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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
"! 4 I. - ( I J- OREGON STATESMAN. JFRI DAY, JXXUAjRY 6, J1899 . '" ' ' V ' ' ! . - - I i ; ! ? i - i THE CUBANS! . TO DISARM 1 1 ' r s . 1 ! ii i . ,; TJn- m Will Not Disband tU They Are Pai A mericahs Mus t Furtiisli the Money ' for ihn Pay Dae the Insnrgeut T rpops -Men Held under Close and v i fcevere Iliipline. i 1 Ll in.? Il.UUNA, Jan. 2. -The -contitiui -f tlie. Cubit it in arms is the mosjt. pi5i- xtlnja 4iiiethn'' collected- 'with, tit a,l- nitration of the island. .Wgbii.t. sionsi- fbnthe payment of salaried of :-j4ifm,'; to i eon luet d j frofh .lVs-ijjngfcin, so to. -relieve ' iiajoij-; J-iu ral lirooke of tins d.theuJty 4 11-or; t?" jjn'.-4'irt fu!;n -oiiirnandejr ir hmiv closely together vline. " ana under distil init ial D.ivis. the military goyi-roor f I Ik "department of Pi oa r del ilio 'liab SjoneUnTo- the .matter-tuny with i.eileral MarUi Jlenoeal. aiut ofher Oibjni -oyt- n antlers. Jlify .tny that they exj ijh-ited ktates to pa., and thai -,-t hey. ; 1JX rt disband until I hey get ain tswvr.j Thefmajortty of the uiiflfajH olf servers 'here seeni to think that. I tiro!-' - t - , . .. . : . .. - . . jt t . ' I . "'t ify. .me easiest way out or itjs make a payment, takings mortgajgf to oft f; THE GlIailOiaH OF CHILPPj Wow rii-cHoR. upon outstretched wing- yTh firr. r.i riarWs bird of DfeV ' - . .hl- ne.Tjuthat small. wert, fender thtng . Thosie'cruc,laws would snatca r.wsy. v --. O, howA hat mother's heart must leap j, 'To drive this peril of the ir . Arny from that oft nest of sleep ; j With all net love and longing there. ! But 'we the staunch defender rise "Wilh bristliBg mane and head erect. j I r K. power. cn snatch that precious prize j . ". 'Wlnle he stands ready o protect. . ! -7 yJecpon sweet babe, your mother's "breast, nce more shall presyou clo!e and war;i, " evil bird shall e'er molest j - IVhile this $ravt guardian scents the harn i. To protect her little ones is atnonjpr the' T'ti((est iristincts of a mother's heart, arid h iviMfh all the thous'andH cares and wot lie tf a bjisy woftian's life there arises ever andi -1 aroon tne tnouent u. 11 1 couia au nore Bat mothers are too often weighed" down mrul weakeui-d With thir o'.i nJaity bftri k?n . any niore .than MruiftU' a'Hhotli p;4 3h:vly aPitiriht th ttiVKic:dtitl nNiitTTsAlsl . Xiwt tK:(. t them'eKv', w ith ri tr"ti?f i lo rarc. for M hers. "Women wij.n l.irwe ;iiif And ' tH-.-tt the Very bvir tinrii -children 'itijtb thre woi ld.iind ntirsinst a,njj " a-ait:i3 thesn to boyhotid atul ifu 11hm.1. i-i two yrrat adjraft upon t lie mother's trfinjlW 1 abat she hetself lx-comes the natural ol jfct- mf care andi rrotrcti-n. i . .1 ' It in a frhijri'nis IxY'f "to the7 women of this! ; Tinitt.n th tt tbv wor.lTful su.portiv V tnuic, ormtflated by UfrteTce. of HaJTrUo VI, is rattable of smtaininc thent tlir(ii!r.h Ie wvieal i of -freqiient motherhoml - SwinK;inir them out of -it with unu a WrtTBaniy srrenirth and cneorv. . A Mothtrhood ia not onlv,thr trrandcit of- . . 1Tmittl''s psrVibilittei, but is the natural . tfuiftUntent bf her physical beinsr and when---epired for with proper observance of; . aature's" laws and attended by reaeotfable; - v . re 'hould be free from the mental de jrwR?on escc-sive pain and ubeq!ien 3ror4tation . so cotamonly experienced . 'Tfeoukavds of women have found thai the of Ur.1 Pierce's Favorite Prescription Iff ring the expectant time and over) the amrsitig period imparts precisely the' local- - 1 Brtrrntth td consthutiona.1 rfinforcrment poeeded to crry,them o.ver this criticarj unct ir cpcrfully, itafcly, almost paintestily. . ! It fford direct organic endurance an4 . 4ktit"itntionfti ncrve-foirce.