Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899, January 06, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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1 1
(" -
i r ;
Published eve
rjr.: Friday- bjr tb
One year. In advance .....L..
.51 SO
Six months, in advance
dres-s of their paper changed liiust state
the name oC their farmer posofflcei as
veu as or tne omce to which tftey wish
the paper changed. I ;
The Nw Senr'sledi
of the
"t:te-?nan, for i
s a very deir-
oble paper for distribution lu the East
And iothvr rxrjnous i of the I'nJtl
Hiates" or el
vhere and -w"is--; of
the same canybe had at lOo
eu h.
The people of Salern have
fnitli! in
themselvew and the ability, tinil hion-
cty of tWir own iieople Tljey show
ie manner in njiu-b a hey are
by, their Molding sjud loan
on. IT nwJ no outside
certainly uo outskle srra.ft
jn the matter. jAll tluit is ret:lred Is
.tl ctorirhfcnce and ontlTiud; tfrort
of the men whor organized and have
-. "tl ! tv 1 he- Inxtit-uikm all
the iirsl series member.
!t i the non-lKTovlng
k emlers
Bjjsreeito take jwiTi up fm-k at
the liia-
turify of tiiis seriesf, and to also cub-
" MTilej to a new nics and-tlM-n Jet
tLe muklyg of Iwiua ke r suiivmI. .Ki
lnce 1' i-ite f iuteriest . 'T'J 7 -r
rent, and tliir will result in n'.uliii nal
r.ilc- of ..o-'tock Min new 'erijj- tolb,
rn:(. Thus tin? cone m ". til x
-. heMi itriwiwrously. -aidin-in f-tl'.e. jije
Imikliijik of the eU.,.ind "all sto k dir. 4
lx n?.trrd a it maitircs. It u ij
nlVanSoimt to the inon-bo'rrA'i-i2
wries menilxrs kianitij; to -tie aofc
riatfoa the moik'y offered foe a prt
Of" its secitriljes by oiitsidcr-i. , .
There is' no ri?aon why ojir iWpnl
: concern JUiiy hot aid. ' to; qut?idc
Mi.yys,j ilea r - by. i!i?fi' i;d ob ttiril'ni: it
self over;" to li sinirjr jxt sons with ino
, Maiidiiis; for busiik-ss integrity, .aiid.
with it;tJiiri but viupty riiui-es ,fr
ever yi, tiiu .,iu o!f the iiHei-iuiual'l, '
tJllte;th;tt wouM- l-eliit. ' " ' ' !
We.-ae n.iieh eneourui:cd at , tjie"
luaiuer in whic h tlie reople. of'Sal?iii.
La v- vet! .( (iiit,It"in-- in tlit-nnlVi
and their Own A.
EfIiind- -Jj about to launcji a rcw
battlct-hin alli'd . the Irresisti !l .
Jinc' d;iy tiiei-e w)!l he an excit&ic
K-eiie !wJien the lrresbstilde meets lup
wiTk spme ctlier nation's Immovaljlc.
-r-l -x uu risre. . 1 . i '
- :i.
Hut the present ijidication is thatjj It
will' 'not -le ours. We will. Hkcjy.
loan th money to pay the bfli. Tliat
is- tl. jycseiit tendency.
- MasiijC skip -yards are erOwded wfth
work to tln-ir '-full !-apaeity. Wit hi a
discriuiinat i e , duty jit fayor .of
AtrHTi'-inn kottom. ' I'acitic coast ship
yards x ocM wxjii busy ad ve
voukl iliave- lal jrer joucs and more lot"
tlie In.
i i nere- is a car i
out ;lt
Mtv At
c4als '
Ihaf lonks like
N-WXffle. I he
tn '"cotiji ruft in j ii
t atlt1ii- r" er-ni.-riiftiicent,"'-'
t i.'Cil
luiihiitig of . stone, j ;i hey err.ie'. I ji.-
Ktme on then- own ian-l. and li-n:rt .
It v.llli lln-ir own
I ibor" luit- tiii v
mix tlie iim rt :ir.
nriits i 1 i ftom'
i fry it is I rou it
ntst nave sand to
Tliey Ikivc len ,
rortlaniL' r w iiu h
In ballist from I'.razil ty the ships
- . . ft- '
!' "" A tnan ;iti the darkness of hopeless -di-!
esse is of all men nwt miserable. Whirn
doctors and med-icines innvimetablc halve
brti tried and found' wanting, and lovihst
friends vinly orre upon ;htro the kd hir
cannot eat and which? brings him no riomr
Sjjhnient o;r strenjrth what is to be )Une ?u
-Men a-nd worae -who have sunken so
for "into Weakness .And disease I. (h-t tlio
whole bo4y scetns to ' be j permeated and
poisoned by it have fonnd halih,
strentrth and visror through the transform-
inp electrifving- power of! that wonderful
"CJblden jMedical Ik scovexy " which Ir.
