OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1899. FROM THURSDAY'S DALV ri ifflimE.; iiniil 111 LLUIUUHIIli IlIILLUi -vs.-: " ::- -v - . 1 ; I . , f . -I OSSIP C0SCEK3I5G THE TTOBK OF THE 3I3ETY 80L05S. flow the Bill for a Sew County 5ow . 8taod-Tbe Tots on the Text .Book Bill. (From Dally Feb. lth.) Dy a vote of 12 are to If nays, the oa for It passage. ' " Mr. Toung ob tained the floor and made an elaborate speech In favor of the bill, urging that Its provision were far superior to the present law. Mr. McQueen expressed great, satisfaction la the opportunity to vote for the MIL Mr. Stewart said be was going to support, the bill be cause the text-books under the present law cost too much, and we ought to bave them cheaper. Mr-" Stewart turned to the gallery and announced that be was Interested in this matter because the children are Interested in H. after whichc Mr, Curtis asked the gentleman to talk ' a little louder, as the children be was talking to are. pu pils at the deaf-mute school which was- a fact. Mr. Hawson could see no reason back of all the advocacy of this fanburaesaent o M. Scrafford. who coo- tested .. the. seat' of Representative Stump, of Folk: county, was reached Mr. Kruse offered an amendment ap propriating 7-Q Cor Joan ; Dennison. of Clackamas county,:; who contested the seat of Mr. Knight.. The amend ment was rejected, and the effort : to also reject Mr. c Scraff ords r claim brought on a pretty fight, without suits, howerver, for the amoant claimed by him was agreed to and became a part of the bill. : when, the claim of H. B. Luce, for salary of food and dairy commissioner, came up an effort was made to cut out the J1.000 allowed him in full of all de mands. The effort i. to"" cut off that amount proved-a boomerang, for be fore the discussion was brought to a cIose: the discovery was made- that Mr. Luce, though a successor, bad been appointed to take bis position In Au gust.' 1397. had steadily attended -to the senate, Wednesday morning, decided ' bin, but the cry for a change.". a Unties of the. office, and. in a spirit of that the act orovldlns an annual tm rhmn k,... . I fii-r. ha rnmmitiu -mm ana me aci proyiaini o nnuu s.p , change." "a change." without know, proprlation of $,000 for the state al;irig. whether the change , was for the should .not be repealed. , The bill wasr better or worse.,. Mr, Beach said he ojscussed less than thirty i minutes. 'had Bf, speech all written out and saving come up in tne senate .unner would send it up to the gallery. Mr. special order at o'cjUXk jyesterday ; risgg said It was very jtrue that the wiumuig. . x i-i i i present m was in the interest of Cinn Senator Selling, as father of the bin;1 Co- as It was in the interest of ., lnauguraiea tne aeoaiei inoaeni to a every other book company, , That these inorouga oiscuasion or. me oiu. oy a men" wanted to bid on furnishing these , , few moments' talk, in which he reitert books, but be challenged any member mm auicvauuiis previously maur, f ro point oat any undue Influence by www; a oat aooui . per cent or ins . any person advocating - the bill. Mr. premiums went to Marion county peoj Whaliey at this point asserted that pie. and that a majority of those prei' there was a man sitting right now in miums were captured by members of the seat of a member, who had been the board of directors of the state agf violating the privileges t the house ricultural society. - He was followed by and using improper Influences with the oeaa,ur woaepni anp: naseiune. wnose - members. The man referred to one E. remarks were an a similar strain. Senf . Hofer yelled out that Mr. Whaliey ator Driver epdke against t the bill ( was a Mar. A further colloquy brought maintaining that the fair was an edaf from Mr. Flagg a motion for a vote of ;""" " vrr i censure upon we teliow Hofer. which . ms had inn flniMt hmM knn aiwl latLl -. . t . " . . , ? ' r , uvww was cju-riea unaiumoiMIV. ar. tie of any of the states, all of which Flaa. In conMnulnir hi. m.ri,. could be directly attributed to indusfj openly charged that the American cir-iiuv uu mo mytu i up.