Thurtday, Octobar 13, 1977 Nyua Goto City Journal ■ Nyita, Oregon Paga Five Mark Moncur was honored with a birthday dinner at the Moncur home Sunday after­ noon. Family members pre­ sent were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielsen and family. Mrs. Laura Jayo and family and Mr. and Mrs.. Gary Sant and family. Curtis Moncur. who is on an LDS Mission in South London, called his father during the afternoon to wish him a "Happy Birthday,” • • • Houseguests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughn were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Maughn of Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho; his sister, Mrs. Edna Park of Wellsville, Utah; and another brother Ervine Mau­ ghn of Salt Lake. • • * Mrs. R. G. Larson was a recent weekend houseguest of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Larson and family in Nampa. ... Mrs. Britt Nedry of the Malheur Memorial Nursing Home was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dirick Nedry. ® GRANGE NEWS Oregon Trail Grange PRESIDENT OF THE NYSSA Chy Council, Marion Tracy, signed a proclamation proclaiming this week as Alpha Delta Kappa Week. Receiving the signed proclamation was Emma Snyder, who is a life member of Alpha Delta Kappa. She has 44 years of teaching experience, eight of which she was County Superintendent of Anderson County, Kansas. She retired in 1970. The Proclamation establishes community recognition of this week October 9-15. Alpha Delta Kappa is a sorority of educators dedicated to better and more comprehensive education. «^Hometown News Call 372-2233 Mrs. Erma Forbess re­ lumed last week from a three-weeks trip to California where she was a house­ guest of her son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Forbess and family in Rancho Palos Verdes, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Smalley in Long Beach. • • • Mrs Viola Ayers called on her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Elton Clapp and family on Sunday. She was enroute to her home in Everett. Washington. CENTRAL WE SERVICE AU MAKES Prawl Dependable Senate WHY WAIT 2 WEEKS FORTY REPAIR! Cal or Bring In Your Set To Curt 159 I. Idaho Ontario 889-2159 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Notus were guests of honor at a potluck dinner Sunday at the home of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Other children present were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary and family of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Art Perron and family of Chula Vista. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin and family of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carron and family of Caldwell. Many nieces, ne­ phews and friends were also visitors during the afternoon. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Saun­ ders and family of Meridian were Monday evening dinner guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders in honor of Mr. Flinder’s birthday. • • • Mrs. Otis Squires of Boise was a Monday overnight houseguest of her sister. Mrs. Blanche Weeks. • • • Mrs. Ida Walters was honored on her 87th birthday Wednesday evening with a dinner at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Res Walters of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Art Perrott of Chula Vista, California. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders were visitors at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Carole Wilson and family in Bums from Wednesday thru Thursday of last week. Their grandson Eddie, who was seriously injured recently in a car accident is coming along fine and is receiving lots of therapy. Eagles Annual HUNTERS' BALL Oct. 15, 1977 STEAK or CRAB DINNER Served from $5 Ptr Wot, 7 to 11 p.m. Live Music By The Soft Sails With Dancing from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 ® *m. Advance tickets available at the lodge II members and out-of-town guests invito« Mr. and Mrs. Pack Howatt of Pendleton were house­ guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sappe and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe. The Sappes, Howatts, Mrs. Dorothy Sappe and Mrs. Louise Ward attended the College of Idaho football game on Saturday. • • • Lori Miner of Provo, Utah, a student at BYU, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miner. She and Scott Ableman called on her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen Friday eve­ ning. • • • Lori Miner of Provo, Utah, a student at BYU, was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miner. She and Scott Ableman called on her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen Friday eve­ ning. • a • Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gyllen- skog returned last week from a seven-day trip to The Dalles where they were houseguests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gvllenskog. Jim and Julie. While they were there it was homecoming week at the school and they attended many school events in which their grandchildren participated. They also got to see Jim play a football game and Julie play a powder- puff game and they went to Corvallis where Jim played during the half-time in the band at the BYU-Oregon game. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne recently returned from a ten-day trip. They attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Amy Johan­ sen, in Beaverton and visited * their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Speed Porter and family in Eugene and their two granddaughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Severe and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sleutell. They visited another daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty Lay and family in Coquille. In Roseburg they visited her sister Mrs. Iola Smith, and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Durbin. Mrs. Smith accompanied the Towens to their home in Nyssa where she will spend some time. • • • Mrs. Vesta Hansen has been visiting for two weeks with her sisters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair. • • • Early October guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Byers and Don Kerby all of Monmouth, Oregon. They were weekend houseguests. Joining the group for Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers and family from Ontario. Election of officers was the main order of business at Oregon Trail Grange with Master Harold Kurtz presid­ ing Tlyirsday evening, Oc­ tober 6, with the following members being selected: Foy Sasser, master; Wilbur Ath­ erton, overseer; Sadie Met­ calf, lecturer; Mira Atherton, chaplain; Don Somers, gate keeper; Harold Kurtz, ste­ ward; Clara Somers, secre­ tary; Clara Price, treasurer; Ernie Metcalf, assistant ste­ ward; Myrtle Sasser, lady assistant steward; Betty Ku­ rtz, ceres; Marguerite Moss, pomona; Violet Drydale, flora; Executive Board Members Tom Drydale, Loyd Adams and Frank Sherwood. Refreshments were served by Mira and Wilbur Atherton. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday eve­ ning, October 20 at 8:30 p.m. All Grange members are urged to attend. Committee of Women’» Activities Oregon Trail Grange Members of the CWA Club of Oregon Trail Grange met Tuesday, October 4 at the home of Thelma Parr. The devotional was given by Sadie Metcalf. Activity projects were dis­ cussed and members voted to make stuffed toys for child­ ren in hospitals. Other projects will be considered later in the season. Refreshments were served by Co-hostess Orma Cleaver. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday. November 1 at 2 p.m. in the home of Violet Drydale with Margue­ rite Moss as co-hostess. Election of officers will be held. Members are urged to attend. HELL0 WT WORLD! Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lewis of Modesto, Calif., proudly announce the birth of their first child. Baby boy Aaron lloyd Lewis was born Tues­ day. October 4, 1977 in California and weighed seven pounds and twelve ounces. The very happy grandpa­ rents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Dorothea) Mitchell of Nyssa ana Mr. and Mrs. Perry Manwaring of Claremont, California. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pat Scott (Cheryl Young) of Petaluma, California are happy to announce the arrival of their third child, a girl, named Chelsea Patrice. She arrived on September 21, 1977 and weighed 7 pounds 10 *4 ounces. Little Chelsea is the 15th grandchild of Mr. Ralph Young. Route 2. Nyssa. Paternal grandparents are the Howard Scotts of Brady. Nebraska. Chelsea joins two sisters at home. Hayley 5 and Ashley 1 *4. CARD OF THANKS The family of Ray B. Huffman wish to thank the many friends, relatives and neighbors for the food, cards, flowers, memorials and other kindnesses following the death of our loved one. Thelma Huffman Forrest and Betty Huffman Boyd and Sheila Esplin Kelly and Vedas Huffman and children. > q1 9 ,, THE NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS of 1967 held their ten-year class reunion August 19, 20. 21, 1977. Friday, August 19, an early get-together was held at the Nyssa Legion Hall. On Saturday evening the banquet was held at Monte Owens Cafe in Payette with the family picnic on Sunday at the Nyssa South park. Those attending were, back row, left to right: George Fanning, teacher; Brad Maxfield, Jim Anderson, Pat Savage, Gary Moss, Charles McConnel. Bob Ure, Darryl King, Van Draper, Ralph Estrada, Teresa Hamilton Fritz, Jim Ableman, Sam Cleaver, Sheila Huffman Esplin, and teacher, Mel Calhoun._________________________________________ I News From Big Bend 5 By Goldie Roberts BIG BEND * Jolly Janes Club met Wednesday after­ noon with Helen Hatch in Oregon Slope. Mrs. Dick Davis and Mrs. James McGinnis assisted her. There were ten ladies attending. A farewell gift was given Mrs. Keith Carpenter, who is- moving to Hawaii. The November meeting will be a potluck dinner with Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tup- peny entertained with a dinner Tuesday honoring her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearson of Hill City. Kansas. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blakeny and Donny of Pendleton, Mrs. Persis Brumbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Bumbaugh of Roswell. High School students that went to Corvallis for the I | weekend to play in the band for the OSU-BYU football game Saturday were Laurie Witty, Danny and Lauri Bennett, Dirk Miller, Brent Ishida and Beeky Carroll. They returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Datson of Boise were Satur­ day supper guests of Mrs. Winifred Bennett. Mrs. Stan Thomas took Mrs. Avanell Baldwin of Adrian and Mrs. Diane Longoria of Roswell to a Home Decorators luncheon at the Rodeway Inn in Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chaney returned home Sun­ day from Veneta, Oregon where they had been visiting for five days with her mother. Mrs. Reeth Ross and their daughters Judy and Deanna. Middle row. left to right, Linda McPartland, Marie Elquezabal Price, Vicki Luna Lara, Jeannie Neely Soliz, Tom Stringer, teacher Kinsey Keveren, Mona Young Himes, Dick Finger, Kathy Strickland Custer, Rodney Blaylock, Mary Danford Ward, Brian Cleaver, Bob Okano, Rueben Rodriquez, Trudy Olsen Anderson. Janice McCrady Holliday. Eiden Widmer, Kathy Dority Casey, Jerry Strickland, Frances Cruson Tatro, and Sandra Knowles Hori. Front row, left to right. Teresa Elquezabal Pyne, Glen Bock, Alice Wilson Hysell, Dennis Schillings, Karen Main Quarles, Linda Gallegos Aman, and Mary Loera Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English called on Mr. and Mrs. Marion English in Nampa Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dick Reed and Laure of Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Packwood went with several ladies from the Adrian Presbyterian Church to the Presbyterian Nursing Home in Ontario where they served refreshments to the patients and guests. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Maus- ling entertained with a family dinner Sunday honoring their daughter, Mrs. Nick Ga- viola’s birthday. Guests were Mrs. Selma Gaviola and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gunderson and family of Homedale and the honored guests’ husband Nick Gaviola of Parma. The Big Bend Home Extension Study Group will meet Tuesday afternoon, October 18 with Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater. The lesson. "Care of Clothing" will be given by Mrs. Noel Tuppeny and Mrs. Darrell English. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty entertained with a supper Monday evening ho­ noring Mrs. Gerad Kuiper of Hysbsam. Montana and her father-in-law Bert Kuiper of Boise. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jones Of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spears and family of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Witty and Carl. Mrs. Winifred Bennett was a Sunday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wood of Marsing. Monday, she and Mrs. Wood visited Brenda Wood in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Randy York. Shane and Sheri were visitors in the Robert Callahan home in celebration of Nancy’s birthday. Philip, Rusty and Alex Callahan were also present for the occasion.