Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899, January 06, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    'grecon; statesman. Friday, January 6, 1899.
. v.-
' .
Cflffl USBB nm 0f m m
Tke Joint County Bridge at M
Aecepted Bills Audited
Other Business.
At 1 o'clock rcsterday afternoon
CkiaijtJiKlge .O. P. Terrell lac&l jCOirH
misfionefs J. Dana and Wni. Mtley
eohvened the regular January jerlni of
: be countj . commissioners', court-j
- - oy business transacted during
aftemoofl ssiJn Was f a. routine ijna-
tnre, consisting of the auditing
and the bearing of petitions.
Jiills op the road andridge
re -.a united as follower. ,
:nitb--& IMekerson, ..iJ.
71. ,'. Porter . . . . . . -i
, NoJf. eld "ft.50. . -alld -..
HI hop As Pohle'. c!d S57.50, aid
'apital Lnmlier Co ......
' , r.ruvn-"Aj Smith . : ......
11. L. Svvarts. eld StValld
.Win. Hieirfnund
Lhn I!jc.h.ty. eld ?21.(.alld
4 o. Ilaitjeinftend . . ' ",
: ' AL H. Krau 4 . . . . . .'.4.
H. Patterson .... .
I- O.jfceliy. cl SIT.S-', a lid
, II. v I . Mount '.-.. v.
TV ItoJfclei-mnm .' ! . .
- v: -m: s?m!tri..: . . ....... -UI
!. Durbin . . . . ,
V'Thorna Trice . .
A. K. Marchand .
" 11. . E. I'.owerman
- H IJ. Herrick Jr.
v IV, It. Ik-Trick Jr. .
J. A. Weld .,;,.' .
tVm. Miley
J X. Davis
Pi Trrel ....
Zimmerman . .
. iXvCan. Co. Coco. of Linn ro.
I; Cross .(. . . ..
A liquor license was nmei
J5- hoft. of! Sublimity p'recincl
ffing hi mi po sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors
The petition of A. I.,Eoff et al..
the location of-Jt-eorthty roiid uas li--niss-d.
I the petitioners " to: pity the
ee1s. i
. The !ri"dse orer the norlh fork
Kant in m liven jat Mill Mty". joinfly eon
,. t!qtHl by Marion and Linn counties,
w as .aeeepted as.. sa.risfact'orjr y the
r;iirt. ,anl.i iti- compliance ' j witb an
'ftwement nuule'1 Iwtvwen thi eon
t'riftor. .Tamesj Tillson. ami tie Ma
. ' rioti county eourt.au order vrasfyester
Vt;y made lnsttuctinii tlvf e.4ant)r clerk
H drliw a warrant on the count r treas
one-Half of
. f MA5V YEARS. ;
Amount of Indebtedness Is Covered by
the Permanent lmproTements
Hade at tbe Grounds.
1SOS. be ha been on a continuous
drunk, .that be haf aasoclated t witb
lewd women, that! he ia rqaindetinx
Ids monev and Imonxhuz. and that
vxiem a check Is put to nl di.iohi.e
-baltltaJie will soojLidpea4eat-np
on the counTyfBrrnpfort. A a pro
per remedy for the eiistlngcon Alton
petitioner asks that a guardian be
aDoointfd for her .husband. : 7
This is the only instance; for many
Tears, of each a proceeding being in
stituted in the Majion eonnty probate
court, and the result of the case 11
ue yy at( nen wit n latere, yk niie rhere
is a provision In the statute for ucn
a mode of procexUire. the I accusation
will hare to Iw nioveni
- - x 1 , i . -r . r
of i bills
.$ ji.00
. 2..-;
. ui
. 7.w
i ji.a
.1 2.si
. - 2:' )
. 2.00
. I(MM
. 2S..V)
. 2I.HIS
. It 10
. IjlUini
. l?5.oo;
. 22.00.
to H 1
of the
The MuMere1 of John Linn lis Not
Much Hopes of a JseW T?1al.