- book, yompanys agents bad Used mon- cauon. ley on the floor, of the house, and had rwTOMor r uuon jmut one oi niserh. "i"" 'fp agajn-t eeaunsrs Din. brought a motion from Mr. McCulloch In the coursejof which be disclosed th , to appoint a committee of three to in real motive that prompted the attempt vestigate that matter, but the motion o npni ne Appropriation. in supp was lost. Mr. Reeder and Mr. Haw porc or nis aavocacy or maintaining son said they could not discover that the appropriation for the state falk- the, t bill gave any guarantee of Mr. Fulton said there was not a state better competition as to price -" nt miuniain f,or quality of text -books than mr, men an exniDtnon oetng the one already in existence. demanded by the agricultural interests and If "-corrupt v influences 'have .ofthe state. Continuing, the senator obtained In the past, there was every aid: 'Repeal he appropriation, and reason to expect hat it would obtain .two years hence th state will bo asked under. this btTL Mi..-Mviv jkrAA l make an appropriation fof the sUtt . that the people bad asked for a chane I ed 4a the bill. ! - ' f Tl r.at notner Pi, It is, simply a in the manner of selecting; text-books I A laugh followed Mr. Butt's propoal4 w r r zr 1-T , wnp" ne tnougnt u tne aatfoz the leids- sfe s a i gs a s'v a ) a m a - a a J ai. , . . ' ., V. . . 1 lature to accord them their demands. ....u .ui,,:,,, sir. Keeaer thought, as & matter of w-v Knr W coming w oaiem ne pan .practical poll tlcar sense, he was op ; receivea a jeiier rronv a new-paper oosed. to. this hill . hm it nmrtJr fairness, the committee voted to insert. in lieu of the $1,000 carried by the orig, lnal bill, "the fuU amount of his salary from January i, 1S97. to date, and the expenses incurred, . i ; Another contest was precipitated on the : claim of - the Savage heirs for twenty-four acres ;of land for the Ore-" gon Insane asylum, $7,500. Mr. StllJ man fought the claim, contending that the price i was xhortltant, and out of all reason, and after a lengthy discus-, sion the amount- was stricken out Latter, upon motion of MrMcCulloch. the vote by which the Item was elim inated, was reconsidered, and the ap propriation was again Inserted In the MIL . - V" V- ' An amendment was offered for a new wing -at the penitentiary, for adequate fire protection and other needed addi tions, the appropriation to be 115.000. Mr. Hawson, In an eloquent plea, urged the adoption of It, and. as little opposition developed to v the item, it was inserted. , ; ..r - . Mr. Roberts offered an amendment for: the appropriation f $3,000 for the made offers of bribes to member. Tht: I Florence Crittenden home, in Bortland. I vuv,. twicu. a numoer or en oris were made to secure appropriations for va- nous charitable institutions, 4ut aB I were voted down. Mr. 'Myers proposed an amendment for $5,000 aid for the Portland children's home, but it was iosu we, nowe.ver. not the, least In timidated; made the same proposal three times -more;- It meeting -a like I ' wn xime. sir. n u t amendment. for $4,006 for the Baby Home, at Port4 land, .being the only one which finaljyn passed .the committee,, and was Insert tton to appropriate $15,000 for the re4 Uef of. the Oregon Woman Flax : ? Hemp- , Fibre Association.- but tb amendment was -Quickly voted down,! ,Tbe last Jtemadopted; was the appro-! recce: scoocosc; jfiB&&'BQGOQSOOOQOflQS&SOOOiiSj50Ci IS si WHERE TO BUY and HOW TO FIND the RIQHT GOOdS at the RIQHT PRICES ! Friedman's New Racket Is7where '.they make it a study to keep the right goods and at prices that will sulUlie people Who have to work hard for their money. It stands them in right Therefore, it will pay them to trade at IN and to buy The advantage the customer has is the (Expert buying of the managers of IN For it is a known fact that Friedman' can go into any store that is 100 foot long by 30 wide and stand in the middle of the store and give an estimaterof a stock of goods that isworth from $20,000 to $100,000 in 1 5 minutes' time and come -within five per cent of the actual in voice, or value of its contents. THIS FACT IS KNOWN containing adouble. v Interrogation. ..book quesUon Into; the polltk-r ot;the Pation pf:$t00J..for the Soda Springs.! m