Thursday, SaptambarJI5, 1977 Gate City Journal Want Ads Deadline Wednesday Noon, Phono 372-223; Buy From THE PRODUCER Hale Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Wanted To Rant ROW CROP LAND Contact MURAKAMI FARMS Plums and Jonathan Apples Avmbto Now Ontario 889-3131 24-tfc Syme Orchards 5 Miles S. of Fruitland. Hiway 95 Phone 208-452-4566 FOR SALE FOR SALE SEASON CLOSEOUT—20% off on all lawn and garden •upplie*. HIM Equipment Company, Nyaaa. 37-tfc WILSHIRE STEREO, com ponent xtyle. eight month* old. Call 372-31%. 37-ltc HOOVER PORTABLE Wash ing Machine. Phone 372-2293 37-ltc SEED Certified and non-certlfled Vernal Alfalfa seed. Non- certlfled, SI.33 per pound; Certified, SI.40 per pound. Mi-pound minimum order. Call 372-2240. 37-tfc 1973 14'170’ MOBILE HOME, set up. Include* many extras. Call 372-5006. 36-4tp PEARS!! 12 miles southwest of Nysea. Cail 372-2430. 35-4tc POLES AND POSTS. 717 Idaho Street, Nysaa. Phone 372-3037. 34-5tp 973 KAWASAKI 400, low mileage, electric start, front disc brakes, excellent condi tion. $700. Call 372-3644. 32-tfc THE STRAWBERRY CELLER Fall tole painting clas ses start Monday September 12. Call M9- 6366, Ontario. Teacher is Trudy Lien. 36-2tc APPLES, RED ft GOLDEN Delicious, and old-fashioned Jonathans. Mushrush Or chards, Fruitland, Phone 2OA-452-327S evening and weekend*, also. 37-4tc TO GIVE AWAYi Free puppies, half registered Irish Setter end black Lab. Seven male* and two female*. Call 372-3664. 37-ltp TRUMPET!! Used for school band. Good shape. Phone 372-3263. 37-2tp HELP WANTED WANTED BABY SITTER In my home. Phone 372-5194. 36-2tc HELP WANTED—Part-time Nutrition Aide starting mid October • must be mature with limited education and have experience managing family on poverty level income. ( all Malheur County Extension Office - 889-9129. 36-2tc WORK WANTED CHIMNEYS CLEANED * repaired. Free eatlmates. CAU 642-3880. No travel charge. 36-4tc WANTED TO DO CUSTOM cutting, baling and stacking. Will buy hay standing In field for 1977 crop. Call Dean Peterson, 372-2541. 16-tfc PERSONAL I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any bill* or debt* other than my own. Jady Teng*. 37-2tp FOR RENT TWO APARTMENTS -Both fumhbed, all utilities paid. One is studio apartment. $100 per month with $33 deposit; other is one-bed room, $155 with $35 deposit. Call Steve Anderson eve nings, 372-5196. 37-tfc TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. 712’A North 2nd Street, Nysaa. Call 372-3373. 37-ltc HUSQVOARNA AND MC- Culloch Chain Saws, and Weed Eaten. Nyssa Electric Inc., 101 Good Avenue, Phone 372-3131. 10-tfc USED FURNITURE, anti ques and miscellaneous. We buy, sell, trade. We sharpen sawa. The Swap Shop, Vale, Oregon, one mile east of Vale on Illway 20-26. Phone 473- 3331. 10-tfc NEED MONEY-Need Mo ney for weekend trips, until pay day or Just need money. We pawn anything of value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, Downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452-4736. 24-tfc TALBOT BACKHOE SERVICE ■ All types of backhoe work. Call 372-2469 evenings. B<- —r Talbot 8-tfc FISHE*R^Qpd SENIOR CITIZENS Apart ments: New and very lovely one and two bedroom* with modern comfort: carpets, draperies, all GE appliances ample storage space, spark ling coin-op laundry, plus clubhouse with activities for you to enjoy and meet new friends. Come out and see for yourself. You will be glad you did! Nysaa Manor, 310 South 5th Street. Call 372-3925. 37-tfc NOW RENTINGt Sappe Mini- Storage 12x24 stalls, $25 per month. Call 372-24*5. 