Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 08, 1977, Image 1

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    Help Needed for
Cancer Victim
Guadalupe Ortiz. 22, of
Nyssa is hospitalized in
Seattle at the University of
Washington. Her doctor. Dr.
Dean Buchner, reports she is
being treated for leukemia
Her identical twin sister.
Olga, has been flown to
Washington and is now by
her sister's bedside. Her
brother, Regimo Ortiz of 12
East Second Street, Nyssa,
returned from visiting his
sister on Monday.
The method of treatment to
be used is a bone marrow
transplant and the best donor
in this case will be Olga.
A sum of $30.(MX) is needed
for hospitalization and treat­
ment. The Washington doc­
tors have donated their
services, but help is needed
to pay for the extensive stay
in the hospital, and expen­
sive treatment and care.
Adult Family Services have
exhausted their sources and
have helped as much as they
can. The American Cancer
Society defrays transporta­
tion costs for the patient, but
$30.000 is still needed.
Father John Worrall, Ro­
ute 2. Box 104, Nyssa, says
donations may be sent to him
or mailed to the U.S. National
Bank in Nyssa.
Kicks Off Christmas Season with Pancake Feed...
Santa to Arrivu
Saturday Afternoon
Benefit Ball To
Help Nyssa
Nursing Home
The Nyssa Nursing Home
Benefit Ball, sponsored by
the Malheur Memorial Hos­
pital Auxiliary, will be held
Saturday. December 10 at the
Eagles Hall. Music will be by
the Soft Sails and tickets are
$12.50 per couple. A buffet
will be served at 11:30 p.m.
and a drawing for the door
prize, a clock radio, will be
held during this time.
The proceeds from the
dance will buy needed
equipment for residents of
the nursing home. Last
year's proceeds purchased
the chain link fence surround­
ing the yard of the nursing
Nyssa begin the Christmas
season with their annual
pancake dinner. Those attend­
ing reported that they left
with full stomachs.
Many of the stores are
decorating their windows for
the annual window decorat­
ing contest. The windows will
be judged Friday afternoon
December 9. Anyone having
a window they wish to enter
is asked to contact the
Journal office. This contest is
open to everyone in Nyssa.
Saturday afternoon there
will be a Christmas parade at
2:30 p.m. Anyone wanting to
participate is asked to form at
the Y near the school at 2
p.m Santa will make his first
appearance of the season in
Nyssa Saturday afternoon.
He will be located in the
library meeting room imme­
diately after the parade, the
first meeting will be for
children up to six years of
School Names 50
Honor Students
Sun Mountain
Highway Closed
attended Nyssa's
Saturday evening.
CHIEF ALVIN ALLEN and Ken Nyce are
pictured above pouring pancake batter at
Saturday evenings annual pancake feed.
Pictured in the background is Dale Adams.
Nurse Added to
Mercy Medical
Center's Home
Health Agency
In response to an in­
creasing number of patients
for the Home Health pro­
gram in Malheur County and
surrounding areas, another
nurse has begun working to
meet patients’ health care
needs at home.
The Home Health pro­
gram. sponsored by the
Mercy Medical Center Home
Health Agency, headquar­
tered in Nampa, Idaho,
expanded this fall into
eastern Oregon and ori-
Thursday, December
ginally served around a
dozen patients.
According to Betty Roberts
The Sugar City
71 tf Tear -
49th Issue
R.N., Home Health
“■ “
“employed to start the pro­
gram, that number has
being planned to cast a Final
in the last few
vote on whether to continue,
Plans are underway to
weeks. To handle the in-
lade away a little bit more
form a men's Slow
crease, nurses working for
every year, or call the thing
Break Basketball Lea­
Nyssa High School has
the Home Health Agency in
to an abrupt halt Remember
named 50 students to the first
adjoining geographic areas
only members can vote. This
break the man bringing
quarter honor roll.
have also been assigned to
meeting will be January 12. If
the ball down court Is
They are:
for patients in mw
it is worth having, it is worth
the last one to cross the
By Pat Savage wiliW
TVlalheur program.
voting for.
The Mercy agency blan­
the rules are the same
• • •
Isn't this the most unbe­
kets six counties in south­
The Nyssa Band is eagerly
lievable weather for De­
Tom Wilson
western Idaho, so the over­
with one exception.
looking forward to their trip
cember? Almost like spring!
3.3 or better
lapping of referrals is very
to Calgarv this summer and
You skiers keep doing your
Mimi Baker. Van Baker.
convenient, explained Selina
that when a defending
are ambitiously working to­
snow dances though, because
Roger Blaylock. Brenda De
Anacabe. agency director.
pi«y er rebounds he Is
ward that goal. They arc in
we do need the moisture.
Rock. Virginia Elguezabal.