Sheriff -W. W l Wither of Lane
couniy yesterday -bronght fo ihe asy
lum Mrs. Luella Yarnell, aged 33 year
The woman lived ith her usband oa
the Mhawk. about twelve miles north-
least of Eugsne. and the cause of her
1 insanitv 'is not fcdown. The i m i
Income belter less than j expenses,. bi an especiallT sad one, the unfortanate
said, weiie untrue,, ip that the receipts,) woman' lotii her Jmenfar faculties in
a moment s time. She Is the mother of
1 D. Gabrielson,V)relaihp rof the
state board of gricjalture stated yes.
terday that the flghjfc now being made
against the state fair a.t' Salem was
baed upon erroneous statements, cir
culated fof the purpose of injuring the
fair. These statements to the effect
that theifair was funning behind, its i ir,anitv u if tvn
from all sources, sfnee the fair came
under the manazeuent of the state.
had 'heed more than sufficient to pay
all expenses. . ' '1 ' .
-The iifesent 0ut5tandinfr warrant-!.
Mr. Iabi1iel3n said, were less than the
amount df monej used by t be hoard in
making permanent improvenients on
airy fi!r .l.4-S.i. eiiig one-half of the
t of the iM'ide. and also 4 warrant
fr $12. for extra lalHr perftfrmd. Tbe
war; ants are to be .niade payable.!" to
Vunty .Itiilge . I. 'Terrell; wfio will
uteif4H-tvt'ly forward the , rectjiye
awonnfi to County Judge IJartou, of
Ijnn xiunty, i i
nvo small children-. Her husband. J.
K. Yarnell. aecompinied the sheriff as
Ifuard, In bringing the-' woman to-this
city. . I -
Sheriff Withers returned to Eugene
on the overland train last nujrbt. In
sneakin of Rranthn. the convicted
tiie fair grounds, and that, had the ! murderer of John Lirm, he' said the
state paid fori theseViraproyemeuts, as j . voting criminal seemed to ite standing
should), have done,Xthe fair would ! the connnenient pretty well. Branton
have no OutktandIn2 InftebtoVIuesst. but. i was to have been banged Decesnlter 23.
iusretul. would haw money on, hand. '"flSlW. but the supreme court granttd a
Mr. ;.-tbrielson has prepared.1 from ! sta.r-ouj2teeution landing tbe
thi bKks ftow in his iwssession. a ' tHedt of a uiornfa'fof 'a ww'triair
statement tiiwing the cost of . perma-: Hat motion has not yet .been arcued,
nent irnpjrovements at 4he fair grounds-' Sheriff Withers said, the prisoner bard
since th.'ll.iw waji enacte.l providlns fr ,ly expected to lie granted a new trial,
the' holditisr of state fairs, which state-, but. In the.event another trial is1
mi'Dt. together with the present -indabt- Vgrantel. P.ranton has no hopes of be-'
edness oS the lair, isgiyen below: ing acinittei or the crime. Hranton
Tlie hllowinz permanent improvement and renairs have been made bv
the N.arl from 1S85 to inclusis-aiid paid for but 'of -the receipt of
noKiins iih? rairs: . - -1 1 . -
tss.-lejrairs to the lmildihsrs .J. .
18S-TotaI warrants for permanent i'r.nroVemeirt
1S87 Totjal warrants for jiermanent improvements ..
lSiS jjte pairs to buildings for permanent Improvements ,..
IS.S!-U jmproyement warrapts not segregated .. .....2 ;
IS1 To(al warrants for permanent improvements .... . ,
l.mriTolal warrants for permanent improvements . j ,
iSKKi-TotjaJ warrants for permanent improvements . .. . ; .... ..
194 Tofal warrants for ptrmauent improvements .. . . .
1S)J Totial warrants for permanent improvements ..... . . . ... . .T
lSOC-rTotjal warrants for permanent improvements .. ,. .. .. ......
lSl)7-T.Total warrants for permauenr Improvements ... , . .-. . .
180S ToCai warrants for permanent improvements .. . ." . . ..
The Worlds Great
Blood. Purifier is
, 1 Hood s SarsitparilliL, '
Which absolutely
Cures every form of
Irnrurc blood, frjom
The pimple on your
k - Face to the great
: Scrofula sore wh bh
Draih yur system
Thousands of, people
Testify that Hood's '.
