FROM FRIDAY'S DAILY ' , . , - ' - HARMON JBEUISTRATI05 BILLfclS I CVSSED AND BKKKBBED. Ben Selling CrrafWa Sensation by fntrodnelnjf & Pointed Re solution. j (From Daily January 27th. , I Consfderablej time wu consumed jesterday In a discussion of Senator " 'iarm'n' rejtjirtration law (senate bill - Au. C There ate t xn trill nrnvl t ns a new registration law ami tner:fued. ; Is a ?lpottin evidenced on tlie iart of the n&t-r to cjr.uTe the twu b'lls and select from the two meas ures the bel f.tuies atd ?mnd th ' blJI accorairgjy. , - ; - " The ctmsJdeiition of Senator Har mon's bill had Mil mide i.he jipecial : Cfler nf . biiMaAjM for 2 oe!tck In the eiiat yesterday aften.c-.n and im rr.edlately after roll call that bill .waV ct'id up.1 ; Senator I farm en Its , Ridered thit the Unt amendments had been pnitiod' in print In? th' autl'cr.- con-though- the inadvertentJy bUr t;ouht the merits ff the rre"ure' wre j if feieiitly tmderstood by th Kenators'to Justify the enate in disroslrfr of ta bill at the present time. ' Henator Heed rtatel thit a timilar l-ffl was pending rfon the ho'ise ni rrk-ved that lh- ii t e ,rll-',',rn!tte t trj the Jullr;ry -mmmiltee In order thlat the two Mils ohjM -.-m-l;(re and t he' better f utiirfs V f tc tH te ifVd in drtiftinsr a rcRtiaMm ''iV. Senator Fiiiift"- ui-i?e-i immrdiste ac tion, fearinjr that nnv fuUu r r;-con'-TTiftrrr-nt wnuid JoofardiZ" the pms-tfje iT any registration law at th's e- t?fna4W ll'nf! df!re.I f Il'iVe 11W bill re-corrmitted In order that, the very ..nest bill msght re drarten arter comparing the two proposed rill". Penator Felling dftf-cted faults In fr.k-h of the bills bnt thought with th proper amendments, the Harmon blltwas the more preferable. Fenalor Mir hell fa-oied the sim plifying of the-manner of balloting for candidates. The HOI bill provides that a slncle mnrk cn a ballot as contemplated In the measure. Indl cntes the political prefer nee of the vtters and for that -reason he would support the Hill bill. Senator Fulton discovered the prd Icy of procrastination in the consider ation of the blirfrom the fact that f endangered the passage o? the meas- - , . YL ' . i in tlon -bill Including as to the manner . C L r L In which the bal.ot should be arranged th81n el0' ,ot'h l that the bill , had good ar and ar. such should stand -wveatlgatlon, and desired the " bin ,ef .-committed. He accounted, for the defeat of one of the candidates for s'reuit v?udg.ln the Third vrdllali'dlstrlct: at the recent general eleeon. frcm' the comrlQted way In mlch -the names of the. candl dAtes,' "re nrtanged on the bo !!.- muff favored a bM! -tht would t rovldo he simplest -systen. of b:llotlng far candidates.. On a vote being taken, the motion t? Senntor iWd tci hav-e the bill re committed to th- Judiciary committee, prevailed by.n vote of 1 to 11.' !. sent. The vote In det ill wns as fol lows Ayes--Ad:, mi I :at. B-owrtrll. Cameron. Clem. Dn,lv of Bmon, r liver. Iliiines Kelly. Moek iy. Mlch c 11. ,tulkey. Pktieon. rorer. Pe-d. President T.-ivIor; IS. Nays Daly. The senate .yesterday-, a'ternoon an null i Its nctlcn :of - the preceding dav,by leconslletlng th rote bv which senate MM No. .10 (by Haines) provtn for the funding of cnuny Indebtedness, passed that body. The motion of Senator Reed to reconsider the yore by which the bill wrt passed resulted In a prolonged debate In volving practically the mmc -ons tt-.nt w-ere argued ' when the bill m rrfire! jon It fiiwl passage. Senator In W1I was In the Interest of a Port land corporation He most emphat ically denied the, truthfulness of th-i report , and made 3n earp-st ftc ht siralnst a teHonsIderatlon of the rote, pena tors : Mic hell Driver sftd Reed n- htntalncd thit the provisions of the bill were not deslrabte: Tle motion to reconsider was earrled by th following vote: Aye. Adams. Bates, Pownell,. Camerr Iftaiy. of Fen. on, nrlver Dufr. Harmon Haseltlne. Joseph!. Kuykendall., JJ . Patterson. Porter, Reed. Preside t Taylor: 17. Nays Clem. Fuiton. ,,.. t-i tA..,. niv., leiiVr wri.ltiyffir tVm-V JLjt JZi. a w... 'Ti j Smith. 