Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899, January 06, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    ! .X; 1 v. V '. i: -, ...!
VA o:xxV:-x:n
. ' "" 4 r- " : -X "! :: i jX.
(A i IFltSipj IH 1DB
r- r - i; i)
X .: . : :! - . t X , ' ; I if
Agreement .Reached
Leaving of
to Recommend
Reserves to the -
Growers. .."'
firms by.
Captain . B
ent of the nafionlal
4 regon. t has returned
several 'days on
ad Sorier.vlsor
feserves in
rrorjr a trip to
where he spent
4tniali business: II
m-t vi ri iiperinff.enderit J. W. C.1'';
f tlr XMtr, Rainier reservation .! and
it lie v a-iungton re-
Ham. of-yUie
Th meeting! was
Ifof a! lsttiion of
qnestjon. ah To
in U-en agitated for
ill of the for-t re-
Orcsoft land Wash-
cxeliided. . Here.
! found expedient to
; r vat ion
beV'l ' priiK-kf'aHv
tlie ..slw-ep jrrazjn
formulate a 'plan
This- question h
Miw time. and in)
serves, Ontsiije on
ihgton. sheet) ar
howoyer.! Ifc was
fM-rmi't ftiwp tried
lnt it was found
weroj rowded loo
Krii beinjr ma ten
,To remedy I'thl
officers of
wax agreed'
to -use ithe v ranges.
; that tiie reserves
lunch, tli 'growth oT
W injup-l .thereby,
evil and devise a
t he
thje reserve met. and U
taar a! recojnhH-iidation
plan wherebyi sheep men'juld usfe
rexerve iwitlijout fuiniagltig thetn
made to ithe department to adopt -the
leilse S.t-KMlf. Ie,
W-ri.1-d. territory
jijiirjir toe w-ssfM
damage done.'f th
ng certain
. sh'iejimen.
leases ! to V'
and . ?or
to fivo ytivsf, tlx-
nofiilniil siiirt for
Th is i w o'h Id ! 1 v
m'ti ; otitiol il 04-rr.t(it 't rritorv
i!M l-lK-y ! "ivoiild 1h iirtjr'icd In- tbfir
r'zht- fv! tho . 'sovf t-Hht;:' it 'onM
:;IU ih'CKi to I;itl s in van-
-X X. !
for a U'rm of: lltr'V
Kii'jirrip-n; paying ai
h fois niiitui-1, M
iiis kiiulf ijrasi
"tli IK impifovhiij.' irat I
inif ralti of
.M.tUVtJj Of SI'JIM, as
lliat no !ifpioati
r:iz IklM-! hvt 1
i .'apfain ; )rtn!V 14
--it. d thH, systi!,j. h
.!' tin- lout olfi -inN
i,l.r.,- 1 -fit. i'j
.'S.irif IH- I ijf.va.
.Captain i-!ik!'.J Ji
position ' oil tljj'vpiir
tiM-n. bJf"'"1'
Jijwjtfiirn(n of t
loffff uf! I'jl.(' t;l
.11 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 Ill., IIUI
to '.ih:itirton. -wit!)
d.itimis. 4'uptain ornr
!l -p liVtlMfs at Tin
Mitt AVitll ! thTM.
t.',i p uijitiTs.. rd it
fviin. wlcrf 1:s-ii
nf;Hlc fitr th littT
frr h fi riuri f.r-)i :
Wasli;iiiriok iillr-
W" !!
r til in diuihij
h- jl. and;
is tSt'!
bimi! io
'.ay'U" tiAvn
u ni-HV. that- siU
ti itp-i .ortiiVfsi
win wit 'IN on
of j . I ll-' !'
ill :i! pt ia- tin
a.l.jpt.d. by fh.
I fort- tn'lini it
tlioii' r- unn'i"
l.v Will
I Mill's
and in-
fM I atwi Plan
'loti'l tloii of fli
t1.-. . !.. 'XT!i.
arisioii 1 1
fotiujt sv ih Cajitain imly.' a-t t!py
;itisid r iiiitif a vti'jiii iii 'tli- fori"t
(rvVc, having i'n4l ff
f;its., w mi!' t!i'V H11V .m' Sf-i
- n's '-k"i'n4-. Thiy a"' pr-ti-tii
ly p'vv t iifn- tat-o!i's-4. :utf tlx me
jtii was l riftii-!;il to ill! 4f Urn.
Ian "
ji- ariiic
of . vlhvs ;iud
' .. ' . " i '
A Jl;iri'Hi ; Col iy Cnf. rtitiaff
r Jinttrd to th- , -viliruJ
., I'pou oMnplaint tif lift
W. 15'nis Mis. Sal all
y-M'rd:t''y '.'iiniin i ns
niul duly imifnit f'l to t
ilmii. X.
'l'hi SvoriMi wh rxam
N. ttiith :ind Dis.tri.-t
Iladn 1m if or' .!tiU'
I h k . yf r :!i'y af
II :Ui ;is taktii lo Hi.?
TlK! unf-nttinao- o:.
rf air. st tiativ' f l.:in
fot s'Vrall r pa-t lm
It r huslMinl ion a far
tii! 'asti of W K) tlnit ii
IliTndy 'TMwjttfiUic. . 'I'll
vin;nis iii-vinity is not
'It is snpiniM'd to lie t)
ijitW'i li.-i Vliiif l'u slniil
He la Highly with the Com
panyResolutions Adopted by
Company K,
Ystrday mornlnj;'' orerland trala
liToikht a large quantity' of mail fra'n
tbf Orient, many jal?ui hom.! lfrn4
ntal hay by tb; retflpt of' It-tt
frm The ninlrs of oOnijrtitiy K'. Sn;
ond Oregon voluntwrs. tuw at 11a
nH Aoun;' the many lotttrs khvIvI
tj the iarnl of. .the Prav i..IdU r
lio.v. irhaiH 'iKiio? was niore highly
pprK'jated than one r'c'ivwl Jy .los.
