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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
A ;...:-v - .i r 1 i FROM SATURDAY'S DAILY. r HOTORMaN? CHRIS FRO MM fcE Limm OF A isilALli SUM. - a? o Two BoldJ Unmasked Burglars Did thi vrbrk-Xo Clew io the '. lill w I fxtr -occurred ii this last cvbajng Robbjife. 'boldiJt 1 city on 6si:iit a e, hily a MMijessr. itiniroiighri bi it--IT aw within of ' lhi business Ktl';;n ;l of Kl,oruv efore io tJ'q.o-. Jx hihI ornings,i'ie j-ah 3jr-; nnt. was. nei t up a a"re, y two -uaHM IJeiW Motorni.m iu tj-b-'Ol SA -U SKaU h-l far elew Mo.Ol'ltj jri i iia.K'.; Jt uic -inirJ kn 1 io jfot Moiili o chr k mit -v:i 1 1 for the : rial -.-e;,. : 'sjna ;v. tin- -ar i ... Ml f.-tfl', ' Ln re-hi. , it-, a tie! . .1 II U 1 4 -ri r" fit-in I (I j-IJeiO. it-- r ( ht. In It l ef and 1 ! . i:i! i (1 r. ok svA - esing tl t Mni'onriit bis car !. 'was-. tin- lt "I'lirsJu J 1 rot. .!- . tWi.r himf--lf i.ui; :4 r. voir, r :n t ! .tn -?. !n' -l::d J -i'.:i:i li : fne Ti.M.t'ir sitadi -1 i ii t!,i! hi ider'fily,V d ivinl i ii lered - t;he..;.stoiHiil 1 "ilirw 'iiir. Ins hands! ithat,t further c in Imi" !) -second mii 1 yiv-Jil-iiiiv of tln ai) ,' lMtinT)4Jit to u I Iii t for?I l,y tlif- 'i:iI!k- t-'uVI.-' Mot i-en itit I'k- :kav the.: oh; . Viiii .one . f i bold-up that Hit IMarmu n who, lt-ri.-in of' mxii. '1 lii-i-e is 'Hi Hi Con f'W tt the! e city. soiith- littlc iRi ISTEBESTIXCf REPORT , PROM L. B. 1 DAVIS, AT MANILA. Incidents of the Voyage of the Last Salem Volunteers to Leave for i j the Philippines.' f Jr n .i -t run tyv!r t o:r l':t! .!. a 14: n tirAi i hio l in 1 ' f ft' him to :ltl ;V:lS :l IUS- nnwriit lit.vrjiisiiii. wht'ti .! i.y a nv 1 1 ' I Ihu i loinvvi'T- SH! )l I f. lit "i-yly 1 okintc M. Mrs. i. B, Daris ye.terlay rtkivl a letter frcm . btr Buslwnd,, in M'tiDiia. uirlcr date -of Xovemlx't '11, lsifs.rh' wiiwr. one of tlw' Oregon rttfuit.s. bad just arrival; at Manikr, but was still on tward' the transimrt i when the let- i r was 5ndittd.. Fdlowins art? a (ew excrr't from the missive: Uet we arc at our' it'St nation, or t :ltl--r aiiflK!Pd !iT tht shore. ' lflm in exceHent' health and spirits," ;nnl am satisfied witii the country and' ..-limate s far. I had a mst njryab!e trip from ; ll':i'n'u, over m quit! fa v- ai-;e ;veatlie?-. We wf-re just twenty on days anl". five hoursi en roiib'. 'l:d ; hai if.nol lieetv tVir tlie Vaiene'ud woiil i i h iv.e ;ai riv''l a day or niore airo. but , tie oh J. tu! was so slow that Ive lo-t :il"r('it a ilay's tr ivfl tiitoiih iiavinir t 'wait X-if lir. "e bal . p ri'e't er all t.lie way i)vcr. until, we Ui isl-jd 'iiero. and thn we a saU'; in jsatiuviay eveu.ii-a j iT cjiiieu i!, and we - all to k I'dvcr -.Mat n. .out 'arniiii: ot ii I t e is an fir to- sf'i. f icif vlth iin! niif-'l.t :ot fciti tJ VO. ,r st.ff jrab came frjvKan 1 stt'aick tie Northwest, and at, s;:i raie was ilowi:jg. juki ttie sfa ratler hi'h, "it ws great spot Niii rolled. tosMl. j)itel:' i'-ar l. and the wa ves w re weal li near 1 sini.k f!lrl .V- ;i c .oil lo-.-k a f i Kill heavy was . Thf ' ami lofisiA with, t h; r a ilni ".IW:b;tl 1 Is p... lift irfz l-.r-iali alo:it .nirHMl eaiTV V 1 1 1 Viirit- it. ma kingJ t i.ssenvfs. Alt'l'i'ili ati'b jjri" his p - On. ttif Kit tjntjy ilete .' t di tnati 1 it. up r bastt to comj i;i-itu their esnjpe. iU'lforf leaing tle, nr pne of the tiA'a i orderel the oi 4ers;od and - Jhfive-; :i gutt .." Ilaviii -.iiuiiioi. the men , sr' i !! ("I'di-n l r.,e I. 