Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899, June 30, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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'S WflCY
s: ;u t t , ; V.. - l : - ' -
. r-t-restlng Event :Ha Been Plan
AB Or th Bicycle Committee
For tbe Fourth.
President W. H. Wehrung and Secre
tary C. D. Gabrielaon, pf the state fair
board, : have closed a contract with
Director George H. Parsons, of Port
land, for that gentleman's famous
band and orchestra, which will fur
nish the music at the fair. The con-
m. hifvcle committee, serving In
f -nnectlon with Salem's j Fourth of j tract calls for eight evening concert
i iTcelebration, has arranged for a. and seven days' music at the fair, the
I T! irfje road race to take place some t first concert to be given on Friday ev-
"time during the afternooa. It will be .enlng. September 15th. The contract
I - jojdicap race wHh a 12 minute limit. price Is $375 for the season, which is
j ?Lj- amateuis can enter ;the race and remarkably cheap, considering , that
s entries muat be in by 15 p. m. Mon-' the band contains sixteen piece.
I das Jaly 3d. The handicaps will be t Other bands made a bid, for the en
; -pfaaged by the committee. . Four : gagement, but their flgutres were far
I nriie -will be given ia follows? First I too high.
! v. - . i.A via- rin UmA nrlzp. 110: I
! place .yi5 . 1 ' w
' second place prize $5: second Itimej
15. The race will start at the J
i intersection of State and Liberty whiit a drfadful thing it would be If
I streets and that will also be the termi- he were blind, and closed his eyes as
i nal point. -The route will be out State he walked along to see how it would
i street to Twenty-fifth street, thence b,. ! in this way he walked over a
I tooth to Turner road, east to Reform rurge cf gold which another man
1 school, north via deaf mute school picked up. There are people today
road to Asylum farm, thence; to Sa-JJm.t M foii,),. They moan oyer
j jem via-State street, incioswance io oe thcir health thinking nothing will
I With a view to having a wheel par-
A FooUsh Man.
was once a man who thought
An Enthiisiastie Meeting: of tbe Var
ious CcmisitUcs Was Held Last
Sign .-Several Reports. !
I ije on the Fourth, agreements! ton the
( siffnature of wheelmen, have been left
f t the following business houses:
help them, when a trial of Hcstetter
Stomach Bitters will cure th.-ir a'l
mentn. It brings steady, Vigorous
nerves to nervous people. It purines
Wade Co. Wa"Sah'PP'nf,r brings hack ,eal Wealth by making i
Wilson. Wiggins Bazaar; Buren & ' .. . i -,.011.1.
Hamilton and Gile & Jenlos. The "
! fiw. w thUt is absolutely the greatest remedy
f Sderslgned bicyclists Agree to take Vr f1! stornach, trouble, ands
Lrt in the wheel parade on July to be found in every drug store.
i Fourth, providing 200 or more wneei-
tnen wll agree to ride. Place of meet-
ing to be designated later.!
I Notwithstanding Scarcity of Beef
the Valley, Twenty-one Carloads
W Are Belne Freighted East.
f Slar Bros., of Sheridan ? receive the boys.
j; Wyoming, yesieraay mmvrcM uuu -"
$ point three carloads of yearling cattle,
i numbering about 150 head. The cat
si tie were purchased in Marion and
Polk counties, and will be placed on
NATIVE SONS. Dan Waldo's Cabin
No. 3, Native Sons of Oregon, last
night appointed a committee on re
ception for the occasion of the
return of 4he Oregon volun
teers, now on their way home,
from Manila. The committee consisU
of George H. Burnett. S. U Hayden,
H. A. Johnson and D. C. Mlrvto. The
last two named were appointed a spe
cial committee to go to Portland and
the Wyoming, range.
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number
of deaths show that the large majority
die with consumption. This disease
f. uiroufcnoui me vury. tiw j tanUy by Kemp's Balsam for
f capital City and .Eugene toV;, JjJJ, which is gu
mi. ' ny commence with an' apparently
caiue , , . i v. w
S . . . . i nlnnt i iiiiwv,iw -""01 " D
ranKea tor ine purcosw ! teed to cure and ' Meve all cases.
