FROM SATURDAY'S DAILY i - " TIME FOB C0LLECTI05 0F 1893 V. TAXES X fEDED TO J USE. .r Jfrth Commerejal Stmt Bridge Condemn) ed for Travel SeT- 1 eral Bill Allowed. seven mile north of ; this city. Mr. Smith obliged the fellow to accompany htm na-tr tn Kl .tt-v atuI inrn1 htm over to the custody of Chief of Police Gibson, ud subsequently niea a crim inal information charring him with larceny from a boose. ,- BA5KEK Jf.ULAl5 DEAD. S.lverton's Pioneer Financier Passed ;. Away Last Evening. r. Vuth business was tninurtwl vm (erday by the Marion county commis-f Fielding McClaine. the pioneer Sil- Vfrton banker, died all hia re-tirienr in that city at 5:30 o'clock last evening. afbr a two years' illness, aged 7 years, 2 months and 26 diys. The deceased was born in tan yarn on 'county, Illinois. January it, 1S32, and aionera' nourt T 4a tiuj., county, Illinois, janoaiy will (rr.mrJA thi. ... '.arrived in Salem in 152. In 18S3 he tJ.V r!" located. in Sllverton, where he has re The' court yesterday officially con- l'Jed lnc' amassing quite a comfort Oemned the North Commercial street I44"? rTtao- ' , ' '' ' l.1dg and declared 41W the .nt Th decedent leaves, beside a wife. waukl ,t k.v,.lku one son .Mid three daughters, viz: A. cident that mht harden on -accounti! ,McC1ine' ' of Taoom Winnie, of osing such bridge. Thomas Bruce ?.?M and Elenr McClalne, all j of road supervisor of District No. 12. was notified of the court's action and was ordered to post in conspicuous .places, notices warning; i the public against the use of tha structure. The Balem Light Sc. f Traction company, whose road ibed crosses the bridge was olso informed of the action faken by the court. ! '-"UIX Assessor J. w. Hobart was V GROWERS, BEG15 OPERATIONS 15 THEIB YARDS. . f cl in tha order in which they . paid the amount, ox meir tax: ; , ; E. Fox,- Queen; H. A- Johnson. Im perial; Mrs. G. W. Jones, Rambler; Elmer Ray. Crescent;, C. J. Atwood. Hartford; C O. , Sirens,, Pacific; Clar- The Tjnes Coming Up 5Ieelj. and the Prospect for a Prosperous Year Excellent. ence Perry, rimpsrial; Ada E. Stone, I RFrpi VFa . pRp'rir' v ni v Hartford; , Chas. Williamson. Crw- I ttis' A IHKLK. BY THE DALY ford fiMnnAiir filrSSF rri.n. i . 0 C. . I fr-Vw imxr . . . . (From Dally April Mh.) AI-IVE AND KTrv:icr:T tt - w a -w m a Fletcher,, of the Oregon Independent ih ciiy. is considerably won I id by the reception of marked copies. of pa-P-ra, letters and postal c;trds. mouir- Injr if it is true thnt he la dead. Ite c?ntly. ex-Oov. Fletcher, of Misourl. died in Washlnsrton allowed $200 on his amnmt un.rt. !' death was flashed all over the n lroo Wr. I ' f I f the United States; hence the inquir- in ine matter of drawing f es irom ine Far East, from Colorado. mm oQuin jaKoia. Air. F letcher makes rrpjy that he Is a lively corpse as yet; ihat he has no notion of d lng; that he Intends to hold bn to the planet as lonsr as he can; that he still weighs ver 200 pounds, although nndirmno treatment for obesity; that his aNDe tite is keen, his digestion roc-d and the only IMng empty about him is I ins iocKets. In payment of the salaries of the coun iy omcers, the court instructed the county clerk to draw warkints for the various county oTWr anjl Janitors on the first Judicial day of each month, aid warrants to be for one-twelfth f 4h ariiU-U s.-ttary and ' djeruty' hire f each ofllclal ai .providdd by law, nd for the moMMy salary of the Janitors provWl by the county court, to report action in this relation to 4he county court, eah month. W. .M. Kaiser Was allowed ''l 100 at toney's fees for. asslatlnsr the district attorney on an appeal to the supreme "ur' me case of Trustees of, Wlll mel! University vs. John Knlaht. Vherlff. Upon the fequesrt of Sheriff F. W. TurMn the time for the, payment of 1S3 taxes was extended; to and : ln rluUng June lst.v Ohe cJurt had pre viously decreed that the taxes would become delinquent after Miy U. , Cost bilta were allowed in thie fol lowing: cases: State vs. Oeo. Town aend, Jos Anderson. Jos IWkner Frank Harris. F. O'Brien, Frank Taylor. Dan Harrington. Geo. Thomas, John Welch Juwn.h Denrjwfid, F. Illanchard, John jz-'v. t.eo. 1J. yiy, Oeo woodward. FOR AN EXTENSION.