Faga Soven Nyssa Gate City Journal - Nyssa Gate City Journal Nyssa, Wiltim Carry Jmkaon di Nvwa han »pent hl» lit«- worlung ar un induwtn ,1 and i 1W leader He lute ijon«- well al both He »*■ tu>m Hept 12, 1920, in a lewheraar in Utile River. Tex. He wtudwd al Texan Military < olleBe mid MumUMppi State College larfore waning th«- I’X. Air Place m 194.1 Fnmi 1941-15 Jaduum » rved in the European I hit iter with the 17th Bomb Group He wan dm- • h.irgisl ar a rnptain. having reveivrd the Air Midal with 11 lirimze nah leaf duntent the IJU l.nguidied Filing Crow. Cron de Guerre aver l«dni. PreMdenllai Citation nah leaf Hunter Kunqa-an Th»-.iter nldum and three Ftnmze Star» He married hu> wife Margery in 1945 and 1-lvrtllv thereafer <|UH hm yob an a uhoe clerk tor u lMU*inew> i-areer in manufa« tunng and celling h, .m.-madi m uip In 194* hi- l><>ught the Ideal Gan More in Nyiem. A» finwident of Ideal Gun. Inc., he di- n-did the ronqianw-» growth from 100 cu»tom- • n> in 1‘M.i to 12 plant» nerving more than li.tMkl retail cunlomern throughout part» of Idaho, Ore- tun. Washington and Montana. He engineered and patented a liquified petro­ leum r . m Wi-ed control burner that wan inatru- tnentaj in the control of noxious weeds through out the United Stale«, and aeveral foreign coun­ tries. ladtaon founded Propane Supply, Inc., a wh'ilewak' dintnlaitor of natural gaa liquid», in 19<>". This firm mtw » many industrial and re- xik- account» throiignout the northern tier of »lute» town . oaxt to court with its product ini- port.d from < anada. II«- »» pre,.«lent of the Founder» Se-rvae Or gonizi.twm <4 the Malheur Memorial Hospital in 1951. Tiwetrnm-ter» Club in 1952. Idaho laqui fed Gaa Atnociation in 1915. Nyaaa Chamber of < ommerce in 1956-57, Nvwm Chapter of Anw-n can Field Service 1967-79 and Nyaaa Industrie» I9U9 to lisle. He was a trustee of the Nyssa School Hoard 1956-63 and chairman of the board in 1963, district director of National Liq­ uified Petroleum Gaa Association from 1967 to date, and in now a member of that association's political action committee Jackson, with eight children, has been active in Boy Scouts and Giri Scouts, and waa fondly known an Mr. Girl Scout by the Nyaaa CadetU» Hi- received a Bicentennial Salute from the Small Bumnewi Administration in 1976. “Jai ksun s really energetic and a good bum newsman," mud Merv Hutchinson, controller of Propane Supply, Inc., in which Jackson sold his interests in July. "He's concerned about the bet­ terment of our community.'' Published Every Tbunday at Nyssa, Oregon 97913 Second class postage paid at Nyssa, Oregon 97913 under act of Congress of March 3. 1879 MtMBtR________ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: One Year......... ..$7.00 Two Years........ .$13.00 Elsewhere in the U.S.A.: One Year.......... ..$8.00 Two Years........ $15.00 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MIA SUSTAINING MtMNtt rnoriMo *»«f jurisdiction over the Zone, we need not have been as gene­ rous and forthcoming as 1 fear the text of the treaty will show us to have been. For example, why so much compensation on top of the tremendous physical plant they get in the Canal property and on top of the big input to their economy through our presence—some $165 million a year....? The angry roars of disap­ proval are not going to fade away. Americans in all walks of life can recognize grand- standing press agentry of the type the Carter Crowd is conducting in an effort to sell to the Senate a bill of goods the people of this country won't buy. There may be enough suckers in the Senate to go for this garbage. But those who vote for this or any other treaty with Panama are guaranteeing their