1'. FofiwK. frm 4Vlonel O. isniHiiwi'g.
-n!ma!illnjr the ,Orejrin trwjw 'in th
rhilippin-!. The5 letter is :u n'pl.v to
Mr. Foneg wrote to .Cokniel Sum-.
iimts some fim aro. In whk-h he .ex-j'.
prfss-d his .admiration and approela-i
ition of the-. Oregon troops, .i.'olonel
iSumnjt'rs feak In terms of praise 'of
IlK'sohsof Mr. F'ones and JTI if -ford
anl says they have been zood
ud faithful KoUliers. Seakins of .Sa
lem' contingent of voluntteis. tlrtf let
ter says: ,
i "Thoy are not of the class of boys
jwho camA j into' tho war with tlie -jx-r-tation
tjiat tney were going to hare'
n pVnic or j jiinkeiin; trip all tbrongn.
It Is nly Jnen who have sH'H actual
jRerviee that, fhoroiighly reaUste the 'w
tr'ttie hardships iri army life, and par
tlrtilarly i fiat the- casj when out in'
the field or at the j front, as we hare
NeiiX sToiuz iinto a! strange andj for
ij:n climate, so miich' different and to
far ivmo-l frotri our own vuntry.
It can rendily ' b? een that it taks
some tiine; even tor men and boys lf
u'rv. to a'-o.tnplish thes- facts, bnt
tiiH-h la Im'co tlie siieces-st' til case wit a
your Salem lxys. .
j "We are getting along v rvv well at
fhe present iiiM'. bnt ate .'very anxiotis
'IW' refnrtipii hom' again.' av- all tlie
ltys would indceI In gl,-id to tettir'n to
Hu'ir pat'nt. of' their hme" trees, rtnd
jvhen thjy; do.' lots of them' wiil re;ilr
e. anlifpprit'i:it- tlie eiitufo? f
ar more than they 'vr" li 1 in
i j.ist. the health of titc eojiimati'l
fk' fairly good at the pi's'nt time,
iM'Tis-idering tji!s -lirTia''X attJioii'jli we
hiire-alto nl lott u the -sick list; the
sMeath. r -now ! fair-lv g.Kwl. erervlhittg
volfenteers. The medal was struck in
eoniuaeiuoratlon o the capture. of Ma
nU. ., One side of the parse bears the
pictiire of two Jeautiful lljgsXIn, eoior
work, with their staffs crossed, w Wife
uHn the otlier. s!de Is Mr. . ilolmaa'i
nam also in colored ink. " ,j i .. i
lioltnan prizes " these souvenir
and will place them atuong hli"
-I "
A feopy or The: American .Soldier.
published Pi Manila, "under date of No-
remU'r VJth. was i received yesteftlay.
Tlie I Hrt page was ornameuted with
four sketches frouii the pen of CorjjoraL
IWnifo tJilliert, of Icompany K. Vcs;nd
Oregjm veluntersr The subjects of
Mr. fliibert'work are:
The western gate of Manila, opening
onto! the Iun-tta. where on Angus;
1-s: I.vs. tlie Oregon boys cuagl iip.i'
tlie beach and entered
through this gate. .
Tlw Cavite sea wall
. x'-: ' i." ' .) x x ; V-x-v" 1
Tracked with a Stolen Ubeel to Ills
Hidiut FUce, by Offie-r
-" J. C. Johnson. -
the fail m city
an.1 -ntry.;i4ox:
the Sketch Is made from the i stxd
wltei the nrst Americans i a ruled on
Philippine s)il. Ins'dejtlie pentfy;ox
n tite, gtuesioiiie cave into which Pris
ouersj Were cast and drowned- like j. rats
by tUe rising tide. X -
Fort Malate. Into which - the last
KhOts of tlie war were tired, atwl w"here
Spa in" defenders made their iinai
stanl.' It, was destroyed by the gun
of the fleet and the Ltan batteries. on
August 13, -r j
T.ht hartor at On am island, showing
tlie Charleston. Sydneyi Australia and
Peking. In the tKstaiice in ' the o!l
fort Rf th the stars and stripes waring
arove it. 1
KIit6rial uwntion is made, in
"A meilcan Soldier" of the pictures . In
the following lan?U3ge;
"In this issue we pxtblish a few
!kefehS' of scenes male historical by
j, probability.
tuu-l Jury
At aiio'tt
w hen Frcl
in c. iji. I
the SdStl
tt oiijMq
the, Jjiglith army corps,
drown j by Corporal t.iMtert.
In a few days sets of thise
twelve! will be on- sale at
may A- left with
J hey are
of Oregn.
our offlce.
A siire wd piWe. of " p li e work - oi
the ftirt if ttiBcV.J." C Jhnjcn ,anI
ed K ii is II; IlioiiktM in the city iill
at a late hour last night, charged with
sualii-g a ofcv le aul n hl, ' in ell
ause hint ito face the
rcxt Februar.yx ! ,
: o'clck lasKevenins,
Mutid. lL, ti eterk in c. ij
i;isip's .iore t-aite cut of
oir State Ktrcer. he found ih
jt-yk-, which he had le.t a( l.f JM?4
few minuter le.'ore, hd itixiiiUrfi,
MoKdell iionutiy ; ut.fi tied d?eei
Jolo.-u iind rhat ottk-Jalfat utu-e lxf
gau an investigation. la tiie lis.ht
rtucw on the sidewalk lie foiled, tho
tnn k of a bliyHe, together, with those
of a man wearing a large and pculiar
ly slftiind loot, . Following i he tr.tvfci
of the wheel and nutu p poiiremaii :
oaid tin State si reel to 1-iberty."