-A meeting of the residents of Fmltland was held Thursday evening in the Interests of ecurlnar an extraulm nf k a Light & Traction company eW.tric rullway line, from Its present eastern terminal point to. rnmtn.m.. . Committees were named to confer with me omcers of the c-omnanv a.. tiA cxpeajency or ccnsummailni- mirh cAit-rision. tf It. Anson, man mot nt i iciiuv vuii'pany, was seen last e v- im.? rrj nine in annc lo aning. Dut as yet the committees named wara Planting new yards, all of the o d to intpr'low AnAA. . . . . i fil'lt. n rs apAf.ilH tanil. n n .1 - . .. unitriB tij. me ioai. 1 . - . . nad not ht ld a confcrpnpi. I splendid Drosacts. CPntlPTrpn . v 1 iipiupr. Tvnn no lit., -nnn1....J , " w j v vjii A'l " I IIUVU3U 1 1 11 L. AX HIS I'AKM. ftava th f-Vtlnn. Pai.l dlfr( maA r.t-.1 ... ville Kepor-ter: Capt. A E. Parker of of the The present beautiful sorlror th has started the (hoots in the many hop yard tif Oregon, and the start for th? crtD of ISM is certalnlv nroniti.111 The growers! are ma kin? active . pre parations toward taking better care of their yards during the cumin season. and their expf rlence'in pat years nas been such as to indicate that few. if any of th-m. will neclett anv nmf ion of their yards this year. Duri-g .the seasons when the outlooV for a god n arkct was poor, ma uy of the gricwei s neglected their yards, and. a a tesult, when the market for a good duality of hoos to a. twtlnt - when c rnu .ra could el lat a profit, the tnalorltv of the ownerj of yards were compelled to seu tneir product at a loss on account of the inferiority of their hoi. TM state of affairs etckened many of the owners, but they tried the!i luck a?uln, and Cnallv. learnlns hv liiltpr evtwri. ence that neglect of theli yards rcsult- ea in less, tne growers last year , took better care of their. crops, tending the vines careful 1v throne hour th wnann and the result was that nil nf tfim se cured good prices for their products, and the Creeon lions achieved a reoi tatlon in the market duils? th son of 1898 and 1S9S, second to noine in the world. Profiting by this experience the growers, without exemption.- are puttins forth their best efforts toward making tne bop rop of the et.ite. for- the tei eon of 18)9, the best ever prodnced here nnd as the price is holding- up well ror this season of the year, and the out look for a strong market next fail is natterinsr. an adilerl i the growers in thdr work toward hold ing up Oregon's high reputation as a producer of a good quality of hops. The hops are stirtimr -nieoiv. th. growers from various rw.t-lion r.f th valley reporting the vards in rnod ren dition, and while very little is done to- ford. Seymour Skiff, Crescent: S. Fat rar; I 'no; Joe Adolph. Rambler; F. K. Shafer. Reliance: Mrs JT. W irvln. Jill; C. L. Morgan. King; B. W. Mor gan, ; wmnie pcorman. ; Hor tense tire ff ox. ; M. W. Hunt. Hart. iora; . tu cusick, Ramwer; II. Wa'k er. Crescent; Mrs. H. Walker, Crescent: Miss Anna Andeison, Imjerial; Alice King, Imperial; T. A-.Kine. Imorial: W. I. Staley, Imperi it; Mrs. W. I. Stsley. Imperial: C.i W. Stoge. Rambler; w. It. Powers, , Hart ford; ,W. A. Manning, Waverly; a. w.irujr. Quaker; Wm. Warner, rte Attorney-General Bltekburn Decldea Tha Applicants Mast Pass : the Examinations (From Daily April Sth.) Upon the tendent J. II. AckeHnn. for an ion construing certain provisions of the Daly scho-.l bllt pished at the ic- Plicatlon by certificate of the com. &UDerintendn . ' n)Uft,t - w ltp BU"h ntv er Proof of said fact. a. may be 2 isfactory to the board. l" ection 