4. The bill was thn ordered r--comnUt- tt to the Judicliry comm ttce. I .i Contl'Iersbl cp7ostI n trai stowi Pchater Frdtcn'a biH'H'c, f). en et for the sale cf tlJe land In tf tide erater cf the state of O'eon, ard t o)Srm titles in p an'eel cf f t i at?. Th vote as It crlg'nalTw rrul 1 rr.t a tie. there being thirteen far..-the measar- and thirteen the passatre of th wit fm.r VMr nW.nt rore President ITaylor could an nounce the decision Several of the fenatora changed their votes from the hfratlvfr to the aflirmttlve with the .JniU that the bllj passed by a vote of JS to . 3 -i.baenu ' : Senator Jo-ephi's bin tNo. f?) for the rei:r.Iaion cf lb n-act! efj-rd. tcine, passed the scnaf y;t;rday gr.d jtilt. a sweeping ma'-uie- tr-yt . , haljte tt vrv c'oe rn' By In t" hore.! The law ts It now gtanda L ,h! "Praetlce of medicine arcun.i lh rood many orsU. les ihal a ef r .i ii a . Ii,,r... ,"" "i'v"'- ir. cunmrtH, vijHiii", m,a expirei. i -i.iZ xt ir w. i- t",,' wanted Information as to whether i would be lornev cLirtn,. T-d m awi GiTIianr. county would be lertith suf- ' and they wotihl I'lTrrnw rt. i k Ab"rnt-. fclent. territory and wealth maln-llomes they had Morrow. Proebstel. 3, tatn a proper county orlaMon. faith. Senator 1 1 i - i'- - .iiiwm, ij.., ; J '"' ... ivrnracieij in sen ny SUCn Una or -nnj .,j tho Tmt nf fe nrnnnnt( nr the ' r n..i. .J,- T7t v.. 'r...jt I t. 1 . - mit-i lur Kill U -,-A tho 11 tr,. f'.af . ,t ttiii: Tfc - L'nl.kt . . . 'PSlOe - nni"inir, CI ...... ...... ...... .. - -. - - vsifT. ....t-.-. ...... in nrrruce iikiii nfmn rm necssary. out un- v.. -- - 1 f ..t frt!ir ret. seems to great deal farther yet. i mar- romt ocher state-.' armed with . from the best eollege. i -supplemented by years e I X , W twenty or ortyV of r-sr V1? " tlee. Is compelled to F0 Met a board of wmiaers. can snt Ject hTt a techetleal lamination SSi a, fhcy may At f? in anatrrmy. phyMogy. chemWrn rraterla nH-dl j?erapeuif prance sunrety. oneirics, dls eaes of women. meav-w - ""' j i raJence, "and ueh othef ,-branches . tut the board shall deem ad- j 'Fable.- He mut ray ln i,r thl" agination nd men. vs atif:.etor- the board nrnyj smnt him a license to practice.' or Jtan le le- Hat the feature of the l.if liable to rrake the rreatest . trouble?. Is that ,birb provid. a fine of rjjo 310 fori practicing medicine; -w ithoy sch II- v r . lab-Art in ffinns1ioii tilth : what the biU dccUres shaK be con- trued as practiclne. hufc. Is as fol- f . - i .. . 1 . .v.ti t,. ir Any iri ?vh jo. ' . . . - .... practfeins within the meanSyff of Ih's i art who" shall directly or4ndlrectly personally or as a representative, claim tc pefse-n a knowled of " the cure of diseases, or 8 krWye of pbyloloei'..-al; proceFes, and ;effer grat uitously .or for a f-e to. atT)ly h krowie-lsre for the cure or - treatment of disease or fot the regulation or management fcf fhysloleglral p-o-cesses. or srratlfcouMy on for sf; fee pre-t scribe, direct, .or rerojnmef),!, rr of fer, to ,. preiscrihe, dlrvct or roirraon1, for the use of any perron any dru? or medicine or agency for the treatment, cure or relief of any woundfraotute, todily Injury, infirmity, or (t,oiB. or fcr the res?Iftt!on or minagvp ent of pnvsiol5icnl profeppes." I'ncffr tfcnt provision, a man wouli , be subject to proHec iticn for; stiitsr st-' 1 in?r to his neisrhbor a possible cure for riri'timher mU n'n nfhlric or a. ej.uld not buminar corn: a druggist nlth safety fix up a lillleip Dover's t powders and spirftus ini gllicl un-. . dC'r a hurried call from a jSegisIrit.or fnd a grandmother wouldn't be sa'j from Arte to sugeest a mustard t lat ' for the removal of pains jrom the tOmaeh of her budding grandchild. Verily," when the prof-"ssiria3s hav full sway, the daya of cawlj- tra rhubarb, roots, hrrbs an; simple - VII! bo numbered. 