Nyssa Gate Gfy Journal • Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, September 29, 1977 * OCAl IHKt SOCIO I V • • Houseguest* last Thursday and Friday at the home of Mrs. Louise Ward were Ruby Gorman and her brother Joe Mackey of Yelm, Washington. They are the niece and nephew of Mr*. Nellie Newbill. They visited her at the Malheur Nursing Home and brought her to Mrs. Wards' for dinner Friday evening. • , , • • a Wednesday evening din- ner and overnight guests of Mrs. R. G. Larson were her nephew and wife, Capt. and Mrs. Patrick Wray and two children from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and Gary Miller from Florida. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann called on the Burton Ritchies' at Little Valley on Sunday. a • • Mr. and Mr*. Melvin Wiley of Caldwell were Sunday callers at the Elton Clapp home. a a a Callers Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osnam were Mr. and Mr*. Blaine Bingam of Roy, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorin King of Ontario. Mrs. Beverly Morri* of Eureka, California and Mrs. Afton Roy of Chula Vista. Calif, were Sunday callers. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were birthday dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Elven Day in Caldwell on Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Day’s birthday. a a a Mrs. Blanche Weeks en­ joyed the company of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Duane Weeks of Portland from Thursday until Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks of Seneca, were also over-the-weekend guests of Mrs. Weeks. Sunday dinner guests were Mrs. Duane Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weeks and Mr. and Mrs. Plais Johnson and Denise all of Parma and Brian Outcn. Mr and Mrs. Bill VanZelf were afternoon callers. • • • The Son Shiners sang at the Five Mile Community Church Sunday evening. Mrs. Ken Hamson of Boise joined the group for the evening performance. • • • Mr and Mrs. Dave Beers were called to Tacoma. Washington. September 15 to attend funeral services for her sister. Vernice Campbell, who passed away September 14. She had resided in Tacoma with her son. LeRoy Campbell and family. Fu­ neral services were Sep­ tember 17. The Beers visited the nephews and other family members who attended the services before going to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Fire­ stone and family in Van­ couver. They returned to Nyssa, September 26. Sorority Meets The Upsilon Chapter of the Delta-Kappa Gamma held It'* fall meeting September 24 at II a.m. at the Charolais Restaurant for a brunch. President Elaine Nelson called the meeting to order. There were 30 members to answer the roll call. Joy McPartland gave a brief report on the workshop held at Bend. Oregon, with the State President Dr. Agnes Colley giving the main address. The music was reported as being especially outstanding. Gladys Strawn from Fruit- land gave an interesting report on the Northwest Regional Conference she attended in July at Omaha, Nebraska. There were more than 550 In attendance. One of the outstanding workshops was Women In Management, where each member attend­ ing received a certificate on completeion of workshop. President Nelson closed the meeting with a poem, "I Must Go Shopping”. The October meeting will be held in Vale on the 21st. 4 Happy Birthday September 30 - Elton Clapp, Louise Morrison October i • Paul Hopper, Mark Ashby October 2 • Carolyn Han­ sen, George Fanning, Dennis Luna, Gary Smith October 3 ■ Louise Guerra Angela Kay Hart, Frank A. Grimaldo, Dave Leggett October 4 • Nancy Mec­ ham, Emily A. Myers, Sauan Sukhan October 5 - Lewis Riggs October 6 • Jerry Han­ sen, Linda Morrison Benedict After a five-day visit-time there, Pulsipher left with her sister, Mr*. Don Luffenden. and went to Chateau, where Celebrating the September she stayed three more day* 5th birth of Marie Adelle* before returning home. Christensen, daughter of Mr. After being home for a few and Mrs. Kurt Christensen, days, Puslipher went to the families of Chandler and Burley for an eight-day visit Christensen gathered Sunday with Mr*. Norrah Bishop, night at the home of Mr. and and then returned by bus. Mrs. I.aurit7 Christensen for Back home in the apart­ a dinner party. ment near West Park Plaza, Present were the Frank she is enthusiastically happy Chandler family, the Kirk over living where she does, Chandler family, and Mr. and the convenience of a Vernon Chandler, all from home near her church and Weiser, and Kurk and his the Plaza. brother Lauritz and their The longed-for baby girl, families. Center of attention Dorothy, arrived Sunday and concern, the new little night at Holy Rosary Hospital baby girl. born to Mr. and Mr*. Bob Scott Russell's fourteenth Shaw Jr., and weighing eight birthday was celebrated Sun­ pounds, one ounce. day night at hi* grandpa­ rents', Mr. and Mr*. Paul Russell’s home Sunday night with a shrimp dinner. The shrimp came all the way from Deer Park, Texas, where they were caught by Scott’« Uncle Ralph Present at the dinner were the Gerald Russell family, Scott's other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans, and most of the Larry Ziegler family. Visiting the Paul Russells for a fortnight is their daughter. Mrs. Ralph Ross of Deer Park, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans attended a new type Lay Witness meeting held at the Mountain View Brethern Church in Boise last weekend She said it was called a "Come Alive Mission.” Won­ der if it is any relation to what we used to call “revival”? The Farmerette Club met Wednesday at the Com­ munity Hall, hosted by Carol Weaver and Alice Payne. Plans and schedule* for the coming year'* activities were made. They still have no one to teach them tolc painting. May have to go to Oregon and attend a class there. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw Sr., is his sister. Mrs. Mary Burtis, of Hermiston, Oregon. Sunday, the Shaws took her and Mrs. Vesta Wilson for a drive to McCall, loup fashion, up via Emmett and back by way of Weiser. The Dave Weaver family and Gary Fischer family went together to Black Canyon Dam picnic grounds for a potluck withJan's fellow­ employee* at the telephone company. Saturday. Gary did not go, Carol said; he went antelope hunting instead. No luck. Except for the antelope. Neighbors will be interes­ ted in the summer excursions of Alice Pulsipher, who moved from here not so long ago. She called to say she took a plane to Helena. Montana, for a brother and sister reunion. Present were five sisters, two brothers and five spouse*, and they met at a camp ground, staying in their tents, campers and motor homes. HSage ofMu Acres Weekend guest* of the Cecil Evans' are a son, and hi* wife, Mr. and Mr*. Roy Evan* of Worley. Rov is down for a meeting on Parks and Recreation at Boise. hello WORLD! Mr. and Mr*. Gerald (Wanda) Talbot. Nyssa, are the proud parent* of an infant daughter. Kristen Ann was born Friday, September 2, 1977 at Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario. She join* a sister, Nanette 10, three brothers, Scott. 8, Ron 6, and Stephen 4. The happy grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Waynard Talbot, Nyssa and Mr. and Mr*. Claude Brown of Ontairo. Apple Valley Items by Marilyn Modlne, Phone 722-5637 Hello! Look* like I will be writing your Apple Valley news now. If you have any items of interest to include don’t hesitate to let me know. Mr. and Mr*. Rex Nichols and family were guests in Boise Sunday for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Simmon* and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simmon* of Boise were present as well. Steve Bishop was home from La Grande, Oregon two week* ago. He and his Fiancee Robin Simmons visi­ ted with hi* parents from Tuesday to Friday. Ann Hopper and family of Page Three Weiser visited Sunday after­ Caldwell spent Sunday after­ noon with Mrs. Laura Bale. noon in the Dibble home. Hank and Bonnie Dibble and Mr. and Mr*. Joe O’Neil daughter Debbie of Cam­ and family were guest* of the bridge came Thursday to see Modine family for dinner recently. hi* parent*. On Friday after rtagn Pastor George Kaptein Dorothy Naylor and Ruth called on the Dibbles. Fritts did volunteer sewing at the Nampa State School on Mr*. Chuck Bale is in Holy Rosary Hospital in- Ontario. Tuesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence She underwent surgery there on Wednesday. Mrs. Monty Tuning and Emma Tuning Howard of La ' Grande, attended the wedding Satur­ Oregon came Tuesday to be day evening of Miss Kathy with her mother during the Tuning, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Orville Tuning formerly operation. Mrs. Howard visi­ of Roswell, and Larry Watson ted with her grandmother of Ontario. The couple was Mrs. Laura Bale on Thursday married at the Meridian First afternoon before returning Baptist Church. home. Mrs. Leo Montague and Mrs. Laura Bale visited Mrs. Howard on Friday afternoon September 30 • Mr. and and report that she is getting Mrs. Dick Ten sen along very well. October 3 • Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Ron Bale of Frank J. Grimaldo THANK YOU I We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the many friends, the Nyssa High School Class of 1967, Norma Urry for the use of the Nyssa Public Library, Brad Maxfield and all others for their donations to the Wayne Taka mi Scholarship Fund at Treasure Valley Community College. Your kindnesses will long be remembered. The family of Wayne Taka mi Happy Anniversary ZV — i BAKERY MANAGER’S SPECIALS RAYS FOOD FAIR Cinnamon _ Rolls NYSSA, OREGON Family Scoff Bathroom Tissue Corned Beef Professional Directory Physicions t Surgeons Dr. Arthur S. Dole, M.D. Urological Surgery Diseases of the kidney, bladder and prostate. Phone 372-5269 302 Good Avenue, Nyssa, Oregon Hours: Saturday-10 a.m. to 12 noon WiSAAH IAM5ZY Brandon I .W.Adams M.D (■encrai Practice and Pstchlaln Phone .372-3809 14 North 4th Street Nyssa, Oregon Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12 noon-6 Tues. I:30p.m.-8i30p.m. Thur*. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. K.E. Kerbs, M.D. K.A. Danford, M.D. Physicians & Surgeons Dial 372-2241 Hours: 9 Io 12 noon A 2 to 5 p.m. - Monday thru Friday. Artichoke$2 Q Broccoli Head Optomernsrs TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC Phone 372-2251 Dr. B. E. Rma Nyaaa, 372-5257 Dr. Robert Derby Parma, 722-6537 Dr. Ihomas Gray Vaia, 473-2478 Deodorant 4 Concentrate , $009 5 ox. X £§íi¿]$uro Roll On TdM 1.5 ox. *139