'. L S. Smith, signal corps, Albert Bishop, H. Third artil lery; Sergeant Frank McDonald, L, Twenty-first infantry: Harry H. Hu hcr hospital corpss M. Brennan, J. P. Cnrran, j Sixteenth infantry." DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE JACKSON'S DAY OBSERVED BY THE FAITHFUL IN OMAHA. Ex-Prsidcnt Cleveland Regrets the , Facit That His Party Is Still Following Strange Gods. ' OMAHA, Jan. 8. St. Jackson day was appropriately celebrated in Oma 1. ,,i f- v flic 'Tarksonian club. Three (separate functions v faujgj?1. on the program, ana cacn was j -wwnu -,i i-nifvinrr urr-ss. The firstvas an infbrmal reception held at the club headquarters.! tnis aitemoon, ai w 1 1 nrvan and several other demo- cratichights, were guests. Bryan was Inc. ccnire 01 jiuuvuu'i. - annual banquet of the club. Covers ere laid for 300 ana mere was nu . i.v. r:;ih..rt--M. intcncocK. cam i' v v ...... . . .... , editor? ef the Omaha World-He raid, and Jafe candidate lor ennea ai senator oinciaicii'as v3-wi..j --- speech of; th? evening was made by Bryan, in response to the toast. Our Nation." ! ; CLEVELAND'S REGRET. j Chicago. Jan.- 8.-The Tribune t . .;n the following Jctter from ex-President Oevcland. It was received in response to a request for a sentiment appropriate 10 jscksou Mr, Oevcland says: -I am only able, on account of ill ness, to sirup occasionally for a short time, and must iorego a"""'T""f to-your supplement cu......... - heT.plndid "reer.ofAndrew Jack- son: I wisn 11 was.w K- PLAGUE ... 1 : T - - ,. . .... a time when saner counsels prevailed in the party he did so much to strength en ana place upon firmer foundations. It seems to me that the inconsistency of unreasoning and false party leader ship is impressively exhibited, when the claim is made that the Jacksonian democracy sanctions the degradation of the people'es. currency, and a reck less disregard of the restraint of law and order. OREGON LAND CASES DECIDE IK UNITED STATES SUPRfodE COURT. Northern Pacific Company Loses to the Oregon & California Company The Property Valuable. WASHINGTON, Jan. ' 8. In an opinion handed down in the United States supreme court today, by Justice Harlan, the title of the Oregon & Cal ifornia Railway Co to large tracts of land in the state of Oregon was con firmed. The lands were granted to the railroad company many years ago, but its claims were . contested by the government. The main controversy was between the Oregon & California road and the Northern Pacific. The Northern Pacific Company "claimed them uirdcr.an earlier grant, but it was. shown that tins road had not filed a map of the definite location, and thus failed to earn t he grant. Hencethe court held that. notwithstanding jthe later' date of thf grant to the Oregon & California Company, it Was entitled to the lands. I f- The lands involved lie south of Port land and largely - in the Willamette valley. They embrace about 4i,Ooo acres. and are said to be Worth now $5,000,000 or $6,000,000. Like decis ions were made in the cases of Wilcox vs. the Eastern Oregon Land Co., and Messenger vs. the same company. These controversies were also largely with the Northern Pacific Company, in conflict with the military wajfon rodds. The decisons were also adverse to the Northern Pacific in these cases. GEAR IS NOMINATRD REPUBLICANS SELECT HIM AS STANDARD BEARER. " Will Be Chosen United Staies Senator to Succeed Himself Ohio's . New Governor. DES MOINES,. Jatu 8. Senator John Henry Gear was renominated by the republicans, in joint caucus, this evening. CUMMINS WITHDREW. Des Moines, Jan. 8. A. B. Cum mins today withdrew as a candidate for senator, leaving the-field clear for Senator Gear. AN INAUGURATION. Columbus. O., Jan.- : At noon, to- Hlay, -Hon. Geocge ah was inaugur orie Nasi r of Ohio atcdjgovcrnpr THE KENTUCKY FEUD. Senator Harrcll Arrested for Obtain ing Money Under False Pretenses.1 Iuisville. Ky., Jan. 8. Col. John B. W'hallen, who is now; under boad on a charge of offering $4500 to Senator S. B. Harrell for the latter's vote against William Goebcl in the organi zation of the legislature, today swore out a warrant against Harrell, charg ing the latter with obtaining money under false pretenses. The warrant was served at Frankfort this evening. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. F. A. Nexton. paying teller of the Fidelity Trust & Guaranty Company, of Buffalo, has embezzled $48,000. . Th Vrial of Julia Morrison.' the ac tress, foV. murder. f commenced yester dayat Chattanooga. Tenn. She was pale and Wfak, and apparently suffer ing from nervousness. Twenty-five physicians areXasid to be ready to tes tify to Miss Morrison's mcnUl aberra tion. A DEMOCRATIC BOOK. r I 1 1 "Coin" Harvey Issues the Argument for the Next Campaign. " 1 rV Chicago, Jan. 8. Tlie advance sheets of "Coin" Harvey, on "nfoney, trusts and imperialism" were issued today. The volume is illustrated, 1 pages, and is put forward as presenting, an argument upon which the democracy bases its case tor tne presiaennaicam paign oi 1000. . WILL BE SOLD. Philadelphia. Jan. 6. The survey board, which has been conducting an examination of the dowble-turreted Miantonamah, has iound that $450,000 will be required to place the monitor in condition. The board will, it, is believed, recommend the sale of . the vcsseL i A IUTdlMltn General White Reports rlson by the The Dispatch Caused Many Anxious Inquiries at the War Office in London Seizures of Aoerman Vessels Attract Much Attentloa In lEngland: ' LOJCDON. Jan. The; war -office this 'evening issued tlie following: "From Buller, Frerc Canijii, Jan. 6. The " following telegram, was received from General White, on January 6, at 9 a. m.i 'The enemy attacked Cae ars camp ati 140 a. m.. in consider able force. The enemy was every where repulsed, but flighting still con tinues " .1 GREAT INTEREST, .London, Jan. 7. (Sunday-Gencr-al. Buller' s telegram to the war oflicc, stating that General White, at -Lady-smith, reported that the cnemvhad at tacked Caesar's camp, caused many late calls, at the war omee. The offi cials stated at midnight, however, that nothing further, would be issued dur ing the night.. No news has been re ceived from other sources, though' the dispatches indicate that - important events' at the front arc imminent, if not actually progressing at this time. COAL IS DEAR. London. Jan. 6. Cpal is getting dfily dearer, and funds op, the "absent mind ed beggars" and others grc swelling by thousands into the- proportions of unheard-of munificence' while the pa pers, when not magnifying the indecisr ive skirmidies into brilliant successcR, devote casual attention to' the difficul ties which have arisen over the secure of cargoes bound for Irenzo Marquez. In the latter respect the Bundesrath incident almost monopolizes attentioh, RIOTING OfflCLRS SAN FRANCISCO TAX COLLECT OR REFUSED TO VACATE, . , ' . His Successor, with. Force tif'-Slug .. gcrs, Assaulted Collector Shcchan arid His Deputies. i . SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. R.-LTherc was a. riot at the city hall,, at noon to day, 'when Tax Collector-elect., Scott attempted to take possession of his ;of fice. . ' ! Scott's election is being contested; in the courts, by Collector Sheehah. whose term expired today, oh the ground that Scott has jiot resided here for . five years, as required by the new. chapter. Today Scott, with a tforcc of deputies, appeared , and demanded tlvat the oftlce be turned over to them. Scott jumped over the counter and struck. Shrcltan in the face". Scott's deputies, headed by a notorious prize-fighter", A'e Grcggains, used sections' . of gaspipci chair legs and other weapons, to pijit to flight hheehan s clerks who wetc defending themselves with ledgers and office furniture. Ben Solomons took a shot at Jack O'Brien, one of Shechan's men. inflicting a perhaps fatal wound in the . neck. A: squad of police arrived on the scene and by" a liberal apjilica hn of their clubs succeeded in rcMot- ir order. rolonicns was arrested iirii another man. ttamcd Broad., 1 Acting on the advice of his attorney, Sheehan .tliis , evening, abandoned the attempt to retain rmssessioh of the of fice of tax collector, and turned over the office to his successor, J. II J Scott. TWO MAYORS.". Sacramento. Jan. 8. Both : Mayor William Land and Mayor-elect George Clark are today excrciing the nowurs of the mayor's office of this city. A suit has been brought against Clark to-.pre- vent his taking ms seat, because -of the alleged violation of the purity of the elections law. Pending the . decision Land refuses to vacate the office.. . TO PROTECT AMERICANS. A NavaLWssel Sent from San Juan, to Santo Domingto. Washingtop. Jan. R vThe Macfeias has been orSrred from San Juan' to Santo Domingo. It is deemed well to have a naval vessel on hand 4o jitotcct American interests, irt cae any trouble follows the attempt of the French j na- al commander, at Santn Domingt. to enforce the settlement of the pending French claim of 500.00a ' .;. THE VICTORIA SAFE. Manila. Tan. The British steamer Victoria,' Captain Blakeley, arrived here today in tow. The Victoria ; left San Francisco October 17th for Hono lulu, and . Manila. .She-was spoken on November oth in latitude. 