-of twenty-one cars, averaging fifty
7 head to the car.
In conversing with one of the gen-
1 tlemen yesterday, a representative of
J the Statesman remarked that beef m
tola section of the valley was exceed
ingly scarce and had advanced con
siderable in price and Inquired If the
arm experienced any trouble In find
ing cattle for sale. The buyer replied
that he had found yearlings quite
plentiful in the sections of the valley
- visited but remarked that three-year-olds
or beef cattle were: very scarce
and expensive.
k AM INSANE. W. F. Davidson, of
L Champoeg. came to Salem yesterday,
having in charge one Charles Colon.
" He brought Colon to the court house,
and swore out a complaint, charging
his prisoner with insanity. An exam
ination was held before County 'Judge
G. P. Terrell, conducted by Dr. S. K.
' Jeup; the man was adjudged insane.
'.and Sheriff F. W. Durbin and Mr.
Davidson escortea nim w me
The man is a stranger, having been
Price 25c and 50c For sale by all druggist.
Downing has begun an attachment suit
dgalnst Charlt Taitz tor $100. alteged
to be due for legal services rendered,
and Belle Flinn, the race horse that
was recently defeated in lh! city by
Pat Murphy, has been attached. I.
H. McMahan. who ha been engaged
by tLrttz, on Saturday served notice on
She i iff Durbin that tbe horse Is not
the property of Lutz, but belongo to
Jack Maxwell, of Teko. Washington
Tbe plaintiff was thon required to put
ud bonds, which he did. Tbe case Is
a vtry compliiiated cne and will prob
ably, command the tttention of the
courts for some lime..
A NEW SUIT. I. S. Leonard plain
tiff, vs. J. D. Brown defendant, is the
title of an attachment suit filed In
Judge Burnett's department of the
circuit court yesterday. The action is
brought for the collection of two notes
and an account aggregating over
attorneys fees of $60. Real property
Of tne aeienaani was aimuaeu.
nahrlpllf Cilbath. relict of E. J. Col
in the Cham dock section; but
time, where he made lklmself pbnox
tous by stealing from the farmers and
annoying them generally). He! clalma
to be wealtny, ana aueK f v.,) ka ,a rw .k. aeo at his
In the business of raising frogs lor tne ,hl. rWv.
IMHIIf yjll ABWIUIlt u.a. ws., '
votrdav received an A. O. U. W
hk for 12-flOO the- amount or ner
husband's policy. In that order.
' (From Dally, June 27th.)
Salem's stveial celebration commit
tees held an enihusiatllc meeting at
the office of Chairman N. J. Judah in
the city hall biAlding last nighc )
If the teveral patriotic expreealons
there offered' and the earnest an gen
eral co-operatlor. - of the committees
tliat was evlJent-ed. may be takjen as
an Indication of the character 6t the
entertainment to be cffer-d here on
that occasion, Salem's observance this
year of the nation's greatest holiday
will be one grand patriotic demonstra
tion that will ur?a In Its detailed ar
rangeirwnts all pievious efforts.
The tirst business disposed of was th j
matter of committers tepcrts. G. Plolx.
chairman of the commit tee on floats,
reported that three carriages and a
chariot were iit cours of construietln.
The floats will be novel out of the us
ual order- and will Involve a new
scheme of decoration and representa
tion and will requiie, for their proper
equipment, the Fcrvicta rf eight jjourg
bidies who will be ce'ecte-I at on-e.
Owing to the Inability of the firt
named c-ommiilte to serve, W. W.
