Thursday, November 10,1977 N y ita Gatt City Journal . Nytta, Oregon L____ ___________________________ ____________ ____ Gate City Journal Want Ads Bowling Continued Deadline Wednesday Moon, Phone 372-2233 Ron's Shell MAW Market Albertsons White Satin Dessert Seed Parma Tire Mathews Tire Newhouse Chev. Rhonda's Barber ShoplB Am. Fine Foods 18 Hollingsworth 12 High team game and series: White Satin, 1042/ 3006; High individual game and series: Art Galloway, 233/600. PRE November 14th through 19th ALL Apparel Reduced 20% to 50% . Shirleys Kid's Kloset Cairo Junction Ontario 109 Mein Nysse Tot». Teen». Ladie», Queen» Infant thru 14 yr». Some Teen Thin#» Otad FOR SAU WANTED TO BUY WILL SELL AT AUCTION, November 14, 1977 —one Continental 10-520-D crank- case. Call 208-454-1669 for Information. Shor* and Shor* Aviation, Route 3, Caldwell, Jdaho. 45-ltc WANTED TO BUYt Used 12’ aluminum beat. Contact The Journal Office, 372-2233. 45-j 15—16’ POLES • 81.00 eat 30—8’ poets - 50c otq Used 2x4 A2x6, other arise. boards 2 cord* of firewood at $20 a cord. »01 North 2nd Street or Call 372-3934 45-ncrk. I HELP WANTED AN OHIO OIL CO. effete PLENTY OF MONEY plus cash bonuses, fringe benefits to mature individuals in Nyssa area. Regardless of ex­ perience. write C.C. Read, FEB TO GIVE AWAY—black­ iotaale cat, white under marking«. Make good pet or mouaer. Call 372-3412. 45-ltc Co., Box 696, Dayton, Ohio 45401. 45-ltc SEARS SILVERTONE CON- •ole, radio and record player. Call 372-3534. 44-2tc REPOSSED 35 mm Kooica camera with accessories, including wide angle and close-up lens, plus filters. Call 889-3149 Monday thru Friday from 9i30 a.m. to 5t3O p.m. 44-2tc WE SELL A INSTALL AU bprs of truck beds—also Harsh Heists. CaU ua first for beet deal around. SIMP­ SON’S REPAIR, 372-3444. 42-6tc [ REALTOR 218 Mah Street Nyssa, Oregon \ BALL BROTHERS INSULATION HELP WANTED Husqvoama A McCulloch CHAIN SAWS. Nyaaa Elec trie Inc., 101 Good Avenue, 16-tfc Phone 372-3151. Bob Thompson, Office - 372-3355 Nome - 372-3337 TEXAS OIL Company need* mature person for short trip* surrounding Nyssa. Contact customers. We train. Write K. A. Dick, president. Southwestern Petroleum, Ft. Worth, Taxa* 76101 45-ltc One-black A white TV, One- Zenith Color TV. Inquire at 22 Emison, Nyaaa after 6 p.m. or phone 372-2906. 45 2tp The BEST Cellulose Insulation EARN $4-83 per boar COMMISSION servicing FULLER BRUSH Customer*. No layoff*, own hour*. CAR and PHONE At the BEST Price in the Valley Cdl 722-5971 42-4tc MURAKAMI FARMS Call Nysea 372-3412, evening*. 17-tfc Stop Smoking«^ BEES, BEE BOARDS. Dept, ef Veterans’ WANTED TO BUY leafcutter bro board*. CaU 372-3238 er 372-2386. 41-tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO SMALL HOUSES on Let 30x120 on 114 Emison Ave., $7,000. Ralph Law- .. ronce Real Estate, 105 Mata. | Phone 372-3544. 28-tfe CHANNEL 6 CHANNEL 2 ’eodMfl >3 Monday Mixed Layewpy Lay A way BankAmericard TV SCHEDULE Commercial League TALBOT BACKHOE SERVICE ■ AB types «Í beckhoe work. Call 372-2409 evowtag*. Beater TaBiot 8-tfe PHONE 809-6451 BEFORE YOU BUY, give NEWHOUSE A TRY! New- house Chevrolet, 420 Mata Street, Nysea. Phone 372- 2224. 49-tfc 20 Unthinkables 12 20 12 Whiz Kids 20 The Flops 12 14 18 We Three 14.5 17.5 Gutter Pros Late Bloomers 14.5 17.5 Draggin Bottoms 14 18 13.5 18.5 Scatter Pins 19 Witch’s Brew 13 12.5 19.5 Gutter Lover* High individual game and series: Anita Peutz 181/ 505; Sharon Boston, 186-179/ 498; Helen Okai, 191/477; Myrtle Sasser. 164/466. Bowler of the Week, Scratch-Sharon Boston. 498; Anita Peutz, (sub) 505. Handicap - Marie Wilson, 604. 