R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., pro ife red,,
thirty years ago, to sick nd suaering: hii-
. tnani'tv.' ! - ' '
; liuriny all the years since then this inar
vtlous "Dtscovery ' has been building up
- -weak And; debilitated constitutions by it
extraordinary influence upon the human.
" nutritive system. It girea the igrestiye or
franism keen power and capacity to-ap pro--
''priate every life-givinjf element from the
food taken into the 'stomach and trans
forms it into rich, highly vitalised blood
and healthy flesh, bone, ainew nd nerve
' bet. I .-.'.- i .... .-
Consumption in all its earlier stages is
: arrested, and counteracted by the tissue-,
building, flesh-making, life-promotrng pow-
er of this grand medicine and there is no
darknes of bodily ailment so dense but; it
will shed upon the sufferer the light of re-
1 ewed hope. -:.! . . r i-.'n
' . JDr. Pierce's Pellet cire coEi
XV.'V.V ;: j i' A -'
What Shall We Da? I
A- iSfnl w nnl dange bus disease
nreraiL In thLi country, i.mgeri.u! bej
cans, so leceptive. "ft conies on kIo wi
ly' yet so snre y that it Is rtea tii-mly
seated befcre we ace aware of Jt. ,
"IT nfMtte of this disease which, may
If divided into three distinct stages
is. First. Kidney; trouble, indicated ty
.nain in the back, rheumatism, :rani
nago. frequent desire to ur,inate. often
with a burning sensation., the flow of
urine being copious or scant with A
strong otK. j
y If aHowwl to advance, t':l reicbes
'the Semd stage, of JBladdr trouhl..
with heavy pain iirj f!be ahdmnen lonv
6vu J et ween the navel and the wa
ter jieiVair increa-dog (lesire to ur-
UtUit,wJt sc-a ldlng; septionI'i .pass-
Irg. f-jnui quantity s tit-ir pass d
with difficulty. sometimes m-eessajry to
draw it with ipsfrWenfs. If uric
n i3 or srrarel has formed. ; it ; will
.prove- dangerous if neglf-cled. " . j
' niie, Tlqrd stage is Bright'1 disease;.
There is comfort in knowing ; that
Dr. Kilmer, the -.near "kidney-! an. I blad
iler sned.-dist. Las discovered a rem
edy fannm- for it4 m.irji'lus -iuej
of the cii)t dtitreing -cjie ;it,l Is
known n l)r . 'Kilier'i SWiitup )IUt.
It is sold by all- druggists J i
A a or-Hif of tl; woa(lrfid yfrt e
of th'a sclent Jivery. SAv,4ni-'IiOot.
a ?amill lxnle and !ek f v.ilnall.
li forma t if n nip l e "Vent absdiitiy.
free hv nil on (iill:eatkn .-t Ir
Kilmer A- Co.. Biijilianjiiton?' X. 1';
.When w ritig kiiully nw-ntion trKit you
fevd . this litteral- oft'er in! the CregoiV
NfiiteMmui. .!-!" 'I
iftinipis to
aiKl flour
tIat'tortj to-take on Mheat
for ; the world' markets
The authorities
of.- the s'-bool niay.
fcomc of
le comKl!ed 5 to procure
h lr ind elsewhere, fl hev
dest'rxe niHch edit fur t;e
work they
have undertaken in
iiisr their -dulit re bniidin?.'. , It will be
one of the
grandest, if not tlio j-aud-i
in the state. I TJieyi will
(completion .witli their own
not. borrowing a cent of
esL odicei
carry it to
outside. cajHtaL
,j In the
unfortunate exioiieiice at
rcasiie oil
Friday. Senawir' Charles '
W Fulton
s'lowid h'ni e f to-;
and jet tlou.sidci ate
u ik i er c i i". u a.s t a noes
It is - at fearful
e a
tirave niau
n:- st tryiu
tlit th
wrld is rid of a tnible-om.
tons 1 ih.iracter. aird the
t-iii vj .: t -
L'((d' Ulii
at ;tiie tra-4 tly de-rvri tli-
i( all men. a tliose jwho
dte.l-'.it thi
station- of i!Hy, I rtiei!
M-rit ..the sorrow of all. 1
The year
lNf (lemonstrateti irae-,
tkiilly the)
farminir toi
benet.ts of diversifie'I '
the section of f .rudng
oounuy of ) which Saletm is
mercial cenit r.
Some vears aiio. there was a'ljobm"
in the phiujtin Of fruit trets, 1 but
Whue tuead wre Kiovvtn tovarlK
Thaturity thc faimei-s wlk raised, only
wll.Jt were! disiosed to make sport of
the patient! men who
toiled" away
w U hoiit any returns aiidjvtlie' ; one
iii-'op hieu houiilu, with5nt hope of
proiitable returns. But the- yt ar ivi8
-oetitoj'stiuiti a ii act Kiilly the wis .o.i) J
ofthe m'U tw ho worked svnd waittd.