&cuth on lJlerty t n1eit .'jr. ivher
the lrtel bad tcen pi kel. up and tr
lied Into, the alley, and through It, up
stairs in the Bush block sou CcmmeiH
elaf. stieet; Kissing thrt1"
log the .tlH-vr. .ictupa
wtier of tl:c wis l, tni
of ihetliief and his looty
on the Commercial sjdewalk. and
iovAtd the w H-h'ltnea ttnt tf to
Hecoiler Eld. X. Edei yesterday morn
ing, when he entenil a p'.ea of "not
iruilty." ' llis preliminary, examioatkn
was set fojr today atj 11 a. m. atKl hfs
tx.iwis were tixed at f?h wbicUdie fur
nished up serueed: Ills release temiKir-a'rily.-
. ' ' It K-H" '- x'
Thomas Wni be rpresented by At
torry l. W.-Tarplef , It la eonsidefe.1
Iinpijubable that the H-ouug man's wn-
rK-tiot btt ytbecharz will e effected,
inasmuch al the Moleh w!hmI wa not
fonnd nw at any tl mi seen in hi ks-
se.4si4n.x The arrest lf, the young niaa
Is ettHslderjed Rllglitlj premature, tnt
It. is be general 4n)oti that, his jsuilt
ls,:-er,tain, all hough he may. escaiiebv
some technicality. jX
The wheel that w4 taken - from In
frcntvof ! Pflttoa Ilroi lwfOTTrtore. on
State sfteet' Tharsdapr afterpooa, hai
breii recovered. , l!t . srk the nronerty
or Airs. ii. il. aitintPbreT. and: was
taken by a friendL Wh , returned tlie
irne yesterday.
A Pretty Home Welldins Ce!e4ratel
at Turner lfsterday. v ;:
ih the build-
Lied by the
the track
m the snow:
HTbe marrhige of Mfes OnieaUa Mf-
KSnney to jMf. IV-5rant lngs worth
at the home of the! bride's mother.
McKlnneyj, neair
yesterday, was
of the rirlttlts't
JcouUI lie
borne had
iMfsihle is Ix'inj; 1 one
th'.v-are get I 'tig
n ii i
lie mis win
titilt.'t. sanity
iv fins.itie asy-
11 Ttrell
h tiooti ; ai.d
as luiit , . -
ti. js :5'J y'ht s
foiit v. blit
s't.fc'd with
t i o
art4 ,
ktu n.
nrjy stUtietcd.
Oilen-l ,Ilchanrctl by ;thf War
IMfttjfcent tjotivij.gj J 1 4
' 'Uf. W; f. Lou) -sietji4yX fiveivi d
ie4:il ordfr No. ;5j--rTviH the adju
tant niettirstJteC in ) thi war de
iKtrttucnt a-JWashingtq, jead-ftg as
folio v f
"IJv dire lion of th sNtant !e' ro
tary of wrar.' the teigraiiyic ItisXmc
Ttyns of lee-mH'r 17. 1S!Sj from 4ids
tUice. liretifig the diharge fro nJ the
Tht Statesman yeste day rc'ivi-d
iliie following letter aiwl resoltttioim,
fiom 'Manila-, under fl.-ite' of. Xovem
W'T 2". 1 SIN. "and which are ' s-lf-ex-(ilanatory.
as given here:
"Kditor -Statesman: The first dearth
in coiniany K. 'cond Oregon I'nitf!
Stare yolnntejrs,. Mf-nmfd :rt the hos
pital early yestenlay morning. Private
Clyde PerklnsJ sonof A. Perkirts.
of I5rMk. 4 tregon. liel , of smalliiiox
I: send yon herewith an honest ex
pressj.Mi of. the sntim"tit f his com-,
r;tl's wSf-Wi'iiz him. with a retiest'
rron pis ;comf'siny fijat you pui.nsti ir.
Truly he was patient and dutiful a
eood soldier. Most respeelTtfllv yours.
r .Slgnwi) M'XAJf, IUWKhL"
,The followinsf are tlie resolnttoris.:
"Whereas.-Our "Heavenly Father
ha t a ken from u our -friend aud com
rade; private Clyde Perkins, wlio this
day !'parted this life at .Manila,' Lu
zon; atjd .-. v :
"Whereas, He had the entire X re
sjiect arid friendship of the soldiers
in ciimpany K. Stvond Oregon t'nlted
States- -oltmteers, who monrn his
Ieaih: th.r'fore lie it X M .
" "Kesolve!. That it is the .unanimons
Mise of the officers and enfstwl men
of s-iid company K. -Settmd ' Oregon
l"nitel States volunteers. f whicii
o-nnpatiy he was a memlter; tbat'jfn his
death we lose' a - comrade anl hi.cher
islnl friettd. and A merf encloses a-dutiful
soldier, jind a citizen who dared t
f ie' i hofd.i tigers and hardships of war
for her irlory. tionor and defense.' And
ho if further i
, "U solved. T'fiat we. tlie meniler of
sliiji,emhp.'iiiy do hereby extend to
the father and 'mother,, ihe .brothers
and ' sisters, and friend-s of our de
eased eotntra'tle our sincere sympathy
in till, their -lxreavemtnl. emnienJ
itig ail to the same kind Providenee
apl 'benev.ob'tif ' Father- that has seen
fit. to take1 him from us., lietieciiig that
?t!L-HTTns work together for ' good to
leni thai lve Ood.' tSigned Hal (.
Ilibtianl. .1. J. Thnrston. McXai. -Howell,
committee, '
"1 leadqua rters comp.1 ny - K. Second
Oregon t'nited Stales voltinteps, Ma
nila. Luzon, Xovemlier 22, 1SDS.
