Nyssa Gata City Journal • Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, December 8, 1977 GÀTI cm JOURNAL WANT ADS LAND TITLE ESCROW CO. 70S.W. 3rd. Ave. Ontario, Oregon QUALIFIED loan Closing Agent for Dept, of Veterans* affair» PHONE 889-6451 Deadline Wednesday 11 a.m., Phone 372-2233 For Sale Golden TOUCH A SEW Singer Sewing Machine, with cabinet, $250.00 Call 372-2763 or contact Carolyn Cooper. 47-4tp 3-SPEED GIRLS BICYCLE with accessories. Call 372- 2779. 49 Ite HELP WANTED Sales Help Wanted—TEXAS REFINERY Corp, offers Plenty of Money plus cash bonuses, fringe benefits to mature individuals in Nyssa area. Regardless of expe­ rience, write A. T. Paio, Pres., Texas Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas 76101. 49 he FOR SAL! FOR SALE-AUTOS PH1LCO ELECRIC STOVE. GE refrigerator, both for $100 or $60 a piece. Call 372-3604. 49 he USED SINGER SEWING machine with cabinet, excel­ lent condition. $450. Call 372- 5132 after 5 p.m. or 372-2777 from S a-m. to 4:30 p.m. and ash for Diane. 49-ltc HOTPOINT ELECTRIC 39” STOVE, $65.lady's golf clubs with bag and golf cart, $35. Cail 372-5439. 49-he GIVE AS GIFTS or keep for yourself. Christmas decora­ tions for sale. Handmade cone wreaths, wall hangings and candle rings $5-$10. Call 372-2994. 49 2tc VERY NEW-crashed velvet sofa, floral design, $200. Call 372-3671. 49 hp LOTS OF MISSES'S TOPS under $6.00. Many more under $10.00. Lovely Pykette Mouses. AH Diacounl Priced. . • * • MEN’S RED FLANNEL Shlrta-$7.9S. Also Men's velour, football, rugby and color banded sweat shirts. All Discount Priced. e e • KID'S Perms Press Cham­ bray Western Shirts with steer design on yoke. Rrg. $9.50 Special $6.99. Sixes 8 • 18. Kid’s 50 poiy-50 cotton Blue Jeans, sixes 8-16. Special $6.99. Buy Better For Less at DISCOUNT CLOTHES CENTER . Parma. Idaho. ?......... FOR SALE 1 ; NYLON TARP—tough, J • durable. Ideal for irriga- J • lion dams, tarps, etc. • • 6‘i ’ width. Only $1.50 • • per running fool. Con- • • tact Herb Ructh, Parma • I 722-5478. 47-tfc u . .................................................. .. I960 BUICK ELECTRA 225. air, michelin radial tires, very good condition. See at Simpson's Repair or call 372-5194. 49-tfc 1972 SUPER BEATTLE Volkswagen, red, average miles. Call 674-2081, Nu Acres. 44-tfc NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Get low Rates! Fast, Fair, friendly Service. Jun K«»liln»<>n . S»ssa Phone 372 3938. FISCHER’S MOBILE HOME PARK The park with lots of personal service. All utilities available. Pure well water, no sulphur or clorine. Street lights. Quiet. Off the highway. Laundry. Large lots priced al $30.00 and up. approved. Phone 372-5218. 4-tfc RON'S SHELL SERVICE 101 North Main Phone 372-3004 Brake Relining Tune-up$ Muffler Installation Radiator Repairs WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUYt Used 12' aluminum boat. Contact The Journal Office, 372-2233. 45-j BEE BOARDS We have Better, better deals on BETTER. BETTER CARS at NEWHOUSE, Newhouse Chevrolet, CHEVROLET, 420 Main Street, Nyssa. Phone 372-2224 49-tfc WANTED TO BUY leafcutter bee boards. Call 372-3258 or 372-2386. 41-tfc John Deere SNOWMOBILES and Snowmobile clothing. John Deere equipment, part» sales and service. BAM EQUIPMENT Co., 1100 Ad­ rian Blvd., Nyssa. Phone 372-2239. 47-tfc NEW FULLY CARPETED 2—bedroom home. Custom drapes 6 cabinets, carport and storage. Nice location bl Nyssa. Phone 372-2293 or 452-4797 after 5 p.m. 46-tfc Husqvoarna 6 McCulloch CHAIN SAWS. Nyssa Elec­ tric Inc., 101 Good Avenue, Phone 372-3151. 