13 of said Dair bin m vide, that diplomas, held hi cants and issued by certain educaE" J insututions thertin slfed !h?a be deemed equivalent to the t.ac2 experience requin d for a state cVf icate. but does nor .k rI alentto -the teaching exrrieme JeT quired for a state apiomu v - S7ter !? no 'wv,,,f,Hn std tin wL!h makes anv rlir.i, ' Ul icate. except one Irsu-d from anaw state 'of grade and k- B tiw U'T aranted by the Mate board of txT iners, net have . r,im L . ." therein whi h "7-" ' SH'" board of education to a-cept any di ploma. granted hv a iun..i .... chattered Institution -in n-.. r equivalent ko, the : cxamlnart. sci1be-l tr section t of &IJ l,iif, i.k 'wr. ana l mink Ih r.i,i. nv. Xeston Kat.In. ci..,i. Z. "":n,; II : : scroti 11 O. o.l Cheney, Imperial Ml..' a t na,ve recevd your f ivor in which l 841,3 b,H tend only 'to the rDiu . t. J' TV11' A1JSS A. ile- I yod afck mv nnnA . .... of data nnrm.l , . 14 v ui oin, iianrora; Julius Nelson, AV a- inr ouestioi..- uow I Institut i -Tt, ui cnateret verty. Mia. Julius Nelson. WaUrlvt J..I""0."-. . . , i"lUuU?"s ..h? Krdmt rt0m Miss Ester D. Nelf on. Rambler- A. D. Davidson. Hartford: F.--W. &.ttimir .. Mrs. F. AV. Settjemier, ; Wiley ; c. T. Ballard. ; D. H. uarrnoff, A. L.- Cornwall, ; C. F ent: t.eo. J. Pearce, Crescent; Mts. - - erreix. Defiance; Dottle Hubbird. rritimph; Annice Jeffreys. Wiiconda; Teff-ion Myeis. Wisconsin j Gus Mol den. Rambler: M. Hunt, Hartford; E. I- Cark, Hartford; E. S. Clark. Hart. ford; Ernest Brewer, Hartford; D. E. Brewer, Colurntia; J. R. Churchill, Co lumbia; R. R. Willard, rawford; Lots R. Willard. Crawford r Mmi,i xr -ci'ii. lard. Waverly: FrnesTt Klinger, Colum bia; Bertha Klinger, Crepcent; f. J. IMisjy, Columbia: J If. Pakor r-nnm. ajts. j. it. jBaker, ITockf-tt, Crescent: Crown; L. O. Mrs. . s. Bean; Crepcejit: R. S. Bean, Crescent: Ed lie rar.nprt. Cleveland; Elmer Paine, 'Imperial; E. T. Barnes, Columbia; May Folkes, ciyria; t'.ots E. Moores, Steerns: CI o - --. .... "Iiist: A at ii suiuuons of learn'jig. worklns: w wie. srovisicns of sectlcn IS of tha Daly bill h r- i 1'' a. ( cieaited by -a'd Institu tions with final standing,Uw no may Ktadmt ftora such institutions' clter the-iaM;Iot said bill ar.d befor4 SetemU r l. is Undr thdi nmtt,l..i . , . . ' uhuvi- 4n. provisions or acts iir f,rw rr"u-rJr . lss;- nut this rvvj does not extend. to i i he case of a opt. YMiitman. -; Ray I. Fanner Cres- V I "Ml "tand,ns on one or rfnt. K1uaed from ar.y of th- .nt: Geo. J. Pearce CreSnt Ma! f A! P-bed sul jects for a -"ni , prior to the pt and wnnai oi tne saia Daly bill "1 am. then-fore, of th opinion that the state hoard jof education i not authorlxel by aM VD-ily bur to g.ant siaia ratinytAA . vs proviatd lor n section 8 of tho naK ii n ooara or education, at its deaore- iioii, accept said accredited standings - I ' . BOIU HI IT I'll! I grt .f.n.. .np. I ...... .a... T f a lli If.llV II1I .1 Bh in lieu Of the lenuirAd mn-t. lA lite diploma to a trradu .tA nr a .... - , " A.uiiuaiiuni I . . 11 'I on such accredited ubje-ts? That Jm' cho'. :-r chmered institution. to say. If such pupil parses a Satis- wh. " May 20. 1899. by reason of n,ch xaciory exanrinatlcn la all subjects. 1 8TaauaUon- holds a state diplotnu the state board grant a cettificate without the examination on the ac credited subjects? Second: A graduate of a normal b--iimii, or or a rhart.r.4 i... t. Hartford: t C. Joseph 3raber. kVm"- 1 ""rlerea tlturicn r-i tki-: a state dlpfomi ....... i.viuiuuia, ia tha Oo l, , .... grant a life diploma to such person minoui rurtner examination? If such persons are required to take such examination.' upon what ubj.-cts must they be examined to scute a a state d'p'oma V.KA.IU,- junn ' - -- -- - ni. a rarxr or I ui ir.e Brrowera tr - - j . , . . , c I a ........ aim in.iL in Vcl trj ter his farm nc nfaual x-irt . I . . ..... . " -..