Thursday, November 3, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal • Nyssa, Oregon t^Hometown News Call 372-2233 r Jonee Wilson brought her two sisters, Julie and Jaimie •*of Burns to visit their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders on Thursday The two girls will remain in Nyssa this week. houseguests in Enterprise over the weekend at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Tim Clarkson. The "Son Shiners" sang at the Nazarene Church services Sunday mqming. • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Graham of Quincy, Washing ton and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pearce and son Joshua of Yakima. Washington visited at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Graham’s mother. Merle Johnson. Mrs. John son’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Leuck of Baker joined the group on Monday. They all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Swcaney in Caldwell where a family reunion was held. All of Mrs. Johnson's family was together for the first time in six years. Mrs. Kathryne Vetsch and her daughter-in- law, Mrs. John Vetsch and son of Boise also attended the reunion. The party returned to Nyssa Wednesday evening and the Washington travelers returned home Thursday • • • e e Mr. and Mrs. Gene Duarte of Coming, California were Thursday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy. 0 0 0 Recent visitors In the Herman Towne home was their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. David Johan sen of Beaverton. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee recently visited their son and wife. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Sallee and family in Davis, California. They had a very enjoyable trip and especially enjoyed getting acquainted with their new granddaughter, Margaret Whitney Sallee. They also visited Mrs. Lucille Wilson in San Jose. 0 0 0 Matt Stringer, a student at the University of Oregon at Eugene, was a visitor over the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stringer. Matt has been accepted on the layout staff of the college year book staff. He has also been cast as an extra fraternity member in the Universal Studios produc tion. "Animal House" which is being filmed on the campus. It is a satire on college life in the 1960’s. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Otis Smith recently went to Moscow, Idaho. They visited a nephew and his wife, Mr and Mrs. Robert Gleason in Viola. Idaho. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Sim Collin son and Mrs. Kathryn Schaefer and grandson, Ca sey from Lebanon, Oregon were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner, Mrs. Margarete McNeil and Mrs. Freda Miner. o e e A recent Sunday caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman were Mrs. Henrietta Fennemore and her daughter, Mary Ann of Portland. • • NEWELL HEIGHTS ■ Mr and Mrs. R. D. McKinley took Mr. and Mrs. John Fahrenbruch to Sunday din ner at the Sizzlar in Boise. Mrs. Leon Chamberlain and daughter, Mr. and Me*- Tunis Garner and baby of Homedale went to Prosser, Washington Saturday to visit Jed Chamberlain, returning home Sunday night. Leon Chamberlain was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Chamberlain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bruns of Eden, Idaho spent the weekend with his sister, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Schutte. Friday evening guests in the Leonard Schutte home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grant of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schutte and children of Nampa. Kara, Lynn and David Schutte stayed with their grandpa rents until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schutte were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bouden in Nampa and were Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. Paul Grant in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs Ray Simpson Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb took Mrs. Pauline Hastriter and Kimmie to Boise to the airport on Wednesday to take the plane to their home in Aurora. Colorado. The plane was late due to mechanical difficulties. They had dinner at the Boise airport. Mrs Carl Fenn and Jerry Travis were Sunday dinner guests in the Gene Simpson home. Mrs. Johnnie Eason of Boise was an afternoon caller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Warren of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Topliff and boys of Boise were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff. Herb Wenke went elk hunting at La Grande over the weekend and got his elk. Mrs. Bert Barnes who had surgery at the Holy Rosary Hospital recently is home now and doing fine. TiH|R|l FjT W A Y RAYS FOOD FAIR Page Throe Mrs. Ken Galyen and baby of Ontario spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mri. AI Simpson. Events Around Adrian B* teto WIN ADRIAN - Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Looney and family of Ontario and their houseguest Cherryl Donaldson, an Ex change Student from New Zealand were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney. Doris Raynor and Loraine Merritt of Emmett were Tuesday dinner guests of their sister. Mrs. Anna Long. