Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1977)
Nyssa Gate City Jowmal . Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, November S, 1977 > Willow Crook ^viSuWCREEI^Th? Willowcreek CSO will be sponsoring their annual Fun /file on Saturday evening, November 5, at the Willow creek School. Thia is their only money raising event during the year, with the money to be used for a project at the school. Every one is invited to come to the dinner, with a variety of games to be held also. Workmen have been busy remodeling the kitchen at the school. A refrigeration room was added to the storage room, to replace all of the refrigerators that were in uae. A wall was taken out to make It easier to get to the refrigeration room. The lunch counter was also moved to make the kitchen a little larger. Vlaiting last weekend at the Don Fulk home was his brother, Joe Fulk, his son and father-in-law from The Dalles, Iniece Fulk and Terry Vernholm from Boise; Sharon and Shannon Bunyard, who are here on vacation from Vancouver. A surprise birthday party waa held on Friday, to help Mrs. Weeks to celebrate her birthday. The party was held in the third and fourth grade room, with Mrs. Roner bringing the punch, and Mrs. Stillman and Mrs. Carrier bringing decorated cakes for the occasion. Congratulations to Ralph and Alice Shiery on their 50th wedding anniveraary. They were married on October 20. 1927 at Sandpoint, Idaho. Their daughters and families hosted a dinner in their honor on Saturday evening, at the Royal Cafe in Ontario. Those attending the celebration was their daughter and son-in-law Lola and Lyle Lockwood, Lome. Leann and Susie, who flew down from Seattle; daughter and son-in-law, Doris and Harold Soper, Jimmy. Ricky and Ralph of Ontario, Danny and Wynelle Soper and baby, Steve and Vicky Burton aoJ son, and Eulalia Curl. The Shiery's had quite a surprise when they received an anniversary card from Rosalind and Jimmy Carter. One of their granddaughters had written to the president about the anniversary. This was the first time that Mrs. Shiery had danced since 1936 and the first time that they had ever danced together. Every one had quite an enjoyable evening. The Shiery's have Uved in the Willowcreek area for 32 years. They have two daughters, son Melvin was the only one unable to attend, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Doug and Marge Hall also celebrated an anniversary, their 25th, which was on October 27. They had plan ned a trip to Montana and left early Friday morning to see Rose and Dewey Dear dorff The Halls became grandparents for the first time on Friday, just missing being born on their anni- Willowcreek Cub Scouts hosted the pack meeting on Tuesday evening at the Willowcreek school. Cut Scouts and their parents came out for the meeting. Bob Wsson. who works at the city jail, gave an interesting talk on gun safety and brought guns to show. Refreshments of cider and donuts were served. The Conard Snow family from Springfield are spend ing a few days visiting with his folks, the Ralph Snows. A get-together was held Sun day evening at the Harmon Potters, so that everyone could visit the Snows. Those coming for the potluck dinner was the Ralph Snows, Conard Snows, Earl Potters, the Dan Potter family and the Carrier family. AARP To Meet The Malheur County Chap ter of American Association of Retired Persons will meet Thursday, November 3 at Westgate Mobile Home Park Recreation Hall at 1:30 p.m. in Ontario. D.A.V.ToMeet All members of Chapter 18 of the Disabled American Veterans are urged to attend a meeting November 7 at the Veterans Memorial Hall in Ontario at 8 p.m. Social Scene Spec. 5 and Mrs. Henry Morrow of San Antonio, Teias are houseguests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alberta Morrow. They will be visiting friends In the area for the nest two weeks. TVCC NURSING STUDENTS recently spent their lunch hours helping with the "Meals on Wheels” program. Getting ready to deliver lunches to homebound elderly are (left to right): Debra Peutt, Nyssa; Dorothy Miesbach. Fruitland; and Kalesita Vaile*. Tonga. mira, Oregon. Mrs. Dyre Roberts at tended the Happy Dozen Pinochle Club party at the home of Mrs. Hazel Schae fer in Adrian Friday after noon. She was a prizewinner. Mrs. Noel Tuppeny was a guest player. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater of Caldwell were Thursday late afternoon gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny. Mr. and Mrs. Dean God dard left Thursday for their home in Sparks, Nevada after visiting the Boyce Van De Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Avery spent the weekend in Corval lis where Mr. Avery was a guest of the Oregon State University president at their football game Saturday. Mrs. Thelma Hammon of Eugene, Oregon called on Mrs. Jim Carroll and family and Mrs. Dyre Roberts Friday evening. Barbara Ludwig attended the Adrian High School Bonfire Thursday evening and the homecorning game Friday evening. Mrs. Clyde Riggs of parma visited Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll and family Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal White are the proud parents of a daughter Kathleen born last Wednesday, October 26 at the Caldwell Memorial Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Gene White are the beaming grandparents. Page Five ships and cash awards were paid to participants in State pageants. Each State Winner receives a full tuition Model ing Course Scholarship from Barbizon, International. The 7th Annual Oregon Pageant is the official State preliminary to the Miss National Teen-Ager Pageant to be held in Atlanta, Georgia in August 1978. The Oregon winner will receive among other prizes a cash scholar ship and an all expense paid trip to compete in the Nutrition Workshop Presented (left to right) Ula Carpenter. Blanche Weeks. Jenny Hansen and Hattie Warren. Methodists Slate Bazaar The United Methodist Church will hold a Bazaar and Luncheon Saturday, No vember 12 in the church basement from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the menu will be chicken and noodles or chili, pie, relishes and beverage. Tickets are adults, $2 and children $1. Items on sale will include handiwork, candy, produce items, baked goods, notions, cookies, jellies, pillowcases, etc. This csrilfluts eetitfes ths *snat ts sat frts CsMrMX gertraM (slajls ar (rse*. 