'J'he filial jst'iilire.-il, visitors ty ot'" fk .Jiv Motoituai tin lt . ti i kl v is not the tn ii icjiK'Uii' f Ibe " l'W'i-' the pniglars. who Ate. iyi t Mm- part iff mil: v ' 'tile ii mi a l:d m m-liii n-d in s 1 1 . f I ey :i: con pi ;,! ed mt tny r rnot e .i j Jciliii' they wei--c f"fp.intnl wlili the. i. ir dariii; l e I. it id I O.V tW.ii u r..i- ti,.. I I'rojeei iiiu out or me til 11 M.H li!,. I I.r- t ..I ...j i :. S I i i iiao a oe e I ib't ther tl.o ih'hly, :ak- s f( h. am .mil I was whole bk- nini lie .jloes IKt akjn Mus tne -ik T.. tne 'H-r t':Ht t ljg.ilttsl fr'Hi he iitptorii'aii' ti oijur.iij'i of his was sr a".i: re not ti the liti nieli IkM iii did in 1 hat t hey hrok. ejar over la t and would nearly wash' us overboard., W- TI...? -. . . ... but would rear ufi on its ttt ler and theft-- pitch", forward and I.uw.if.h and t;icsWf II- would Jreafc cl. vr- over it. and a Mood of water woiil.lj sve.,j the decks from Ixiw, to st-erp not sick for one moment flu? way. . "Well, next morning after' thi storm the vvitnl had-subside greatly s-ea was eji lining down twv,s .:;led out of tlu ir bunks the .night, and when; it .'lieeanrje' li enough we eould eei two huge rocks, a Mw miii oin lxith knw that we tit iijiitoi j .'.lwd to bang on for dear lie- wUi. h ne did i v. i:v this it board-d the (il: ordered tin I rfc in but' :as in- that l.e not ha in- must not believe all of tne report, as twothtrds of them t'are sexaggeratL "Tomorrow , in Tbanksglving; it will .!. a lonesome one for - me I bow I will spend the next wltb yoa, LTb. matt 14 anout to ciose " ; I ' ll, li.! Holla tkl yesterday Teceiv! a .letter t roui his son, iLeon O. lIoilaiK, roije of the recruits for) the iseeond Ore- Mi.'ln.nnH Tt. t .. . uu toiuuirri!. ?. iuc iriwr wais nwr late of Xovemlr 24th, andv was writ teo wbile on : board." be ; transport, in Manibt Jiayt the troop baring. ; not then leen allowed to 'go ashore Ixon. who aycompanied the jrecruita wfth the rank $t first sergeant refort a plo'as ant voyage. ant saysj b is feD joying exceptjionally goinl bealtli. . iuyj It. Osbtirn, writing under date or XijvemK'r 21st. to bis patent. Rty'jj-. ha leen oy'r to Ilo'.lo ore I'.iiiii.t islaifd. wbleli is lUitt m les. somiMt of Manila j by. water.. Hi had just returned! tbti day of writing. , ail !as be is well aii . se.wlii? all bis iiKiie time. lie says the Cottwd i" goUig to anto'i as b '-Wisort lor the two fipauisli vee!s tlha.t' werc raisU. and t ill pn.b.ili'.y lx there !urfiig the fi'iK- tbey .-ne imderoinjr reptlrs,. lie ;oiH-eis tf rnii; home wi'jn. his tinv empires :rrl work at; his; tlv 11 - w 'sh-es 1J- parents anil frleid a bflj p: Xmas. i s i "i" . ! ' MEXICAN MINISTERS. SK.4R. IH"X MA biiA i ix wa$iii x :t x. 'Use i?e'st Kno.wn- MejntK-r of tin iak i:Mi:;:. l!ie ap.tai Mate-.. ,-tllld tlie Several of tliT during lit s:de J.u.on. AirtHiit H o'clo'k . we nad steamed throu.iMi the strait anil wciv Ihr T :in, tl'" 'bina oay and. turning ilowti lfr J 1 the western coast y. Iaizoii island, we steamed a king the eoast ,of the isianl all -day Sunday and Monday. It is a l'aut;ful island, and the scenery is tine all along. At o'clock' a.