Currently the Malheur pro­
the last one to cross the
the midst of a newspaper
Hard to get in the Christ­
Kelly Gamer. Barbara Haney
gram serves patients from
drive and are selling the
mas spirit with such mild
Nancy Mecham. Kirt Michael
communities including On­
of this type of ruling Is
world's finest chocolate
temperatures and sunshine,
Cyd Morrison. Donna Olde-
tario, Vale. Adrian. Hunting­
but guess we better, as there
candy-continental almonds,
meycr. Brian Piercy. Mich­
ton, Parma. Nyssa. Fruitland
for older men who feel
aren't many days left until
chocolate almond bars and
elle Sadamori. Margie Sells.
and Homedale. Persons with­
chocolate mint meltawavs.
Saint Nick arrives. You
Debra Simantel. Jay Sloan.
in a 30-mile radius of Ontario
pace of a fast breaking
Thcv are selling house to
Eddie Tensen. Emily Wiley,
can be served by the agency.
Christmas window compe­
house this week, or you may
Jim Wilson
And the types of patients
The first meeting and
tition must have your de
contact Kavlecn Fowler. 372-
are even more varied than
3706 and she will deliver it to
corating done and be regis­
the geographic areas from
at McPartland Hall on
tered at the Gate City Journal
you. And to get you rcadv for
Shari Freel
which they come. Roberts
Christmas the band is selling
by Friday, December 9. a*
Kathy Haburchak
reported. Many are elderly
at 7:30 p.m. All In­
cultured Christmas trees
they will be judged that
3.5 or better
persons who do not need
Saturday. December 10. from
Lvnelle Drake. Jolyn Gamer,
nursing home or hospital
to attend. There is no
10 a.m to 2 p.m. by the
Elsa Grimaldo, Janette Has­
care, but require assistance
• • •
Texaco Station on Main
son. Anne Jayo. Dale Lan­
with medications, dressings
invited to attend. Also
you who
For those of
Street. What an easy wav to
caster. Nancy Landreth. Vic­
or other medical problems
called the school wanting to
get rid of old newspapers,
kie Savage. Pam Townsend.
following a hospital stay,
Anyone interested Is
know why or how a tool
purchase your Christmas
Gina Udlinek
Roberts said. However, some
urged to attend this
auction was going to be held
candx and sour holiday tree.
younger persons have also
in the new auditorium you
Best of all. you're helping our
used the service, such as a
can let your blood pressure
vou ng people
Tanya Atagi
four-year-old child with an
go back to normal. There
Natalie Mower
orthopedic condition and a
wasn't or isn't going to be an
3.3 or better
young adult with Multiple
auction in that particular
Mike Blaylock. Jeannette
building The fellow who
Field. Chris Hendrick. Dina
Persons are eligible for the
Nov. 30 46
placed the ad is from La
The Sun Mountain Se­
Hirai. Brian Imada. Lynda
only by recommen­
Grande and he simplv men­
King. Neal Lincgar. Whitni condary Highway (ORE-
dation of a doctor. Usually
Dec. 2
tioned the wrong place when
Morrison. Lynda Schilling.
232), extending from the
the Home Health nurse,
Dec. 3
he called in the ad. Rest
Timmy Shimomaeda. Sheryl junction of US97 to the
following a physician's re­
j 6
Dec. 4
assurred. as the tool auction
junction of ORE62 in the
South. Kathv Wright
ferral. will visit the patient in
Dec. 5
will be held in the Primary
vicinity of Fort Klamath, has
the hospital in order to intro­
Dec. 6
School Multi purpose room
been closed for the winter
duce herself and also to
Friday at 7 p.m.
effective November 20 be­
Nathan Mower
receive information on speci­
Owvhec Reservoir Storage
cause of heavy snow, the
3.3 or better
treatment methods from
12-5-77 198.350 Acre Feet
a a a
Alan Bullard. Landon Lane. Highway Division announced
the physician and hospital
There's a First in the paper
The road gets little use.
Tiena Tensen
staff. "This makes home
this week. We've started
treatment the same as that
printing the school cafeteria
provided in the hospital.”
menues. Just thought you
Roberts said.
parents might like to know,
Then after the patient goes
as many have asked about
home, the Home Health
this service for quite some
nurse reports regularly to the
time. Also, did you know that
physician on the patient's
besides serving the regular
menu, a salad bar is
In addition. Medicare re­
available, as is a quick serve
gulations stipulate that Home
line featuring hamburgers or
Health patients continue to
cheeseburgers, french fries
see their doctor at least
and a soft drink?
monthly. "All patients are
encouraged to follow this
policy.” Roberts said.
