Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 02, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    O . l
O ooooooocoooooooooooo O
VOL. 4S NO. 41.
bis! fate of Mrsi Malone, an
Aged Lady at Alsca
, - ... n-hli. TAtm Rtill Ke-
Itf Koaj v- : 7 - " .
BuUoedi-Ortentjkl Om Skipped
to American Smelter. :
V. . K :-V
ORVALLISx (0r.) 7 Dec SO. Mrsv
lilons. S3 year-a oia. was urnea : it
fceath. yesterday Burning, at-bar home
l3 ALsta. She resided who aer eon.
.plain Malone, ana arose snoruy ai
er $ o'clock. v Her screams; attracted
ittenilon. and her son xourva per en-
eiopei. in tie flam of ner ourning
nothing, iwr, W uuui
L;i various parts of . her body were
tvlly chirred. She died a. few oura
iter. - --;v ij ; : :.
r ' O RI ental trade. r
Tacoma. Dec : SO. One hundred and
even ty-one sacks of ore, concentrates
rere brought here on jthe CUy of ;Lon-
jn from the mlnea near , Singapore.
L.i t-th'Tacom smelter.- xms is
the first shipment of j ore ; from the
jrient to ah American smeuer. i.ne
I product of theaw , minea nave ooei
pent to Englana in ine uu
,-hipment Is in the nature ot a mw
' . 1 1 ...
IFuneraJ Conducted at Manila on Sat
urday and the Xioay row tun
' Route Home, j r.
claimed suited him, but iRe referee 1
was obdurate, and McCoy gave in.
McCoy was the aggressor in the
start off .and 'sent j .a left hook to the
jaw, flooring the Irishman- In at
tempting - to counter, Maher over
reached, himself and fell,! but regained
his feet almost immediately. Maher
then began rushing tactics, forcing the
Kid to the ropes. The Irishman, had
McCoy in a tight place at this early
stage of the, game, but the. Kid broke
away, nimbly, and pot a hard left to
Maher's stomach before the first round
ended. ' - - .
v In the third round Maher outoointed
McCoy by so per cent. McCov waited
for the big fellow, who had , the better
of-the previous .round. . Peter sent a
hard left to the face which . the Kid
countered. , McCoy landed a left and
right on the jaw.. Peter wavered and
McCoy sent another ' right, which fell
a bit short and then, dropping his left
to the1 body, tried a right swing and, as
Peter - side-stepped, the Kid met chim
with a. full swrng with his left, which
landed on the point of the jaw, and the
Irishman : went down, resting on his
right elbow, and was counted out in
this ! position. It was a 1 terrific blow
and M ox cquld scarcely have with
stood its force. . It was the cleanest
knockout ever secri in a ring fight, j ;
Probably in the history of ring fights
in this vicinity there has never, been
such a quick change in. betting , as that
which occurred during the two hours
preceding this fight. For some days
past Maher has been a favorite, as good
as ioo to 60 being bet on his chances.
One hundred to 70 on Maher was the
ruling price when the club house doors
ooened this afternoon, and for no ap
parent reason, Maher stock was beared,
. ... ai 1 .
while the Kid s was Duuea, ana wnea
the men got into the ring their posi
tions in the betting market were re
versed, with the Kid the tavome.
American Troops; Defeat Rebels
at Cabuayo, Luzon
A TbrektenedirprliitnK. la Manila Prevented
by the Antborltie iealnaldo '
Wife I m Prisoner. rm
JIani!a, Dec. SO.The funeral of Gen
eral Law ton, who was killed at San
Mateo. December 18th, was held to
day, with Impressive ceremonies. The
r,mihM were conveyed from Paco
Jcemetery, down the Luneta; to .the Pa-
s:g and thnc to tne iranapori
wt,;h i)m this afternoon. As
the holy was removed, from; the vault
nm'u-n Marrv read I prayers.- The
per! taft of I the late general. wa
ausmenied by Co'.or Serjeant Simon,
Trumpeter Habferkanl nd Privates
Oaku:n and Miihrusen. Th4 latter, who
were tiosely connected with Lawton
reteDt campaigns, bore the casket
from the vault to a elx-horse caisson
av-i;:r.g at the gate. . ,
Tie funeral iroce!?.'ion was composed
f the band of the Twentietn regimem,
r.enrra: Hall and his staff, two troopa
the Kourtn eavairy.-" "
UiTM.n at the lltn nis oei".
tery of artlilery,' a number rof clergy
men, a caisson covered With flowers,
the permnal staff- of the generaV on
Generals Wheeler. ..