-nr.. on I Monday. we sighted the norUn m ixiint of the harlior." an'!' .Cofrigedor island in tlw -rnonth of; the barhov. We tiifH'sl into the entratu-e tit :tr and into Manila ihiy. after we had mist .r.inpt- Wremni. who l.tikine-3 p trtiou adj ti e aKiriii. litest clew to liojw.t vcr. sup M.ijing in this -aipear . to l.- wi-rk ti 1 1 lit hiltIi r task . in a uwl l-Mlt it is ems we I a., tiy !ls- liv!;itiu l'CMI.t of : passed the island. There was a jtn-x-; ty and cozy a little cove, on the inner ! side of the island, and a. small villag ?iestled in flier'. There is a revolving i ItjlOhotis' ' on . the top of the fo k Isla ml. and also fot tinea tion. 4nd 'be i'liiranc",. through w hich we cam. whew I-wevs th-et entered on that inemora'ble night. i "l W!n von I'liiliil navje steiiPint tive volcano that we aw on 'Tims.1.i It was MOHK LlTlii A!l'Oji HKiiUN f-'Jif.L'to Ike"ov?r IfKuitgcs for'Xh- , Jf itJIiiltt" nt t f a ontra '1. "i h 4 a Jje r. V ' i wi t "'Ji: if'.V. .of t'. l:f;;-! In vtitzer l;JO! .V iji,' b:.tei'tl';.iv hi ctiiiur! a sitii in r'iir! ne in .No, 1, of the M.iri'on ininf;y ei.'i if -ourt. .t7aifst I. 1. flibl Hniie!-! tJouly. of II .ks to 'P O. er !" V'i h flller- at tt pVr o'ltr. dVonf )eioiir 1", nib' to l e tlif an.oitpt of dam a3tr- iriim-d t,y paiutin liy tb- noii f I'lSUn enf of a, bop Nufttt-t ,!5 tl1" iiirl of the defendant. j tne icotrdsaint. jilaUitlus arege heikl:ints 'eoutrai'lt il with tbt in ;t Jil v lb, J s hi, to klivtr at ltro ks. n i vr: iK'rotv in oUf lotb. 2 nim.Li "of tlie b i trep at the f iJikrtel prii j of S cf ics j er pound. J'laoili(fs further allor' tiiat on Attg-ftl-.ljfi;t they advni eed $sr pick : Li t;otev to def'niLints, .who have fJiiKV rfitrtid to deliver said liop. by which ffl"t fl:iiiitifPs l tin ' to hav". lmt damage! to tle extent of $1,073 nntt for which tbev ask Judgment. the re- siilcd and it i morning a weeK ago tota grand. It was the most fiorth rly ami the onlv one we saw of the Ixtlroii''s We sight-'! it aNuit oVkx-k in tie mornin-g. and it .lookei' like lhuiioii tf ;i huge fir'. Wei i within" a ' u t "H i v t m : 1. of i t f was the n.tost w i:d and the prettiest M-ilt sight I ever saw to sm-, tjils i inubt.v t:ivof J'o- k iK-!chmg' tort li votijm tire and ''smoke.' f its nam'. Was the "1'arrol.oiia'le J'aj.irivts.' . "Two weeks 'ago'.- on Sunday. one of the tiieitM'ti of the ship's crfw died at .'5 "o'elock a. rh., ani we burj'd him at s-a at H a. ru. They " had him sewe.l hi a canvass sack and jibl otlt n a bench batatie,sd -oyer t lie rai ling, and. afti'r the chaplain bad ciAiclutbl the servj'efS. they tip! up. flM- Ix-nell and the liotly slid down lntjo the water. The lody was weighted an! it sank iaimetliately, and thf on ir tet, com Mist d of three othr ser geant and myself sang fUtl'ktl in the Cradle of "tb T'p.. It tas the saddest, most solemn and impressive cer'Kny I- ever witness-!. . "I Infve arriv'd at. and snn. Manila, and If they do not need us I am ready tt come tiome to the true and loving ones I Je'ft across the !'. Wne sea i. There aire some of 4tbe boys that arp totll;Jt!C VIpS ill i- of the United . WA'III V;tX. I)c. .".o.-js-n .r l n jMatias IJoniero. ; M.-xiean :i;n!i!is s;t Intl t the I'nitcd States, died iif ih -if' . J . . ' . c!.ii;ssy here . at 4:lo tins . m-irninj;, U'-lli-e-tlay last an. i -i it;n for a; i --. j i . ; ; ii: nttl -ris was ix'rfttffnml liiiiOtl I I th a J!irb--.sridv. mid altlloiigb f the Op ri- W;rs entirely tlef re si'irng shork proved.! greatM" thjih b 'tci! l bear. . 