34-tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEVEN YEAR OLD HOME, 3 bedroom, family room, fireplace, patio, carport, new water softener, all electric. $31,000. 810 North 2nd St., Nysaa. Shown by appoint ment only. Call 372-3754. 37-ltc SMALL HOUSE WITH basement. 4 lots all In garden and fruit with own well. $7500 at 111 Eaat 3rd., Nysaa. Call 372-2980 or come to 108 East lad., Ira Lovelace. 36-2tp TWO—BEDRM. HOME Wl. basement, garage, storage building. Lot 100x153’. Terms available. 619 North First. See Ralph Lawrence Real Estate, 105 Main, Phone 372-3544 31-tfc TWO SMALL HOUSES on Lot 50x120 on 114 Emison Avenuou|7,0M, ilWU* rence Real Estate, 105 Main. Phone 372:3544. 28-tft; MtMN I m ■ live •• Poo* for Hoolth »fore qMjMU/iktJruitloMdld Paga [lavan Nyssa Gata City Journal - Nyssa, Oregon Dog Show Has Nyssa Winners Winning their classes at Sunday's AKC Sanctioned B Match in Boise, sponsored by the Idaho Capitol City Kennel Club, were two male dogs, owned and handled by Nyssa residents. Ward of Bressay, co owned by Theresa L. Stacy and Judith D. Monette, and handled by Mis* Stacy, won the Shetland Sheepdog Open Dog Class. After receiving the First Place ribbon for Cocker Spaniels, Black Open Dog Class, Bicentennial Benjamin owned and handled by Judith D. Monette, went on to receive the Best of Opposite Sex award. Mrs. Monette also placed third in Adult Showmanship Class. This class was being offered for the first time. Both dogs will be compet ing at Mountain Home in a match sponsored by the Mountain Home Dog Fan ciers Association on Sunday, September 18. HELP WANTED EARN $4-85 per hour COMMISSION servicing FULLER BRUSH Customer*. No layoff*, own hours. CAR and PHONE necessary Cail Nysaa 372-3412, evenings. 17-tfc GARAGE SALE Estate and Moving Sale Thursday, Friday * Saturday September 15, 16, 17. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 319 North let. Street, Nysaa. Depression glass, Avons. house plants, new advocado electric range, white apartment size electric range, some furniture, like new lawn mower, good clothing (mens and womens) lots of everything. 37-1 tc YARD SALE—Five family. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16-17. 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. 412 Reece Avenue, Nysaa. Furni ture, hand crafted goods, lots and lots of miscellaneous. 37-ltc YARD SALE!Reaily BIG one! by seven famlie*, September 15-16-17. 10 a.m. until dark. ’/> mile West, past Hopkins Wholesale Meats on Colum bia Avenue, Nysaa. Lawn mowers, curtains, ice skates, wigs, amplifier«, clothe* and lots of ml sc. 37-ltc Y ARD SALE—Saturday and Sunday, September 17-18. Adrian area • Turn from Highway 201, East on Over- street to end of road, turn North on Kingman and look for yellow two-story house. Miscellaneous furniture, di shes. clothing 19 ft. boat, motor and trailer. Call during the week after 6 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday. Call 372-2789. 37-ltc NEED MONEY--Need money for weekend trips, until pay day, or Just need money. We pawn anything of Value. Treasure Valley Pawn Shop, Downtown Fruitland, Idaho. Phone 452-4786. 