If Ell JUfl i II CliO 01 - nM-anMak-MMw 3 ' 1 " - ' -c - Progress of j the Trial at Da Magers las. THREE DAYS GONE BY And No Testimony Taken Judge and Attorney! BfComiBsr Impatient Derbj'g Cold Bath. DALLAS, Or, May 24. This; . Is the third day of the Magers trial and still the taking of evidence Is a thing of the f uture, The regular Jury panel of twenty-four men furnished only three Jurors, on Monday; on Tuesday morn ine a special venire of twenty-five men was called, and tnia aumoer was ex- toc-1 amined, resulting la the selection or five more Jurors. Another special venire of twenty nvan...wis summoned frxjsm the body of the J dounrty, and, after waiting patiently fpr the men to come into court, a seletjUon of three fnm these was made up U1. m. today. - when the number of men summoned was again exhausted. Adjournment mas had to 1 p. m., and; the sheriff was Instructed to summon another special venire of ten snen. When court reconvened the sheriff reported the men selected. One by one their names were drawn from the jury box. and mey wwwwtni u ,.T ,, wen arrested after the funeral attorneys, with the result that all were? afternoon. The boy Is said to rejected. Four citUens were then me- U,feve dled of pneumonla and without lected Irom the bystanders, wid they toedIcaj attention. Saunders was for shared a. like fate at the hands f I merly collector of customs for Jthe counsel and court. Another recess was pUKe district. , , ordered, and snenn an ursoei oir ected to summon ten more citizen's from the .body of the county and the sheriff and several de utles hastened to perform this service ; The special venire o '. ten men was brought In at 1clockJ and the dreary recital of questions arid answers was again resumed, with the result that all of the ten men iwere rejected. Four men weretnen called from the by standers, frith a like result, the Judge and "attorneys toecomln very Impa tient at the evident desire of those called, to evade; serving! oh the Jury at 5 o'clock the she ft Announced his Inability to find rnore competent jurors among the fcystanders. ai Judge Bur nett ordered a special venire to be chosen from the body of the county, forthwith, and , pourt adjourned until 9 am. tomorrow. The Judge "also or dered the -court bailiffs to keep minors oat of the gallery hereafter. The men thus far selected for Jurors T Spring Clothing Hats Crash brown's N SHANK Shirts, pants, overalls, hosiery, underwear and all kinds of ladies and gents furnish ing goods. Our prices are right, because we are doing a cash business. No losses anywhere. This means a great; saving, which we give to you, by marking our goods right down to bed-rock. New : York .jacket IS SALEM'S CHE1PEST 05K-PBICE CASH STORE. ! i.Pi03tt m.mm Notwithstanding.. 5 are: E. a. Henerv. Soring Vaiw tanner; C D. Purvine. Rlckreal, tann er; Harry Coad, Douglas precinct, farmer; Alexander Buckholder. Dallas, farmer: James Mitchell, Dallas, tanner; James Olmsted, Rickreal, farmer; D. R. Hubbard. Dallas, farmer; P. t Bar tholomews: Ballston, farmer; L. R, Kimes. Falls City, farmer: Jackson Baker, falls City, farmer; Tracy Uc Tiromons. Lewisville, farmer. ll The case is attracting greater Inter est than, before, and the court room Is crowded constantly by the curious, a rood sprinkling- of ladies Appearing In the audience, and the matter of keep ing- the crowd quiet is at times diffi cult. Several times during the day the court -threatened to dear the gal lery, and at the close of the-ttays ses sions, I the court officers were ordered to. keep the galleryjl clear of minors hereafter. In order to prevent further disturbances of the court. BUFFALO, May 23. GiHrge II. Kln tei and Elizabeth Klnter.F his wife. weU known ln christian Selene" c'rcles I arreted trwlnv r mni. them withi miuii:ehir tn r.ii.m the death of Ralph L. Saunders. 