1 p t.i 1 ::io this moirtiing. h 'tvt'vcr. it. was tlwutght be was in a fair "w.-fy -.( 'recovery 1 but at that ti if a high fcrer set in. and he sank np idly, until death, i'jjt to this h tr no arrangements have l-en n:ile tor He fun t ab but 'it Is siiijl in 'all proj-i1lli ty i-b will take phit'e ISmulay :iftruoou at St. Math-ws church. I In retn-tms will be taken to Mexico s :ue timv in' tlwi, near future. Uorero was. prob:ii!y the 1 sc- knoWn . inemlHT ' o the .diplomatic corpi iii Washington. '-and ' w:i for sometime its dean. When TSreat Hrit ain rais her mission fo an mbasy the added-"rank placed -'-Sir .tui'.an l'atin cefofe. Iiritish anbissador. at . t'.i bead. of the corps, though junior in years, of service to Ito me ro. who was raised rec'iitlv Crom'tlve rank of min ister to that of ambassador. Uomero bad represented bis county at "Wash ingthn twenty years. Kotnero was one of the most eminent statesuwn. writers and d'P'niaf of Mexico- lie was -Imrn in the. city of- Oaxa"a in 1S.''.7. In Kilt Uomero cam; to Washington as tirs.t secretary of th-e M.exk-au legation, and he remained Ii:re in that capacity until August. isrn. when, in tlw atMicc f tire min ister, be Jtccaine charge d'alTair-s. lie r'turnel t. Mexico in- Is US" to take part ill th .war against 'the French, and ivas appointed tohuiel by I'rei dent I'orfirio Iiaz. who apjiointe I him as chief of staff. Soon after that Pres idents Juarez accredited him as eiivoy extrabrdiuary anl : minister pienii-oten-Hj tryjto Washington. II- remained at hSs post from t K tolter, j lsiUt. until -.JafVit.irv. 1so,s.jfc.fii his return V Alex ico r; beca mefprota i y .' of the treas ury,. bHj resjgfT owing tio ill health, Afrjef rtivering health he was agiiliir male secretary of th' tr.-asury. tliii serving as postniasfcr-i"!. ral. and jn 1SS2 he r-tuinel to Washing toif a nvoy extraordinary aiid" minis ter; i!eniioieiitiar.w A'ith the Xc: p lion of ten iifmh; whktn h again. be ca the- sH-r-.tary of the Mciean treas ury, his ls'rvb'-e at WasiiWit ui wis iiMitiliuous until ib'jtth. Asa rcpre stfiital've of his country in thei nil,.! stag's Romero' ha ; shown' s hi'mse a niost efficient and able diplomat. .N.1 -ffrts were most sin"''ssful vii sttviigthening the friendly t Us 1 tvwen t!wf;two nathnis. aud. with th.s oiyeit in v:iv. h' wrote a great d-al. bis prtxiiK-tions always receiving the ii;gh'St e neon in tn s from the. press of the I'nited States ahd other countries. Ittring the last fevV months! tj'ie tirs.t volume of a valuable work frorri hi pen appear, entitiHl "Mexi'o , and tbe rnitel states," being a sttvly tf the snbjeHs afftvtinz their, political, toyimercial and cial relations. tmntrie of the world, ! I lbeir duty . now is to Island by the. lone star banner. :. w&k-h siiriiiQes in., Jeenlence and lruerty.rthej rreatest b:-ings of heaven. s j - "Itemember rbat Cnba. iha's not fought and. endured for a change of musters, bnt that- her" peoilie mighl ie their own master. . "We are none tbe les "grateful to "tle peonle of the United. tate for tiiir aid and supp.rt- an ! in doing wlut they have done to free Cuba from fnain tlier have but repaid th -r great debt which thjey owetl to bur n'tvnlfy, j'ustiee &wl right for the aid they received from . Lafayette and prance during tlelr war . for iiidepeu- detK'C," i- ' ,S ! " i, - '! DEI'EWS MISTAKE. which be s f tbe Chamxvy Diew, ,the genial ami iK-reiinial orator, now