defeat when they come up for re­ election. Americans are not going to sit still for amputation of a part of the United States to appease a mouse that roars. The peanut bunted with power, so the mouse came forth. —Jean Evant. Parma Ri’tl/’/iA. —gai TO THF FPIftJR Editor, The Journal: I do object to the over­ heated and somewhat dis­ torted way Carter and Com­ pany are marketing the treaty. First, they launch heir campaign long before the text is available, thereby giving them a chance to dominate the debate by their explanation of objectives and principles, minus discussion of arrangements to attain those objectives and apply those principles. Secondly, 1 cannot buy the argument that the military importance of the Canal has diminished significantly be­ cause we now have a 'two- ocean Navy* and because large carriers and super­ tankers cannot go through it. We don't have a ‘two- ocean Navy' —what we have is one Navy split between two oceans. I am surprised that even the Carter Crowd would strain the truth this badly. Moreover, those large car­ riers are few in number and the need for the Canal for the rest of the Navy in time of war in both oceans is great indeed. You and I differ on the wisdom of turning over the Zone to Panamanian juris­ diction. I see this as the way to defuse tension realisti­ cally, feeling that this is the principal issue that inilames Panamanian passions. Doing so alters our outmoded colonial stance for whatever value that will bring in the amorphous court of world opinion. However, once we agreed to grant the Panamanians Wilton Jackson friendship as always. It is my inani wish that the Cuban people, under your skillful leadership The "Up With People”" may continue on their march performance held tn Nyssa towards Latin America's pro­ and Payette on October 13 gress. In Latin America your and 15 was very successful. name is associated with This program was held for feelings of dignity geared to the American Cancer Socie­ the elimination of all rem­ ties in both Malheur and nants of Shameful colonialism Payette Counties and pro­ Likewise. I am happy to ceeds were approximately inform you that we will soon $2500. coordinate the landing of a Many thanks and deep Panamanian Air Force jet appreciation to the following aircraft at Havana's Jose people for all their efforts and Marti Internationa) Airport." Since the Panama Canal is ~ considerations: The N Gate City Journal, Pa» strategically important for Savage, Kathy Oliver; Sandi the security of the United Jasper; John Messick; the States it seem foolhardy to LDS Church; Hank Schneider, me to consider transferring The First National Bank; The control of the canal to another U.S. National Bank; Kenneth government. Kramer. Gene Chester. Dan Sincerely yours. Martin. Mel Munn and their /•/ Gene Stunz teaching staffs; Bob Jensen roui Editor, The Journal: Your readers may find interesting, the text of a message sent by Panamanian President Torrijos to Fidel Castro on September 9, 1977, as Torrijos' plane passed over Cuba enroute home after he signed the Panama treaty in Washington. The text is as follows: "As I fly across Cuba's skies on my return to my fatherland, I greet you with from the Idaho Statesman and the High School Art Department; Merril Dean Robbins and the custodial staff; Ralph Lawrence; Ha­ rold Castor; Mick Berryman and Newhouse Chevrolet, the Nyssa Merchants. Malheur Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, the host parents and to all who helped in any way. Donna Blackbum and Judy Martin, chairmen The first scientist to distin­ guish vertebrates from inver­ tebrates was Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, around the turn of the 19th century. 