16-tfc NEED MONEY?? Need mo ney for weekend trips? until payday? or Just need money? We pawn anything of value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, downtown Fruitland, Idaho, Phone 452-4786. 24 tfc Necesita Dinero? Si necesita usted dinero para viagar durante un fin de semana, o necesita dinero por otras rasones. puede usted em­ peñar cualquier cosa de valor en el.. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, Fruitland, Idaho. 24-tfc FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO—bedroom home, cor­ ner lot 60x120, 101 Reece Ave., $6400 Cash. Ralph Lawrence Real Estate, 105 Main, Phone 372-3544. 28-tfc NEED money? Need money for weekend tripe, until payday or Just need money. We pawn anything of value. TREASURE VALLEY PAWN SHOP, downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452-4786. 24 tfc HELP WANTED EARN S4-S5 per hour COMMISSION servicing FULLER BRUSH Customers. No layoffs, own hours. CAR and PHONE The grass IS greener at our new SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS! Lovely 16 2 bedrooms. Rent based on Income. Modern comfort i drapes carpets, GE appliances, emergency cal system from each apartment. Coln-op laundry, pins clubhouse with activi­ ties for you to enjoy. Come and visit. Meet the happy people, Mr. and Mrs. Klelnke. You will be glad you did! Nyssa Manor, 510 South Sth Street. Call 372-3925 Equal Housing Oppor­ tunity. 46-tfc necessary Call Nyssa 372-3412, evenings. 17-tfc Wanted To Rent ROW CROP LAND Contact MURAKAMI AHS Calendar Of Events December 8 • School Bo ard meeting, cafeteria. 7 p.m. Girls Basketball. Adrian at Nyssa. 5 p.m. December 9 - Varsity and JV Basketball Jordan Valley at Adrian, 6:30 p.m. Jr. High Basketball. Na­ mpa Christian at Adrian, 12:30 p.m. December 10 • Varsity and JV Basketball at Jordan Valley, 6:30 p.m. Wrestling at Wallowa, 6 p.m. December 13 • Girls and Boys Basketball at Imbler, 6:30 p.m. History Class goes to Circuit Court in Vale. December 14 - GAA Christ­ mas Party with Nampa State School. 7 p.m. Play Cast to perform in Nyssa. December 15 • Wrestling. Nyssa at Adrian, 7 p.m. 24-tfc Ws terries units sn or off the vehicle in our shop. Del« ■> Bulli rie» (503)372-3700 101 North first Street V m W Stout Appliance 3rd and Main Nyssa, Oregon $37,000. 3—BEDROOM HOME with part basement. Built-In oven and stove *op. Wall-to-wall carpet thru-out the house. Large fenced yard. Storage shed, patio with privacy. 525 North 2, Nyssa. 2—BEDROOM - central heat - fenced yard ■ garage 506 North 4th. $16,000. 4— BEDROOM • 2 baths - central air - 2-car port - On 5 Acres-close to Nyssa. $55,000. 3—BEDROOMS, all car­ peted, living room car­ peted kitchen, bath 6 utility room. Full baae- ment, garage and nlce- slie vard all for only $17,000. 2- BEDROOM-comer iot, 102 Ehrgood. $7,500. 3- BEDROOM spacious home, family room, fireplace, utility room, electric beat, carport. $32,500. 129 ACRES - 100 Acres top row-crop. Ail concrete ditches, excellent water setup. $268,000. $50,000 down up to 20 years at 7*6% interest. 4-BAY car wash. 77-foot frontage on busiest st­ reet In town. Only $18,000 with easy terms 4‘/> ACRES on Columbia between 3rd. Street and Hlway, small 2-bedroom house $11,500. Cash. 5- BEDROOM, 3 up 6 2 Down - double fireplace, living room and dining room, one 6 one-half bath, carpeting, kitchen w/goodles. Two-car garage attached-full finished basement w/flreplace 6 rec. room and shop. 504 North 8th. $42,000. NEW 3-bedroom, 2 full baths, living room, kit­ chen, family room with fireplace. Carport. Lo­ cated in new district. Shown by appointment: $40,000.00. 