a tiortor of la w. bv the, grae . of if"mf eollegtv niak' a spewh r ceritly,., a'tj, & re i rih ir. Xew York, in honct of tieti- oral Mi!tv in the courve cf dil.ited. upon Mni gei'.era wilts in which tbe United States- hal in'u engage!, who bad' btnf.ii 4tK-e! f nronlcnt. A ing otaer tilings, he said: "(Jcneral Scott uiissd the pref- i k'i:-v l ocrftise ef his; tinfortjonah k-t- ter f - tJeiS-pta-nt .' of the 'Urination begiu iiig, '1 have' jest risen"' from a at neace. with ere the kind wonls that are ntti; angurai rprr earth, and a" the reft of man- in the in at alL n the, nations of 1XO V.O WX'S OX 13 CDfJKS. i j.. says tl.ere' p;' " Ukei nnin. af :s, Chaun'ey is in habit of . uttering nai-y ft'iitigs at' asi-.ns, aitiu ne nil hasty plate of s i ter dinner "isftt.fke tin "ra n-1tni" on t-v. b lufi etpiontly in:; it s- stateini'iifs I i:e in;h-ciirr te audi' niisle.idj;ilg. refereu.'-e to filxi.t'e. Is one that ids jtt, .pio'eil lpe Witl.Wferd & yatt. bf AHjany are bonKtc aml ,noy. iVe very sick. We trlii-r.evt for the litvimiff cot notation Mrs, Hi Well nas instituted InMli mme depart inent. "an ajta hnjent suit ar.ilnt Mr. ami Mta. I. W. ting, of JVtrmtit, for $H77,'., alhged tLbi-iue m.n$ pnmiisKuo note for .'Ht.7. ex "initrd on XovemlK-r ..S. ISSM aiid due. er rmniths atcr date. W. T Slater si mf Wa a. K a: ser are plaintiffs at tor- SCALDED Til DEATH. A Iitressin Ae-Wlent n a Happy Home in KngVewood. - ChrVtian. tlie T-ye;ir-ld son of Mr, salletl :ln and dropped anchor nlong- side the united cruiser itaj-Mgii. ' at H o'c ijck last; night, A bre.e rriiles out from Slinilav There w?e. 8!aynl. and .are yet. lietween two i powerful.' dark land grltn' men-of-war. 'and the lights jof Manila before us. Tlie other cruis er is a Jerman. the "I;nen. All the other warships. Herman, English. Jap anese. American and the eapturet! Stwinish vessels are at Cavlte, twelve- miles rrom Manila. 4ut :ln good view. "We thought that we, would bo sent ashore -today, lut were not, as we were all vaccinated again t.vlay. and will not go ashorp until tomorrow or Mrs. Christ la u Kkh. reionts of Tbtirsilar. X good many of the Jboys ICii'jlewoo.l addition to this vity. who --of drSTcrnt reghrK-nts came out. to e wss tnr Tearfully I- -aldetl Thurslar. s today from .Manila, in the native b'mI i the lxoW of-bis-parents at 10 Juntas, or -canoe?, and tonight some of o-'cioeki yesterday morBlng. j.ine company K,loys came out. .'.fe H motlier. in r'movhig a boiler of ones. Emmet Jones ami Percy water from the tovt a WcntaUv Vnzh came out first, and came aTard; 'ircpitbd tthe snin, the 4 on t I'm c.m r- bad a gxftl talk with all of them, they Injf Jh'e I-year-ld lad. Vho iw as waled - are wen ano iooK one.-. .x pea a uitie n tbe1 fltxir Ivslde tbe rtove. - later j:omeo t.itoert ana la.csoc- The r;ltk fellow , stiff.! untold ag- wooacaiue out. Dut j they were ..too late ' - I ... . I . . 1 1 - IT a)iv, bat lre thi? ! p:unf mahtnily. jwid o ge on ihmiu. iwj nr,- uiuiw wen. le. until death ko.v is neaitny gnu strong, ana. so i ; ill Aorwooi. I Tile .Oregon tioys ar located in the from 'Spanish! 'arracks in the 'walled city.' or Old i Manila, and tbe 'Pablce., and have tlie ftsest quarters in. the city. Captain. Potirman. of company M. has been quite ill for two months, and is gettins well now. The 'first Ii-uten, ant Is sick: and a good maty of the ! 