A writer in the i:iiM'r J-peaks of
enditns in the following term;
"Mai.-jla is a sorahre pl'ice; l he iielivy
walls and -an i. oiigevery where. sceai to
ki-ep the ..Idea of defeds iiijx'rraost
I-utile have, tlu se pr 'itaralions pmviil
in the crucial "icsl. There is nj4heatrt;
worthy 'of the name. atd there arei tw
t:irks. kin. lew ti e one or two lit tl
'plazas' I iir the old cjty can te digit iisvl
wiin litjii nane. i nere is a nne tunu
evanl il ng tlje wat-r front. Jioy.eVr
outsid. -phe inoat, and here, in the cool
of ihe evening the upp rjunlo:n . of
.Manila xn-iety nm.vle swii ln.V5iej
nWiitg J.i: ihtu carriagW. flr.iw n by the
.Ijioinotive -but -spiritld little native
I'Oiws, iiise !it,jsii i.-ioie sooi'i or
thii-i exjti-tvely Irandnon'e, bareiwai!
d. ir ss'i fn tlie light, sianzv f.i.bir
ItroiM-r to ti e clii:jt' are v ry p'Jis
titg to the sigiit of tins exiled Airn'riiMn
vjiiith. aa they ride by-, th tr dark
'vs: flashing and pearly teeth jepirk
ling tliron4.'b tlie smiling liixs. Kilt,'
idiis, they are very -loyal to tbeIost
cause., si it 1 xast noi locks of favor Ion
tle nnh-i iR.rtheiJict s wlvi have hum
bli-l the i"Jle ofitheir tintfy. Some
of the u are very frien.liy, with u-,
but M hare .y el lo see .a panls-h laHy
in the comiiiaHy of an American.,
In normal tin ws there Is a grat
lenl of ! social, a -tivltj- ainone7 the
SfKUilsli and other I'.iimpean -'resident
biit the wnr has put an end to all that
rttkl the f t ning ftnienade eems to
?e flu? onlv reriIHi indnlg in.
Kven cHiek-righting. the great pat'lue
or tne count rj Kei tns to Iiave fallen
. tX 4 - .....
inio tistise, aiii it one wants a Utt'e
atnu-uMiient different frefm that ft
loeiigtng aronmi tne DKmy iir r'ninis
that lmie prung Irrfo existence he I
at hirt wit's enl."
l s
i. I
Tiie jt
e J. A.
4 'one- Sr..v Leaves
-Kxe!uiors 'Named.
(M't v ice of t
toe folktwHi
ie l mteu Stated,, by tuelr
:coiniiia.iHttng oifVjefs. of
U nan.l enliied nieii. are
hen-hy sati-rne1
Private V!ni H. Park.: eomiuiy F.
Thifl I'nitHl States In rat' try.
.4irpVal Clair K. Ingralaiii company
V. Soonl !refju vol nub ?!, Infantry.
'rhee l.ilirs vlll 1 furnished
lr.HtoortaU0 1' tlieXCtbeftl iStatis,
tlftwe travel pay to pk-,ei of ! enli.st
liient " . ' -s-, '
SfigjvStH Sptiin's premier,
Jhe w-rtil"ybat tnaft him
wa? A mericti. ' The demitids of
rsMiTmissioners at Paris. anl.Prident
AfKinlex'sj Interpretation! if 'ttejse-j-tion
of the' protocol whit tie himself
"' "wrote, robbed tlie sid mah in M&lrid
of bi& aleeo bv niglit and! Iiis rcsi by
day. Sagata ag3ly cncu3es: f rh
lewwi lntlirted upon usjVh.ik1 Jieen
rd, but jt j will be fniiful! sio it
la .to'jbe hoped. SgastrfiajOa Ids jio
itAe would not learn the ,"tfn except
In the. school of experience' iA.hd' that
i& a hard hooL r ! j .
ii t -
Th balance of trade int emr .faTor
for ISMS, will l-e corsiderally laxg''
jtcan toe cost of the war.
County ..TihLre . P. TV-rrell alsi' te-evfv-d
a Jetrer - from his son. j I.ieut.
IX. W. Terrell. iThe yofing otflcer rv
pirls the Weather Condition excellent.
He spesiks of;. Captain J. M. i Poor
ma n'.s-. prions illness,., from wbiftjh that
offler has happily -recovered, alnd an
nounws the death ' of Private!! Clyde
Perkins.; Shaking of the preja?fations
for Thanksgiving, lie states tltht the
troops rei5'ived, . Jt riom the gpvertiment,
a shipload of turkeys for their ienjoy
mont on that national holiday. .
Whitney Ilolman yesihTxIay fejeeive!
a beauflful CJhristmas isouvenir from
Frank O. Collins, musician in company
I. First California United Staeis voi
uulers.. ' .' . j
It was a lieantlful four-leaf folder
that reflected considerable cretlitj upon
the printer. Upon the first page was
Merrv tTiristmas; gr-eting ' frortfi ! th
The w ill of 11, A. Cone St., who d. e l
Vt his home near ltutteville .. fcist
MTKlay, leaying an estate, valmd at
$Z2XXK was yesterday admltrcd: to
probate.!) A. Cone Jr.. and John
Mui far Tw ere named as executor n
lu tut will and were so appointed by
tlie nrobnje 'court at:d will serve with
or:t ltfs. .
Thefi(jir-atdaw of the estate are:
H. Fr Con of Palcit-e, Wathiiigfou :
litii.sa iurj"rty. Launt lt.-Ing. H. B.
Cone. ArtnajITi"' and-'i. A Cone Jr..
all of Hnttbville,
The will! was executed .Inly. HI, ISvtS.
in tlw iifesence of J. 'J. Mutphy ami
Aliie -"he.-!! - " . i
.-To his wife . the' iloeeuscd
lM0 1n iKh to be paid by tlie
tors within one year after ;iiis
lo his son ii. A. Cone Jr. he devise
2W acref of latwI.aTlie remainder of
th- mil .ftlte he devise to his sons,
Beu.'F. Cne, II. H. Cone audi to his
daughter.: Louisa M'utray, j Laura B.
