Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899, January 06, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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American Forces Take
Charge Today;
:;';.:. . . ... .K; . ' ; jj I .
:i - . - ! ; '! ; ' i!
General Brooke Is Quite
i Hope! ul j
Assures the War Department tfa
Outlook is Favorable jfor a
' Peaeefol Celebration. 'L
WASHINGTON, Dec. .31.Tbe pros
pects for a peaceful change of tm
minltration la Havana have brigtit-
eru-d very much, as a, results of the ihr
ergetic measures taken oyi the war
Hartment. and the army officers (in
charge at Havana to prevent troub
Advi.-s. to this ' effc a rite a r in
cablegram, receive-d 'today -by Assistant
Secretary iMeifceijorin, rroni sjeiien
'Brobke-.. the . military ; goyierDor
Curia' In -which, after reff-rr'ng
enw routine matters, he says:
i "There will no breach qf order; r.f
tnat. i ara .assured., iou rrfay
cured- there has :been ntl'n:;
that usual" in a -it y of this size.'
..The. war -department isaisjo iju'fornif
that ieiieral. Ludlow, in ciufrire of II
vaiwi eity. Is proceeding with vigor
. organize the fiolice force tljere, to i;e-plii-e
the dismissed Sjtirjish' force
known a the "Ordcii Puljiio." Hp
hi'- selected- and appoiiijted d."0
Cnltans. J'.' -
The war department if confident
that there will' ! an ad-ijii.ite foree
or troops in the island to c;irrv out us
plans, arid to . rmi'titaifi order. Tomor
row, When th- Spanish, flhg comes
down, tliere will 5e art Ameriein
-6nn" in-'UM numrle.r:ng ."t".1 I inert.
- !To simplify 41ie administration ' e'f
military affair-, inn! to prvfeiit a' pos
sible conflict, of authority. he-war de
partment ' today l-sud an fouler creat
iHg'four new miliary W-piftmeiits in
"nba. namely:- Pi par del -ijio. Mata n
y.it. Santa Clara and Puert Priiicij.ie.
" ItcbmUI ;ly tic- iiroviiii-ial rliHidar"
of i'Ih- sa(ne. Three depart aients have
.heretofore- tn .'establisheM", Sant-l.-iio.
Havana & ml ".ity of I lava pa. : so that.
the inland now stand dtvided into
seven military districts, eael under tb
eonimaiidof.au army officer bi'lepei.d
etit of tin-, civil authoritWjK ln'if re
fponifl' to general i;roikf. soveruor
tit ttw entire islanl.. , ,.
-nera I-e commnwh, tjhe k p:rrf-rn-tit
of Havana provftie. flerieral
V.omI tli 1-Kirtiiieti4 of Santiago, and
firnerai .udlow tle liarina-iit of tli
city of. Havana. HriM-r-fJe'ji'-rl'
." Urgf V. iKivit is arsijj;t)'d to the
; co.iumadl of the d-p:u lkictt yf Pinar
del ltio; (ajoMSeiwral .lamjj- yi. WT
ty tlii' -VHiiiii.ind of lie iilep:irtiuen.t
-of Mitait.a!: Ma.lori;-ncraj Hate- to
the 'Icpart m-nt of Santa I'lari, and
' '-Briifldler-4-JeiH-hil IV It.- t'Snnter 10
- tli' dpart m-iit of Puerto i'rim-in'K'.
Havana. Iee. :tl. A i-oc:4uatl'n hv
Ma lor' .Ueiieral - Brooke will; he issued
tomorrow 10 tlie ji-i le of Mie iLiiHl.
1't - is a' " follows : . .
'M ;ojldu amoiitf you as
ft tiNlivei ef tfie !VeiWl.-llt.
since arid in ito- c-intinini
t lie r pre
.11 i'.i.i'Uit-r-
ill ot . tic
luvmatie pnnse v i;h wliir-9 uiy conn
tf y intea'feri-d . to iv an1 ltid to t:u
listr-s.siiir i-oiidit iotm in tii- islaud:. I
deem it pro e?r to say t h.-it ft he object
.of te. irv-seits tfiivcrii'mtit j is To iriv -lrot-t
ion tot It he i-ople arjt security
to phNr);v, a I'm! to re-tore -nri lenc
t- eiii-ouniellt' jK-ople 1o fesutne tle
pursuits o( m;uc; to luijd up t lie
waste plat; tat ion-; to re-untc cminr
tal niltic anr t. afford fjidl prtt c
tim in the c.v-r Ise of all! civil and
religion rijrhts. i j
!;i'o tills end ttie prvteitjon of. t'ie
Vnited States Kovernmjeiit " Will be di-
is due not only to the orip-iii al it and
siuoplieitjr of the combinat'.cto,. tait also
to the care and skill with whijh it is
njanufactiu-ed by scientific', prieesses
known to the California JTkj Sybup
Co. only, and we wish to irnjre4s opon
all the importaTKM of purcnaaikif? the
true and original remdyi As ,the
' frnnine Syrup of Pig-s is raaijuf aictareil
by ih& Calito4ia Pi a Stkop- Co.