8 00 9 00 30 10 00 10:30 11 00 12 00 12 30 1 30 2 00 2 30 3 30 4 00 4 30 5 00 5.30 9 The Prim Match Gsaw ~ Love of Life Young a Resriem Search for Tomorrow As the World Turns Newacenter 2 The Guiding Light All m the Fam*y Tattletales Mike D-aiula, Little Rascal» Leave it to Beaver Brady Beach Hggaa's Heroes CBS Evening News CHANNEL 4 Leo's Alternator, Starter Servire taiaai» savia vehtete taper «bep. Delco Batteries REAL ESTATE (503)372-3700 Office 722*5634 PARMA, IDAHO 83660 Wanda Groot 722-6431 Evelyn Wyett 722-5862 REDUCED for quick sale, 10 acre*, three-bedroom heme, full basement, fireplace, new loafing shed. Apple VaBoy. immediate possession. Cash and assume FURNISHED baaement apart­ ment for one person. No pet*. Inquire at 109 Emfoeu after 3 p.m. 45-tfc Lean-Van Vliet Orozco-Onedra A Ron 18 Hay-Fettig Sarzn-VOord & Edna DeBoer-Lundy Hedges-Hedge* Fran-Smith A Sharon McCain-Bennett Holcomb-Stacy Sted-Proc A Kipp Women's high game series: Marion Dsnford, 202/ 470; Lillian Lundy, 179/460; Linda Hedges, 168/457 Men’s high game and series; Dirk DeBoer, 208/ 598; Pete VOord, 190/531; Joe Garner, 190/523. Team’s high game and series: DeBoer-Lundy, 798/ 2338 We service unit« ea er off ih* A.L. Atkeson SANYO MICROWAVE Oven 1—year old. Used very little, la excellent condition. Cali 372-3233. 42 Bnc America n Tkan.-Vtas 101 North first Street RON'S SHELL SERVICE 101 North Main Phone 372-3004 Brake Relining Tune-ups I NICE TWO—BEDROOM Idaho ia Concert The Arcata Promise” Muffler Instalation ^L* (¿'372*3441 after 3 Radiator Repairs p.m. 41-tfc ONE A TWO-BEDROOM apartment*. One bedroom, $130 per month; two-bed- room, $150 per month. CaU 372-3301 day* and 372-3736 * evening*. 41-tfc NOW RENTING i Storage 12*24 eta month. Call 372-2485. 34-tfc I Necesita Dinero? Si necesita usted dinero para viagar durante un fin de semana, o necesita dinero por otras rosones, puede usted em- (penar cualquier cosa de valor en el...Tronante Valley Fawa Shop, Fruí ti and, Idabe. 24-tfc I . *5— I » I 6666 IN THE RANNI » I Asher rwplwowe Alee I !••• (tyMy \kt, Fruit loud Id ‘ I I Got Low Rateo! Faat, Fair, Friendly Service. FARM A CROP 1 «J INSURANCE Our Soeciolitv WWW See Dave or Chuck 10: Waldo Insurance 213 Mah NYSSA Phene 372-5301 6 30 7 00 "Rohm Hood Sherioct Holmes 9 00 Eyewitness "Prisoner of . 11 0 00 KEIL ESTATE fOR SAIE SHAKELEE DISTRIBUTORS food supplements, coemetics, cleaners. Alberta A Roberta Morrow, phone 372-2843. ■3-tfc 3— BEDROOMS, all car­ peted, living room car­ peted kitchen, bath A utility room. Full base­ ment, garage and nlce- elae yard aU for only $17,000. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SA- le*. service and repairs. DeRtert Malley, 713 Nerth 2nd Street, Nyeea. Phone 8-tfc 372-2943. Tit Diet Cawtt Show WWVWfwllll YOU CAN STEAM cfoen carpets professionally clean with new portable Rtaee-N- Vac. Rent at Gamble* Stere, Nysea. Phene 372-3928. 45-ltc FURNITURE •mall late er a CaB 372-3218. IH» Sfora NEED AUTO INSURANCE? 201 722-6727 GOMEZ UPHOLSTERY New location, 101 Maia Street, Nyeea, Oregon 97913. CaU 372-2983. 45-tfc I 0 BITTER THAN •f Al’Oft ELECTROLUX SALES A service Supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Petter. Cai 549-1743, Wetaer, Idaho, phono 889- 7344 and/ar 549-2514. 1-tfc , al) GE « 210 GROVE STREET • PARMA [S CUSTOM SERVICE SENIOR CITIZENS APARTMENTS C-' ‘ C? REAL ESTATE Irrigation $45,500. 674-2066 674-2004 FOR FULL-LINE Chevrolet NEWHOUSI? CHEVROLET, Nl Nyeea. Phone 372-2224 31-|tc "Great work* are performed not by strength but by perseverance." Samuel Johnson 4- BAY CAR WASH j 77-foot frontage on bu­ siest street in town. Only $18,000 with easy terms. STORAGE 4-tfc NEW RINSE-N-Vac steam dean*, rinses, and vacuum* out dirt leaving carpets professionally clean. Rent at Coast to Coeat Store, Nyeea. Phene 372-3343. 45-Hc ltaED MONEY-Need money far weekend trips, until "Have Stick, WtD Travel" EASTMAN Reel Estate Insurance Phom 372-3535 313 Mata St. Nysea, Oregon F rank L awrinci (•03) 372-3088 I 372-3938. t I I