2 swaths s*) — year chelae st savarsi 4 IskeS psrtrsfti — set yrsrit. T*«'« ts ebsaletsly M MLIUTNN la Young ladies between 13 and 18 years of age are invited to participate in the 7th Annual Miss Oregon National Teen-Ager Pageant to be held at the University of Portland. Portland, Oregon on May 12. 13, 14. of 1978. The 1977 State Pageants were held in participation with 37 colleges and univer sities. 20 years of tuition scholarships were awarded and $25.000 in cash scholar- ra beaetifeHy easad, yratassleaal COIN earirsits by MTIMWWt iraa tstorfaftj. My aaa free CMNI prtraft per fatally Mt MMeg nthfisl. Bracken's Dept. Store 207 Main St. Nyssa, Oregon » « ► ■ ; Friday, November 4 - 10 a.m. to 5:30 pjn. Saturday, November 5 -10 a.m. to 4 p.m. mo areoiMTMCNT Mtctssxav Stroke Club To Meet The Nampa Stroke Club will meet on Monday. No vember 7, at 1:30 p.m. at the Summer Room of the Mercy Medical Center. Nampa. Idaho The meetings are for anyone who has had a stroke, family members or anyone caring for a person who has had a stroke. A Christmas party will be planned at this meeting. |News F'Mi'Big Bend | JANET KALLIO. M.S. Nu trition Consultant for the Oregon Dairy Council in Portland presented a two- hour Nutrition Workshop Wednesday at the Nyssa Ele mentary School multi-pur pose room for teachers from Annex, Adrian and Nyssa. Until now, nutrition edu cation in the classroom has been, at best, sporadic. When nutrition was taught at all. emphasis was placed on rote memorization of facts. Little or not attention was paid to the vitality and excite ment food holds for all of us. FOOD...Your Choke, a step-by-step approach to nu trition education is the exciting new answer to the old boring classroom presen tation. This learning system consists of three sequential programs at the elementary level, from kindergarten thr ough sixth grade. The tea chers learned that they may choose a variety of participa tion levels for their classes. During the informative work shop they learned how to prepare and utilize FOOD... Your Choice. Contestants are judged on scholastic achievement-lea dership; poise-personality and appearance. There is no talent or swim-suit competi tion. The Director in making the announcement emphasized that the participation of the University of Portland was to encourage teen interest in scholastic activities-leader ship and college environment The Pageant theme ia "What’s Right About Ame rica” and a $1,000 cash scholarship ia awarded the National Essay Winner. Each contestant will participate in the volunteer Community Service Program which is designed to promote teen involvement and participa tion in Volunteer Civic and Community Affairs. r—----------------------- Miss Oregon Teen-ager Pageant Set AROUND.AND AROUND they go. while the judges made their decisions at the Meal Site Nutrition Halloween party. Thev are National pageant in Atlanta. In the National pageant all 50 States and the District of Columbia are represented by a winner selected in state wide competition. BIG BEND • George Pack wood of Willows, California and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson of New Market. Tennessee were recent visi tors in the John Packwood home. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney attended funeral services for Morlie Jorgenson at Homedale Thursday. Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater became ill in Caldwell Thurs day and is hospitalized at the Caldwell Memorial Hospital where she is slowly re covering. Mrs. John Packwood at tended Presbyterial at Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ludwig and family of Eugene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney all of last week. The ladies were high school classmates near El- Retire with a half million dollars in the bank? plan for the very young, either. An IRA account can be by any eligible partic- Sto age 70. See as in the box below. And now regulations contributions to an account that is opened before February 15,1978, to be deducted from 1977 personal income taxes. So, stop in soon at any of First National's 145 banking offices and ask for a free Disclosure Brochure that the complete First IRA plan. No other bank or thrift institution pays a higher rate of interest. If you don't have a retirement program now, you'll be glad someday that you stopped by First first. n*s within reach with a First Individual Retirement Account. Seems incredible, doesn't it? But. a young person eligible to open a First Individual Retire ment Account today could retire at age 65 with a nest egg ' in the bank of several hundred thousand dollars. For example, an IRA opened at age 20 and con tinued for an entire working career at the maximum annual contribution of $1,500, at the present rate of 7-3/4% annual interest,* would result in an age 65 nest egg of over $620,000' Given those same conditions and continued to age 70, that IRA account would be worth $922,281.57. Individual Retirement Accounts are available to any wage earner or self-employed person who is not currently a participant in any other pension or profit-sharing plan. An IRA account can be opened for as little as $100 with additional deposits made in increments of $25 or more, and the current interest rate is guaranteed for a minimum of three years. The annual contributions of up to $1500—or 15% of your gross wages, whichever is less-are deductible from an individual's personal income taxes, both state and federal. If the contributor has a non-working spouse, up to $1750 can be put away annually with the entire amount tax deduct ible The proceeds of an IRA account are taxable only when disbursed, normally upon retirement. IRA is not just a personal retirement Examples of IRA plan participation Value of Account at Present Age 70 Age 65 Age 60 Age 20 $417,151 $621,854 $922,281 417,181 182,748 277,743 30 182,748 277,743 118,030 35 182,748 118,030 40 73,940 73,940 118.030 43,902 45 (cents omitted) This table is based on a deposit of $1,500 per year made on the last day of each year paying 7-3/4% annual interest, computed on a daily basis, compounded and credited quarterly There’s a list time for everything. FIRST NATIONAL BANK •Federal law and regulation prohibit payment of a time deposit prior to maturity unless three months of interest thereon ia forfeited and interest on the amount withdrawn is reduced to the regular savings rate OF OREGON Member FDIC 4 4 <