Page Four i^Hometown News _ __________ Cali 372-2233 Mrs. Leda Ray and Mrs. Virginia Bybee attended the Golden Wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Fife in Pendleton on Saturday. The reception was hosted by the couple's children and was held in the Penndair Inn. The Fifes lived in Nyssa for many years before moving to Pendleton. The two Nyssa ladies retur ned home Sunday evening. • • • • Mrs. Larry Blackbum, Lisa and Taft. The Newberrys were enroute home following a trip to Alaska. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Smith of Omaha, Nebraska were Monday to Wednesday houseguests at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram. • • • Weekend houseguests of Mrs. Blanche Weeks were her grandson and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weeks and family of Burns. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mon cur took his sister, Mrs. June Sorensen to Burley over the weekend. Mrs. Sorensen lives in Carlsbad. Calif, and had visited the Moncurs last week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail were Sunday callers on her mother. Mrs. Amy Stradley, Nyssa, and Mrs. Bea Math- erly of Ontario. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughn attended the WW 1 Bar racks and Auxiliary picnic Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scott in Vale. • • • Friday callers and dinner guests of Mrs. Gladys Ni cholson were her brother and family Mr. and Mrs. John Flanary, Jason and Shane of Bellevue. Wash.. Dick Plu eard of Caldwell, Mrs. Pat Savage and daughter Kris. • * • Bill Nicholson, who has been a resident at the Pres byterian Nursing Home in Ontario, now is residing as a resident of the Malheur Memorial Nursing Home. Callers Friday were Mr. and Mrs. John Flanary. Shane and Jason of Bellevue. Wash, and Dick Plueard of Cald well. • • • Out of town relatives who attended funeral services for their father and grandfather. George McCauley, who pas sed away Friday, August 19 and were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross (Maxine) Brown and her mother. Mrs. George McCauley were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin. Mrs. Tanna Jones and Ritchie Martin, of Oroville, Calif.; Mrs. Vonda Dulaney, St. Louis; Mrs. Helen Ewing and Mrs. Bell Fenn, Brent wood. Calif.; Karen Jonas and Desiree Jonas. San Diego. Calif.; Ronnie DePaul Napa. Calif.; Gary DeRock, Sacramento, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown and Jessica, Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Gene DeRock and family of Nampa * • • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden helped their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell of Pilot Rock, move into their new home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and daughter Jill visited in the Oden home over the weekend as they were taking Jill to Ricks College in Rexburg. • • • Phillip Mulcock. New Zea land. who has been touring the United States following his college graduation, was a weekend houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wahlert. During his travels he had never been invited to stay in a family home. He enjoyed seeing the Treasure Valley and attending the Malheur County Fair before going on to New York. Mrs. Wahlert, who had spent six days at the home of her sister. Nora Cashman. in Klamath Falls, met the young New Zea lander on the bus enroute to Nyssa. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson returned Sunday from a ten-day trip to Davis. Calif, where they were houseguests of their daughter and hus band, Dr. and Mrs. Steve Stewart. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sallee. • • • Mrs. Merle Johnson en joyed Sunday at the home of her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweaney. They celebrated the birth days of two daughters-in- law and one daughter. • • • Mr. Earl Snyder returned to his home in Fort Scott. Kansas, August 12 after a month’s visit with his sisters, Mrs. Floyd Brown and husband and Emma Snyder of Nyssa. He also visited with his niece, Mrs. Charles Rieb and family of Bend, and his nephew, Floyd Earl Brown and family of Thayne, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph New- berry of Jerome visited this week at the home of their daughter and family. Mr. and 20%J0ff KID'S KLOSET^ Ä «tMUH: J 109 Main Jjk * Nwisn Elmer and Allee Kleinke, rnuufen. Phone 372-3925 Given and Ron Miller of Boise called on her grand mother, May Lytle Sunday evening. Bettie Nielson called on May Lytle Tuesday afternoon Nancy and Peggy Schultz called on May Lytle on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and daughter Joyce of La Grande. Oregon visited his mother, Mrs. Gertie Smith Sunday. Mrs. Cassie Goshert of Boise, came and spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Gertie Smith. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Smith and Joyce. Cassie Goshert and Gertie Smith went to Caldwell to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith and had a picnic in the shade of their trees last Sunday. Rhoda Landreth and Alice Kleinke of Nyssa Manor called on Mrs. Verna Tobler Friday afternoon. Mrs. Tob ler has not been too well for the past week. Nora Snodgrass of Nyssa Manor, enjoyed a picnic dinner and visiting with the Merry Matrons Club at South Park Wednesday. Mrs. Elmer Kleinke and Mrs. Rhoda Landreth, of Nyssa Manor attended the reception given in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winchell last Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinke of Nyssa Manor had as their guests on Wednes day, Dr. and Mrs. William Monteforte Jr. of Tucson. Arizona with the Monteforte children. Troy and Joy. The Montefortes also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Seward and girls. Rhonda and Marci in Ontario on Tuesday. Marci Seward, daughter of Dean and Janelie Seward of Ontario was a guest last week in the home of her grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinke while the rest of the family attended girls camp of the Church of the Nazarene at Victory Cove at McCall. Idaho. May Bretz of the CPI. and Lillian Pounds called on Mrs. Rhoda Landreth and Mrs. Nora Snodgrass at the Nyssa Manor one day last week. A watermelon feed Wed nesday evening was hosted by Elmer and Alice Kleinke for two guests and all the tenants of the Manor. The party was on the lovely patio of the recreation hall. Guests were Mrs. Elsie Diven of Nyssa, and Mrs. Bill Umber of Salem. Mrs. Umber is with the Rockwood Development Corporation of Salem, the owner and builders of Nyssa Manor. In Nyssa. Sunday, were Mr. Jack Miller, president of Rockwood Development Cor poration. Mrs. Ray Kopke, field supervisor and Mr. Bill Umber from Salem. They made plans for upgrading and finalizing the landscap ing of the grounds. Also decided the location in the Manor Apartments for the installation of the air condi tioning which will begin in the very near future. Instal lation of the air conditiong will not change the present rental rate which starts at SI20.00 for a one-bedroom apartment. NO BULL! THE BEST DEAL IN TREASURE VALUT ON Stout Appliance Nyssa, Oregoi Mrs. Virgie Rookstool. Nyssa, and son and daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Rookstool of Stanton, Oregon and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loche of Marina Del Rey. California traveled to Uma tilla recently where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Olson and family. They then went to Coast State Park at Madras where they were joined by 44 family members for a reunion. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben VanDoreen and Tom VanDoreen all of Temple City. California; Noel Bernaldo and son of Van Nuys, Calif.; Nina and Eric Olson. Chico. California; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Whitman. Ketchikan. Alaska; Mrs. Lola Toll. Anchorage, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Toll and son, Tacoma. Washington; Kim and Annette Rookstool. Ta coma. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rookstool. Oth ello, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Rookstool and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Whitman and family, Oregon City; Mrs. Virginia Cannon and son and daugh ter, Canby, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Olson. Prineville. Happy Birthday Klinkenberg Families Visit Nyssa Manor FAMILY REUNION 3rd «nd Main Thursday, August 25, 1977 Nyssa ¡Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Visitors in the Ruth Klink enberg home in early August were her sons Dan and Charles and their families from the east. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Klink enberg and children Amy and Lee motored from Sauger ties, New York to attend Dan's class reunion here August 6 and 7. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klinkenberg with children Julie and David A. of Woodridge, Illinois arrived by plane earlier. The families with their mother and brother Timothy attended the Thunderegg Days events and later in the week motored to Eugene where they joined their sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Del Freeman and children Kris tine and Delyn. and Mr. and Mrs. Riley Tucker and son David B.. and their brother Philip for a family reunion. On August 13. they en joyed a larger Klinkenberg reunion in Portland, meeting and reminiscing with cousins aunts and uncles numbering approximately 75. Dan and family continued on north, journeying thru Canada to arrive back in New York. September 1. Charles and family retur ned to Nyssa for another week and left by plane for Chicago August 20. Paul L. Klinkenberg of Nyssa and his sister Frances Lewellen of Vale also atten ded these events. August 26 • Jose P. De Leon, Tanya Atagi. Gail Hirai August 27 • Saudi Tho mas, Agnes Dirksen August 28 ■ Jared Baker, Gilbert Gallegos, Sr., Violet R:ggs. Laurie Wright August 29 ■ Carl Simp son, Gary Sadamori August 31 • David Greig September 1 • Lisa Lang ley. Rebecca Bauman Happy A n n ¡ternary August 27 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson August 29 • Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Garner Wilson's !School Specials Daniel—Bunn Repeat Vows In June Janette Daniel became the bride of Ken Bunn in an afternoon double ring cere mony on June 25. 