Sarsaparill i cures 1
. : "' Scrofula, Salt R,pum,
Dyspepsia, MMaria,
Catarrh, Rheuitiatism,
tna inix 1 irea i
Feeling;. Remember this
- , Anifi g(:t iHopdsJ
Aiid only Hood's.
1804 Iefirit In outstanding warrants.
1895 Deficit in -outstanding warrant.. ... .
iHik', .Deceit in outstanding, warrants. : . .
18117 Ifilt. in outstanding warrants.. .,.
lstlS Deficit ill outstanding warrants.... .
Estimate interest on outstanding wartantu
Aonount paid for permanent improvements ip .excess of present out
standing indebtedness
Statement of. State F'air for;lStH
Total rei-ipts from all sources
Tojial exKn-nse of running the fair
,. .$7,551.58
.. .$ 22R.JSO
. 3,(vvn
. . i,a.i)H
. . 452.13
,. .' .SJO.Oti .
. 798.9!
. S,l.T.,8ii
iRoceiftts in. excess of, expens' affair
Pernianeijit. improvements made in l4! 8.
Old warrants acc'pted , luMieu of cash . .
rc;liict a5xve surplus over exienses.'.
. .$ :VlO.(U
: 4idLij
the new
A nnfihrifrprripirif
JL U M M M M 041 A A SA A A W-fl A tV
She great, j aiction sale of the Stock's Dry
-oods store fconducted by S. Friedman, who
jrmission 01 mt j onnson ior xne
. I 1. a
" . I ' ; h !o
ilding, 25 Commercial Street, has decided
xo continue fthe business until the 'night of
January SlsC t
f " h:
1 0 .
en the auction will be discontinued for one
week; during that time from the second to the
sevenxn xnere win De pnvaxe saies pniy. me
Auction beginning in the morning of the sev
enth of January, and , contimiing daily unxi
the night of ih& twenty-first; On the jafter
noon of the 18th of January all the unsold fur
niture will be sold at 2 p. m. Remember the
pri vate sales continue all next week, the auc
tion beginning, the seventh of January, ancl
continuing until the night of the 21st of Janu
ary, at .
short, in paying all expn-vs improvements jand item of
wacnanis -tawepl. m . Iit. o.f"casb .. i . : , . .V. ,$ "452.13
Au'.oi'ht short, in
1 om.ixtit
I"ilfinilii oT
v u lie Aired
the: iC'rH
in Ci;rt.
.spirii il
:l tll.ri
As. jf ':!b.M'jr.l to iter arrest, jml im-
pi-i-i.it!ii(i't lor drn'ikc nness .an I d;
ii.-deHy. h: n f early thin week. Mm.
Iliii ti. II KeiKler now si-tks to t'ring
her hiislfuid. leter ilteaKleil.V In"m .Ki:rt '
i whiell -troH-iling she eiJences a
p-etauatyn. it win resiiit in
mi- eiit Lint ion ni rli' ctHn'ts
of tie ;i:c,i-stic ti onirics of the U':ul: r
f-i'iuity. .Af hl'h ti e iftWir. is a:re:i ly
gnstid. i
i tvlt T ve-t'Td iv tih d ;iltetl-
;trela.te curt a-k ng t'iftt a
1?- apioitd.fl f r her jhus
fesii s-he .terms,. a spendt 'ii'Jt't.
, pvtition the woman allejrs
husband Is a sp.nitmiTti
dime to this-'city sornie! six
nffo. -thnt for the nast !4iV;
Ibe has been engaged In i the
usit.epsv in -this ity, that . Ids
is ; lxcom?hg restless. raky and ob
stina'te. ' ' . ;' C .
Attorneys? Ilale and Notit'nT of Eu
y'ie. 'hiive iiiferestcd tlieiiis. Ives in
lirjan top's Ix btilf. and will biake every
effort tt s:ive hfei from tlie; gallows.
0!l:te Hi
troti ip
liiL w
In h-r.
that her
that he
falcMi,. 1
value Of
stock. a:il saloon fixtures an of the
nliout $3.oot. and are upep-
. rlijit 'since Kovemler 1.