jujnn..couniy, Kepresentatlve Jones,! or iveoanon.. making an. eloquent plea in favor, of .the. adoption of the item. being rewarded with the Almost unaav lmous concurrence of the. committee. . .j.MluMa w owner or not na atate and .into- the executive office. vprunB ,me. aiaie tair ami should th Is bill become a law-, it . appropriation, and what he thought of would be the controlling spirit" in our that r.rsnnaO inn ' v a V. S. a . . v i .V , tr." -;" - fT i P"l,ca o ng as it remained on the vy. : r ! ' K-i t I tt ' ok. The bookf cempanleft ' . , " - wuuim uiciaw our governors, and the Ii, ; jlTr. Iy wl,UKl- ol against whole armament of state public bust- m,. wiiu xji uuurravnamif inai nesa : would revolve around " the .book -Iw...r wu penaing w men conn interests. Mr. Hilt made a calm, con templated a radical change in the man. servatlve speech, counseling dispas- -".r... i r. aionate consideration and the ellmin- wntch 8enator SelUng'p aUng of disagreeable personal charges, bill was defeated was as follows: Ayes He was opposed to this bill, because it -.Bates, Daly of Bentoni Haines. Hasel- created another commission and tine. Josephl. Mackay. Mlehell. Morj-' placed it in the hands of a dangeroua row. Patterson, Proebstel. SeUIng. power, which reached to the head of ,,ut"1 X, ays wrowneif. every child In Oregon, and he was In tw. is.i. . Z T: V'"- rvor 01 curtalung rather than inereaa pufur. Fulton. Harmon. Kelly. KujH-, tag the commissions; he Was candidly kendall. - Looney. Mulkey,. Porter, opposed to this measure. Mr. Curtis duuiii, rrsue; . ii.Dseni Aaanu l opposed the bill for the samo reasons liowe; I. -. t r, I as Mr. Hill advanced, j He also claimed " . I that should a change of text-books he The couriesles of the senate were forced under this bill. -It would mean a ywieraay exienaea co Hon, J. R. ouraen on the poor people of fully -vw, avu. ' ! ' I . if.ww. xxe mougni me great intent ' . ' . i j I !! was to create anew commit- xne nu oy senator FaUoa .(. B. Na. won to provide a Job for some Inter ST)t whkrh provides for the appointment ested parties. Mr. Whallfr opposed by the county courts of a los- mea . the bill ta a s-ohd-na.tnrw x... urer and Inspector, barely passed the. recatlng the divergency from the mer swnats Wednesday mornln. receiving J its of the blU which the discussion had , It afflrmatlve votes. The bill was opt-1 taken. He thought the bill was lame posed by Senators Reed Mackay and in many D&rtlculam ,uf wa .- llaseltlne, who contended that the j bill equate .to meet the emergencies sought was impracucaDhv and would; no ih to he remedied. Air. StlUman spoke in I " j mirir tD existing . conai-. iavor oi me mil quite lengthily and lions. Senator Pulton urged the! pas-1 npon.j roll call the bill passed S3 'ayes, sage of the bill, claiming that It wa i 2 noes. 1 absent the detailed vote be- '"m ' m ireteresx or cne loggeit.jang as follows. Ayes Brattain. BriKS. no naa me tors ror juj. Th. kiw rnnn rnmminM- t-w-i ,. ,rr rassed. howeer. by the following vote Grace. Oray, Gregg. Hall. Jones.' Lewis.' -Ayes-Adams. Csmeron, Clem. Duf uri, ' cCourt. McQueen, Moody. MortonT WOLFAKD WI5S. ho T 3Cr. Ladovf tzke Will Not Get the For tune He Wanted. ooooooooooooooooooo Uy the best attorneys m Salem and Portland, Tacorria and Seattle, and many of the insurance adjusters. Those who have employed Friedman in the capacity of an expert or appraiser, and also many of the wholesale merchants on the coast. 4 The purchaseis of merchandise caii readily see the advantage Osgood judges of goods and expert buyers. ) Those who buy right can sell right, and one who buys right and sells right knows how' to deal .right by their customers. What FRIEDMANi RACKET can give the best bargain in for men who are level headed is 111 ATS and and EXTRA BARGAINS in CLOTHING. Big ?driys & tlllRTS UNDERWEAR and SUSPENDERS. Extra bargains' in LtolESaBd MISSES' SHOES, EMBROIDERIES, LACE6, VELVETS and PLUSHES. Great drives in PASSIMKNTRE "and OTHER TRIM MING,, as well as KID GLOVES and other FANCY "NOTIONS You Will Hind it if ayja to7 Trad at - . New Corner &teU& etndt Commercial OO0OO0CXOO0O0O0O000O0(X3PtXXXXXXX0O0OOOOQb Racket i 8 