--.. tumcm- iimujr iissiances wnere rms in some of I a. Tlrlatol Vr'cA trj ;. . fivmi- " ------.-w -j lumnir iuuj uiMamifs t jiere rms in some ot ward Henry Wilson. C. C. VVenlfworth P-ating the erection of a new house on the vnrds laat AP)ihA.M ..V I I his farm next fall inl flw r' II.U. tNMtbills wero allowed In part in 1 ha fnlli.u'lMA i. . . . . .4j.t?n. oiaio oi uregon vs. uraKe, Kd. Gallagher. J. M urown anl J. D. Haws. During the day the following bills were auouea: Road and Bridge Account irown ismlth t ni J. N. Davis.. Pauper Account. C O. Given...... A. M. dough,..'... II. II. Bradshiw. ci'd $27.50 all'd Ktelner Drug Co., Kalem I lospttal . . .-. Oregon Chtldrens' Aid Society.. A. J. Basey .. ; John Hughes "W. L. Wade, cl'd $3.60 alld".!.!!! Orlswold & Chase W. M. High.... ...... ...... O. P. Terrell.... ........ . . O. T. Ttrrrmons. cl'd $12 all'd .... J. N. Smith.-'el'd .iim , - T . " v ..... vu C H. Robertson, cl'd $60, siot all'd. I tV ST aa 1 6.2 2.40 8.00 19.50 33.10 66.00 38.00 3.00 45.60 3.00 2.50 124.99 7.50 6.00 60.00 .A. Account. 1f .it: II. P. Russell. B. R. Jessup.... , J. N.- Davis...... Stationary 5 Cf . . r. xaroorn , I'atton Uros .' ..' " J. Chandler....!..... J, W. Hobart cl'd $75, all'd It. E. Mooret........ ...... Cronlse & Oonover.,.. .. Vo r . llodgers.. .. Election Account J. F. OoodevC School Supertnterviont W. Jones.. Stock anspector Account. W. Read.... Supervisors Account. U. II. Looney... , F-hertfTs Account. W. Durbtn...... ..... r:bate Account. ' V. J. Brown...... .... ...... . AV. J. Clark.... .. ........ O. s. 13.72 15.00 17.60 .40 40.45 2.75 60.00 60.02 13.60 33.40 .... 1.60 Account. 287.60 2500 20.00 104.99 ki. r - . " ,: . "'- . .... v., toot ,r.u, "uuru no growin k .I"1 nxt faI1 nd occupying it whatever, it is found that these sam- ..... cue .'iiiiii(, uu i. niciy. aina tne Ar n n. a 1 in . . r . . . - TRAINER. J. F. Klntr baa hum Iimi Tn ...i . ' . ... . -. . ... ii' 1 1- uui veiti a miss- secured to train and coach Willamette ing hills show no growth, farmers ire University's athletic -team thi I r.i,r.i ,w T. 5 ,,lner8 ar tr,. j. . , . . . ,. ... um, uui osiue irom tnis He did able work for the university little Is done In the way of nw plant- OManflfltlon laot ran I, . ... '"' PICKANINNY LULLABT. Down on de cabin fto', cramblin' lack -r ,-ater, Litte blt'cr pickaninny, Eatin swee' pertater. Sho, aho, don' you cry Mannny comtt an' git you; Cd.e's er-cemtn' by an' by--Nuffln gwlne ter hu't you. I'nin up de whi' folks close. Fas' es she kin herrv Mammy little cole black rose aiammy nuckleberry. Shp sho, .Jon' you cry j , . Mammy come an git you; She's erTcomin' by an by Nuffln gwlne ter hu't you. Possum gravy by an by, Comtread crumbled in it rFeter Barny-bia Firtil," ! Shet VO mnil f dla mlniiMl' Sho, sho, don you t-rr- Mammy come an git you: She's er-corr.ln'1 by an by Nuffln gwlne jter liu t you. Settin' on the ct.bln flo. Scramblln lack et abater Little blt'er pickaninny. Eatln iwn' iottt Virginia Fraser Boyle in the Book- nun. ' i ling throughout the vallev bv indivldfi lal farmers. There aie'no varda hin I plowed up and the aprraec'ir :h ill probably vary little from that of me past, season. Horst Bros., the hor biokera of s.r. Francisco n!nd London, a ho have re cently purchased a. nn ,nhr nr on. farms In the her belt of Marion an-J Polk counties. It is reporte'd, will s-t out 300 to 350 acres of now hniM ihu spring, this being about the extent of me aaana acreage In tht- yallej-. Dealers are. in om oaea nfrxr.o to make contracts, but few of the farmers take advantage of these offers. and Indications are that Im mntm.-t. will te made In the veur ihm n,an .v.. itiefore sin.