Zinn. A. F., McAtee. George Ej. Sly
and Albert Shaw were constituted a
committee on sports end will arrange
an interesting program of juvenile
street sprrts. Tbe matter cf selecting
a place for the filing of th early
morning salute end the discharge of
the evening fire works was leftf with
the fireworks committee, of which O,
E. Krausre is chairman. The inu.i-
clpal authorities have granted the ue
of the lower end ot Wlllson avenue
and the offer will probably be acceptor
C. D. Gabrielson, F. A. Wiggins, and
Dr. C. H. Epley, chairmen, respective
ly. of the program, bicycle and musicj
committees submit tea re pons, me suo-
ftnnce of which have already been
published In these co'umns. W. H.
Hobson, and E. F. Parkhurst, ti th!
commitU-e on invitations, v.er In
structed to extend Invitations to the
state, county and city officers, and the
Judiciary, to attend the day's lexer-)
cies. Carriages will be provided and
the guets will be rrrlgned places in
the parade M. O. Buren chairman of
the committee on illuminations, re
ported that his committee would ren
der active service in atii.fartorWy il
luminating Marlon iuare. In which
the exercises will be bead. The com
mittee on speakers reported, but Its
action has already been published. F.
W. Sleusloff will be unable to serve
as chief marshal, but that poit'on will
be offered to Dr. E. A. Pierce, who was
otiartnallv named a an tide. Dr. C.
H. Robertson chairman of the com
mlttoe on fraternal orders, reported
that he bad conesiwnded with the sv
cral dialers of the city, relative to par
ticipating in the parade, but bad re
ceived favirable responses from
a few.
Rev. W. C. Kantner, of the
Congregational church, will he invited
to pronounce the invocation at the
morning exercises,
rhu'irman Jjdah reported h
market. He is about 38 Jreara! old.
b now reaping a rich harvest, j Medical statis
tic compiled iby thebet
phrsiclan! o? the world
how that er sixty per
cent of the cae of acqiilred,
LAORIPPE. There are aU
other point of weakness.
Refer to the nnmbera ou the
chart. Study each one emre
lully. FamlUarlte yoortelf
with them. If yon have an
attack of LA GRIPPE begin
the of HITDYASi as
7 soon th aenle yiaptom
W liave .nUlded. ni lYAS will briog about
She restoration to perfect health.
' The Parts Affected Are:
eoraea luflamed and thickened, and a Chronie
i Catarrh U4he result. HITD'AJI wi rednee
f : th lnnamiaariou. and leave the macoui ma
bran in a perfectly healthy condition. I
. (THE EAR DRUM ) ' TnB mwAw
flamed and thickened. gllt to almort
total deafaeaa. HCOYAaT wUT jrmsl the
spmidof tbelnaaauastieaw Thedrnm wlU not
U afteted and hearing will be mnimpaljed. , .
ORB THROAT. Trwa the mmmm eavaae as t
twe preeedlac HGOTAI wl peeveal itm
oailac on. - i -f -i"-;'- ' "" ' '
TAM wUl atrcBta tbe heart nerrea. eaaltss
tke eircalation ef bhod, and eaaas the aaart-
kill to beeotae stfwaf sad regale.
-. a weakened Norrwopjrtm
win eaaas the Mag tlasa to beoome stioag
and healthy. -
will atfeaathea U aliaort laamedlaely.
BCD VAX wlU ewe all of the above aysip
tau and leavs your whole 7 P"
eoodttion of heatth. -Oe 7' drnr,. "
ee and procare a packer UVU...,
w eenta. or lx package tortJJO. W your
jtlt does not keep tt, sea lrot to the
yadro,Cal. Retnemberthat ro oonmlt
a4 tee the doetore. Toa mr u
I taesa or write, a yon desire. Address
nnotCE AN ABM. -Mrs. Frank
Wright, of Enger, had the misfortune
a few days ago. to I fall and fracture
her right arm. Dr. J. D Shaw went
out lastj evening snd reduced tbe frac
ture. Mrs. Wright is a plomer. lady.
well known throughout the 'valley.
TO TACOMA.-Del Norte, the great
iruldeless. which la to givo an exnioi
tlon mile at the state fair grounas to
morrow afternoon, will show at Ta
coma on July 2d, 3d and 4th.