. PRORATE M.T'PEns.-Citatioti his
Iv en isi'h;d to Otto ItufT, a; tninoK citing
lsim to a'iH-ar in probate eourk '.I'a un
ary 14. l-'.!). and show cause, j if any,
why a mciftgag- for-fO) fof one yai.
with S cr c nt. interesf. sb uid hot be
'xeviit'd upon certain proiicrty'-lclti.g-i'ng
to bim.'tj. .Nixon lHair. guardian -of
tJw .person and estates of I.ela II.
Coldreri et laL, yesterday ri.icd a Imnd
for wth John E. Ross as'surety.
J. A. Austin. V, L. 'lWe. and C. L.
Ogle )wr iamoi as app'rai'rs of the
pro)erty iutolved.in the guardianship.
....Mary jj ' -Denny, an heir-atdaw ; of
the estate of -Mrs.! Reli-cca renter, de
ceaseds leinsr a jlanghter of . t lie' de
easel. through her attorney,)- D. W".
Tanvlev. has filed obiectlons f to the
final account of John Jacols,(adm!n!s-1
trator of tbt? entate. Mrs. Denny ob
jects to the Item of $lfXt attorney's
-fees, alU'glng that amount to'lte rtnrea
sonable, coujfldering the scrvlc-es ren-
i .
is patching tjie DressGoods Buyers. Our
Dress Gbods Counters are thronged with pur-
. chasers. Kemember ouj cut r riceis feilejid to
1 ; i rx i-i T . tl - 1 f
jevefj piece 04 jress uoous in iue ntus.
Waiter Pruce, a student at the Wil
lamette' t'nivrsvity medical college, is
reported as being on the sick I jjtt. and
Vmiyl1ed 6 remalnuti of his claS4H?.
', ' "married. ". T-
!nToi is Furnish inss
All out French FlabnTsJ 43c a yard
The regular' price is Ooc and Toe. j ';?. ..
All llevjr Wotk Shjesl worth $1;50, nqww. U,Ut.-.$l.$5'.
padics Heavy. Winter Sbojes, worth S3, now-.r-wJr-!--V-i$2.40
Remenber those FutiMuffp, worth $3,. choice -i--..4 11:00
KA isiiE-Fh K 11 V;At the tesi
der-o of Mr. Co,wk It . cort'cr tf
Cettter apd Cbnin h etreets, We lnes
'ay. January f 4. 18'j;. Erapccs ('.
Fkklin. of Frnitiandv. to tCh irl-s J.
Hamlriij: oflacliiy.- the- ofQviati tg
clergy naii binj Kev Jl. A. Ketch
tm. if Salem. '
knV AH-NVtwl Piinta at wholesale cost.
PA-TTEiN;$ First JW South of
lid :chcaitt--;!j "' T'otoHtc
MAtlKl At the state insane a -inm.
Welim'sday, January. 4, '1SWL,
U. I. Miugrs. f
i'Jlie . i emji iiW j' Wre reraoWd to- the
H dettakllig. narlofs f V. T., 'Rido:,
Hats at closing-out prices.
Kfl.-t. Wor.l
riitnl feis icLitives In tlie
was reeived front the u
to. Im'd reiaiai-; .rni.il funhcr .orders -The
deveased is the aevl ron vi:
w:vs f u:d on lee ?tre t (ir track lit
Mominide" alw -ut e ' jf.onth ago, w: n
d ring aimltsly s b'vtf, a: d was t ke
to the fc'.ih tn J ojit 1 ard u fe.w lays
1 f r coto:iltt. d fo -the t :iyl im,
CAiy. At the? state insijne; a-ylorr.