-u the grov Ing of this ;rop nas assumed its present pro. ortions, growers preferring to not tt-ttr ihm. . - i seives. stinson. Hartford; Mary Donohue, v,rfscent: liert McAte. Crescent; Eu lena White, Stea-ns; De Lisle Green. Victor; Robert G Henderson, Tmrerl ali Ottie McCallisler, B. ft H. Spcial; R. H. Lea bo. Ariel: John T. Albert, Tribune, Annie Glover, Facifle; R. J. Glover. Imperial; F. W. Durl in. Ram bler. Mrs. F. W. Durtln, Pacific; F. N. Deiby, Wisconsin; Bartnra Durbm. Ideal. F. A. Turner. : P. A. Thomas, N'edulte: J. I. T. TuthiU. Stf-arna: 1.- y. McClame, Crawford; Mrs. L. V McClaine, Crescent; Edward Thiel soti. Ideal; A. A. Churchill, Rambler; A. Chocquette, Old Glory; Chariot Bier, naml.ler. G. J. Moote, Ramb'er. -v. aiurrny, Ctrsoent; F. F. Ben nett, Crescent; A. E. Barker, Rambler; I.. C. .Henderson, Imterial; T. H. Rej nold. Crescent; llallie Watson, Gold ,n Eajfle; O. Fouy, ; Franki Park burst, Rambler; Marie Rockwell. 'craw ford; Lloyd C. Cosper, Crawford; Anna M. Cosper, Crescent;! Hulda Michael!, CrMcent. George Richards. Arolunte.r; W. D. Carlisle. Hartford- r,m. t w Gunn. Cranford: a' SfHifr fninmhio' C.'Mtr.h.' Hartford; J. W. Edmonson', plonlag Hurlfn..!. Ilf T. ..r .. . I PlOmaS. " - . . t rn?r, itenance; Mrs. W. B. Warner. Reliance; Mary 1'igler, Crescent; Annie Plgler, Special; Ralph Johnson. Crescent; Fred bimmons, Crescent; H. H. Ragan. v-ieveinna; jennie.Klik, t under the provision bf the Dav tuv Tftlrd: A person, on May 20, iss holds a tate certificate Issued prior i any ZU, is. Wbat txamtnationa wunout further examin.itl.m .v. . . . . - i . iK.aro or examiners, and that Ibis examination, vhethrr for a fllte c-rtificate or a state d-'ploma, mut over all tf the subjects prescril ed by oio-divleion 6 of Motion S of sa'd iiiL 'Thl construction will not. in all probability, apply- to s'ate dipo-iig which have teen heretofore irrantr.d t, Ktaduates from the state normal schKl at Monmouth for the reion that the.a diploma are state llf. ju plomas, as the life of aid dip'omas is not limited by the' statute as is the ose with diplomas gi anted by oth-r institutions. "Third and Fourth. I am or - the- ufiiuun mai any tterson. holdinar a iii'wiiiiia I a.iif it-rton, noioinsf a win r,e be required to pass to secure tate diploma, other than a state -life a State rTlfll9l nr- n .. 11. I . ... . " a state certificate under the provisions of the Ta'y bill"? "Fourth: A i-erson. not a graduate of a normal school, or a chartered In- Miiution. noids, on May 20 a state diploma issued pil.r to May '20, JS9S. What e)ran.i(iti..n must he pas in order to secure a state diploma, or a state certificate under the provis ions of the 'Daly bill ? "First: Under the school law as It iooc on tne 1st of February, 1891, lersons who completed the required course of study, passed such es anim ation tnereon as was approved by th state board of education, and grWu--tcd from state normal school and certain 'chartered Institutions' entitled to receive tate diplomas, and, after a certain number of years suc cessful teaching In the state of Ore gon, were entlthd to stat. iif diL 'ub -division 4 of soot ion 13 of the 'Daly bill provides an fnlinw.- ..!. ers of state certificates granted under tne provisions of this section may n- ceme candidates for a state diploma uipioma. peating t?ate prior to Miy if?, applying tor a state ceitlf Icate or state diploma under the Pro visions of the, "Daly b;ll will le re quired to utiJerg-i the full examina- tlOn fin ttll tillhltta mxAa -.U. J I . yii-rtviiLtil in TMJ U llvision of flection S. of R.