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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1977)
Thursday, Decambar 22,1977 Activities In Arcadia », NeO Into ARCADIA * Mr. and Mr». Oti» Bullard visited Clyde Long at the nursing home Sunday afternoon. Louie Pryor, a long-ago-re sident of Arcadia Community who lives in Ontario at the present time, was admitted to the Holy Rosary Hospital. Wednesday of last week with a heart attack. Don Bowers called at the Clyde Bowers home Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Bowers visited Ted and Dorothy Bowers at their home at Ontario Friday afternoon. Otis and Pearl Bullard spent Sunday evening visit ing Lillian Zittercob at her home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Bowers visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Howe Sunday afternoon and spent the afternoon Nyssa Gate City Journal • Nyssa, Oregon playing pinochle. Hie Arcadia Sunshine Club m«t at Violet Drydales. Wednesday afternoon for their Christmas party. It was the first time most of the members had seen her new home. All but one member was present. Sunshine sisters were revealed. A short meeting was held and names of new secret sisters, for the coming year were drawn. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and the rest of the time was spent visiting, John Meyer, who lives at the Nyssa Manor, was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Meyer. Larry Meyer went to Boise, Sunday afternoon. He took his sister, Cora Lee Meyer to St. John's Cathedral for the Choral program. SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES The Nyssa Senior Citizens met at the Legion Hall December 14 with President Lillian Meckem leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. This meeting was the annual Christmas dinner and there were 60 members and ten guests present. Following the acceptance of the minutes and the treasurer's report, Wyatt Smith reported on the winter izing of the little clubhouse. This has been closed for the winter as all meetings will be held at the Legion Hall. Lillian Meckem reported on the flooding of the building situation, that had happened during recent rains. Hope fully it has been corrected with the help of a plumber and the hauling of some gravel. Pago Tbirteea New Open-Date Gladya New bill woo the afghan that had been made by Agnea Ashcraft. The club had sold three chances for Si, and the proceeds were 5108. Labeling Info Shoppers at Oregon meat cases will find significant new labeling information December I as Oregon State Department of Agriculture open-date labeling changes take effect. The shift in labeling information will affect fresh or raw meats, all forms of fresh poultry, fresh fish, crab and shrimp. The nominating committee entered their choice of names for the new officers. They are Hazel Lane, presi dent; Anna Marostica. first vice-president; Beth Ellis, second vice-president; Clara Jones, secretary and May Bretz, treasurer. As these were the only names entered in nomination, they were elected by acclamation. Mrs. Dale Witt presented two readings and Christmas Carols were sang by the group. They were accom panied by Cora Rookstool on the piano. Everyone enjoyed the bountious Christmas dinner. PICTURED ABOVE, left to right, are: Joe Deleon, Randy Langley. David South, Greg Hatch, Doyle Munn. Forty-two third-graders at the Nyssa Elementary School took part in a double elimination checkers tournament. They all gave up noon recesses to play. Some were NO BULL! " ■ eliminated each day, but none were losers because they were all good sports. Doyle Munn earned first place, Joe Deleon second place. Randy Langley third place, and Greg Hatch and David South were tied at fourth place. Mrs. Kim, a third grade teacher at the Nyssa Elementary School sponsored the event. THE BEST DEAL IN TREASURE VALLEY ON ** T.V. Stout Appliance 3rd aad Mah Nywa, Oragon I WANT SANTA to bring me my two front teeth,” says these five first and second graders. They are (left to right) Norina Martinez. Wendy Jimenez. Sheila Harris. Husky Service Juan Jose Rodríguez and Ramiro Salinas. Miss Mary Frahm pulled these teeth after a study on teeth and their care, of course the teeth were loose. Hospital Visitation - Retire with a half million dollars in the bank? Seems incredible, doesn't it’ But, a young person eligible open a First Individual Retire ment Account today at age 65 with a nest egg in the bank of several hundred thousand dollars. For example, an IRA opened at age 20 and con tinued for an entire working career at the maximum annual contribution of $1,500. at the present rate of 7-3/4% annual interest,* 7 would result in an age 65 nest egg of over $620,000' Given those same conditions and continued to _ age 70, that IRA account would be worth $922,281.57. Individual Retirement Accounts are available to any wage earner or self-employed person who is not currently a participant in any other pension or profit-sharing plan An IRA account can be opened for as little as $100 with additional deposits made in increments of $25 or more, The Conservative Baptist Church. Rev. Don Beanie. 