'non-coms. -; "You uitist not believe all ytvu re id In the papers, or they will hive you', crazy. All is peaceable here now. and there Isj; no 'evidence-of ns having, any vlt?) n'mflrkihlt' fortltiiile. ! relU?vel him ol his. sufferings jester- ' tay iswtning. FYmeral sej:vUvi ; will lie bekl tbe Carman Baptist church on'. North ttage street at 1 o'cloek this after- asoonl' WANT LIBERTY V i iCl-BAX DELEGATION IX WASH ixt;To issurcg manifesio An Appeal Sent to the Island I'rjfins a Demand for an Irttlepenleiit '.:oerhmrnt, ; INFORMATION WAXTED.-Coun-ty t!erk- W. W. Hall yesterday re-cTrc-3 n letter, frogi Daniel McC"n m of. k?nns I-Vrry, Elmore county. IdsHo. concerning the whereabouts f Ccorgre ItockhilL Rockhlil's name can ot N'fonni on, tbe Marldn conmy as-aHrssDW-nt roll, and no sifch person Is known to reside in this vicinity. : tif.tih'e. This is a nice place, and the t healthiest time of the jear, so you NEW. YOKTv. Dec. to tne n orui rrom asiiinartin says: The Cuban ide'egatjon to the 'Bite I States lias just prepared aand ent uv ;nba an elalorate e.rHal in ccrfular forrii to 1-' whlely lbtrit.ntel ti ;ll n.itivts to remember that tbey fou-rht for in Jcpcnduee and not f-.r ai fli.t lion. .( - The nianlfesto revlewitl.e struplf to throw off Siiin's tyranny, and re ointshe glories of tle Tletoryjantl refers to tlie action of co?ijrrW In regard to, a stable government belnj; established. - ! , j . i' ' ' toIf amtexatlofl were desire-L it would lie lietter to hav it brought aliout now than later, and for tbat reason it is desired bllut the question t-noni.i ie-ettiei diiaiiy at the present time. Yet it Is suf.i ilentty" known Hint Ctiltins inale war :pd fiHtglit for i dcpemleTM iMt fori Annexation, ian I th-at all the precltiost b!otd ihat has tteen shel and -all the hardships en dured and all the sufferings were t ?f in hid.ndem, anl twthlns s:ort of that. "It is ridiculous to try to Answer j the acenaUof s Oiat tl;Cnban pecp-' pEe are iivlolent. that- t."icyare vmelu e-'e iunfalthj'ul and . niable to por- ern thf 4ns Ires. Thir .iridnsfrj-.; libor and enerrv Ivave mide ijuba iii many . respects one of llw m st prtdiictlTe tU'iicr.-.l of .these. 'I said nothing about i a "hasty piste of Mtiiit" in hi, l. tter ;- ept ingj the' res-id-ntfal uoiiiinaiioii 4 If is 1. tar 'was 1 1 iv "short." in striking with flic lengthy, la!frt?d. and pro-y !i,s ouisiiioiKs t-ommoh ; of late I years on m -h 'otx-jislons. in which the noiiiiiiee waits week s, ami p'rhai moiiths, e gitating "his l.-tjter of ;i..itinc!f. but reallv watching to se.;tbe trend of p'tiblic opinion, s as rto :sha; e h s iiltei:in''s aworlihgly. Ilk Meuerat Scott's let ten of acfeitaii e jtbere w als nuthing .esiweiallv noticall exipt tlie expression that he; apjed the loiniiiaif nt "with the tfesolht ijois annexed'"--that is, the iilatform. Sott was a soldier, 'and; evil-ntly OHaii'f no indirect. li ly rhesv ' ivxtk Tlie ivgitatioii.of the slavery question, over tlie lispositi;u f the ti rrl tor, actltiired frjm Mcxb-oJ bad thre'it eitetl the stability of .tlie -V'nion. ,but bad leen quiete tenonirily by the Rkjitiou of the "oompromise' meas ures' In cwiffress, under the lewd of tJlav and V.lster. Tbe wlnile ctun try w-i s wcarj' of the e. flint had accept cj the' omipr n;ise measures as a ."linallty" that Is to fj:v. the conscrviitive portion of the ctatntry bad . flotie so, lint. In th tu-rthern ntates a' large I tody of tlie whig arty w-ps under the t-nnt.nd of s stripo, who refit sel to is a tiuallty.T' th w.iiig iiati-Hial voit- i ill favor if tie touit- measures.; u mtiinaie;! Scvtt a a iwpular hero, to plea' tbe anti-slavery seliitiHielii and g;4n yoicsfc- ;nc!r:,J Scott; but a weak JK' at that tiiii? r g.udel Irim a Award's candidate, ami withj nnfeh trtitb., tot all of Scott's ntias wirianted tic- oiibllc veC- lit. However, hb Uiilitar- reputation vaih d , hiin but little.