3 years old. who. with his parents, had ben visitln at th hnm ,.t pnnHin sair.ple, of the Thirteenth infantry at Fort Sumter. Warrant r.n th marm charge were also Issued for Mr. and Mrs. James C. Saunders, of Port Tow lif-end, the parents of the child. The K Inter 4 weie held in $2500 by United States Commissioner JJinson. The arrest was made under the Unit ed States laws, as tr e death occurrreU lrn fiA ofu 1 nnnf1 Tia narfltiti!tf ilia Pore Tea in packages at grocers : Schillings Best 1 mark The several bankrupt hoi tores trying to mlse money to paT" tor .their sprirg stock with, we are doing bulness Ws give you better bargains at our regular prices, thin they can possibly afford, and you run no risk of having old goods put onto you for we have none. Strictly one price to everyone. f III lilf FAILED Being Lionized by the Civilian Element, Kfi rTT A TCflT? TXT ATVrCJ 'n will,: be no more hard battles ill VyilA.iilJJ2i 111 UllO.and the new era. fev the Islands that Thlnkg It Will Be Cheaper in Long- Baa to Whip the. Insnrg-enta, .MA,I.LA May 23 D,,rln th tfce rnuplno coinmislsnnrrs called ui.- on 3eneral Otis and they ..will ret-eat their can tomorrow. Tbey nre arrayed in blue coats, scarlet trousers and gold lace, and diive about the cir. I reveling In the attentions bestowed on them wbach Is evidently exceedingly gratifying to them. They are the c.ntc-rs of continual leves at the Fill- Vino noutes wnere iney nave neen en- I erl"'U ana nave naa every oppor- I tunity to adv-n e the interests-o? in correction. The military r sentiment ! disapproves of the riiininos being lionized! by their civilian element. General Otis, fiom ante-bellum ex perience and owing to tht FltoInoV fondness of ! discussion, has maintained the attitude he assumed with the nrst commlslnn. He has had no ofTer- to m?ke to the Filipinos, save' that tKey" lay down their arms without terms.' The army believes that 'f we inttnd to remain in the Philippine islands it will be jcheaner in the long run. t whip the insurgents so thoroughly that they will be gl.td cf the oppor tunity to surrender, rother han parley with them and make terms whlr-h they, and we win not forget them. corttrue as a ccnipromlaa.' Th-" army , , t .."' Is also of the opinion that 'While the) -5 THE DEWEY HOME. first course may cot more h-en and i, 't more money ln tht beginning'; than the, 'over Three". Thousand Dollars Sub latter, it will prove an effectual dam- , . 1 crlbed to the Present Time. per upon the future insurrections; wbereas. ir the war is ended by a com-1 Washington. May 2. Subscriptions promise, the professional revolution- th rwey home fund so far re isjs among the Tsgals may bt eneour CeTei . by the natonnl committee aged to try again in a few years. j amount to J3.709. Among those re- Washington, May The Indication Is clearly set out in the news dispatch es from - Msnila that the division of opinion among the Urited States com missioners as to the best method . of dealing with the inrurgf nts at this critical stage has aroused a deep In terest here. It Is regarded as perhaps a misfortune that, this phase of the cltnation was not reached before Ad rairnl Dewey, leaving Manila for home, lest to, the commission the benefit of his experience and sound judgment. The war department Is inclined to sup port Genial Otis, not only because , of his connection with the war, but also on the ground that his longer expert ence with the insurgents better fits him to understand the natives' char acter. , Washington. May 23 Secret '.ry Hay has received from President Schurmsn of the jniilipplne commission, long me&eage giving me reiuiu ui kuv thus far held with the naUve Filipino commissions of Agulnaldo to treat with the Americans. The mcs- age, was laid be fore the president to night. He was vry much gratlfiei with Its contents, which are said to be very encouraging for th outlook that