1; The question of organizing ?the new imnniv nr wheeler ont of ncrftlons of Crook. ' Gilliam and Grant Jtountle caused an animated diHcusslpsi yater- j Mr. Williamson, of Crook, ex- .w- .,,, .. - tiailil-u lire a a k . fifiwiMvw made necessary by the. geographical location or in country ana ereai r dJjktBIK.e, tt, he traveled at ihe pre- f mtmt Mr. Hawson, of OtlfSm. o - the bin wtth great g-or and ent time by the people or nat sc laa tfUry ehemence. saying It was a igreat In justice to' Gilliam county, - as It would take away one-third of Jts tet rltory and go a long wajf;. toward crippling that " county. financially He claimed that the measure jwas op posed by two thirds of the scoters of the connty. Mr. Curtis thought tha nw county of Wheeler made to assume a share of the de of Gil liam county, i to which Mr. ,WUIlam son replied that the bill so.i&rovlded. Mr. , Itoberts, of Wasco calffd atten tion to the bill, which piovMes that a fair division of , the debtsAOf the counties inleresfcd vile thojs-h the bill was dictated byl the elements of justice ana ,ine existing 'Cffiauions. Mr. Roberts made strong nd tell-. Mr.. Hawson s answered tha.; Gilliam would be badly crippled , by ,Je pass age of this bill. ! Mr. Ree.ler.1f t'ma- tllla, spoke ' strongly agfst tho measure. The vote on the r3""ee of., the- bill, stood: - Ayes Bayer." Black aby. Brlggs. 1 Cummlnsts, t.-tV-nnelly, Farrell. Grace, Gregg, slobklrk Kruse, "Lcmron, "Tiewls. !fjsslngll!, Maxwell. McAJister, McCourf McC'ul loh, McQueen. 1 Moodv. M. Rob erts. Ross Sherwln, Stewa't. St ill - Nichols Jalmer. Smith, Stnmpj Thompson. C!j"ifClacka . - mas. . Thom'pson, of WtfMngtpn, J Vhitnev. Wonacott. Mr. Sr1i-r Absent B Mich, Conn. DavHMrsh. Morton-, St.inley. 1rtue, Totjyr: S. Sy? lr bill lacked one vote of t5ja necea rary number to pass. Representative J . Wlltlams s rii Vt, apportioning the Wte Into ' nhd WreaentatICltrIct passed the house. yeaterda-J by the exact number of votes necessary and -.a a imm Xprtllr r'y la Ota) ' " - - " "i . - . . vot Ayes-Barer,, B, ach BHgs, . pn,t Cummlng. lirtia. cPcnneUy. Trren. Flagg. Hawscn. Hl'I:H.bklrk. ( . .,,. - 4fin-tn. Mtl Mr- t rnrt. . If cCulloch. Moo "1 Mor-" Court, , McCulloch. ! Moo f- Mor ton Myer. t i Nlchol. 1 latt. Roberts. Ross, . fh rwlB'- Sah- le-r. Stewart. i Top In?. 'Wha'ley, v illlnmson Mr Speaker; S Nays Biacksbr Prattain. Da Is. t..Fordn?y, Freclmd. t?i'.ey. f Gtef. Ha"'4. Jis'. , Krliht- Km-. I rwSs Mt A'7j er. M-- On-.n TV1lf HfHil-. MTIMI. IMlll- man. Ftumn. Thompson of CcPamas. r ivk'.!,.. wiiasui, Wn.irf if ?!. Ah-i .ntconrr Marih . VTrtii". !f la1!:- 4. 1 Paired -Grace :n l ? T-eo"So- e.f ? Wafhfn gton; X. Fcl'of k lh ap-l i.iiknmerit of the liU J Senctorwl Marlon t . . a w r c3aiiv.AH l j i . . . itih n l nriu nil n n mat. HiamcniT. i rnv m.mtiti .k,. 11 .v Piatt sr Reader, i 2-1 inn ! ; "senator Porter Measure Simrl-fies : Marlon and Linn fjolnt).. ..... t th Matter of the Making of 4 Lane" ...i. .-.. . -..... Deeds by EherlfX. &rvu-la . L.. ........ 1... - el-De.ugtas. Lanf, Josef him" fl"int) l ,.7ioe and Curry -5 A 9-Klamath, Lake. Crnok.Wasco (Joint) .... .'.I.. 10-Benton , 11 Lincoln. Tillamook, Yamhill mi . . - 12 Polk -.., VS Tamhill I 14 dckamsk ......... Washington fultnomah. W-sh 10-Colum))la. Mult nm 17 J""t -wtlr . lfi.t ' l-Maltnomh i 5 1S Clatsop..... t...i ...... .......... J 20 Wasco, Snerman, (joint). ... t 1 Grant. Gilliam Sherman." AVa ' co (Joint)..... ....... ..-.i." t 23 Morrtm-. ITmatilla. Uaon fJo!r-t. t 2S-Umat!lla ........ ... x 24 U4.o:v a!lowa (Joint) ........ i S 1-aker. Harney, aialhcur i -Representatives .. - ' Members. 1 farlo 2 Linn ...... .. .. ... 5 Lane ... ..,,, -Douglas 1. .... F Coos ... 6 Cods and Curry 7 Jot-ephim 8 Jaclcfn ... .. ". 9 JackBon, Douglas (joint) 10- Benton 'I PcJk ..... ... 12 Polk. Tincoln (joint) ... .. 5 .3 .. Z 2 .'. 1 . 1 .. 1 2 . 1 . 1 . 1 '. 1 . 1 ; ; 14-Tamhill T.llamock I 1 Washington 1C -riackaniis 'Joint). 3 . 3. Multnomah (Jojnt). . 1. 17 Clackanms. 18- -Multnomah 19 ClaiJMH. 10 Columbia ... ... .. . .... 21- "SVastco. Crook. Ktamath, , (joint) ; ...... .. 22- riyatiUa. Morrow (Joint). 23- iTtrmatiJla. i. 24 - -I'nlpn, Wallowa (Joint) ., I'nion ?f l::iker 27 Malheur, Harney Jot). 