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven went to Weiser and visited his sister, Mrs. Paul Raney in the Weiser hospital. They also visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas. Mrs. George DeHaven, Mrs. Mabie Piercy. Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mrs. Ida Pack wood attended the Presby- terial at Nampa on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven were Sunday din ner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Mosier in Ontario. They were accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Grace Bawtenheimer of Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller of Payette were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Free). Mrs. Cindy Freel and children went to Ontario Sunday to see the children's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Barker, and their pork roast NYSSA, OREGON SHOULDER CUT Mrs. George Sallee re turned last week from a ten-day trip to Fort Scott, Kansas where she visited her sister, Julia Schmit. They visited Old Home in Rich Hill, Mo. and visited many old friends. o Journal Classifieds Bring Results! saveion Mr. and Mrs. Vic Habur- chak, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Meckem and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne attended the Knights of Columbus steak fry in Ontario, Sat. evening, o o o • great-grandmother who was to be there. The Happy Dozen Card club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Hazel Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. Dean God dard of Sparks, Nevada and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van DeWater of Caldwell were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman. The Dean Goddards’ spent that night at the Boyce Van DeWater home in Big Bend and returned to their home on Thursday. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Bill T<x>mb went to Weiser Sunday afternoon and visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas. PORK STEAK • Kirk Savage, a student at the University of Oregon in Eugene, was a weekend houseguest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage. He also visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. o o o Damon Savage and Mr. and The Boyd Haney and Mrs. Bill Nicholson. Harold Dail families were NYSSA MANOR By Elmer and Alice Kleinke, Pbone 372- 3925 Nora Snodgrass of Nyssa Manor, returned Saturday evening from a two-week vacation trip to the midwest, Nora accompanied her bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Rittenbaugh of Eugene. They visited relatives in Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and Colorado. Mrs. Robert Ball of Ros well, Idaho called at the home of Mrs. May Lytle of Nyssa Manor Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Ball has been filling in for her husband, the Rev Robert Ball who re cently underwent surgery in the Caldwell hospital. Mrs. Ron Miller of Boise and Mrs. Julie Edmundson of Pocatello, Idaho visited with their grandmother. Mrs. May Lytle Saturday afternoon at Nyssa Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Dettmar Jones of Salem, were visitors for a short time Thursday morning at the home of Elmer and Alice Kleinke at Nyssa Manor. Mr. Jones works for the state highway department and was on a routine trip to Malheur County. Mr. and Mrs. John Gill of Salem are guests for a few days at the home of Elmer and Alice Kleinke at Nyssa Manor. The Gills enjoyed the weekend at Cascade Lake with relatives from Nampa. Friday, Mrs. Jessie Skin ner of Nyssa Manor visited at the home of her son Claude Skinner at Owyhee Comers. While there. Mrs. Skinner worked at getting her mobile home ready for selling. GRANGE NEWS Happy Birthday November 4 • Carlos E. Hernandez. Mark Hirai. Vera Winchell November 5 • Nancy Lan dreth November 6 -Felix Rosales (in memory) November 7 • Drew Mor rison, Mary J. Staples November 8 • Gerardo Grimaldo. Dolores Gromeza November 9 - David Al maraz 111, Roy Winchell, Kathy Thompson November 10 - Roxanne Toombs. Jaime F. Grimaldo. Boyd F.splin Perfect For Salads Happy Anniversary November 5 • Mr. Mrs. John Messick frozen foods^É and ! Professional i Directory Physicians t Surgeons Dr. Arthurs. Dole, M.D. Urological Surgery Diseases of the kldnev, bladder and prostate. Phone 372-5269 302 Good Avenue, Nyssa, Oregon Hourwt Saturday-10 a.m. 1 to 12 noon FOOD STAMPS WELCOME K.E. Kerby, M.D. K.A. Danford, M.D. Physicians & Surgeons Dial 372-2241 Hours: 9 to 12 noon A 2 to 5 p.m. • Monday thru Friday. Optometrists Oregon Trail («range Joint installation of Mal heur County Grange officers will be held at the Oregon Trail Grange Hall, Saturday, November 5 at 8 p.m. County Deputy Dale Teter will be in charge of the ceremony. All Grange officers from all granges are urged to be present. Refreshments will be served by Oregon Trail Grange members following the installation. TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC Phone 372-2251 Dr. B. E. Rosa Nyoaa, 372-3257 Dr. Robert Derby Panna, 722-6337 Dr. Thomae Gray Vaio, 473-2478 Chocolate Fudge Buttermilk, Sour Dough, Raisin English Muffin, Yankee Doodle lOOK FROIÍN CONCÍHTRATÍD ORANGE JUICE