Ii Iras teen demonstrated also that
f here-is m-mey in hops for the mail
who stavs Willi tic bu'inss ft- ni
year" to year, jrivin intel.iient atteu:
lion to ike tW tails of ciilti'rnlion,
l-Sckiiis. cm-ins? ard baihnz ai-l rot
a; tnblin with, tht product .wheO
ready for the matfitt. i . -
'Xhe men wli have followed indus
tri.nisiy ana intelligently 'poultry
raising, daiing, .market- jrardeniniT.
apd nearly all the btanches of d;
vei'sii'n d aarii ulture, did well' in lirs
.nil tliey will generally continue In
their several lines, and incivase their
trH'i'at ions and, what is InHier. they
w ill Pave . many imitators.
This is worth a gteat deal to the
central Willamette yaibiy- more than
any btJi r one ' t'dr ?. It is jrooil, not
a 1 Ji,e for tlie farmers tleindve8. 1
i- for the merchants a.nd pro
fessional n n Hi d the whole ma of
siK-iety. It
will brim: good' rond-'.'
ivm! sclioolH
notor links, manufac
rallrouds and all tke
torkss." rikrc
.;m1 thillL'S
It wdl make
the' t-ourse o
an-l irnnlcn
country uruk
of advanced civiJlzation.
the Willamette valley in
time one jrre'at ore-hard
and t!e most pr."poroits
r the shining sun. ;
Not lonj-a;x a writer in
FUstern nwi uazii.es -atk-l
to the movement into't!'
one of the
siburbs of
the residents of the large citieri. 1his
-write! said that ia the pat few years
the prices- of
subailan j pr iorty b:lv.
Uaueedj ratiidly-rin seme eisets fab
a few vers
pre paid for tracrts that
ico were
not eoiis'idere.l
0f much valu
-Ve will see the same
thing ta kins;
blaee in Salem 'with th
f o.totpr lfnes. ; r.tislnes-i
men wit h; fa it
llios will; go o.it-In ih..
!eountry w herif tbey eau. have t-ure
an. I nil the :Jdvatit;iges: of tui-al life.
while Her iK-liipr coiL-venknt to tl e.fa
cHtii's "J:md i
A ha t man i
njoynicnts of-J t!ie rit3i
rtlicre with cliiklren who
Nvonld-. nor! Iik
tt l'jvvet!:en grow nt
y toe ueautue ot; na-
tt.ro and iwitn changes;
to . ieonie in
(C-ntact with tbe spirit of fretsku-per-
iduig the
rields and : gardens and
or-baris?! How can a loy
b truly
a bor
Iiavmv and bdalUiy without
an i a do-? and a giml . The miislc of
tbe fesilbeiSl
ii songsters land tlie
lueauty of tbe
lilies .of tne tbeW' were
the nk asure land - tho
pro lit of irrra. The jrreen carpet
whieliware reads in tqtiinsf is for
the feet iOf children. : TJie oak trw
branehe are for bWiB to eliirb into
sikl s-win? froni. j;f the eiiaiiioa
fiom city t- Country gt. onl
' The Xew York Sjjinv at the jc'osing
of the old -ear anil, the oi Wiin of
the new MiYiTatedj ,it-ell nitn
interesting !rteilictiqn; A ;
"IhdividiiaUy the i Ameri an
(are as ueen
m hond ty-makins I
pjosiei'ity and
the; jet of in litlcil
l.i al'h can put
.tin ni hot in the ,?ene
of turning fronji work to play there is
no iwJiifciv at all for tnenaiionL Tlmt
is h-ird at work making money, jan 1
grow ins and tl ei eby. s-ensibly and
patrioilcally iiMkrtisj the mcju-t ..lof th.?
oiiKMtunJik5 Kvhi I'rovulrme this
5'ear llui? submitted! to its discrei'on.
friie Atneritflinj C'liriHtira of LShj jliis
tK-f-n the iiMTrlet ft?r niore tlian'Hftv
jytyirs.. ' We frly coifSh-s j ,'to confi-k-rie
i'n tle eiief that the year t
iojen next wctjk will be to tlit- -nnie
extent the Julitiet for th. we 1
diirstd ai d wtrthy citizens Of tS:e
I'ntttfd Stats-!aml fftr the juuswnmp
jaud MpuIisr ui-N Ilevers in. our1 fit
ness for livimrlajid out" al.il ty io taki
jrsire of onrpelyes and -jrtvw up with
the ivothI the w rctchede-year they
ave ever known .
y"e honetlj,j iHlieye the cl-etion
a:ruoneed by Uovernor -elect J-'r or
ine person to be l as; pt-'ivate s
U an unfortunate ?ie. . e t.niiic-
tliat time will show tluit it w oil!
have betn better to hae e.ios. n a
ir.,:m with bisrlter iioral : ami set ial
Mandins. artatcr industry an! in r.