2? CJrant, lilllam, Shenrtari, (Joint) -. ... Lake 3 1 2 1 1 1 ; Wasco The fol lowina; amendment -ar ivc-' have Wen signed, ly the gfrant oii'ended by the Judiciary - committee, ms. in due form shall be fncient Jn In retort ins upon senate biil Ko Vl6 , law to Cnvv the l?p.i title to th? (by Fulton), submittlngr to the. voters pre snipes therein d'cril;d f.'ort; the at the general election In 1900 pending gr inters to th- grant without anv Drowsed constitutional amendment. other execution, witn'Sn or ac- "Sec. If Upon the-canvas of. the, votes by the secrctaiy cf state, appear that the ajnendrr.ent . I It shall appear that theamenarr.eni . prop ii to th-- constitution by said senate joint resolution No. 1,3, has ben rat ified by a majority of the electors. It shall be the duty of the governor to aonoint two additional Justices of he. supreme court, to hold end continue' In office until the next general eiecir tlon thereafter, at which election there shall be elected to succeed such . ap pointees, one Justice of the supreme court for th term of four years and one Justice of the supreme eouit for the term of six years, and thereafter their successor shall be "elected for the full term of si years." bill (senate bill ' ... athorlzing , XXO. tJ, KMltMltfti lift .v i. , , COunty scbK! districts to bid m p-op-I sold for taxes, was ne special vc B i'r , ferder of business In the senate at 1? a.f"irreat Importance that the people m. yesterday but upon motion the con- sWeratlon St .untli . n;S . o'cj tne eloquent poi . a j as a. TKI11 a aa t.rafMl iCK. f enator, swn" a. be eloquent populist member 'from Etker county, opposed the passage of the bill and made a strong i sreech against Its favorable consideration by be senate. He admitted that he bill as It was originally. Introduced was the proper measure but alleges that after the bill had reached the commit-, tee room Influences from outside par-' ti-s were brought to he.irand an; amendment was embodied in the b'tl a-Vtt- K vA AAtA Ihat tha Au.'rtArs) rf .k ,- ;. rut as acaa i v. ri ' va a v ok rit"H.ti w the exclusive riaht to revteem surh property within ninety davs fmmed-! lately following the passage of the biil. This pro"'0". the soeaker f clnlmed. lnanmu-h as the Matvte . of limitation In which such lands cou'd le rejceem-d by the orljrtnal owners. that the rightful owners Jeeted from off such lands be deprived of .the purchased In good Fulton, chairman of the Judiciary- committee, which; re ported the bill with the amendment, e-vplalned that he thought the orig inal owner of the land at the l 'me it was sold for taxes sh uild be entitled to a chance to redeem the property, urdess the co-inty hd sold tv same t. other patties. Mr. jTulion succeeded in having the mill referred to th- com mittee on J.mct.iry after lie h id' pro joyed the following afnendment "there- . to: Provided, further. seivedto the owner at th time of thr; rfe of t rl to he, lannl for tares j-li-.Il rot rip- any such land or hcr,d old or eontracteil to be told by the coun- ty' ..):. . ReiTesentatlve Flagt; made ene of ne dcs 1 rorensic erort or tne eess'.on yesterday when the bill came up for the repeal of toe law making appro pHation for the state fair. He showed that the board of agriculture was t state body, created by the law for specifle purpose, and that this bill iiTAfWVM ftA .tf? . tti w Imr.U. . -- . . , . .,rn.- rrent by which the board can pert emu Its -dutle. H gave a history cf thl atate fair a.nd It managementX and demonstrated that th fair la a stata. Institution and not a local one; that it Is of vast benefit to the hgrlculiural ir.erests ot tno state, that th- state ha a valuable property wh'ch rhoull rot be abandoned tn this way. and ti-rt It would be. a .dlsgrice to th state fo have the advertisement go out p the world that Oregen could. not afford to have state fair, at a cost of !5.Wo. jr. FJagg was llste-ned t- at- tenttvelv and resoectfuTly. Ite Is eyee ot the few wen whoso voiere -can be heard by the whole house and : he dofsn - t speck unless be ha orrcthiig to say. A GOOD BILL. Fenator porter WIl CNo. 53) which to th makins of denii by fcherifls.ha parsed the, senate., .The 1 DroDcserf !' I7T 1 r l-:n.e,mp"n . I matters bv nrovMV TiK7 - . f t vi unimiur . in . . - -i-i-uun ti o va insr vu ellp parties