something definite may be accom pUshed. j WASHINGTON, ! May 24. Surgeon J. E. Page, of s Admiral lwey s :l3g ehlp Olympia. has arrived here on leave. - He said today: !"Admiial Dewey Is in no sense a sick man. but Is as wll as any man Is considered after spend Irg a year In the tropics. On being asked if he bad prescribed for Dewey of late. Surgeon Page said: "No, he has no netd lor prescriptions. During the last year he has n t once ssked for a prescription or taken any medical adxice except in a casual way. If he wants ary thing he eends down to the ship's apothecary and gets It. His hablU are to regrlar that hJ needs little or no medicine." New Tork, May 24. A Journal dls ratch from Hong Kong quotes Admiral Dewey as saying,. cn board the Olym pia: Tr--""";. ' - . ' The ciurtesy of these visitors X wtrmly appreciate, but X am too much worn out and sick to receive them. I am not sorry to leave Manila at this time; X could not stand the care ana (responsibility much longer. It 1 vast ! ly easier to be under orders than issue I" them. It is responsibility that kills. Dur ing the year that has elapsed since we came to Marlla I have not had one tick day until now. A year is long (enough in this climate for in old man. and I am glad to be permitted to 'rest. On this account T expect lj remain In Hong Kong two weeks. My Intention is to spend the time at Victoria peak, 'where I hope to be absolutely free ' from worry. NV-t-ody is ore sensible i of the kindness of the people who nave I extended tne invitations, but health 'will not stand It at prtgent. Two weeks of perfect auiet at tte peak DB'EY iStiOrftolGKMAN I .. . . - - - I tne ruture of the Philippines. I hops I i to see An-erica poetess the key to Ori ental commerce and civilization. The Drains or our great country mill de velop the untold agricultural and min eral resources of the Islands. We must never sell them. Such an action would bilng oc another great war. We will r.w part with the Philippines. I am sure, and In future years the kJea that anybody should have seiious'y sug gested It will Im one of the curiosities Of j history. - " : "The Insurrection ! will be broken. was temporarily delayed by tht rifl ng -1 wnl socn begin. AguinaJdo and his generals must be captured and then tnithe very semblance of an Insurrection - .Will M9A A miln.MA'. real newer among the natives. (Wher ever we go, it is always Agulnaldo. The vfflcers in the Tagaies, civil and ! military, tIl us they have no power to treat for peace until they hear front Arlltn&ldA - - mw anil ttt,A testifying before the peace cMnmls- .ten all tomifr tn th n.. t i r facts. . fMeny of the Island provinces that were once warlike are anxious for peace, and will accept the terms as soon as the Tagales of Luson are Whipped into line. ' but they dare not 1 r An t witK tm mm nrm xm lnlnl.lA m the I tower to confiscate nront rtv .or B'h those ho offend him. The end that alurc ls m prwtiiin; caus of so w '? . T Sh Mftr n. rvous prcstration, for th- Tttl mUt r00 r trrt?r I symptoms it prcduc s on the nervous r , .. ? " " ' i'. " l inp"in in juiwn, 4. nil i is pur wnoie WSK. in line. This. I hope, will not be long happening TThe- Olvmr ia will sro home lelturelv. I Vant all of my ofneers and men to get the greatest benefit of all the stops "we can. We will pick our places with tbta In mind.' They have earned a reft by a year of steady duty without 4 refpite. While I am glad to be going , heme, I -cannot say good-bye to Manila without regards. There have been very many pleasant occurrences among the months-f. harras5lng responsibilities ceived today was one ot sieo frmn.Vice- Prefldent.Hobart. - " " I - 1 TTHB FLAa CAME DOWJr. -; .! 