'BUSINESS DIRECTORY! A MARKET PLACE FOR QUALITY • QUICK SERVICE - SATISFACTION Disposal Building Materials Title Companies SIS DISPOSAL Our Huvimw is Pulling Up' Servin* All u( Malheur county Everything tn Building Matenals Insulation Rootling Paneling Visit the New Store 2OS7S.W, 4th Ave. Ontario M9-53SI Interior Decorating Fuel Oil SPENCER INTERIOR DESIGN i CHEVRON U.S.A. all F»»f Apfw»tntnH Hi lor Sclvcf Al H ook S cdki Wv W.vrk Within Ymir Budget Fabru > in Shut ( arpet. Draperies. Bedspreads. Woven Woods & Shutters. Wa’lpanvr and Muth. Much More Chevron Heating Fuell Gasoline Diesel Fuel • lubricating Oil* Chevron Oil Heating Equipment Compirle Comfort Svilenti IC.ti Pumps Hrifing A Air Conditioning Great Bathroom Ideas Brg|n wHb Koh|cr 372-3«! I Crop Dusting WESTERN APPLICATORS CUI INTERNATIONAL FARMER’S SUPPLY CO-OP Mrl Catnmock - Manager FEED—SEED—FERTILIZER Speedrower • Balers * Au* umatic Bale Wagons • Staci Retries er • Forage Harvester Seif unloading Wagons Spreaders Haybines COMF1 ETE AERIAL APPLICATION Pro(e»»ional Field Service Duumg Weed A In wet Control Serving The Entire Snake River Valley Nyaw JTJ.JSII or 3U-M12 Concrete Products OREGON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Division of Idaho Concrete Co. Inc. Ready Mised Concrete Concrete Pipe For Farm ■ Seven • Irrigation A Highways washed A Graded Sand A Gravel Norik of Nyeeu 3T2-2SOT Diesel Service ALL MAKES Detroit 4 Cummtnt Diesel Call Anytime Collect 642-2591 or 466 6404 or J44 AJIR CROP DUSTING Ontario (Not Tractors! MWS.E. let Ave. OMario NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL FOR 6:30 P M BUSINESS CARDS Specializing in Farms and Household» MAGNETIC SIGNS Dairies-Furniture PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Auctioneers Col. Harold Stalling A A mo 242 ird Frahlaad BM-BMI Pta/vuKfAzzittai FRUITLAND AUCTION Folate» Spicer Timken Fuller Pans Repair on all Diewl Farm Equipment U9-5M5 Auction Houses SALE EVERY MON A WED Sales a Service Wheel Seals a Bearings LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES SI4SW4thAve. TRUCK & DIESEL REPAIR Dead oe Disabled Cow». Hones A Hogs Radio Dispatched AG CHEMICALS Ray > Breen Tattle ■ Owwen COURTESY PICK UP FERTILIZER-SEEDING Home of Action Auction Service E. CotamMa Ave RAND - NEW HOLLAND ONTARIO DIESEL SERVICE Plumbing Entures and Supplies Nyaaa **S«olag Year Arva (her 21 Year«** Oregon Idaho - Nevada All Modern Equipment Road A Street Construction Land Leveling Deep Plowing • Ripping Heavy Dozer Work All Tvpes of Earth Moving P.O.Bv« 134 Adrian 372 2542 Animal Carcass Removal Plumbing & Heating ZIMMERMAN PLUMBING * HEATING Excavating Contractors VAN DEWATER LAND LEVELING Serving All Treooere Voilrv 17 N 2nd SPERRY 2T2S222 NYSSA. OREGON RVWLSRn AL KROPP ASON I "Accuracy Bv Protevtuinali" LENNOX Farm Equipment TUTTLE LUMBER CO. LAND TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY Wkm Prim An Always Lew Garbage A Iravh IM I |. Thursday, October 27, 1977 Portrait of a Distinguished Citizen .. Editor and Publisher .. Production Manager Office Manager, News .......... Production staff ...........Production staff Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Oregon 4S2-44M i 4 OBITUARIES Samuel Kenner Graveside services for Sa­ muel C. Kenner, 68, rural Nyssa, who died Monday, October 17, 1977 at home were conducted at 2 p.m. Friday at the Nyssa Cemetery by the Rev. James Monroe, of Nyssa United Methodist Church, under the direction of Lienkaemper Funeral Home. Nyssa. He was born June 16, 1909, at Cordell, Oklahoma. He married Margaret Fenn in 1965 at Las Vegas. He was a mechanical engineer for 30 years in El Cajon, Calif. He retired and moved to Oregon