24-tfc Probably the smallest river in the world is the "D” River in Lincoln City, Oregon, which connects Devil's Lake to the Pacific Ocean. At low tide, the river is just 440 feet long. • • • Adrion Football Friday, September 9 IMBLER 42, ADRIAN 6 Imbler 6 22 8 6-42 Adrian 0 0 0 6-6 Individual Rushing - Adrian, Bur nett 7-minus-27, Shenk 4 mi- nus-15, Orosco 4-5, B. Ishida 4-2, Davis 5-2. Imbler. K. Kerr 13-60, Smith 9-41, Hoppe 6-27, Mosley 6-18, Blubaugh 2-7, Marks 3-12, T. Kerr 3-14, Trueax 2-1. Passing • Adrian, Burnett 3-1-0-25, Davis 1-1-0-55, Buck 2-0-0-0. Imbler. Marks 7-3-0-52. Smith 9-4-0-69 Receiving - Adrian Bo wers 1-55, Davis 1-25, Imbler. Metcalf 4-19, Camp bell 4-34, Lough 2-33, Blu baugh 2-10, Scott 3-25. Scoring Imbler-Marks 2 run (run failed). Imb-K. Kerr 11 run (Smith run) Imb-Smith 60 punt return (run failed). Imb-Smith 2 run (Smith run). Imb-Smith 2 run (Smith run). imb-Campbell 21 pass from Smith (run failed). Adrian- Bowers 55 pass from Davis (kick failed). The smallest violin in the world was constructed by Mr. T. B. Pollard of England. It’s fully functional yet it’s only 5 1/2 inches long and can fit in the palm of your hand. e * a A computer that's small enough to fit in almost any where, yet provides the smaller businessman with many of the same benefits big companies get from their big computers is System/32 developed by IBM. For in stance, it can handle all accounting or inventory needs, yet it’s no larger than a desk. • • • The smallest seeds in the world are those of the epi phytic orchids. It would take 35 million of these orchid seeds to weigh one ounce. NECESITA DlNEROr' Si necesita usted dinero para v lag ar durante un fin de vemana. o nece»lta dinero por otra* rasoae*, puede usted empenar cualquler c*aa de valor en el...TREA SURE VALLEY PAWN Shop, Fruitland, Idaho. 24-tfc FOR SALÍ AUTOS 1973 JEEP CJ5 - Headers wide tires-white spokes- Con- sole-CB Antenna <5c mount- 304 V-8 - High Back Bucket Seats, A.M. radio-power steering $3800 Phone 372» 5079 after 5 p.m. 37-ltp 1966 CHEV. ‘A TON PICKUP New tires. Call 372-5006. 36-4 tp REPAIRING TRUCK* GOMEZ UPHOLSTERY New location. 101 Main Street, Nyaaa, Oregon 97913. Call 372-2983. 45 tfc FIRE EXTINGUISHER SA- les. service and repairs. Delbert Malloy, 713 North 2nd Street, Nyaaa. Phone 372-2943. 8-tfc PROFESSIONALLY CLEAN your carpets, with new lightweight Rlnse-N-Vac ste am cleaner. Rent at Gamble* Store, Nysaa. Phone 372-3928 37-ltc FURNITURE STORAGE small lots or a housefull. Call 372-5218 4-tfc SHAKELEE DISTRIBUTORS food supplements, cosmetics, cleaners. Alberta & Roberta Morrow, phone 372-2845. 3-tfc I WILL DO FIREWOOD splitting at your house. Call 372-3934. 31-tfnc NEW RINSE-N-Vac steam cleans, rinses, and vacuums TWO BEDROOM HOME, comer lot 60x120, 101 Reece out dirt leaving carpets Avenue, $6400_Caah. Rairt professionally clean. Rent at Lawrence Real Estate, 163 Coaat to Coaat Store, Nyaaa. 37-ltc Main, Phone 372-3544.28-tiç Phone 372-3545. Nysaa, Or* SEE US FOR Body Work - Painting Windshield And Glass Installation FREE ESTIMATES RAY'S BODY & PAINT SHOP 218 Maia NYSSA Phone 372-5301 Phone 372-3524 505 Main St. Nyssa “After order and liberty, economy ta one of the higheri essentials of a free govern- BODY WORK PAINTING AUTO* MOTORCYCLE* SIMPSON’S REPAIR FHONt(»O*l S7X-S444 711 PARK AVKNU* NYMA. OREGON *7*1* SEE US FOR Home of HODAKA HANDLERS STA-RITE PUMPS KLAIR SIMPSON MOM* RHONE 1711*01 31-tfc SALES A SERVICE WE SERVICE ALL MAKES CALL THE TWO BEDROOM— carpeting, partially finished full basement. 1 car garage - coveted patio. $26,000. 319 King Avenue. 5-BEDROOM , 3 up A 2 dw*.- doable fireplace, living room and dining room. 1 A‘/> bath-carpeting-kitchen w/goodie*-twa-car garage attached-fall finished basement w/fireplace A roc. room A shop. 504 North 8th. $42,000. 20 ACRES • 20 acres water - Two-bedroom bouse East Overstreet. $33,000. 