-,ld I ill lH foie (he state board of examlnersj a I And no provision In said-bill which excepts such persons fronj the require ments of Ihe bill In this -resp-ct. Tha onjet-t and ' Intent : f the lav-are t secure teachers thorough y qu ill:vd by s hool-traming and practical x perlence tc perform tho dnti.. re quired if them, and to give t. th children In the state b ttfr edpation al facilities, so that they may. in tl,l respect, at least, be fniiv , for the battle of life and r.ay becoico good and useful cltisens- and the pro visions of khe law should It fo c.,n-f st rued, if j possible, as to give full foice and elect to such object iin-1 Intent." , n.'is Ing, AJax: C. H. Robert ar.n fronf,... Mra F.W. Hollis. Pacific; F. A. Welch Rambler. H. L. Beatty, Cendron- Har ry Molr. Crescent; Paul Hansen Ram bler, Mars-aret Pa a. . jessup. Rambler; R. A. Kirk, Im m napiu a 1 uii'ii'iiia lij iiir himiiiv nr on M rri a. . i . M. Fleming. Quaker. Mrs. S." J. Flem- ? .j-t thirty month. AM hi. bftlcui W i urn VeoVX' ....... .fiMUTfi Kiift-esa rrom tne dt I Sm-rof arv r a. . t. -- - -- Attorney General rtin.kK...n also rend-red an opinion In rfennie 10 tne status of tin officer who ha n..t of. their ...:;'" VT. " elale 'Dunbar. Fol- ......v. .. """-?. pioviooo, lowin is the text of it d.w.i-i... .nar. tnis tection iball not be so con- "You have submitted for mv m m normal school. . e " Py did not. for rom tlm. 'Z rraduate-fm su,,: Is he UJl!! oni BICYCLISTS PAY TAX SHERIFF F. W. DDBBI3 HAS IS SUED 184 TAGS. ! List of Wheelmen Who Have Liqul- aatea tne Amount of Their Assessment. ,2.(rj Ct'RBlNG 1.00 NEW MEMBER APPOINTED. Jasper W'i'kins, of Coburg, Will Fuc ceed feenator Heed ort the i?ut Fair Eoard, TALK OVEr. PHONES. TEI.E- 1 ney determined tt. it,.. .. t . . . . a--. ' w.'llll l.l t nit icipnnrn. . r,.i. . . - w . . . ' . '. '"' . '"r now v.. 1. j. uwr ysttraay ani-ointed mum time :t took, so they tonve-sed llm. Jasper Wilklna, of Coburg, D,n the wires bl ithe hour until the county, a mem"br t f the state bo-ird 'ntral ofTice people ere driven to dis- wf srrfcumire, t succeed State Senator -tlon. 1 hn-s got t sitrli a pclnt - ... t: . uaruinrr, uougias postmast gn-rai in Sydney county, who declined to SPtveon ac- was appealed to. and he tsxii'd an or count bf a multlpikity of bm-tness en- der forbidding loquacious women frox. --inTni. i ! 1 :s i iuuupwiur.i a teiepr-one for more jir.. yuains is wen known throvgh- f "n minutes at a time, out the state, as a progiesslve business H . ' ". nn. served Lane ct unty In the Bi-unE3 SAID TO BE DISAP. " ... r'f Cliff- n un hart m o-i-k 4 i irn-pnviie compani. s in general will be vivaaeo to Know that tK.. .., New :nuth Waff s rrfuei to b i I o.,ll, iioi. nnd a. . ': d(-vnbv arv niu.. It, .v.. . - ..' ""- r w J rrJ MlltB II It llf ITil I inn I lit l HTf niHtll lir ina Siak S a J " I - - - mtMir, ilt'I 1J1 (From Dally, Apill 7th) Up tr. 5 o'clock wolerdav aftnr 11 Marlon countv wheelman hid'..-it. wl at the i.llice of Sheriff F. W. Dai bin an 1 liquilatt-d.thir bicycle tax. Of that number, a m.i ir.ritv . ,.t cty. Worxibum wheelmen are evint- . -i .-n inierest. in the b.cycle tax t urpny Crescent: Theo. Roth. Hartford. jCharley Roth. Hartford; . .rry" "AniDiet; Herman Gcod Win, Thistle: Mabel k'unuv n 8. C. Mills. Imperial: Elton Walker V'7, P.U,P" , . , 1 j-. var .iarK, Golden Eagle; L. Moshbetger. Vienna; mPrll; F. D. Mcf.ulloch. Peer; Vr J. Tjdel, Crescent; Bessie Burl Hartford; Jeannette Meredith, Hart- V-fv C; '"- 1"M1: S-m Lude, ? M W!,:VlrKla Byrd C-rfortl: A r Gilbert, Garland: Anna McColl. Ki. Derian: Mrs. M. J. Smith, Slal. An na Hopf. Crescent: Miss .Jeoree GUt. ltorla; Ed. Me.schan. Sterling. 2 1" Stearns; H. C. Von rh- . oSiuVi r. j von Bchre-n, Pacific 1 .t..ii j.... t , " fre bea,thHo,nArnat , . iosw, ana wa -w ay is required to er.Vuto a bond not Intended to. nor do tf i- .1u.