only, a knowledjrrt of that fact will
aist ne in avoiding- thti worthless
imitations crcSnu fiicturod bviot her. par
ties.! The his h standing oif the-Cali-n.tiA
Fio Syta r "Cov vith tlie meji
caU profession, and the si tisfaction
whiqh.the jpeuuine Synip o '. Fig's has
piveb to millions of famili es, makes
the tame of the Coinpany a (fnarant
of tlie excellence of jtA'renMdyO It.is ".,
far ia advance of all other jla.Tativdg,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
ht: Tela without irritatinfr o weaken
ing Hiem, and .it does not gripe nor
nauseate. Inordertopetita
effects, pleast remember tbja name of
tne Company I
rwfed and every posbIf proTiilcn
t,'II1 M made to carry tbee 6Jeeta
through the channel of the t-iviL ad-n.nt-Mnntiji,
altliotigli unlir rMuli
tarr jcoHtroL
In' the interest ai d for the lenefit
of ail the people of ljuba 1 and t-icm?
Pvftftfgijl "of rights ?nd "property o
tiii -Island,.' civil and crl;Hin..l c.deir
viK l prrtaUbil priof to ' tKe rtliti
aid'iinent f Spanish fvereiinty, w U
i:iaJn ia for-e, wp!i tu h molUi-a-tio!
land chah'-e a- iny f 1,111 time to.
ttire be fotitfd ?. nary 111 lle inur
ct of K"01 po ;erti eru. 1" .
'flTie people f i'lil .i,. without rejrarJ
to previous atiili- tlous. are inilted, and
i'1-jred to eo-oTei.'i;e. in these objetfts
the exercise -of nKKleratlon. eon-c-tliatioTi
and soo I will, one toward
iijiotlwr: and hearty aeord in nr
liumanitarian purines w0 injure a
lVt.1 and lenenint overnjiir-
"ITh military jjoveritor . cif th't fI
ani will al-o te plesised' 10 ' confer'
w:'tb tin- lw may desire to coBult
him ou matters nf. public Intertst "
The test of tlie ptecl4!W;tion has'
Uen eablfd to Wa-ui'Siou aid ap-
Havana. Dec. ni.Tj-jcityirtitil t,
iipd CulHni-inli?tr;itii at 'the Arncr
ician authorities for fyibMidinjr dent
brstrailons. is siubsidln:. 'Jlijuv liave
len , no incidents of di.-oiuer. and
funeral Brooke is confident that SUn
day. will prws ieacffuliy. : " I
Home Ilnle. L'r.der, the Dimiion
the Unit d States Is Promised
the Natives. J
.NKW YOHIv, Dee. 31. A special to
tlte Herald from Waishintrton i.vs:
Piesi er;t . .McKinley s jco-'ain liou.
f-ettin: forth -the conditions ujidter
which tie I'tiiteil States takes poises
sidn of the I b lipidncs, has teeu able I
to ; (H-neral ,th y frr promulgation.
Tfus a as done sevtjal day as ,J?snl
it is assumed that Gfaeral Otisfhns
already puldished , ttand taken sjtcps
to eive it the widest" ixMsmie oucu a
tion ihnulMut the ,islauIs. ;
The nrrx-Ia'inatiou is a I '-out
word in leaiiitli. and Was tabled
Manila .-it an expense of linm.
t ir
iidi-led ou the ne issiieU. by CJcrieial
Shafter atSaiHiauo, vvlien this
i-iiiHif'iit n'c'k iH's-s-li(in -f that
aiuf iirovltK e.. but has hm u liiucli
IPmie, nil?- uiKi'r the. supreme -dfn e
tiH of the I'nited States frovetnijieut
is bv the teriiis ot the proclamjitiou
t' w? rivf ti' to the l'riiiiinos in the
f nflest er.e y It; tromies that tlie
w-11 be a-cnied a vof-e in Um:iI jfjov
vriim'iif and that .the Fd-piuos ihal!
U- elijriM ' to otli ia,I positions, hey
will be .aiv n a fairjhidieiary, frteiloin
f )cech and of the; press.
The j hph l:ii)iation slijjvj-rtiat '. the
military w cupat ion f the-: is'ais d?
i ot for tfce purpose-' of making (war
uii tlie inhabitants nr uisuijiny lrt
or faction amoim th-pi but to pretecs
them in their lwmesj. in their employ
11 cuts and In tlieir i personal auq re
lijiious rights. i i
The manr-er of
ie tie.u ni' nt o.
imNwr v iiiiil the -(.m
!lK-tioii jnd ail
iniuUiitatioi; of the rti
venue in aeoord '
a nee with -th'e oiii
forth iin the tnt4ty
dMr olify
ale fully
phdnly stated. VhiW
duct of the Au.eiieau
the run of on-
Xti.t iicau officers VH1 be
in the lline JiNt indicated, the piocla
11 ationl als allows tliiit it Is the 'par
M.se. iif ihe F nit t'd States- to ad p:
i-.-idicalj irieeinres If. unfortunately,; the
E.nrse I of tlie p-oplei. fiould render
t( h measures Indispensable to j the
aintetiance of law iind owltr. j '
1 1 li jiiMtrtK tioiis at-oinpanyinr ,'he
pro laiwation reiuire ,'leneral Otis 10
take immediate stips to secure! the
disariii:i iiMMit of the, iuVHrgeu'ts in ,or
d r that rntue may lie established,
ami iontinud in the jlandf. ?