19 north, longitude 159; east, 'moving .under, "sail, having broken her. sjiaft. CARGO OF OPIUM. an Francisco, Jan. 8. The steamer AleWa from the Orient, today, brought 1,361: pounds of opium The drug i valued at 5341,770, and tne duty is. $128.! an Attack oil Ills Gar- Boer Torces the?, seuure of American flour being relegated to a very subsidiary position, and not being take v as having the slightest possibility of producing inter national friction. ;., Another seizuril Durban, Jan 6. The German steam er- ncrrog iias occii scizenny.a lint- isfi warship and brought to this port. ' Berlin, Jan." 6. The excitement oc casioned, by ,the scizutes of German stcamcijs, by lh,e British cruisers, it' creases" and overlaps everything else. Even the opening of the Prussian diet on the coming Tuesday is dwarfed thereby. In spite of the strongest cur rentr of the pop'ular anti-British seiiti ment. the (German government Mill honestly tries to continue its course of -loyal neutrality, but anxiously awaits fayo.rable British action regarding the ' seizures which-the government and na tion both ' regard .as unjustified. ;The gm-crnihcnt has ascertained. witlnrtU the shadow -of 'a boubt. that the Bun derath was seized on strictly neutral territory witnm a rauius belonging ,ty international law to tlic IVirtugilcsc colony. Thereby the action of the' British crhiser Magicienne was clearly wrong. ; as here contended! The -news that Great Britain has releacl the' steamerl General, seized at Aden, is here construed as Great Britain's back; ing down. : MAYt PRACTICE MEDICINE. Osteopathy Not Barred from the State r V of Washington. ' 4 -V ' "; - Olympla, Jan. In answer tq a request jrotn Dr. V,. W. Grant "fuckvr, secretary of the state' board of health, Assistant Attorney General Vance has handed down an ojn'nion to the cfTect that any person can practice osteo pathy, ml tne'i'-stale without holding a medical certificatej, provided, such prac titioner docs, not ftfiix M. D. or M. II. toi his name.! and' does riot prescribe drugs or medicines. . w A'anfc holds that osteopathy is .noth ing but a sort of massage treatment. . i , . ,:, . . -, VEIiDlCt RENDERED. " ' '1 "' ' I. Damages 'for a Linotype Machinist c..l it. ... liitiiaio, IM. v., Jan. 5. Edward Wunch,' a linotype machinist, formerly cinployel in the composing-rooms l the Evening News, who brought Vtiif several; months ago against David ........... ..v. .. mvoiui m "i I" H1"!'" ical Union No. 9, of this city, to re cover damages for alleged conspiracy in forcing him -nut of his position be cause he refused to take out a card in the typographical. union, t got a' verdict of $650 in the supreme court loda. t ' ' ) Oil A'KULri, ) . . ' . ' ' -.-" ' , A Steanler Wrecked Off the Island of Guernsey. , ,.t Londonj Jan. J. The Great Western line" mail J steamer Ilex struck on a black rot k off St. Sanlpon'ft, island of Guernsey, at 6 o'clock tliis morning and sank.! The crash awoke the pas-' spngers. numbering thirty-two, wlw nulling "h deck, found the vcbh4 slow ly sinking: The boats were launched within ten Vninules after the ttranur Struck.- All- Ilftli?f r were! tavi-J but one sailor was drowned. EST LESS ZULUS. j Picterriaritzburg, Jan , 4! -The rest Vessness' of-' the Zulus " is; increasing. Many of them are on the verge-d tar- " Ration, and there have leen neveral in stance the losing of stores. It is feared tpe magistrates will not fe able to restrain the warriors much longer. Jt .is asserted .they are anxious to at tack thd Boefs. A PIONEER SUICIDES. I-' - -' J- ' Spokajne, . Jam g,- Mrs. Ixuis Fil bert, a pioneer woman and "the wife of one if the most prominent citizens, hanged iierself in her house here this evening.! 2lie harl leen sick and de spondent. . Her brother is herifl vf this county. . ; , GREAT DISTRESS. V I- New York. Ian. 8. The latest ad vices from India aver that the situation there grows darker every 'week-u -Three million are working on the govern ment relief works. The sale of children by starving parents is becoming com mon.