- atitl his . was" fotxshab ow tsi from the starts During tt'e i an 1'as.s, he nude a trip to the West, got ing us lar-tis Keniu ky, ani that Journey setiled bis ..;.' Ids' luipri d iit-t- at Ijouisvllie ;i.l i:r.d iviug vote kfiOui him bv the thousand. let.w is iWliy 'iiii-staketi. It .was the tiistrust of ;-oi t bv tbe .iir.try bee-tuse of bis un3t4sfac1ory attitiKiev as -to- the ilav'ery iiuetsiloii that lel to his ovi r wheliiiing dfsit. itiid not the ..mere jfefertii-e to a. -'hasby plate Of otii.f ah extressic. ik t in bis letter of ac jOyptatKe, In liLs fontMi.ptiil'f fling at the great sber, D'ijw !esc nd el alnoust to the level of that stupid "doctor cf divlnity"ln Ptrtbuvl who, not- long wtKe, from his liflifc 'V.r T ",rr-;-t . .I against Frant Isl H.i Crosslty.1 Ilabr ukeiy 10 i aijpti. ii i tiff aaid deten.lantt were liuei X3- York tnewsiiaper' is a jrspoil tbaf ttie julge of tlie snu-enac court of that state wear gowns w bile sitting on the ltiMli, anb tha t is I seems it is. Iti is argue!, ties, will lie merely extentling to . their leks exalretl lireth- ru ibe uractice of the judaes of the prellate dlvlshm ami of the' court t loaVe th.feu.iauti iL ount aiiais or tnat t.itft wbo lime flnl r Inhriman tre.iticenf worn gowns for 'cvenu years, tlie further alleges in her coniiri ahl.all of them rjow among it'll, most proslH-i-ons- ioniipoiiivialtlrs bf j the I'll Ion. The listiiiicsii,, ccrtlj tak-ti front j Louisiana lji 1S'2 will be left Iq Havana, soon to become tn.Anier WAX- NTS A DirCHtCj.-rrAfter m arly; tlkirty ywrs of ' 1 anoliried -4fe,: VMri llnitUH J. Cros.le3 has instituted di-J vme) iH-tKWiIlttgs. in Deiu rtent X. 1. of the Marion ilunty circjult court In tbo state; of MisKortrl on 1S1- and coutlhuetl to live nut il,- August: 1 7,f whets, ' California, pLalnllff Kas -" i asat av. iiu- m i vviiijio wa-ii a j tlm ib' used abtisLve Linguag In lrj S4in Iteki aoulsiama as well to her. and ; In nddressing her hbi-Iw I as i iiii. j u ui t-;i e-ire cut n u- hs! im viie eniwieis. - -as an issue or lenSl itbe prc-Vlnc ofi Ixul'siana. the marriage tberei 'were lom tvvo essentials of civ- f , t'.ie stat'-s. hit h was In all the! liz.Ttioh T'.iind Cufa. Out proVihOe were iiKidi Severn I stabs, "j. l iirio of i tlHMii Llrger tlv.ln Cuba. city. -fofcs.i ley. Inprr'rarriisl May I togeth-'lri while ii obliged ti ot cruel Plirptiu lint- th. if Walter E.Jnhd Jatiies O. t'rt ss- loth of syhi-nii are imito of age eott and tk s, D.rwning. of t;rus M.. ..,,............ .'. M . 