As well as the hauf'Hoiiu st, and I oth
ers,' are Invited to call en any d'Ui-s-st
And Ret free a trial bottle of
Kemp's i" '.ah a in , for the Throat and
Liins. a re-iedy that is puaranto-?
to ure anl relw-vc all Chronic i a-nd
Af-uto j Cousihs. Asthma. HivMnfl.lfls.
and Consumption. Prjce 25c and; 50c.
rtval at
HI.; Jan. 2.4-Tli reporteit ar
Pan.i of l.i km union miners
from Central and southern Illinois
towns. or the purpose of driving; out
L. - e 1 -.1 - . t ....
nesro mmeis. uiiieo 10 uiaicrintiM.
icgro miners.
leuteuant-Colonel VflI.'iu conunand
of thrw,
trv. win
companies of .tin.. Fifth infan
had r'ei.vl the .r-vrt rful
nsked- i
(vernor Tanner ffr rdnfprc'i
ments, which was granted, has :, Irt-aXy
p'ovost iu duty, and a gatlin;ss:
1 101
readv ror auy outbreak. ,IJe says
will alloivv ho passiiig of iuau
Taeotiv.1-. Jan. 2. Simw fell at it: r
vals lastjnig'ht ajnd today, and is now
over a .foot -deep on the level. Thy
north wtad causes it to drift badly.
Street car, traffic " Idelayed. butj not
snsru-nded, car ami snow-plows 'run
ning over the. track continuously all
night to keep! the tracks open: The t'ciu-
perature lis below freezing point. The
golf tournament, scheduled for today,
was tmstiKined until- Fe?ruarv 12t4i. on
account (of ttie snow. ' ,
NOT HiTTNMNTJ. Tle .'.llanv
did.' of ilLeemi.-r :Ust. .-as-2 II.
.W hite wh,o Is In this city from Quartz
vale, says the report that . It.- Uv
ler. is rjniiig the.o'i.irtz mill "there
is miltjike. A smajl ferce of uen
are at wiij-k plncer ni'tting. but tl ei ';g
n ll is ipp in operation now. jMr.
Mliite cpnne out on snow shoes, (pver
jour iter qet'- epevs' i- sft acK
tiy OuanzyU;e next week.1 when he (will
no doubt ncrntit er niii b deepr siiow
but lie 1 ush! to snow bating made
over diveiji simw many
All, rlST Mrs. ,J. riran
augh I la
rex?5pt of. a paper publishcl
in KkagTva
v, statlrc that the mall ear-
rier from
pa'wswo bad bnDken'tfcroosIi
tl Ice arid WL,aIl the nmll. Ttrls
the nwll that waetfeef:V
nt-Salem this wwk'abrl wi 1 be a sor
discippoiatoiiL-ttt to uoany In Saiem.
British Papers
of the progress
Of the Englilfpeaking
EoropA Auaz d and Irritate
ExpaBsida of Amerfca The
owera Apprf beoshe.
LONDON. Dec. 3n The Sp-r-etator
this week epitomizes the reviews of
tlie passing year, wnieju fills all of to-
LJayV newspapers, declaring that tue
'dominant fact of lSWS! has leen a rise
la the position of the Kuglish seak
InS pecple." "t tlescribcd Uow EurojK
has le-n amaztsl and ;rritatejb&,iiie
cvpansion of Atnerka.:.tiecn-Tufop-'
has not dan d to luterfere.
But, the Siectator says, the powers
re apprehensive that the change may
compel a iefenslve coalition of tlie
iiidlitary powers of F.uropc. . It also
jnoted one periodical as. saying that
the wa,v.-s of F.uroDean contempt for
jivat Britain hfid leen' succeeded by
a respect, cuiieHcd by the stlirenhig
of the general paHcy of the F.ugiUn
s-IK-aking races, whieh, .'"disreuaided
in 1st 17. are in 1SON roganled as poten
tial equals of the remainder of the
world.'' ' ! 4
" ' ' I v. . . S
London. Dec. . 31. The Times ti ls
im-rsiiiig iu i;s auiiital rview of tlie
e cuts of the year, devotes tdnsider
al le sfiace to the .Span sh-Amer c-xu
war, Whh-h it ievr.ai-ds as! even more
iietiortatu'e than the Nile campaign.
"iMi-siuse it resulted apparently in t ie
detinitive adoption of an iikiperi il aixl
ni'litary nolicv bv the I'nited States."
The article applauds for Washing
ton -fiiv't ri'.'nent for leclinjnp to sur
render the lives and property of
Spaniards in Cuba to the tender mer
cies of the Cubans, but regrets that no
cinp-iis:itiju is jKi.id witn reie'' to.
fnlwu "although undoubtedly a larg.
len t "of. the Cuban debt vj-as expend
id on inl4ic works lii thfe is'and.''
liy com mon consent all CoiiMnon re
v'ews in the morning pa iets regard
the y'-ar Wis- as inenora?il for .tlie
Spanisli-Ameiiciiii war. anjl the nuiu
Ifest. eonsiiiniiousuess of the Kug.i-Ii-cptmking
iMOile. j -
The I ailv News, referring to-President
McKiuley's sjtecli at Ailanta.
jt&ya: ' . . ' . - j
Ve inav approve or dLsjipprove the
president's 'sentiments, but In any
case the v rfre the most favorable, facts
o I81&. It Is devoutjy ta be hoped
that the I'nited States. jjt a world
pmver, inay be found working In har
monv wUL ireat Britaln'j'
. The Standcij-d refeis in siniPar term 4
to the advent of a new wprld vwr,
and to "the mighty changtf wlr.rh the
war ,i'as effected in the aims policies
and tnblic sentlnicnt of tlie CnlteJ
What is the use of iiiaking a lietter
atlk'le'tlian yoitf coniieflti'- if you can
-net get a lietter j trite for it V -
Ars. At tler is no liffTence In the
price theyubtte iw 111 bu.v only the-- et
tt r, W tat m Idle our' profits may Iw?