- It. gives tcu ' rViir powet ;tt promotes the see'retiott f abundant heHhy nourishment ftir the Vhiid during the nursine. period. It is trt tbe best -itefime the (ruarilian of childhood , tx it not only enables the motbef to take ! the work of life atrain with vigor'arid fnjoytnent bu through her it imbues this little one with the ragged natural strengtlt srkich is a constant protection against the '. physical ivis- with ' which chiidhood ; is ontntlv assailed. ' 1 j 1 What Dri Pierce's, Favorite Prescriptim . does for mothers and their children is well r exemplified in the experience of Wrai ,11. M. Uansrote, of Magnolia. Morjraw Co:!" . "W. Va. 1 In a recent letter to Dr. Fie tee. be wntes: 1 V I commenced A to take rr. Pterfce's Favorits , Xreeptini.sotethinir over two -years aoj and : . mm rlan itiv (iod-wnd to woman SliwU. The three childrerrV-ho were born before 31 bepn to take your medicine did not lire long; fey were very'delicate. hut those born iactjj 4tkree in alii are very heartv. and that comvincei ae that your, medicine is jut wh'at it is said to -and ajtrest deal more, I cnnld tell rnoujth tb .t a" book about the wav I sntterrd sad the ia srrr medicine actedk Indeed, every woman iot . illie globe oKht to know about vour me4icine. J Anaher IimTv. Mrs. Klizabcth Hutl. of 27" Her? " wk-k St.. rwtiicket. R. I., writes : "I Jiave fteeo bahieL and alwavsbad a bad.time. Sotne twines I have :had to hare two doctor. I beganf ttaJuoo; vour i Favorite Presoriptioa last Jul v tn 'Sep mber I rave "birth to two little rirW ata I Bent haJ such an easy time. I had M aOorturand lid nf sufter half as tang as before ."Hv twins when born weicked tfn pouTniseach., , "Xhey are fine, (Hrls, now lonr months old." i I Dr. Fiefcg's Common Sense Medical' Aa-3 -sier tells yoa ho-to treat almost evaryi l&nown form of disease at barae and just rixat to do in case, of emetgencyi. There, toWtronble in nndersUnding it. It coa-i tk (00S pages and more than 700 illustra-f Xioaa. A paper-coTered copy win be sent sfreefor 21 one-cent8tamps, by the World'sj IZspensary i M edical Association, BuffaloJ JV. Y. If a'French cloth binding is want cd, send tea cents more, thirty-one sUmp. ISiL r - . ' V Ml 1 the revenues of Cuba, in the form, of bonds. . i- . ! . JTbere are probdibly -33.00O. men able to work, but bow sponging on thir country. If paid off, on condition that their arms 4e f urrendered, they.Tvoulu have no excuse for not working. TvTLL BE IXJCRIOCS. f - 'Santiago, Cuba, Jan. 2,-An order has, been received here from Havana wfldoh. if enforced, will mean, ia the judgment! of toe commercial cllases serious Injury to the province. 'This is the aTireetlon tfi iriinsm t the entire cn- tdma receipts Uacb week to 11a vans. The compliancy with uoh instructions wjrHiU mean the abandonment of many tmesory pabjli? improvement'; I e pec-tally in tb matter 4t road. and I water works. (Since ihe America n oc- capation beeai be fund bare been ued for ttieb purpose, and bave Wen the irIncU;al means of meetinz nce? sary expeudltoi-es, "The Ilerajdo My that, to carry otit tbi order, yvotikt ro4 t-ti'of tlKHhanl! of CubansEf empdy nnnt. uiot of j whom ; wonid probiilrfy tajke to tlie hills 'and lieco'me biiiKlit?.. hti'lv.z im other rsour'. , The . Brit ish cr!ul at san:ao say 1iat it ws S)ain'; ra-tk' of moit4-tary 4entr j!I 7.1 It 'on' -which' aiisea her troUult-s in Ctilxi. HEAVY STORM. srtKAH II ;! . ' I FALL AN ENOUMOUS fib K1XXUI. . t ' .r.:r Drifts fl ttise .tieet Car I. M.uc1j . Oitiit -iiityIla Broads Ituu on lime. " . SPOKANE Wash., Jan. 2. iTting las exiterl tlw Ia.-f two, 'da vs this city 1 etKtHl' the 'liea-vSt'f snow in Its history. .S'iBfi' ysterda.