S.ii-in. Orcgoyi. W'cd ler'ida v. janti
.$. 4. 1M . Mrs. F. M. Ciatz, fef
-1 erirt disease. :: j "
lV"eased was' committed, rrony Lint
crr y; and ; herj husband Sa expectl
tte rrriTc nr. thlsi inornfps train from
Albrny. The rmaluj wi'l b burled
IUPE5RS SERVEI.-dputy Sberiff
. N. Derbv was at the reform school
yesterday, where he- served, the sum
mons on Mrs. Sarah A. M. Bufprd, who
is defendant in a divorce prycHding
Instituted by T; J. l?u ford in the Lin
coln county court. The service was
made by, the Marion county sheriff as
a matter of accommodation to Sheriff
r..w t'a if T.in-flo county, and" at
v a ix - '-
the retitiest oS .1. K. Weatherfonl, of
I 0
. FROlli LA Nil-Sheriff. W. W. With
ers, of ugerie, came to Saleui yester
day, hivjing in charge Mrs. Luella Yar
nell, under commitment to the insane
asylum. Mrs. YarnelL is a :re.ident of
Mohawk, Lane county, is a native of
Marion county, nged 5 .years, and this
Is her first attack. be has lxnm suf
fering .with the malady for only two
weeks. f . "
I TO BE , WKI)IKI;J-Af1er a few
days of comparative quiet 'In-the, Issu
'ance of. rnarrtage- liwnses .In that de-
. partmnt -of the county clerk' office.
two applicapts prepuM theni selves
lefore OutDty Clerk W. W. Hail yes
terday, and tbeir'every ' wish In that
respt'ct. at h'ast, was. cr."rtirtel. : Tie
r-mpl's were as foirovv7Hiim-ick Henry
; Mtdioy ahd Fatipi4 1'touuias.tl. , Fou
trii.il. m itpt.)i.s.
J. IV, Met Silly j of Joseph, is, jh t be
xity the guest of relatives.
- .
Our bi:?aleis i)f flnll sng ii(o4- and the, lines ivve -wnl.to rehice!arcVrclhi
A Winner nt the'folioiii24teirt3 Will sftowii few jf tlifere4ucti6nk 'irherty.nre hk-
enA more,-in fact tlle.kvbofe sst.irefiill,' lire bnl' rublfe ad a fW ttHnl;lerliiijjs.'-
!Shoe, unlerwar, mucks, . umuwiiia., luw-arv, pntuitware, Riicneu -inings, cw.
zu per reiic cue on
ISlioes-' V, ' .-'-Vj j
i...... .r .......
. .
20 per cent cut on'
L-Klhs' lC fletHjed vests
PiWiU: ... - ' .
:i5(; he.-iyv llw-ed . . . . ' .
4Sc lines of :V jK-r cvft wo-ri,
er.'lv ribled. ... ........ . .'. - i
4S- 1'nion suits, necced
'. OSe irnlon suifs;.-:. ....
SI. 05 Enion suits.
$2.2( wool En ions.
Men's 42c heavy ribbed fleet -Vd
4Sc " shirts k 'or. drawers,' very
heavy tle' d. . ..
72c heavy ribled, wod mixed..
flTi iiues of puce wooL very!
bhiMfenV lines; r.l p 4ces
lOil lots of all kind at
close, ' t'ttr underwear
trade Is a narvel. and tie ra.rei we
giye. at reaidar jr'nua are positively
without supierintf in5 any store jany
wlierc. Se for yourself. - .
20 per cent cut on
Our lidics'Ul.f) half WO'J Hen !
rHetta. a.uWeicape, vcL-et J ar 3 2
liadie' ?.'lo,-J splend d d mbi
cr.ne. eortonlllesirietta, v lvet c:H-Jar-.
..... .... .j
j Men's all txol trxf, Witti cape,
warntntcsl trarn-ept. . .1-
i Men's -fire brown, all woofc eov-j
ert.t velvet co'Lir, V.t! t xture,
box coat. ... . . ....
.; only a" few of tle 'tJums
Cone von. .
Boy's ard
fiOO 7c up
anv price to
Lt. '
1 20
t .nr ladje
vici.. I ,
w I Ladies eiiirun 2 4o li'Kxiyc,
-"" I w IL that His se'ler'. . . .. .4 j j .
, j 2o ii'.ne 'of besi"Ioii-
"' j goLis;' Lite- W-st.. . . ..... i .. L . . ...
'&.. Ladles' $HV lines, mat Iori
' .55 golas, lace r button, ; .. .L.
; Katigaroo, cajf and all beavyf
, I on. arne basIH. ' j
l ! Mns eleiant5 $3.a" VsatlJer - i
31 t lined .Viet." Goodyear welt sm 1 L ,$2.f.f..