-niller, fn 3 4in:10 tbey will be
much greater in'- the aggregate.
Ho'w caii yoij get- the public to knoA
yoi r make is the Iiesf? (
If 1 m -t li articles are brought promr
ner.tly before jth public ltli are cer
tain to l tried and -the public will
rry rpilckly fpass Judgment on them
at-d usefully It "ne, better onf.
This explains the- large sale on
Chamlierlaiir'i ' Cou-zh Renieily. Tlie
people have jlieen using It for years
and "hive fouhd that ir,cni always be
1--I'rdel r.nrai. Tliey n-iy oor-iision-ally
take up! with some jfashionabje
novelty put -fotth . trilh Exaggerated
claims, nut are ctrtaip to return to trv
one remedv tftat tbev know to
able, and for eon a hs;! colds and err.u
.tlie re Is nothing equal to Chamber
lain's 'Cough Remedy. For sale bv
I Limn & Brook y prugglst..
Attorneys " Will Continue Figld-
ing for Her Litefty-
s.in Fr.ancisco. m-c. :u.pMts. Hot
kin's lawyers do" not roWe to -act pt
as final -the -veniict or the jury nnamg
her guilty of the murder t Mr. Dun
aiing. witbiAt making a I strong ef
fort to obtain a new -trlaL and nos-ibly
reverse the jutgmeni. p.eorj:e
Knurhf. leadiug attorwy for the de
fense said: - .
"Our first step will
H to move for-
a new trial pu the day
set I fop pas-.Hg
sentence," or as ku thereafter a we
can be heard. If tlie newjrlal is de
n Uii. of course we sh.atl g-)";to the u
treine court, and at tlie same time we
shall raie the quest ion of JurKIic-
lion. The court never liad and never
can tet jurisdiction ' to .try Mrs. llot
klu. It Is a plat n question (of law. and
I have not Mm slightest ,1 ubt of tlie
.supreme court's - de.cikn ,on that
Mr. Knight .also asserts that theie
are' numerous' errors In Ihe n'ctilj1
which hv .thinks ill enabfe kitn to7 se
cure a new trial'for b's client.. '
I Atturiyyieueral Whifet. ofDela
wte. in an. Interview." expr"."l his
satisfaction witn the verdjet.nd com-
tnends the Jurv for having di
The witnesses who came from Dela
ware to testify Irt theVcas will , start
ftr their borne today
IV A'fTer4rrH'aia4lthe m neb coir
yf Jt' vMrs. Bo t kin bre .d6Veoafc
pklcly autd tor oiiie time cave vent
y - - -ii
to her- anguish in .sobbing. and occa
lonal shrietlng. iyZ-ri
It is ctated tiut the first 3alIot stood
ten for haiiulg and two for JIfe 1m
prliKMimnU j The second ballot - was
tivrtTTor pangins and only oiw- for
life ImpHsoiRent- IUU-Jhe nh stood
fitin, ntmftr tniH'S discussioa the
oda-r ievei went over to :bim.
Scirietlung for the New Yi-ar,
Tlie vorjd reniw ncd s-.-.e-e? . of
lfotttera ktomnch 14'ters, .Vu l their
conttnned ri'puLirliy for' 'near half a
certnry'as U stonuclvic. .Is scarcely
iciore vlondeifuK than, the ,weuotue
taat greetf Hostettersi Al lianaj-theSald final account aud passing
This inedicrii.4re:mse is lMtbJlsJe-fT'y
tne IIotetter flotnoanyr l'ittsmtrg.
la.. under, thetrnwn immediate cu
pervisfcm. employing sixty iians In
that depart inent. The 'isstte of vtlie
sanw for 1) will' Ih' crer e!eioi-
mdlions. printed in nlniylanuages.
Uefer to a 6pysoferfsTor valuable and
interesti-tvfuimjf ' -on-ern!nis l.Valtu,
Jignttftiiniemus testlmotdt's a to the
erticacy of Hostetter's Stern ch Hit-,
ters. The Alraanac for !t- can h
UtalneiL free of cost, frrm dru;:
fflMs nnd jr-neral country dealer In
all parts of the country.
Portland. ! i Dec.- 31. Supplementary
articles of Incorporation or the Wolff
& ZwK-ker I fon Work . were flld la
the county j clerk's fSce -today, iln
ereasing tlid capital stock of 100,M
to rsU(.tjiio, and also providing for en
gaging in the business of construct ing.
owning OBd operating dry lo-bs. float
!ng docks airil ship or; marine railwiys,
in addition to the present enterprie
of ois.rating Urou works and shipyards.
The $iire I.a Orlpm ?nre.