- Ihorni-ug. fifU'en inli- cs lias raiu-n. mt akingw enty inches '011 the ground. IUh atlse of strong wind tl- sa.vv has drifted, a ui t lie street ir Uiit-'S have klittteulty to keep their linH oien. In places the show' has drifted to tiie depth of rive feet. All railroad lines running through the eity have-run 'approximately on time, by ai ofmaiiy snow-plows. The siioav in rastern Washington is, She heaviest wijthih' a tad f us of twentj-'-ttve miles of t V V U LIST LEti LSLATOIiS. Another Gross' Krrof Made by the 0. .oayed Party in Kansas. I . - t Ie- ToiM'ka, Kaai., Jan. 2. The popij'i l-alfr- of KaCiSas are confronted U y a serious probleni. Roth ranches -or Jeislafu-re have pasd a wilroad whih railroad attorneys dcilare is wortih the paxT it is written on. It was anttouutyd tofiiy ttiat ( !ovm tli not twr Le'wly hal signtnl tit1 lull. !lut it tu in. out that hetwent to his honie at I renc? withoA olng so.' and his fai to approve it is prompted 'by a l. ivv- rtr i:e t foufer wirh the steering commitjlee. with a view to changes" in the bill, jitwl its --Te-enat tuieht under a .MisiK'iisioii of the. rirKs. ." Tlie C4ifn give-- the governor pwer -to . aseTprtiiHtlie ..U'giislature in extraordinary . jes'H!hs4v1ien' a grue em(g-n-y, lei)andj if5Kilw "fidi-r- gen-y erfarith in flotwnofSj' s call wa ti:c nfia'ity of railroad lsintum. owy the tegisiature iia iis-ofl a-wfr-vviich iies not. MKH't tii'Si en-.ergciii-y" until i lie nrst -Monday -n April 1 1 x t -. and one month after a rt'g- n;sion of: the leg!rsl-iture. . shallj li tvi adjourrtll Tlie rayroiids Intend! ro. go into !! !iiiitts and ri'iht tlie-tX'Sv law iliw . ground, and - have I.iThI iiauikiiI that t !& will tarry the ijiit' u r u tin' --upHltne fourt f the I ' n 1 ' iil States. .T!k'.v: will' fintenI- that .110 umi-wii I'xUiii. and that, if it did ,-sr. Tin- IHW law should ' have It-Tm n?:i ! 7pTTat-ivi U once. Thif. railroad will aNo font H-on the jrrotind 1 it le is not) t'oad eiKiugh to cover Havana. Jan: 2.-Jt -deveiopMl twliv tbat the company of rii. Indiana resri iii-nt tt'hieh xvftivc.1 the tit:in Hag during tlc par.-fde- -yesterday was not r std. ii' cabled last night, Invcs ti-iari s?iweif that' tin rlgs veTe "di"tf ryttrt4lo tjhem 'by Citban.s in the crowd. anTVLe act of waiving tbenf was Thought lei-qd not pre-arrang'd. .-.Twenty -live CubaEK hors-Mi)tn. well mouml aiMl "armed. joTmlthe coltinn at tjH. Prailo. rofle to VntraTPai k and dyiKikhsM Into a side street? lhev a.tousel nou .dpr able enthnsiasrr? Three blhejaei 'kpt. from tin- Tex a 12:30 yestcpdaV "rowed to the wivck of the Afaihe a$d hotsfed a large Stars and Sfrit-s to t he peak o? tlie wreck Tfho Hag w-as) aluted Tly tlba. shipping in tne harnor. An JmrrHn-se American. flagtva iT rtoisteti on top r a K)-foot naval dck, w.hcre miles around A SOCI Inang-tratefl j setts Pa 1th fiH llaveihill. Oase. plrhd on a socialist flat form, tcik" the oath j of office a mayor of HaverhlJ tolay In his loaugnratio t fj'eoch tJbase assiiTe4the--Tneralers of the city goTerimont,ierndtbe' p"0'. that- 'everv atom of power" posiie-eti bv the ma or jivonld be exereiel -font-he defense a njd support .f the prin ciples; of sorLilisin. insofar n they may le applicable tor a mnnldpalityr DING LEY IS ILL. a-5.hincton, Jan. 2. A slight lm- prorcment in the condition of Hepte tentative llnjrlpr. of Maine, note! this n-ornlnir cordinued : throughout tb-e dar. and tonierht his fa.mily,'are Tiopo- fnl -that the eliacge .for the better is per mil n tit. : AT MOiMQUTH. Martin , TetzeU Martin Viesco, George Harr and F. X. .JLlbrlcb .went to Monmoath last evem mg. where tbey! will comiCete . the work of furnisfhing tre Monmouth normal school with' beating apparatus, bavlrg the contract foil swh work. It will re quire' aboat ten day to complete the work. if , V- a TiimiiT' a:t, Indiana Troop-1 Waa "Htian Fla ' id Havana . ' nar at Hhe It could be seen fori -J ; ; , . .oi.iv"- Trt eiucu.- at tiavernm. . jiaacttn-1 11:.. ni - , j - - A . ...v..,,.v. ... 