in 1972. Surviving are bis wife, Margaret. Nyssa; two daugh­ ters. Riba A. Atwell, Pomona, California, and Mabel Au- dean Wollard, Salinas. Calif.; a son. Samuel Wayne Ken­ ner. Santa Clara, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Cuba Apple, Nyssa, and Mrs. Cletis Cohee. Costa Mesa, Calif.; and nine grandchildren. Jennie Seward Services for Jennie Fern Seward, 88. Apple Valley, who died October 20, 1977 at Malheur Memorial Nursing Home were conducted 2 p.m., Monday at the Nyssa Bible Missionary Church by the Revs. LoweU Foster and William M. Russell, Cald­ well Bible Missionary Church Interment was in Parma Cemetery under the direction of the Lienkaemper Funeral Home. Nyssa. She was born July 10. 1889, at Palco. Kansas, where she married Albert Seward. August 4, 1909. They moved to Apple Valley in 1938. He died in April 1964. She was a member of the Nyssa Bible Missionary Church. Surviving are four sons. Dwight F., Don A., and Leroy all of Parma, and Virgil N., Ontario; a daughter. Mrs. Verda A. Kellogg. Nampa; two brothers Virgil. Palco, and Byron Eaton. WaKeeney Kansas; 20 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Gideons or Home and For­ eign Missionary Service, in care of the funeral home. Church Services United Methodist The Methodist Church and the Rev. Monroe welcomes you to all church activities. Friday, October 28 • Bible Study 10 a.m. October 28 - 30 - Bish­ op's Convocation on Evange­ lism in Boise Sunday, October 30 - Sun­ day School for all ages, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, "Hang In There Baby," Luke 18-1, by Rev. Monroe 11 a.m. Wednesday, November 2 - Edge of Adventure Study 10 a.m. Pastor Parish Committee, 8 p.m. Thursday, November 3 - United Methodist Women meet, 2 p.m. Christian Church Wednesday, October 26 - Debbie's Bible Study at Judy Barnes. 9 a.m. Thursday, October 27 Wanda's Bible Study at Hazel Lane's 9 r m. Deaconess meeting at 8 p.m.. Billie Frost with Jackie Ann Sisson giving devotions Friday, October 28 • Wo­ men’s Day and luncheon at the Bible College Christian Church in Boise. Cars will leave at 8:30 a.m. Good News Club for Kids 3:30 p.m. Saturday, October 29 - Youth Prayer meeting, 10 p.m. Sunday, October 30 - Sun­ day School for all ages, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Evening services, 7:30 p.m. A potluck dinner after church 12:30 for members and friends. A film "Through Gates of Splendor" will be shown following the dinner. Wednesday, November 2 - Debbie's Bible Study, 9 a.m. Bible Study and Prayer, 8 p.m. Youth. Group, 8 p.m. he attended L.I.F.E. Bible College. He married Martha Dar- gatz, June 9, 1929, at Los Angeles. For many years he served as a pastor in various locations, including the Asse­ mbly of God Church in Kansas City, Kansas and the Central Bible Institute in Springfield, Mo. He moved to Alaska in 1957 where he taught. In 1960, he began working in the Northwest as a government housing admi­ nistrator with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He moved to Sisters. Oregon in 1974, and to Nyssa. He recently moved to Payette where he was a music instructor at the Payette Christian Academy. Surviving are his wife. Payette; a daughter Mrs. Larry (Marthayn) Manning, Owyhee, Nevada; two bro­ thers. Dewey. Turlock. Calif, and E. Paul, Fresno. Calif.; three sisters. Lucille Pegg of Belflower. Calif., and Myrtle Davis and Trudy Cook, both Vacaville, California and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, sister. CARD OF THANKS The Wade. Stockdale. Hei­ ser families wish to thank their many, many friends for their kind, heartfelt expres­ sions of sympathy upon the death of our loved one Sybil Wade. Thank