Men's heavv fan Ptoriri ci'.t.
leather Kind. f2 75 kind. .. .. f . 2
Menln lst f2 20 lines f whr- ;
ranted satin ajl . ; . ".' . . .. . ; 1.7:11
Men' L5 lines of buff ciilf.
bals. neii-t; stylh goods. . L ... . .
SelM ol lKesl U all kinds inchiil.-d.
Ilenvr fellowti from71c up.-
Mbl ts inffJiot. or ipen or fvor
i en. wlir're oily a pair or . t w o of a
kinl remain. iwilL be closed tout at.
cost and less. ;l .
20 per cent cut on
Umbrellas L
Our 75c- steel rod. fin cotton' .1
.Glorias.'., .. . - V- .. ... .'
Our ft'c Gloria siik;' satyr tl
woo"! hajidles. . . . . ....
Sain, with s-teel rd. . . .. ;
Our meii's . 75c sptemlid cotton
Oloriaa. ... . , . . .
; Mcn ?1 l?(ie of tJl;rla wlk
I Men's fire Oloria. ideel rod. with
tflllvtal. thlwttrk ch,rlin mnnnfiJi
51 .v jroods. .
20 nei cent cut in
Kitchen I )e i flrt in e n t
i - . - - n
!t rMr CeP"t oft m. a'l
M IWsr
fx !
w .
tiifc ' af Ai l
citfii,clM p.t'ps. .c.ff'je iolit' isatpwi
pa in. -tfirw pa ts. . Ve i't h s. d I pp rsf pie
pvits. j-tC. etc. U , j-":t .'..' '-.
ryo txf 'Muf'i 4T on all lines of tln
Paw, 4nt4H. stew ket'ilet. j dippera.
.nu(. wtraii e.n4 etc. jtu .j .-.t . n.
!20 t''ij "ift ofr the liouynnd and oi.
H iall t! ii.gk bkeeig U-aterKl kitcbeii
Knivew. Wife stTaj!wrs.rti4b iiop.
wia siviTf i uraie. txwis. Doner.
turijefs. etc etc IT. L : ' '
niciM.iy jvdvlae ri yon' on these
gRb. tfd tie "rrsrJedj boiwf ow
we fell (rM Bfcindarillne f tiese
thing reifarly. and ih 'J) pfriecot"
on it mtmpte aliUr .tbl ng tot TOn
5 fJS
20 petent hn j : m:
Men's Eurnisliin: Goods
mr splendid 45 cent' laundrkd I v
white flurt. linen bosom . . $ M
tir b3i; ?hort ftoacm. eiejrJnt .
quality, fthhe, ahlrt. . . .1 . . ... i. L 73
.' Our rc golf... . jl.'.
Our :3s
tAlT of
KOlf . ...
.of '';
tl oveniUsiat 2 tKr eiiit cut frena
. 'tr- iow..rc'k'fct ytyx'
20 per cent cut j
Uacikepihiefs, Corsets. Fprerfs.
Towels. Crash, Collars, Cnffs, Ties.
Sussondeis. tilassAare, I'toiver i j'ots.
e'c.,' eic
;oo.ls always marked In pLalii 15
t.rcs and yon do your own figuring if
5 on ciioose, 1 ' I s
' 20 per cent cut in
With tJie, Eexceitlon of
LLM.k Cat' boslery, at
5 tiung gWTf.i I u oo line
the linfi of i
2-ic.f erery-
In ii'dies .
Special Cnfa I
Onc-hnlf off boliday book, ganw ,
bfockK. torn. ! . ! . - llj '': ...
one-third r ffd Ps, Indian r boVkets, i i?ees' nl cbiljlren's, b(W!es tbOH
clothes': barupetKi " . n-" ptir(v. yAttXLA otfm eooU. and the great
wSrwih'te-ft h?lJ 1 Attd 25c fleeced lines that bare
what few tn'.r $re-lefl. O.ne ear;T. - . .. . i,,- , - i , i
An tht Jfi, wovtd wh wooden.. h. !
pack away to! make morn for' other ie Itave a lot of tbt
trcde In: Balem.
beat bOflerjr
1 ,
1 1 -
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