1 Yfass., Jan. 2 John C. I QUAY IS IN ' THE SADDLE Is Himself Directing His Campaign. Many Candidates for the Senate. A Hot Fiirbt in the Bepnblieaa Banks in Indiana and 5fbiraala ' f Lesrirlatures.l HAItUISin iMl, Pa'....' Jan. r Quay has t;ike'n jer.jiikl z ea directioii of In campaign 'for re-eikiou to rlw nitl States tenate. He rtak-hiil liarrUhurg last night. from Washing ton. with his colleasroe Senator IVn- r!:se and Will stay until after the na- torial caucus. Ex-Senaitor; Cameron :inte to Harnslurg , today, from his country resUle nee, and was a visitor to tlie Quay headquarters. The former senator came all the way from Eng. land to take a haud In the' contest for hi -old colleague. Kx-iostmaster-Jeneratl John Wana btaker is on tle ground working against - Quay, with the assistance of ex-Judge Gordon, of Philadelphia. The anti-Quay leaders concede 'tlK failure of tSie fusion. scheme, and are directiaig tivr euergief toward keeping enough republicans out of the caucius to pre vent-a nomination. . . i I rihe business men's league ojeuefl li'iMHlquarters today, and members atv here from all over the state to.hh tight Quay. j DAN BI BXS' BEET. Sjif-rahiento, Onl.. Jan. V'ol. I Funis ibas formally announ:ed his an te, I diuacy ror the mi tea states sena IN'IHAiXA REPUBLICAN'S Indianapolis.' .Tan. 2.-T"wo-third of the republican members of the Intliana legislature are here participating in the fight for the election of a United States senator to succecl Davwl Tttrpie, dem o-rar. Th.ere are five active republican ciudida tes for this jllacorJiidge R. S. Taylor, of Fort Wayne; . JLFrank Han- ly. of - Ivafayjette: Major- George W Steele, of Marion: Frank; B. iPosey, of ICvatisvl!!e. aiwl Albert- J. Beverege. of I-pdiauapolis. The tight if peculiar.; te- cause of the unusual large number, of c;i;idijares. who represenlt pretty wfll ail sections ot the state, line' nrst sen atorial (j-anenst will bo helkl on-January Jtb. Hanly is now in the lead IX NEBRASKA. TJivoIn. Nob., Jan.. 2.4-The twenty. sixth biennial session of. -j the Nebrasna legislatme convenes tdniorrow. The blican 'hav a ma.fbrjty of on jointcrali. seven m the senate ana. two in' the TTfyc. -assuring that - iKirty. in all prolaJiltrjssti successor to United States S,enatorHn. ; i jThe cii ik-ms of the republicans on tlie peakersljiip brought Urgethcr fhrry Mi ven o rifty-two UN'mlxs. It ad joii'-ned at THidnight, after agreeing tJ -mipport 4-;iark. of ISienfln. for sieak- t . Plw memixrs remained away, atjid. whih not defhirilig !heiii-'!ve to --j-jx)i-t tli fusion: inominfre. assert thit tfeysyyji-H not vote '.for CI irk. rhe pttose!K are. thereforeJ ". gol f r a ad-loek u tllie oiK'ning day of the sion. : . I MINNESOTA. : i St. Paul. Jan. 2.-Tlie ;republk-in metirtH-rs of' the two bouses lf: the leg' fsitfure are in crircns , tonight on of ficers of the session that psVrts ,to;r.or- ,w. that party having a rhaforjty jn lrnvbts's. The jcall for a jc.-iu-iiis on -W'ftliierHjf to noiiiina te 5 tlie sui" -!ir of-Unifed States Senator Iav!. w;s rssned tonight. No onposlliou to Sen ator Ijvi is exiiected.- ' -" ; -4- ' - -V PAOTIONALlPIGIfT. Ifver. Tel.. Janj. 2.-T4ie ' IVlaware legislature will, corijvenej tomorrow, arKl among the most imiportant matters, will le the selection of a lnitl States sen- )Qt, to sucoi'eil Senator George -Gray. TheHi sislature Is republican, and It is lelieveTftJie next senator will lie of that political fairh, providing the ex isting 1!tter factional feeling in tlie ranks of the party can le healed,-. 2. Edward Addieks. tie leader of one fac tion, known as tlis union retufld'eanS. 7 has ' aniKwiiwl his; candidaey for the po!tiQivad is being bitterly oppod by the "reguaars," or antl-Alllcki, wing of the party. An ettort was made tonight to bring the factions togetlwfr for the organization of the senate and house. This, however, was iuefiect.u;v,l THE ROUGH RIDERS. Who They Were and What They Knew in Advance Aboat Warfare. Trw life histories of some of tl'le mtn who joined our regiment would make many volumes of tbriniiig aj Tttnture. ' . , - j'. .ilVe'jdrenr a great Tnartr recmltis fi?m Terae ami from now here did nje ;gt a bfeber jtverage, folr'many oif tbent had serrwl in that famous body of f Unties flgblters, the fexas . ran-j ersi. , l"hey were already trained tpj ober aaisl to take responsibi ity. They were splendid dhots, borsemen,! and IrailereJ They were aceustoned rw