you. Nazarene Church Thursday, October 27 • Golden Hour Misaionary Chapter Meeting, at the home of Rosemary Martin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 28 - Me­ n’s Prayer Breakfast at 6:30 a.m. at the Twilight Cafe. The public is invited. Prayer and fasting at noon at the parsonage. Saturday, October 29 « Nyssa Ministerial Associa­ tion meeting at the Twilight Cafe at 8 a.m. Sunday, October 30 ■ Mon ning Prayer at the church at 7 a.m. Christian Education Clas­ ses at 9:45 a m. Children’s Churches at 11 ..m. Morning Worship service at 11 a.m. Choir Practice at 6:45 p.m. Church-wide Singspiration at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 1 - Ladies Bible Study at the home of Sharon Pittz at 9:30 a.m. Babysitting is provided at the churdh. Midweek services: Bible Study at the Nursing Home at 4 p.m. with Ellis Martin in charge. Prayer meeting. Teen Fel­ lowship and Caravans at the church at 7:30 p.m. Bible Missionary 730 North 2nd. Street, Sunday - Sunday School, 10 a.u. Morning Worship. 11 a.m. Young People, 7 p.m. Evening service, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday ■ Mid-week service, 7:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Rev. Carl A. Johnson. Pastor. Southern Baptist Church Richaid Carlson, Pastor. The Inner Light presented the gospel in song, Sunday evening, October 23 at the Southern Baptist Church in Fruitland, Idaho. Don Ham­ mond, one of our own members is a member of this great group! A Lay School of Evange­ lism training will begin October 30 at 6:30 p.m. Rev. Carlson will be the instructor. The Youth have planned a special party for everyone at the Browns on Monday, October 31 at 7:30 p.m. There will be a slave sale of the Youth, Sunday, October 30 to earn money for summer camp and other activities. A "Brotherhood Breakfast’ is in the planning for November 12. We will have more comments on this later. Park Avenue Baptist Church Sunday, October 30 - Sunday school classes for all ages, 10 a.m. Worship service in the Sanctuary with message by guest speaker. 11 a.m. Fellowship time down­ stairs following worship ser­ vice. Bible study and prayer meeting, at Paul Penrods, 7:30 p.m. A friendly smile, a warm handshake and the words of the Lord await you at Park AVenue Baptist Church, on the corner of North Third Street and Park AVenue. SAFETY @ Keeping kids safe on Hal­ loween doesn't have to be such a difficult trick if you treat them right and follow these six suggest.ons. 1. Use only fireproof paper or cloth for their cos­ tumes. 2. If your children will be out trick-or-treating after dark, be sure they're wearing light clothing or have some reflective tape on their cos­ tumes. Howard Greene 3. Use flashlights, not can­ dles, to light jack-o-lanterns. 4. Give trick-or-treaters at Services for Howard Ar­ your door individually wrap­ thur Allen Greene, 71, ped snacks such as Planters" Payette, formerly of Nyssa, Peanuts and Baby Ruth® and who died Saturday, October Butterfinger« snack bars. 22. 1977 at Payette, were Factory-wrapped treaU let conducted at 2 p.m. Wed­ you know no one could have nesday at the Payette Assem­ tampered with them 5. Make sure children bly of God Church by the travel in groups, and that the Rev. Arlen Benson. Inter­ younger ones go out with an ment was in the Rivenide adult supervisor. Cemetery, under the direc­ 6 Keep corn husk decora tion of Shaffer-Jensen Chapel tions away from any fires and Payette. 'tpray them with fireproofing He was born April 28, 1 ¡quid These simple precautions 1906, at North Loup. Neb­ raska where he was reared can help your entire and educated. He moved to neighborhood have a happv Halloween. Los Angeles in 1928. where 4