Tnrii.r.pndr-iice West Side: With two
good rock crushers. Polk county ccuM
build mere ama bettei loans, m
uatrn than she has been able to ac
cntr.pliKh within the past ten years, at
h. nnnt vitn cf working our
boen urable to uriange a competitive
base ball tournament, the St. IPaul.
H4 1 Arirol and Portland teams h ivins
dec.Vr.ed to compete for the $5C rtlte
The McWInnville iggregntlon is Wi Hm$
to come to Sakm snd play thel Cli
mawa team, provided it is insured i
f2ft oxoense bill. After a general dis
cumlon. the matter of adjnMir.g the
proposition from the McMlnmllle
wt-s left with Chairman juaau.
Carxj-ntirs will this morning
preparlrg Marlon square for the
Has started slaTigliteriiig their immmeiise stock of
7 Clothing. j (
$5.00Buys a good suit of Men s Clothing$5.00
Yes, we will sell you a suit for $5.00 that other
stores charge $7.50 for.
$9.00-Buys a suit well worth $ 1 2.50-0ur price, $9.00
Call and see our goods and prices. We will have
no trouble in convincing you that we are selling
up-to-date clothing at a lower price than any other
house in the city. I
Goods Arriving Daily...
Pretty Organdies, New Lawns. Swiss, Ginghams,
Percales, Dimities, Etc. Dainty Chiflfons, Allover
Embroideries,- Laces of all kinds. Several nice pieces
of Tucking. Lace Curtains, large sizes extreme
low prices. Bed Spreads, Table Linens and Napkins.
It will pay you to call and see all our new goods.
Friednnaii's New Racket
Cor. Commercial
and State Strtets.
County Judg-e G.; P. Terrell, after
htaiins the petition, appointed irrea
Hurst as ndmlnirtrator cf the estate,
and fixed the bond at 130,000.
Fred Hnrst appointed Administrator
of tbe Estate of John D. Hnrst,
Late of Aurora.
f, th
exercises. The financ. cemmittej will
tomorrow make a final canvast
city for funds. The celebraUon
now amounts to 1730.50, but an
will be made to relee the nmojni 10
fM. Chairman Judah was InstructeJ
to opi-rlnt a tifwc'M committee ori dec
oration for Marlon square and the
same will be named today. j
. It was moved that a general Invita
tion bo extended to the merchants nitd
business men to represent their busi
nesses in the pronelon, mbject to the
approval of the repcclve floats by
the chairman of the general commit
tee, no prise to be offered by the com
mittee, precipitated a lively discussion
t.i.,1 trovaild br a. small vote. A num-
publlc highways. The quest ion i i cf the c,,rnn,,tteemen preseat In
good roads need no longer be talKed, du- ir the debate, some doubting
tt.r this part of making them has been . nunlmr aueh en
fur this rart of making
thoroughly uccf.m;llfhed, and now:
it is time to do something else. ; It Is
net necessary to t-hcxv he advantai;.
of good roads to cur people for thy
all realize the great benefit to aU.
Bjild what you build light, and It
will not be any great length of time
until you will be driving on good
roads. County Assessor Conner
Is at work aesofistng Independenc?
precinct. Mr. Conr.er reports the
grain crop In fair condition, and espe
cially is this so as In regard to the
spring sown wheat. Hay and grass
of all kinds are looking well, and the
hops are immense. and but few
lie are m tlcfd on the rinea aa yet.
O. t. Bannister, living- between
Jnderendence nnd Mcnmouih. is now
gathering his strawberry crop, mb
expects to bare .0O0 boxes, which at
only 4cts. a lxx on. an average, will re
turn 'him 1246 for; one crop Mr. I'-an-nister
als makes a specialty, at the
proper ssason. ot celery, besides bis
small fruits and t the ; vegetables. H
is a thrifty fanner, and clear rsoraa
money eah year on his little farm.