20 ACRES • 20 acres water • two-bedroom house. East Overstreet.$33.000. EASTMAN Bob Thompson, REALTOR Real Estate Insurance Phone 372-3535 CUSTOM SERVICE ELECTROLUX SALE 6 Ser­ vice. Supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter. Call 549-1745, Weiser, Idaho. Phone 889- 7344 and/or 549-2514. 1-tfc [ Office - 372-3355 218 Main Street Home - 372-3337 Nyssa, Oregon v c? FLEJLL ESTATE C »( Alton 210 GROVE STREET » PARMA 208 722-6727 NOW YOU CAN STEAM clean carpets the professional way at a fraction of the cost with Rinae-N-Vac. Rent at Gambles Store, Nyssa. Phone 372-3928. 49-ltc 3— BEDROOM HOME on Vi acre out of town. Includes Insulated, heated workshop. Additional acreage available. $58,000. 3—BEDROOM HOME, full basement. Property Includes old church building, ideally located for business. $26.500 FOR full-line CHEVROLET leasing, contact NEWHOUSE CHEVROLET Nyssa. Phone 372-2224 31-tfc 3—BEDROOM HOME with single car garage. 4 years old. Large corner lot. $30,000. SHAKELEE DISTRIBUTORS food supplements, cosmetics, cleaners. Alberta 6 Roberta Morrow, Phone 372-2845. 3-tfc 2—BEDROOM HOME with basement and one-car gsrage. Large fenced yard. $21,000 35 ACRES, sprin NEW RINSE—N—VAC st­ eams cleans, rinses, and vacuums out dirt leaving carpets professionally clean. Rent at Coast to Coast Store, Nyssa, Phone 372-3545. 49-ltc FURNITURE STORAGE small lota or a housefull. Call 372-5218. 4-tfc In alfalfa hay. $45,500. 40 ACRE PARCELS undeveloped land, 9 miles north of Parma. $495 Per Acre 9 ACRES DRY LAND, low down payment, easy terms. $10,000 MOBILE HOME, 14x64 with 4ft. Tipout. Located on $22,500. corner lot in Parma. Bill Claridi, Broker NOW RENTING: Sappe Mini- Storage 12x24 stalls, $25 per month. Call 372-2485. 34 tfc Dale Schaefer FIRE EXTINGUISHER SA- les, service and repairs. Delbert Malloy, 713 North 2nd Street, Nyssa. Phone 372-2943. 8-tfc 674-2066 674-2004 Mel Beck Real Estate 214 North Main, Nyssa Phone 372-3532 NEED MONEY! for week­ end tripe, until payday, or Just need money? We pawn anything of value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452- 4786. 24-tfc GOMEZ UPHOLSTERY. New location, 101 Main St., Nyssa, Oregon 97913. Call 372-2983. 45-tfc SAUS XHOSlkVKI THE BEST DEAL IN TREASURE VALLEY ON 106 ACRES, all room homo, several outbuildings, Owyhee water, $»5,000. TWO BEDROOM HOME. frontage, $9,500. ‘/> basement, lOO fooi LEASE with option to buy--beautiful two-bedroom home with double carport. FARMS Ontario «69-3131 Ahernuter. Starter. Gaserete« NO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I TV SCHEDULE Le«'$ Alternator, Starter Service TAI BOI BAC KHOL SERVICE All types of backhoe work. Call 372-2469 evenings. Busier Talbol NHS GIRLS LOOSE 22-17 TO HARPER Harper gave the NHS Girls a 1-1 record Tuesday night when Nyssa traveled to Harper. Nancy Mecham was high scorer with 7 points for the Bulldogs 17-22 loss. Linda King had 4 points while Donna Oldemeyer, Julie Hipp and Sara Marcum each had 2. The Bulldogs had 29 turnovers. 