372-3038. Chaplain 12-26-77 to 1-1-78; Nursing Home Service 1-1-78. The First Christian Church Rev. Erldene Johnson. 372- 3384. Chaplain 1-2-78 to 1-8-78. Nursing Home Ser vice. 1-8-78. plan for the very young, either. An IRA account can be by any eligible partic- £to age 70. See as in the box below. And now regulations contributions to an account that is opened before February 15,1978, to be deducted from 1977 personal income taxes. So, stop in soon at any of First National's 145 banking offices and ask for a free Disclosure Brochure that the complete First IRA plan. No other bank or thrift institution pays a higher rate of interest. If you don't have a retirement program now, you'll be glad someday that you stopped by First first. Its within reach with a First Individual Retirement Account. and the current interest rate is guaranteed for a minimum of three years The annual contributions of up to $1500—or 15% of your gross wages, whichever is less-are deductible from an individual's personal income taxes, both state and federal. If the contributor has a non working spouse, up to $1750 can be put away annually with the entire amount tax deduct ible The proceeds of an IRA account are taxable only when disbursed, normally upon retirement. IRA is not just a personal retirement We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the prayers, food, flowers, cards and other expressions of sympathy in the loss of our loved one. May God Bless You! The John Perdue family Don and Norma Perdue Jerry and Cathy Anderson Greg Perdue Simplot Soilbuilders Examples of IRA plan Value of Account at Present Age 60 Ago 70 Age 65 Age 5417,181 5621,854 5922.281 20 182,748 417,181 30 277,743 118,030 277,743 182,748 35 182.748 73.940 118,030 40 43,902 118,030 73,940 45 (cents omitted) We five for the and holy spirit that means Christmas. Thu tabla is baaed on a deposit of SI.500 per year made on the last day oi each year paying 7-3/4% annual interest, computed on a daily basis, compounded and credited quarterly God num you und Koop you in tho circi* of Hi» lava. There's a Bst time for everything. FIRST NATIONAL OF BANK OT ‘Federal law and regulation prohibit payment ol a time depoait prior to maturity unleea throe months of intereat thereon la forfeited and interest on the amount withdrawn la reduced to the regular aavinga rate z CARD OF THANKS Schedule t Fangen Floral w Member FDIC y “Previously, these items could be labeled with slaugh ter date, pack date or pull date, offering the consumer a confusing dilemma.’' said Linda Baker, the depart ment's consumer affairs ad visor. But as of December 1, these regulation changes will help clear up the labeling confusion: — Poultry must bear a specified pull date m each package, meaning that after that date, the item must be withdrawn from sale or separated from like foods with unexpired dates and clearly labeled as such. -All fresh, raw. packaged meats, sausage products, seafood products and fresh fish products will be desig nated with a package or pre paration date, which is a clear indication to the shop per the exact date that the item was offered for sale. "The changes also will require retailers to specify by placard or label that the date on the package is either a puli date or package date It's expected to clear up confu sion about what a date on a meat package really means.” said Ms. Baker. Oregon’s open-date label ing went into effect in January 1974, and has required pull dates on these items: --Processed or cured meat, including weiners, bologna, other luncheon meats, liver sausage, salami, ham and bacon. -Fluid milk and cream products. -Bakery products, includ ing pastries, cookies and most crackers. -Eggs in the shell. Holy Rosary Hospital December 15 - Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bright. Fruitland, a boy Mr. and Mrs. Ron Belnap. Vale, a boy December 16 - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis. Payette, a boy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomason. Weiser, a boy December 17 • Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bush. West fall. a girl Mr. and Mrs. David Bryson. Vale, a boy December 18 - Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lopez. Ontario, a boy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Currey, Vale, a boy December 20 - Mr. and Mrs. Scott Olsen. Payette, girl Mr. and Mrs. Tim Simon sen. Payette, a boy