ability . and one oualitied by a fr.nk.
onen -nature fjr the dunes of 'the
pl.K-e. We thjnk icvcrtw Getrjde
sit en to vh e j the people of Oreon
the best possible service In all fciit..'
iKisitions; and ! to w-e ' are confident
that ike exiK-ricnce of Ike next few
months .or vedrs wili-shovv tlie j'or
rcctnesd of thej impressions here on
scicntiously yiven. j And. ye laert
poaitiytly. the wi.-h is not father to
the tlioujrkt. Tlie a h-or -al parent
ivouid have a dilTereiit ckii l.j The p -itioi)
of-pi-JVate secrciiity to t)e sjpv
crnot deseryes! a full srown man, a
diuiU.'ii'd ' eritlfinan.; and. tii'd r ajre
tmblicau administration; a in.;n4 who
has been true jo'-that party; and one
who has rendered
ood sel l ice.
this -Term! of the' Marion eutcity
fiHiinussiiiirs ! tu; i ihc -vl etiuii of
he circuit court juiv li-t for bifi
will le uwie. .It is to be hist
tj'iat the numlers of the rjtrt
attend to this jvery imiortait matte.
in awav that Iwill nkice tlilm a 'love
uspkin iu the n-awls of tWir fn
tituents. The jury lane fei M !
t4eleett-d in "open ourti ','rt(e Jtbe
iiaanes. of -the ta.vptiyen- on' djjw ot
pper, place the slip to a .o. jjiye
the I -ox a thoromrh shakim-'. jt hen pro
ceed to draw tlmu cm. Ity o do
inir there need. ..be no adferse em
lumt on the jn-ui'r f iettin-; suit
able iurvtcen for d;p.irtment So. I;
of the cireAii e)urt . for Marion
0'imtv.'.. for' the1 current year,
g- - . i ;...'.. . j :
jTJie contract is now signed up for
cejupletini the ; Y.iq- Ina
jetty Th
work that was estimated tk co-t a
inilliou w lil , le
Four vears is a
liqeiketi lor -fcHl.'O
lvtiV Ml wliif-li tti'2iy.
eiviipjlsh iu Tjie Yiiq.uina pl-ople de
cl.ire that tjiev will f then Ituve one of
tie s;ifest h.ifbors on the iifaj: a
fijooik strai-;hit channel dear out to
etai with pra-ejk-al1y .no ' bar. At
U ast 1 .". ' h vvortji of rock ! each
month is to be abieI -to. tlje pi-!e ruu
riiin.' out to sea., and the l,ilor of
l dt:5ni(in-j: tliem In will commence' In a
. f i- w w-e-ks. - ! -
j All that is .'left of :i;IIob-on. ; it is re'
i- . .... t. .
n-jirke! by. a iaragraphist of a 'com
nj unity wlwcli he visited, is a blntre-il
'n norv f mickend; bps tu di d irk
hir'ow'ii taste iu the imonth. j
war CQSt the United States
2.". ",'. It wai easily
that much, toi snow other ia-
tioiis, that we have the only DeWtjj-.
one reason there are & inany
thieves in the ; Oregon penitentiary
Med iove so' uithh Iron in their b'ooj
that swne of them turn it to steel. ':
We know several : s Maiion county
people any one of. whom. vrouUl 11
aiiepalily t,he oltice jof adjutant
ircuerul. 1 - .'.
i ILubson. as a dog of W'ar, ougb1 to
li.i ve worn a. niezzle. !
' f r-s- i
A il IP ER A B I4B' WUETCn.-Vester-
dAy .morning a mechaniv! of tjhls city.
who 1 temjiKirajily out jof work, but
aktieted to the xlrink habit, era Med -on
Sheriff Durbin. at the' cotjirt hSnse, -and
ic1t(Hl-f .that gentienian. who was
ah acipLiintance of b's. .2.' itr-mou'-y.
'with, which to get a' prescription, filk-d
tVir bis wife. w-i4.m he, atfirnwi was ly
ing eriOtisly ill jat home. Tlie sheriff
refused to ad va-tice the desired amount
lit money, -bat' informed jtlw? man ih.it
if be wuld produce tbe prescription
te would, cbeerftiily jirive liim an oik r
n any one of the !S:ileai drug stores
Ar medicine' to the valuel of $V.2". The
man ectmplwd with tlie condition, and
received; an order on the Hetr Corner1
drag store. When presented he asked
for brandy for the entire sroonnt of tbe
order. This arouedi ;tbei suspicions of
the drug clerk, who hastily consulted
Sheriff Dnrbin by telephone, when the
order was roanterrnanded. sucn; mta?
erable wretcbe as these eboold be
severeky d-alt - with.
Confiding j W'iman, the ' Cynical
Man and tbl
Beardied IJady.
- The
sece is
a oonuortatwe sittmc
M r. Ia
Zftod Is buried in a
biwti ant his wife is scanning the ad-
vertifemeuts in
Su-Ideidv Mr.
ti e "eveui!i jspr. .