There Is no, e spflcriitg from, tjlds
dreadful msijla-ly. if yrsi willt '-'oidy feet
t lie right remedy.' You are, ' ha v ng'
Dstii all tprqugh yourlwdy. your liver
life or ambition, have a b:d c:,Id. in
fiot are Completely . iisl ' up. E'ec
tric Bitters is the only remedy that
will give ion prompt and sure relief.
Thev Het ii-eptly on your Liv r.
Stomach anil. Kidneys, tone' up the
whole systeiiiaa-1 mako ywi feel like
a new being: , They are ru.irant,fel
to cure or price refunded. For sale
at Dr. StotU-'s drug,
cents per bottle.
store, only
in Fr:in-iis-o. -Dee. -The atnitnil
mint .
for the I'nited States braf-
f Sani 1- rancisc-o. tor . the year
isiis. just c1mple:-l. shows the .total-
coinage for ijlMv.year W;;s W.o:'4.3'i!(3.
". IW-iiLg I the largest anvmnt 'Ve
coIimhI during any one year in ;4
eity. and It was exeeedd only one--in
the h'rstory of tlie country, byl the
Philadelphia mint. -
Shanghai. Dec. 31. The North CiiUva
Ia'dy News 4'huii Klna corresonh-(nt
telegraphs in great battle ,took place jaf
SalK-hi,t!aiig j 011 IH.-ehrfer 27th, ' apl
the-inierial ! -troops were , victorious
over tlie insurgent. , ? j
kmc r. At Bhe fain I.' . home near
Thirteenth, and I ee-- streets, Saleili
Oregon, iioiiciay, January JVJV. 10
Mr. and I.Mrs. T. P. Burr; .1 son.
iU-ii e cf
Vter Bach, on Twen
tift.li, Mreet.i Sulen:. Oreirou. Snndaa',
January l,isj;. at 4p . in, Mis
.India Slwri Ifciu to 1 J.J- B. 'Springe',
.lusflce of the F-eace 11.- A.. Johusti
otJb-i.it in u. i
her liome .in . Turiiei,
V.W,: -Mrs
K't yars.
Saturday, IH-ehiitiet
iraJi Jane Dnrn-an. ,ag?l
noiwh? ami 27 days. 1
s born In West Virginia
Ileeeused wij
March 4. 1S1.-J.
and was ' niarrhsl In
IS'," to the hit
sband yi ho survtves ber.
They L-ame t
iutve resided ;
Orcgbu in lfit. and
u the imnMHllatevicinity
of Turner cod!
mqaiiy since. ;j
Ifc-ceased wa:
a,i devotHl rrw-niitter of
EpLscpal clhS-ch fo
tlie Metluslisfi
over fifty years and died in thfc cotiso-
lation of its f.
ith.-after'a hung life of
usefulness. Ill
r ne!ghlrs and; fsiend-j
w ho have knSwn he
around Turned
sdness -and'
expj'rienc-d her tiwny.
? past, several years:
kiudm-sses tl
in-ak of her
kvith Warm prais and
i t Ii deep gr let a t Iwr clea t h.
Bsides Imt
AuslMud, who is past NO
veais old. live
bildren survive liier. N.
Diint-an. of
Ubany. ex-co.unty jiMiie
: M. J. Dnncjti. of ,St ir
Nnr Mrs, w. 1. Vance
or jiiu i-enuiy
of AlUihy: M
Morgan, of Tangent
and W. t Dt
nwican. or I nrnet.; .ti
at her Isnlside -.'during her
were, piv-ser
lat illness.
weiweh was fbroiight ofl ly
taking cold.
er death, took p'ace at
1:45 yestvrday
Ilrown. whose
morning. RIJrant
dath oi-curred -in th's
citv a!out font
years ago, rwhile he
was 'rving his secothl term a tress-
uror or Marion
county, was a grauI-
sou of deceased.
. .- i -
CM)K. At the
home it his daughter.
lall.on Twenty-llrl
tlpegon. at 8 p. u
Mm.. E K.
street. Saflt'm
Monday. ; Janhary
Jl M.
Cook. agd 1 4
Ie-eased w.-s'
vears. of la grippe.
lsrn w-ar Midliefoof
nido, March 22.:
Meigs county; -
He was -marrie.:
in lsts to .is X. K.I
rtradforl. who
urvive nim, re-
siilt of their un'n was six cfiiildren, of
wlm fur surv
ive h'm, viz: Mary I.
Hall, of this city: Mp!- Florence For-
ret athl Mrs. Ella McMhaney. of
Kansas City. K i n sa s ; a nd ' J. Si. Cook,
f FmsIodLi. Katrs i. ' - ;
A fri'eml ,to all, an enemy to none.
be died in tlie pill fatrb fif un vers 1
ii vat ion for ill mankind through
tl-e gift of fiod Un CarlsU '
Funeral .servities Will be n W from
the residence of Mr.; HaD at 2 o'clock
this ftiernooo, ICev. W. C. Kantner,
of the! Congrr-trational onurefc. of-
Rc'atlng; -Burial will be Siad In City.
View cemetery.'