6-38 FG for a 16 percent and 5-15 FT for 33 percent. The Bulldogs will face Harper December 16 on their own floor. Page lleven 12—ACRES, Owyhee water, two-bedroom home, dairy barn, shop and grainery, live spring water, $43,500. CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 2 with PETE HELEY _____ ___________ / ii Wacko/ In The News Herald Truth Day of Discovery 900 Oral Robert» It 1» Written 1040 Dwayne Friend 10:30 NFL 5 00 Question of the Week 5 30 race the Nation 600 Jixty Minutes 7:00 htkda 7:30 On Our Own 8:00 All in the Family 8:30 Alice 9 00 Carol Burnett Show 10:00 Odd Couple 10 30 CBS _____ Sunday New» j Friday b - Morning m BS New» 8:00 “ Fnce is Right 9:00 Match Game 9 30 Love of Life 10 00 Young A Restle»» 10 30 Search for Tomorrow 11 00 At The World Turn» 12 00 Newtcenter 2 12:30 Guiding Light 1:30 All in the Family 2 00 Tattletale» 2 30 Mike Douglas Show 3: Little Ra»cal» 00 Leave It To Beaver 4;„ 4 30 Brady Bunch 500 Hogan*» Heroe» Evening New» 5 30 _ BA__ U-- December 12 640 ----- . iew»center 2 6 U) The Rookie» 7:00 “Charlie Brown » Chnstmas 7:30 Twa» the Night Before ( hristma*“ •:00 ~ * Maude Betty White Show 9:00 Switch 10;00 Newscenter 2 10:30 CBS ________ Late Movie Morning Headlines Tuesday, December 13 7:00 Conversations with Ere Se- vereid 8:00 MASH 8 30 One Day at a Time 9:00 Lou Grant Show 10:00 Newscenter 2 10:30 CBS ________ Late __ Movie Morning Headlines Wednesday. Decern 7:00 Good Times 7:30 Syxsnycli 8:00 "The Next Man" 7:00 Wonder Woman 8:00 ___ "Barefoot in the Park Saturday. December 17 7:00 Bugs Bunny 8:30 Batman 9:30 Space Academy 10:00 Secrets of ISIS 10:30 NFL on CBS 2:00 Sports Spectacular 4:00 (Question of the Week 4:30 CBS Saturday News 5.00 "A New Lear" 7:00 Bob Newhart 7:30 We've Got Each Other 8:00 The Jeffersons 8:30 Tony Randall Show 9:00 10:00 Newscenter 2 10;15 "The Battle of the Bulge" Outdoor Guides Don’t Have It So Good By Pete Haley Had you ever had an envious thought concerning the outdoor guides that are doing what they most enjoy and getting paid for it too? Many people have, but a ^/ Í little deeper insight is a sure cure for such thinking. To begin with, the neces­ sary equipment to keep a guide's clients warm and safe can cost several thousand dollars. Also, insurance lia­ bility premiums are ex­ tremely expensive and ra­ pidly getting more expensive every year. The minimum liability limits necessary for guiding on some federal waters is extremely high. It doesn't help one bit that the majority of the customers look upon a guide's gross income as net profit. In a recent conversation with Dave Heard, the secre­ tary of the Oregon Guides and Packers, he revealed that he thought that outdoor guiding had tapered off. We didn't get into the reasons, but here are a couple of my guesses. Most of the guided angling trips involve salmon, steel­ head. and striped bass. The striper fishery has detero­ rated in recent years due to poor spawning success and the federal court interfer­ ence has cast a cloud on the future of inland salmon and steelhead fishing. But these are just minor reasons in my CHANNEL 4 opinion. The biggest reason that 8:00 Sesame Street Mr “ Rogers Neighborhood 9:00 F' most people don't utilize a 9:30 Zoom : guide is that there seems to 10:00 Sesame Street 11:00 Robin Hood be some sort of stigma _ 11:30 Ivanhoe 4:30 Microbes and Men Certain attached to depending upon a Death" 5:30 "Automauc Transmission" guide to locate one's fish for 6:00 Soccer made in Germany them. My feelings are that it 7:00 Ivanhoe 7:30 Ernie Kovacs is always a good investment 8:00 Evening al Symphony 9 00 "I. Claudius" to hire a guide on one’s first