Ixve?-od .-iye; "SUy. '
ie.ir" . in a roue
t,li.-Q. nuikcs Jlr. ,
drop hi. : It ok.
I jovVvot d aliiK 1st
"Vell.( wlrat is
it '' le says with a
flatiirtli. -anotll.-
nfiil emiine Ujr-1
jraiu offer':
voti'd c.ifl
"Btd yes.
l tfen t Know that
it thiit.";his xvlfe nnilieii.
you ibigltf. she continued,
"for it is a lcirshinoffcr of "free ied
ii-rtl twlvitv.'
Ji 4 iiear au imuut
if. niv .dear."
"But Vo'i know
jilnuit vimi' ltar
? 4-rten I urn o
In r litisliand.
a little, .dubiniis
Yctir "s wans
a Ins.
it . to :
li rg' "
ly a w im-.au
Vt ell. tlK-ji. It s
ifiiivsiHai.il to i:
n ofler
V ffl'1
oi li al a i-
x ! e by lei tt I
aid it says it's lietter
io write to a iu
:uaii M e ausr a niau
an t uiolei tand
a w Viiii i.-i. u ji-t
;H1S( Jji- s a
man, and ' n .'si; s.
Itnat .it- s l ts 1 ri
I'lan hvsk i.m . :l
Ivc4imm1 tooifii
nllt ol klVJl'th.
"I bet ion.''
ti at the advertis
I-; a ii-ksi- i.m."
v!tiii4, to l'o to
! - I nn a use
A mi
AI is.
H.ivl her lir.siiand.
tiiciit - don't say' she
"Why. y. s iit dt i-s."
she iotked at the
sin. . r'Weil. iH, I
s.-iot ins- wire.v4i.s
a 1 crti-seim-nt-'air
.tiiu-ss it dsn"i
siiv sln- s a phvsie.au;-:
lull i1 liu'.-lkn tl
,4 . i- .
san-ie ilMiig lor it 1
: :
ways I ii;Lt -it - I
4 woman wlioe ex- i
iMu iits e in matibg lwoii:an's li'as,-s
i.s greater tluiii
hvs;-ian. ihale
tliat of any living
or fmiale.' " Mr.
riuckletd siud siiid. "That's
tSvhat j I love about you, my dear.
Yi-u are so muly to l-elleie without
otiestioii when there's a bargain
view. If Vou were a little tish. ld
.itch you
worm If 1
the Itook.V
put a
kiuie with a mblMr
bargiitu sigu alove
" ill ilol le erikus
for om-e." cried
Mrs. Ivei!-ixKl.
"Then. v. lo le ser,
this woman (Iocs
a physictan. She
- a physician if she
h lis. i ne rcpiieti
lot (kiim to b'
itiiid claim to 1
nld. lKi-aiisf,
Ije is trying to con-
vi v ' ike iiiioressBou
- in - every otlier
wiiv than by direj
r claim that she is
is not tlierefore a
.- idivskian She
po-ysi 'L-in av.d
ticel ndii;io
never' h iVe prac-
Nt lx-ig a p:tysl-
eian and therefi
never ha vm r
pl;:ctid niedi-ii
1 1.". i l.ii-os to '
have bad 'experience.
woman s discasesj
iitiM than anv i
living ' phvsl'.-ian j Nfw
the Hios-
tioii is. s:ue she -Jiin-j-r
nn d'n jne. wiiere did she
g ktli.it ex- i-
jM-TH'nce r
Weill, th
it is S'"
4.oe.'oo.1 I
sotiwwli.it reliietaiitlv ;;idnltl'l, , l ill
-. ii sli4' Is :i wctoii. "1 lU'liol k
si:re .iiOittt Unit
Kind 1 "It look
-n." sa id In-! hns- '
to .( ias if soine
' t he wiuMicti .wit b
a.t."i I "
t' t ; ton mean
n an - w a" -w orkinii
the -'iM-tipled Hdy
. Pc.fdd l:idv
to s:ivth.if th'
have dime u:U-illi!
freaks fr k"wtors
1m fo-ilisili. ir 'ls.
k v.- you mo t
aniijiuulv iireju
ife. ;
Ii--d."' I I'll 'vl his
"Von nie too hP-i al
r T ' i . , , , -'.j., ' ",--
I ' - " :4 liiN 4
m v oe ir. -s 'i i
Mr. l.-.v.t'iol
t.e;kh.l I.iilv- ac't
is, pr.siiii.' us a w(
,r woman's si'ii
tire r
usig a
Womatji lis n 'stalkj
i'e llOJ-se.
woman's, charaetcr'tot nlis!
a-lV Tic
tvirdd kiilv of t
w- 1 rilW.iy-l
f !-: k ami' generally
u rraiKi. j -j lie
roint in thm
it I is4'i
eut we --nr.;
I i-ictis.fi ng is
re asked' io
Iwrile to a woiii.-lh.' tin
Imp ication
In it;
io !