In peace at dace will I
Both lay me down and'sieep,
For .Tbou alone Idost keep
Me safe wbjeref I lm
As in a rocky c!l
rJjfeujJordAloB la afetj makest me
UwlL ;'
Nfotlice Is hereby given that 5Iary;
C.el-er haa tiled in the office tl the
oanty -lcik for ilariou county. Ore;-i
g'rsn. her final aecount as admicist ra
ti U of the estate of KJwla ll. Case-lit-er.
decease!, aod ihe crtraty t-ourt
feri Marlon county has apiKiinted SjU
nr.lar, the fouth d.tr of Ket,fuarr,
lyit. at the hour of 10 o'clock to tb
foreiit'OU of MM diy at the county
cotjrt room in the county court botne
In I Salean, Oregon as-ttj" time aotl
ilace for .hAarrnS ""obJectlens. ;- If anrJ
t Iwreotti
; Dated at Jal6i, Oregon. th- thirJ
tieth dar of lete!ulr. is.r. ., -J
; M A U Y? Kc f A SEB EE H.- J.
3u. A. CarsouijiMoriieyr for a tndn
l-ti-w5t. 1
whoo. It may concern: , j
Notice Is hrtdiT given- that the un-h-rM-ncd'baw
I ecndn'y appntel ex-;
e nitor of the last will and testament,
A . A. t.'one, deotastd, late o$ 3Iari.m;
coupjtv. Oreg(-n. bv the: eouijty" couri
of said county. All ier?on baTlug
tl.iints asaitist al-l estate ate hereby!
re-pdred .to present the sea. ly;
Ttrtied lo the undeolgncd. ailijie resi-
denee of G.A.' Cone Jr., m'-ar the:
twn of ButtevUh. la pU cninly.
within six- months
this notice. .
fro'u'Mhe date
Dated January GJ
lssto. : .
? 1 i
. ' "ON E." JR., :
Iii the Cinjuit Court ofNbe Stsite of
-Oregon, for Marion County, Dtiwrt
ntent.No. 2? . . X
n Joseph McVeigh, ntilntlflf.; vs. Liuilo
McVeigh, defendant.!
To lizzie- McVeigh, the above-i auie.t
defendant. . -
In the-name f the state of Qieff:
you ,are hereby iiuired-o;:ripear and
answer the totnpJalnt filed against you
In the; alw-ve entltlel urt air-1 fiause
within six weeks from the date of the
firt't imblitat.lon of tie suminonsL to'-,
wit;-the third day of February. lffilS.'
and. if 3pit full so oappear in d answer
sard complaint the ilttiuttff will aiiplr
joJhe wurt for tlie rehef denanded
in ins toinpitiint. to-wit: Tra tlecTv.;
of divorce dissoh Ing the Urnd of m t
rtmohy now existing Ntween yon, ihc
defendant, and him., the plalntiT. an 1
fr hiwts and dislmrsements in. this
suit, ard for such other amlftirthen
relief and remedy as, inay w-i-ui mw-t
unto this honorable jtx'iirt and agntv
ahlcj to the principles! of ep4ty.
Ycjiu are hereby further tiotlfkl tlatt
I his; summons Is served t pori-yon by
publication', thereof In tlie Oregou
Statesman, a newspaper published
weekly at tlie city of S.ilem In Marlot
county, Oregon, and that H order di
recting, snob puUicntlon of satrf sum
ntons Hvas nt.-Mle by the II-norable ft.
P. Boise, Judsre of this court on the
seventeenth dav of Dccetnlier. 'J.H.
1 and 'this sttiiimnns was -first punlisheii
on the twenty-third day cdMecemler,
JN(i. A. CARSON.-"
l2-23vw7t. Attorney for Plaint Iflf.
In the Circuit 'ourt of the fst.de of
Orcgym.. for laiert Comity, Depark
. nieiit No. 2: S ' ' - - i
VV. K. lleh plalntiT,- rs.' Fxlwlrt (Jrimiit.
O.I; A. ConeJAnrile Tilllse.n, J. C.
Milton, "and Jlauk f Woodburn (&
. ,-eorjioratioo) ileftnltM ts; . .
ToEdwlnOrum and Annie TUUson,
two of tlae alniVe naine-1 defendnnts
In ;the ram Of tjie State of rego,
you nnd each 'of you re-hcn,byi re
quired to apivejir n ad answer the com
plain' filed sgaliist you hi the aliove
entithd e-ourtl and caue, . w It-bin sfx-
wv-eks T rom tbe dale tif the first .prtn
licathm cf tfd suin-inous, jtowltr onf-h
2)th j. day of Jnnuaryflland
If you falMo so appear and jm wet
said complaint. Hie plaintiff will apply
to the e-onrt for the lellefdotiianded
In his complaint, towlt: fqria decree of
foreelcsure of that, certain mortgitce
mpdei executed a?l ddlvert d, 011 the
eleventh day of Dcct-Gnber, ISM, by
the ile'fendant Flwiii Grlnire tosthe.
plalntiiT, to secui the aynKiiti T a
crtaln note made , on the same day
by tlie faid defendant, in favor ofuie
plaintiff, fothe rmn ..oft f ono. puyal4o
two yearsafter said. daie. with Irftef
est frVitiysald dn.te of making nt. ten
jier stt per annum and fer attorney a
fees.yln case rnlt. or action 'should b-j
liisKttite! to exdict said note." !rd. In
wiik-h said morfgagie tie fo? lowing
TatMls aftel .premiiM'a ' .i'wr.-iHiniejffwi:
Beglnilng at ft io!nt 13.2- chaliu enst
of tlie: northwest corner ef s;ctij)ii 22
In township 4'!suth. ranged v, eat. of
th Wiillatoette eyidiatllJheHee'sei'tli
11. 02 Jinks to Edwin arid Frances E.