His Forces Will Control the Legisla"
ture, Nearly JAll 'Democrats 2up
porting the Machine.
- VRW'KFORT. Ky.. Jan. 1. The
attorneys for Goebel and the other con
test In y" democratic candidates for state
offices this afternoon served notice up
tv. rTnhlican .contestants to take
l.deiQsitka-t-be'lised as evidence m
I 11, .ni;n(r rnn( raes. and uamihg
their' witnesses. . .
Frankfort, Ky Jan. 1. All doubt as
to the inability of th Goebel democrats
to ofgiinize both houses of the legisla
ture was demonstrated pf the attend
ance, in the democratic caucus wi.kv;
nationsrrare now engaged in a monV
strons rivalry in building naval arma
ments, the terrible .results' of which .it
pictures in eloquent terms and con
cludes as follows: ; 1 :. ' V
"The czar, at the beginning of - the
new centlry, sends his rescript into all
lands, begging that international delib
erations may be resumed onrthi most
grave and difficult of questions, appeal
ing ''-more esoecially to rhose . parlia
ments, who ire about' todeliberate on
naval armaments, whether there is not
a' better way to safeguara peace.
To Be Inaugurated' in New York City
Many Ministers Interested.
New York, Jan. I.-TIhs, the fit
day of the new year, had been selected
for the inauguration of a crusade
against vke on the lower. East side.
MAMLA, Jan. 1. The first move- t tention bv reason of the forces behind
ment of the general southern advance ; it. These include the society of ethical
occurred this morning, when two bat-, ' culture, whose Iteader. Pro.. Felix Ad;
talions of the Fourth infantry nanded ; len has anhouncM): his intention to rla
and occupied Cabuayo on the . south the congested district . oi 'its many
side 01 Jaguna de Bay.' Two Amen- plague spots- Prot Adler will rave the
cans were killed and two wounded..? assistance of over a score ot ministers
Twenty-four of -the' enemy were, . found of all 4wiommatons- monSf them, it
dead in one house. One hundred and is repotted. Rev. ,Brjggs formerly of
iifty prisoners1 and. four fsix-pounder the Preisbyteriah church; but now -a
rapid-fire guns were captured.. The Protestant episcopal, clergyman. rou-
gunboat Laguna de Bay- bombarded the . ticians will be appeaiea to ana 11 tnose
to?vn before the disembarkation of the appeals fail then other hieans will be
troops from the cascoes which was ! resorted to. .
Ladysmith and Chcvclpy Camp: Were" in Commu
nication on friday Night j
The Beleagoered Garrison Was .Well-Boer.s Attemptei to Muddle
the Messages iltr flashlights and Were Promptly v
Bombarded by Naval Batteries.
made under the enemy's shrapnel fire.
The enemy evacuated the place before
the charging Americans, . retreating', to
Santa Rosa to which town they were
pursued. Heavy fighting occurred
along the road to Santa Rosa, which
was occupied by the insurgents, retreat
ing south toward Silang. ? The; Ameri
cans burned the country around Cabu-
1 - a. J A . i. T a
ayo.. ine.gunDoat iurncu 1' i A tWdavf About o men. who. by
Da tor reiniorcements, ana mencc " i i ' tu, ,nmnanv'
Manila to ietch ammunition Shere- j flSSU
tcnuy v.. - tnrtu ruv dutv. were retired on
The Pennsylvania Railroad Adopts a
I. 7 Most. J-andable course.
Philadelphia. Jan. I. The system of
pensioning old employes of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Comoanv. on the
lines west (of Pittsburg, was inaugurat
ijnxDOV. Dec. ll- (Sunday. 4:S0 . 1 way to the cape ha created an tin-
m.) The war oflWe. when communicat-1 precedented denwand. i
lng. about midnight, copies of the mea- j That,, there 111 be a day of reckdn
sagea exchanged between the queen and !ng for; m one Is a tainty that
th if.h.hitint at Klmberlev. stated 'even the niot guarded and coMerv
that no further hewa had been recelv- Uve do ndt try to conceal. Whether It
ed up to thAt hour, and nothing of lm- b Lord Lnlwn. Lord W'olseley of
portance haa come. from other sources 'General Bullef It Is-lnmpolbU to tU.
during the night. uui tu iniormauon ouiinuw
The week' sorties, sklrmlshe recon-'sent .and ! the gUt of ertUclsim fwlat to,
nolssance and bombardments, at the lrdvLaasdowne. a having to ahould-.
various points (where the British and ed the 13 for t,h. terrible mlsmanage
Boen confront each other, W far as ment; (While Oijeat Britain feeds con
can be Judged, have had no effect upon tentedly :onteth long Ispeciat cables
the general altuatlon ait the seat of' showing i (American friendship. BrltlU
war which is practically the same as t agents tri Europe Relieve the sentiment
It waa a week ago. ' . . . In the United 6taleeha been gradually
During Uhe night of December 28th, turning Boer-ward until the time , is
Ladysmith and Cheveley camp we're now rrpe to develop it into a material
in -full communication, the former re-. effect.
porting all well. While signalling was
tn progress the Boers attemptedi to
muddle the sroe-saages wlth flashlights
from each extremity of their long en
trenched : line.
steam launches.
1 1 . t. . . U-.M tVi
Other regiments are mobilizing to- pensions; t T-K- , -
night, at San Pedro Macati and Pasig,
preparatory td continuing the souths
ern advance. I i-
Yesterday's capture of bombs involv
ed the seizure of documents inculpating
a . thousand Filipinos who intended to
rise, against the Americans. Papers
were also foi'nd showing; the distribu
tion of the city into districts, and a
... - r 1 f A fl
caretui assignment j 01 iuti ; Drtoher
lowers. The precautions, taken by the j T
duty, were retired
1 vera 1
wages they received when at work.
Death Sentence Pronounced Upon a
' Criminal in Massachusetts.
' Barnstable, Mass., Jan. i. Edwin
Pretoria. Det. 29.-Thre British prl
oncri from Malanoi re-nort that Cap-
Th naval brigade took taJtui V-non and Sandford. of Colonel
advantage of the opportunity to shell Baden-Powell's staff, were killed dur-.
the Boer posltiorm, which, were plainly ing the j engagement In which Xiords
revealed by their own lights, The Edward Cecil and Cavendish jJentlnlck
naval battery-resumed the shelling' of wer6. wounded. The losses ol the Brlt
the Boer trenches on . the morning of uh were very isevere. ' ' 1 ,
December 29th, but their fire fatleo to
elicit any signs of life.
London, Dec.
1 .1 "1 1 - .... -J
LONDON, Jan. A (Tuesday, 4:30
a. m.yiThe success of Gtneral French
in i driving -the! Boers from - Colesburg
3U. IV JS irang . ! . fhm rv nf lifflk through
t, c .Vti.roorf with ih murder . r- l... " h of won as an example ot souna tactics,
note that, as the jsew mr.. ... rtT,?m .,Ke.amoatiralh- South
t Britain, the rrateet army sne ".-et commented
as an exauiplc of .sound-
Americans on oaimuij, niAA utv: lie wa
uprising, . - mv"A Mnrrh l8tft.
.J iV -
Great Britain, the ratt army
citth a rrio nam hi iihv .u v unv va, a
of 'l. T. Whittemore at Yarmouth, last ""1," t republics on the face of and as an illustration, ot what.may
r i - - - t t - ......... . , , m ,1,, tuhofi 1 11 s 1 rto-nr nifTiifn- si rr riiia
wig nrraiunen loaav. lie a-Viii o. himA. tn itmi or i wi.a.. .v .. -l :
Wiirii lea of iiat ffuiltv ,1. j.im-;r.f t.adi and armar-' pioyed with tuc lioers. ., ine Kvn
I Vii i-v vs a .' -
Apnt alone nreventea
The provost marshal has requested that
rsf rtnt ff-uiltv :.. i . . - , rmar-lDloved With UlC Boer. I llC J
.;;;;t.nr T:.;. ment is nratA' to take the lesson to
are In -a state ot insuuMiity boi uwu "j m,. .. .v..... .
lncf the Baring crash. All Europe U turned ifi the endeavor to get tne iarg-
two more regiments be detailed for the 1 CALIF0RKIA EARTHQUAKES, piping at her heels, and the necessity est possible fore of,
prMaction of Manila. Three : thousand . C-Lir Vtm v JeTCas friendship ts recognised "ed infantry; to i ttie
troops are now actually in the city,
tvt;i-j Tan i. Acfuinaldo's wite
her sisters and eighteen Filipinos have
" ... - . t.t- nr... 1 iHri-.tidprprt in Miufawims
Tn the house caucus ail 01 weuivjs" r.VrC-Z..: ua at Rnn. on tue Kcys
Wocrats answered to the! roll-ca 1 ana .onoe " " I them to spout witn reaouoieu ii
, r .1 ...... n . 1. r . . 1111111111 uiii.wt. "
San Diego,
rhrktmas day
on the geysers of that region, causing
cavalry and mount
front; Now that
General Frenclr has. the Boers on the
-r . ...ill
1 ' . .. . r . . v. . mbiit wiTin n. ...n lit. n f tic pinrMru i i 1.1 1. 11 . v. i . i '
rt !L'h arrived in tnis city irora that 1 or years av ioth tr , . . .