i. tU.-if I'
rive and
! w
iiat - ctni'iietetit
will il
ive- v'U'
n .1
i- e. ! t4ir. as
w:iah' Is
it isiv't MHihinl tlikit
plivsidau there's;
no itifraetiou- of
the law. rue protKitMiitiej are mai
there isn t a qu.-iMaeo. dr"tor sr.. ttii.1
,tb' -place, and tlak -Avlijrle sc- abtni
iu-Ih al cr.rrj'Siionilfm-c'
dore by a .
lot of girl clerks.
intet jei tel. j
'ri iiat s
what it
med.t thetj
when they t
seiy that
woikii see
citiv- r
iH;Mdene. .
"Flxai llv. tut .k-ar.'
cotTOnue,i tier .
JnisrdnitKl. "and supj o.e .lije -,wmatt j
in the adverilse.o Is i) rE.il iiiiw:i
aid hot the IsMit'Je.l la
your irenjaker. wjfco al
an. liiit uf sjieak of Mrj,
o a -wont-
ti e lOisk s nIir. who Is a
kr-a'ly ex
eellent woiuap. If l'l woji J
n s not a
- good iik
i1i-toi t-Flen ie wj:
aiKtber' and l's 1"
ill).' t -i
slrH!irrr; iiuniirisis o
Sistj-.t for'
the svrnrritliv w'li -h
at houi
ct.ti 1 i t;er supkly.
ja.n iot! undVf-st.-iiij
tl tor a
ng j Oman's . 'is-
uses lfsuse I.e a
clnMiKSt'rt or clipttr.p.
f-t... i
l no iiairt 1
done the; dot tori ng; Jin tl e
ibst two I
r " A.v J th
ttotis.indi years? I tie n:i
ii-itst tlieiiniHiern wtiK-n
for bcr knowledge? :
' ! I
iciau go
Td . scl.oilH
taught by men and ftiooks writnen by
lmn. lr - ttiis
; wtMt claims
men don't nndcrstnhd
wojncm's lls
erse. . sbould ever ttke to the sttty-
of Tnebeipe. hel Wto to be taught
exervtmng rne Knew
don't know anvtblng!
by tbe men who
according to be
j opinion.
llie nroblein Is. hdw a nran.
'fiiaTb'" fj,'-v l-'
.. ' ili.lldl d - W ho tfit ell s ii-ial
fis. fiat v.i e man Mlljv- -',,; ,;nr, Ht KM1,
loian. writ mis' ov.-r hr:uu of ,n. jax--. . Is. that ycuij
iikiti k .a
i lis
I ho dntft know! anythins about worn
n s . diMeiM eiii. h a oa.D t
trnow eVervthiuf al-out them. I fiiv
flhenl you wouldn't I' nTtte, aiid
31 r, Lveg maI, I dombtful&
Write: what forr? arfd her b-rv
fcin!. ?-Write to a woman ? What
tlj iisie of writing to a;' woman , i;
yiu want to w-ite, vlsiite to a doctor.!
1ir tirst limstion in sk-kntss i$ nt
j otfcstioulof sex 1M a 'ouettott; .of
inudil 'ability! -.-.arid qu-iliticatknis.
'JBheiv's; I iu sex in medicine vBfiyhow
If you want to ; w nie w hy not write
t6 a mau of tnedM-al standing, a
siecialist like Ir. Kr V. i'ien. of
HuffaloJ-A'. Y. ' A oti know lie" a reg
ularly traduatid doetdrK Ycu know
I'e's . Iia'd thirty vears exiHrteicfj attd
tiiias. with h altt of ids staff of iiear-
ly a sefre of skl'bd is.4;. -t . treat-
id .mr? than Half a miirion wometi.
woo ireuy couiiej in I ne ii!iegrJty or,
iiuiu and toe skill
of li.e p'l.vsi-
i ci.in. President (Jaitiell mice- said
I 'Dr. Ii-ive. -lie is one of ih- l-et tne;i
. ill the wild. a ink h is ai the l:cad
! of oih' of the list uictlifiil i !i? i i t mi . his
I i f bk"
W'lil l.' There -is imihing". n'.v-
a kou
ioy !c
tins trie tull-r.l.atn.ll by e-ltelM
iir. it has ;lHenra-fl afiir' Vt.-'Iir:
Pierce's pvaciice for -e.iis. Jtd fiii-t.
f r Hjihc- than ipiar.tj'i of a cm-.