-ith -..,.i. . " tKJ"'1 any Pupil passing only a partial ex- governor. I am of the oninI ! rather an examination does not become a ouallfud officer tin. of tha riiilul 1 1 11 .,,-k K j . . u with ,Pr,0Lt0 er 1. Ism. and that, therefore. h" 1. iH fnTtvi MCl;Ba"4 mnaon such pu- 1o draw from the state any salary Ml would be credited on the final ex- Prior to such approval of his lnd anT r iJ"1" 'nu4e "f-'rpor-es. however, the b.nd.', . ,m . -"urw or siuay w m--meti filr-d wbeif it is rr- filr required and. Ifogwther with th approved by the governor, g-sduation, would take nhc ft,r ' t ' ' ernjr. September 1 1899 t?r , 11 'S trt well-MltlKl rule of -Whll I,... ,wt i. . . that, before a puhli -offl er has be lliralK i ?r should any nght to COmpens4tlt.n as -against ..""t.rurd !? order to ,h . must , be .n nfTirer dt - - - - i r7-- ni"i. iii riti fit a lower bouse of the legislature in JS33. lie is a republican in politics. STOLE A BICYCLE. PEAI-JNO. Fair-haired people are ssil to be be cot..rui less numerous tlmn : formerly. The ancient tlihr. MM . ...1 rmeo4y Arrested 1 WHh BmnLeUV?! V Property to HU Poetession, I VjJJ ream a a rtarb.k.i.. - . w-' r.-M-.,i -i imun wa William Cody. a atrartcrer.. was last evening lodged in he trity jail charged with larceny from a house, the isp rifle charge aeint ; the larceny of a '. tolcvele Ahe nrorxM-t v n w o a i. v f Soixh Salem. Cody f vnu be given ia trial in the city police court at 10 u Monday.' ' j j: . ; ..v. f, r . ;Mr. iSmlth, who swore out the com plaint, alleges that be left his I wheel sttandtng Jos outside of tit pia,ce of ouconesa ou tximmenciai street yester lay afternoon as usuaL About the almost unknow n. f 1 V. XAlUUXD. KIUKLAND RICllARDf ON. At the parsonage of the First Baptist church Portland. Oregon. Wednesday. April 5, 1$99, at 4 p. m.. Miss Olive Rich sjdson. of Salem, to R. F. Kirktand. bf Portland, Rev. Blackburn ernclat- Duibln yesterday reeelvod a mi . , from eight riders resldinrr in V od our.! A list of cne doren VVoodl urn wneifimi n. accomp mled by the neres- Mrs F. M Miles. ne:tnce: ' Sherman 'inrs.. i,rescent: If-rman f lr, Clevelan-l: W. W. HallT l" pHaT' HaTi rnra Mia; Kva HalL Iinirial: Mrs. A. H. Moore Crctcent C. B. ITpdegraff, Ramb!, N. J. Damon. Ti'l.un- vr..- x. . ' nZf-SWS? k.SS' k D- nuin.Huu t tne neres- "s"". -rawrord; J. H All-rt viry $; -5 from each, was also received Stearns: Ira Ifamilt n. Imperial M x, last Saturday. No taxes have bee i A" Reliance; Mrs W a V.. received yet from wheelmen living at c- Hartford; J. S. Foster Artel- ft Turn' r. Marion' t.ff. a . . r.- t-, . rrei. II. - -....iu, omjrion, tie ha ma, or other inland towns, but ph ems irom tnee sou ces will te n mi. ornmg. without doubt, as soon as it Is generall known that the tax is The bride fa ttw dn-v- " . middle of the afternoon h. xmssXt XZ '!SC"0: 'of The heeL OhtarnlTuj slight clue, he iorTo ewJriX:.o.rf P1 fv,md nrasr .hi ..t VI ?'f n'n.w l 'he Imperial fTot irsuu-of the tW V&m ZdeT couple will He overtook on the river road abo SSt The appecded list of wheelman ' a coti panied by the rnnke of the whetl u wmcn tne tax is paid, represents "ss-ecicn uiueirni mVYaa.ii rm . BWS -; iuc neveral : wheels Mnr-iMnrei "B' leaoa wun is to Its credit. Ihe Itsrtford takes second place with 20 There are is Imrwrii. t v., . i. iMiumni, y . i.wioras ina I Columbia. other aaa-aa iiwrrapn t svi r kh ita. . - - wa-s as 2-a I nuc, f: Kel lance. S- - e tir. ly., 4; IdeaL 4; Wisconsin. 3 Quaker f enaron, z; Special, z: To!!en Easle 2. i! A H. Special . 2: Victor t2 are one each of the fonowing makes Queen. Uno, JUL King. Jack. Urdo: Nestor. I Signal, i Deranc. Txlumidv Peer. Vicuna. Thistle. Monarch. ajS Volunteer. Old Glorv. iv- . ' mm'.. vm tC"W1u Elyr1a- Garland, ihrrlan. Victoria and Sterling. On enthusiastic ; wheelmata. wtm paid hU tax, designated his ( wheel as rM Wheel.- It having seen bitter days,' The following Is a lin of those who I with v ir ,DlcycI f. tbgether i l wlth th make of their whseL arrM- 1 . . . ii. nart- K . Hobdnger. Hartford; Mis. 1"' etcn Hartford; E. c. Churchill. Signal; Stella Smith, Hart! ford: Alma RnrtK, i. n .. " TM.. TI" . ' '"' r- W. TL. ; Ur. r..AUun- Jlden,Eaglei C "veely. E. L: Remintoi imperial: A. S a.,M..n c. . . j 'n;rn ai ; Lt! Impr,al 'K. L. Wilshtr fi:.U 7. ' IT Waverly; Phoenix: Fva,-- r!. J.OT.n,2 im,,,' ' I- "'iwnai; a. h. ",",m- rtanrord: Mis. A. If. Wll- , oimra: Herman t , t- rent -i,e. "!: r- e . " le r V" A- SCOtt, J S. Cook. Victor; Mra jr. s. Cook 1 C PerriniT:rr-.1Urtf,,rdl M- P t-.. Perrine.