A’U. GRANGE NEWS OUT OF THE PAST » Oregon Trail Grange 10 YEARS AGO Ulvi Unal, NHS foreign exchange student from Tur key, arrived in Nyssa Wed nesday evening. A reception is planned Monday evening August 28 at the home of his American family, the Dale Adams’ at 609 Ennis Avenue in Nyssa. The public is invited. This is especially to help the seniors of Nyssa High School and Ulvi to become acquainted before opening of the school year. • • • Owyhee Reservoir Storage. Aug. 23, 1967. 407.860 Acre Feet; August 23, 1966. 330.380 Acre Feet. 20 YEARS AGO For the first week in several months, Nysaa fire men have not been called out by the fire siren during a period of several days, according to Fire Chief Ralph Lawrence. The last call was August 12 for a small trash fire on North Third. • • • Gene Stunz of Nyssa was awarded the bachelor of science in law degree this week from Willamette Uni versity. Salem. A first-year law student. Stunz took his undergraduate work at the University of Washington and College of Idaho. Wil lamette offers the BS in law degree to students complet ing three years of liberal arts and one year of law. Stunz is the son of Emil A. Stunz of Nyssa. 3* YEARS AGO Walter McPartland. grade school prinicpal, returned Friday from La Grande, where he completed the two summer school courses. • • O The Adrian High School and Grade School will not be opened September 1 because of the "polio" in this vicinity. The date of the opening will be announced later. 40 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thomp son and Jake Groot returned Wednesday evening from Lima. Ohio where they went for two new school buses. The new buses are much like the ones purchased last year, with some refinements; and will be placed on the run when school opens Septem ber 7th. a a • Ronnd Tawnt Bert Hosie says cleanup of garbage in town tough on canines...Ar tie Robertson has new "silent tread deer hunting boots.... Doc Marshall says he is strong enough to stand four days of Pendleton Roundup.. Drivers without licenses tak ing the back streets these days...Not a slot machine can be found in town...Journal and Beelers softballers tie for second when Beelers win Friday. 50 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. John Boswell and daughters Marion. Ka therine and Merle and the Lou and Will Boswell familes of Ontario returned from their mountain trip Saturday. They spent most of the time huckleberrying and returned home with forty quarts of fine berries. • • • Work in the prunes is scheduled to begin within the next few days, this year's crop promising to be one of the largest in years. All who can enter in this work either as pickers or packers and it offers employment to practi cally all who care to work. 60 YEARS AGO Cattle reached the highest price in the history of the market at the stockyards in Chicago. Wednesday, when top steers were quoted at $15.50. a • • Frank Phillips returned Wednesday from Long Valley where with his fsther, G. L. Phillips.he spent several days away from the heat and turmoil of a busy town. ••• E. H. Halloway of Boise was in town Wednesday. He recently sold a 200 acre farm near Nyssa to the Desert Sheep Company, and was here to wind up his affairs. He may make other invest ments here. • • • A freight wreck some where east of Nyssa caused yesterday mornings * * pony to be several hours late. Child Families Have Reunion The first family reunion of Leo W. and Fannie Child was held August 19-20 at Meri dian at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Saunders and family. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arvel L. Child, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Child and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ardean Child and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Child and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Child and family all of Quincy. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Vai Dee Child and family, Caldwell. Idaho; Mrs. Spen cer Beus and family, Date- land, Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Child. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Child and Steve Saun ders all of Provo. Utah; Mr. and Mis. Ron Peterson and family. Springfield, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker and family, Orofino, Idaho; Nor man Andrews. Mrs. Carole Wilson and family all of Bums. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flinders and family all of Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson and family. Denver, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Olsen and family all of Peterson, Utah; Mrs. Janalee Gillies and baby son of Portland. The infant was the youngest child attending and is the great great-grandson of Leo Child. There were 94 in attendance. On Saturday and organiza tional meeting was held by the adults while the young sters had organized activities boating, swimming, etc. Sa turday evening a family program was held with numbers from each family. On Sunday everyone was dinner guests at the Elwood Flinders home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Arvel L. Child spoke Sunday evening at the First and Second Ward Sacrament meetings. Page Three Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oronon Thursday, August 25, 1977 Members of the Oregon Trail Grange met in regular session Thursday evening, August 18. with Master Harold Kurtz presiding. Secretary Clara Somers thanked the members for their help in building a sweep stake-winning booth at the Malheur County Fair. Legislative Chairman Fr ank Sherwood reported on the status of the change to the metric system. Mr. Edward Scheetz, ma nager of the Nyssa Co-op Supply was welcomed a: s new member. Several members enjoyed pie and coffee at the Twi light Cafe after the meeting. Cafe after the meeting. The next regular meetmg will be held Thursday 8:30 p.m., September 1. Orma Cleaver and Ellen Jones have been appointed by Lecturer Sadie Metcalf to arrange the program. There will be a “tall tale" contest for the men and a surprise perfor mance by the women. Members are reminded of the Pomona Grange meeting to be held Saturday evening. 8 p.m. at the Vale Grange Hall. Members are urged to attend both meetings. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who was so k:nd to us during my stay in the hospital and since I've been Itome. Many thanks for the visits, phone calls, flowers, cards, gifts, for those who help and have helped us in any way, for the delicious food brought in and all the many kind nesses extended to us. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten! May God Bless you all. Sincerely. Violet Riggs SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES The Nyssa Senior Citizens met August 10 in the American Legion Hall with President Lillian Meckem opening the meeting with the salute to the American Flag. There were 35 members present and three guests. The nurses were present to make recordings of blood pressures. It was reported that Joe Bott was in the Malheur Memorial Hospital. President Meckem thank ed the concession committee and to all those who helped and baked to make the concession selling at the Happy Dozen The Happy Dozen Card Club met Friday afternoon with Anna Long. Guest players were Erma Sparks and Ima Begeman. Prize winners were Doris Castor. Mabie Piercy. Hazel Schafer and Dorothy Fox. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J R. (Roy) Winchell wish to thank their relatives and many friends who helped make their 50th Wedding Anniversary cele bration such a lovely, beauti ful occasion. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Merildean Robbins for honoring us with the recep tion in their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Winchell Journal Classifieds Bring Results! Prices Effective THjRIFTWAY RAYS FOOD FAIR NYSSA, * OREGON Thunderegg Days so success ful. May Bretz talked to the group about the Nutrition Center. Meals will be served Monday and Friday. Chaplain Wyatt Smith clo sed the meeting with prayer and the usual potluck dinner was served. August 25, 26, 27 whole _____ J HASHBROWNS -áfe Oro-Ido 12 oz. AVOCADOS 3 R$ll r Local, Crisp Green Æ g CABBAGE Vine Ripened 11 A p A cantaloupes ! Medium Yellow 3 * ONIONS 4 A 6 IU Lb j Doi Monto Journal Classifieds Bring Results! CATSUP 32 oz. Professional Directory __ l.t___ a rWySICIMS & S vpjcoeis Dr. Arthurs. Date, M.D. Urological Surgery Diseases of the kidney, bladder and prostate. Phone 372-5269 302 Good Avenue, Nyaaa, Oregon Hours: Saturday -10 a.m. to 12 noon Brandon L.W.Adama M.D General Practice and Psychiatry Phone 372-3809 19 North 4th Street Nyssa, Oregon Hours: Mon. A Wed. 12 noon-6 Tues. 1:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thure. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wo Gladly Accept UJ.D.A. Food Stomps Totinos K.E. Kerby, M.D. K.A. Dan ford, M.D. Physicians A Surgeons Dial 372-2241 Hours: 9 to 12 noon A 2 to 5 p.m. - Monday thru Friday. Optometrists Dr. A.N. Bonde 7 North 2nd Street, Nyssa, Oregon Phone 372-3747 Vetarwianong TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC Phone 372-2251 Dr. B. E. Rosa Nyssa, 372-5257 Dr. Robert Derby Parma, 722-6537 Dr. Thomas Gray Vale, 473-2478 PIZZA 13 oz. 16 oz. 8 pak $139 RC COLA « •«- plu, CRISCO OIL Jif $239 deposit 18 oz. PEANUT BUTTER Creamy or Crunchy Carnation J»«* 6.5 oz. Wafer $119 69* FRENCH BREAD 38$1 MAPLE BARS 12P1 Ray's Food In-Store Bakery