, vu o arrneu v. ra lnneer tbtm rm rest, but wil harass them .
Cocopah country ot low" v-m- jiue l0r . dlr- Ti V Iv found their wav across
ia. reports thnt the eannquaae u maae . , ' XTW?S':'Zi3.r hirU i twel' mile.
had a marked eitect up-; atwiuy 01 sec-urin ..IS V. " .iw .'l u,?""."f":i: : " ."
a vir kt 1 a hm v pi . Lilts uaiMni a tfiimnrj . . ... .
in the senate iour uC1nu- v .. . r if.i .nH. ihe Fil-
- I renaerca i iuju v",v"
ipihqs also gave up two spaau
i.r remained out. In the senate cau
cus. Senator Harold created a sensa
tion by making an alleged expose of
the -anti Goebel Naders, declaring that
he had been -approached by J. H.Wn al
ien, of Louisville, and paid. $4,5oo to
tK iirus. ; Hes declar
ed that he had entered into thejdeal for
two American prisoners, j
fy,he, -Kobbe and t?chwan4 na Aam.- v- Whalten
Lf It aurt In t Vl fAA
val battalion, Major-General Otl and
Isiaff. t be foreign consuls m iuu Qrw,
and members of the Philippine supreme.
Native delegation irom iub
licwn Where uiwwn
knernnient held wreaths.; , I i4 .
Wnien from the same towns www
. . . . nl rr-
sentel htr with their condolences and
floweis. Crowds of natives ana Aroet
bans witnessed the procession.' the
band played dirges and the crowns u..
eavrd. At Paalg the casket was
transferred to a;'tufc tapa was sound
eJ and prayers were offered by Chap-
u'in'Pierce, Four eniisiea
wii; accompany the remains to
United States. ri;
1 the
The Irish'man Not Qevet Enough for
His, Active Antagonist lieuiux
on the Result. '
Frankfort, Ky., Jan..i.--Senator Goe
bel was nominated by the, senate cau
cus for president pro tern, and the
late of the Goebel organization for
places in the senate went through.
IN OHIO. ' ;
- i rv r The seventy-
fourth "general assemDiy met --" ,,4 the.tri?1.
ately siect ,a sum. . ;, . .
Department Commanders Appointed
by the Commander-m-Lhiet.
Lancaster; Pa.. Jan. AVJ
J. If nlins, commanoeriint'
national association 6l5pamsh-Amen-"r"
w, VMPr3n?. today announced
commandef. . Among them ,s Main?
T-..:.j tr irv rf the state of . W ash'
tn the cdnrmander-in-cniei
Attorney General Griggs on the Rail
road Freight Classification.
elected the republican caucus nominees.
ant-general (ei officio) shall, constitute
ant grat 'j . f th council of
will imi
iL-..i-- ;ntnr ' - orenerai. f
SnVsurg- gVnk judge advocate,
signal dfficer arid chaplain.
TheArmy Given the Pfe"" ver
( the Navy' at the I unction.
Washington, Jan. l.At the presi-
the former, General .Miles eaaingu.
militfty contingent with Adjutant Gen-
A 1 1 ral Corbin at nis icii, r.iv. "31.:" .
SB 1 J
By Excellent Work the; Oregon .Team
Defeats the Boasted . California
. Eleven Easily.