The conference room in the
Besides nursing care. the
school cafeteria will be the
Home Health Agency can
scene of a brainstorming
provide physical therapy,
session Thursday (tonight)
laboratory investigation, ox­
December 8 from 7 to 8 p.m.
ygen. medical supplies and
and will be conducted by the
equipment such as hospital
PTSA president, Virginia
beds, walkers, commodes
Cleaver. The purpose is to
and wheelchairs.
list the needs and prob­
Dr. Andrew Peterson, me­
lems of the Nyssa community
dical advisor for the Malheur
narrowing them down to the
program, said he first be­
top priority needs the PTSA
came familiar with Home
might concentrate its efforts
Health in Phoenix. Arizona,
on. This is an open com­
where he completed post­
munity meeting. Perhaps the
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 was the two members of the Drill Team who showed
graduate training in lung
most crucial problem facing
topping off of a lot of hard work and practice their version of Raggedy Ann & Andy and
disease before moving to
the PTSA right now is. "To
for the Nyssa Drill team. Laurie Goodman Baby Elephant.
Be or Not To Be",..Under­
(left) and Shcllv Schoenman (right) were just
"Home Health services
stand a special meeting is
and son Merle were among the many who
"Help Them Hope"
Enters Fourth Year
For the fourth consecutive
year, the residents of the
western Treasure Valley will
be giving a special oppor­
tunity to share the joys of the
holiday season with others.
"Help Them to Hope.” the
annual area campaign to aid
needy families, will once
again supply food, clothing,
firewood, medicines, various
usable items and old-fas­
hioned holiday cheer to
needy families in Malheur,
Payette and Washington
The effort is conducted
through volunteer services of
area residents under the
guidance of a committee of
concerned citizens.
Francis McLean, chairman
of the "Help Them to Hope”
committee and Argus Ob­
server publisher, emphasizes
that past participation of area
residents has seen the
campaign to its fourth year.
have been particularly help­
ful in my practice because 1
have a number of chronically
ill and elderly patients who
need care and supervision at
home," Peterson said.
The program fits in as an
intermediate step between
outpatient care at a clinic or
hospital and nursing home
care, he said, listing exam­
ples of patients who have
been able to live several
years at home with assistance.
Home Health services may
be paid through a variety of
means including health in­
surance. Veterans benefits.
Blue Cross. Medicare. Medi­
caid. or private pay, depend­
ing on the patient and
To obtain more informa­
tion about Home Health
services, contact the Mercy
agency in Ontario at 889-2695
or in Nampa at 467-1171.
“The Help Them to Hope'
effort has been very success­
full in terms of the very
generous help and giving of
people." he said.
"It's been successful in
terms of the true help it has
brought about in bringing a
brighter Christmas to those
who might otherwise not
have any holiday obser­
vance." he added.
He said the campaign has
in the past involved hund­
reds of Treasure Valley resi­
dents of all ages, and raised
thousands of dollars worth of
items to enrich the home life
of the poor.
Campaign totals for cash
donations alone the past
three years are: 1973-74—
more than $6.000; 1974-75—
$5.513; and 1975-76—$5,685.
Equal amounts of food,
clothing and other items have
also been given.
participation by
service clubs, various agen­
cies. school groups, church
groups, senior citizens, mer­
chants and indivuduals is
again expected this year.
Names of those families
deserving assistance are gi­
ven each year to the Ontario
Information and Referral
Office. 889-7651. and are
then forwarded to the cam­
paign's screening committee.
Names may be submitted
from agencies, clergymen
and concerned citizens who
know of needy folk.
Purchase orders for cloth­
ing, which is distributed
through the Ontario Salvation
Army Thrift Store, are made
available to the families by
the committee
Collection centers are
again located throughout the
tri-county area for food. toys,
garments and other usable
items which are in good
repair. The locations are;
and Patty Sasake's 3rd grade classes from
Nyssa Gate City Journal, the
Argus Observer. KSRV radio
both in Ontario; KYET radio,
in Ontario's West Park Plaza;
the Independent-Enterprise,
Payette; the Malheur Enter­
Vale; and the
Chamber of Commerce. 16
East Idaho Street in Weiser.
Home canned goods cannot
be accepted.
Cash donations may be
mailed directly to "Help
Them to Hope" in care of the
First National Bank of Ore­
gon. 189 S.W. First Street.
Ontario or the Daily Argus
Observer. 310 S.W. Fourth
Avenue. Ontario. The money
is used to buy baskets of food
for distribution, as well as
medicines and Christmas
gifts. McLean emphasized
that "a lot of efforts go to
help senior citizens in the
Help from area citizens will
be needed for both sorting of
clothing at the Salvation
Army and distribution of
foods and other supplies on
December 22. All those
interested in assisting are
asked to call the Argus
Observer at 889-5387.
All donations, as in past
years, are tax deductible.
Cancer Society
To Meet
The quarterly meeting of
the American Cancer Society
will be held December 13 at
the First United Methodist
Church of Ontario at 7:30
p.m. All interested people
are invited to attend this
meeting. Especially those
who were host parents while
the group of "Up With
People" were in Nyssa and
Payette, as well as the
supporting banking com­
munity who gave their
backing to the American
Cancer Society to support
such a Fine entertaining
groupware invited to attend.
Before using a fine word,
make« place for it.
Joseph Joubert
Adrian. The students were in Nyssa Friday to
tour the Gate City Journal.