Finng 10 00 ____ . Line trip to a particular body of Mawdav I thru Friday _ _ —* You i 8 30 Lilias. Yoga - and water. Especially if, the tectnc Company 9 00 The Electric Equal 9:30 Mon -Equal Justice Under client asks pertinent ques­ Law: Tues. A Thurs Infinity Factory; Factory: Wed. A Fri. -Villa Alegre tions as to what the sought 10:00 Sesame Street for fish does during different 11:00 Mon Once Upon a ClaasK robin Hood Part »10. T uct ^ seasons and under varying Lowell Thomas Remembers; Wed The Age of Uncertainty Thurs conditions. -Lowell Thomas Remembers. Fn. It is sad. but the usual case Microbes and Men 11 30 Mon.. Tues A Thurs -Villa seems to be that the anglers *2*3®*- 4:00 Instructional Telecastng want to catch the fish on their 4:00 Over Easy own and usually end up 4 30 Sesame Street 5:30 Electric Company . getting skunked for it. Some 6 00 Mister Rogers Neighborhood people I have fished with 6:30 The MacNeil Lehrer Report Monde*, December 12 even ask questions regard­ ' 00 Brockett's Victory Garden 7:30 The French Chef’'HB Eggs ing the effective lures and 8 00 The Onedm Line productive locations and then 8:50 4-Tel . 9:00 "Six Characters in Search of go out of their way to ignore an Author" 10:30 Dick Cavett Show it. They invariably attribute Tuesday. Deetmbar 13 their lack of success to poor "00 Last of the Mohicans 8:00 College Basketball "Chico weather, or the fish leaving State vs. Northwest Naxarene 10:00 James Michener s World the area. "Hawaii Revisited" Most successful guides are 11 Draamher><14 masters in public relations. TOO Consumer Line "Community Pro^ert^His and Hers" They have to be. Darrel Gabel, a very competent 8:00 “The Red Planet" 9 00 Dance in America "Balan­ striped bass guide once told chine" Part I 10 00 BSu Christmas me that an elderly client got H 00 , Dic^Casen Show mad and started throwing his 740 Neweend equipment around when he * Book Best "Ring" 7-S 8:00 "I. Claudius" didn't catch a striped bass in 9:00 "Make Wav For Tomorrow the first ten minutes. It’s also 10:35 ^ck^CavettjShow Fridas. ltbccwi -- ,v some» hat depressing when ' 00' Weekend tn Vermont" 8 30 Wall Street Week an angler gets a backlash on 9 00 Washington Week in Renew 9:30 "The PHson Game" every cast, or consistently 11 00 ^DeceuSir5!’** misses the productive target *8*00^*iilias. Yoga and You you went through so much ____ ___ Victory 'irtory Garden 8:30 Crockett's trouble to get him close to. 9:00 Wall Street Week 9:30 Newsend Other mistakes made by 10 00 Over Easy Hyper 10:30 Daniel Foster. M D. novice fishermen that drive FfrÖo*,yParen™ Effectiveness "Shift- their guides to anxiety ;_* Gears' w ■ wi' * ing attacks are forgetting to set 11:30 "F- Food , . , Consumer Survival Kit HB 12:00 the hook; not watching the 'f 8 » "Vegetarian Dishes" back cast when there are 5:00 "Hawaii Revisited other anglers in the boat; and 640 Studio " See 6:30 "Robin Hood" completely ignoring the fact Sherlock Holme» 7:00 - ______________ that the boat they are in can 8:00 Best of FAmtlies "January 17. 1977" tip over. ------ "Distant War" 9:00 1040 "Night and Day" It is not all one sided, however. I've heard reports "Life is a jigsaw puzzle with that some Oregon guides most of the pieces misting." Ha. Anonymous .claim to be able to smell fish. 5:00 Hee ____ 6:00 Lawrence Welk It's a surefire way to impress 7:00 Bionic Woman 8:00 "The ................ * Rocky ‘ Incredible Moun a novice angler, but I don't tain Races" believe it qualifies as a white 10:00 Newsbeat 7 1030 The Rockford Files lie. I've also heard of anglers 11 30 Adam 12 12 00 Saturday Night Live fishing the muddy swirls of an eddy for two hours because their guide claimed that the swirls were made by bottom feeding stripers. No matter how obnoxious a client may be. they have paid for a decent chance to catch fish and deserve to be treated without deceit. 9:30 10 00 11:00 II 30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1 30 2 00 2 30 3 00 3 30 5 30 6:00 7:00 8:00 mas" 10:30 10:45 11 00 Life Rev Jimmy Swaggirt Jerry Falwell Garner Ted Armstrong l$»ue« A Answers In Focus Jabberiaw Great Grape Ape Animal*. Animal» The Brady Kids Star Trek Love American Style “Somebody Loves Me” Pal Boone A the Little Ones Rudolph*» Shiny New Year Su Million Dollar Man “It Happened One Christ- New» Su Weekend ABC Weekend New» _______ “Sweet. Sweet Swec. Rachel" ______ WVtT 7:00 Good Morning America 9 00 Happy Days 9 30 Family Feud 10 00 The Better Sex 10 30 Ryan s Hope 11 00 All My Children 12 00 $20.000 Pyramid 12:30 One Life to Live 1:15 GF.neral Hospital 2:00 The Edge of Night 2:30 Love American Style 3 00 The Lucy Show 3:30 The Flintstones 4:00 Star Trek 5 00 ABC News 5:30 "The Trotting Horse" 6 00 KIV1 The News Dm—We ll To Voiii gc All American Teams ABC Monday Night Football KIVI The News :I5 The Return of (apt Amenes America 30 Mother is a Freshman ' S 00 30 00 30 00 00 30 00 Happy Days Laverne A Shirley Three's Company Soap Family KIVI The News T uesday Movie Jerry Falwell 8 30 Cat 9:00 “A 10:00 KF 10 30 Pol 11:30 "G Biography Barene Night Gallery :. December 11 Agriculture USA Kidsworld Kr'ieze Brother» Rei Humbard Robert Schuller Meet the Press Newsbeat Forum C-F is for the Birds Gunsmoke Ironside NFL Game of the Week NFL Pro Footbail Muppet Show Wild Kingdom World of Disney Billboard M usk Awards" Newsbeat 7 "Hannibal Brooks" Morning Report 9 00 Wheel of Fortune 9:30 Knockout 10:00 To Say the Least 10:30 The Gong Show 11 00 For Richer. For Poorer 11:30 Hollywood Squares 12 00 Newsbeat 7 12:30 The Doctors 1:00 Another world 2:00 Davs of Our Lives 3:00 Marcus Welby. M.D. 4 00 Bewitched 4 30 Emergency One 5 30 NBC Nlghth News 6:00 Newsbeat 7 Mawdav December 12 6 30 Mary Tyler Moore 7:00 House on the Praine 8 00 "Sunshine Chnstmas" 10:00 Newsbeat 7 10 30 Tonight Show 12 00 Tomorrow Tuesday, Dr timber 13 6:30 >481» Tyler Moore 7:00 Will Rogers U.S.A. 8:00 Mulligan Stew VmMaed»KXDmwmii>ar 14 700 T®' and Times of Gruxly Adams 8 00 The Black Sheep Squadron 9 00 NBC News Reports "Coal Thursday. Drrrmbar 15 7 00 The Magic Show 8 00 James at 15 9 00 What Really Happened to the Class of '65 Friday, December 16 6 30 KTVB Viewpoint 7 00 "Have 1 got a Chnstmas For You" 8:00 Jackie Gleason Christmas Show 9 00 Quincv WHeDr?x:; 740 ?« 8:00 8:30 9:00 9 30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 * Space Sentinel» Supe rwrtch Bang Shang Show 1 Am the Greatest Super Hoese Search A Rescue Baggy Pants Red Hand Gang Lone Ranger Gong Show NFL Game of the Week NFL '77 NFL Football BEFORE sou buy, give NEWHOUSE a try! New- house Chevrolet, 420 Main Street, Nysaa. Phone 372- 2224. 49-tfc FISHERlW STOVE Weiser Livestock Commission Co. 8 BETTER , THAN eeoe IN THE BANK* rite-.. Ml-WOO See • live on« et Foods for Health Store Qfljwujlkt, Fruit loud In Sale Every Thursday I Sale time 12:30 sharp Darrel Sawyer Home Phono (208) 549-2078 Yard Phone (208) 549-0564 18-tfc