Interested in the rr a king of a deed are $ed tc mak; formal app'Ication to tbe. c'lcutt -ourt for tin orvler autho llnp sue vuivitti io ecuie a deed to property foi.i on ei-ution Th b! U as fol lows; 1 . . - . -Sec; 101. ($s). The frrm-r sherIT 'shall return all process, whet ur fore or afier Jtdnnet or' decree. which he has fally -xeevted, and shall complet- the- exfcu'ion of all ftu3 nrocess : which h- has beeui to exe- c ue: provided, that n all ca-e rhf real -property has been or may le fold wr.der execution by .any sheriff, and he fall fail or nfr'ect. duHne his term of office, by --lrtue of ,the exiraton ihi'rec.f. or othervise. to make cir. ex ecute a proper sheriffs d?ed com ey ing said property to the purchaser; ci if. throuch mlst?;e In its execution, or, otherwise, anv sh"rias detl'be in op ratlve, the sheriff In office at any ti'ne after urh jnmher shall be tn titled to a ded shall execute such t-onveyancc and t-urh . ccn-evan, to executed, rhail hive th same fo-ce arid effect as If male by' the rheilflf who made the ?ole TO crRE PEFKCTS Senator Morrow's BUI ATectlr? Titles to Real Kst ate. Pesnate bill Xo. 49. Introduced by Senator Morrow which relates to de fects in title to real proprtv, pasrel the senate, The text of, the n.easur 1? bs fellows: . . ""Pec. 1. .AH deds to reril property hertofcre executed In this strtte which knowbdgment whateer;and such dods so exocut-d."hall t.- received h evidence In all tourts ir this sta'e and be "Compc tetit evidence ' c-f th title to -the lands therein dr scribed, aramst' the gratitors. their belts and asuins -i "Sec. 2. When such d-ede so execut- ed shilt htve ben recoided In the records of deeds. In 'She n-orer county sxh record duly certified by the eoonty clerk, or by the county record er, of conveyances, shall be -edcnce In alb courts and have the same ef feet as the origin il. "Inasnruch as there are deeds, wh'cb are not properly executed; and tha arrr.ntees therein' h-.v'nr p-ld full vnluo for the larvls therein descrll-ed. and their titles thereto being In 5ec-paidy. In consequence . of the , . - - - death or remoyal from the .tats - of nia on revvvw i wur. i DTOIsPriT PUlTIIIlW U lit 4t VTa irtliH ar.d that lltlaatlon In reeard thereto beprevented. this act shal? take ef fect and t be In force from and after the approval, by the governor.' THE DEAF MUTE SCHOOL. Report of the House Visiting Commit tee" to That Institution. Following Is the report of Ttepreen atJve, Curtis, ' Morton and Blackaby. committee visiting the deat mute sehool "To the Speaker and House of Repre. rentatives Gc-ntlemerii .. your grieclat comrrJtUe appointed to .visit the deaf'mute school and blind 'hool In the city of Palpin. beg leave to the. following? r-port: 'We visited the deaf mute school, situated seven arid one-half ntil-'s from cilem.and found the school In nost -excellent condition under the able management of Rev. Knight. The students show great proficiency In their work and studies, showing the school to be under the manage-j ment of competent instructors. Tin building erected by the state at a cos: of S27.00C in n substantial brick bu Id log, the interior being neat and clean' the sanitary condition excellent, and the" students receive all the comfort , of a Jiome. The tjullding was poorly construt- constructors not complying In that grren flooring, doors and ii!fnr the same t shrink, and roonirtng Immediate re- nalm. Tbe plarterlnit Is falling. off, owing to th fact that the plasterers oJd not use any. hair In the mortar used, as calb-d for by the speclp.-a - I lions, the same being of the, poorest ' duality ard the wcrkma'i oualitv rnshlp of tho ooret kind - The location cf the scho.-d Is Very noor. and It ought to be.moved nearer the dty. It Is In too close proxlmltv to the rt(rm school, requirirg the 'ut most vigilance and watch over the ti tWHtfW Al In. MvKaaI Tm t of the fact that the crowded condl- . i . . . . ... , ,vn. ,ij ine fisjii' insane ssyjum Will require tho Immediate construction of additional buildings at an estimate I cost of.4no. and a new and more h( .