rlmirils 1 northwest -roruer; thene-e
neurtili 724 degrees, east 14HO chains;
thence north 1.7o H'.nlns to tlie setion
line Ietweer
sections IS ard 22 In sabl
Ihenee eas4 3.14 chains;
rorlH 4.f0 ejlialns; thence wt
to "S.I le
hainsj ihence south 40.00 ha In
seeilbn line; t:henTe west r..OO
Ja. 'the alace of l-egibnlng. cou-
fa'inlng r,Lf,racres of laud, more or
being situate in the county of
Marlon, and state of .Oregon, and for
jidgn'-nt.:a:ralnst tbe defendant Ed
win Grimro fr t'e mn of $ 5si, with
Interest thereon nt the rate rr ten jr
eeit .rsfr annum from the twelfth nay
of Fe4)irnary 1S0S- Wing the bnJiiSew
dne upon said pote. and the- further
sum 'of ?.50 for a srerla1-attorripfs fees,
and the costs and disbursements ! of
this dt. ard that the defeTwiants ard
all pertons clalnJng nndej' them, mb
seqtient. to the execntlri and "e-'ivwr
of tncrtgare. t forcrer ; Isrret
a I'd foreclosed jof-arfTlght title, inter
est andj estate In nnd to the sal(i lands
nd prflnles. and ttft Kch etjer and
frrther) rrlefl and ne-medy tf nay
'-seem njieer nnto this honorable eor?rt
and . a)rreeilh .to It ie principle of
equity. ; .... , I Vf ': ' : V- :
-Ami jrrmatct-further notified
that the strmmors Inthis mit Is serred
tijon jtm liy the 'nbliea ion thereof
in the fjirecon f?ate-wnan. a newspaper
pnMIshrd weekly at! the city of ftalem.
In Marlon'county. f H-egon. pursumt to
-the .orrVr-of 'ITonxR. P. Po?e. Judre
of ills Courts CiQileHbc second day til
NirncK : of lttli;ment
Pirt-eniber.-iscis- a'tfl tills tvt'iiwns
was first pul"isLed t4i the iduth Uy
De-euifer, JSUS. J ?
Ia the C1rcui,t iurt
f Oiisgeui for4 M a r Ion
twrttnetit No. 2. '
.T. II. finupotis and Mary
ba:n, pHilnlSffs. r. U.;
i:.i..r '.. 1. Sim ins S. ,1.
S. j SlliMS,
Slpvt-Kt rs.
John II. tyii'ei'. Harry dlyii er. tldnit
CIyjur, Minnie Cjyn.r. iiari' 1 i
Watt, and j A. IT. .iu rrnn i jt--tMU-rt.
iMirtners, Jedhg dMiTnes tu
tltT the1 flniiJBimrTand tyle .(, Uil
i kTt P-ros.. d.end titt j t i
To Jchn H. Clyu-er,, tTrry 'lyrner.
FJitb Cljplr Mlttnle. Ciyjufer.
fur of tle!jitsv napiI defe:: i?:
lu the name of tLe State of onrpm,
vou -atHl 4ncli:of you are herHy jre-
-i,!rt tn!f.rnr nlid an-wcri n
cemj Ldut 1 tthtl agahs,t
jyou l: .
above entitled court anl eaue; iv ii h
In six week from thf
tl.1 ie oj 1 imi
. . . . .
Jlr-t publication of Hits
w it: on the -tub ; day
;sfJi; and it you fall n
answer said.. cvupi.ii)&t.
:n nnittr to tl.-e onrt
summons. So- j
of J.i run ry. ;
to ai'petH i
tlie plaintiff
for the fel ef !
t'eutamletl lu- tUdr corqi4alnt. to-wit:
for a de re vf partltlorj or tat H-
lowing desriWHl hind ad preniisea,)
tivwlt. i the South liajf of, the Dona- ;
tlon I-mil Claim of 'FdwjysUtiroa ;
and CatIierineSi4tiio1is. his w.re.
Notifice'tr-?Sor2J';7. ! Tovnsiir'i) S
SMith. Range 3 ,Wrtt, of 4 Hie Wijl im-
Mfe? Meridian In Manon. cmnty. tttr-
gun. Is lug the scuta f.
Norttweat quarter and)
went ouarter of Section
alf'r of, tl:m
tji ' Sordli
ard thm
East half of the Southeast quarter of
Section 25. Towhsl-ip 8 Stath i:ar.g
3 West of tlie Wlllamoftffl MertHfir
in Marlon -ciuary. LOjj!:n; ami j IU
North wst qfiartcr of the jNort hwest
Tpuirtr of Soetlon Thirty-sfx and fn
Northwest' quarn of- tlie S.itbet(tst
in titer nud the Northeast jqtuirt( r of
the Southwest '! quarter of . ,SJ'irt "H
Tlui t r lx dn To wnshn ! Spt hV
5tf"3 A'ef.f the W.Uf wt
IT-I Me- ;
rkllan. all In Marlon county. prfg.
and for' the costs and :dlsbursni,J't
of this' stil and for "sucli ' othr j til
ri'.rUier' relief and retrseily nsl tills"
ltoiMiraK Court rf.all t-eem m.; t. aful .
auri'eabU to the ivilncipl-T f ioui'r.