80 ACRES ON $112,500. GRAND AVENUE. Large Nyssa t | Co-op Supply 18 N. 2nd.........Nvsaa Phone 372-2254 or after 6 p.m.. Phone 372-3387. home. ONE ACRE - 3 bedroom-central heat- part basement- garden-pasture-frult tree*. $26,750. - Terms. 21 North 11 th Street. 4’/i ACRES ON Columbia between JRO- a*., and Hiway, »mall 2-bedroom house $11,500. Cash. Bob Thompson, REALTOR Office - 372-3355 218 Mah Street Noma - 372-3337 Nyssa, Oregon REAL ESTATE FOR SALL WF NEED LISTINGS!! 2 BEDROOMS, kitchen, bath A large utility room. Living room and bedrooms carpeted. Freshly painted Inside and out. New roof. Good location. Immediate pos session. Only $16,000. * • • 4-BAY CAR WASH. 77-foot frontage on bu siest street in town. Only $18.000 with easy terms. oe* Nlel Beck REAL ESTATE 91A |U*A M*ls Mwa— Ph/vna WAIV - TV SCHEDULE CHANNEL 2 S”jor’GhJJi< Busters 7:30 Ark 11 8:00 Herald of Truth «30 Day of Discovery 900 Orsl Robert* 9 30 It Is Written 10:00 Dwayne Friend 10:30 NFL Double Header 5 00 aestion of the Week 5:30 A 6 00 Suty Minute, 7 00 Best of All in the Family 800 Escape from Bogen County 10:00 Odd Couple 10 30 CBS __________ Sunday _ News Meaday Ibra Friday 7 00 CBS Morning . Morning News »00 Here's •• Lucy 8 Price is Right 9 30 Love of Life 10 00 Young 4 Restless 10:30 Sesrcn for Tomorrow 1100 As the World Turns 12 00 Newscenter 2 1230 The Guidina Light 1 00 All in the FsmiTy 1:30 Match Game 2:00 Tattletales 230 Mike Douglas Show 3 30 The Little TUscals 400 Leave it to Beaver 4.30 Brady Bunch SOO Hogan , Heroe, 5:30 CBS Evening News 6:00 New »center ” 6:30 The . Rookies Maudey, wwmy, September 19 71 00 “ ' Dan’! Boone 8:L. > 00 Betty White Show 8:30 “ Maude 9.00 Rafferty 10:00 Newscenter 2 10:30 CBS _______ .____ Late Movie Morning Headlines T UOA^AV 20 7:00 The Fitzpatricks 8:00 MASH 9 00 Lou Grant Wadaeeday. Ssptaober 21 7:00 Good Time, 8:00 CBS Wednesday Movie Tbwaday. September 22 7 00 The Waltons 8:00 Hawaii Pive O 9:00 Barnaby Jones Friday. September 23 7:00 .Wonder Woman 8:00 Logan s Run 9:00 Switch Saturday, September 24 - 00 Magoo 7:30 Skatebirds 8:30 Spate Academv 900 Batman Tarzan Adventure 10:00 wacko 10:30 Fat Albert 11:00 Secrets at ISIS 11.30 CBS Sat Film Festival 12:00 Bugs Buny 1:00 Family Affair 1:30 Bonanza 2:30 CBS Sports 4:00 aestloe of the Week S Saturday News 4:30 5:00 "An American Dream" 7:00 Bob Newhart 7:30 The Jefferson's 8:30 Tony Randall 9:00 Carol Burnett 10 00 Newscenter 2 "Villa Rides" 10:15 _________ Morning Headlines 9 00 9:30 10 00 11 00 11 W 12 00 12 Mi 1 00 1 MJ oo Mi This i* the Life lav. Jimmy Swaggart Jerry Falwell Gamer Ted Armatrong It sues 4 Answer* Beverly Hillbillies Jabbenaw Great Grape Ape Animals, Animals Brady Kid* Star Trek 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 10 15 10:30 Bia Valley "Man I™ Laramie" Hardy Boys/Nancy Di* Sis Millto* Dollar Maa ABC Sunday Night Mo News Sis Weekemi ABC Weekend News The Naked Jungle i ^’ pt T 7:00 900 9:30 10:00 10.30 11:00 2:30 ) 00 3 30 4:00 5 00 5:30 600 2 00 -................................. Ryan’s H All M Love A Beverly Hillbillies The Ffintstooes Star Trek ABC News My Three Soos K1V1 The News ABC %.mdv *Night Football 9:45 KIV1 The News 10:15 The Return of CaoL America 10:30 The Best of the B ijou "Moootide" 7;3O 8 00 9 00 P 6:30 8:S 10 00 10:30 6 7 7 8 JO 00 30 00 Laverne 6 Shirley Three's Company Family Tuesday^Mcwie’rf the Week Wild World of Animals aw KIV1 The News Starsky 4 Hutch Wolfman Jack Welcome Back Hotter What's Happening Barnev Mifier CHANNEL 4 'XHaMfry" 5 30 Corckett's Victory Garden 6 00 Star Soccer 7:00 The Williamsburg File” 8 00 Pearl Bailev 9 00 "Dickens of London ‘ 10:00 Firing Line Maeda, thru Frida, 8 30 Lilias. Yoga and You 9 00 Electric Company 9:30 Mon. "The Peach Gang” Pt I Tues. 4 Thur*. - Infinity Facto*?; Wed 4 Fri Villa Alegre 10:00 Sesame Street 11:00 Mon -Once Upon A classic; Tue». Lowell Thomas Remembers. Wed. -The Age of Uncertainty. Thur*. Lowell Thomas Remembers: Fri. Nova - "Mesjamm” 11:30 Moo.. Toe*. 