-Crawford- Crawford: R Prrki... r . ' Hay Perkic. " ' sin: J. E. Allison. Crescent. ; - - 1 -The orieln of rh aiM - Xjir i" fri10 to the -whistle-tanxard of olden tlm. t. i .t . " HilU -ue came into play when the ta-k provisions should, nr-ver. by t hematite. w-ithin either the letter or the p!rlt of the -law. I am. therefore, ef the opinion thit the state board of education can iot 'xtena the - " -- a tiiif A "air till so . to Include within the terms of said provl-o the pupils of fcny of said institutions of learning, who aw only entitled to cre-lit with 'final vnamgs on a part only of thw requi site course of ftudy, on the 1st of sepu.r.ber. 1S9.-but are required to undergo further and .! 1 . I1?,1? J,ror her VJt Is-fote ther fnuuea to graduate under thi t t-wwair UHjfr Ifl'J 1 rules rtd regulations adopt el by the: e office wen fetti.Hl that be t.ot an -vi.rer do Jure until b has fully corf",.l.d with snd i-erformed all of the ' -julremcrit of the law vibn h.are In the nattm- of condition pr.ctden; i:.-h as Yaklng he rath of ,V- .ind t'o exeouttor. and approval .f offi-Siil bond, if Or 'be required" , "While as Wine n l.i imtlf and Pi- dividual he may le an offl-'r rfe fau nnd have rights whirh , Hi lie -n-forced. a diflerftit "i ule prevnila wbn he retis trp any claim ngaint the mb Jic. 'When .a person s eks to recov. r the emoluments bf an ofTlc h m ;nt show his right to the poss.fsloh of tha ard wa emptied or 'rterd announce to th4 waiter tht more li quor was required. Instltatlons and -Ua.. nrn.,:.i . . . . " ' ,0vi,l UI Kit- "M'H cfta, "Second: The si Ate boar. cation, under and l y virtue of the prol "" oi suD-ontsion C of section 8 i . "a,r MIL "a the right ani authority to grant state cettlfiratea lf then be doea n. it hopi.m. nn ,f- ncer de Jure until the ete utlon n ! approval f bis official bond, he "his no legal right to th-t jnftlm of the office, atJ. although he 'tray in officer de ' facto, he Is not entitled te claim or recover from the state, com- ana -tit d.r-loi.-i a -tn f na.iucikts r i-. MnriAra4 r rouna upon examination by hePr,0' to the time he qualifed In th State board i Af a v i n . . . .1 ... iv.. ' m . v ... aenned. to possess a good moral chir- I became an officer de Jure.- ! at ter, thorough scholarship and .-1 . , .,' ! cossful exnerlenoe In tMi.hi.. D.m.-.lm-i.vw.n r..r at board ;of examiner must con-1 . . - 1 fiSt Of not ieaa than fAii, I . - . . . . ' ihat, .u. . . , . . " ' it. is an interesting thing to Know than nine nrofesslonal teath- i-b'h... i . .. . . Uon 10 of aald -ra, - - ,i,.i rleeies er piants are gunerr Ly section II of said bin It Is pro-I Europe, says Tit-Rlts. Of these. 4i . . Applicants, ror state cer- have a perfume that Is-Messing ni ttflcates and sUte diplomas must pre- i enter largely injto the manufcture ef sent certificates of good moral char- stents and aoWna TkM are more ZLZT?. thT have taurht sue- jspefes of white flowers gathered than rcSSIUIiy In their mml as . .... y-.. . - - - - .wuii.ic. wi-.ii uin ri miwr I iv l ! M l. V kit-. " riom the snperintendenta. but thim ko,.. ....wi. .irt state beard. If Othermlae ntlaS aii. n . In. - ..i UIU.11117 iig5 piuiri i,vii. - to the qualifications of said annliranf iwii., o .hh 1KL tray grant the certificates or itininm,. 'ut-.iw... . ' Wltnont Cettlfieatea : from ih. ....r.. ...... 1 -. Sunei ntAMMl, n.f , . . . . . tJk.-V VtT I. "'T nve" tne eighty-four are scented. The. D" Joard the discretion to require Proof flowers are of 694 varieties, Ihlrty-toor or good moral charaetr of ..h . , . . . ... ni - ,i mucii are poti u mm, ana inn v "!Te?S,fUl t'achIn ' thres hlossoms number 30S. thirteen of wbl :h year Immediately preceding the a p. are pleasantly odoriferous.