Ing anjl Auiti ULce. to le shand
etit.-i.llv. inch to re-eive one-fifth. A(I
of the personal pnfperty of the .state.
eiisisting of notes, mortpasf s an-
trfeieys. - is to rn Utvuiert f IfctfeXand
pi tre .Hike, iftnoiig W six t ldWren.
I. It. Hate. C. i.. Ogle and Charles
W. orb.v. aiiiraiser, tester lav fihtf
!ii inventory of the estate
Iawa.; fWeased, "in probate
idiowiii tin" tVal and peroria
tnv t be rallied at f21i0j
Kecentlr , Became Powsefw-enlj
of I Henry
Far East. Manila. 'Philippine K
lSaiS. A happy -New er. On the
second page was the -following verse
in rhyHM': "- . i ' -
In freign lands tbis XmastMe.
s many miles away. " t
Though fated to abhle we lt not
Forget the happy day. 1; X X -The
third page bore the legend
?Frank O. Colllni Musician, Co. I
First California U. V Manila.
This wa ' 'accompanied by ' a letter,
a souvenir medal, and a son venir purse
from First Sergeant Frank iGard. ,
company K, iscond regiment Oregon.
a to
Mouy Fold Play SusimCouL
About twomontbs ago a China run n,
by the name f (lit Cum, Yn.j 'bt eom-'
luonly kno-ri. as M." wlio hast, been
runnii;g a boo raid for N. IU -ajk! J.
S. tlrnlMui, lom file tvlhc at of
Woodbnrn. left his work to jgo to
Portland. He had been sick fori a few
.deiy $ nod saw he was going to the
vliy for mHlii:al assistance.
X. It.! 'jrralinni tKk him
lrtirn, where life pure -eised a ticket an I
"Jo wa 'ecu to locird, tlie train for
Portlands UeT wii expectel-1-ack, In
a few day, fcut.he has cot !retirtiel,.
ai.d tlie Gmhams bare madej repeated
Inquiries as to his whereabouts, ,,ut
wiiligut; s'orcs. ' : I
- ITiCWnaihan 5 bad threei e ftmr
hundred do Li rs tc few days 'ireTi0rs
to sis dlsappearam-e, but It Is not
known bow luocii he had on his person.,-
i . " ! X : '- ,
He has always been Industrious ana
ha nerer 5eft his bttsir. lmgr
than a day at a time before.
Wtsfaeoti ,vt Ullery baruV? them e
a: i' ss tne.rner M-wara -tiKViOin.'e. on
the Sal m. Flouring-M ils Ci."; in tiie
n.i.hlie of -the 'street, at- is 'p jfist.;
! re tj:e thief sn ook t neXSoHtliet aj
P:xitic .w it M 1n ii ad- a lis;ra tur ij
t;Ftward and. liaviiej j l-ked up his;
rTi an. I tarried ift. .,1m was tracke I
bv lii ow ti l:o ti.arks in titc sii.-w:
hi' wa-s . follow-il to', i 'Imfj-h lre- l.
tlwiice south lo the lride:. Xaci s
South Mill eneek; at this, p. Int wis
found - idetK e that "'the tl lef liad nt-
temiitol lo rile the 'wheel, but failed.
Th' Tracks of the man they coutiuel
across th' bridge, ami to the rest Ieree
of Miss Auguta .V-wbit. jiear wi'
io.no f H.n. A. IV.tsh. lit ioN whe 1
tra k-wi T b '-.foimd. -fl'-re he mil
turned -into the yard ;int the otticcr
i'li'ved ( Imti hidden llie w heel. After
a Ions search it was; fnrj I. -ljoweyer.
tiiat tlr fellow -had !... i nto ni-vs.
fli.tlel- a fem" and. Wiilksl back
V'wn town: the track was again lot-
lowcdxaud was .-found to again cros
the bridge.; Here an. fnv Miration .
was maIe -timler the pi-nige, an-i
wheel was foiiiiIXhaltig Uen thrown
mn 'frim the drivevvhy of the bridge
when tile. tiHct iirt rMj on jhl
wav sou lit. ; 4 . '. -,
It was promptly -taken awayand Hie
otti er. agaru starred on tji track of
the thief -and ' w;h he ai d Jds coin
fUlniou croKl tie bridge they nut
lihe stranger; dancing, at th" newly
miule 'track.- Mr. Johns-! at oi;1
siil Isfied himself 11 that they, were th;
footprints he "had follow! all night.
and he wilt died (he fellovv 'limb doo
off the lM-kbre 1 and pas under the
drive-way. Being satisfied of his man.
Mr. Johnson iwiunw'! upon him anl
placed hi ni under arrest. Aktsl what
he wa doing under, the 'bridge, he
sail: ."Iook-hig for a, rglit." aft.-r
whi h hej-rertised fo talk. He was at
- . . ... V a
on taken to the cny jail and kk-ki-!
He b iK'l.evel to have uai a naiKi
a nam-, in su-aiing a w neer ieKnging
to Mrs. H. H. Htnnphry from ihe
store of Pat ton F.ro. yesterl:ty after
noon, and an effort will ! . made ' to
day td lM'.ife tin; 'hiding place of . this
machine. - - V
offlvr Johnson did exs-llent work
Jn rnnrtlng down the wheel, and track
ing the may. which culminated intae
arrest of Tlwmas: within a half hour
after the wheel was taken. X
Thomas was sWm .at the polic-e sta-
tiii nt t tht.- 'Friday V nrning
and Interviewed, with a view t as-er-
tainlng, if. pitssJlih1, his- tootive for
st-allng- tin wpwl'.. 1 he reporter
found the young man considerably un
der the influence of liquor. Tint In
talkative tmod..his statement, howevr
er. Is'lng IrtUIV I!seoLii'Ctel. 1 lie
voting man gives. 'the name of Evans
H. Thomas, and is 23 years of iage;
He is a fairly intelligent; young .man.
and of ' foreign, extra-lion. nt leing
ale to ch-arly express himself; In; fhe
English language. . X ! ;
Thomas showed "more or 4 less ican-
nlng In evading the interrogations 'prw-
lounlel by the reporter, and deplore!
the fact that be- should te piacvo in
jail. assrting his innocent of the
diarge. The sulistance of his state
ments -Is as follows: I
I' am engaged j in ctifliug, wool on
tlie farm of Charles Cannon,) about
four'niiles suth of'this rity. '.and came
to Salem ThursIay to do some trailing.
In the evenimr. I cannot s.iy jnst what
rirm I staftetl home. ; stopping at ; the,
home "of my sister on Church street;
near the Hush bridge., With the Inten
tion of rematoing for the night, .bat
my sister informed me that she id id
not have ample accommodations for
me. and ' I continued on my' Journey
home. Just as I crossed the Bush
bridge, near the blind school. I had 6e
casion to pass under the south ap
proach, a rtd npon coming at was
placed timler arrest.' h i
Young Thomas slated that wh)!!e jrin
der the bridge be saw no wbeeLi and
disciaime! all knowleJge f the theft
of another wheel from Patton Itro.'
txx.k store earl'er sn the day. He de
plorl the unjka.saot frelicainent in
which e-found blmself, "but fell conti
dent he could render- a satisfactory ac
count of bimrti when arraigned In
court.- ' : : i ' .: '!. I . ' '
It is tW supposition of tlie officers
that Thomas was Implicated in the
theft-of the ofher wheel, which he -possibly
pawDed, and witb the money Re
alized therefrom1 proceeded to become
Intoxicated, which terminated In his
capture while escapinic with Mundell's
wheel, as a result oc hU bungling
work. ':! -, -.".,..;'. X ,X-X"
br ptacv it
a Iteautiful
th1 m)sisurs 'of
enlert5l and as.
a floral uioUrel-
la, to which wan su4(.hi1s1 a Iioih
iiotxl luck. wher
rson. vry liap-
rriage -eremony
In white organ
qviet of iHidal
Ivehtie. maid of
Jiudie and car
of iiirik chrys-
l-hoe. the syii'ool
U-v. Bagleyi
:ly Hrforml
I he briIe w
dfe. ami
tos's. - Iiss
(otior,- -,Horej
of Jen-
Hie m:
is -attmNl
oa fried a Ik
pink or
Turner; at
the' otva-
home 'wed-.
magiUetl. - - The
I -e iv very pret
evergreens. Ivy
Mrs, M.
high noon
f Ion pt one
d:ngs that
Mf Kinney
tily dei-orated
and mistletoe.
Irotnptly I at l5o'lock.' nti. .Mrs
Mayro -McKiniey tok
tlie piano ami executed
Vvcddkig march, to
which the. bridal" partv
wmbleil Just beneath
bf onlv tlk rela-
10 Ihe
repaired 'to tlie
4itmptuoits wed-
:i.kfaH -as dlsi-iiM. The dl-i;
hal ixtm very preittiy leco-
rfrd.n fragrjiui tuiiielf
anthe11.1u.ms. I T1kj gr4m .was habit d
.in the conventional blick.l,
Follow ins the 'rniiny the. welling
party, w-hleh; l-onsist d
lives of the contract ha; paities
iiumher of aJmut tuty
liuing rtsmj where .-i
ding br
ing room
rateil with flags evergreens and chrvs-
ntlMmums. I f ' i;
After receiving thej jconc:itnlation
ad lM'st, wishs of jtheirl assembled
kinsiiv n. the 'happy cotpie left lat t-v-i
inilinrf for Jefferssm. .wjuTe the. grKm
!iad pro-Iel si nkvlvf-appoitfjed resiv
deuce for; tlie reivpti-iln f )tH bride,
titiil whore tfiej wilii lie at home to
their ntimenius flctpiafntanci's sliorlly
after the ftrst of Hie yiear. t ,
I The- brjde; . who, fr fnr '. years,
served this "County as. ; deputy clerk,
titider exConnty ClerK L, V. I EhUm,
IJas a wide jircle of warm friends in
sftK'ia) and 4Lisiness circle througlioiii
the county:-. She is- a niitire Oregonian
nd a menrlior of one f Marion rotm
ti"s most! est iinable pioneer families.
T1h groom is a, substantial farmer ofv
.feffefson, aud enjoys fhe resjiect j an-1.
ntldence .of al withi whom 1m has
0 acqualutatci'. lie ;
$f young mau "bf excejj
ility arnl f sterling
Cauniun.ity ju;'' which Ik;
; recOi;nj3!c a
tioual tnislns
wirth Jtr the
I '-:.' . , ' . ... H' X
Xftr -York Heratl: Ihe pnl
ary rejKirt'of
the' N Intra gu a.
11.4 1
mslstng f ti.irat
HahiH. .lmiral: Walker and Iroisst('
HantT. baa leeii coiupleUdjfltKf will
be read byfore the senate'. -outmitte
either dtirius the Cbrittmas iwvm t
ixJugtWn or lmiiktliatelj- afterw uni.
TlAsi ntiort will gite tnany d tall
of oonstrih'ilou !in r'jar l "to tli ihjw
ne route and will give: a H ei.r
"he tlgtirv ou' the eniire ot 4( thai
f.udertaklpc as iar. iis huxtiau liigea
aiiy ?au forV. xx;.,; v ;
.A sunujtlry of .the costs h is 1 et
out? bt wct totiH. anI wftwmt!