Washingti.n, Dec. 30. Attorney Gen
eral Griggs today returned to the In
terstate commerce commission the
transcript of the evidence, taken at the
v. lwfnro tho eommlFRlon last
week.ln.U matter of e new reight yr,.
h!iitir.aiion uu we"
the attorney-general under the
law. If his iudgment should
. , k . in his "letter to
commission, "referring to the demand
of the shippers that legal action,
against the railroads be taken, the at-torney-general
ays: i
-If the testimony submitted showed
a combination- among the railroad
companies to restrain commerce
among the several ta teaI would not
testtate to invoke the remedy provided
t?68".!:.:. iw. but to take such
action upon 'tne tace
mitted, would not only be futile, but
"i. ir there be a remedy Jor
neal to your commissto" ju.. ,-r
t; .
hi'moTous at the expense of fall things "j lje important result of the success
traneAtlaiaic- 'with' a' crop t .2'. of ' General ' French .is, tht it -widj have
000 bushels of wheat, la especially In a a jt,rcnt etfeiit 0n-Dutch disaffection,
position to help us.". i,Thcrc is some! disposUion licrc to ex-
Tlie ;fact that the government has aRerale the ijnportancc of. tiie' srjiali
chartered so many transports has -,- skifinishes and! engagements. It should
suited In a'-rise in thp prlc of 9read borne in mind that General. French
while coal to rising .by leaps and bounas . . men. ancl. sO far as-the
to famine price. Unless -the situation . orUnt points of the can
campaign are
Improves, many industrial c"" coCerned, the situation is virtuauy
Sepimdtng , on the coal supply may ;'n";d' -i . '
have to suspend operation. -: heliograph reports from . Lady-
smith show that all was weu on w
OUl. "WW . . . , rri.-
. -1- ipk- ''rrmhrri tlst. . 1 lie
- f . . . v. 1 1 1 la.rmr t .flAiTd tu uuu. v. ... ...
o n 1 1 - "I'' ' . . ... . 1.,. ir.fr ..intniieT. DUt IIS
"1 'normal Christmas congestion ot xr-. -rr; ;
r ortrravfltM t ht SltUailOIl 'WWW . v . " J ,
4Via - . - . . . . y ....ii ii i tr s ciiiiM irom
: will na s v. . :
maij-Aimcuw v -; Id -Cfnford uni
afternoon oeiieuM .
versity eleven in one. of the fastest ot
ball cames ever played otVtheiuitno-
,1 r.r rilckl i iir irana.
ports war vessels and depots on the uary ltth.
bombardment was
intensity had
seventh division
England by J aft-
street and the firemen were kept biwy
extinguishing stmall flres 'on roofs of
the surrounding buildings, V
Insuraents's Loss Was Heavy-Man
. 'Iilfles Captured by- the. Victors
several' Men Wounded. :
- j I i - i 1 1 i ! .
V:i be i Tried fpr Deraudrng .the Fed
1 eral Oovernment. ; ,
vrw vrT?TC. Tan. i. Kid McCoy
sain placed hinisclf in the 'c5fP0.
shijj cLs by defeating Pcter-MAer'"
- -....ii ..rrht hattle of Three
.rounds before- the Coney Island At h
Ictic. Cub this alternoort
was scheduled to last twenty-five rounds
and'the purse was to ha vebeen 520,000
but the attendance was not as large
had been cxictedAnd before the-hRht
as begun the principals ae;
the -winner should-receive the gross
gate recipts. The battle was hard
fought from start to finish, but Mcwy
was far the cleverer man in ring
dodging. side stepping ana. n1"
lowers. , lie snowea, diui - , '
j -i watching lor
an opening and never fading to
advantage 'of "one. Maher, although
credited witlv being a heavy hitter, dia
not get in any eflectivet blows. - "
foot work was poor and at times he Ca
not appear to have perfect, control 01
When the mca entered the ring and
stripped for the battle, both looked to
be in perfect condition. Under tne
.Marquis ot gueensbury rwc,
c'oves. provided by the club, yre
handed to the referee and he -in turn
rave them to the boxers secomi
Maher donned his quickly, but McCoy
claimed the gloves did not fit him, ana
stubbornly refused to use them. tie
listed on, wearing an old pair whicn
stantorus nut "'".v . 'j .v.i first
T - ..
iCWtjr .......
nortv and was escorting pn v
of Secretary of the Navy Long.
-'I Washington, 7n- -t. In all, 3334 P'
cons attended'the president s reception
at the White House today.-
abnd Mu4momah made th first
fouchdown bv bucking tliehne v for
light yards without losing the ball.
rTtniPtfiM'; OF WASHINGTON .v :
CHAMPION b YZrhi Spokane high
-ttin tcau7 aefcSd. the Ta,
SS Again CaHse W.M, A,
r"-?Jl o too: i f - range tw i
py a cuit y -- - i --
-er: v Sterl Kshed. todawhat
ffiwrioV madea eonessed the
governments ."Hagu
fernational conference at The Ha
The record wasonuer y - - Thescript, -
c:-, marte at vai"& , . on me .- - rtf the
r: -- si -.1- .t renews tne expi" ,
: BOUnTjrwo.ROADS. fe-a
Sioux City, la Ja 0??