1977 at the First Baptist Church in Payette with the Rev. Ralph Lawrence officiating. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Daniel of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunn of Nyssa. Th bride, given in mar- riage by her father, chose a white floor length gown of dacron, sheer ganza and chantilly lace. Her chapel length train was bordered with a lace ruffle and she carried a bouquet of white rosebuds, carnations and glamilia. Mrs. Ken King was the matron of honor and she wore a yellow and green gown, a yellow picture hat and carried a nosegay of white rosebuds and yellow and green carna tions. Bridesmaid Karen Solterbeck wore a green gown and carried a matching nosegay. Flower girl Shelley Wilkerson wore a green and yellow gown and carried a white basket of yellow flowers. The bride’s mother chose an aqua blue gown with matching blue chiffon cape. The bridegroonft mother JQ wore a blue and white floral gown and both mothers wore orchid corsages. The bridegroom wore a yellow tuxedo with a white carnation and yellow rosebud boutonniere. Richard Bunn, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and Rick Schoen was groomsman. Both attendants wore white tuxedos and yellow boutonnieres. Daryl Bunn and Randy Buker served as ushers. Ryan Wilkerson was ring bearer. A reception was held in the hall of the church following the ceremony. Attending the guest book was Sara Lee Bunn, sister of the bride groom. Helping at the gift table were Kathy Heleker and Jenann Bunn, sister of the bridegroom. The couple are making their home in Tigard, Oregon where he is employed as an instructor at Tualatin Valley Workshop in Hillsboro. I Boys' Tennis Shoes Boys' School Ponl^s Western Shirts Shoe 10 to 16 >6“ Boys' Denim Jack« its Regular *6* Tee Shirts «. $388 $^66 Boys' Tee Shirts G iris' Shoos $577 Sizes 4 to 7 Good Quality C Ji « S388 Overalls & Jumpsuits X»,.- Off ic ial Gym Suits For fs and Giris *8” Bays' Bagby »iris $£88 Wilson Bros. Dept. Store VISA cards accepted Nyssa, Oregon 372-3563 For that back-to-school shopping spree... Hieter Reunion The Hieter family held a family reunion in Clarkston, Washington. August 5-7. Those attending were Oscar and Donna (Turner) Hieter, Hacienda Heights. Calif.; Tom and Eva (Hieter Sliman, Yakima. Wash.; Robert and Taleen (Gerhardt) Hieter. Boise. Idaho; Martin and Shirley (Reiber) Hieter. No rth Glenn. Colorado; Evelyn (Hieter-Moore) Griffin. Lucy (Moore) Ballou and Donnie and Ellen Moore, all of Nyssa; Leona (Hieter) Meier of Camiuo, Calif.; and Gary and Maxine (Hieter) Hull of Clearfield, Utah. Only one out of eight children not present were Ben and Ann Hieter of Boise. This was a complete surprise to our mother, Esther (Hieter-Reitenbaugh) Wooden, and stepdad. Bill Wooden This was the result of a request of Mom's three months ago, when visiting us in Nyssa and an answer to prayer. She mentioned the desire to have us all together again for a family picture. It was God's perfect timing, for Mom is in Heaven now as of August 19, 1977, just two weeks after the reunion and seven days after their Sth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Calvin (Evelyn) Griffin AOoNMU4mZl>l Friday, Auguat 26 - Alco holic Anonymous. Nyssa Methodist Church. North 3rd and Emison, 8 p.m. For information, call 372-3318 or 372-2526. Nyssa Golden Age Rum mage Sale. Metal Building on east side of Old Western Hotel-all afternoon. Saturday, August 27 - Uni ted Methodist Church Rum mage Sale, Church Base ment. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nyssa Golden Age Rum mage Sale. Metal Building by Old Western Hotel. All after noon. Tuesday, August 30 • Uni ted Methodist Church Rum mage Sale. Church Base ment. 10 a m. to 4 p.m. It’s the convenient way to buy Jan Patterson, left, of the Nyssa Rexall Drug is shown explaining the advantages of doing back-to-school shopping with your VISA card to Mrs. Lillian Cannon. With school just around the corner, it’s time again to get out your shopping list and prepare for that annual event . . . the back-to-school shopping spree. And what better way to help you with your shopping than by taking along a First National VISA card. With VISA you can buy those needed back-to-school items at stores all over town. merchants And because accept this one convenient card for all your purchases, there’s no need to carry large amounts of cash. Another great feature of VISA is that you receive just one bill, no matter how many purchases at different stores that you might make. So that means you only have to write one check for everything. Or, if you prefer, you can make convenient monthly pay- ments to your VISA account. If you would like to apply for a VISA card, or increase your present credit limit, inquire at your local First National branch. We’ll be glad to help. There’s a Hst time for everything. Nysaa Branch Mam bar FDIC FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON w