•i Thursday, December 22,1977 Nyssa Gata Qty Journal • Nyssa, Orafoa Pat a Two Nyssa Gate City Journal Jim Peterson .., Bud Peterson .... Pai Savage........... Ruth Klinkenberg Lucille Callahan . Kathy Oliver........ Published Every Thursday at Nysaa, Oregon 97913 Second class postage paid at Nyssa. Oregon 97913 under act of Congress of March 3, 1879 MEMBER ^j Oregon Newspaper | Publishers Association I I NATIONAL NEWSPAPER aHtiiMü .J -QeXCenA. TO THE EDITOR Editor, The Journal: The Church family hopes, through your newspaper, to • A convey our best wishes to all your readers for a most merry Christmas and happy New Year. Until last year, we sent Christmas cards to many in Idaho, but the increasing cost k J of postage and the growing number of cards I wished to send simply became too -4 much. That is why, in place I of sending cards, Beth in e and I have begun hosting a series of Christmas parties in cities throughout Idaho for senior citizens. These parties have now become something of a Christmas tradition for us, and. by expanding the number held each year, it is w one sqtall wav tn which we SUBSCRIPTION RATES Malheur County r. Oregon, and Payette and and Canyon Counties. Idaho: One Year............... $7.00 Two Years........... $13.00 Elsewhere in the U.S.A.: One Year................$8.00 Two Years ......... $15.00 can recognize the special contributions that senior citi zens make to their communi ties. and to all of us, year round. It is a great privilege to represent Idaho in the United States Senate. I count that among my blessings, as we join in wishing each of you a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Sincerely. /s/ Frank Church The Churches Frank. Bethine. Forrest, Amy and chase CHRISTMAS STILL MOST IMPORTANT According to a survey conducted in thirty cities, Christmas is the most meaningful and important holiday to Americans. Th? study also reports that th3 values of Christmas are as profound as ever and there are no signs of youthful mtl-traditlonallsm. ^OBITUARY Don C. Linville Services fo- Don C. Linville 68, of rural Nyssa, who died Saturday. December 17, 1977 at a Nyssa hospital, were conducted at 2 p m. Tuesday at Lienkaemper Chapel. Ny ssa by the Rev. Fred Moxom. Owyhee Community Church. Interment was in the Owyhee Cemetery. He was bom October 3, 1909, at Utica, Oklahoma. He moved to Idaho in 1930 and worked as a surveyor on the Owyhee Dam project. He married Virginia McGinnis December 24, 1930. They farmed in the Owyhee area until 1941. when they moved to Pasco, Washington. He worked for seven years in defense work. They moved to Owyhee Junction in 1955, and owned and operated the Owyhee Grocery for the next 17 years. He retired in 1972. Surviving are his wife of Nyssa; two sons. Mas and Billy, both of Adrian; two daughters. Pat LinvWe of Seattle and Edna Lee Siam of Owyhee Junction; two sisters Charline Livesay of Wilder and Alda Patton of Martha, Oklahoma; a brother. Ray of Caldwell; 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to a favorite charity. A Festive Name "Merry Christmas" In June? September? It is for a lovely young lady In Sac ramento. California, whose name is truly Merry Cheree Christmas! In answer to endless in quiries and as many jokes, this charming young wom an never tires of explaining that her name really is Merry Christmas, and is spelled just that way. She is used to people thinking It’s funny and the constant teasing, but enjoys the fun of it as much as others. Miss Christmas, whose fame has spread all over the world, spends a consid erable amount of time an swering the many people who write her. She starts writing her Christmas cards in September. Asked about marriage proposals and changing her name, Miss Christmas re sponded "Well, I’ve serious ly thought about marriage Shine The Light Of Faith Upon Your Christmas hen colored lights illuminate And sparkling gifts commemorate The Christmas that we celebrate, It’s harder to appreciate The way it did originate. At midnight, by a stroke of fate. A Child was born upon that date, Whose mission was to set us straight; And though the news would indicate Our world is in a sorry state, Remember that it’s not too late. So in our Church let’s congregate. Where we can all assimilate The message we’ll communicate, Of peace and love instead of hate, That men throughout the world await. —Gloria Nowak a coupte of times, but I was raised the old - fashioned way and I guess I’m looking for an old-fashioned type of person who thinks like I do. I really like the tra ditional things — like Christmas." Ladies Meet The AKH Home Extension meeting was Thursday. They had a potluck luncheon at noon. The husbands were invited. All members took gifts wrapped for the people at the Nyssa nursing home. Barb Lewis of Idaho Power in Payette showed a film on Hell's Canyon. Mary Laan gave the ACWW lesson on Kenya, Africa. "Great ideas come from the heart. Vauvenargucs VRN Post Renamed Bill Maydan Post 18 Members ot the Nyssa VFW Post voted recently to rename their post the Bill Mayden Post No. 2697 in honor of their lifetime mem ber, who passed away July 18 1976. He was also a member and post adjutant of the American Legion. Mrs. Mayden received a commendation from Presi dent Ford shortly after the death of her husband, it read: The United States of America honors the memory of William B. Mayden. This certificate is awarded by a grateful nation in recognition of devoted and selfless conse cration to the service of our country in the Armed Forces of the United States. Signed, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States. The Nyssa Post met December 15 and elected new officers. Those elected were: Bill Fletcher, com mander; Fred Palmer, senior vice-commander; Frank Tut tle, junior vice-commander; Richard Lawrence, quarter master; Homer W. Fletcher, chaplain; Bill Zink, first year trustee. David Kyne, District Com mander of Baker, was the installing officer. Ralph Corn- messer. Ontario quartermas ter and Ralph Blaine, com mander of the Ontario Post also attended. The Bill Mayden Post will meet January 11 at the Nyssa Legion Hall. Happy Anniversary December 23 * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Settles. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McPartland December 26 • Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shell. Mr. and Mrs. Al West, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Jackson December 28 - Mr. and Mrs. Larry McArdle. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Drake December 29 • Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrison The merriest of holidays... from First National Bank of Oregon. Holiday spirit... it’s in the air, on our minds and close to all of our hearts. It s a time for sharing and giving.Time for family, for seeing friends and renewing acquaintances. A time for peace, reflection and joy. Holidays... they really are a special time of year. That’s why this year, just like every year for well over 100 years now. the folks at First National have chosen this partic ular time, holiday time, to extend their personal thanks and greetings to the people of Oregon. We d like to tell you how much we appreciate knowing you, and how proud we are to be able to serve you. And so, in keeping with that holiday tradition, your friends and neighbors at First National wish you health, happi ness and prosperity in the year ahead. ADRIAN Business Directory Fire Dept.-503-372-2220 St. Police 503-889-6468 Adrian Meacantile 503-372-2727 208-724-613J Martin’s Martel A Adrian Supply 503-372-2722 Mirage Cafe A Lounge Live music Sat. night 503-372-2338 OF OREGON Nyssa Branch Parker Lmbr. A Hrdwr. 503-372-2433 200-724-6174 Van DeWater Leveling 503-372-2562 rr Church Services Job’s Daughters Happenings I Naiareno Good a Soo«»- 5th Sunday, December 25 . Prayer at the Church at 7 a.m. Christian Education Clu- ses at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship at 10:50 a.m. with the Cherub Church presenting a Christmas Pro gram. No Choir Practice or Evening gospel Hour. Remember to celebrate Jesus' birthday in ways that honor Him. Wednesday, December 28 Midweek Services • Bible study in the Nursing Home at 4 p.m. Prayer meeting, Teen fellowship and Caravans at the church at 7:30 p.m. Conservative Baptist locust A North 4th A Special Christmas Morn ing is being planned on