TTiir today acquired the &oux 7 k of The mgue fc .f
Northern and the - ATw A zeous devotion, pen
! railways. , . 'Lil L prosecuted witu z ,xnression of re
A DW""' , ) I Rret tnai "ch over the entire
r -T V j "the spreading of hno . &
1 waeen- LZT
urer - "eiiof ,ome time; is a
sent from the -tor He u u.
Leading Nations, -f???'
: Tawtniz China s jrutare.
ashingWn T
opened by Scrary Hay wUh thagrjat
Sowers of Europe and Japan. toa
Wublic the nawwe r -
York. iDec. 30. Benjamin D.
; . - . i i -nrn John . uaynor. . rawsra -u.
MA-WtLAi'-bec 31. (Sunday, :30 - GavnoB and WHIamT. Gsynor, mem-
m Colonel jLoekett has had sec- bers 0f the Atlatvtie Dredalng & XTon-
. tracting Company, juinny i')'vl-u
fcy a Michael A. Connelly and former Cap-
.nmfnt ) with tne mMi
northwest of Mont Albah, and
.. SM,- . - Tf.lt. f -7
hrlUfnt charge drove tne esemjr tain Oberlin M. tarter, ot me.nuea
thtir position. I- .; Ftates engineer-corps, f(r . conspiracy,"
Orfv one American officer and nesulting In a loss to the government -
ra wr WOUIMfu. iu I c,T in ewniicriwii " " '
the insurgents was neavy, . -Our
troops captured a.-nur f
. nuantitY: of. ammunition
and pi ovj lors. - . ; " !';
a,,ltrr in the sum
lieved to be in Canada.
for the Prr.1, interested states."
. "537? whl be enOdled In
. . ..w. nrvirrestR But In
tether auari"".--- .
Great' Destruction off Preperttjr
- , City of Chicago. !
in the
Chicago.' Dec. 30 -xe at arr early
7 T." wit!on to have trustwrinj tendings, extending nvta . -----In
a position ?o ,-rableipu -:f--: a ..w nm aired thebulld-
, inn it is jearncu , . 7 roe sirenri ouw . - . ,.
vannah river and Cumberlana souna
vontraets, feared- Tor examination r;
today before t'nited States CommWs
eiotier Shields.! ' -
The Indictment on which the Oay
rtftrs and Greene avere aiVt-sted was
fctind' In Savannah district. ' Counsel
r.ir iiofotuK are prepared- to make a.
bitterf fight against the-removal of th
men to Savannah for trtall- The-case
was continued to "Wednesday., v . "
j of an
X iedare been made Great lt 212, 211 Monroestreet. causing
SrW. I a W aggregating A!r
Wn. ' There 1 nodoiibt, "."i1!""'"; ed In the injury ot mwe
tTtnat Italy. the .remslniA gantry f - seriously. .
here, tnat T;fr. f.vrtrlble ant- r . ... i.'.MnmMd to have wlglnaU
ddr3. ?wu ---r -- y done "hI Zconi floor In the workroom monial venture- J A Toftd raine
wer if,, indeed. It has not 55 e" nw,te woolens. I two i was In .Corvallls oft Thu
oi!Sat.'ad fan-lLrmng. and toTa time the tele
fInlunction with the Unit; - fier.e northwest wlnd,.preaa
lrtates. eanhardly be pversfmate rapJdly that when Lv
d States, 0f
o far as It reiate
China and in corauiv v . -
pi re. . .. . ,-! 5
rwrts Tartar ana -----t ' ... ,,..,i. was in danger.
Ihlv be seni back to communicated to
dock, and no steamers .w';S4,MosWtel.Mrt- its pro-,
is already engaged to sail . and zia checke4. immense
Corvallls, Timet: .. . .
Kings Valley baa toot only the dis
tinction of having the smallpox, but it
has In addition a, eensatlon In the shape
ol-fahloned runaway main-
A fond : father, .or
wires were kept hot: .but at last ac
counts the happy couple were severs
lengths ahead. ,C ;
, . '- . ' . 11. . ot
B.! F. Chuds. proprietor 01 ui
Cheese factory, ; urowniniw, .
sold all the cheese he naa rmnui.
from the summer's run to San Fran
cisco parties ! , The , lot consisted o.
pounds.! By this transaction and .
a few others of like nature, over XVrt
have been brought Into the community
of Brownsvl'de during the past week.