4 Thur*. -Villa Alegre 4.00 Sesame Street 5 00 Mister Rogers Neighborhood 5:30 Electric Company Mnmtay, S.p*amber 19 6:00 Survival 6:30 The Mac Neil. Lehrer Report 7:00 Crockett’s Victory Garden 7:30 Something's Happening 8:00 Upstair*. Downstair* 9:00 Della Reese 4 Woody Herman in Concert 10:00 "The Trouble that Truth Makes”. Tara day, September 20 6:00 survival 6:30 M 4 L Report 7:00 The Forwte Saga 7:50 "Mirage’* 8 00 Upstairs. Downstair* i 6 00 Survival Ma, -- Neil Lehrer Report 6:30 ■' ---------- 7:00 "Pope Pius Xis" 7:30 Something Personal 8:00 Upstairs. Downstairs 9:00 CHildbood - • Possessions" 10:00 Art in Public Places 10:30 , To ____ Jerusalem and Bad:" 22 'SoO^YurvhSJ 6 30 Mac Neil /Lehrer 7:00 Boise Cits Budget Presentatn 8:00 Upstair*. Downstairs 9:00 Findings: A film about Reinhold Marzhausen 10:00 "Dickens of L»nds* Friday, Sepsamtoe 23 6:00 Survival M ac ----- Neil/Lehrer 6:30 “ 00 The age of Uncertainty 8 1:00 00 Washington Week in Review I •9 jo Wsll Street Week « ___ to . Evening at POPS 10:00 Austin City Limits Salurdav, S sptamber 34 5:00 Wife Abuse Nowhere to Hide 6:00 "Mr Chief Justice" 7:30 Man from Nowhere 8 30 NY Philharmonic with Z 1010 "Cranes of Wrath The word “turksy” comes from *n ancient Hebrew word, "tukki" meaning pescock. 00 Quincy RON'S SHELL SERVICE 129 ACRES - 100 acre* top row-crop • ail concrete ditches-excellent water setup. $268,000. $50,000 down up to 20 years 7’/$% Interest. FOR FULL-LINE Chevrolet leasing, contact NEWHOUSE CHEVROLET, Nyaaa. Phone 372-2224 31-ltc NEtD MONEY -Need money for weekend trlpa, until payday or Just need money- We pawn anything of value. Treaaure Valley Pawn Shop, Downtown Fruitland, Idaho, 452-4786. 24-tfc We service units on or off the 101 North First Street Waldo Insurance WELDING TRACTOR* Mtenmlor. Starter Geeei***» SAIB AMD MXVICt (503) 372-3700 See Dave of Chuck BEFORE YOU BUY, give NEWHOUSE A TRY! New- house Chevrolet, 420 Main Street, Nvaaa. Phone 372- 2224. 49-tfc Lee's Alternator, Starter Service Delco Batteries FARM* CROP INSURANCE Our Speciality CUSTOM SERVICE ELECTROLUX SALES * service. Supplies of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Harold Potter. Call 549-1745, Weiser, Idaho, phone 889- 7344 and/or 549-2514. life WE HAVE BETTER,BETTER deal* on better, better car* at NEWHOUSE, NEWHOUSE CHEVROLET, CHEVROLET 420 Main Street, Ny*aa. Phone 372-2224. 49 tfc ----- •----- -1------------------------------- —a NEAR NYSSA—older two-.~uroom home, Sil,000. • • • ATTRACTIVE SEVEN—ROOM HOME, 2 double carport, large tool »bed, spacious lot. • baths, * * 5—BEDROOM HOME, two baths, two story, could be duplex, spacious lot, dose In, $17,000. • • NEW 3-BEDR00M, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen, family room with fireplace. Carport. Ixx-ated In new district. Shown by appointment: ~ $40,000.00.___________ • 40 ACRES BETWEEN Nyssa and Ontario, $32,000. EASTMAN Real Estate Insurance Phona 372-3535 315 Main St. Nysaa, Oregon 101 Nonh Main Phone 372-3004 Brake Relining Tune-ups Muffler Instalotion Radiator Repairs avM&htg?. Livestock Commission Co. Sale Every Thursday Sale time 12:30 sharp Darrel Home Phone (208) 549-2078 Yard Phono (208) 549-0564 18- tfc