Into " the details of -fcurresj ana
it Is- .as t-Ilows: ' C, :' 1 1 1
eastern harbor and Jetties will
n wele
lev els
reiulre alout i,(lst,iH cubic" yards o
M.ft exrovation. The Jetties tlew
'iM'ires rei'ilrw "iibMtt, -ti.uit hubic
yardsf of .rijr;ip-stine, - ; , : . -l-j. -.;
' .Tl-d !'tireyrowni-1s.'tI$U' of 'ite 'knaii
tlwt is. ihe sfN"t.i It'gjunliur ul thrai
heritor and -reacliiiis; i tli East. PI.
viier-wll , n-parv iCmi.tmn, -Ht4tic
varlsxf earth iuud i-Liy r excar ;i.iKi.
Tlie three- kkks in this ectun 'will
"0t-In the ncigh'iochotKl of. ten lift II-
lou dollars, omlidete, with .3,tKK.ui!t
varlM f excavatiim. This, section 1
about! thlne-p utid oiu -lialf hiili j la
leimth. and run through the Jungle-
ixxintr.v-. near, tlie' cii! Pt'cie w I I
le,7ti acres of Heeiring and grub ri4:
abi ip l his .section. The-lmidt nt:vl
cxixms's w ill aupiunt it) little 're 'c
H ose alio. ipuiMrabd.," themfort
tin v-'are omitusli '.'.".' '-1 I: -ft-1'
IV 'lri.le5setti.m r'a-1ies) ftoot
lure throng It thefhtgh, ro"ky inOi of.
tills io tw ent v-four , nil s ft-rtfier.
YhTe are 7,st.i(Kii cubic. . joints oC
rt k ill f ldsj Vttt,' a tht AUmiI r,itij i
yard f earth - and clay. TJv dejj-thC
of thleiit w ill te mltiat! -1 ib.
ueigni;!T itie eau.11, w 11111 is isere -jiiiSv
f-ei atove the sjca. - The- actual (,
tirg S III it-e piit tv"o !.utdrd tW-t
wen in the K'eiH'st part. , . i . i
Frtn; hcri'-iiH'gijiH the o hx s ctit.
wi;e!i runs iiirwgu th? San I. -r.int te.
Uisln at d ;l"loridrti;!:n.- 'Hils Is ir
onniri and thl rutting. "-'which iji;I
rcii-U (i tl O f lam. Witrl v-fotT
and otiic-half mi os f rt-ni the ; CsJ'i!'--
Ikmu sti. w'l!l ' M I- only ltijtaMM''
$i nls to tb? Iigtr's.. iiiaklng a titflu
over 40iu.(Mctib;c yards to th e
lam. f
cite :ti
"f !'
aliottt i,ii'i"i).
bore a 'summary of - tl-e Ht
the San Juan river wiSaggjre-
tuiiM.KMi I etibk ; yatds w-f tU
njo'e for in vy wbhj'ii
eres . clcathi' m l
grubbing. . . " t j - .- ;- ; .-. . '
This" will not lttlun any of h'x
dams or embatikmeiits. but -' Vtu.(!y
Ihe ch.iiinol ciiltirg In the liori'cf tiltt
San sVia j-Iver. 11 hi make :'
inn ctiWc aiw of all gtads f
tCig t. Ijike Nrvii-agua. V.
Tlw oust of th tw-lma d.iutX
Prerilw In J.o"ali Circle-?
,New . 01 ii. -
"local hop, citxdes iiflhing Is leing
ns tlie -few lots' si
are liekl ; a t flg'ui H "wbiely deal
consider too high.
Current, of New
market there:
Il:eltts for tve'k. . . ; .
lijteipts froiyi Sit. I...
f?. sj.tne tinie last yr.
1 JJur! for week-.
IfiKifts from Sept, 1 . ,
ltlsijts for Week.
llHNrts fntu
ici.d ttiore thaii ti' half
S M. I,.
llie Protbweis
York, , says of
4s7 bales
104.1 bal.'s
H.PiH li-'e
l..'7i! bales
; Ueeitts nave fallen elf cotifklernWy
Erans H. Thomas, who was arrested
by Officer J. C. Johnson at a late hour
Thursday -night for the larceny , of a
bicycle, was arraigned before City
la-rivflls. wer in trans
Tin' mat kct throttglKHit
iMl t)eire s-eii. 10 k'
lone of ne.irly all :
clioi"st grtides. iK'itig
mall . Mrpply, i ate held
k'tfaer UnuiIHies, ' but for
ttiedirjm liops Jesa tiion ti
ilteI were it iC4stbe
erv rew- rwewers. e
take oa any niore stoi
tiw openihg of the new
iiorteiTs are not drawing
lers. hotwlihstai llt jg tle
t.w KUro'M'ttn n'arJiots
ill in grower
!f the .wf k's
for exiiort.
hjs l 11 dull
littb Ij.s of
aua.ifies. I1n'
In relatlvely
steadier than
common and
would, be ac-
P K UltSint'HS.
InrUnid to
until af U r
year, aiwi; ex-
.iity l ew: ""-
nrnijiess o:
r ievls
c.itotalloti'sllghtly. making i"iie an ex
treme price for the -tlibb-est of the
Hate hp.-. with most q th ofloHngs
from se dowwani. S.Tops cf ivery
comnVfB strkha.ve lien 4T'id ntji !w
jbs iad or less without iitritirg at
t utk)H. The tjn-st of thtj Pacific iast
would, now be, difflcidt t plae alKnre
3c. and laost-iof the stork, can lie se
cured for a little less. Iu the toteror
of this Hate ithe finest (grades hav.
been pietty
glowers are
otu.il ties, at lrtwer flgnres.. M:il nd-
vjces from Indoa n-ist continued
fihnrteka but flight traiing, stokv
isr.wever. are '.small, 'most! of -the Kns-;
lish bjis ravng already wysed iuui
brewefs" hiuidf. ltent fabh-a ri" rt
an sdtfance In tli;.0irmin n.arket of
ltd ;n?rtrk9. which Is ! pnsumably the
result k.f Engijsh Jitiylng. j ' . ;;
Depnty -Sber'ff ' B. B. CVba th. was .1 n
Auroral yesterday on official business.