t-ery. Write to .ldm because o ill
get tin l-st a.HjiiiKl no' string M-d
o it. mi Att sik." ' N
Put." i-ueiicd His. d.( vc-.mi-I. do
you think even -ii.o 'gli Dr.. pier, c fc a
iuali!ii''.l plivstrian. 'and i aiiks s high
os a iaii-t. he- a li l'u-at. lis.-as,' kv
orr4-s-inih ir, -';" "
"1 dtui't see why iiM.r ahswre.l
i-m-si. , -n-ii-:ii m-iriit e is
'vliwlinc into . lim with evervthiiig
... i. i ... , - " -
f l!-v o'opjuiig m n mm-iis oi
the mid.llk ages. Tbe 'divinity that
-n.igei in tin- riest and physkiin is
a rlui'g of ti.e uist. ;A .man is taken
for wliaf lie is -ind w hat- he i-shi d .
if icu.N tiK- inemlters of ike in-ois-
slon who
are ijot, viH-cialists; oii.1:
light an iiii'ovatiun wide i
tie ir
profits. Ikit wtiin a ncit Idea makes
lor-i)iMi,k .kkI It can't in- (k's.l rk
l key use I to sy no' steau-er
iivlil I
lc built lo cMt' Ihe Atlinth-.
oitldn'i J-jtrrv "boal ;n.'i szh.
i u
ah r
l-romnHenit Knglsluiian. lki 1
in the holise of coionioils. hi the ; heat
or a Uel.U ilit ljlTHl. itiat it
ever auv
he'd! esn
sti:;u!ec .-tMss.-d tpre AtJi.nUe
it i.iuii lii n
eiy and .ilL I iake it ti-at
li.e" olijit-ltiolis
to iiaimeut tv h-j
r spothh-ll
e ha vf. as btt e fi-uti latio.i
life eljt,tW!IS io fbe. i.ossi
ttvimsjiips rosj-lng, t'lu At
S ' 1 . . -' '
in fa' I
' "It reiiihhl
ir.f of tl at story a I, out
the n i-. it
w!:r hid N-en iirr-ted fo"
t. seiir" lor a la i y. r.
w h(h
when In
iad beard t!
-f r
t a.r-
.sai I:
i Irani; alive, rbey e.
reW.yon P'HA
siiil -Xtiie. lK-i-oiier. 'tcy'v-
df it.'
11 1 docs hot . s
ni any. ite to arg r.
dseii lUj -u-ilti;ift of
being Ire ue I
si-tces- 1L.1 ' iv
cjTesi6;;i nt e w im
1. Pk-l i
-1' . 1 p e
w In n
tie-i-i' I In
usai i .
st;iii. u; ami siv
kaiv- l-eeti
sinv -ss fully treat
I. v
ts "
h.lSVe l.e-ll
jFiihi e ai i
v 4Thi ii."
eutitl ly !!rr b
aid 1
titf of .'p- ta 1
is wife , ;it
f-loW il-at .iny'iind -yi-rtMslv mil
1rea4 sn,-... .fiiHy l y in t;'ni i'-t-.,
it ii ;i ml cMM'iil in ad vaiiee tf
idea "
; ' 1'riM'is iy n
!e;ir." Mr. l, Ve,
g od o-bs-wisre I
preparing: to i ontmu
n ka e goi i w'.ok-
iyi lit'ca;is"e KO.-i.e.,i:..:?
1ris Le:niiniJ
ii i
IhliS? ii-'
jid yortjn
to give rneili at ad vc e. i -
cotri -y
nee IttH yi a V -oeecs;i r
1 1 a fv I e w il 1 e V a ' ua bk
, ns-tlli'e
nylorv ran nike suck
an li'Rf. lit is, ivjit-e to go N'h'i.d the
nroii iis4 s :ft
1 (h Hnin. s n nf - ami
if the h
ar lii.resti.ai'o u . in Tir.
wafr tin r I er the, ex . in I'd
ii. ill
iu . f k
clap! - and "re . ord-' ike
grcajter thH ' con ft "tetic- w hl-b
ir rjl rv. Dr. K. ;Y. Flehv is sit
l.f ni Srir-
! CiU-ti IiiMi'Me.! at P.nfT.-l'..- X. Y..' f
nskil aJnl sur-kjir int-iiitki
whifih in its wieritific eotunhient. Its
lalwfhitorv. Sits st.ifT Vf neaHr a seore
of. nrieiild nhysiH.iti and, Vtir-
gtoift and its la-netr. Wf drtlly pmc
tk - k,is en a f?rting wit)Ji ank nxslicaT
ehd.!i'rgi - al itrstihite lri ib'e coimtry."
rkl int In rc lire Infant be't t the
bousfl- of; Ixtv-'0.
In "i MVini Al". Jlk
qiiaiiirn-r; to
give I hits the iksi-ed at
w i i h, iNho pr-:iiii11y "did.
-1 i - - j j .
I hie
Ch'; agt. Jan. tj Prcg'dent ! Ilarper.
of the M'hk alzo Ilniverty annountysl
irumm b tijw- iiiintriMil. f ijxi, .11 1 a
- - - . i .-. -.-. . I j ... . , . -
mw'miki wen maw to
inst:tnk n Of tbis amount John
D, RockffclItT donated 234J0.