You ' and each or you Lane fierebjr
fUrtl-.. r ft'Ulieil thtt , this unMiPtis j l
senciF tipon , you by - pnb!S pthm v
thereof in- tli )regon Staesri.-ili'. - at
newspnis-r reiidi-he.l -.weekly Jrfi !
civ of Silent.! In 4Mai1n otmlr
Inrirrn miruhliit . l tlie or,lk"
lln.. I.. P. lto'sf. lrdg- .ft'dsf c
nmd the eigtitlt day of IVci'iifi .j-rv
1 VI. and IhN ' sinnens-; was
publislteil on the ninth day of Ie.
cejiilier. lliS.; v
1 . . rxo. a. ;arsv.
Attfirney f, r
Plaii tier
Xotk-e Is. lierot-y tlven' t'l
.11 tl
e pna?
a-count of T. Vi Walker,
as e.ee-litf-
ot t)M entate of W. R. Jltinkcti.
eas4Hl. has l-n filed III
cOiirt of Marlon omnry, i.ite-of
11, and tlfat the, slxtei th ay r
Jairuary. IstrfC at the i hur of 10)
oVlocfca. ; m., haTicei,i dtpynpiviinf !;
ed by n li court for tlie liearHng of i
objeitions fo -siicli .fflnal aUimilt-.otkl
ny person iiiteipcstd In i'ch ejhtt"L
may- apvr ,nim ffle objections I litM e- f
to In writ Ing pd e-pnteirt'iAopA'oti
1. DateJ thlsclglitli day of January-'
T. P. WAT.KI-ltt. 1
Executor of Iho Estatcwl 1
ot-e Is licn-l-y given, that the mbk
derslgneiwl has Iss-n. by the cotiiitji
court 'of the stale of Oregon, for, M
rlon 'county. iln1. appolnid ndii'ltifs
t in tor' of the estate or" S'-th JC. Harn
mer, k-c'ased. ln,te of MajleA county,
Oregon. A II-' person havltg claims
soipst. $nU . es.late;. are . Jirrvhy ,r
oulreil to priesi nt fh sanje to ties,
duly ) yetifieil as by lav reli'nI. at
my itore, rn State street, ia tlie f"lJI
of Sakm. . Marion rotnty tireioo,
wlthlt six months fmni tlie date I ot
this notice. . ' JOHN.. HLTmns.)
--' --' , -..i p , Admlt!lstratr.
Dated,-' Decetrher B. 18fRl ' j
P, If.-D'Arcy, Attofney for Adnrdt
si rater. ;.:-;"..; j"t'-.-f - l2-etr-
Not ce is hereby given tha t f; p
IMsiiop. the duly aifnlnt'd. qiial!rXel
nnd aWlng ? aKslitre for tlie, hrn fit
f the crwlltors of E. F. Nt-T, an to
.dreqiJiUKtum' filed ihlsl finat iu--ce)itnt:ar"siich
asslgmV" iu trie offbe of
l rW if the clrettlt' crurt of iiii
sj.-ite tof- Oregon, for MarloW cottrct r,
aaferl final aceMiiitr and al! bjs;iln4.
niereto.ivllUie hearl by said court nt
the 'court roouiTIn the e mrity cf;irt
IVnisef ip th city i' Wf ftaleni, M'artin
county tiregoh. on tlie fotirtjTrtitlf .rtajtf
of January", 1S!9. r as mn llMreafttsr
as the same , can be; Iwatd by siild
Dated at Fnlem. D 15. Tvos.
I i, f!. I. umiKin
Assignee of t'ts wftrle of R; V. N it.
iriT-iii Leoior..- i t j:it,-ritri
H-rf-i- I-!-.. r-r j-."
' 1 - r
Iacd Office at Oregon Cityr Or. ' ":1
i -'; v I Doem!T 12. 1S;S.'
f Notice Is hereby gf von .tlwt the f4
lowliig i-anied actllcr has filed not 'no
of his Intention-'- to make final prof In
mpfir.rt of his endm. and tlutakl
rli4f .'ta-ill lie maiei ts-for tlie Ooui.'tji
Clerk of Marlon County at Sjleiu. Or
egon, on Jamwtry 21. viz: Frnnlc
P, Ha a. It. IJ.. 11214, for tUe nort
half of rortawest qnarter. southweft
qnnrter of aorihwf st -quarter! and tft
norrnwesi qrarter or .oirtnweit ipmr
ter of section 33,( township 10 ontti
rarge 7 east - .' - jr
X lie inaniec the following witnesses i
nroye ihls contlnrotMi residence npoa
and cnltlTatlon nf mid lard. t!z. . ti:
Colonel J. OlrAsted, of Detroit, Oif
gnn: Elmer O. White, of DetiHt. Oro
rou: Walter ft. Jxw, of Detroit. Oro
iron; D. D.. Olmsteil of Detroit. Oro
cen. ,
; J2-i(5t.
- , . Kt iLrteii
. A. N!led-.
; -'-