1 - Too Hasty Action of a British Captain 1 In Tatting an Island. l I I London, May 23 Particulars have been received ' In London - regarding the Incident of hoisting the Drit'sh flag over Port Royalist, Island .f Pel awan, by Captain Pfort, of the Biltlsh steamer Labuan. He reports that he vtrlted the if land on February 1st and found th popJe In a Hate of cin Btemation. . The Spaniards, It appenrs. had left there three months previ.Mis ly, after saying the Americans would take over the government In three 'days. The "head man" asked Captain ' Pfc rt to secure protection from tM governor of San Dakkan and the cap tain gave them the British merchant Ensign, with Instructions for the peo- . . .. , , - . tPaay nre rnolested tha " so nanamg tne neaa man a letter in this reuse and claiming a BrltUh pro tectorate over Pelawan. On repurting the matter to Sir Charles Mitchell, the governor of the Straits settlement, th latter communicated wilh the Btltish . forela-n c'lice. who cabled oiders to Singapore to naui oown the British Black Brownie ..Worth a Quarter.. 1! Short Length Bargains We have just received some of the greatest bargains ln short lengths of WHITE INDIA LINONS SILK STRIPE GINGHAMS COLORED PERCALES That are offered you at unprecedent ed pricesv 5c, 7c, 8 l-3c to 15c A yard for goods well worth double the price,. don't take our Word for it. come and see. Table Linens and Napkins Matohed or not just as you wish; direct from Belfast and Caleralne, Ire land. The good dependable wearers, beautiful new designs. 40-inch Bleach Damask at........ I M (4-inch Bleach Damask a. M-lnch. Bleach Damask at........ X.00 that are positively unmatched. gxlO and 8x13 Bleach Cloths with Kap kina, f rom $20 up. n ftl&kes the food more delicious end wholesome HCarast tMWH PWWff CO. . llsTW PsH, flag. The British third cruiser Archer, wss dispatched to haul down the flag, officials of the foreign office saying that Pelawan and adjacent lslauds. being portions of the Philippine group, became, by virtue of the conquest. American terrtory. . i WHY" WOMEN ABB NERVOUS. (British Medical News.) The frequent cases of nervous pros traiitn t r utter -ollapse of the nerv ous sytt-m under which women "g all tv places," ns the sayln. 4b, hare caus ed much thought and investigation on the part of physicians. Certain inorganic substances are wE known to cause various forms of nervous diseases which nre read:iy traced to the poisons producing them. systen. after 1U absorption into tlie blo?d are very remarkable indeed. Ex- .KES?1 made uron , animals by OrPla. Professors Hans (Mayer. Faul S-in and others, show that dlum fre-iaemly iiodues uo vis ible symptoms for many days after lis . Introduction into ihe body. Then fol- low loan 01 appome ana otner anmc n-j tary aisturrt-nces. f na nnatiy a senuu prot-tration cf the vhol hervwus iys tern. The-most it eminent physicians now believe that n-rvous prowa Uon" and many a ft -ct ions of the nerves iroin wnnn do in mn ana worn- en suffer are caved by the; continued absorption of alum Into the system. It is !. probablj that many medical men are unaware f the extent to which salts of alumina may 1 intro duced into the body, being under the Impression that lh use of alum la bread is irohlbited. jAluto. however, is still us-d surreptitiously to seme ex tent to whiten tm-ad and very l.trg-ly in maktg cheap kinds of baking pow- .issi Tn fimlllM .ffm haklr.tr now- 1 . -n.rJ. " ummiS care should be exercised to procure only those brands made from cream, of tartar. The alum powders may generally be I distinguished by the lower price at which they are sold. A STRIKE SETTLED. Buffalo, May 23. Today saw a gen eral break-up of the dock strike here. The settlement of the grain shovelers trouble, as had been anticipated, was equally followed by disintegration of all other strikes along the water front. The settlement of the strike marks the conclusion of one of the most remark- Uhnr mAvomonts in tlw hljtrrv of this country. From 3.060 to 12,000 workingmen took part in the struggle from first to last and yet the whole tils to ry of the strike does not contain the stain of a single riot or a single authenticated attempt to destroy prop erty, or interfere with the;rlght of others. ' ! TO WEST POINT. North Tamhill. Wash, May 23.