Sunday, December 25 at 11 a.m. at the Conservative Baptist Church, the family service will include poems of Christmas, individual and group singing and the Christ mas Story read by Neil Mathews. Presenting special music will be Kristi Beattie. Donna Blackburn, Becky Mathews, Edna and Larry Meyer, Patty Seuell. and Larry Bauman. Pastor Don ald Beattie will close this service with a devotional. No Sunday School or evening services will be held that day. We would like to extend an invitation to everyone in the community to come and share in this special Christ mas Day Service. Job’s Daughters Bethel No. 33 met December 14 with Whitni Morrison, honored queen presiding. Escorted and introduced Saturday • Christmas Mid were past honored queens, night Mass. Lynn Campbell. Bethel No. Sunday - Adrian 9;30 a.m 56 of Auburn, Washington; Nyssa 11 a.m. Tami Cleaver and Shawn Webb of Bethel No. 33. United Methodist Nyssa; Dr. Louie Mauiding, North Third A Emison past associate grand guar The Methodist Church and dian for the State of Oregon the Rev. Monroe welcomes and also past associate you to all church activities. guardian of Bethel No. 33; Thursday, December 22 - Foy Sasser, associate guar Young adults to attend movie dian of Bethel No. 25. in Ontario. Party at Monroe's Ontario; Amalia Pratt, wor- afterward. thy matron of Golden Rule Friday, December 23 ■ Chapter No. 131. OES. Christmas Caroling • meet Initiation was held for at the church. Amanda Larsoo. An invita Saturday, December 24 . tion was issued to attend the Meditation, "What's The installation of Bethel No. 25 Great Mystery?” by Rev. in Ontario on December 21 Monroe. 7 p.m. and also initiation of Bethel Sunday, December 25 - No. 27 of Parma on Decem Christmas Chapel, "The ber 30. • Jesus Dinner,” Holy Com- Practice will be Friday. munion, 11 a.m. December 23 and tray favors No Sunday school. will be made prior to practice. The final practice Christian will be December 27. Instal South Sth & Ennis lation will be December 28 at Saturday, December 24 • 7:30 p.m. Candlelighting ceremony at The girls held a gift church for all. 7 p.m. exchange and refreshments Sunday, December 25 were served in the dining Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. room. Morning Worship with Happy Dozen special music. 11 a.m Wednesday, December 28 The Happy Dozen Card Bible Study and Prayer, 7 Club met Friday with Edna p.m. DeHaven. Guest players were Edna Lee St am. Hazel Smith and lma Begeman Winners were Hazel Smith • Friday, December 23 - Edna Lee Stam. Hazel Beef/noodles, garden salad, Schafer and Wilma Powell. peas, rolls, rice pudding. The meeting was followed Monday, December 26 with a gift exchange. No meal because of holiday. St. Bridget’s Church News Site Menu Park Ave. Baptist North 3rd A Part Sunday, December 25 Christmas Service and the partaking of the Lord’s Supper. 10 a.m. to II a.m. No Sunday school. Wednesday, December 28 Prayer meeting at Paul Penrod's. 7 p.m. A friendly smile, a warm handshake and the words of the Lord await you at the Park Avenue Baptist Church. j : ' Blouses All Reduced Ona Lot Sizes 8 to IS Regular to *17°° Bible Missionary North 2nd A Beech Sunday - Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Young People 7 p.m. Evening service, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday • Midweek service, 7:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Rev. Carl A. Johnson, pastor Missionary Baptist Ehrgood A North 2nd Pastor Bill Dotson Sunday Services • Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, II a.m. Sunday evening, BTC, 6:30 Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening - Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. Adrian Presbyterian Community Church Church Services, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Monday night Bible study: Roswell manse, 7:30 p.m. Choir practice: 7 p.m. 'Robes Wu 6.49 7.99. 8.99. 9.99. 13.99. 14.99. 15.99. 16.99. 17.99. 19.99. 25.50. 26.50. 27.50. 29.50. 29.95. 32.50. 33.50. 36.99. 37.50. Now ..5.19 ..5.99 ..6.99 ..7.99 ..8.99 ..9.99 .10.99 .11.99 .12.99 .16.49 .19.47 .19.99 .20.99 .23.99 .24.99 .26.99 .28.99 .30.49 .30.99 | Bracken's I Department Store s