living In tJie open, to eo1uring -great- ratiirue and nardsiiip. and to I en wuntering all kinds of danger. I Many of tbe Arizona and New Mex- ini men . had taken pn In warfare with the .ApHe!;es. ' tltose terril 1 In-j duvn of theaterle hwRb rn! monntain--the iKMt b'o-thirsty an.t w."lv1c:t of all the red tr-cri of Annrua, ai-i the most formidable In their owuj drcaoTul utTie or vanare. Of cout .1 a man who had kef hl nerre anil ijeld bis own, year fter year, i while living where eacb dty and nig! it . eon tainedtbe-threat of hidden death fiorri a foe whose goings anji ccmings were tinseen, was not apt to lose .cour age 'wben eonf routed wjtb any ( other enemyi -i An exp-iepce in fcfllowlng in the! trail of'an eieiny ttrho might liee alt one -stretch through fifty miles of deathlike desert waa" a good sciwol out of which to come with irofoand tndiflerenoe for the ordinary 1 liarJ shups of campaigning. -. j . 1 As,a rule, the men were more-apt. Lowever. to hare bad exifrience In warring against white desperadoes and taw-breakers JMin against In dians. 1 Sorne - of otr lesft recruits -ame from Colorado.; Oc. lar rery brge. i bawk-eyed man. ii Benjamin i-'ranbtin Daniels, had 1-een marshal of IkUse City when thai pleasing tr.wn Was probaMt tle tougliest be found In ti e Bltotle of ciTlliZtd man to any w here on the itineit; coiirse of the e'xetce of b!s rather Jrrrid firK-tions as pea e ortJCjer lie bail lost one ear "In 1 1 en 'off", it Vi rt ex- f4'Ufed to u-e." Natarally he vjewe.l the Lingetx of Iwttle with' pilm. Sti li a iiuin r. a veteran pven in hlw first fight, .tnd a x a tower Of strtbgth td the ; re- Tints in his urt - rhe iiSe. ! .With dm theie tttme lntii tbe rtiginierit a ... I . ' . . 'IkfyutrJ niar.!;al fid tn riU'ie rt e bsuncd liernia. Sherman Bl, Bell had a n but he was so excellent , in fthat we de 4 !ed to iake bijiu. ) 1 do riot think. I -vcr saw- grcattT rvoi,i- lion .th-an B.i:. disp!: cd tijiroiilw '.t uba. tl$s ! s at the cainpajgn.- In e.i rtiofts hi h he iw:s " fic' d to ni.'.ke again and again OtU-ll, 1 t ntrnia. anI tlie j-urgo he must return to th ns !nslstel that e l ui tad .states. but he simply would oO-asioh hp escaped not go. ! A 'U one from the . hos pifil and came eight miles half of the time on all foufs, hi rs'ally ex crutlatmg agony. to cau-h- up; witb the regiment, and l)r. ehiiu-h hu-d him up; so that he wak temtop'tirily alt right. ! rhe do(to iowe'erl' as ia tlutv bound, diructed . 1. . . 1 , 1 j 111,11 lie suuniu. g to the rear, and that, right an am iMilanee-ca'ine-" to take htm; ibut Rell 4 1'piMtl off Into the out rlsere until next jungle aqd Vxjr mMniue. i Then he cautiously followeil In the rear of the regimeiit until, tb fight Was ion at San Juan. Wlien the tiring had o ici' begun he knew he would not be! -sent Ijsi'.k; and on he can to flgtit in the front." resolute, to hare his isliare f Ibat ILie did hardlv be es- the danger -and honor splelidUllv mvilmtle it Siirv to sdva Then there was litt le Tcf;1nty!, th l-oneo-bns-ter from Okla':o!ha. i who ut er ha I w alked Kxl yaixls If by any. could ride. Wbei Mc- GItity was n proved nfor his ibsolutr 4balvility' to k"p step on it ri drill was ground h'e respoiRied that pretty sure he couljl kten bel I to on leg Iioi-shIkm k McGinty's slort ciusd him much tiioulli oil the t r n!ircl!es. but we Jrd. X no bray It'tter man in.. the- fights ' ne .Id friend of ndne had; con.e frrrn far N'ortliern Idaho to job the feiitaent at San Ant liun'ter. named Fred nio. , lie was a llerrig. ftjn Al ilozon . yeai-s bi untel mouiitain laying -fp tlie J!.tian bv birth. A fore J,e and I hal I sueet. at u !eer wlien winter to k of meat for my raiih on the Little Misso'iri. amrlet lines In the senietimfS jo the height fall weather. at tic l.itternt s of rhe early1 Net fbt-nv winter. He waj tbej most loyal an-1 simple-heart d of nifti. and b hut coin- coiue, to jin his oi l I toss" and in the bigger hwuting wuitli w were to M'orry on through the tiop'c iiilMiunier. 