- Congressman W. L. Jones has appoint ed Chas M. Sweeney, of Spokane, a cadet for West Point. Fred H. Smith, of 8eattie. was named as alternate. 6. For Graduating Gowns . Our line is moat complete and eon slats of the beet values obtainable. - REAL SWISS ORGANDIES CHIFFON ORGANDIES PERSIAN. LAWNS INDIA DIMITIES 8 ILK MULLS Trimmings . In all that's new and stylish. - ... i - . ... NEW VAL LACES NEW VAL INSERTIONS NEW CHIFFON RUFFLING NEW RtTFFLKD RIBBONS NEW WASH RIBBONS NEW SATIN RIBBONS -' . j (mm J .. I . 1 : I o . riPb. PH'n I MrVr'VX iff IfflR . I 11 QRC&CTrSfi 8Sc LAST EMBEZZLEMENT. Portland, Msy ?4. J. Nefl Gresham. of Joneaboro, Tenn., nephew of ex Secretary 6t State Wv Q. Oresham. deceased, committed suicide in a room at the Perkins hotel this evening by shooting himself in the heart. Ores ham was arrestled on the complaint of a 2a Grande banker for embessleroent and the omcer who had him tn charge locked him ' In the room. While the omcer wasaay. Oresham killed him self. - I . NO UNIONTIIIS TEAR. Minneapolis. May 23, Without a dissenting vote, the general assembly of the Presbyterian church today ac cepted the report of committee on bills and overtures in favor of making no attempt this year at a wton with, the church In the South. More than sixty oVertures had been received , from presbyteries requesting that some, ac tion In the direction of union be taken. I CROPS DAMAGED. Knnas K ity, May 74. Rain and hail damage to the crops and did much n,rly ln central Ksnsas last night In Pallne county what and other crops for miles were confletely destroyed, many bull lings .were damaged and thousands of window Mghts were brok- fikma ASttta i sw m w IaIaw m W M'MW VWLW WWWmm f . U IV. SStC: MM SB fcnj birds were killed. GERMANY S. CHINA. . j j. ... London. May 83. The Dally Mall published the following dispatch from Tientsin, the port fof Pekln: Three Oerman officers were killed on May 20th. by Chinese at Kiao Chau (Qcr tnany post in Shan . Tung peninsula) which may lead Germany to use force to compel the payment of the indem nity. - ' J. , ' ARE FREE MEN. Dublin. May 8t The lrd lieutenant of Ireland has relrased O'llsnlon. Mul let and James Flttharrls. the lat threo I;itical pi Isoners who were sentenced tc- Imprisonment f-r life for conspiring to murder Lord Frederick Cavendish and T. H. liutke. who were assaslnsted 1q Phoenix Park, Dublin. May . 1882. HER FIFTH HUSBAND. I '! . V - Peru, Ind., May 23. Chss. Hutchln- !'"' . OUring ron was shot and killed ty his wlf-) family quarrel at Arca-lla today. Th woman pleads self-de fense. She is but It yrars of age and Hutchinson wss her fifth husband. CROSSED THE BAR. San Francisco, May 43. Daniel Haa kell, one of the best known pilots on the Pacific coast, died today , of a complication of diseases. TOWARDS HOME. Manila, j May 24 The Oregon and Minnesota regiment are returning to Manila from the ftont. A COLUlfBIIr BICYCLE Olven awgy Kres Jolj 3d. Blond Net , i . . i -. i Ties for ladles' the swell new tie. 75c and 1.00. i Iring Your Boys To us for their spring Clothing. We have some economical j surpisea in store for the Mother who likes to have her boy look as good as the 'best. Vested Suits ft Red and Blue Sailor Col lars to match.,.. .. .... $2.50 &f collars nicely brai ft(Ae s $3.00 Silk-faced with self ves tee, pearl buttons, nicely braided, 5.00. Plain Crashes I - Just opened the kind j you've been wanting for that spring skirt. 12 l-2c to 18e. 1113 Ladd & Bush Bank Building. 88 State St, OUR STORE OPEN EVENINGS ourht to make a new man or m-. I have the greatest enmusiasm la OOOOCCOOOCXX30CXXXXXOC)OCXXXXXXXX