Washington.' Jan. 4.-A t pension . of
tZO a month was Today granted, to Mrs.
Riga B. IIakell. widow of Brlgadkr-
General Joseph T. IIa?kelL, who was
wounded at the battle of TJl Caney la
July, and afterwards died.
J" '- t - - ' - I I IV..
i The lcca ! market ? quotatloi
day wer a follow: . ; t
Wfliear-t-:), cents. .;-- ; H
Oats33 iceuts. buying, r
Ilay-tJheatr bujlng, ittl
nd ! wbeat. H. i ;
!, Flour Sak m spcial. per'sck,
per lwrrel.1 3 . ' -
( Mm Feed f Bran, per; tonJ aacked.
f 13: shorts, $14. , " ..- - J
Butter a) cents, btiylnjg.
; Egtis Itrtylng. 2 T e nH.
j IVmltrv illctv. K ; cents per
jrouug cbkikos, o'jjS'. -
Fora FatJ. pe dressed.
Potatoes 5j 33 centaj
Apices 3(K35 cents.
Tliose iittendiuz the ri
iiltrysbow of
the Oiegbiii State rcultiM Asso. iatJon.
to be held at Allfiny Mntroni from
Janlwrv Sib; to 11th InciuslyerjwUl pay
full! faro over our Une on .the! icoluz
i. J- will I 'XT fclU B j VII
blanks eseially preiMft-.ed' for fare
iKikl. . AY licit ibey are .reikly t fetora,,
wbicb MiiUst l-e within f.irt.Tjelilu
hours aft r the close ofjii be iuctbig.
jbv irfrentinar 'their -eftili'iiu lo our
rgept, at Alliary they, w ill le !sokl r
trru tickets .to ttn ! sfailtii jr point at -oi
c-third fare privilel itven'tv -llvesr,!
mor are in aiieulau,-e IhiMIu)? tl. kets
froni points on our jirioh lines t p
.tllnwiy. S'4' will bive tbe ertina(c
prtHtetl mi lonep atWl idacett l7f tthf
lltinds of our agent C. Matkh.nn
,S. 1. :'o"s general f i-e grri and pisscii
;jpcr,ageni.!,r - -;;;' .:"': ;' jk''h 'fl. . j, ''
L Ceo. iHHll.iie sava that mtu iSak n
'iilene n
t Han tlie tWeu-liVe i-e-t
ipd rlitl ; pa ss'iigcrs ha ve. NH u sejdu rUL
VYrigfMnian yrsterdky ie)-eiye.l i
- -f. - ----r -r - n--- - t
-ni.! whicij
!prc -
h ghJ.v
me s-iit liy . lrf-;V"iYV
otic !of
M;i'jji!a.;. Iils
ftinm: Jiativo:
es;of VOod. liipd 4
It Ii n .M.uis. r f
ca i i ru ij.e. aiul -v iin i i.vxr he n j mu w m k
of some fitifive- r wipino Ueni-iisJ.
WrigMtrtair ixh't:toi .: his priipw
Biimk'r ofl Ids ' fritmds jtestcij.a.v!
r. ir-i
IM---il lt1 j Su'-
l. . ..j . .. .. . . . a-...
'j li bII ;..! m . W1:l foil
oy i tic Crown
Stl Louii--that
and Quali
i.. L-r, F!.t',j;-:--.- j-j, '
WiU buy rour chickenr bay. wbeat.
ots n(nl iIIkt farm proIneel ' l
cxi- in it j. .aseys uvery KUbie.
Asertta at all surrounllni towna A'd
B?aW dl!VT p4ekaes . V ta. C J. '.
.OlmsJ-ad. JProprietrir, i'. ; . w-lyr.., --
T. 11. SimpVins" feed yard.
otel Saleln. oh Illgtar
re reasonable nd ac-
oonr-TncdatJcna good.
t S-wky XLVtt
Farm Llnan&
i I . Clenn rates. Easy terms. , Long
or .Jiort time ; Do not lose a loan
with mt first connnimkiatlng will - j
' N- 2T0 ComrnerclAl St.
block, Salem,; Oregon.
White Cor.
fXti .. .iic, ..itM.U.1. I, mm 1 L '
;Jt$j." '4 bi"..'y)ck: of k0 I :
"i ,'fl1"w Jini ;.,(atisflicti'onj L I
i m ft lr n - Am..,-..,t. .. . i ii i . , .
' r r?4 rM"stco.,cetwt.ciciij J M I ; r
PVm, mfi-m i n iy i i . ;'
'Trad. Mark ''- ''---t". mmmmmr '' -":V
5 If l .
cbim, J
to'.!-': :"fH.!l!
lViihi;;-i: 3:-W
I Purse nor Foot
Mil M' "--::!-,N Mi!
.' )
1 lkUve'o
I hlctsr-At
i south of the-II
I ' rl r--t :.. nalK X
j . -