'I he temptation Is great to o on euuuwrating man arter man r1ud pre-eiidneni, whether as a of game, a tamer of htrses, j wh- kill r or a peib-r ,tr iisu-.icr aiuong.ius pp, vr who. iimy ha p. M4od out wy.a fcore evil p. ouin n , as lii,ti4eif - a diiugeroiis mall s-one giveii to thif tak- itjg of life .r siua-!! pi;ovo at -wt, r otic win wa.s tea !y .O aru iiisj II v 111 .4 oi'tshle .-f tlie l r.v if ) ti.e o c.isilJ h d tt j:mld ift. ' There was '.tall Ifr'th-', he .s!iaip-'l o! rr. frotu Noi th; '( :'a 'o in.i--siii-A y. ' saturnine. f silrles.- ll lin Si id Mi: t!,e li'flr hu'ijer fioih NVvo'ii- ing. and M;(.'a'.in. ili- A riz )ia b k keewr, v. h Ii: d K'gaui life as u but fitlo himier. Tb--n- Was t'ro'krtt. the t.ergiyn. v n. Ji:il ! en an inti.-m.-u revelierotti -er. and liad vagcl p"rd- ous war on iue rinu-iNaring .ina- nltlflw." -"riieTt wt no Darnel! 1 an I WvhkI of New Mexi -o. wls could lit em lly ride any horse a.ive. rhere were. Geislsi-m abl lfiiylor a no Aru- utrong the ranger, cyack- shots with rifle or revo!vr. llitre waa many a skilled packer wlio bad , led 1 (anil guatdel lils train .of laden mrJ'S through the Indian rjiunte 1 c wntry stii-founding some outpost of elviiliz i tJffli. There we'e miners who fcrie.v every canij' tn-tn tnejiuKon 10 .oau- ville. and ow-puityers ia wnoe ntemorics were store! the brairl-4 r:' Hed- liy the henin from trbimiahti.t t Asslrdlw 1 . There 'wefre rnyti-who li d roned wild slew In the niewiuite, bnih of the Nuecc-". and wb , ij-ar In and yearPut Jiadfdriven the trail herds norrtfbrd oyer de? "late wasf-s and RcfosKT "dt fords- of arimkni rlvrrs to tSi Titttenin. grounds or tlte PowvtUr andtjibf YeJowsiOTie. 1..' were tinracnrn to ne swans wni. and Wtter c-l l of tbjr dry plain and enstonwrf to.slej In the oien,owhlle the ttkketed horses grazed ikI c tlicm near sone tha1lw. rucdy i-ot. Tbey had wandereti lirher and ti.ltu- ct across tue ri upmm-iiwu in ne- wfJdfc-meiss, , a lone or wt' h comraoea. They bad eowei-ed la the sneiter or. ctu banks from tne icy p;asi 01 nie, norther, and far; out on the roJdsiiru- rcer pniirles tbey badj known the lux ury of lying jn the sipte t tne wag on during tne noon-py re-u 11117 had lived In brush lesn-to ror weeK t a time, -bri with daily the wag n- nheet as an occasional . noose. XDey tad fared bant when exp.orlog tbe mikitown; they had fired well on the;, round-op: and they bad ' known tbe plenty of the log ranch honses, wtere the tables were spread witn sir.oKea vetlson and calf, ribji and milk and bread, ami Tegtabic from tbe uar-J den Rroevtlt in Scribner's Magazine . BRYANTS C'rtlEIf DAN-.1ER. wintun Jennirgs liryan mjin-tuv- rrr cfcoicrin"ajingiJat tenth a 011 tLe open niSin i xdaJoi of the . Eiiisa--itr. Milwaukee SvmineL fThl-i.? TTKiiA i uraaw Its Tortures Known to Thousands. u.'- mUA .rt4 B.;i Af oiiMfna The aclres and pains of Kheuma- tism become a constant cm - paniorj to jail wbo are victims of ... " 4 1 -. rrt-j tnia aisaojing aiseasp. , 1 rra peo ple geuerajly are not acquainted with the i cause of the v disease, though thousands kajow its tor tures. -" :' ',. f ' ' . - ' Everybody sboujdj ' knw that Rheumatism is a peculiar acid con dition of the Uhk1, ufjoh which all linimenti in theworld can - have no effect H whatever The tt blood femfil vis needM- tf whic-li. 1 is able to to the very seat f tlio disease fthd force it duti fcwfiit i?'cific- (p S. ..(; jtfio ;'iglt reinedy foi IUieumatikrrl, because it is the only . blood jremVdy ! f ree from mercury, potaslji aud other aninerais which intensify the-din-' eas', causing stiiTnecs of the joints and aching of the lone. S. neutralize th acid ;tudition of the blood, ami forces: out eyery trace of the disease. It reaches H'-Ct1 the worst cases where ' crippb of pt , 4)Ctors have s made 5i their prescriptions laid mercury. Bfoiiu :lfl SALT LAKE Salt arid Soda Would Be Worth $103,483,295,000 in Ichicago. : OUR DEAD SEA TREASURE It Would Fill a Railway Train - . 