A band of oioe stock shei wero
sjld tha other d-y in the Locklamuta
country at 13 60 per head after shearing-,.
ib. m our let v of extenning sucn rn
invitaUon, maintaining that the fourth
was a day that frhould be en
tirely devoted to exercises of a sacred
and natrlotlc nature rather than to ad-
vtrtising the commercial inteieks of
h avral celebratora. A member of
one. of the committees remarked that
nr, of the subset ibers to the coieL.ru
tlon fund had stated that if 4 ball
game were played at the fair grounds
a, twnld merchanta be allowed to ad
vertise their business In the lne of
march, that he woo 1-1 withhai nis
Muhrcrlptlon. .Tills provoked a lively
discussion, many partlclratlpg therein.
The majority of tho rpeakers depre
raUd the fact, that any business rnn
should allow his scna of patriotic
pride to be dominated by a matter -f
his commercial lnteretts cr the expec
tation of personal gaJn. H
I was seHously afflicted with a cough
for several years, and last fall had a
more severe cough than ever before.
I have used many remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who
knowing me to be a poor widow, gave
It to me. I tried It, and with the most
a-ratifvlna- reaults. The flrst bottle re-
The last will and teMament of the nved me very much and the second
li'te F. V. Cavlnefs, who died at Stay- bottle! baa absolutely cured me. I have
t n recently, was admitted to probate not had as good heaUh for twenty
by 'County Judge O. P. Terrell yester- yarsl Respectfully. Mrs. Mary A.
day upon petition of the widow of the Beard, CJaremore. Ark. Sold by .J. H.
d.-ccased, Mrs. Maiy Caylness. The Lunn, the druggist,
eetate consists of pirscnal propeityi
valued at $1,700, and Ihe heirs to me HEAVT FLEECES.
eane are. I . t
Mary CavinerS, widow, aged 73 years,' Pe(r Boler, of Springfield. Lane
of Staytoo. county, gives figures of tome shep
J. L. Caviness, ton, of Iland City. cneaiB by him. From flftren year
Crern. Ungs Mr. Boler received 27T, pounds of
"VV. W. Caviness, son, of W ei-tfall, rttecef an average of 18 :-3 pounds.
Oregon. , From ten ewes, each raising a lamb,
Vallcney Ellen "Warren, daughter, of an avtrasj of fifteen pounds.
I' rtland. . I
W. P. Caviness. son, of We.tfall. Or. ExcJtWTM;It Gver. 1
'lcena T. Caviness. daughter, of The rush at the drug store still con
r" ,,V Itinues and daily scores of people call
John iacey. George Macey. Onrence tor bottle of Kemp's Batoam for the
Mace? KHa.hne and Clara 1 hilpot. Throat and Lung. for. of
l l'n of Sareh E. Philrot, deeeaa-Ml. Oouha. Colds, Aathma, Bronchitis and
children of fcaren i n. i , romumotlon. Kemp' Balsam, the
of IJr.u coumjr. , . , xiY m sold on a
or teorge
Work of Construction to Begin
. Onee- Room Needed for the
Iteitlo Caviness, son
Cavness, deceared. of lone, Oregon.
Charles Clover. Fred Clover, and
Lola Clever, children of Mahala Clover
ceasel. of Linn county.
The will - provides that the ex
cense of the last flckness and 'death
guarantee and never falls to give en
tire satisfaction. Price z&c ana wc
The early years of Christianity thone
of the Ustator be paio. sna . dark moral background
settled; it further iovides mat , . . h ruv-lot the world In de pest
personal proXrty. "Zl mghU NowTny crime
note, and accounts, and . ..conspicuous
against hu
es a dark
cf existence which omits
a belief In 'Immortality make-, of life
K.n f nncoinrleted unl?r-
Hnduin V mnnmAil fntflOlllV . i . Karva of nncOinrleted
, .' mi;m atwi-v r..it. iiMrdtd r.rvlce nnd
rar Stockton. Market aarf Strmtn, . w ,nB.A r.
wrong P-lshop
When You Rble Your Vheel
Always stake ta to your shoes Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder for tbe feet. It
ki a your Teet cooi. prevents sweating;
ft-et, and makes y wr endurance ten
fold grreater. Over ore million wheel
monl are UFinr -Allen rcoiTiuas.