1LI...I.K Hi- ilifiuv,tt.,iii uv .1.H1I111IU WWVWW1 i i- ;' i;'i I MORE INQUIRY from Be'ttcri -i w All s'tgns pbint to a better real estate markc . " '" " ' J . ! "..' i 4 V' vt -' now 0.1. rncos are pouna to graauaiiy aovance. get in orr tlie ground floor We orint below only a oartial list. We have rjundreds of bargains "No. trouble to show - Mi Ai s a kuuuji Bate i fs '.uuiiic aim luu uiti uui liolo' and take a ride Jwith us,w Moils' and three io all fcui-wl; plenty of! $350 s in West Salem;! fruit.. ; $45D Housf and lot n'ar Iteutk-y's Store on State street;' ac-Jf , hcuse: '-'"'. A nie bouse and streeu $700- lot $80 of Salem; barn, oil fenoWl : 5 njcres in cul tivation; gooa water.cau level lanu. 20 acres of land north bouse. Sewanl auf h ftcee-Dt li;e tnCasiirets Xevertl.eless, v'Utio:i resolv S ' oY) -acres one-half 'male west of Mar- bn. partly cultivate!; flye aires of timber: acres-of fruit.; large tli row and chickens. En gew good water, was I an Mvai sllir. I litb-ian. Tiie country, j on Cottaie $1000 A good hoiisif nhd lot ort C'iurb srt. uiee-loatlou. $1100 $1500 7r n crest of lanl In 1 ol k coi i n t y. rl. near the town of Zena. cultivation: thlsi rlnhd Is $900 large ' hoiise and lnrn: two fend small.' AVill n horses, wagiins, tools., cows $900 x House, barn and; 2 rod; all feiu-eii $950 Hous nr.d larn, Inrge Park; good location; not be fbuilt for less than I.jOO.' '.TO Til acres of land 1 ton.; house and sotne spIeiKli'd water rr r.i I H nll.Tf .lL Bl'EttUV UfIP fiWL Bl;UUUI UUU lUAf B'L. i "I "' i . ' I acres iof lanl In ; plenty of fruit; I. ..- lot In Yew liouse alone can- nilM'from stay- , House, barn and sonic other build. ing.. 1 2, acres i of - ground, alii nlccir foiK-en. i mile Trom, town. nor nc-fc but if taken toou can lie had at $20. it: (: iiliont all in cheap at $.TQ $2350 40 acres of " land! y niile:' from Sb'a.w, 10 acres In. orcbarl, 0-year-old -trees!; fpr'ng; water; all fonel; 35 acres in cuuivation. itaiairce in futsture nar a go si ctioo and riiarket; fine: bouse and Imrn this Is ra choice piece ojf land.. - - !,-. i - $3840 210-acre farm five miles south of';S htn:"100 acres in f in gixwl pa'siWrei (lye springs on place Gootl buildings: pi fnc: mIyKi )er acre;. of It; Uss tbairl half ; prtce farm $5160 172 a-rs of I tnJ Oregon, all Jn cm! ings; god wat'r count J'olk vatlont coO build- ti nn trw ' it Acres' of lard :5" hi kg. Portia r l. good j house :ar.d other xbidl. lings; ; acre- T in cultlvatllu; goisl -prln a; watj-r, tile- tKat Ion; will trade JweathiHg out ghter ago 1 list chsrge! Weiister with thfeateiiiuos and slai Oregon, In the I mtet Statts senate anl de birfsl ;et eral Taylor to h ive leen Ok? weakest pnjlnt tno0un- 50. A disitatcITT ev-r ibwi, awun; iitat me i.ntir, . . I . . : s m i - in Ills inaugoral adIress, had $s.rbl "w We Write . . Fife, , - l i " - Accident Insur, : I . r- I .'... -;:. ;-.:' - : J . .Ih -ar -war av ! I I vi ' ' t a i- rf-n r ' we Loan Money on' Farms, in sums 01 szuuu ana upwards, at) 7 per cent. We IiOan Money on City mm - - am - . - . . ultivatlotii balauce nty of frn t. Joo t Ji'M t Id nk for. thi In west barn, : - for IT Property, bf hvitlf which niontlily installments. Gl h OFFICE : smmm Salern, Oregon. payable in In Statesman Briildine,Cfifst tp the right, npsajr3 f door ' V;.'. '.''; -' ..- I l-X.-'. L -x -. i,v-- r. f -'l,'r'-'i'.:::-l:;:.: vr; -ffr .-;, ' ! 'Vr 'iJiMWilMclp4 - ' - j '- , j - j j ' .'.'.'- . ' . .H, j-.-- ''; -; . j- '' j' ' ': i pan Be Dqneilhthe- i :':'-I'i i':;':: ' ' V .; " ! -.-.-. I - .. i j - -.. - a '- ' :-- .- -V ' ; 1 s 4 'i i 7 Hi '" "r.; ' i ' H; i:"" -; 1 ' tLS ff ; ; :::!: ":-:iV"fe'--V'ttf K-VV -'K '""V1-:---'!'-' : " -,. ... : : SALEM, ; REGCN;; r !.': ! i'-': '-H-1' - i ' U i:-!v-' : ; - I "1 -'-v "-. "'i "'"' "r.-'!: -;".P . "1 '-ii v( , fl I :- .