-. .w t . can - obf.irr.w.e ti t atejnr and the estimate erst itf tLe ri inir.i. , budding thereon will tot exceed th .1 . . ... - . - - . i ,i sumoi zv".; ano; tre ores ni S'bo-l tmllding can used- 1 v th . ln;-ft-e asylum, thereby Co'-e awv vf h construction of an addition to the asy- Inm. maklrg a. saving to the slat of JlS.i '. we would. eoo-nme(d ith tt a suitable site to,, r-tireha-ed in cumth taem near n'Ofr rw t wr deaf rtte school, ane? a cii'M'tg t erected thereon, the cst'c.f land nd' tuijding rot to. exceed the sum : of I?f.fi00. and the present c?iaf r-it school te turned over- to tl sy'itra -The rniltng row used. by th4 af mutes adjoin the asy;"um f.trni .n 1 contain' over ! a -re. the land being of no use to the school.' a eirpeH'-n-e h .temonM rated that boy and girls whose ages do not aver age Over 12 jers. do not make g-.lfo rs. was lofcnded by the- prcoec-tor of he deaf mote rch-J." ThV bni!dig wit I '. ' ' ' ' . ?vniodat 10 patients of t asy. i UKI ror .'l purposes . - - - - rvomnenc to. the traya JL ff for ' puiovees herein: irenttun!. jaj that the contract be awarded as soon as possible, to be awarded t the low est bidder, ad to be under the su er vision of the state board. ; j,; We.rould recommend that there be- no rbar re made In the present rwnegement of the deaf mute rscho--l. believing" that it 'Is well and ejeoom Ically minaeed and to the best inter ests of the state and the students. ! Owin'g t the short time allowed t invest lrte the deaf; mute schaoi and the Wind school. We bave ben onabt f to visit tbe latter, nnd a there Is larce . amount of doctimentarv c-Ih .lence In the hands cf the comrrtltte1 rtiulrinc additional time to invctl rate. we wttld 4-ecmrn',nd that vou' committee have Jdditlonat time ta !n-ves-Wgate the blmd school'. ' KOAD 'LEGISLATION. A Dotiglas . County Rep-eent ulve's ! View of the Situation. Mr. Wonacott of Douglas county. thinks that In Ihe. matter of road leg isiation, the thickly set tied. pjrlSetis of the state will receive full ..attention this session. ' but the . danger Is "that the distant rural districts," with the poori'st roads, and the most thinly s.t tUd popnlatK) may be left nrpro vided for. ; To avoid this, he has pa tented a bill (No. 9S. irbvldtrg a follows: -- ' 'That section 4075, of chptr 76. title 1. of the miscellaneous laws, of the stale of Or-gon. be amended so. as to.readas follo.vs: . "S.e..l. Whenever it shall appear tn the county court of :any county of tl.ii state, by the sworn pf titlon 6f :;.." per,n, the residence if Uch iHrson, is "not reached t.y any Vn n lent V'ubllc rosd heretofore provide-1 fvr by law, and that It la neccssory tht the public, and such person Khali have Ingress and egr from -the ros Idenc,' of suih prson,, the iunty bourt ;"iall. thereupi n. ' appotnt thre cliititerestcd freeholders of . the county as. viewers and can e an order to te Insued directing them' to meet at a time therein specified, and not less-than ten days, from the making of such order, and view out and locate a ounty road, thirty feet in vldt'i, orJa gatewav not less than tenv not more than thirty feet In width., from the residence .of such person, to some other public road, steamboat landing cr railroad station according to the application, andltp assess damages ti be sustained thereby, a copy of which order shall be served upon the person through whose land said road or gal "It Way shall .pass, within four days- ttr the making of sucb order. "'That section 407. of -chapter- 7. title 1, Of the miscellaneous laws of the state of Oregon, be' amended so as to read as follows: : ; - '8ee. 2. . 