They all praise It. It gtves rest and
comfort to smarting, toot, swollen, acn-
inz. feet and is a certain cure ior m-
S.mlnt nails. At all druggists ani
oe .tores. 25 cents, ample FREE by
m.ilL Addreiss, Allen S. I Olmsted, I-e-Roy,
N. Y. . . .. u
rty go to the wwow, arr clou1 m . heaven radiant with light.
o be used by her f-i Bfe. and st ner smith. Christian Church,
ath to be divided amr.ng the child- T
Mary Caviness is to be soie w,.
(From Dail June 2:.th.)
. - '- i '..'
The board of tiuftees for the Insane
asylum held a brief burners mcetlniC
at the capltol yMerday for the pur
pose of complet'nK arrangements for
seem Ing- jabor and material for the
conftruetlon of tbe new wing at the
asylum. Contracts were signed1 with
the lowest bidders as fo'lows: -Otto
Hansen. Fl'm mill work. :
llanM-n tt landon, Falem. lumber.
Knox Sk Murphy, Ealem, roofng.
M. E. Freotnan . Co , Portland, plaiV
tering. 1
The latter contract was flrrt awarded
to E. M. Sorben tut that bidder, find
ing I hat . his estimates were not on thi
specifications as p.ovlded by the .board
and that. If he took the contract ho
would do it at a retlous lone to him
self, declined to enter Into a contract,
and the next lowest bidder. M. E. Free
man CO.,,waf given ine conirasi.
Work on the tvtTdlng of the new
wine will begin In earnest this week,
and it is hoped that such progress will
be msde duiing the summer and fall,
that a portion, at least, of the new
wing, will bo available for the use of
the asylum authorities In housing pa
tients, before ti-xt winter. The pres
ent asylum bulld'r.gs are badly crowd
ed and room is needed to accommodate
the constantly, arriving patients com
mitted from various portions of the
state. '-.:...'
XJver Cotnptainta cured
cham'a Pllla. '
by Bee-
siMniMMirts. melancholia, stomach
Doane. pains, heart trwbles. Hulyan cures.
" . - - a .
ee.ntrix, to act wnnoux somu, j
will Is dated October .
r .mtrdanM with the provisions of.
the will. Judge Terrell appointed Mary !
Caviness, the widow, as executrix oi
the eatate, to act without bonds.
In the probate court, yereterday. tbe .
i wa .t, nf John I. Hurst, t
deceased, filed a peUtlon fcr the sp
polntmetit of an administrator. re-1
er ased died at Aurora on May 2fh. anl
left personal property vaiueo v
and ral property estimated at H 2.000.
He left the followtn trs-at-lw:
Helen Caroline nurst, widow, sged
tt ' years, residing at Aurora-
W. S. Hurst, son. aged SS. of Aurora.
John B. Hurst, son. aged 24, of Cl-
Fred P. Hurst, son, agedZS, of An-
Henry H. Hurst, son, sged TT, of An-
Th ttetitloners asked for the ap
pointment of Fred Hurst, of Balem,
brother cr the aecsea.
tralor of the estate.
Lacy's Great Slaughter Shoe Sale.
Per Cent Reduction
On All Shoes
Wi are not KILLING THE DEAD. Not making; Low t-nsee on VV
dead stock, and biowing about I It as marvel, but we are VJ
SIJtfJanTERINO THE LI VINO. Hewlnr down dean livestock. f
, , i.v. , xi., Vt.K la . --f af wi wll h chaD OrVCOS. NEW MjtL
KTcr lut uiv wi .-"-. m
Every shoe in the bouse subject to the
20 per cent reduction. Goods marked in
plain figures.
Originator of low prices,
them free.
We shtno
XdWV OiiVU w av veaaM " IgO
Eniecopallan, Albany, T.
I All druggists. w