5,000,000 Miles long. Cars Won Id Be Twenty-Eight One-Half Years Passing Any Given Station. and The most wot-derful f;3(Hre of nil' this womlrt'u! land.- Ill- lajglitlest inuryelou I'talu an oceatj, of majestic mystery, clad in lxauty,r diviiiH,' is treat alt L-ikei .the Amethan Dead sa. Among ejirth's j weird won 1 rs in water it lias but tone rival or li'r the miraicle-niade I tea whoso iv.aves of doom and oblivjion roll over Si-tl'oin. and tfoiiKU-rah, of .tortv ceutiiries ag. lake from 2.:o to '.:RUi' in area. Iviu'g l.ii- urd he t'hicasros Think cf a square mile s lit Jin altliude of 4.2yO feit a!fOeUp(e sfa levtj. wlj-e waters, dre.ixUipt's t si'lt as thotj&?Tefjre vhie.. it has I no outlet, fdrr large-: riv1 ets puiiritig tlier ici-i'd s Mch d o'- fiish water into It. wit bi;t raising ii A mysierioiis surface a fratMiori f an inch, or even diminlsitiiig,- ho: -far" 1 as ch 10 if a I at llVSlS I'll o t nifiie. I lis jndeiri .al'.I sabitA'ss h ill t u- t!ta no st r-a ins iere n 1 e rt if the freshen. ConJe ft mi j W . Vast ,Wa j d-ni ws i ; i.,nv sts va-t saiine iiiaga.iiies from wl.icl 1 It its everlasting siifijiies2 fw ie and an. its siiorn-rf ami ask a t!Kusail sm wef ctimts b ii!esiio:is, but. tio, :ins froiit us mysierioiH depths, amid v-.h;h death and d- fa nce reigu ' 'flu -re Is supretne Jjot a !i-oi tr aty living tiling in iilifhe j.riiM or :;irju-tr.; nrles )f fsiiiiftif id water, excejit 'h. yearly- in riijslnu' swfinns of '-Jniiier bithers. - Vot ii sliark or a ;sti'i2ar." t4 frcaio the timid swimmer or Hotter; tjot a - ntb r a crawfish. -to nip the t e of the wader: not a minnow, or a frog, a tadoble a inilly wog notli lug tbat Uve4, mo-w, trawls", or wrig- p-w t ; - - - . . Long before human beings lnvadvT the invsterlobs and iMautifnl rtsion, or'lefoTe thej little bnmi of Mornohs, after their long march- from Illinois-, ai.d months jof weary -travel acros tl" bantin jdains and over towering "mountain! rapiies: pitched the t tents In 'the pjcturesqne vatcy adjoinln Salt hike! wwwkrful. U-Iy nnter wijL-irger than d"-ake Huron iit'd l.W M deep. It onfjn. D.hiatrs are .plainly --.vldbie on the iiir'OTttarrr, mjkIj are ami wisilv traicaable as thh-Oipy5gy-er&Jfe- written ltit ywterday. It Is hrW about 100 milft lng. wtth an average wldjh of from twenty., five, to thirty miles. It is ifrom fifty ro sixty lixiilea wide In Home place., and it 'greatest depth is'atio'ut sixty feet. Its ; watt rs tontain nloiit IS pr cer t of wdiJl-inatter,. n-.otstly alt nrd m la. with small porportions of aui phur, litliia, and- torackr atld. !The Asiatic Iea4 sea WSter contains 2T1 ner. ent' jof soiiilSj including le wait and ftoda and mdeh more ma'gneula, tftlciuiu. ami; potassium " than. .Stttlt Iake. AtLintic osean water bold bit 3-5 per e,nt of KUd Joateri.iJ,; of wtlch ait lnstitrrPi'2C .pT cut. Hundred of tbousatMls of ions of salt are made by , natural. cvaoratioti ttlona' the shores of -the lake, and at one nlaieo near salt Iike . city, . A windy night ineTer fail-.. to "pile rp ma'nr tons ofsaellrouiated by tbe covaf1ftbe wave. Tonnarel jwitb ibis" vast li-jol l trcaaTtre hrnie.of rh4ieip.-the greatest Iv-uanza minw .f Utah, or- .of the .United State dwImH.' to lggiars1' penny b xi .Tak o-rt yo'.r pndl ifSl do a Uttle fignrinir. J-'ignres. It Is Slid. will, rof 1. vand yoa wll! s- on fed you rs If Mnbfbynf!fd Lefohe ybtfr own lrvflihciritic-iil rrnth-. k S(ty Salt lflket ls 10( raTlcs long and D'af'-n ji ra1-.a.;ji ; -; j r "My wife was for years a suffers from Rheumatism, ! ana was treated, eonstontly. bit ?oUld bbuin na' relief j The doctors said tbe disease was liablrt to strike the J heart at any tinted in I wtNcn event ueain woum ne metniiun. tlrM. f treatment reom- fi for j Kh4umatism was Riveni including widely kd vert ised blood rem edies, put none did any good. tha grew worse all ttke MX7 -f. I nil- ana . iph 0 uced to ! a mere self : '-t khkdoyr of her former ;: "It, was at; thid