8ald viewer shall meet upon the day mentioned In.sid ordr, and . ahall proceed to locate and "mark out a' public road ' or gateway from some certain point on the premise of the applicant to some certain point upon another public road or gateway. or navigable stream, or place of b:is- ine-ss so as to do the least dm.igt .to the land-through : which snch road cr gateway Is located, and rhall asress the damages sustained by the, person or persons owning such lands.' That section 4077. of chapter 19, title 1, of the n-lsellaneous laws of the, slate of Oregon.' be amended, as to read as follows: ' Sec. 3. The viewers, or a majirlti of them, shall make,. areoort to the county court, at. Its next regular ses sion, of the public road or gateway so located, and the amount of ilamng'S fcseseed bv them. If nnv, and the--pr f on or persons entitled to such rres, and If the county-court Is sat- Ssfled that the report s Jest, nrd af ter tbe payment by the ptitlonr of the costs of locating such rtd or s-ateway. and the J.imasres, asseed b t h" viewers the county eourt shnlt order such report to tie conflrtced. anJ declare mch ro-d or gateway If a public road or A of war.-and the same perpeiaal right to .e recorded as such; and any person aggrieved by the rrressment. may appeal w'thln twentv days, after t e confirmation clrcu't cow -r. of (chanter 7. Of sitch report, to tb '. "That section 407. lltle 1. of the mlseellaneou-i laws of tne state of Oregon. le' amended as to read as ?ollows: "Sec. 4. Any person obstructing t tvtrllc road or Mtewjy, so located, or refistng to allow the. same to be opened, shall forfeit to the countv eourt, the. sum-of ,Vt frr ese-h of fense, and lh 'natrfe to be recovered by an action wrought by the county treasurer, for the use of the county. 'That section 407t, .of chapter 76 title 1 of the miscellaneous laws of the state of,. Oregon Tre amended so as to read as -follows: .:- - t. - Sec. 5. Such public roads or rights of wavs. shall be opened and, Vent nsssable. by ' the person applying for the same - i - AFrCB PROMISSORY ?0TR1. Provisions of a Bill Introduced by i Benator N. If. Looney. f enator Looney ha Inlroducl'd i?. n, ! IB- r i-Hiowmr vctr e:terue "earcher afler p orrl.'so-y no'e fo tho purpose -; of ne?mcf.t. w.lh an emergence' clause: ; -Scei. I. fvr asys'cr stl! tro vide a stamn Trea'rtng the w.irds State ..-of Oregon, asessd together t with , the name of h's county anl changeable dtte, and which shall te known as the assessor's rtam?. , , "Sec. 2,1 Every promissory note, bond of other cWIraticrt for the ptyr merit of money shall le prerented to the assessor forass-s-rnert, who silf thereupon wamp!. th same pi inlir with th araessr" 'amr, ich yar or put of a year-fafur f he sam 's ci eculed. ahowlng the dtf oi whc"4 ieh stamp shall rav bcn r1li :cA. ; "See- 3. Jt shall fc? a com pi le "e. fense In any uit -pr action" on a t-o-rt.lnmarr note, bc.nd or ot)v ol II -a Ion for1 the payment of moh-y f hit tl KJti did not bear the assessor ttamp at the" commencement of the suit or action, or -during the year in which Jt shcmlc have been ac. ssed. and .nj ev idence of such note aba I be c?mi.sibld in any suit or action. , '!-5ec-"! Any assessor who stall usa or permit to be used any such asses sor's stamp In sucKnaneer as to'shov any" other date than that on which such stamp shall have actually reel affixed shall be. pullty of a mhJemanor. and upon -convicUon thereof shall be pun'shid by. a fn of net lesa than-$100 nor rrore than $oo. "Se, 5. It sb-ll be unlawful for any person, company, corporation or aociJ.on to recslve any momy on tnv promissory note bond, or ether o-iligatlon for the psvrcent of monev w nit n is jioi iiimpru a. u-i vtw - . I ... , . 1 1 .. v. per jtc . tr nmi.'ii .'v -j ajessr;s ta'mr for' eif, h and every jc:,"r from the time the same is exec uted after 'the .late this act shall be come a law', or If executCHl -befoie this a t becomes, a law at lext once n yr or ." prt pt a ; vear such Imtru nent shi 11 remain In force, and said, p i n, companv, ' a'ssHViatfon or. eorooeariori. -thall bc dee mod 'guilty of j.a mif.Wini ar- or and sh ill be fin. d foe euh o!ien. a sum not loss th tiil ooo nor mire , A. . W .. , . .kl.k - ..U ... . I nt.r n:iu ui ii- iu i.iivx. hall gc, to the Informant." AMTHEK t'l'?,TI t tlTK. AlMJPTKI). Bsll IntrcKlueed In Senate Fixlpg tho 9t,rarl-a. of OfiVcrrs In ScV I ; . efal Cout.tiCs. .