Well pk-iscdiup and the
offering to w-11 foe lwer
Ingjdde. Rikim
Mrs. J. W
lecelntier 20. tsm. a dalfghteY
tlrt honie m Morn-
Orwn,to Mr. and
Mitchell, o Tiinrsday',
! '
a the
K sJsiil n naturi as to Ie Ih-vo1k
tlgtirhuii within a
The da m wlll
feet 111. length -W
llow the tu'd
torn. aol Its rise
l e inoi e I liliii, !. J.7f
founlatln 7." f-t
llt,Mn the rlrer Ht-
orer 100 feet. A
tlie river will havjeXto be turned fro
its course during
will? be immh that
lve to Is takett
for'an tstlntnte of
'tiw Sin Carlo
cost Keveral 111III
filmst" are.l'eihg
in the siiallow part
nrtn-.-aie lO.lMSMMt; jarTs.. uuiklng
tOfal Of Mo.lNNXMN
erti division of the cnnal,
Wa I kT's son . ' J .
they win amount
.'. KM MM I 1lltC
entire feaslbllitv
lf-h tests t!'
the route.-, has lhit t n licetiratelv
iiix1artaklng is
unit, or er nTmere.
this 1 onut ruction.
many details w
Info eonslderat tr
Its' tost. - ' 'X.
et:dM.t'kiniit . w
m riiliirs and tint
made. "Tlie rt
of the lake - w
yard.- to the AVeit
Tie estimates for the' n'est rn 'dl-
vkioh have not ln made yet. Ttiey
are tin.ler trie llre tion ' of Admiral
WV. ii. WalktTl mitt
to not less , ihau
nils ino,re. 11 akitur
a total or ll..Hiiiss) entile yar ln .pf
nil klmls of excavation t. the. harbor,
at Iritfc,!il. a!loiving f,tir).tr cu?kt
j-anlM for lrlg1n 1to. the tr ial ii
tlin.ite will come jto ne:irly 12i,!i.
si yvunli. ex iude of all. "darns aa-I
pilMnkmer.ts. -
ItfcwiII I sen tfcat i:C,s')0.ti't wl'.I
I", a conservative estimate of ihe
tre cost of tlie caJiaJi and this almom
airre s with ,tlat j bf ; MaJr t;en-rl
Wdliain II hud low S fejiort of iMHk- I
WItICH-mrNSFtRr. At the bo iw
or ine trlle'M nHher, Afrs. M. Iti:s
; ford, No H77 :hemketa st recti .S?a
lent, Oregon, at high nni, Thttrs-
day, Ihnber il). IMiS, M1ss Mat II
Lt ltmsfrrd t j John T. "Wolr h.
Iter. 3. it. Evaj.of the First OhH
tjaft chiirvh, ofTb-lrtijifc X, - . -
The weddlg wan n piiet lioioe af
fair and .was. wltnesse! onfr bv th
fWtbnate frleiht
r -j;.j. - j
Tl. Iiile 1st tin
M. 'Uunsford ami
Tlie erooni lia
d relativesi' of the
JACK. At his home, sbAnt 3 miles
r et of this city, Wednesday, Doeesn
ber 2S., V8. Itobert Jak, aed 77
years, of -heart trouble. I -x .-x t
The death of Mr. Jacjc ooetrrred
quite snldehly and onexpertedly )r -terUTl
mornlri?. the agedj man, who
tad tt complained In thefleast, pass
ing away wltbont a raoroeiEis warning.
He was an old pioneer, bn-rlnr res.d-
eu errc siuvc ii.
danglvtee of -; Mrs.
native Salem' fiitL.
frXfhe nasi thrco
years lei-n emrinrt-r at tlie .T!.onia
Kay Woolen Mill plant. . 1 - X
,Mr. and Mrs, Web h will ls -at
ho rn? at No. .177. Cliemeketa tr. r
after. :Jahiiarr!;Joth. ..X,"' ;i-x -.j,; ;, i1
CHUllARTi-T-AKTtlt-At the JionW
of tle Ivrsle's parents. 3fr. and Mrs.
J. It. Partch.-'fourimllcs east of; this,
city, at hnh noon, Weln'slay, Ie-.
cemtu r 1 2S, IKtts. MIsst Anna E.
Parteh I v f leorge i rearhart. Itev
J rank clver, of lh
nomination, offlcUtln
At the Ariose, of the
mony tne many reiatlr
present extended tW-l'll
a long ami prosperous J
fnl. wedding dinner was
of. anJ ? tlie afternoon, sin ut In pleas-
.ant-: conversation. ;')' 7?. x'l'? :--. -'
The itrUie is the nam Isomei .and.--K,'
cpmp!Jslje.l daughter of Mr., And Mrs.
J. B. Partch. baving jspear'tho- greater
portkm of her liferfaiid arbaml Sa
lem, where shells wi-ll-known, and
highly resfected. . 1 , . r . y .
x no-groom ia a pnf ieroo 1 firmer r
orange county, caiirornia, wnere. twy.
wr.i inaKe iitir tuture uooue
lrang'l".cal dc-
I weMhig ;":
s ami frU'tids
t wibe for
Ife A I jouiili-
tlieu parlakciW
f' XX.'- XX'
1 V X
.... 1