n«r«lay, No_ _ _ KINGMAN KOLONY - Mrs. Myron Osborn atten­ ded a bridal shower for Cindy Conant Friday evening at the Angela Harris home. Others attending from this area were Mrs. Bill Toomb, Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Rosenbaum, Rene Co­ ram. Jill Conant and Alice Physicians & Surgeons Dr. Arthur S. Dole, M.D, Urological Surgery Diseases of the kidney, bladder and prostate. Phone 372-5269 302 Good Avenue, Nyssa, Oregon Hours: Saturday-10 a.m. to 12 noon K.E. Kerby, M.D. K.A. Danford, M.D. Physicians A Surgeons Dial 372-2241 Hours: 9 to 12 noon A 2 to 5 p.m. • Monday thru Friday. Optonwtniti Dr. A.N. Bonde 7 North 2nd Street, Nyssa, Oregon Phone 372-3747 VotgriBario nT TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL CUNIC Phone 372-2251 Dr. B. B. R om Nyssa, 372-5257 Dr. Robert Derby Parsa, 722-6537 Dr. Themas Gray Vale, 473-2478 Mrs. Don Foi went to Mrs. Jim Phifer, Mrs. Boise Saturday with Mrs.* Charles Bowers and Mrs. Bill Marjorie Jackson and Miss Toomb visited Charles Bo­ Janet Takami of Nyssa. They wers at the Nyssa Nursing attended the Boise Valley Home Sunday and had dinner Weavers Guild Christmas in Nyssa. Tea and Sale at the Y.M.C.A. The Pollyanna Club met The evening of November Thursday afternoon with 3, Mrs. Don Fox, Marion Mrs. Herschel Thompson. Wheaton of Adrian and Janet There were six members Takami of Nyssa went to a present and Mrs. Jerry Boise Valley Weavers meet­ Brewer and daughter were ing and heard a speaker who guests. Mrs. Elsie Gehrke had received a certificate of had charge of the business excellence in weaving. Her meeting. Names of nursing name was Corel Kinersly of home patients were drawn by Portland. The meeting was the members and they will held at Christine Blake’s receive a gift at Christmas Studio. time. The club plans to "eat Monday coffee guests of out” in Ontario for their Mr, and Mrs. Herschel Christmas dinner. Thompson were Mr. and Reta Piercy of Ontario was Mrs. Oswald Forbes of Boise, a Sunday luncheon guest of formerly of Nyssa, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy. Bernard Frost of near Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Al Pohlman and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and Bill Morris of Mvrtle Creek, Oregon came Satur- visited Mr. and Mrs. Her ~ COUNTRY PRIPE~ GRADE-A-PUÆ WHOLE ing Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gehrke. Mrs. Earl Ervin entered the hospital at Nyssa Wednesday, suffering from pneumonia and returned home on Friday.« Saturday evening guests at a potluck dinner at the Earl Ervin home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radford and family of Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. Hermio Ocha. j UA hello WORLD! Sgt. and Mrs. James A. Savage of Bad Toelz, Ger­ many are the proud parents of a baby son. He arrived Sunday, October 16, 1977 in Bad Toelz and has been named James Frederich Savage. He weighed four and one-half pounds. The happy grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage Fritz Sander of Lengeries. Germany. The great-grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Damon Savage of rural Nyssa. I I I SAS Disposal I I "Our Business is I I Picking Up!" I I ♦ I » I I I Garbage-Tradi Pickup I □ranco» m» rcxup I I' (not over 5'long, in contemn) D f-If If-K'-C1 OfiilKW: PwiLfiin a 372-5222 ! ’ Nyssa, Oregon » j FRYERS.... ♦ A SlPLOlWPSIWSSi. ..*149« o emg gee PtovweO CeaGMtM (.«tificpUu« No ¡æê&i SHANK HALF OOà HAMS NO LU...... iS*'# BUTT HALF-WHOLE HAMS NOLL)...... <<3 65* , B AA HAMSMES.Jlty 4»« r/* / • CUT-UP FtfERS •LEGS* 7H/ÔHS CENTER CUT " COUNTRY' PRlPE ! » f » f • " COUNTRY" PRIDE • fryer breasts * COUNTRY' PRlPE ... ÆiHfêlWl 89‘ 99‘ CHUNKS. szzieb $ s ^..9!9* NORWEST UMH MEAT-Vf* HST fwn S h ^ WA^'5 MAG/CHLEND S eco kj I30Z CAi AW-K ZCA Z. Lß PRINT .BuriEK « PRESSING.... lit s KLEENEX /25cr BWTtQUE fACIAL . I xTISSUE... K4 «Œ/WXiiS&.SJi. 49* m/s PtEMMA S4Z-7?A/0Ä°..59* LIGHT BULBS 77< value I. / ) AC Ì PRICES EFFECTIVE NOM q-ZO-lt-llt-h. cpieagingGibu... cPlease§cl^! smæ & s ft t 39! YOUR CHOICE MIX-MATCH.,. • TURNIPS • f^RSNIPS •RUTABAGAS • CARROTS (• Ä EGGS now ..,, O® I