- Thcisenate Jadic'al committer, on. WeUne'sdav, revitetl b ic to : that I.ihIv. Semite t ill No. -'. introdiH-ed by Stnatcr Moirmv. fixing and di finlng the . slaritr of . the county OtlVt is of Slciroiw' c.)liii Aft. r the- b ll ha 1 been, ileatl a "cvnd-' t'uffr .ind r. f rre t to the t-e on 1i 11.1 ry, a ni tors f(rin tff-r; -.;iioriH of tho suit IciHjMti Wfrnej" th eonim ttce ai l r.oeved that t! it s 'of re rtala of the y-county VMlc-Vs. be cl anged also,-. Te commit leercon to: draft a rie- bill ' iicoiof-Jting"- tt eieln. all of the ib-sirwl iH-r s. In tho setir ct of"the county efTloe rs, 'ind oT. r Ihf e? me as? -a': substitute ."to Hen.itor ! Mor revw's.y meisore. The substitute, v hl h" Is tsenale ' bill No. 1M I v. a adoptcl. It is a bill f.-r "in a t fixing and deilnlnj; the" salaries f the slieriff .tid clefks In the rounttes of Morrow, Clacks tons. lVaco and i'atrjhfU and this saliiry ,o' the r"oorde s of Cor ev ancea In ''.the- counties "of Yamhill and, C'ackitnas, The substitute bill Is as -follows:' ". .'i , . . '"Sec. 1. ' That the anni'al salarla of . of the county clrks ; of the several Connt'es hereinafter ' namel, fro.ri and lifter the first Monday , In July. ; llo., shall - be- as - follow:'" (flae-kaniaa county, fl5c0; Merrow coiinty, S2000? Wasco county; 11500;. YamhUl county, . 1100. " -. ; :- - "Sec 2. The -sheriffs, of the everal counties herein - narked - srtg'l. f'o-T -e.nd arter the frst Monday iln Jtily, If, .receive annjal snlatlea as fol lows: i Clackamas county; 11700; Mor row county, Ifioeift;'- Wasco j countV. trtOS; Yamhill county. jroOO. ! And no deputy shall he allowed iny of said, sheriffs to be paid for by the connty, eiceept In the county of Clai'-kani'ts. "Sec.vlS rie reeordc? of convey ances of Tan. hill -ounty shall trottt and after the first Monday la JUy. l!-00, receive an . anntfil . . wiwi v cf 1-f0, and shll be allowed no deputy, to bo" paid for bv' tha county; and th. rei-rder of conveyances e.f ''lacufin a cemnty shall be-'allowed ' an snn.iaf salary of 11200. : T , .'-See. -4. Ttie heilfr, cie'-ik and re--rder of e-ohvexances of ' I fie county c-f '""lacka nas' ; ,b lilfowed scci d-piiiles at such eompeneation as tha eounty coutt of said tjla'jatna county mf y Idet.-rmli.e. Sec. 5.- "ilhe t-ever' t I'flicers iSlov m nt.netl el. .11 .ct.ntlime to recelva the feilnrfcs and l.comi er.Kat.oriii nnY provided bv I iw until the fli st Mon d.y in July, l'K" Ai O. Dnhl. Wi M. Fllperand and Mnr- -tin Poulson.of South Dakota, are In tho elty.They exfwot to lc-ne permnnent resldenls'e.f the Willamette voll-'. Mr. Da hi Is a veteran of the -civil war, hav-. Ingi leen . neiml ereij with. "'n men In Ihelr famous"mare-h 1 6 the sea. The first lifeboat was 'launched In 1780. -- - ' : i ' - - BOKN. CLARK. At "flslsey. . LIVi.n i-ounly, on Sunday. January rj. 18, f) ?lr. an.l Mr. .Ktigerle C laric, a ori. -.The fattier Is the .well-known t rpe- wi Met re under. whe mffi-' rlcS .hi headitt'arters f-r AVeral m nlli-. H hi wn Kl Halsey for a few week r.d expects to return to-his ' work looma in Salem, In the nt-r fuiure tn re-mam. ; r-rtranently. lie --'d'eipt d down to Sr.lem ycsrT1a jr ffterroe.n for a short sfav and wis kept buy hnd log out clears to! hi many fii nd. PIED. FII'Rli. At the fmdy home In Thii'sday, South ; .item T" Oregon. 3nary i4, Itwj, at 1 3" a. m If. llper, aged 7 year. ', rRNDRJ-ril. At th-'ly htmr fiv miles northeast nf Salem, at: 7 . rr... Thursday, J?na-ry SC. l"t)5, 'lot t fried Fendrlch l d CI a - nd':16 mohihSr ; ' 1 -;' ' ' ... 1-AJcba, PATKNT PULSION" ft. AND CLAIMS. . ' i WsfJi'ngfon Lew " t C1!ns Coi" try. Itivxr-i fr and . 47J i s'st vene. Ns W-sW'n;f n wiW on very reasonable tern po-.rine itod l;lms. Including mlaer-el lnnt sol n-.!neji, applies i Ions-f?r .-iter.t ! ti-. slons, and all other urs- wfe con gress, th District of r-i.i.rri'.t c...i- u; th; several govern me d p-n men's. thi court" of claim, -.o I fi- m:rtn coT-t of the United Sr--fes. v ; Th, company .will l0 -all Hw-rs. st a distance. In pree.r:og i?wr for the supreme coirt cf tL ti'."-d State, an I for i unvll r oi-6 t.,n wi;i furnish rorespond:. lf.f--.,-ftcTi eocef-f!r "Plt.ri n .'a'.- " bit y mtjr de!retx.fcov. , Ser.l for cir ee.lar. . - , - . -i' '. ' - '. , fOHV (. SIMTKIL PreslV-Tt. tin writing -please mention this paper.)