ooooooooooooooooooo The suit: for damages in the eas ' of Jonn jjuaovetxke vs. Archie Wnifuni was given to the Jury about 1:30 o clock yesterday afternoon, and one half hour later a verdict In favor of de fendant? was reported. The amount ued for .was $10,120, plaintiff alleging that defendant had seduced his daua-h ter on or about the last week In Febru ary. ISM, :. ' ,. :i1 ; : tJp to the time of court adJournlns last evening the grand Jury bad not made any reports. iut It Is exnected that that body will be beard from to- NEWS FROM STATTON. Death of Former Citizens of This Ma rion County Town. friends to regret bis demise. The cause of . his death has- not been learned. B. C. THus, of this city, received .a message Sunday morning from his brother. R. A. Titus,; of Rufus. Eastern BTATTOV. Or.. Vah. 1 5 W W. TCI der is attending court at the capitol Oregon, bearing the sad intelligence of tints weea. - i w , wir cueii aaugn- ter. uora, which. occurred - , at midnight, at Saturday Febru- .Two -non-suits were allowed yester day, in the case of Capital Lumbering O. IX' Trotter made a business trip to Albany Monday, returning on Tues day morning's train. . . Win. H. Cooper and son attended the funeral services of iMlss Viola Afann. in Salem Sunday. Miss Mann was a niece of the former. . Dr. Joe Welch, Silverton's popular young dentist. .Is la the -city: be will probably remain several weeks. . ary 11th, of pneumonia. iShe was an intelligent young lady, just budding into womanhood, with fair prospects of an unclouded future, but was ruthless ly stricken down in the very begin ning of her young life by, the relent less band of death. The family resided near here for a number of veara and Stone's Drug STONE, n. D.1, Proprietor pf . ! - Lee Brown, the well-known sawmill h4Ve the beartfelt sympathy of many man. went to Salem Monday. He wiU. friends in thU their, sad bereavement. cated at SALKM OREGON. . I The stores, (two In number ar in- NO 725 and S33 Commercial street, find are. well stocked with a complete toilet aJrtlcles, etc, etcU etc line of drugs and medicines. perfumery, brushes. Co. vs. Jos. B. Benoit and Mathias I return via Albany f or a brief visit with I jonnson va : w. i Jones, respectively, oout oeing actions tor money. ruuon. Haines. Harmon. Kelly. Kuyf. Myers, Nichols. Palmer. Roberts. Ross, "v "" ww?t, wnw, i'snerson. Stewart. -roet-trl. Selling, mith. Wade; li Whitney. Williamson. - Wilson; Wona- , . .T frw'",, or coil, xoung and Mr. Speaker; 33. Nays Dalyof Benton, Driver. Haseltlni Bayer. Beach. Blackaby,-Butt, Cur- -"sepni. Aiacsay.! .Mlehell. MulkevL ' tls. Donnellv. rnnn TVoAianri TTaw. Torter. Reed.-j President . Absent Howe; 1. Taylor; . Th-t Daly text-book bin (8. B. eram up l.i iSeiousie as special orjaei" hi u a. m. yeoierdsy. and consumed ci.alderble Ume. After a call of th fKu-e. hy why h All members, except Marsh and Maxwell, were rounded tint ne inn was announced far discussionl vrnen ir. Morton asked soe mem twr repreientlng t -to give Some res 11 son. Hill. Hobkirk. Knight. Kruse. I l-amson. Alasstngill. Maxwell. Mc fCuikwh, Platts. Reeder, Sberwin, iii enuin, Stanley, Thomson of ; Clacka mas. Thompson of Washington. Top ping,- Whaliey; 26. Absent Marsh; COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. , Incidents on the Floor Whila the lp proprlation Bills Were Under Consideration. . J flack to Health After Lons IHnegg Hood' Sarsa j PrtIIa Restored Cood Haaitrt- After as illne-s of two ysaradatiai r , Which tlms I Baderwent several surgical operations, I at last begaa to Imorova. bat waj taprovement was so alow that I b- came discoarafsd. I was vary much ran own sad I Ud not kav any appetite. I did not vara to live. One day I asetf friend who bad taken Hood's BarsapaxUla and who urged me to try iu leonseated. aaa after I bad taken a few doses I began 3o feel better and bad a better appetite. gained irom. two to thrs pounds a week nd grew stronger every day. 1 took two cr tores bottles of Hoods BartaparUla, uu mjB mm suong as a svsr was xa my Ufa. 