critical period that tried: . was tM medicine, sedmed to reach the aV-'ttrtnnptty, she hii?.m u rove; - - tie tbl'Ze n cMupiMte..eure, nrd 1 rtJ a tpii c.u "if Yimmrn Mi" 4mc3 1 Wackhef,l.O f - .1 ! One tat (fti with Ilheu rii'atism s honM cific, the rtedVr whsch ej,' '' S.f Si; ti. e.ati reach their tro Will cure the ? iiost itism;! rzgraVAlevt easf! Kheuma CatarrhJ Cm Mor, Contnsriou -ltifHJ I twstui, cr. -ul a. Eczemattif any other. hi ood- disease. ! ItJgnarahteHl : Purely ycgctablc Books matied free1 by yvift Specific V, Company, Atlanta. Ga.v rsi an nyera vera ire n ilt h o f twcntj-sifveu miles: that : of ro square mile het 27,S7aiK KOtu?Ejfeet iii a-intlpj M the lake bas; an nrttt of$s27i.WO,()ii qmtre feet. Take immty, jfeet ' as ; tb '-' vet g' depth; kliiea tiVciityft:tmer t5.271, tUy will give - lis l.."50o.l.,W.i -u-.bie'-feet as tbt Consents of the lake. Now. Hi 2-3 tk-rcent. tr on-sixtb.'of tins,, according to ominent tfliemlsti. the analyses of Is salt and yui- :! - -' h phate of ta.tda. ti lluit Is, the lake OiMUs Ul .-ulk feetj of Contain .ZWAKC,. Mtlt and sulphate or sot la. Of this Kl'lplJ.ttfe of ul. njiass oueroighth Is a;nd Heveji-eightlis uiinnon -pa It. tb.ite ;of ;dsi etildc f ot -of weighs , nfty p-wit and a cubic foot Of, U-OIIJ !!!! e ghty potmils: hit we have as the lents. In part of ; reservoir if wenllth lilsi' tinpifi-a!u i.hfi CS.ltf.r)0(H Hounds. Jor 74,iS4M 00 tons ' of will-, nhate of nd t rvr.t'.oTso.ywiiHM jOi:nds,' tkri S,iM) Lf.Mt. to! s of J)fllt? !a car load duit cart of fodn And Auawiiig ten tot:; s- 1 wouM U"7S. iOS.rViO S7S.OIS.1iti I'M or I- Ksdt. linking thirty fet astlw tbjnl, 'length .ofj it Ifn-ighf fr ,'.ght' fair and it etHiplngs'i w would have triiu of s.nla 41." m'lcs Jwuig. or nearly t the u.o.-m e"- lid U" k. and a j train in length, lor .f wilt .4 lrsSiT. iti. s long epooch If to afh a ve Its; jtiiij-ii aroninl tlie cjrth i;it in H.oi-ume siring or cars oter tn .a sid?! trAi k lJimniiig t wonty lih'Jcs ;m-jhour ; and never j stopping. ight of lay. it -wo ild liike th iHt- ailen train trebly eight years jihe -Hrhrys p HJonths :ttH' lyejtliirhry jut a --tiirt :r i -if TSioaiJ.;'! : -kKi. - Wta - r-m l . tlf . fwi r .s.-4 ;! -'-4 ... -i ,..4 -f -l, l.".-"M.U.--i- j A tut jflHii: it v V C-n-t.l'.niii fit. ftn 4 3 bn.Ki4 r ei'A; ' !- Martft HI. II. F. Weak Men What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Dili! ft art toow-rmiir land Ak-ktr-- Cor wtina'ail obr' fa II l iHitiir na regain kt imnbood; . B-n rorjroutlif nl lirr. AmqIbUIt mr- aite-l to Ci iCor NtrroniiHiM, Lwt Vltaltir. ry, Nlrlitlr KmiMlniia, Uil I'ow.r, X, Wmitn Moanrr, Uullnc tl- I rn iioU-nf either Mi .and mllrftrUnt ftH-al, tnHtrrium WarJ atf loKanit anil tMrnmnpniitt, " turn Wr)s art lD-anitT anil nanamiitl, INjuX let drnsnrfcit ttnixiM a sorililnt aul tltl you li-nw. if , hW a prr-r trolit. In-I too t IO(T ncrrKKftMCKVIItOKotMHlM It ; tw Mrrml la rt iw k.l. a'ra.t.lf r.Mi, SI portMJl.nfWfortV wli A lirttton l.inr' irerFta mkuical ai'm, cbrrc. iu. .. Sold by- Dtn I J. Fry, Sa'tsn. Biochemic IVlahual nt post paid upon appHratlon.vBlo cheuaic and f Ioawciat hie J retl loe w-nt by unit I or f a pre. prepaid lo tqy part of the- IT. H. Ojinplete i1c list of medicines, books axd cases, oi'r new, 90 paze . -Medical Menjor PUKE to aiiT adlress uxin HfipticHtloa-ST PAL'L It(T10KPATHI(y! TIIARMA Y. 1r. V:. Seventh KtriK-t, .St. I'auL Minn. Money to Loan ' - at 7 per cent 1 V j No (mmissloa ii ' T. K. FORD, Room X orer Ladd A Bush's bank. . . JOHN hughes; ' Dealers la Groceries, Paints, XMla, Window Clasa, j Varnishes: ,an , aaort meat of tJlue. and th . mout oomjblH stock . of . brusbes J of all kinds lriT tba ' Artist's Material.. Lime,', O-racnt and rbec - quality of tin A 33 k iit - tr t . - II r- f cl I A W fr-Tvn 'Vi" t rht & jvixi "tarwssV' r .' j M t.mV'niHY h'if4-,' " '-J r'" ff A v Hh4ftk, or .vf f'lsCH'aM.r4a. A T hmiM' rW4-.hI)4Mh f tarrtcr. V rspxr . f "" i "il'i 1 ( mLKj' :1' n Li 1 6