'Hood's BarsapaxUla has breegnt me back ma beau." Esm.Y BoxnroEa, 10 Qraad Vt venus. South Portland. Oregon, i f J tet the OsxraelPBraee. Bold by aa draggglata. tl; stx forts.. j I Hood's phu SS.iLTa'Si Wnile: thC bouse was in omlttee of the whole yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of considering the appropria tion bills, several pretty contests oc curred, all of which were settled In the best of humor, the house being In an exceptionally pleasant mood. The first contest occurred when Mr. McCourt proposed an amendment providing $2,- ue ror assistance to the attorney-gen. erso. a numoer or members partici pated m the discussion, among them Mr. Whaliey.. who insisted that no ap- rropnauon snouid be made far an a aviiorney-generai, as g, such omcer mkm. jar. McCOurt supported bis proposition manfully, but it was ooomea 10 defeat. 4 a . 1 . : j ; 4 The next fight came up over the item 01 w,jw ror tne electric lighting con. Uet.,K, warra discussion, Mr. Stillman succeeded in reducing the amount to $5,000. The, opinion of the attorney-general, which holds that th existing . contract is Perfectly legal, was read and, though the members of the ways and means twnmtt t. ..... . lurat r1 ,fn ta ordinal amount In the biU. umg inai the secretary of state would audit the bins for lirht. pay only for those actually usedL the redaction was made. Mr ?fin,r tending that the number of ligbu In tne capitoL durine a nru'a k. . lature should be matertaHy reduced. Vhen the item of 7.5, for thx; re-1 THBfHOSPrTAl. The board of con trol of the Salem hospital met at that Institution last evening for the regular business session. The report of the superintendent shows the hospital : in a prosperous condition. Superintendent ruiss Aooie tsiius was elected superin tendent of the training school, and Miss OrW Neal was chosen as directress of all the nurses; she will have charge 'of all the nursing in the house. Miss Marrllda Woodward."" of Portland, and Miss Mae- Myers will take the places oi me Aimses Aiane iiareriy and 'Mar. garet Raymond. There are now fifteen patients in the wards, and the entire staff is kept extremely busy. The management is highly pleased with the efficient work done In the hospital thus far, and looks forward, to still greater perfection in the future, I . A FORECLOSURE SUIT. Arthur emrin is the instigator of a fore closure suit against Asa and: Ejj,, Simmons et aL, the complaint being n me aianon county clerk's office yesterday. , The amount of the Judg, ment sought Is I2.2W. with Interest at 8 per cent, from November 1, 1895, and three smaller suus aggregating Jim, and the foreclosure of a mortgage" on - vl isnq in t s s, r 3 wv i his son, J. E. Brown. 1 TOUNO WIFE i INSANR. ynnv The remains of 'Mrs, . Charles Arch-! Pearl Keller, aged 17 years, a native of ambeau, who departed this-life at! the Willamette valley place not known Rosebure; on February 13th,, are ea 1 was yesterday brought from Jack pected to arrive at Kingston on this oa county and committed to the asy morning'a train, for burial In the Ma-, lum. She Is married. Her insanity is DR. STONE . Has baf some 25 years experience In the pracuce of medicine and now makes no charge for-consultation, ex amination or prescription. lone cemetery. Mrs. Archambeau was'due to' heredity on the mother's side.' 8 a young woman, about 21. years of age. She is suicidal and j homicidal, having t A tA as asssssVA- rn,..1.. ai as ' wA .m a a..w u a. . . . ... c i tried to butcher mania. and a daughter of Charles Shaffer, who resides Just across the river In Linn county; measles being the cause of her death. ; , Word has reached this city of the sudden death of John Montgomery, ness wnicn ton. was one of . Oregon's pioneers, and was near that town. Is mourning the death or a child, and Dr. R. A. Pratt's fami ly Is sarely afflicted. La grippe, measles and scarlet j fever are the pre vailing diseases. A .Baltimore, woman took h r little'' girl to Hun Jay school. When all tb hlldra.fi nu .1.). , . ' stab her husband with . . 5 "l "TTfSJ .TV "v B mins; - knife daring ber attacks of r1 th -Jfar-old followed r j. " ;; I and sanr with much unction, although vp.it, .1.. - ..I ll?e mofbr WM ur child ha4 r'".. .-.uucrmis mi- never head the - hrmn wr- WHAT SHE SANO. After la : ivnrtrtftrf in V. a . .lnt.. a. 4 occurred a fe.w days ago at Day- Mehama. on . the upper Santlam. j vrxlc jn "jother aked her bow she Washington,. Mr. Montgomery Albert Morris, a- well-known farmer i enJoyc:i fL ' r "T ' wen-anown in this section of the country, having lived in and near Stayton many years previous to hi r moval to Dayton, and, leaves many Kid-Fitting Corsets BORN. BROWX.-At Stayton. Tuesday. Feb ruary 14, 1899. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. . L. Brown, a daughter. The happy father is an .tra.nM. vi non county. : . i MARRIXO. Wp9fEVEATCH.At the home of w parents of ' the bride. Mr. and Mr- p- 'Veatch, No. 2S Ulnon atreet; Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, February 15, 1SW, at S p. m. Miss Jennie Alice Veatch to Harry Fleld ing Wynne, Rev. W. C. Kantner. D. Officiating. - .- ; dixd. PARTCHvrAt the family home, five tniies east or Salem, near the Rickey school house. - Wednesday morning. February 15. 1S9, Curtis Partch. son of J, B-- and Maggie-Partch. aged 1 year and 8 months. " Interment win be had In Macleav cemetery.- . - - ANOTHER FOUR YEARS. Ch as. F. Beebe, of. Portland, was yesterday Are proving a drswW . am .lPointed brigadier-general of the who have bought them are loud In ti.ie , 9reKon national guard, to serve for a praises. They are the best Corsets leTm ot rur years. General Beebe ia made And vmr ah, i. now occupying that official, bouillon. one if you do not like it we 1U give ' t"1 aPP,nted by ex-Oovernor Villi TH1IF lYIAHM. maW T - . . I - - . j . wawn uuu& u. our Corset Window. Wool ; Hose. Some Bargains "r . E-or7 tn, all colors, 6 cents a skein. ' , La-lles Fleece Lined Cotton Hose,' Misses nnd Children's 15 cents a pair. . .. Ladies 15.00 Mackintoshes, now $3.73. Lfjdi I4.M Mackintoshes, now $125. Gentlemen Eemember We arc ctonlnr nt Hats and .Furnishing Goods, v We can aave you money on anything you need In this line. . Shoe Repairing , . We have with us the boss repairer of Sa lem, W H. Armstrong. He m-kkes a specialty of hand turn .i. jtu. string your fine shoes jto us for repairs. " Oh, t liked It ever , so ,murh. h. child sai.1. . : y ,;v. v - -What were you singing? You dlJn't know th' hymn, Jld you. "Oh, to. rr-.Vam. t didn't know t he on , tb-y wre singing, but I wanted to Mn g. too, so J sang A Hoi Time in tho Old Town Tonlaht. ' i -' Charles Dudley Wamer has come" out as aN JIerer In the in letermlnate sen tence for criminals. Hiving that prison: should rcnlly Je merely hospitals .when the inmates, sre held until cured. i- Chat They're here. M ost of the ladles i lines. . igger, more complete lines' than The Stearns--$50 TI1C YELLOW FELLOW BLACK IF" YOU WAMT1T. Sometimes You'll find ih mi... .t. ever, tco; up-to-date in style: down toier womins him.if ..-i.i i. . ... . date In price. Not fictitious prices, bat - color ofj jour wheels. . lowest living prices at which good goods Wa don't sell paint. i "J t?14. I. i I We ouality of wheel first and let ii. (nigni ne- isnai. we couian t nt ino customer have the color he wants; ooior don t make a wheel, no mora than WILLIS BROS. & Co. : - - . 8POT CASH HUSE. First Door.South of the Portofflco. . STANDARD PATTERNS . ' BEST AND CHEAPEST. , you. chances are that we can. how ver, and' bear In mind f hat you're Just as welcome to . 'come and look and try, whether yon buy or not. We treat you the same, eithtr way: we won t bava s clerk about, who'd do different. We have another larse lot of thmw fine turned Vici in lace or button, vari ous widths . t-vs A bran new elegant Vict, with silk vesting top. latest English to, military , ' $3.25 A splendid vesting lop, fine donaota neat stylish last....i .;.$t.oa Our 1 35, L50 and 2.0 lines of staple goods now complete. Come and see. clothes make the man. Rut that Stearns. i There's an Individuality about it a something different In lines; same as you ea - tell a thoroughbred horse among si whole drove of plugs on the street. ! - , ... .Ever notice It? ' STEARNS 130, TpURUBT-30. . Both made and wam.nit oicaniA t o. - i Tribune model to no. TRIBUNE 30 INCH i50. OUR ,SPECTAT.-l AU ru 4 ran teed from top to bottom.' - I ' the. II RACKET; PRICES. 307 Comm6rcial St.